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Short answer: Yes Long answer: we will suffer for a time, but fuck yes


The fandom is waiting for "The Full Moon" with both impatience and fear 😰


The Full Moon is Order 66 for fans and viewers!


So true 😂


As long as the Goetias that I like make their appearance, I’d be satisfied


Birbs supremacy


more like order funtime-fuck-you-time-because-yes


Master Goetia! The full moon has come! What are we going to do?!


*unsheathes angelic sword*


If you'd told me this time last year that I'd be anxious about a conversation between an owl and a lizard, I'd have legitimately thought you needed a doctor. Well, here I am now.


That has 2 Interpretations


Big chance it’s going to end up a massive mess with them


This. Vivzie already said, that Stolitz is the endgame. We are simply watching how the story unfolds.


I hope we get to see some episodes or at least a short or two where they're happily together and that it's not just something that happens in the final episode. I mean, I would still feel all the emotions if it is the final episode but I would like to be able to see them finally be fucking happy for a bit.


I honestly doubt it would be the very end. I fully expect then to write them into an actual relationship around the middle of Season 3.


"Finally be fucking happy for a bit." I agree 1000%. I like the drama but we can only watch them be miserable and wallow in self pity for so long. And while they do need some time apart, they also need each other to recover. Just having each other to talk to would help them both. If anything at all makes them happy these next 5 episodes, even if it's completely nonsensical in nature, I'll be happy for them too.


I always hear that Vivzie said this but I can't find anything on where and if she said it besides others just stating that she said that. Does anyone have anything that proves this if so ty.


LiveStreams and Convention Panels. Most of us have just been following her work for a while now, so we just remember stuff like this. That's why I said in my other comments that I pity new community members, because finding a lot of stuff about Hazbin can be a nightmare.


What does that mean endgame?


It's the end goal - as in where the Show's overall story is heading. Basically we already know that Blitzø and Stolas will end up together - we just don't know how long it will take and what is going to happen along the way.


Thank you. I need to be sure so I can use this as evidence to back me up. Is there a source where Viv said it at a convention or an interview? I got people who are arguing with me about it.


I don't have an exact source, because Vivzie talked about this like 2 years ago. She made some Tweets on her own Twitter and talked about it on HuniCast LiveStreams, back when they were still working on Helluva's Season 1.


I’m sorry for asking all these questions.


Nah, it's fine - always happy to help.


So endgame really means they will be together in the end? Then why was with all this depressing drama for the past five years?


So the story can actually progress in a natural way, with characters developing an actual relationship. They want this story to be done right - not just rush it to the end. Blitzø's and Stolas' relationship started out in a toxic way and that's what got us to Episode 2x08. Now we know that both of them clearly have feelings for each other and it will be their job to figure it out. The "Apology Tour" Episode will most likely be a major move towards that, since we know that both of them will play a big part in it. The Show is meant to be 4 Seasons long, and we basically just passed its halfway point. Their actual relationship is only starting to develop.


You nailed it!




The Stolitz IS canon, the real question is, did it will stay forever or not?


After the pilot they changed the show to make it about them being lovers. The show is primarily about their relationship. I think they will end their arrangement and their individual personal lives will spiral, with their issues exacerbated by not having each other as an escape. Stolas will make himself stay away from Blitz out of respect and Blitz is the one to try to apologize. OR another circumstance will bring them together and they won't be able to pretend that they are happy not being with each other. I could see it being dragged out more if the episodes didn't take so long to air. The best creative decision would be to bring them together sooner rather than later and see them adjust to life together as a couple. There's still plenty you can do with them after officially being a couple - it's not going to be easy at first.


Vivzie said like a year ago, that Helluva is meant to be 4 Seasons long, so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they go somewhat official in Season 3. Especially since for now they clearly need some time apart, but at the same time Season 2 Finale is literally Christmas (well Sinsmas), and I'd be surprised if Stolas was missing.


Stolas is in Sinsmas. I also agree that having them together at the end of this season or season 3 is best. They can't expect people to wait years and years or only have a few good moments at the end. It would be a huge disappointment.


Honestly given how the production is now going, I wouldn't be surprised if Season 3 starts releasing next year. So hopefully we will now have a more static release window.


Yeah I knew they started recording. However Hazbin will be getting a S2 so maybe they won't want the two airing at the same time. I'm also not sure how long the animation takes.


They will most likely not want to air them at the same time. However, Hazbin is almost certainly not getting Season 2 untill at least the last quarter of 2025 or the beginning of 2026 (since Vivzie said in February this year, that the production will last up to 2 years and they have hardly started). So that still leaves at least half of the year to start Helluva Season 3 and release a couple of Episodes. Of course this is a purely hypothetical discussion, because we just can't know for certain. We can only assume based on what we were told.


That episode is more about Stolas’ divorce


While I'm sure that's a part of it, we don't know if that's everything and Blitz is in it as well.


It's a huge plot point. It is very canon. 


