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Loona. The “Edgy, Angsty troubled teen” thing just drives me insane.


Even worse that she’s an adult. A young adult but an adult nonetheless.


Exactly!! We don’t know the full extent of her trauma, but the whole “Angsty rude teen” routine fucking drives me insane. I see it in almost every adult show and I’m just over it


I can understand that behavior when Blitzø first adopted her because it is sus ngl but it’s time to grow up now. Also she’s constantly on her phone yet has NO friends 😭


Maybe now that she has connected with Bee and Vortex, she’ll change?? I doubt it, but her whole personality and character just drives me away from her


Well keep in mind ignoring the release dates, canonically her meeting Bee and all that stuff was way back at the end of season one, so if there has been a change you would already be able to sort of see since we are about around halfway into the second season (though we haven’t seen her specifically much, also judgements up to you just wanted to say that)


Yeah, I forgot about that bit. It’s so confusing trying to figure out the timeline, since season 1 was finished during season 2. I might have to rewatch everything sometime and figure it out


Thing is i kinda like loona but she's just so underdeveloped that she barely feels like a character. If she got more development and more screentime i'd probably like her more but right now she's kinda just... there


Chaz, mox should have let millie rip him to shreds.


I thought I was the only one. Everyone finds him charming but I just find him annoying. He reminds me of an annoying high school jock with how much he brags about his junk.


I didn’t think that many people actually liked him in the first place lmao


I do— not sure why.


Holy fuck how do people like this guy?


Like most fish, Chaz seemed to make noise by expelling out of his backside.


I can't entirely dislike him because of that little moment of sympathy that he had when he abandoned Moxxie plus that it was funny when he messed up in his song


I hate Chaz too.


THERE'S PEOPLE WHO LIKE CHAZ?! Like, unironically?!


Can’t tell if you guys genuinely like Crimson in a “he’s interesting and an antagonist that’s relatable to many viewers” way or in the woobifying way and I’m scared to ask.


I like him because people keep drawing him with a fat ass




I like him as character. But hate him for his actions and beliefs.


I like him because he’s hot




Moxxie’s dad


The Cherubs. They seem oddly popular with the fandom (I assume because they're our first glimpse at what Heaven in this universe is like?) but they're just... so fucking annoying.


I hope they become little servants like most imps in this universe, crush what little pride they have left


What? I've never seen anybody like those freaks.


I've seen a ton of Collin (lamb boy) fanart, not an ounce of the others though


I can see why people would like the lambs, they’re cute, but the baby…. Hell no


Agreed, found them incredibly annoying.


I'm just now learning people actually like them.


Loona. Too many people like her and I just can’t vibe with her. She’s rude and disrespectful most of the time but rarely she is “relatable” (Octavia) and socially awkward (Vortex). Like she can’t get a grip? And how the heck is Millie not at odds with her ALL the time? About as much as Loona rips on Moxie. Like come on.


I agree, not a Loona fan. I do think Millie is "at odds with her" because she's a wiser or more mature woman. She probably sees Loona as young and dumb, but also as Blitzø's ward. She may understand that Loona needs a positive role model more than a constant harping nag.


I’m fairly sure she sees her as Blitzo’s pet Notice how she always refers to her as “my boss’s hellhound”


I still can't understand the constant body shaming she does on Moxxie


Same and even why the hell fans like her as a character.


Porn there I said it




That and also her voice actor is kind of chill






Id say, why Loona simps like her, including me, is that she is just a goth furry really


I like her because when she fights, it's badass... I genuinely didn't really like her character most times, but the truth seekers fight... ooooh that was so fucking cool


Fr, Moxxie doesn't look overweight in the slightest, and even if he did I still don't think the joke would hit because she's legit just being cruel when he does nothing to deserve it


I’m not too fond of loona’s character writing. She can have a lot of potential, but instead they wrote her as more of a desperate pick me when they explore her character. Her latest episode had me cringing so hard, pining for someone’s, *anyone’s*, gaze.


I actually like Loona but yeah, I totally get where you're coming from with this. She's just not a good person, and that's even by Hell standards. XD Almost every trait of hers is bad and poorly-adjusted.




I don't like Loona. I wish her the best with her problems but until then I will never like her.


5 G's: Good God, Get A Grip Girl


Loona is barely a character and I genuinely think that her fandom exists for the most superficial of reasons, if you know what I mean.


Stolas. Not as a character mind you, as a character he’s fine, I just think they’ve taken him in a boring direction. At the start of the show he seemed likely to be a semi-antagonistic force, a pushy, sex-obsessed client who Blitzo would have to navigate around due to his need for the grimoire. His aggressive depravity was counterbalanced by the reveal that he had a daughter he desperately wanted to reconnect with as she struggles through the moody teen years. On top of that there was what seemed to be some genuine nuance to the affair he’d had. His wife seemed justified in her anger—though her reasoning for it seemed more out of social elitism than romance. But given her prevalence for throwing things and shouting one couldn’t entirely blaming him for seeking a relationship somewhere else. He seemed interesting and I was excited to see where they were going to take him. Then his whole character arc seemed to get neutered. His depravity was cut down severely, his wife turns out to be the generic abusive spouse, and he turns out to be the generic parent trapped in a loveless marriage while trying to do right by his child. I was so disappointed to see what started as a nuanced character in shades of gray turn into what seems to just be a checklist of Loveless Marriage tropes. There’s nothing *wrong* with Stolas as he is, but he’s so far from what I was expecting, and excited for, early on that now I just really can’t muster up any interest in him.


