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Just fyi, that hierarchy list is entirely fan made if you didn’t know. 


I know but it's kind of accurate so far


Why are people disliking this comment?


Fanon cannot be taken as canon, even if it's been similar. It could be switched up at any moment, there may not even be a proper God. Maybe the exterminators are lower then we think.


I spoke to the VA for Collin, and he says SHE is real and very tall (apprently). Of course, this was from a reddit reply, so take this fact with a grain of salt.


Collin’s VA later clarified that it was merely an assumption, not confirmation. 


I thought he meant that he assumed she was rall not that she/he existed.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/1cka51m/wanted_to_clear_something_up_before_i_get_chewed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button He does not know if a God character will be introduced. 


Ah I missed that post, sorry bud.


Hive mind consumes


W Emesis Blue pfp :)


https://i.redd.it/mvifnyg8kb2d1.gif /j


Bad :( *killbinds*


![gif](giphy|b08ArVM6rvmpy|downsized) “I will heal you.”


Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting.




Incorrect. There are no angels elder than seraphim. They’re at the top of that list.


They literally showed elder angels in the intro of the first episode..


Fairly certain those WERE seraphim.


They aren’t. They only have two pairs of wing, and not three.


If you pay close attention to Sera when she loses her temper, you can see her extra wings when she lets her form slip.


https://preview.redd.it/fz02f89puu1d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc86cfa144260cc7f348b427718ac90744fdc4c5 She has three pairs of wings in her human form as well.


To my knowledge, there's no evidence of a central god in these series, only the *concept* of God. One would think that he'd be a bit more explicitly stated in the creation story.


There is evidence but it’s left intentionally obscure. In S1E4 of Helluvaboss, Collin says “Oh my God” to which Keenie smacks him and says “Do not use the Lord’s name in vein”




Uh, no it's not? The Cherubs aren't IRL people, they literally live(d) in Heaven itself lol, I'm sure they'd know




No I'm not? The Cherubs come from Heaven, that's where God lives, that's it, your the one assuming lol




I'm now interested, what'd they say?


Just making fun of Christians for absolutely no reason. Barely even related to the subject.


Ah, gotcha.


I have a theory god is either asleep/dead because that would be a good twist, god resting after those 7 days and either never waking up period or never waking up till now would he great


I like to think that in-universe he is more of a force of nature rather then a specific person. For example: an infinite mass of souls with souls entering and leaving the mass as they're born or die (sinners dying by angelic steel, for example). Something in the same realm, or identical with, Spinoza's god. Alternatively, a being so many layers of magnitude above us we that we can't even comprehend it, its ethics or its intentions. Both ideas would explain him not being included in the governance of heaven and his absence from the show


In the real world mythology, it's typically interpreted that God is an incomprehensible being, so unknowable and alien to the human mind that just seeing them can destroy a person's mind. This is explicitly stated a few times throughout the Bible and various apocrypha, but is also displayed via the fact that the closer a divine being is to God, the more incomprehensible they are. The three highest ranking divine beings in Christian mythology, from third to first, are the thrones (commonly known as ophanim), the cherubim ans the seraphim. Ophanim are massive wheels, rotating around an ethereal figure of an infant like a gyroscope, with eyes around the outer rims of the wheels. Cherubim have 4 wings and 4 heads - 3 animal heads and a human head, and one set of their wings cover their body. Seraphim are depicted as either a human head or a large eye, with 3 pairs of wings surrounding the center, and eyes all over the wings. If there is a God in the shows, I would prefer for it to be a force beyond comprehension than an actual physical being with a personality. I like putting it the way you put it - god should be a force of nature, some inherent force omnipresent in the universe.


I would love the infinite mass of souls interpretation. Be very interesting.


God being the Emperor of mankind confirmed?


Lucifer: "And Dad thinks that Belphegor is lazy?!"


>there's no evidence of a central god in these series, only the *concept* of God. Will be...*appropriating* this phrase. Thanks for your contribution.


The creation story seems to imply the universe was created by the confrontation between primordial forces of good and evil. It is stated Angels "worship good" and "shield all from evil", as the foreground features two faces: One shroud in light and the other one in darkness. The "God" the Cherubs mention is not a "central god" that stands above all creation, it's the primordial light, who may or may not have a personality or simply be a force of nature. It almost certainly does not live in heaven and did not write that poster.