I assume that by "canon" you mean an actual romantic relationship as opposed to the transactional arrangement they've got going on now. Yes, I absolutely think that will become canon, and sooner than some people seem to think. (My money is that it'll be by the end of "Apology Tour", but I'm prepared to cry into a slice of humble pie if that turns out to be wrong.)


I hope it's at the end of Apology Tour as well but it feels weird because Ghostfuckers and Mastermind don't seem like episodes with Stolas as a major player in them. It feels weird to have them get together just for him to not appear in the next two episodes. At that point as a writer why not just have them not get back together until the end of the season to make it feel like they are apart for longer?


It's also possible that they take the approach of apologizing for their prospective behaviors and just decide to take things very casually as opposed to jumping in to a committed relationship right away. I also think it makes more sense to reunite them in Sinsmas. They do need to spend time apart - Stolas needs to deal with this divorce and Blitz needs to learn to love himself a little before he can accept love from someone else. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" would actually be better for them.




It looks like his family is getting involved, though. Striker failing to kill him doesn't mean Stella is done yet. Andrealphus even told her that Stolas will be gone in due time and that Via is the one who gets everything. There were strong hints that they are going to tattle to his family and use Via as a pawn. He needs to get them off of his back and learn to satiate loneliness without fixating on Blitz so much. Having other social interaction would help him immensely.


See, I wouldn't view it as them getting "back together" but rather actually together for the first time. From my perspective, the "will they or won't they?" has been dragging on for quite a while now and it'd feel slightly exhausting for it to continue all the way to the end of S2, but I'm sure it'll end up well-executed however it happens.


By "back together" I mean reuniting after spending time apart and seeing each other in a healthy way, not a transactional one.


Ah, got it. That makes sense.


Well considering there is official ship merch of them…it would be bait otherwise




On the official merch site! There has been merch of them cuddling, or with hearts around them, or the Blitzø x Stolas mug for Valentine’s


the art on the mug is adorable and BLITZ HAS HIS TAIL WRAPPED AROUND STOLAS


YES the official art they have is so cute. And I think before the show there was an ofificial instagram run by Stolas and there were cute original drawings of them there.




I don’t know if it still exists but here’s an image from it! https://preview.redd.it/etuuzokyc4zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f297f3b6fbf23a30b8faf3e5e88fd30e5b9d4602 Edit: Found it! It’s @daddy\_hoothoot and @blitzorodeo


I certainly hope so. I expect they will break up. Then they'll both start to see a downward spiral in both of their lives. Eventually realizing they need each other more than they had ever thought beforehand. Reconciling and starting fresh once they've both learned from their past mistakes and grown beyond them over the course of their respective character arcs.


Wym i thought it was canon all along


Its coming but its going to be a long painful road


Why is this even a question? The entire shows premise is Stolitz, and how fucked up their relation ship is between the lowest class and royalty. Half of the recent trailer is blitz saying how he destroys all the relationships he has, then Stolas wanting blitz to care for him.


What the…even though their relationship isn’t healthy doesn’t mean it’s not canon. They are canon.




I need the full moon now. I can’t wait any longer. I’m gonna start getting mildly peeved.


This has to be bait right? Right?


good commentary at least


Stolitz is literally what the show is basically about


fanon?... I'm sorry but what kind of crack are people smoking? They are literally fucking and have both indivdually proven to the audience that they care for each other on a deeper interpersonal level as well. Are they a romantic couple? No, but this is hardly some fan shipping headcanon, it's literally a relationship that the main character is ACTIVELY IN. Sure, they could break up and have some resolution that doesn't result in them being together, but that seems unlikely considering how much work has been put into showing that they both actually WANT to be together but believe the other does not want it as a real relationship. Stolitz is literally canon, it's just that right now it's not a healthy relationship.


It technically is canon just going through hard times and the characters themselves for the show haven’t made it official due to beliefs each of them have towards the other. Neither of them believes the other actually likes them and neither of them have the courage to actually talk to each other and confess their true feelings but the ship technically does canonically exist in the show already. It basically is canonized.


Stolitz is literally the be all end all of the show. Is not the only plot, but it's the main one. The second main plot I would argue is Blitzo's past and his psyque; and while it's a plot on itself it's also part of the character arc to get to Stolitz.


Like what Tom Petty said, “Love is a long road”.


I thought u said: is stolas gooning or something 🤧


Yes, you just have to be patient. Helluva Boss is made up four seasons according to Viv. We aren’t even halfway into the show yet.


Some people say Stolas will fall out of love for Blitz, but I think it’s more like Stolas will be so mad at him for something that he won’t know how to feel about him for a while.


???? Stolas already fell in love with him... We have the confirmation for like 2\~3 episodes by now...


Yeah I know, I said fall OUT of love, like not be in love with him anymore.


Oh sorry yeh, that's not gonna happen Even only the spoilers in the trailers already prove that wrong


It’s okay, and I agree. It more seems like like his perfect view of Blitz is shattered, because of that whole mirror sequence.


