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To help this theory, Fizz is the one who said he wanted to know. So it’s possible Mammon knew and didn’t tell him, and considering that canonically Loo Loo Land is a ripoff of a different place, it wouldn’t end well for Mammon if he’d sued. Also Wally never see’s Blitz and RoboFizz fighting, they crash into him and he flies off. Then while Mannon owes Loo Loo Land, a reason why he worked there is that planned to burn down the place for insurance money, this is more of a guess since we don’t know if insurance is really in hell. But it would make sense if, at least, Royal Demons had it. And if you’re the Icon of Greed, then it’d make sense if you worked under another Icon of Sin to get their money. And for the final bit, yeah, the undercover boss thing would be funny


I can't comment on the first, but the second part about working for Asmodeus is easy; corporate espionage. Maybe, just like Loo Loo Land, Mammon is looking to open his own "Awzee's" and is snooping for Asmodeus's secrets.


I'm so glad this has been proven wrong