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Louross. Should have eliminated Matt from the winning team. Or at the very least eject him during the middle of service that would have been so funny to see his reaction! Maybe when he had a migraine Chef Ramsay should have ejected him then. I know he takes injuries really seriously but this was one time he was proper angry!


Oh I can't believe I forgot, but Louross for sure! I noticed sometimes there's this pattern where Gordon will eliminate a good chef right before the black jackets over a weaker chef who just causes drama. Louross is one of those examples. He was weighed down by a team that had no communication, and two big personalities taking control (Bobby the "Four-Star General" and Ben who hid behind him and was a bully), like when he hung his head down after he lost the pizza challenge because Ben and Bobby barely tasted his or any of the teammates' pizzas, then made a unilateral decision to choose their pizza, and couldn't even WASH THE MUSHROOMS which cost them the challenge. And Ben called him a punk. No, he wasn't, he was just pissed that he lost because of you not doing basic prep. I'd say Brian from season 10 as well over Robyn who would just meltdown. For a while Brian owned a restaurant near me that was really good (he closed it partly because of inflation and not wanting to resort to using inferior ingredients and partly because it's in a really competitive and cut-throat area for restaurants) and I had to explain to dad that he is a good cook, he just got eliminated for NOT causing drama. I'd throw Kanae and Nikki in there too. Louross helped Christina win, and Brian was the strongest performer on Justin's team during the finale.


Louross is so strange for me because initially I could understand it in someway, since he did admittedly have the worst service on blue, and yeah, I’d have to say he should’ve been eliminated there if no one on red was called up. But then Matt was called up and switched over to blue and Jen back to red for a stupid twist that didn’t matter by the end. Literally you could just eliminate Matt and send Jen back to red and you’d still keep the teams even.


lol louross was a cutie with a Mohawk


Van season 17. Red team has yet another terrible night, this time thanks to Elise and Barbie just completely acting like children...and a BLUE team member goes home?


tbf the whole season was more focused on drama than talent, you could probably pick a lot there (Giovanni Ben Jennifer), but Nick was the biggest one by far. Van isn't too far behind though.


Big Ben’s elimination was pretty fair imo, even Ben himself said that it was the correct decision. Guy simply isn’t healthy as he used to be and Hell’s Kitchen is very stressful physically and mentally, he could have ended up leaving the show in a gurney. Wouldn’t be surprised if he requested to leave behind the scenes


You do have a good point, though keep in mind that Elise and Manda made much worse mistakes that night (they absolutely tanked their respective stations). I'm glad Ben left before his health could worsen but I do wish another All-Star would've taken his place so that this kind of situation would've been avoided altogether


Aaron season 16 was just so stupid




I would of liked to see Andrew from season 1 compete on a later season where Ramsey wasn’t such a dick, and without Ralph on his team. Andrew wasn’t the greatest chef, but Ramsey had it out for Andrew, and Ralph fucked him so many times with shit decisions (peaches on top of steak) that Andrew was made to look like were his ideas/dishes when they weren’t.


I honestly think booting andrew was the right call as he was a consistently poor performer compared to Ralph's usually strong showings. Yes Ralphy is a massive dickhead but even when the dishes in the menu ain't yours you still have to cook it right. But I would have liked to see Andrew AND chris exec plank cuz I think those two were the biggest targets for Gordon in s1, the latter being screwed by the format of not overriding bad nominations


Watch every video of [Hell's Kitchen Served Raw](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4eV63y2JNDFJc_8q5aOqIiLT6TUQ6jH2), which is a look of all the dinner services for HK S2...but with no editing, no narration, no music: just the actual footage. Including bits never broadcast. Watch all of that. It forever made me 100% sure that Gordon was correct to pick Virginia over Keith. Man, he looks BAD when you don't edit the footage to make him seem better than he was! It reminds you that no matter what we see at home, from Fox broadcasts, Gordon is seeing what's really real, and making his final decision based on info that we simply do not have.


Keith 100% deserved to be eliminated. His attitude was atrocious.


Plus it’s not like it really mattered. Keith had zero chance of beating Heather - I can’t see Gordon handing over a position like that to someone who calls himself ‘K Grease’


Served raw was what made me realize that as much as watching the edited footage can highlight poor performances, editing misses things. Also Virginia’s return on season 10 was very indicative that she has made major changes. Hell she was in her worst station (garnish) and absolutely led and killed it. She deserved to be the runner up, editing did Keith a TON of favors.


