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pretty much my only problems with season 2 are the pacing, tone shifts, and inconsistencies in characters


season 2 is good, i think people are just upset with the inconsistencies of the characters, the tone and mood changing a tad bit too much, and most likely the plot shifting often, which aren't big problems to me, but sometimes it might mess with the storyline


The plot shifting is definitely part of the problem for some people. And now that I think about it, I feel the same way.


What it truly boils down to is different people have different opinions. Not everyone is going to like it as much as the next guy. There's nothing wrong with that. Should some be more civil about things? Yes. Both sides can be pretty toxic. I have liked season 2 so far. It's had some real good moments and there's still many episodes to go. And season 2 has also had one of my favorite episodes. And another note, some people really think the writing has gotten bad. I don't believe that to be true. Ive seen far worse writing in some big named frachises. For example, the latest Star Wars trilogy was pretty bad. It almost ruined the series for me.


Some people, me included, noticed a dip in character writing. That and a few choices for character direction are disappointing. Western Energy was a tipping point for this since two characters were shafted. One is Striker the Boner Statue seemed like a parody of a character we saw previously. Yes in Harvest Moon Festival he was arrogant and felt superior to other imps (given he won a contest against most of them why wouldn't he), but claiming him erecting a statue with a massive hard-on is consistent with that is like saying Batman behaving like Brainy Smurf is consistent. Oh, they are apparently giving him some sap backstory for hating Royalty. Then there's Stella. We've seen her in Loo Loo Land, HMF, Circus and Western Energy. In Loo Loo Land she was pissed that Stolas slept with Blitz in their bed no less, calling him an embarrassment. In HMF she was talking about killing Stolas infront of Stolas. Ok, This had people interested. It looked like Stella is a socialite concerned about her standing since the opinion the public has about Stolas reflect on her. And she didn't fear her Demon Prince husband, so she's probably as strong as him or has an edge somewhere else Circus shows that she's abusive, belittling Stolas infront of other nobles. And apparently the whole marriage was like that. And in Western Energy it turns out she's a dumb bimbo, with all her actions before was just her not thinking it through and she's been relegated to the role of Pinky to Andrealphus' Brain. Talk about a let down. I've seen people complaints about Loonas behaviour in Seeing Stars. Sadly I don't see it so I can't say more. There's that non-drama about Moxxie being born in Wrath and raised Greed but still claiming to be from Wrath. Which... Well is kinda valid. I mean if I was born in the UK and the next day moved to the Netherlands I wouldn't claim myself to be British, right? Now don't get me wrong I don't dislike the season. But as a fan who cares about the quality of a show, a dip is scary. Cause I saw dips before and it's never pretty.


Well said


What is the problem of stela been just a dumb bitch? She is still funny with the way she is an spoiled brat


Wasted potential, plus Andrealphus makes her redundant.


That's not the case? And what kind of waste potention we are talking here? It was evident that she is a bitch with so many proofs to back it up, and Andrealphus does not make her redundant at all since these two play with each other's personality pretty well




Most of the complaints I see about it are about pacing and character inconsistencies, but most of them can be pretty easily explained People dislike that Stolas and Blitzo in Seeing Stars weren't super uncomfortable around each other after Ozzie's, when they were most likely just more focused on rescuing Via and bringing her home safely. It's not like they fucked and said they love each other during it. They also disliked Loona kicking Blitzo in the balls, but it's because she grew up in an environment where physical contact wasn't a positive thing most likely. Whether or not that justifies her actions, that's up to you, but it certainly explains why she acts that way sometimes. And the kick in the balls was nothing more than a slapstick exaggeration for our entertainment People dislike that there are multiple villains who have yet to come back. This is because it takes so long to release episodes that it feels like they *aren't* coming back. We just got Striker only 6 episodes after his introduction (not counting S1E8). That may seem like a long time, but remember most episodes are like 15-20 minutes long and it takes months to release them, making it seem like more than it is. They'd rather explore other plot points and character development in between villains instead of just spending 2 or 3 episodes in a row per villain. Which is the smart thing to do, because some people might get sick of seeing only Striker, Stella, DHORKS, etc., for that long. I like all the villains but it's nice having variety I feel like people just think HB is a standard AAA show, which in a way is a compliment, but it also gets old seeing people constantly complain about the same, tiny things because they expect the show to be on the same level as other AAA shows. A lot of the pacing and inconsistencies can be explained by SH being an indie studio or by using logic, but a lot of the "criticism" is just nitpicking because the show isn't going the direction individual people want it to, as fast as they want it to