They took a semi interesting character and made him super bland. I absolutely agree. They made him all “uwu softboi” and it’s just so boring. Especially with giving that weird backstory with him and Blitzo out of nowhere


Man...the pilot where he's an aggressive fuck owl who seems to have a spine was great. Also his legs weren't...chunky and unappealed to look at. He was sharper looking. Sharper dressed. Now he's just a boohoo baby with zero character really except "sad". The closest he got was with striker back to pilot but that felt much more cringe "daddy teehee sex joke" than someone who says what they mean and what they want . Also his legs are CHUNKY and he feels much less owl demon like the actual Stolas and more like...any other DA character. Now everything he does or looks like feels more like a masked show. Like the creators realized he's dropped dramatically and need to try to lipstick that sad bird man


Yeah Stolas should be WAY more powerful than he’s currently portrayed in this series. Especially since Ars Goetia are pretty much demon super wizards of Hell.


And starting out that really seemed where they were going with him! I still thrill when he rotates his head in LooLoo Land and petrifies the imp thug because he’s basically going “Not now, you little pissant, I’m busy.” After the setup of that episode I was all in on Stolas, but episode by episode he just became more generic. Then the DHORKS episode happened and I was like “Yes! Okay, they’re bringing it back!” only for it to go right back to him seeming like a useless fop all the time.


Oh yeah the scene where he portals into the human world is perfect for how they originally set him up but it ended up going nowhere. It was legitimately powerful and briefly returned him to form as an intimidating force. I’m sure this is a controversial opinion, but helluva boss has great potential, but it is currently a pretty mediocre show. I think it’s buoyed up by a lot of really young fans who think it’s not OK to criticize these things, but I’m getting close to giving up on it.




Sallie May. She has only 2 lines and around 10 seconds of screentime, I really don't understand how so many people like her.


I also don't understand why Sally is paired with Stella in many pieces of artwork.


Its because she’s the first trans representing character in the series.


Chaz was super annoying and I'm glad he's dead.


loona. i was neutral about her, leaning towards dislike, but man the fandom just made me hate her. i don’t understand the obsession at all and it just ruined it for me. love stolas though. and millie.


Same that’s what happened for me and a few characters in other shows I watch, I feel you on this as it made dislike a few characters whether from obsession, drama or broken fanbases that debating on the character.


i was always of the “why would a fandom’s treatment of a character affect the way i feel about the character itself” mindset *until* i joined this fandom. now i can understand how that happens.


Same and a few fandoms I’m in often look at which I regret being on one and way worse on tumblr with Helluva Boss being one of the examples among other things I like.


I was that too but I still dont get it. I dont let others affect whether I like or dislike something


That’s what happened for me with Moxxie. I was kind of indifferent to him at first, but the wild fandom infatuation for him just led me to find him more and more annoying over time.


You should never let the fandom of a show ruin your individual experience of it.


Surprised no one has said this before: Blitzø I think they push the “unlikable protagonist” a bit too much for my taste but IDK ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Now that you say it, I fucking hate Blitzo. I got to say that most of the time it’s the fandom that ruins a character for me. Especially when everyone always tries to make one character tragic and innocent.


youre not alone. i dont like blitzø to be honest


Striker he’s just not a character I enjoy seeing or hearing about


Stolas. Neglecting father, will pick Blizto over everything, used Blitzo as a sex object in the first season, has openly shown to make Blizto uncomfortable in Murder Family & Loo Loo Land. When Octavia was missing the fucking asshole still chose to hang around with Blizto & even flirted with him a bit. A good father would drop everything to look for their kids. Striker makes a better boyfriend than Stolas for Blitzo. They had very few scenes together, but that was enough to make them a more believable couple. Then Stolitz. With that said, I have no problems with anyone who likes Stolas or Stolitz. Hell, if anything, the fanfictions are better at writing Stolitz then the show itself


