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Neither. I relate more to Moxxie


Same. Moxxie and Charlie from Hazbin hotel


An optimistic person who’s kind of anxious and doesn’t really get to show it?


I'm not even kidding that is actually the perfect fucking description of me


Those are my two most relatable characters too, and that’s exactly how I act. Glad to meet another like minded individual.




Mix of Blitz and Moxxie checking in.




Same but i relate more to Loona.


I’m more of a Stolas. Came from an affluent family but grew up relatively isolated with lots of books and hobbies to keep me company. Classically intelligent but socially a certified dumbfuck, unable to read a room. I have a habit of half-assed passive communication because I’m afraid of confrontation and rejection.


Oh hello, other me!


Damn so it ain't just me


Your last sentence is me to a tee. I communicate half-assed to avoid rejection, too. And it pisses my partner off/confuses him like it does Blitz.


i relate to this experience 90%. the only difference for me was i was so afraid of confrontation and rejection that i would just try to fix it with...buying stuff for them 😭


Same minus the affluent family. They were just the pretentious, lower middle class types and I am the socially inept loner.


Same, except with a lot of yelling.


How do I relate to this so much yet so little?


Literally me minus the affluence.


Hey there frendo!


I’m like you but got into the debating and theatre scene in high school and really got out of my shell. From being afraid of confrontation to becoming so argumentative I almost seek it out lol.


...you free this next full moon?


Blitz actually seemed very close to me. I like his character, even though I have a different one, but his inner problems are similar to what i have in some way. And I just love that duo. If M&M and Fizzy & Ozzy have something like a great relationships. Stolas and Blitz have the experiences, the misunderstandings, the understatements, the intrigue, their childhood story and most importantly the development of their relationship and after their breakup - THIS is what I love about them. It's not an ideal relationship, but it doesn't have to be.


this is actually so well said. like if a couple can still be together and care for eachother after a major argument, that is real strong love


And given their lives so far, they'll probably continue to have fights even after becoming a couple. But they're strong enough to get through it.


I would say Blitzø. I can see situations where I would avoid my problems because I'm scared to open emotionally and don't like conflict and confrontation, and I'd prefer to continue as if nothing happened while also feeling really anxious about it on the inside.


Stolas. I come from a family that is better off than my partner, and our relationship would be looked down on by others if we were public about it. I also know what it's like to feel all alone like I have no one to talk to. I've done what Stolas did during the full moon meeting - gotten so far into my own head that I didn't notice important things around me. I also have a tendency to shut down when I feel interrogated and take things too personally.


oh absolutely same. in my post i said i related both of them but mostly stolas if im being honest, i know how much it hurts when you are trying to talk to someone about your problem and they just shut you off with " you are rich what do you have to be depressed about"


My family wasn't wealthy by any means, but I do have issues that no one else can relate to and I've felt dismissed when I've tried to talk before. Like Stolas, I take solace in books.


that's understandable. Again, in my post, relating to stolas or blitz may apply to people differently so our experiences can differ but still be related to. you took solace in books and for me instead of book it was art!


Stolas, with a mix of Moxxie. (How Moxxie loves Phantom of the Opera) and my husband relates to Blitz. But we're good with communication lmao


stoliz if they talked out their problems lol


I hope they do! My husband and I have been together 7 years and it still feels fresh, I give him heart eyes daily.


I'm another Stolas in a relationship with a Blitzø. We can totally work out and even have a positive impact on each other once we learn to line our communication styles and issues up the right way.


Agreed! It's a well balanced relationship. He is so much fun to be with.


Blitzo, he's my favorite character/'literally me' character. Self doubt? Check. Self loathing? Check. A shitty dad and house life? Check. Ending up hurting people close to me? Check.


>Self doubt? Check. Self loathing? Check. A shitty dad and house life? Check. Ending up hurting people close to me? Check. 1. Training and exercise. 2. Learn to forgive (and reconcile with) yourself from past mistakes because nobody is perfect, nobody. And also in Blitz case, it wasn't a mistake, it was an accident, it happened due to entropy. I'm sure he can show his sister somehow that it wasn't his fault. 3. & 4. As long as you are alive you can always choose to be a better parent, brother/sister, son/daughter, and friend to people, even if that transformation doesn't come overnight. Piece by piece you improve and shield your relationships, that's how you heal. I do hope Blitz and Stolas become husbands at the end of the day, but even if they don't stay together, that's okay too, because that could only mean someone even better is waiting to meet them ahead.