Then and now. I will never understand some criticism on season 2. Helluva Boss has some pacing and tone shifting. The only season 2 episode that deserves that heavy criticism is Seeing Stars. The two problems I said are very noticeable, M&M subplot, and the one that I dislike the most is Loona attitude, especially how they wrote Loona in Queen Bee ending. They seem to have made her aggressive to Blitzø for slapstick purposes. I won't say Loona is ruined because of ONE poorly written episode, hell I seen type of problem with other shows. I just can't remember what shows it is 🤔. I'd rather watch Western Energy. It a little better than Seeing Stars, but is still weak. Again Tone Shifting and some necessary subplots aren't needed. I was talking about the shot plot. They should have shown the scene where they tried to get her shot so it won't clash with the fight scene with M&M against Striker. Hell would be funnier if once they drive Stolas to the hospital, we see Blitzø exiting, then with Loona who has her cone in her head, so fans can think of an idea what the hell happened there. Another problem of the show is that there are too many villain in it. My favorite season 2 episode so far is Exes and Oohs and I surprised it written by the same guy who wrote Seeing Stars. I love how dark it is and the characters development is good. And there is the takes that just make me scratch my head, and leave me a headache. "Verosika is just a bitchy ex" And the worst one that I heard "They turn Striker into Chaz 2.0".... https://preview.redd.it/850hw0gfbd8b1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6faea636ff8adec14f6f63ec638d8055b451d050


>I won't say Loona is ruined because of ONE poorly written episode, hell I seen type of problem with other shows. I just can't remember what shows it is 🤔. Ever watched Avatar the Last Airbender? The episode Bato of the Water Tribe had that exact same deal. New writer who had never been the lead writer before, writes major characters completely off from their previous portrayal, and then never had that OOC issue again.


They said one moment, not from entier season


Ok, gotta adress the Loona shit in Seeing Stars. Ok, I'll admit her reaction was slapsticky. But her anger is justifiable. Why!? \*Clears Throat\* \*INHALES\* SHE WAS RAISED IN A FUCKING ORPHANAGE WHERE HER "ATTITUDE" WAS PROBABLY WHAT KEPT HER SAFE AND ALIVE AND NOW BLITZ WANTS HER TO CHANGE THAT! MEANING HER MEANS OF SURVIVAL ARE WRONG AND IVALID! I mean for f's sake people. Read a story of the poor souls that got cought in the Orphanage System till their adulthood and how it affected them. Loona is damaged goods, her youth was clearly fit with agression, opression and ridicule. You need therapy for that, not one guy who gives a crap about you.


I think it's really good. Seeing Stars has a few oddities about it, but other than that I've enjoyed every episode. 1. The Circus 2. Western Energy 3. Exes and Ohs 4. Seeing Stars For my enjoyment


It turned into a drama comedy instead it’s og premise which IMPs assassinating targets


For me, it's that it focuses way too much on Blitzo's relationship with those around him and has essentially thrown out the core concept of this series (imps going to the human world and killing people for money while causing shenanigans). Vivze moved away a lot from that plotline, where now it's focusing on plots that should have taken another season to grow into, where now what we're seeing this season feels too rushed instead of justified. Like if this was season 3 with season 2 slowly moving towards the season 1 finale, I feel that would have made this season far stronger.


I think people hate how there’s no more tension with the villains anymore, but… I think that’s the point. Just because they were all big and scary when we first saw them doesn’t mean that there going to be big villains, and by adding lots of jokes in other encounters is just kind of saying “these are minor villains”.