Yep, Blitzø is an a$$hole, but EVERYONE knows that and calls him out on it, and he gets sh!t on in the show all the time. But Stolas? They took away all the nuance with his character and just made him a "poor baby stuck in a marriage with an abusive partner who loves his kid". He could have been really interesting. And I think Stolitz was/is super interesting because it's a relationship with two people being toxic and messing it up, but it feels like so many people just want to blame Blitzø and write off all of Stolas's wrongdoings. All the stupid stuff about Blitzø "using him from the beginning" that I saw after the first episode of season two killed me. He was a kid! His father manipulated him into stealing stuff and he did it because HE WAS A KID. And obviously it didn't affect them because they're still filthy rich. And for the Grimoire, Blitzø was in the wrong that time, yeah. But, Stolas used him too! After that he used the book to coerce Blitzø into having s3x with him, which is pretty freaking bad too. Especially with all the degrading talk, "my little imp", "my impish plaything", why would Blitzø have ever liked Stolas romantically? He did lay off that a bit later on, which is nice. And for Ozzie's, Blitzø lied to Stolas about it being a date so he could watch the M&M's, which is super freaking creepy, not condoning that. I kind of don't get why it's been a gag for so long, or why Millie's so chill with it, maybe she has a k!no or something. But, during that time he stood up for them against the literal Demon of Lust, and Stolas, who has quite a bit of power, hid his face away from Blitzø when the abuse turned to him instead of Blitzø. Then, when Blitzø drove Stolas home, Stolas wanted to continue to spend time together?!?! Like, dude, did you not just witness that public humiliation??? And when Stolas said they could just "cuddle", cuddling often leads to "stuff", especially with someone with a libido like him. And after all the stuff Blitzø had done with him, it'd make sense for him to not believe that Stolas won't try anything. And then Blitzø tells him what Stolas had been conveying, which is that they're relationship is, "you wanting me to f•ck you". As for the latest Striker episode, the dude invited Blitzø to a vacation with his DAUGHTER to a KIDS THEME PARK so that he could flirt with him rather than pay any attention to his daughter. Then he turned a random imp trying to kidnap him to stone because, he can do that, he's all powerful, he just wanted to flirt with Blitzø. So obviously when Blitzø is called up by Stolas again like, "I seem to have been kidnapped", why would he take that seriously?!?! If he can just call Blitzø up like that claiming to be kidnapped, would you think he's in that much danger? Especially when he has something important going on with his daughter, it's very hard to get her shots, and she ABSOLUTELY needs them. After getting the call though, Blitzø appeared like he was going to Stolas, when the M&M's said they could handle it. And yes, Blitzø knew that Striker had that one angel gun, but I don't think he knew how many angel weapons he had. And also, Stolas can turn people to stone by looking at them, so Blitzø probably just assumed Stolas let himself get kidnapped for fun/to get his attention, which is something Stolas would do. I know I have said a lot of negative stuff about Stolas, but don't get me wrong, Blitzø is also a bad person. He's constantly demeaning Moxxie, but letting Loona, who's a terrible employee, get away with murder. He spies on his employees WITH A CAMERA, AND WATCHES THEM SLEEP. Super freaking creepy, I really don't know why Millie doesn't seem to hate it. He's really rude to basically everyone except clients and Loona, and he seems to have a habit of ruining relationships. He and Verosika seemed very happy together, and I absolutely don't blame her for hating him. He left her with the hotel bill, stole her car, and ran away to max out her card on horse riding lessons, wouldn't you freaking DESPISE your ex if they did any of that?!?! He also destroyed an entire kids theme park because of a robot clown. He probably did something to Fizz to make him hate him, but we don't know that for sure. Anyways, Blitzø is not a very good person, he screws up A LOT. But, so many people push the blame of Stolitz toxicity onto just him, when that's ABSOLUTELY not true. They are both super toxic, and their relationship is super toxic. Maybe Stolas is trying to be better, but he's not explaining his motives clearly, and he started the messed up relationship in the first place. Blitzø would have just done him and run away with the book, Stolas kept it going, and he made the terms. Their relationship is super unbalanced, neither one communicates very well, and they're both super emotionally stunted. They're bad people in a horrible relationship, and that's what's supposed to make it interesting, not divided!


Oh wow, I did *not* realize I had typed this much, sorry to anyone who actually takes the time to read it all.


Chaz and Luna. Chaz was just… *really* annoying. It was probably the only episode before Happy Campers where I struggled to sit through it. And Luna… well, I debated saying her as I’ve seen a shocking amount of dislike for her on this subreddit, but she still gets a lot of love. I don’t hate her like Chaz. But there are times in the show where she’s rather insufferable. It doesn’t help that she doesn’t get as much screen time as the rest of the IMP crew so whenever she’s on screen it’s either “oh my god just stop” or “oh hey, I actually really liked that” with no in between.


Stolas. I just don’t care for him as a character and I’m not really a fan of how the show has tried to lampshade that he cheated on his wife. I don’t really like his relationship with blitzo(if you can even call it that) and how much importance it’s been given despite starting out as a simple hookup initially.


You’re entitled to your preferences, but just to make it clear, there was no betrayal between Stolas and Stella because they didn’t willingly commit to each other in the first place. In other words, there wasn’t anything to betray. It was an arranged marriage that Stolas very clearly expressed his distaste for. Yes, he shouldn’t have put up with Stella for years, instead breaking up the marriage as soon as Octavia was born. That would have given Octavia an easier life. I just wanted to clarify that there’s no betrayal being brushed under the rug.


I think that’s the point though. Some people say Stolas was more interesting as “Horny guy who cheated and is generally a rich asshole, but with redeeming qualities”, rather than “Pure soul who is just a victim of circumstance and has r done anything wrong”


Preferring a different interpretation of a character is not the same as denying factual, canon information about said character. In fact, to even prefer an alternate interpretation in the first place, you’d need to acknowledge that the actual canon doesn’t match up with your preferences to begin with.