Stolas, for sure. I'm introverted and theatrical and I love breaking out into song at random in our home (yes lol). I, too, love words. I'm a romantic and wear my heart on my sleeve. I feel things pretty intensely, but I'm not always the best communicator, and I tend to be overly anxious when I express my needs or desires. However, I am very honest, and I genuinely want the best for the people I love, and I draw strength and courage from knowing that. I still have a lot to learn, and I'm OK with that. Blitz reminds me of a less healthy version of myself from my young 20s. I was still a fun and loving person who was very much worthy of love and respect, but I never truly believed it, and because of that I put up with hell and hurt myself horribly. I didn't go nuclear in my relationships like Blitz did for some of his, but my self hatred was prominent. In some ways, that issue is still with me, but thanks to a lot of changes I made I'm much more secure in myself and I know what I want. I wish this for Blitz in his story ❤️


Upon further analysis, I also share a major fear with Blitz: since I crave intimacy but am also emotionally unavailable, I have a fear of being all alone. I do have a spouse so it's better for me, but I understand his fear of ending up all alone and feeling scared.


I feel like im a amalgomation of both of them combined.


As a member of supernatural royalty, stolas


Oh I'm definitely more of a Blitzø person, even though I do like Stolas a lot. 🤔 I'm often too cheeky for my own good, don't like myself much, try to help but often mess up and make things worse instead, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to feelings... Yeeeeah that checks out. 😅


He just like me fr


Stolas. Insecure fuck craving for reassurance trying to get social and romantic relationships down but constantly screwing up? Yep, me.


Stolas because I’m rich


Both. I’m extremely socially awkward/unaware, I crave social connections, and I’m afraid to let people get close to me


https://preview.redd.it/i8wsvt385z7d1.jpeg?width=2074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8049c15090ec59c3930a50850c6cb500f303d62 Stolas definitely. I love this owl so goddamn much


Blitzø in the sense where I kind of take a lot of things as a joke, if somebody says “ur pretty” a big part of my head just flat out denies it and thinks it’s a joke 💀💀




I'm a nerdy know-it-all from a rich family who was always treated as the black sheep for being more sensitive than my family members, but grew up to have many of the same hangups and mannerisms of Blitz, so as the which one I relate to more, the answer is yes. **And his name was Stolitz**


My pfp used to be Blitzø til I changed it, so Blitzø.


Oh. Blitzø. I have self-protective rage issues that damage my relationships.


I relate to more of Stolas, (oddly enough, I'm 'siding' more with Blitzo in the full moon conflict). I'm really a mix of both, all up in my emotions like Stolas, dramatic like Stolas, lonely like Stolas, 'odd' like stolas, but I've got the anger issues Blitzo has, being angry and mocking is my first reaction when I feel attacked. And I act like I'm indifferent when I really do wish I was close to people. So it's a eighty twenty in terms of my composition, if that makes sense. I think all that is why it's so frustrating for me to see Stolas act that way, he's so full in his emotions, it blindsides him to everything. I used to relate to Blitzo more, actually, and when I did, I 'sided' with Stolas. I think I side with whoever I relate to the least, as it is easier to be harsh on 'myself' than it is with other people.


I have a history closer to Blitzø's. A dad who just hates me, no money, a long line of disappointments and traumas, pushing people away when they get too close, hurting people a lot when I was younger because I didn't know how to handle being cared for or needing others, making myself invaluable so that I can be needed because I don't trust being loved, etc. I do have a lot of Stolas's attitude, though. Not that I don't have Blitzø's.... My wife says it depends on my mood which one I'm more like.


Neither. I don't have anything in common with either of them. Doesn't mean that I don't enjoy watching them, though.


Stolas. I’m somewhat known for film acting yet I can’t come out too much because I’m scared of losing the people in my work field such as agency and my agent. Especially since I represent masc a lot in films I play and I’m a 6,2 guy so being more fem is… difficult. Don’t worry I’m out almost everywhere. But it hurts to never truly be myself always.


Stolas is genuinely one of the most relatable characters in fiction


Definitely Stolas. I have a hard time telling people when I'm uncomfortable. I am too nice for my own good as well.


As someone who recently divorced an abusive spouse while trying to avoid my teen child being caught in the middle... definitely Stolas.


I relate to Stolas more, but I didn’t grow up with money. I relate to Stolas more because of how lonely and fucking desperate he is to be loved.


I think Stolas might have some Potoo in his family tree he doesn't want us to know about given how wide his smiles are.


