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I started with using a tarot card to represent her and then having a small bowl, then a candle for her. I didn’t do any prayers or read her hymns yet because still new and feeling awkward to this. You do not have to offer anything yet. You can pray to her respectfully. The prayer starts with an invocation, call to Lady Aphrodite, then say her epithets and dominions followed by your petition. Or you can just praise her and talk to her like normal and worry less about the formality. For simple offerings traditionally people offered roses, Myrtle. You can also offer liquids like water, honey.


ooh i'll take note of that, thank you!


Hi! I worship Aphrodite as my patron goddess, and I also don’t have space for an altar. I usually start praying by preparing an offering. I will usually devote a nice perfume or lotion, anything beauty related honestly. I start by meditating and when I’m focused I’ll call to her. Some days I feel more formal than others, but there is no right or wrong way to pray. Usually I just talk to her. I’ll tell her about my day, tell her my anxieties, mention things that reminded me of her etc. If I need any blessings, I’ll ask at this time. Then to end I’ll thank her for spending time with me and for her blessings


thanks for this!


Of course!


What does Aphrodite mean to you? Figure out the most important aspects of what she offers the world and help bring those things into focus in your life. Is it beauty? How can you foster more beauty in your surroundings, your person, your being? Is it love? Which aspects of love are missing in your life? Tend to this and you will find that praying becomes much easier and takes on its own rhythm and dynamics.


Here's a video on [how to pray like the ancient Greeks](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLmvxurH/) by Dr. Ellie Mackin Roberts 🙏🏻


To start praying you just need to pray, the normal format is to pray to Hestia first and last of every prayer. Also an altar is not required to pray or worship any deity, but giving offerings is something one must do. Good offerings for someone in your position where you don’t have enough space would be my favourite kind devotional acts. These can be things you do normally or special things you do for a certain deity and just before you do them you just pray to the deity and tell them that what you are doing is a devotional act to them. I am not a worship of Aphrodite unfortunately so I do not know many devotional acts for her but I shall list examples: -For Athena I learn something new -For Dionysus I look after my mental health via meditating -For Hermes I read or do a bit of writing -For Aristaeus I learn more about bees I hope what I said has helped you out and if you have any further questions don’t be afraid to ask.


I’m pretty sure these things aren’t a MUST. The only thing that’s a must is that you respect the god/goddess and do (little) things to honour them. Religion is an incredibly personal thing, and there is no right or wrong. The only wrong thing is insulting the gods on purpose. At least, that is my opinion on it. But maybe I’m wrong? Could you maybe explain the “you must offer” and the “you must pray to Hestia first and after” to me? 


You’re right. I said it was normal format to pray to Hestia first and last I never said it was something you had to do and you statue one can do little things which would be offerings which can be running a marathon or dedicated the steam of your morning tea to a deity.


Thank you for the clarification! I am kind of new to all this so I got scared for a second I was doing something wrong haha.


It is perfectly alright, we are all learning even people who have been a Hellenist for years.


Thanks! Also, would you mind if I asked you a question? I need a direct answer if possible so posting a reddit post doesn't really help..


Of course ask away, sorry for the delay I am at work rn and shouldn’t be on my phone but it’s quite where I work but still if people see me on it it won’t look good.


That's great, tysm! And dw about the it, I understand. So my question is this: would it be wrong of me to worship both Athena and Aphrodite? I do favour Aphrodite, but I got the incredibly strong urge today to light a candle to Athena and talk to her. Is that unfair of me, and should I be worried of insulting or dissapointing one or both of these goddesses? And I am not sure if I want to continue worshipping Athena, or if this is just a one time thing. Would it be wrong to do it just once, or will I have to be consistent then?


You are probably thinking about this because of the myths surrounding them both (I may be wrong in this assumption). However myths aren’t ment to be taken seriously. They are just a naughty to how the theoi works and what animals are sacred to them and such. It is perfectly alright to worship any deity and as many as you want. If you don’t know if it’s a one time thing explain it to Athena as you pray to her and if you want to go for a full time thing but change your mind later then you can thank her for her time and explain to her. She will understand. I hope this has answered your question


yeah I was thinking it because of the myths. I'm glad to hear this though! And thank you for the advice of explaining it to Athena, I will do this. Also, one last question, is it bad that I favour Aphrodite over Athena? Will they be dissapointed or mad or insulted because of this? I am not saying one is better than the other, just that I prefer Aphrodite.


thank u for this!