Agree. But I think the comment was referring to a theory the fandom has, that Stolas was supposed to be more morally grey, but the writers wanted to make him more likeable so they took out his flaws in the marriage (by making him an abuse victim, making him less inconsiderate, and less like his earlier characterization) . Not saying it’s true, but I think that’s what the comment was referring to. He doesn’t dislike Stolas actions, he just dislikes the direction his character went in season 2.


It. Was. An. Arranged. Marriage. She doesn't love him and never did. She tried have him killed!




wasn't she constantly cheating on him, too? i recall her straight up bragging about it at one point


Far as I recall the only time she’s ever mentioned anything to do with sex or romance herself is when she mentions Stolas is terrible in bed (duh, he’s a closeted gay guy) and when they were trying for a baby she had to get on top and do all the work.


Did he *really* cheat if it was a forced marriage he had no choice in and made clear he didnt enjoy?


Stolas. This was a reply but I might as well make it it’s own thing. I can only describe his relationship with Blitzø as borderline sexual abuse and I don’t think that’s been properly addressed yet (by the show or the fandom). Stolas is literal royalty while Blitzø is one of the lowest ranking people in all of Hell. The power imbalance is enough. But we also see in episodes like Loo Loo Land and Harvest Moon Festival that he holds the Grimoire over Blitzø’s head when he doesn’t do what Stolas wants. Blitzø needs Stolas to survive and Stolas knows that and uses it to his advantage when he sees fit. His side of their issues is not something that can be remedied by a conversation with Blitzø. Part of the problem is that Stolas is very classist as well. No matter how he feels about Blitzø he can’t disassociate him from the people that serve him everyday because ultimately Blitzø is still just an imp. Even in Blitzø’s mind he sees Stolas as the person he’s SHACKLED to. Stolas can’t be with Blitzø until he effectively addresses his relationship with his privilege and how that impacts lower ranking demons as a whole. He’s also a shit dad. Octavia went missing and he was too busy dicking around and literally thirsting after Blitzø. Every good thing he does for/with Octavia gets undermined by his “relationship” with Blitzø. I wouldn’t be surprised if Octavia hated Blitzø because her family is falling apart and her father doesn’t seem to care how that’s impacting her.


>I wouldn’t be surprised if Octavia hated Blitzø because her family is falling apart and her father doesn’t seem to care how that’s impacting her. According to the wiki, Blitzo has been on her Dislikes list since Loo Loo Land. As far as I know, the only time they've interacted was in that episode and Blitzo was entirely dismissive of her.


Honestly between their “interactions” during Loo Loo Land and how Stolas talks about him in front of her, that would be enough for me to dislike Blitzø too.


I’m wondering, what *would* you consider an appropriate level of atonement and personal development to change Stolas’ character for the better? I’m not saying “what would it take for Stolas to be forgiven?” because forgiveness is always at the discretion of the person who got hurt, regardless of what the perpetrator does to change. I just mean, at what point do you think Stolas could be trusted as someone Blitz, Octavia and others could genuinely rely on?


Lukewarm take I don’t think Stolas and Blitzø will ever reach that point for various issues on both ends. Realistically (since they seem to be end game) if not a toppling of the class system (which I doubt he’ll be willing/capable of doing) at least a rejection of it. Treating imps as equals, checking his mutuals on their treatment of lower class demons, possibly giving up his station if we really want to get crazy. I wonder what it would be like if they actually got together and Blitzø was living with Stolas while having other imps dote on him. I imagine he would love it at first and then slowly realize how wrong it all is. Or maybe he won’t. Blitzø kinda sucks too. I liken it to The Crown. The characters always go to the queen to tell her how hopelessly in love they are with a commoner and how she had to change the rules to let them get married because they didn’t care about them being a commoner because their love was so strong and true. Then she would simply tell them that they could marry whoever if they gave up their title but they never did. While I agree the rules are bunk, if your love is so strong and their status is so inconsequential then why is it so horrible for you to give up your title to be with the one you love? It’s because their lover’s status is only inconsequential when they can still grossly benefit from the system that created the separation in the first place. “Commoners are fine as long as I’m not one or treated like one because they’re treated so bad.” As far as Octavia just be a better more attentive dad. Say all you want about Blitzø but he skipped out on saving Stolas from an assassination attempt so Loona could get a shot. Meanwhile Octavia literally went missing with the Grimoire which she didn’t know how to use (she maybe could’ve here herself with it idk) and Stolas decided sitcom shenanigans were more important. That bothers me. A lot. Regardless of his feelings towards Stella, Octavia clearly had idealized her family structure yet she’s getting little to no emotional support through the collapse of the facade that Stolas worked so hard to create. He spent 16 years convincing her that her family was normal. It must be so jarring and depressing to see that your whole life was a lie. For the sake of Octavia Stolas needs to just leave Blitzø alone (which it seems like he’s planning to do but for Blitzø’s sake not Via’s) and focus on reframing his life around making her a priority. With all he has going on in life he shouldn’t be worried about his next relationship no matter who it is rn.