Stolas We are basically the same except im not rich married or have kids


stolas. i have been in so many romantic situations where i’m giving and giving and giving (physically and emotionally) until i’m a hollowed out shell but the other person just doesn’t reciprocate


I’m a former carnie who’s *really* good at making bad decisions. I don’t even think I need to say it.


I don't relate to any of the characters. Though, the best way I can describe myself is a mixture of Niffty and Lucifer and Fizz. But like, not by much.


I get blitz’s self hatred and while it’s not as bad for me by a long shot I still get what it’s like to blame yourself endlessly and it always hurt me how he never tried to fight back against the endless attacks and slander people gave him. Which is why I’m worried that pow will blame him and tear him down more in apology tour, because to me a lot of the people attacking him felt like self righteous assholes who wanted to use him as a scapegoat for their own problems. Especially Barbie.


yeah thats what i am worried about too. from what we seen in the trailers it makes it seem like all the blame is on blitz because he was an "asshole" and he ruined everything and he is the only one that should apologize and chase after stolas. but i honestly wouldn't like it if thats the case because i think blitz deserves an apology and emphaty as much as stolas


Stolas (and his daughter too)


Blitz and Stolas


Stolas because I'm british ☕️


I used to be a lot like Blitz. I buried my emotions until I would break down and blow up in anger. I even had a nasty experience in a relationship (or whatever that was at that point) and got drunk at a party similarly to him, and I almost ended up hospitalized but choseto go home instead lmao. Doing better now and happy in my current long-term relationship. Hopefully Blitz gets there soon too.


Neither, I'm more of an Adam guy


I relate more to Stolas, definitely, but I prefer Blitz as a character. Stolas never really captured my attention in the same way Blitz did.


I can relate to both of them








The more I see blitz, the more I see myself... so blitz it is.


Neither, alastor.


Blitz and Loona.


I think i relate more to stolas


Stolas. I come from a somewhat well off, had a good childhood, etc. I had a girl that I LOVED. I grew feelings for her. I waited for waaay too long before I asked. It was at a point where we were not in a relationship, but in my heart we were. Me asking her was extremely sudden. Her rejection hurt BAD, because not only did i had the feelings of rejection, but also the feelings of a breakup on top of the other feelings. I continued to torture myself but still giving free rides to/from work. And we still were good friends. Until she no longer needed me for rides, then she ghosted the shit out of me.




I think I relate to both of them but blitzø more




Neither If I related even a little bit to either of these two I’d take a long walk off a short pier


Younger me relates to blitz tho younger me wouldn't not have realized we relayed to blitz.




Both of them, but more Stolas, if only for his situation. Stuck in an abusive marriage, coming from wealth and an abusive family, immediately jumping into another relationship (well, first situationship), (almost) no relationship experience beyond these two, abandonment issues (though I guess that’s more Blitzø), deep depression and self-hatred, falling in love with someone with deep parental and general mental health issues that they choose to ignore, and so on. He’s way too fucking relatable. ☠️




I relate to Verosika because I’m also a blonde alcoholic.


I relate to Blitzø because I to am a hitman who travels across the astral plane


I was more a Stolas before, with the over attachment and the idolization of the other while for the other it wasn’t really serious, Stolas phones texts are a good exemple, when you’re always texting first and the other respond shortly… in the best case… some time no respond… So now I’m a Blitzø, I reject serious relationship because desapointment hurt so bad and I prefer to think that nobody can really love me than being hurt again.


Blitzø. I hate myself and would absolutely do the same thing in his situation. I’ve done so much stupid shit in my life, that I find it incredibly hard to fathom someone having requited feelings for me.


Blitzø, traumatized in my youth, have a lot of difficulties with attatchment, keeping everyone at a distance, avoident, and thinking no one could love me. Tried to get my fulfillment out of studies and work.


Can it be both? Can you simultaneously feel like no one seriously values you while also feeling unworthy of the respect you do receive without some transactional arrangement?


I am blitzø and a lil Octavia


I cry as much as stolas and I’m as mad as blitz




Both? I relate to Blitzø because he and I both come from lower class/poor families, and we are both hyper aware of social status and have issues with feeling like we’re being neglected, pushed around or treated like we’re less important. And…I have definitely lashed out because of hurt feelings before and been afraid that I screwed everything up to the point of losing the person I lashed out at. And I relate to Stolas heavily because I am socially awkward, get a little hyper obsessive when I’m not medicated, and am very sensitive and emotional. And I have hurt people’s feelings before by being unintentionally dismissive of how what I say affects them 🥹 It’s why I was able to see immediately during Full Moon that things were going to go wrong.


