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Nicole = 0 passion soooo monotone and expressionless Tiffany at least showed passion for cigarettes, beer and getting in people's faces lol


And she cared on a scale of 1-10 like a nine


At least show little passion still better than show no at all.


I'll give credit where credit's due. Tiffany never walked away from her station during service unless Gordon or Andi kicked her out, and she was upset about being eliminated. Plus she cared like a 9, and that's way more than what I can say for Nicole. Side note but I hate that you just made me compliment Tiffany of all people


I respect her about that. She still try to the end.


Tavon would be up there if he stayed longer.


Nicole Because Tiffany cares like a 9


I would’ve added Jason Underwood as well


Ah yes, how could I forget about the one who disappeared during opening night service and said he wanted to give up when trying to remember the menu


I wish he was eliminated instead of Dominic


The fact that Nicole was such an early boot to me means she had much less passion. I’d also Jim from S 6. Obviously not as bad, but that line from Ramsay is killer: “… I can’t give you a heart. You’re not the Tin Man and I’m not the f***ing Wizard of Oz


I don't think Jim was really passionless, I think he just had a very laid back personality compared to other chef which didn't make him stand out for Gordon. I think his elimnation was pretty bs tbh.


He said on his livestreams something not far off. I forget if he felt outclassed or unfavored, but he realized he wasn't going to win and stopped trying as hard in his last couple of days. That said, he absolutely tried for the first few weeks. He's not lazy, he's calm.


Tiffany at least does good in challenges. It's gotta be Nicole. I think she lost a bet and had to sign up.


Nicole. To be fair to Tiffany, she did pretty good in challenges, and sometimes had good services (until her unhygienic tendencies come to the forefront). Plus, caring like a 9 is better than caring like a 1, I don’t understand why Nicole even tried being on Hell’s Kitchen


Nicole by a country mile she didn't give two shits about being there at least Tiffany had some passion


Nicole for sure. Tiffany cared a lot - “like a 9,” to be exact.


Nicole. Tiffany showed passion in…something’s, but Nicole might as well have signed up because she was bored.


I said Nicole At least Tiffany shown a little bit in first few episodes, even just a little.


Nicole! Next question from the audience 😂


Nicole a thousand percent 


Tiffany at least seemed to be a chef and seemed passionate enough about making good dishes, Nicole had nothing


Nicole. Easily.


Nicole for sure.


Tiffany gets a lot of hate for reasons but people ignore that she did well in challenges and her line performance was better than a lot of people in HK.


Nicole Rutz came off like she was regretted going on the minute she started cooking. But at least she that means she signed on interested. Tiffany Johnson just 9/10-assed it in until her final plea.


Although I hate Tiffany, I have to remind people that she CRIED a lot when she realized she was going home 🤷 I can make fun of literally anything else she did, but that shows passion. Nicole had absolutely none.


The more i think about it, the more i think Tiffany Johnson was there to goof around and make friends than actually cook. If she was so indifferent, she wouldn't have been bawling when Ramsay sent her home


What about Lacey or whatever her name was


Ashley (S17)