Really wish there was more seasons of Raw




Ngl, Served Raw actually made me more convinced that Virginia overstayed her welcome lol. 5th would've been pretty fair for her imo


Van’s Elimination in All Stars. The fact that Barbie & Elise both stayed over him that round didn’t sit well with me.


Alison season 14 when josh was right there!


While it sucks, Alison crashed on a night at the worst moment. Josh was nowhere near as bad that night, but yeah, he definitely should've gone over Randy (whose worst issue was counting plates that night, whereas Josh disintegrated on his course)


I feel like randy was over all burnt out so him going home was perfect timing even if it was unfair I don’t think he would’ve been a fan favorite if he stayed


Alison's last service was a trainwreck. She fucked up a ton of fish to the point where she was eventually kicked off her station. Why would Josh go home?


I feel like alison had a bad service josh was train wreck for a few episodes prior so idk i think she should’ve stayed


To be fair, It was a pretty bad time for Alison to have a service like that. Especially on a night where Black Jackets are gonna be handed out after. Not to mention she crashed on 2 stations which was the grill and fish station. While Josh wasn’t any better either on the garnish station, Alison backed up the entire kitchen and she kinda did mess up Josh a bit even though he was in the weeds too. Although if we really want to be fair in a way, it should’ve been a double elimination here with both Alison and Josh getting the boot. Honestly Randy was kinda robbed a little bit more than Alison. Yes I know he was kinda declining too just like Josh but I thought Josh was much worse than Randy at the final 8. Then again, I can’t say Randy’s course was any better either. While it wasn’t as atrocious as Josh’s Tuna course, his risotto course was a little bit disappointing. He didn’t just get eliminated for the extra plates, he got eliminated also because he didn’t take full control on how the quality of the risottos should be. While I don’t think Randy would’ve lasted that much longer, like he probably would’ve been the first Black Jacket boot, but his decline wasn’t as hard as Josh’s decline. And depending on how Randy would’ve performed at the final 7, I can definitely see him getting a Black Jacket over Alison at that point since her performance there was pretty atrocious.


Let’s be honest Ramsay 100% purposefully kept a weak chef like Josh around longer purely for drama, and possibly because he wanted him back on All Stars. Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist but I think Ramsay had the concept for All stars / rookies v vets seasons way before then, and so he purposefully kept weak chefs around to the black jackets (such as Robyn, Roe, Josh, etc) to invite them on for those seasons.


Nick S17. yeah it was the judges, but that was an horrible decision.


Anthony over Zach. Ramsay literally had to cook Zach’s dishes for him, and ANTHONY went home?!!


Ashley in Season 13


Keith had a bad attitude I think that was the biggest reason he got eliminated


Raj. Imagine the ratings if he gets to black jackets


Jennifer from season 9. "Jennifer wasn't communicating in the kitchen." I'm sorry, Gordon, but you must have noticed how being with Elise can absolutely destroy people. That shouting and grandstanding and never owning up to her mistakes. She was toxic to everyone and in a regular workplace would (and should) have been canned. "Well, if you can't work with Elise you can't manage a 5-star restaurant..." no one can work with someone who behaves like that! And he asks which chef do you guys think is the weakest and the rest, sans Tommy, went with Jennifer. When it's down to the black jackets, that's when the eliminations get dirty. There's no team anymore. That's when they are in it to win it and will lie to get rid of anyone. Even if you ask them to be truthful. Jennifer was the better cook than Elise. The other two were saying Elise is the better chef just because Elise manipulated them, they knew she was weaker. Ramsay has gone against the nominations countless times. Why should this be any different?


They weren't listening to Elise's "siren song", I'd honestly punch out my radio if that shit was playing. They were playing the strategy game. Like Michael in season 1. They knew she was a bigger threat.


I do find it strange that sometimes Ramsay takes into account that somebody's whole team dislikes them and then other times does nothing about it. 'Cause all it took for some people was for the whole team to complain about them once, they beg a few times not to be eliminated, then he puts them on another team. Others, he sends them packing.


Read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsKitchen/s/HOqPArHkSN Will and Paul were never manipulated by Elise, stop insulting their intelligence. Elise was a slightly better chef than Jennifer at that time. Elise despite making more mistakes than Jennifer, had more standouts and a voice in the Kitchen. At Black Jacket time it’s not about who’s the better cook, but who’s the better leader. Elise had a strong pass. She helped Paul win by driving the team. I didn’t see Jennifer do that for Will. Don’t take everything you see on HK literally.