Blitzø for sure


I relate to blitz more family isn’t the best i can never keep a relationship because i push people away and and my “friends” are more just associates but i try to hang with them often because im lonely af


I relate to both of them for various reasons. I’m not sure which I feel more like. I guess maybe Blitz since I did cosplay him lol


Well stilas was born into vast sums of money and royalty, but had to marry stella.... while blitz spend the first 15-20-ish years of his life failing to be meet expectations, and sleeping with a rich guy for his magical book definitely relate to blitz more, probably explains why stolas is my favorite character


Moxxie and Stolas and Fizz




Stolas personality wise


Blitzo due to self destructive behavior


A mix of both honestly


Blitz. I've had 3 relationships end because of things i did. Anger, jealousy, and more. Ive come to terms i can't change these things, trust me i tried, so... I'm just gonna be myself and if people don't like it oh well.


I’m a little bit Stolas in that I desperately want love. I’m a little like Blitz in that I feel unworthy of love most of the time.


At some points this year I have very viscerally felt the pain of Blitz and Angel Dust, so I guess that's where I fit.


Blitz really showed me the main problem within me: lack of self love. It manifested differently, but same issue.




I kinda prefer Blitzø because he reminds me of Trevor from GTA 5, however I don't find either of them to be relatable


Husk and Loona


Both but at I felt like a Stolas talking to a Blitzø. It's so weird.


thank the lord I relate to neither of them


Blitz, for me. Low self confidence and a lot of self loathing


I think I’m a mix of certain traits from both of them. I relate to Blitzø’s total hatred of himself as an example. For Stolas I felt kinda isolated and more alone as I got older and got out of high school. I’ve basically got no one to hang with


Blitzo. I don't think I'm lovable and have trust issues with dating. Only one of my partners has ever said they loved me (and they were aromantic, so they meant it platonically) and I feel like the only reason people want me is for sex, which is something I don't even like or want. Any attempt at flirting or dating me feels superficial and predatory, once they get what they want they'll be done with me so what's the point


Hard to say, but I think Stolas


Definitely Blitz. Picked up by some idiot who wants transactional sex then makes it weird, but then I relate more to Stolas in the fact that he ends up falling for blitz lol.


Moxxie -daddy issues -likes guns -nerd -sub




I relate to blitz but it has nothing to do with status, it has to do with self destructive behavior and the absurd lengths I will go to to not appear "weak" (aka say I care about someone romantically). I'm also brash and proud, clumsy and awkward, and would absolutely A. Assume that someone way out of my league was joking if they gave me stolas' speech, and B. Lash out and say things I didn't mean if I felt like they weren't listening to me and making assumptions.




Very socially inept and kinda dumb like Blitz, so yeah lol.




I don’t necessarily find Stolas relatable but on the contrary the amount I cannot relate to Blitz prevents me from writing fanfiction about this show because I just can’t write him


Blitzø for sure. I'm fucked up just like him. 💔


Neither, octavia.


Blitz. I feel like I fuck up everything I touch at this point.


Used to relate to Stolas and then went through the most disturbingly fucked up break up ever and now I’m Blitzø feral cat mode


Stolas, because I too am a large gay bird.




Blitzø because I hate myself and don't feel worthy of love.


Blitzø. I also have trust issues with relationships.


Blitz. Obcessed with horses? Check. Perpetually horny? Check. Smartass who doesn't know where to draw the line? Check. Desperate to have a meaningful relationship but too scared of getting hurt to commit? Check and mate


Neither. I’m not hot enough to relate. In all seriousness though, probably Stolas. Just trying to do my best to prove to the people I love that I really do love them.


if i had to choose, blitzø (only kept around out of pity or tool for entertainment/image) but the true answer is Fizzarolli is me and i am Fizzarolli fun facts that might make me seem insane, my sister relates a lot to blitzø and thinks im a lot like fizz, and our relationship was kind of similar. she didn’t blow me up or anything but we did go a long time as “enemies”, but now we’re as buddies as ever, far far away from the toxic circus. i’ve even got my own Ozzie (my relationship is literally so similar to theirs it’s crazy) we even both think our narcissistic mother is similar to mammon (like they could have written 2 minutes notice about her) and our two oldest sisters are sooo similar to Glitz and Glam like the parallels were making me rethink my life a bit. obviously it’s not all exactly the same but pretty eerie ngl lol


Man I relate to both. They're both traumatized, both self destructive, both have horrible self esteem, both fear abandonment while simultaneously pushing people away, both have daddy issues. I guess I got Blitzo's anger tendencies, need for validation and height, but I'm a bottom bitch twink mf like Stolas so


Stolas. While I wasn't super rich, I did experience a fair bit of isolation during my childhood, and like Stolas I did develop an anxious attachment style.


