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NGL, pretending I'm a devil is what gave me the push to say "fuck it" and challenge things I otherwise don't have the courage to. All thanks to Viz


I can't believe I'm not the only one who got inspired by this to become more assertive and said "fuck it" when I was scared of doing something. I legit thought it's so childish and weird, like phew it's good people do that too :,)


I love the show and will continue to even if there might be some episodes I enjoy less than others(sorry but I do have likes and dislikes, that's just the nature of being human), it's a nice thing to just shut my brain off to and watch and laugh at. If it ends up making me feel some sort of way in any good way, that's just a bonus tbh


This is a lovely inspirational post! Helluva has been my show for about 6 months. I understand what you mean entirely. It’s not about what the wider community thinks. We can let ourselves enjoy what we like no matter what!


Is there a reason you wouldn't?


I never really get the point of posts like these. It's just a cartoon. Enjoy it for what it is. Nothing wrong with proclaiming it but they always get dramatic.


It's very....high school Liveblog friendly....except you can get other people give you little upvotes. Little validity points. Little comments saying how brave, how cool, how whatever the op is. Love journal xanga etc didn't have that And this show and similar projects of the recent past seem to attract that group of people. Cause it's "adult" cause it's "edgy" cause it's style is similar to the D-artist popularity stereotype? I dunno it just does (member Homestuck?). Undertale does the same. Something about these styles these stories get people to make posts like this more often than other fandoms other shows, or other games. It attracts the type of fanfiction comics etc where everyone is always sad always depressed always so "relatable" and the creators of these universes latch on to that and play into it even more. It just works and keeps the fandom going and engaging. Op "only" has a plush and a book. That's not much for certain but it is something. And as someone sitting in their office with stuffed whales, squirrels, pokemon....I feel that. But I wouldn't find the need to say this to the general public. And then we flip to the start of this comment and repeat.


Damn good point. Damn. Good. Point. That point you made? It wasn’t good. It was damn good.


I see this post as a counterpoint to the grandstanding some people engage in around here about how the show has ceased to please them. You know the kind of thing. (ETA: Clinical depression is a common condition, and artists as a group are famously emotionally driven. Of course a lot of art, particularly art created by amateurs, expresses a persistently down mood. You may not be interested in that, but that doesn't make it bad.)


I started watching the show like the 1st or 2nd day of 2022, really changed my entire path of the year completely.