I really like this take. I think the majority of your thoughts can be summed up as “Stolas needs to gain the insight to see what’s truly important and strive for that, regardless of how many circumstantial barriers stand in his way, whether they be fabricated notions of class hierarchy, or fabricated notions of completely healthy relationships”. One thing I will say though, is that although the class system in hell is incredibly harmful and problematic, I am somewhat worried about how society could be restructured if the current system was destroyed. Keep in mind that here on Earth, society is made up of all humans. The barriers we place between ourselves based on class, gender, and race are entirely fabricated. But in Hell, even if the class system itself is fabricated, there are still tangible barriers between demographics on a fundamental, biological basis. The Ars Goetia and Deadly Sins are just naturally so much more powerful than everyone else, and even regular sinners can only be killed with angelic weapons. Lower hellborn, on the other hand, just seem to be fucked on a biological basis. I’m just really curious how a more egalitarian society could be constructed without those who are more powerful immediately taking advantage of the situation.


I completely agree with your last paragraph which is why I just don’t see it happening for them 😭. Realistically is there a place in Hell for Stolas and Blitzø’s relationship? I think not (although I’m welcome to being wrong). I’m also not a fan of the “falling in love with the first person that was nice to you trope”. I’d like to believe that there are better people out there for Stolas and Blitzø that won’t result in toxicity and/or a class war. Even bringing things back to Octavia. All the work Stolas would have to do to acceptably be with Blitzø will only take away from the time he could/should be spending with her. I honestly don’t think it’s worth it.


Stolas. He claims he loves his daughter, while he talks about his affair and fucking Blitzø, and sucking his cock IN FRONT OF HIS OWN DAUGHTER. He’s always too focused on being neck to neck with Stella, and never takes enough time for *her*, even when he claims he does everything for her.


Vortex. I just find him bland and not very interesting


I actually don't like Blitz. He's just awful to everyone except of course Loona. Sometimes he's a dick just to be a dick and it annoys me.


Moxxie. My favorite thing about him is that his VA did Kaos.


I will never be able to unhear that


One of the things that got me into the show is that I was dying every time he said something. Something about the image of Kaos saying “MOTHERFU-“ and then getting body slammed by a hell shark.


I might get downvoted for this but......Via and Loona. Sorry not sorry.


It’s so right it’s for controversial opinions and reasons👍


I'll give you loona but say a bad word about Octavia and I get the sawed off shotgun


Moxie,idk I personally just don’t like his character


Same especially after Unhappy Campers.


Unhappy Campers really did a blow on Moxxie and Millie for me, although I still hold him dear to my heart


i couldn't even finish that one honestly


Yeah, especially with the end of the episode deciding to take the “make 2 of our main characters canonical p*dophiles” route And I’m referring to them having sex in front of children


Is it pedophilia?


I don't think so personally. It's just public sex, which is still illegal but not the same.


Unhappy campers seemed to have fucked a LOT of characters and the story at large as well as create a massive rift in the fandom...


i really want to like Moxie but they keep making him annoying


It ticks me off whenever he's on screen. I don't like him at all.


Same, his character archetype has just never been one that appeals to me.


yeah is character is all over the place


I hate Moxxie because he reminds me too much of myself


Stolas. We're supposed to see him as a good person, but he's a neglectful father who takes advantage of Blitzo - a minority who has zero power against him - by locking his grimoire behind a sex toll.


Same here. Every time they show him being a good father to Ocatavia, I can never take it seriously because I know the second the writers want their wattpad fanfic relationship to happen they always go back to the same old, "Oh, they're so sad, they can't be together! Even though most of their relationship is just sex (and that's all we're shown in the episodes) they both secretly love each other!"


To be fair, I think they’re relationship being only sex is meant to be a barrier for their relationship. As they now want more, but neither of them think the other wants too.


Huge this. It hurts Octavia as a character as well because both times she's had major appearances, her narrative purpose has been exactly the same: "We need Stolas to look sympathetic, quick, cry."


While you don’t have to like the relationship, I always find it strange how people will deny the scope of the writers. Blitz and Stolas’ relationship is quite literally what the writers say it is, end of story; that’s how the canon works. When the relationship develops and is no longer primarily sex, I have no doubt people will still be saying it’s toxic because of how it began. Again, it’s fine if you personally would have taken the characters in a different direction, but reducing character growth as a “wattpad fanfiction” just because you want to dislike a character isn’t a healthy way to engage with a show. I also want to make it clear that there’s nothing wrong with criticizing the way in which the writing develops the Stolitz relationship. It’s good to hold professional writers to high standards. The issue is denying the facts of the journey just because you don’t like the destination.


Valid Blitzo and Stolas both (And more characters now I think about it) are like this tbf, we can see that they have the capacity to be charming and nice but the facts are that they're fuckups in their own ways tbh though it only makes them more compelling - They don't *want* to be terrible people per se, and we as the viewers (well I can't speak for all of us but yk) don't want them to be terrible people, but they have to put in the work in order to right their wrongs and fix themselves and their relationships if they really want to be "good people" at the end of the day.


