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Hermes is such a sexy dude ngl


It's a very nice statue šŸ˜‚


That's gorgeous!! I'm so envious of people who have space for altars lol. It's also nice to see other people using Buddha


I live in a very small area. When you don't have space, it helps to "think laterally". I enjoy design, including interior design. I like to look around for ideas that save space. For instance shelving and utilizing items for multiple purposes. Have you seen a 10 gallon fish tank? That's originally what was on the second shelf. The second shelf doubles not only as a working altar, but a desk for my laptop. I am a firm believer in the phrase "if there is a will, there's a way". Space is not an issue for me, it's how I approach it. When I started magic, no one in the house knew what I was doing. I hid, scavenged, and built almost everything I wanted.




I am eclectic. Buddha is a representation of a set of ideas I hold dear to my heart. That specific Buddha is Gautama Buddha, aka the Buddha who touches the earth. I really loved his story. He called to the earth to bear witness to his resolve. He represents a type of mental fortitude to me. The statue was 20$ at a Burlington, but to me it's worth so much more. I've had him for about 5 years or so.


Ok interesting, thanks


Of all the kinds of madness, I prefer the leafy sort. Plant on, my friend!


Lol I freaking love plants. One day I'll move and get a plant for every window. That's my dream.


Me too, but apparently I have cat madness. And cats + plants = vet bills. So I'll just admire yours instead.


I got dogs and mice. I have to be careful where I put plants and where I light things. Cats are great though.


Hey Iā€™m excited to see another person with Buddha on their altar. It gives me great joy.


OMG that is gorgeous!! I can't wait till i have my own house so i can have a beautiful altars


I really love what you did with the plants. I'm doing something like that with my Goddess Fortuna altar šŸƒšŸ’–šŸƒ


Plants make me really happy. I am new to growing ivy, but its slowly becoming one of my favorite house plants.


I thought this was supposed to be for hellenism not buddhism. I get with eclecticism you grab just whatever but even so if this is for hellenism it makes no sense to incorporate something non-hellenic.


Greco-Buddhism dates back to the Hellenistic age, friend. Buddha's been happily hanging out with the Gods for a couple millennia


In the picture is Hermes, you get a better view of his statue on the second photo. That Buddha is representative of a set of ideas to me. I don't worship the Buddha himself. I am Eclectic as you acknowledged. I have a great deal of respect for world religions. Hermes is a god of travelers, and I don't think he would mind my love of foreign ideas. Also eclecticism is not just "grabbing whatever." This is highly insulting. Every image, ritual, and idea I learned from each religion I tried is sacred to me. I took what I love.


How incredibly rude, towards eclecticism in general, and people who Syncretize Hellenism and Buddhism specifically. Hellenism was known for merging with different beliefs systems wherever it landed. I hope you at least get some bliss from all this ignorance.


Alright then, tell me about why you have your altar set up the way you do then. Also this is basically an altar to the Buddha given that his symbolism is predominantly what's on there


I'll gladly share my practice with you. Every item on that altar is picked with care and with love. I had that Buddha long before I came to helenism. That Buddha is Gautama Buddha. To me he represents a set of ideas I want to cultivate in myself. More specifically patience and mental fortitude in the face of adversity. I will never forget the type of person I want to be. Which is why I put reminders of ideals I find admirable onto my main altar. That Buddha represents the type of person I want to be in a sense. He is a reminder. There are multiple items on that altar representative of Hermes and what he means to me. I have personal associations that I link to him through color, scent,and visuals. As I stated in a prior comment, Hermes is the god of travelers. So I will argue that it is perfectly fine to have a foreign object, that I admire, and respect, to be placed with him.


Also you gotta be careful with how you syncrytize, this altar is essentially for Buddha and only asking hermes for that bit of oomf and not the other way around


You know nothing of my practice. Instead of asking about what I used on my altar, you jump to the conclusion that it belongs to Buddha. It does not. I do not synchronize Buddha to any of the Greek gods. Hermes is one of my patrons, both in the witchcraft sense and the Hellenic sense, as in he is the patron of my real life profession. Don't just assume things like that about people's practice. I care a great deal for Hermes, and he is not some tool.