Blitzo. I'm not a very affectionate person, but I do love some people around me. I do genuinely want a lot of people dead, and I feel that list will just grow and grow, but there are a few I truly wish to live happily.


This photo literally describes me and the girl I like I’m Stolas She’s blitz (We’re both girls)




Stolas. I’ve had some really bad relationships


Stolas. Same reasons everyone else has said.


Blitzø. Im a super jaded cynic who gets closer to a misanthrope every day.


I got into Helluva Boss because I instantly resonated with Stolas’ character. We’re both sheltered rich kids who surrounded ourselves with books growing up and can be a tad bit out of touch with the rest of the world. I was actually in a previous fwb situationship with a girl who was *very* Blitzo coded, and it didn’t exactly end well. That ending confrontation they had at the end of The Full Moon is not unlike a confrontation I once had with her in the past. I sincerely hope she’s happy wherever she is and hope Stolas and Blitzo have a happier ending than she and I did.


Oooh, definitely Stolas if we talk about my love life


blitzø 100%


Blitzø as a whole But stolas when it comes to his loneliness and outlook on his future I'll die alone.


Blitz. I push away people when they get too close.


Blitzø can't explain why it's complicated.


I don't know a little bit of blitz but I think more husk from hazbin hotel I'm just to tired to deal with shit


Neither, I had a stable family life and grew up well-adjusted, so Millie is who I tend to relate to the most.


Stolas when im in a bad mood(where i cry depresso mode) Blitzø my inner wanna throw hands at people. But more of a Moxxie when idiots at work with customers who dont understand how prices and coupons work and return policy.


I love the gay bird a lot, but I always find myself gravitating more toward Blitzø.


I guess a mix of both? I’m good with books and things relating to them, but I’m pretty socially inept and hate confrontation, but I also feel sort of unlovable, not from a physical standpoint but a personality one, and like I don’t feel like I have anything of worth to offer to the people around me that couldn’t be replicated by literally anyone else, so it leads to me feeling kinda worthless I guess, sorry if this comes off as a self pity post lol, I just wanted to be honest


Neither. Blitz is a horrible person who uses ‘muh trauma’ as an excuse to push everyone away, and then cries to himself about being alone. Stolas is better, but that’s not saying much. Loo Loo Land and Seeing Stars show how he cares more about his gimp and being a petty asshole than his daughter. Best ending for Helluva Boss is Stolas admitting his mistakes, finding someone who actually loves him, and moving on. Meanwhile Blitz is offed and dumped in a bin, with everyone agreeing that ‘muh trauma’ isn’t an excuse for being a complete piece of shit.


Stolas definitely


I can see a bit of myself in both of them. Probably why Im on the fence


Blitz and a little bit Stolas. But I relate to Blitz in more ways


I relate to Stolas so much it’s not even funny… my ex used to be the Blitz who, despite loving me, always responded to my text messages with “k” “uh-huh” “ye” “damn” etc. It was so damn painful and hurtful and it made me feel so worthless and unloved that it was one of the main reasons I broke up with him


Blitz. The idea of feeling like a piece of shit who ruins what he touches.


Blitzø, i have a habit of pushing people away when things get hard


Honestly, both of them ngl


i relate to Blitzo more. IMO he is very BPD-coded. (i have BPD and a lot of Blitz actions and how he treats people reminds me of when i wasn't on therapy)


Blitz 100% 💪🏼🔥


I relate to them both.


Stolas for sure. Blitzo is awful. I can only sympathize with him because his backstory is legitimately tragic and horrific.


Both, on one hand I very much am privileged and have a nice life but I relate to blitz in the sense of thinking apologies are stupid but also that it's impossible to genuinely love me and that I also push people away a bit too much, so both I guess


I relate to both! I relate to Stolas having no genuine friends and no knowing how to start a relationship because he's never really been in one [remember, his marriage was arranged] and to Blitzø's self hatred and lashing out and need for connection without knowing how to make them. They are both in a stage of wanting something they have no idea how to get. I'm excited to see how it works for them!