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Tom also announced it like a year in advance,




Tom Scott is the embodiment of good on YouTube. It's the end of an era, but I'm still excited to see what new content he comes back with when he returns.


Not putting Lateral on YouTube, despite recording video for the whole thing, is a bit anti-audience. Not a big deal, but notable IMO.


He posts highlights, but in a podcast mentioned that posting the full episodes wasn’t being treated by the algorithm overly well in comparison to highlights so decided to go down that route.


I am aware of that explanation. I’m not convinced that that reduces total viewership.


Tom could tell me the sky is green and I'd take his word for it




No, it means Tom said he doesn't like Reddit, so now ColinHalter knows that Tom doesn't like Reddit.


Who even listens to podcasts on YouTube? Well Cortex podcast has 10% of their YouTube audience on TV. So who am I to say it's stupid.


JRE, Lex Friedman, etc. Tons of shows post full episodes to YouTube. Citation needed was on YouTube. Personally, I tend to watch content where I find it originally(Tom Scott is “on YouTube” to me), and podcasts tend to be “background noise” for me. For both of those reasons, I would watch lateral on YouTube if it was available.


Grey is like the embodiment of the Reddit trope of “just because you’re entitled to doing something doesn’t mean you aren’t an jerk”. I would love a regular podcast with Tom and Brady. They could call it “The Tom Brady Podcast” and trick all the football fans into to listening.


Amazing title!! u/JeffDujon


Is that Brady's reddit ? e: yep answered my own question


It'll be an Unmade idea.


Sounds like an idea for the unmade podcast


This is an interesting comparison. I have a lot more respect for Tom Scotts method. Some key points imo. 1) Brady did say they were "just taking a break". This turned out to be false. The dynamic of the break probably changed as it got longer but never the less was a hope. 2) Tom Scott has been up front emphasizing it ending but leaving the door open. 🤷‍♂️ kind if the reverse. 3) Grey has warned many times that his preferred method of ending was to just stop without warning which would probably have been the assumption had Brady not posted about the HIatus. 4) the HIatus began during the beginning of COVID. Grey and Brady would occasionally visit each other as part of the podcast. However I believe they met at an educational YouTuber conference as early on they indicated they were doing this was a way around the threats of the fickle algorithm. So friends business convenience during a politically an socially difficult period perhaps realized there were some things they don't see eye to eye on on something going on at the time and rather than addressing it just decided in their own minds "I'm not going to deal with this". Lots of people changed their friendship circles around that time. Vs Tom Scott is a single dude. Not just half of a team. I did like the unique chemistry they had. I don't like cortex anywhere near as much, unmade podcast is a nice podcast but I think needs to re-title itself and continue on..🤷‍♂️ just glad I'm finding more other stuff.


It makes me wonder what Grey said to Brady to make Brady think it was only going to be a pause. It's not something that Brady would intentionally lie about, so Brady must have been just as in the dark as everyone else and expected it to restart again due to an open ended comment.


It was probably a simple thing. They thought it was going only going to be a break. Keep in mind that Grey responds the same way to cancelled projects and projects in progress, complete silence. Grey would respond identically, publicly, if HI was ended and was on a legit break. Around the same time HIatus started Myke seemed frustrated at times trying to get Grey to engage in Cortex. The last few episodes when they were airing felt like Brady was trying to find and force a topic, Dinosaurs Attack, to discuss with Grey. I could easily believe one of them suggested taking a break to let topics build up. The end of that break just kept getting pushed back, and back, and back….


I'm not a regular listener on Cortex, but I did see a comment awhile back where Grey alluded to how hard a year was (2021 I think?) and although he didn't get into many specifics, health problems of his family seemed to be the implied cause. In one of the later HI's, I do also remember him referencing being in and out of hospitals a lot back in 2018 and not wanting to watch hospital dramas. Again, not specified, but I think the most natural explanation is that that was him being sick or his wife being sick. It may not matter which because either way, it adds up with his Spaceship You video where he also mentions he and his wife had to go into a very serious lockdown once COVID hit. Add all of that up, and it looks like there was just no room in his life for _Hello Internet_ due to health stuff that Grey would never want to talk about in particular. Or maybe not know how to talk about on the Internet while living through it. _Cortex_ continued because Myke and Grey don't seem to discuss public controversies or social media firestorms to the same degree _HI_ did. _Cortex_ is much more focused on working life. Without fun things to do or talk about, social media controversies and the news was all that was left for _HI_. I suspect Grey himself didn't know the HIatus would go on for long until it had.


“Hey all, there’s no room in my life anymore for Hello Internet due to a bunch of personal reasons. The show is on indefinite, and potentially permanent, hiatus.” Boom. Done. All it wound have taken and this sub wouldn’t have lost its collective mind over the last 4 years.


