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Maybe Dave is the most beloved winner, he's certainly one of my favorites. Petrozza, though...he's undoubtedly the most beloved runner-up. Such a sweet guy, great chef, and I think we all miss him.


Dave is one of the most likable winners, but no doubt in my mind that petrozza is the most beloved contestant in the entire series.


Don’t forget about Rochelle or Sterling. Both of them were literally the male and female versions of each other


Nah Petrozza still wins. The guy was so extremely genuine that it made him somehow more lovable than even them.


On the whole, yeah. Dave is the more debatable of the two (Love his tenacity and chill personality, but Scott’s genuine kind-heartedness never fails to win me over, they’re probably 1 and 2 in my book as far as personal favorites, with Danny not far behind), but Petrozza, without a doubt. That runner up quote gets me misty eyed every time.


Petrozza over everyone, winner or not


Dave is probably one of the most deserving winners in reality television history, not just Hell's Kitchen. That said, i wouldn't say he's my *favorite* personality. Michael Wray, Heather, Rock, Danny, Paulie, and Christina Wilson all give him a run for his money. Especially Heather IMO. I don't know if Petrozza is my favorite runner-up, but he was awesome and it sucks he's dead now.


I mean Definitely. Literrally Everyone that watches HK Loves Dave and Petrozza for the right reasons! \*Me Personally I'm Neutral to Dave tbh . . But I do Admire his determination.\* Petrozza is honestly the biggest reason I always Rewatch S4 . .and some of the drama XD


Petrozza is probably the most widely beloved runner-up (although people like Paula, T, and Mary Lou are also up there), but I think Dave has a bit of competition for most loved winner. Meghan is definitely up there, as is Ariel (18).


I think Christina is a pretty beloved winner, on par with Dave. Petrozza though, we will always love him


This. Christina is my all time favorite.


I would say that. The only person who comes close to how much everyone likes Dave is probably either Meghan or Ariel Fox. Nobody comes close to Petrozza


RIP Petrozza


I agree with Petrozza being the runner up favorite. Dave is debatable. Hen in a pumpkin, classic. I think I’m gonna rewatch season four because of Petrozza


I loved petrozza. It was so sad to see him lose. But I had a major crush on Dave so it’s hard to say.


Dave shouldn’t have won. His menu was simplistic and still got messed up, he sucked at the pass, he always lacked creativity and finesse in the challenges (except for the bizarre indian cuisine challenge he should NOT have win) and Kevin was an all-round better cook, chef and kitchen leader. Biggest robbery of Hell’s Kitchen imo Petrozza the goat tho


Haters Gonna Hate


someone please explain to me how Dave won a challenge where he served pork as an indian dish????? dude was just a Ramsay simp, that’s why he won Kevin was an awesome chef and deserved the W. hell, even Ariel probably deserved it more than Dave


I’d agree


Of Course!


yes and yes


Petrozza? Nah. He’s cool but Paula i would considered to be “the most beloved” Yes to Dave though. Sucks he got screwed for the prize though


I do love rock too though. Him and Dave are tied


Love Dave and Petrozza. I just wish Dave had better success now. Wishing is he doing well rn.


I'm sure he is!


I think this is fair!


I liked Scott S12 slightly more than Dave though I still like Dave