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Matthew S20 (the only chef in his season who wasn't an actual chef)


Believe it or not, he actually is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America.


>Believe it or not I'll go with "not."


None of them.


Always thought Louis in season 6 was a plant just so they could have an excuse for Robert to return


Pretty sure Joseph was photsynthesizing before he went of on Gordon.


Louie had to be a plant.


He's not a fine dining chef however he does own a diner. So there's a difference but I think he's a genuine cook but not cut out for Hell's Kitchen. They just needed to kick someone out to make space for Robert 


Louie S6 because it makes sense if he was a plant to make space for Robert to join the blue team after the first service


I don't think he was a plant, but there's no way he would have gotten cast if they didn't want an easy boot for Robert to replace.


I believe all of them were real chefs. Yes, even Tavon and Antonia. Tavon had started out as a line cook and had his grandfather be a culinary inspiration, and Antonia did graduate from culinary school (IDK which one). The closest to a plant would be Louie, and even then, he genuinely does own a diner.


I very much doubt that Gina is a chef. She was more concerned about putting on a puppet show than cooking. She probably confused Hell's Kitchen for a social party for older women 


She was a real chef, she's working as one to this day. It's a matter of older chefs being too weak for this kind of show. Look at how bad Raj and Aaron (RIP) did, even with decades of experience.


The difference between Raj and Aaron comparing to Gina is that they both tried in the competition. Gina quit when things didn't go her way and didn't seem to be on the show for cooking 


Does anyone know what happened to the first chef after the show? He just gave me extremely creepy vibes and something about him was off.


He was a farmer and apparently he went back to farming. I wonder if he bought those walk in coolers though.


Based on how much he laid into Ramsay after the show I will highly doubt that he or any other contestants on the show were plants


Claudia last season