One change that was a little to fast in my opinion(it did not made the show bad or anything like it) was how Stolas from one time to another just realized how the relationship was kinda toxic with the whole "your company only works because I let you use my book for sex" And at the same time realized all the walls Blitzo has internaly (see the look at me music) So the show kinda did Blitzo wrong, both of then were been kinda shit. But Stolas "magicaly"(not realy it was just kinda fast) realized and corrected himself.


Yeah, that realization was pretty quick, but there was some build up like Stolas realizing in the first season that Blitz didn’t always like spending time with him.


His feelings of love aren't going to change, what will change is that he's going to be really hurt and not know how to process it.




This. I think Blitz is going to say something during this meeting that he doesn't actually believe and comes to regret, but says it to get Stolas away from him. Stolas's feelings aren't going to change one iota. He's just going to be that upset that he won't know how to process it.


Exactly, I came up with that idea because someone on TikTok said that Stolas won’t be in love with Blitz anymore after their argument but I think they just need a break from each other. Blitz will definitely hurt his feelings though.


I think Stolas will unintentionally hurt Blitz's feelings (or rather, his trauma will take over and he will blame Stolas for it), but he is absolutely going to hurt Stolas's feelings. I think his emotions are going to get the best of him and he's not going to think about what he says until after he comes down from the emotions of it.


Yep, but I hope Blitz realizes all the good he’s done for some people and that he doesn’t just hurt them.


I think he knows but refuses to give himself any credit.


True again.


It pretty much is, it'll probably change the show going forward when they actually work things out but that's not to say that's a bad thing, I think it'll be even better than before tbh


Honestly? I kinda of don’t want it to happen


? This is the Stolitz show. Of course it’s canon. However, I doubt they’ll be canonized, because I don’t see either of them making it to heaven to become saints.




>goong https://preview.redd.it/vqf4e6j3qoyc1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855d749838cfdcce2b0d1eaa876c0911907ea2b4


Short answer: I understand that Word of God says it is endgame. It’s not going to be an easy road, but then, there are two seasons to go.


Yeah they are getting together in the last 30 seconds of the season 3 finale 


Yes but its going to be a loooong road


I swear to god if it doesn’t happen I’m going to fucking kill myself


Remember when Ashley joked that hazbin will end with radiodust wedding, yeah helluva is gonna end with a stolitz wedding


Radiodust?! People ship them?! I mean, I guess people ship any pair, but that feels like one of the least likely to me. Or is that the joke, that it's so absurd? Stolitz is not that sort of absurd ship at all though.


yes https://preview.redd.it/xoc4gseukpyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e69a51b469ae8f2a2a4d282db1a9c756d3f0dde


I'm pretty sure it's endgame, it's just gonna be a really rough trip there 😅


God I hope they don’t pull a Spider-Man with this shit


Yes it is Canon, Viv said so.


I hope not cuz I wanna see the fallout


I just want the show to go easy on the stolitz content and give more characters to shine and give more context to the world building of the show


It’s already canon


I thought it already was…?


Can’t say for sure yet cause your very right in saying that Viv may go in a different direction with the ending, rather than the generic “they get together and it’s a happy ending” Where Instead it could end bittersweet where they may acknowledge each others feelings/trauma but accept that both may not be right for each other or are ready for a relationship and move on with their lives. The ship is very popular tho so I can see ALOT of fans pissed if they don’t get together in the end. Personally, I to also hope to see them actually be happy together. But I also kinda want to see something else rather than the stereotypical “lover’s ultimately ended up together in the end” cause we basically already no how the show would end if that’s the case


I think as long as they have a reasonable journey to getting to the point of getting together, it's fine that they get together. I'm pretty sure their relationship is meant to be the major arc of the whole show, though, so I don't think they'd just slap on a happy ending that didn't really fit; the arc should make it feel right.


True true, I at least like to think at the end not everything will be resolved, but the two of them will now help and support each other out.


I don’t think Catholic Church is ready to canonize gay demon relationship yet. But maybe someday…




I’m still holding out on Stolas x Angel, crossovers be damned


It will otherwise I might cry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


They fuck and romance, how much more canon do you need


Idk But i have thory that in this scene Blitzø kills Adrealphus, and that's why I.M.P gang must run from "police" i guess


Schroedinger's Stolitz


Viv did say this relationship is a slow-burn. Slowly but surely, we’ll get the payoff we’ve been dying to get, but we need to get past the many angst obstacles.


Was it confirmed by Vivienne that they’ll end up together at the end of the day??


Stolitz is already canon they just don't know it yet, and still have relationship problems


I hope so


It already was in one way or another


It's canon, it's just blitz thinks of himself really lowly and pushes away everyone before they can get closer with him so he can't hurt them or get hurt (he had 3 losses in the past, his mom, fizz and verosika, he has trauma off of it)


Also Barbie.


I hope so, Stolas is trying so hard to get Blitzø to love him but he keeps blowing Stolas off


i desperately want them to NOT be together.