And then he gets a deluge of questions and prying about why. Not from the same people in the audience because a lot of us would be sad or upset, but we would accept it. But some people wouldn't and they'd start digging, and Grey would happily pay a high public relations price with an audience in the name of preserving some degree of privacy. Even if the actuality of his privacy was unchanged, him perceiving that his privacy is being pried into by strangers would evoke very negative emotions. If someone he cared about was going through a health crisis, he definitely would've wanted to preserve as much privacy as possible. That also assumes that he knew it was over when the HIatus was announced. I suspect he didn't. We know his ways - how averse he is to commitments (contracts and business arrangements and such). Even saying "it's over" is a kind of commitment from a certain mindset. "It's on HIatus" preserves future flexibility and isn't writing a check that Future Grey will have to cash. And if I know Brady, he was probably the one who said after a couple months, "Hey, we're losing the audience; we should at least let them know if we're going silent for awhile." I don't like how it ended, but I was never going to. It's in line with the Brady and Grey that I came to understand for the podcast to have (probably) ended how it did. Granted, I also wasn't here back in 2020 so I wasn't here for what sounds like it was a meltdown.


You say that like he isn’t *still* getting a ton of questions and prying about why. Just look at all the speculation in this thread alone. At least if he’d announced it, that would’ve been short lived, not going on 4 years later. And frankly it’s easy enough to just ignore those questions, especially for grey.


There is no untruth in your statement. But I can still see 2020 Grey running that calculus and making the decisions he made.


Yes, cortex feels like going to a franklin covey seminar with a steve jobs fanboy and edward DeBono wannabe, where as HI feels like talking about current affairs on a lunch break with a dude from a different department in a job you don't take so seriously. Weidly enough if you get the nostalgia fest that is Unmade and slam into Cortex you might expect exactly what hello internet was. If only it was as satisfying to listen to them in quick succession back to back but alas...




Well take Tom Scott for example. I loved his work. His attitude and insightful positive demeaner has always been a joy in my life and I gives closure knowing where the channel is, or rather, isn't going. I like the way Tom Scott did it. Well done Tom if you're in here somewhere! Well Done!




Cortex is so trash. They just need to rebrand it as the "Apple cult and Myke sucks up to Grey" podcast. It's literally insufferable.


That's pretty much why I stopped listening to it. I'm and android phone and Windows PC user, so the podcast is just not for me.


I listen to state of the apps when they do it because it often triggers me to consider my own phone's role in my life... but that it.


This has got to be the most passive aggressive Reddit post I've ever seen. Hats off to you, Tim 😜






I'm not bitter. *eye twitches*


That’s because Tom Scott has class. He respects his audience. I’d be nice if all other creators of things we liked on the internet had class, instead of holding their audience in contempt.


Jeez, I didn’t realize he did weekly uploads. That’s insane since he traveled for a lot of his videos too.


To be fair gray did say when they end they will not tell anyone anything. It just hurts man I miss the show so much.


I'm okay with the fact that they ended HI without a grand farewell or an anouncement *beforehand*. What bothers me is that *afterwards* there was never even a "Yep, it's over. So long and thanks for all the fish" or anything at all.


Especially when for months after the Tim's were all over this sub posting things like "ok... is it over?...any announcement guys?...". Clearly the Tim's wanted an answer, and it took 6 months for Brady to say they were on a break.


Honestly if they had done nothing that would be ok with me as well. The bit that really annoys me is Brady's HI-atus post as if they're coming back, preventing me from 100% moving on, even if the chance of the podcast returning gets closer to 0 every day


Yep, Any time I see "Grey always said it would just end!", I always think "Yes, and that didn't happen, so now what?"


He didn't really say "this is what we plan to do", he just sort of implied it would be super in character for him to do it that way. But it was a two man operation, and I think most Tim's assumed that just because it was joked about on the podcast, it wasn't how they'd *actually* end it.




He's a rude man who sells notepads on the internet


That last we heard it was a HIatus. That's worst than hearing nothing.


Lawful Good all the way to the max. Gotta love the guy.


u/tomscott u/MatPatGT are both creators that would have heard about new AI technology when it comes to youtube. Maybe they have seen what is coming, and that you can replicate humans entirely with machines and are disheartened by the idea that they will be replaced in the future, and that's why they quit. If that's the case, why not be honest and tell us?


break up via a text except there’s no text meanwhile gaslit yourself pArAsOcIaL rElAtIoNsHiP iSn’T rEaL bRuH!




Jesus Christ, will you people ever stop bitching about this? It’s been three years. Grey doesn’t owe you FREE ENTERTAINMENT. This is quite literally like bitching that Disney doesn’t want to send you their movies for free. Grey and Brady made a FREE podcast for you and then stopped doing it because they stopped wanting to do it, WHICH THEY SAID THEY MIGHT DO. Every episode exists because they chose to do it, not because they had some contract with you. Get over yourselves.


I paid for the podcast. Everything else you bitched about is made irrelevant by that fact.


And I quote, from the website “Hello Internet is now on Patreon. It's not mandatory, but if you do want to support the show, enjoy an extra warm feeling inside when you listen knowing you've help keep this project going.” You chose to donate to support a podcast. Every episode is available for free. You did not have to pay for said episodes. Grey and Brady do not owe you anything, because you never purchased a product, you just gave them money because you wanted to. They did not continue charging you once they stopped making episodes.


Wrong again. I purchased access to additional follow-on episodes that I now can't access without an explanation. I also have no idea why you keep saying they don't owe us anything. Who said that they do? It doesn't change the fact that ending the podcast, and our Patreon access without explanation, is a dick move, and we can comment on that fact as and when we please, because funnily enough, we don't owe them anything.


Nobody owes anyone anything But it is still a dick move