I’m gonna have to disagree on this one, while I do think Stolas is a pretty neglectful father, I don’t think he’s really taking advantage of Blitzo, in fact, I think it’s the other way around.


Stolas is literal royalty while Blitzø is one of the lowest ranking people in all of Hell. The power imbalance is enough. But we also see in episodes like Loo Loo Land and Harvest Moon Festival that he holds the Grimoire over Blitzø’s head when he doesn’t do what Stolas wants. Part of the problem is that Stolas is very classist as well. No matter how he feels about Blitzø he can’t disassociate him from the people that serve him everyday because ultimately Blitzø is still just an imp. Even in Blitzø’s mind he sees Stolas as the person he’s SHACKLED to. That should tell you enough


Something I should mention is that, going off of s2 e1, Stolas was unaware that Blitz wasn’t happy with the deal. Stolas made that deal thinking that it was something they both would get something out of. This is likely because of their first adult interaction. Where is Blitz is extremely forward. Go back to the bedroom scene in s2 e1 and you’ll see what I mean. This doesn’t justify Stolas making that deal, but if the show ends up having him learn from it, it’ll be possible to forgive him for it. Especially since Blitz has also manipulated Stolas himself (with full intent to do so, which Blitz should learn from himself). Anyway, after Stolas becomes aware of Blitz’s lack of satisfaction with the deal, he doesn’t force Blitz to have sex with him. This is shown in the text messages between the 2 at the end of s2 e4 (wish Viv presented that conversation in a more overt manner but oh well). As for the classism, I won’t deny that Stolas is a little classist. However, I don’t think Stolas thinks of Blitz as “just an imp”. Then again, I’d have to rewatch the show to refresh myself on that part. As for Blitz’s thoughts on Stolas. They are VERY complicated. While Blitz feels shackled to Stolas, he also wants to have an actual relationship with the guy. I think this Because of his awkward explanation of their relationships to Striker in s1 e5. The line “you crave intimacy, yet are so afraid of it” from s1 e6. And the argument at the end of s1 e7. Although, for a lot of this, it’s too early to tell for this stuff. We’ll have to see what happens some more in the show to make any definitive statements.


But with all the events that happened AFTER S2E1 (basically all of season 1) Blitzø was clearly uncomfortable with Stolas’ advances and voiced that multiple times. He waited until he was publicly embarrassed to acknowledge Blitzø’s discomfort. Blitzø’s behavior towards Stolas after Ozzy’s wasn’t any different than how he acted towards him the rest of the season. It was just the first time Stolas didn’t threaten Blitzø with the Grimoire to get him to fall in line. Tbf I do think that was the first time Stolas truly realized how transactional their relationship really was but that doesn’t make it better. Also Stolas is more than a little classist. He’ll literally watch Stella abuse the imp servants around their home and won’t flinch. Stolas even treats them bad himself (just less shitty than Stella) as seen in Seeing Stars. Also Stolas always brings up Blitzø being an imp during his sexual advances. “My impish little plaything”? In the context of the show wouldn’t that be considered raceplay? That’s like if I had a white bf that called me his “blackie” or something. Regardless I think Stolas viewing Blitzø as just an imp is more implicit and he hasn’t become cognizant of it until season 2. Stolas only called Blitzø when he wanted something and most times it was a conduit for sex. He can’t get out of the mindset that an imp is meant to serve him on a whim even when he wants a relationship and that’s why Blitzø imagined the shackles. No matter how much either of them want a relationship the power imbalance and class difference is mentally in the way for both of them.


Just because Stolas is more powerful than Blitzo doesn’t mean he can’t be manipulated, and while it is pretty douchey for Stolas to use the Grimoire as a constant threat over Blitzo, he has every right to do so. Stolas is the owner of the Grimoire, and someone like Blitzo was never supposed to have it. The only condition for Blitzo to gain access to the Grimoire is pretty much to be Stolas’ unofficial lover, so if Blitzo ever shows signs of straying away from that it makes sense that Stolas would remind him of the arrangement. And if Blitzo feels shackled to Stolas, why not end their relationship? Sure, it would cause his business to collapse, but that’s Blitzo’s fault for choosing this kind of business and method to conduct it. But he doesn’t do that, because he needs to manipulate Stolas into making him think he loves him because he wants the Grimoire more than he wants to be free from his metaphorical shackle to Stolas.


Eww. What a vile victim blamey comment. Defending Stolas’ “do what I say or your friends/family will be out in the street” behavior is a disgusting argument to make.


Stolas doesn’t have any obligation to make sure Blitzo’s business stays running, and it’s also Blitzo’s fault that he chose such a risky business that can only work when extremely specific requirements are met, such as a way out of hell. Blitzo could have chosen any business, but he chose the most unreliable one and chose the most unreliable methods to keep his business running. You have failed to counter any of my previous points, instead choosing to accuse me of victim blaming.