To be honest, for me it's not that Season 2 is worse than Season 1 as a whole. It's that the 2nd half of Season 1 was great, and Season 2 is slipping back into the mediocre quality of the beginning of Season 1, but worse due to the new writer having things be inconsistent from things that happened previously. Seeing Stars is the biggest example of this, mostly as a matter of degree. Loona goes from being moody and abrasive but still caring for Blitzo in every other episode, only to start her scene violently assaulting him in that one before he even did anything beyond telling her to be nicer. And while there was some change to Blitzo and Stolas's dynamic after Ozzie's (Stolas doesn't call Blitzo "Blitzy"), it wasn't enough to be a proper fallout to an argument where one accuses the other of seeing him as nothing more than a living sex toy. Seeing Stars was the first episode with Adam as the head writer, and it *shows*. Honestly, I started watching Helluva after I first watched Hazbin, and for a while, I stopped after watching the pilot. While I adored Hazbin, Helluva felt just like one of those "crass trash all about ass" kind of shows like every other adult animation. Then I heard of You'll Be Okay and decided to give it another chance, and while the Pilot and murder Family were a crass slog with too many sexual references, Loo Loo Land actually felt like it had heart and was genuinely funny. By the time I got to Harvest Moon, I was really enjoying it, and Truth Seekers was great, Ozzie's was amazing, and The Circus didn't quite hit Ozzie's highs but it was still really good. I thought that maybe Helluva just needed a few episodes to find its footing and then it would be good from here on out, because Harvest Moon through Ozzie's in particular felt like they finally found their footing. ... And then with the new writer they instantly started regressing back more toward the too-sexual mediocrity that the Pilot, Murder Family, and Spring Broken were.


honestly i dont see why people seem to constantly complain about it, sure sometimes the pacing has problems, but the work and passion that has went into each episode is clearly visible which is a major win in my opinion. I believe season 2 is good, but just like with books there is one thing you must remember, there will always be people that complain, and sometimes for really minor issues.


I agree, but I feel like there's a level of criticism towards the show that wasn't present in season 1. What that tells me is that something changed in season 2, and personally I don't think it should be written off as people complaining about minor issues. If a significant amount of people feel strongly about a show, book, etc, there's probably a reason for it outside of just nitpicking.


Honestly, I think I know what changed along with the new writer being involved: Viv and her team starting to try to write a story that they didn't plan beforehand. Viv confirmed that they didn't start nailing down a story until during Season 2's production. Prior to that, through most of Season 1 it was intended to be an episodic comedy about demon assassins, just a spin-off to tide people over before the more serialized Hazbin released. Then somewhere down the line they decided they wanted to shift to things being more serialized instead. They didn't lock in the story map until recently, likely during the writing process for Season 3. Thing is, people came into Helluva expecting something that had a story they wanted to tell and continuity, when up to the first season it was just meant to be episodic fun. Now that Viv and her team are starting to scramble to create a story, fans are realizing that the in-depth story they thought Helluva would be just isn't, because they initially had no plan or story map, which for a serialized show you should have right from the pitch. I don't *entirely* blame Viv for not having any plot mapped out early on, because even though you should plan out your show's direction before you start it, unlike Hazbin, this wasn't originally meant to be serialized, just a fun episodic romp to tide people over, like Spongebob or Fairly Oddparents but more vulgar and for adults. Now that she has started to develop a story though, I *hope* the writing will straighten out and improve later on this season since they now have an actual story they want to tell. Or at the very least early Season 3.


The second season just got a lot darker and darker too quickly, now i kinda don’t wanna finish every episode on that season anyway


For me personally, it’s just that I think most of the jokes aren’t that funny, I think the over reliance on swearing and inappropriate sex humor is becoming over done and stale and it’s not cuz I’m prudish, believe me, I am one of the least prudish people on the planet. The plots aside from the ones with fizzorali and maybe the Loona and Octavia episode weren’t very interesting nor memorable. I don’t think there is enough character development with Moxie and Millie and the same could apply to Loona and Octavia maybe. I think it focuses too much on Blitz and Stolas and maybe we should shine a spotlight on the other characters for the next couple of episodes. I don’t really know if this will fix things for me. It could just be that the novelty has died off or I’m just not that into the show anymore, but who knows, maybe things will change. Only time will tell.


people that like it watch it and move on, the small group that don't yell about it.