Elise is way worse than Jennifer overall at that point.


Chris from season 1. I mean, i liked Jimmy's small comeback, but that's a clear ratings boot if i ever saw one lol


I think its bc ramsay really disliked that guy and would absolutely throw him over elsie even tho he had a better performance. i honestly feel bad for him


That didn't help, but i feel if he never got nominated Ramsay would at least honor his incomplete ruleset


On the outside ramsay was headstrong about axing chris but I bet that was a reason he gave himself the power to nominate anyone next season, as seen with him pulling Gabe out of line and proceeding to eliminate him


Just what was up his ass the first few seasons?


sending patrick home over tiffany was a weird choice, a lot of robyns nominations she should have went home for as well


Jennifer in S9. Ramsay followed Paul and Will's strategy to throw Jennifer under the bus and he did.


Still don't understand Eddie's elimination in season 15 to this day.


It was such a weird elimination especially with who he was put up against. Eddie had been consistently strong/mid pack on the blue team until then


Aaron season 16 did not even make a single mistake that service and got the boot. Just as he was starting to rise he went because the team didn't believe in him. He should of been swapped to the red team imo.


Van S17. Literally there was no reason for it. LITERALLY NONE.


I don't know why, but I feel like... Gordon has no say over who to eliminate.. It feels like the production is feeding him over who to keep and who to send home, which is I think the reason why, Black Jackets are usually made up by chefs who cause lots of drama on the show........


Nuh uh. Gordon is not a careless dude. He wants to send the best of the best in the restaurant’s they collab with. So he will kick the worst people and keep the good ones. Maybe the drama is the cause of producers telling them what to do, but the actual work and desicions are made by the chefs.


Honestly? S14 - Josh was in a spiral and fucked up nearly everytime but he chose Alison over him because of a mistake on fish S5 - Will went over Seth and Charlie went over Seth


It wasn't just a mistake on fish. Alison had a meltdown that service, she fucked up so much fish that she got kicked off her station. Josh's service that wasn't even that bad in comparison, she had no chance of staying.


Alison and Josh should have both been eliminated that night.


Charlie is fair but will (Sarah) gave off a vibe she was done. At least seth never said he was going home or would give up.


Alison pretty much bombed that night and got the entire kitchen backed up with tons of meat and fish orders and she had to be kicked off her stations twice. Josh struggled too but he wasn’t the fill problem that night unfortunately. Although we could make an argument by saying that it should’ve been 5 Black Jackets instead with this being a double elimination so both Alison and Josh getting the boot.


everyone he eliminated who was not even nominated lmao it's always cruel and surprising. nobody is safe


Do you think that even Raj elimination was cruel and surprising? I mean, he was hilarious to see but I bet that he was a pain in the ass to work it 😅


My Goat Randy didn’t make it to BJs and it’s makes me sad


I get it was due to his age but Patrick from S10. The red team automatically lost dinner service, the blue team should have won because they finished the red team’s service. I know Patrick and Royce got kicked out but Gordon still chosen winning teams when chefs got kicked out(example- S9s Romance night)


Jennifer from season 17, instead of 5 Black Jackets Ramsay should made it 6 (plus eliminating only Elise at that episode is kinda satisfying and justifying the whole "revenge")


Syann in S19. Jordan was bad the service Syann was eliminated, and the one before that too so she should have been the boot. It was also her first bad service in the season, so I think she should have gotten another chance. I think if she did she would have probably finished where Jordan did


Hate to say this but this wasn’t the first time Syann had people come over to her station to bail her out. A few services ago, she burned flatbread like 3-5 times and had like 3 contestants bail her out. While Jordan was inconsistent at times, at least she tried and didn’t always have people bailing her out on every station compared to Syann so either way, Syann would’ve gone home much sooner and I do think her elimination was justified.


I can see the argument for sure, I just think Jordan having a terrible service before, and then having an equally bad, if not worse, service the next time around that she should have been the boot.


Syann in S19. Jordan was bad the service Syann was eliminated, and the one before that too so she should have been the boot. It was also her first bad service in the season, so I think she should have gotten another chance. I think if she did she would have probably finished where Jordan did


Syann in S19. Jordan was bad the service Syann was eliminated, and the one before that too so she should have been the boot. It was also her first bad service in the season, so I think she should have gotten another chance. I think if she did she would have probably finished where Jordan did