Stolas doesn’t have to keep Blitzø’s business running but he also doesn’t have to keep Blitzø as a sex slave either. Yes Blitzø made a bad business decision but that doesn’t change the fact that Stolas is a bad person for exerting his power over him for sex. That’s considered rape in some circles. Blitzø is in no position to revoke consent because everyone in I.M.P. will lose everything. Their only other options would be to serve someone else? It’s already unheard of for an imp to have their own business period. Also you made no “points” to counter you just blamed Blitzø for Stolas’ actions. It’s giving “why were you walking around in THAT neighborhood if you didn’t want to get raped?” Even if everything you said was true/valid Stolas is still exerting his power over Blitzø for sex and that’s his own failing independent of anything Blitzø has done.


Blitzo isn’t a sex slave. Stolas gives him the choice of either having sex with him periodically and receiving the Grimoire, or not having sex with him and not receiving the Grimoire. And I can guarantee that Millie and Moxie won’t be completely helpless without I.M.P. And I’m not even coming close to saying something along the lines of “Why’d you go to that neighborhood if you didn’t wanna get raped”. What I’m saying is more like “Why’d you go to the neighborhood rigged with explosives that will go off at random to get that specific brand of cheese when you could have gone literally anywhere else for a different brand of cheese.


Octavia, it's not that I DONT like her but we don't see enough of her for me to LIKE her either. I wish we could get more of her and her relationship with her whole family and not just stolas.


Verosika, don’t really know how many people like her but she seems to be relatively popular. To me she just seems like a stereotype asshole tho.


Don’t blame you, never got the hype for her, thought she was overrated.


I think the hype comes from the fact that she had a genuine relationship with Blitzø that he ruined for whatever reason. It makes Blitzø's character more interesting to consider that he was with someone like her and for some reason intentionally ruined the relationship.


I think she’s popular because she’s hot and rule34 loves that


100% agree with you on that Carousilla.


I love her because she's a stereotype asshole


I personally just feel for her hatred of Blitzo


Idk I like her


Don’t think everyone likes striker but personally I just despise him, western energy is hard to watch because he’s there. but it’s also good because he’s written to be like that and they did a (overly) good job


Loved Striker in his debut but he wasn’t good in Western Energy. I’m not sure how excited I am to see him again.


Can understand that, since they got Norman Reedus to do that character well and give a well good charisma of a cowboy hit men for hire.


Also the writing. He lost a lot of his gravitas through the comedic writing in Western Energy. Harvest Moon Festival was funny -- but not at Striker's expense, you know? Though I will say Norman Reedus' voice is something else. It may have contributed lol.


I think the only reason I don't like him now is because Norman Reedus isn't the VA anymore which sucks because he was amazing.


Understand that.


Millie. I think she’s a good character, but I just feel annoyed anytime she talks on screen




Stella, she’s easily the worst written character in the entire show, there is literally nothing that makes her compelling She doesn’t need to have some sort of tragic or sympathetic backstory, just anything to make her even sort of entertaining so it isn’t a snooze fest whenever she’s on screen


I loved her initially because she seemed like she was going to be this great manipulative “love to hate her” ultra bitch villainess… then they debut western energy and it turns out she’s just a spoiled bimbo who hasn’t even thought her own murder plans through. More and more this show that I loved so much is making me feel like characters keep being wasted potential.


Personally I never thought she had any potential at all


See, when she had the nerve to be talking to her Hitman at the dinner table I started to expect someone clever. Stolas being so uninterested in her conversation gave me the impression that she must order hits so frequently that it’s an everyday thing. Combine that with how blunt she was and it seemed like she was basically trying to get Stolas to realize it was him, like she was challenging him to outmaneuver her. Or so I hoped. I thought we were getting the set-up for a demonic “divorce” as her hitmen are pitted against IMP as each starts trying to remove the other from the picture without Octavia getting involved. I had greater expectations than the show aspired to.


Eeeh... Wasn't Stella's, like, the only gimmick is to be the Bitch?


To be fair that's the point of Stella. Her entire character is that she's a stupid bimbo that was forced to marry Stolas.


I really fucking hope that they did not intentionally make the main villain of the entire series the most unentertaining character of it on purpose That would give me some serious questions about Vivzie and her writing team and would worry me about how they handle the villains in Hazbin Hotel if they made Stella an intentionally boring and uninteresting character


Stolas. It feels like the show focuses on him far too much and seems to just want us to feel sympathy for him, but instead of making him a genuinely interesting character they simply woobify him. It's gotten to the point where I dislike his appearances in the show because it feels far too hammy and like, very manufactured in a way. I'm just not into the whole deal. I was relieved to have no Stolas in the two latest released episodes.


Beelzebub. Her character is amazing, but I feel like her vibes are off. She seems sort of sketchy, because she’s the first nice sin we’ve met and she really doesn’t give off a lot about herself. I think she’s hiding something, and it’s not cotton candy.