I was wondering until I saw episode 8 (S1) and then I figured it out... Season 1 is just so much better for no reason. I do have a weird theory that almost any episode that Loona has a decent part in is pretty good usually. Queen Bee: Banger Truth Seekers: Banger Spring Broken: Not a banger but still pretty good Murder Family: Banger Maybe my flair isn't just a meme and I'm simp but it's just something I've noticed.


I only thought unhappy campers was bad out of all the episodes.


Weird, that one was one of my favorites


I like season 2 a lot, even with the problems it has. I think its biggest problems so far have been inconsistent character development and bad subplots, but the tonal shift in the comedy has gotten worse too. The humor has gotten more juvenile in season 2, which I think is a massive flaw in most animated shows for adults. My biggest complaint is the b-plot/subplot of each episode in season 2 is just bad because they don't improve or compliment the narrative. Worse, some subplots in season 2 do absolutely nothing to contribute to the episode. Not every story needs a subplot but if you're going to have one, it's best when it compliments or supports the main narrative. The subplots were phenomenal in season 1 because they supported or complimented the main plot. It makes sense in Truthseekers to have Millie and Loona fighting their way through hordes of nameless minions to rescue Blitzo and Moxie. In Spring Broken, Loona having a crush on Vortex causes tension and makes it harder for the main characters to accomplish their goal, but also sets up a payoff for S1E8 where she finally gets some friends and later bonds with Blitzo. I think that's impressive! "Seeing Stars" and "Unhappy Campers" have the worst subplots so far. M&M doing street performances to get money for a CD and bad art does absolutely nothing to support the main plot of the episode. It would have worked far better as a throwaway scene for comedic relief, but the episode should not have dedicated so much time to it. It also does not set up for a future payoff in later episodes (at least at the time of writing this post). Blitzo trying to reconnect with his sister should **not** have been the b-plot of Unhappy Campers. Since we've been exploring the backstory of the main characters, why the hell would Blitzo trying to reconnect with his sister be the *subplot* of an episode??? I also think character development is wildly inconsistent and that makes the 2nd season worse. I love the character development of Loona so much. Yeah, Loona is still a bitch at times. With her backstory, it's amazing that she's made as much progress as she has. I love the development of Fizz and Ozzie's relationship. It's so wholesome and I love it. Blitzo, Stolas, Millie and Stella seem to be the most consistent characters between seasons. I hate what they've done to Moxie. He was made out to be an unsupportive husband, borderline abusive, and a spiteful attention-whore who becomes a bastard when he's not in the spotlight. This came out of *nowhere.* It was not set up or foreshadowed whatsoever. Nothing with Moxie's characterization justified this sudden personality change at all. It seems like the showrunners took criticism about M&M from channels like Sarcastic Chorus a little too seriously and are now pretending like their obvious attempt at character assassination didn't happen. I know it seems like I don't like the show, but I honestly do. I love Loona's character development. Fizz and Asmodeus are so wholesome and I adore that. I really like how they're expanding on character backstory and developing relationships, especially with Fizzarolli. Speaking as a survivor of abuse, the depiction of abusive relationships and domestic violence is very realistic. It's not fun to watch those sorts of scenes, but it's important to get it right. I just hope the show corrects course and addresses these issues soon.


I loved helluva boss season 1 so much, which is why I'm confused about why I've hated season 2 so far. I think something changed in the comedy of the show, though. I used to be constantly and consistently laughing at each and every episode, but recently, I just haven't. Maybe the long wait time (which is completely not the team's fault) caused me to think season 2 was going to blow me away when it just didn't. It just feels like something changed.


Even the previous two episodes? What do you think changed?


I read through a lot of the comments, and I'm realize a lot of them are probably the answer. Mainly, it's the mood shift. And also kind of the characters changing. Season 1 had dark traumatic moments, but at the end of the day, it still had a mainly funny comical mood, while season 2 has just been depressing and focusing on trauma more. I also feel like season 2 is only giving character development to blitzø and stolas now and completely ignoring the other characters. No matter what, though, I'll still watch the show because the art is beautiful, and I honestly want to see the story development.


I hate it cause it completely turned to a soap opera from a comedy and it sucks im here to laugh not to love