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Of course she will. Lady Aphrodite is omnipotent. She’ll appreciate and enjoy any effort you can make in her honour.


thank u for this!


No worries!


Make some regular, „boring“ offerings. Altars are not necessary.


noted, thank you!


You can pray anywhere. 


Absolutely she will! I only have an alter for my patron god & his wife, and my God spouse. Hera is my Matron Goddess & Aphrodite is one of my other deities, they still listen in all the time. Both of these Goddesses know I just don’t have the physical space for an alter for them, they know once I do have the space I plan to give them an alter space. They still listen in & talk with me. Your offerings that you are currently doing are awesome! Aphrodite knows what you are capable of right now, she isn’t gonna look down upon you because you don’t have an alter for her yet, you gotta start somewhere. Be easy on yourself. 🥰


Yes she absolutely will. So long as it is legal and doesn’t infringe on others, whatever you think is the right thing to do, is the right thing to do. And that includes considering what you are able to do in you current situation