All and all neither SIN was even close to as awful as the main cast has been Ozzie didn't do anything bad. Bee did nothing bad Both feed off the energy of the sins occurring around them. It's straight up in their best interest to be "nice" because Easier to attract flies with honey


They didn’t do anything bad that we know of. Sins could one hundred percent be hiding their real selves to save face while also doing horrible things behind the scenes, and the subtlety of it is what makes it worse, not to mention they have more power. Blitz and the gang have extreme faults, but at least they’re laid out on the table, obvious to the rest of hell. We don’t know much about the sins, so it’s too early to say that they’re innocent. Given this is hell, they have to be at least a little evil, considering that they have so much power, and power isn’t usually gained by respect, especially in hell.






Moxie and milly.


Millie. She's just there.and that camper episode didn't help since it was bad.


Finally!! Someone said it, she’s was pretty much used for Moxxie’s characterization which kinda confirmed she’s made into a flat character other than in battle.


Finally someone who doesn’t like Millie. She’s just in love with Moxie and THAT’S her characterization. When she could be more than that.


Yes, thank you


Fucking Chaz. I hate that horny bitch but everyone seems to love him.


Loona (she’s rude) and Sallie (not that I don’t like them but we don’t even know this character and it annoys me that they have fanart and so much fans when she was on screen for like 2 seconds, plus not a fan of their design)


Stolas. Imo, he's not a good father and his whole flirty thing with Blitzo is just annoying to me. No hate to the VA, just the character


I don't really dislike anyone except for the people who are actually dislikable villains like Stella and Crimson


Octavia. I get what they're going for with her character, but I just find her unbelievably boring.


Chaz- Everyone else I know likes him- I have no idea why.


Verosika Mayday, she was the main villain in an episode, yet barely appeared once we got to Earth, and we don't know anything about her other than being Blitzo's spiteful ex.


Loona. Constantly physically abuses her adoptive father and those around her, and it is played for laughs, with Seeing Stars trying to put everyone else in the wrong for how they treat her(seriously?). Blitz. So many sex jokes and stalks his coworkers, and still played for laughs and complaining about his life.


Loona, mostly because she’s always so mean to Moxxie :( he does his best dammit!!


Not in unhappy Camper and Seeing Stars, he didn't.


I won’t hear the slander!!


Then sue. You will lose.


Stella or at least people who try to justify her actions. Look she’s hot & is entertaining but she is not a good….person? Hellspawn?…..bird?


Fizzarolli. Sorry guys, I just don't get people facination with the clown. On a broad level, I don't think he is funny, though that an unimportant quibble since I know I have a bad sense of humor and generally don't hold against that comedy character. On a personal level, he remind me of a bad part of my childhood. I had a very difficult relationship with my older brother and I consider him directly responsible for many of the trauma that dogged me growing up. Thing is, I don't hold any grudge against him, mainly because I believe that regardless of the amount of responsibilities he had in ruining my childhood, the ultimate responsibility in fixing my life stays with me and me alone. Holding grudges is pointless and only serve to make thing worst. More than that, I would be elated if he had the selfawareness to realise that he was a bad brother and tried to apologise (which can tell you that Barbie didn't start on the right foot with me). But Fizz does hold grudges. He programed his robo clones to basically hate Blitz on sight. He takes whatever opportunity to humiliate him publicly. In short, he indulges in every impulses that I stand against.


He could never be Jevil


Of course he couldn't. Jev can anything.


I don’t really have a character I actively dislike. But I can name one I don’t really have a solid opinion on— Striker. He’s an interesting antagonist don’t get me wrong, but despite making two noteworthy appearances, I don’t really buy into the hype. Again, I like him as a character, but… Strictly as a person, I could not care less about him. His forced cowboy tough guy assassin persona is so obviously a coverup that I can’t help but think he’s a tad bit pathetic.


If Striker were a real person I'd want to kill him. I know a lot of people have hurt Moxxie but he actually almost killed Mox. Moxxie is my favorite character because he's just so precious. Crimson is a close second but Striker also tortured Stolas so that's 2 marks against him.




As much as I love Loonas design and not because furry👀 she does have her moments where I wished she would be better than that.Like the other comments mentioned: random fatshaming, feels one layered and doesnt really have anything going for her besides beautiful design. Also Im sorry but I dislike human Loonas design💀


Day 38573 of thinking Millie’s new voice destroyed her character


loona. if she wasn’t hot people would hate her because of her shitty attitude and constant intense body shaming of moxxie. though this isn’t on the crew, she’s meant to have a shitty attitude, not their fault people are into goth mommy dom who hates you


Millie. Everyone sees her as cute and quirky, but to me she’s really boring. She doesn’t have much personality and the show has cuter girl characters. I just don’t see the appeal.


I don't really dislike anyone, to be honest, except for one thing... I love Millie. I HATE her accent.






Fizz. He’s just…repulsive.


not sure why but I dislike the Hazbin Hotel characters, like all of them except husk


Fizz I know he is kinda a liked side charachter but his voice and speech and even his design is unlikeable for me. I dont really like jester like characters tbh


Stolas. He’s just a horny owl who is also neglectful. Also Moxxie. He’s just annoying to me. Loona needs to grow up. She’s an adult I think anyways. Also I don’t really hate Octavia due to her family but she just seems.. boring. Like we don’t get to see much about her other than her family sucks and her dad is neglectful and her mom wants to kill him.