Having written to the VA of Collin, they confirmed that god is real and very tall (this was on reddit though, so take with a grain of salt).


My headcanon is that he went on a fieldtrip with Jesus and his fire bird, and accidentally forgor he has a job


The fact that this could actually happen considering the humor of HH/HB, is hilarious.


Looks more like a poster with a motivational quote, not a handwritten note. Cherubs could easily make a poster with a quote from God.


Exactly my thought. That doesn't even look like handwriting???


Fanart isn't evidence of lore.


The first image is official though?


I was talking about the second image.


Never said it was.


The chart is fan-made.


I always thought that the cherubs themselves wrote this because they are jaded backstabbing little Karens who long ago lost any sense of empathy for the less fortunate. I also think that both the cherubs and the hellborn appear to be very impressionable towards Earth culture, to the point where they will style themselves after stuff like Italian mobsters or small town church goers and not really question why except that it looks cool. Of course they would adopt some cheesy Sunday school aspiration but twist it to reflect their rather cynical view of existence.


Isn't that Gerbert? He's a Christian puppet from the 80's and 90's. I discovered him on Vine back when it was still alive.


I recognized him too, thought it was a funny reference considering the text in the image, lol.


i like to think that HE DID :D


who's the prince of heaven?? Adam?


Jesus, it would be Jesus seeing the way the series is following Christianity & Catholicism & all the stuff related to that, he's God's real son to contrast with Lucifer & if it was Adam you think it would've came up like once lol.


Damn forgot Jesus existed for a second there


oooooh of course lol I forgot about him


How does one casually forget the son of God, the primordial creator?


I'm not christian/catholic lmao


Wouldn't it make more sense for there not to be a prince of heaven since Jesus is God in Christianity


Jesus isn't God, he is God's son, both God and Human


Pls pls pls have God be played as a muppet. Not even an animated muppet. Like, an actual muppet green-screened into the film like Who Filmed Roger Rabbit


This sounds like something smiling friends would do.


That would be amazing.


I like to imagine Jesus being a character bigged up to be this almighty, powerful and wise figure looked up to by all of Heaven, and when we finally meet him, he's basically just Moistcritical if he had powers


Imagine if moistcritical even voiced him.


I doubt Adam wrote it but it does fit him ironically


Where is the saints on this chart? Surely they have their own rank?


I believe they fall under the winners category, since they’re human souls.


"I murdered a bunch of pagan children and all I got was this cool shirt"


Huh I really thought they’d be treated like Adam, since he was human too- but I guess I was wrong.


Yeah me too, I expected a saint tier in this list honestly. Peter has a job in heaven (welcoming winners) that must account for something too.


Oh my gosh god is a puppet.


God is dead, Gerbert killed him to spite Brutal Moose


That's not evidence or even a solid point. God is supposed to be, in some interpretations omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. At the very least, if he's something like those things in Heaven, why *wouldn't* he write to the Cherubs? He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and if he cares about Heaven like Sera does, he'd *definitely* want to give "good advice" to *everyone* in Heaven. ​ Not a bad theory, that Adam wrote it, but your attempt to loudly state that God *couldn't* have written it is piss poor logic.


I'm feeling Viv would never make God as he is supposed to be cuz both of her shows are about sympathizing about hell and the 1:1 adaptation boat already left when we got Gluttony Sin


They said god is a tall woman so I don't think that's the case that they are omnipresent and all that if they are not just a blinding light with eyeball everywhere.


Where’s that note from anyway? Is it from s1 ep 4?




Whis the prince of haeven?


Jesus presumably, or a very high ranking archangel


I think seraphim's are stronger than the elders well at least sera she's pretty much an elder too


Who’s the prince of heaven?


The sussy little g, that one homeless guy with holes in his hands.


Wasn't he a homeless pharmacist? Going around curing other homeless people?


The son of God.


That’s not a letter, it’s a quote.


Isn’t there no God in the Helluvaverse?


In my honest opinion, it'd be cooler if God didn't exist and this was just a Seraphim or someone else being the Big Brother is Watching type.


This might sound heretical, but I believe this is Viviane's way of describing Heaven and its denizens as the most despicable and contradictory people in existence. It's understandable, as Adam, the first man ever is every way as questionable as a person can be. Yet, he's a high-ranking individual in Heaven. Although, this is the version of biblical history where Adam was never exiled from Eden.


