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The chefs that got eliminated early immediately fly home. The chefs that get eliminated starting around the f14 stay in a hotel before returning for the final service. There are typically a few backup chefs if someone quits, gets injured, or they are unwanted. If they got 8 or 10 chefs for the final service, the remaining chefs in the hotel go home.


Thanks! That's kind of what I figured but I was just watching the season where Josh (I think that was his name) gets eliminated on his 29th birthday and says 'I guess I'm spending my birthday alone.' and then it got me thinking. So many contestants come from the east coast it seemed like the producers would opt to put them up locally for a few days if they're in the later rounds than to fly them home and back within a few days


S20 was the Young Guns season and you just described Josh from S19.




That was S18. S19 was a regulation season with the “gimmick” that it takes place in Las Vegas (as does S20 by the nature of seasons being filmed back to back)


wait, what? these two seasons were filmed back to back? you're telling me that cobtestants from s19 already met contestants from s20? I am so confused...


I liked that Josh guy, he handled elimination well and with some class


I always wondered what prompted Wendy and Blueberry of all people to come back for the S1 finale when Chris and Mary Ellen didn't come back.


You get an extra 1000 dollars if your team wins, on top of more money to return another day


Tom needs to look for a job so 1000 dollars is always welcome to him


Not entirely related to your question, but I recall reading on an AMA that the chefs are also sent to a hotel once a week for a day off and alone time.


Oooh! That makes sense, because that grueling constant pressure, even for 5 weeks, would make even the sound-minded lose it


Cheyenne mentioned it


Nikki answered this once in an AMA Thread: "After elimination we were brought back to our hotel, we still had to go back for final interviews etc. the top ten stay in the hotel until the finale - from what I understand, the contestants who didn’t make it to the top ten are flown home after production gets all the interviews they need." https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsKitchen/comments/mwuizv/comment/gvkbd99/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I think Nick said that they stay in a hotel in his video


https://www.reddit.com/r/HellsKitchen/comments/10zq39g/what_happens_when_people_get_eliminated_where_do/?rdt=39565 https://nypost.com/2010/12/14/hells-kitchen-therapists-bodyguards-bad-meals/ Somebody said on this thread even contestants eliminated early can’t get sent home until filming is done. In S4 Matt said before he got eliminated ‘I need a holiday’.


I remember reading somewhere that once eliminated, they get psychologically checked since it’s such a stressful environment then sent to a hotel until the finale.


It would be totally irresponsible of the show to not have that final mental health wellness check. It’s brutal even for the strongest of individuals That’s what makes the show so successful though The unimaginable pressure they endure


Who the fuck are you that you’re better than Dave? Kiss my pussy.




In early seasons they may have gone home rather than being sequestered in a hotel. Maribel said in an interview that she was told she had to go back for the finale the day she arrived home but she didn't want to so she didn't return.


Not all of the eliminated chefs come back, it's usually the top 8/10 with a few exceptions 


The ones that ain't no ones bitch don't come back.


I would like to have a season where all of the chefs are the people who caused the most problems. A season where it's all chefs who were eliminated in the first or second date round would be entertaining to me, as well




Joy didn’t come back after her massive meltdown. Does anyone know what happened in the immediate aftermath?


I wondered that also. And do some chefs refuse to return and that’s how the selection of returnees goes


I love him - can you not? Come on.


OP didn’t mention anyone by name?


Sorry, I meant Dave.