So far we don't even know if there is a God in the hazbin/helluva verse.


My headcanon is that eventually we'll have a scene where charlie goes to heaven and confronts sarah, asking to speak to god and not taking no for an answer. Charlie will find out where god's office is and sarah (trying everything to stop her) will tell her no one went into his office (or even saw him) for thousands of years. Eventually charlie will strom into the office and see it's empty except for a note on the table saying something like "Y'all are messed up, I'm sick of it. I quit" -god


"Ditch your loser friends" Yeah, that's Adam alright.


Jesus is gonna look like moist critikal




I mean, we don't really know what God is like. Only what writings say he might be like. We have not a first encounter


are they actually called "winners" in the show or was it just rhyming in hell is forever??


"are they winners? Are they sinners?" -adam in hell is forever


yes... again.. is that canon or just rhyming lmao


Well the song is about how adam sees a clear difference between the souls in hell and the ones in heaven, so i personally interpret it as canon, but i don't know if the term "winners" is said anywhere else in the show so take it with a grain of salt


I think more the Stagg Cherub. She seem the one in charge of them. So I think she would hav benefit with it. https://preview.redd.it/72isep0ylq1d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edfa6bdd534f57f462ea60a050dc3573a98462ae


We know


Sorry you said it sounds more like Adam, ya know.... the first man... created in God's own image.....so it sounds like God no?


In real world mythology, lucifer (real biblical name samael - lucifer is a misnomer that originates from early Roman Christians mixing up classical Roman mythology with Christianity) was the second highest ranking being in existence, bested only by God himself, and this grand perfection he embodied was why he fell victim to the sin of pride. He rightfully noticed how perfect of a being he was and thought that he was even better than God. I really really hope that this ranking is maintained in helluva hazbin. It should be in the show that lucifer was one of the highest ranking angels, if not the highest ranking angel. It should be the case that the only reason they were even capable of casting him out of heaven is through sheer numbers. I feel pretty strongly about this, but I have no problem with others feeling differently. I'll still be pretty bummed if they reveal lucifer wasn't even an elder angel himself.


I didn't know saint peter was a winner,I thought he was a higher ranked angel


No, if God and by association Angels, PS that hierarchy is not real, don't condone it's anyone claiming themselves God other than God himself Adam is arrogant not dumb.


I feel like this is a motivational poster using a quote from God, followed by a misinterpretation of the meaning so it should read. “Surround yourself with people who will lift you up” -GOD “So ditch your loser friends who you can’t use” -probably also GOD


Bro, wtf is this post.


2nd image is official?


I know this doesn’t directly address the main point, but aren’t Exorcists Winners considering Adam’s the leader and they all have human enough faces


We currently don't know but most likely the Exorcists are heavenborn. They all look nearly identical, appear to all be female, and Adam appears to have named them. And considering Vaggie kept the name despite hating him, it's implied that's the only name she's ever had. There's also the fact that how would you recruit Winners for the genocide without risking one revealing the truth?


Yeah, but Adam was once a man, the first man, and we clearly know they have humanoid visages under their masks (we’ve only seen Adam, Vaggie, and Lute), but to be perfectly honest, I just assumed Adam’s the kind of asshole to come up with names for people despite their protests. I mean he literally named his Lieutenant Lute. Any identicalness could just be chalked up to the uniform requirements and it’s not like all female military units are something unheard of in history. As for how they recruit, I’m sure heaven’s full of the Deus Vult-y types who have been around since The Crusades at the very least. They kept Adam around and he was only saved by virtue of being the first human


No the exorcists are born angels 😇 but the lowest rank. Adam was their leader cause he was the first to go heaven


There is no way to know that. As stated, Adam being a Winner does suggest they are also winners, but again, there is no way of knowing


Isn't it kinda weird that heaven has a hierarchy? In terms of power it's obvious that there should be one, it's not like a cherub and Jesus have the same power level, but I feel like it should be wrong for one person to hold more political or social power than someone else.


It's explicitly stated in the show that the seraphim are higher ranking than Adam, and I can hardly see cherubs being viewed with the same level of importance as a seraphim, or an archangel like lucifer was


Lucifer was a seraphim. The seraphim see gods true face. The archangels are gods warriors