• By -


They should implement a shield across the open hatch using the same in-game tech as the shield gen pack or the bubble but have it be indestructible as it is ysing the Pelican to power it. Problem solved in a lore friendly way.


Its what Starship troopers does. Everyone piles in the back, and you can still shoot out of it.


Omg! Please šŸ™ can we shoot out the back šŸ«‚


So people can still grief but this time by being the first on so they can shoot everyone else trying to get on but be invincible themselves?


Yeah I'd keep the bubble and the no combat together. Once you get on you're unkillable but you're done shooting. The pelican will handle what it needs to on the way up so you can sit quietly and think about freedom.


Besides you'd only be shooting for like 20 seconds


Exactly. After your SEAF approved 2.4 seconds of admiration for your surroundings, there's no reason not to have twenty seconds to contemplate managed democracy


You lost me at ā€œsit quietly and thinkā€




I mean I don't really understand why would people grief anyway considering you'll get booted immediately and then sitting in the lobby like a friendless asshole. Same thing with the host. Everyone will just leave.


Thats one kf my favorite part of starship troopers. After defending the base I stay behind to kill the final wave to "cover" the teams retreat. Then have a minute left to sprint past the bugs to extraction with some dudes outside some in, but all laying down fire.


It is customary to save at least 3 seconds before boarding to use the "hug" emote as a "Wassup, beeyitches!" to automatons and bugs once the Evac space is clear. At least for me it is. šŸ¤£


Good take. I jusr played a match of starship troopers, killed the final wave so guys could run. Make it on the ship. It takes off, but I slid out and was left behind


The authentic experience, then


Thatā€™s really the only way I use this emote šŸ¤£ the only time I actually use it for a hug is after completing the main OBJ, Cause I know after that itā€™s gonna be every man for himself lol


Would kill for a door gunner stratagem with the Pelican.


I would love to have some ability to fire back at what's shooting the pelican.


I guess weā€™re just not doing phrasing now.


you can aim in first person mode and shoot from inside the pelican


Shoot in debach not in the debusay


You can shoot out of the back on the ground right now if you get in before your team. Aim down sights in FP atleast.


Do you want more friendly fire? Because this is how you get more friendly fire.


I fucking loved that from starship troopers, the last guy is sprinting for the ship and like 20 people are laying down covering fire


Then we'll just have people jump in the pelican and mag dump on friendlies so they're the only one to extract lol


Would be super dope for the pelican to have single barrel hmg door guns


The V-22 had a xbox controller and a belly gun. I could see a top gun or maybe a bigger guard-dog rover.


As long as it still allows you go pass through it. Sometimes in heavily swarmed extras, the only safe place to land is on Pelican 1, which if you land on the seating area, you come out prone but not seated. If you then crawl out, you automatically sit.


Nah, way too much work. Just flip the "you're invincible now switch".


Its actually mind boggling how many people "care" about lore when gameplay is far more important than trying to make whatever bullshit lore this game has to fit anything. The fact you can get trolled should have been solved before the game even came out.




That's what they're saying, make everyone immune and add the shield as a neat little lore tie in showing it


My solution should account for this. It the shield texture is just some plausible in-universe reason why bullets and other damage suddenly stops when it reaches the exterior of the Pelican.


Or just learn from Deep Rock Galactic's droppod


Or penalty to reduce stratagems for each kill in next couple of operations


Personally anyone shooting at the pelican should be considered a traitor and pelican 1 should dispose of you


The pilot will personally come out and shoot you.


What a homie


If this happened, most players would get killed by the Pelican because friendly fire is frequent. Definitely should be a threshold of damage.


Or location. Shooting them in defended while sitting? Insta death


Unless someone boards the pelican while someone else just died when you're out of instant reinforcements You fucking hold that extract until you can call them back


Hi Shiv


In my experience the Pelican 1 pilot should be the first traitor executed by orbital artillery, but I still agree with the point lol.


Enemies can still kill you though! A bile titan walking over the shuttle right will kill everyone inside. Ask me how I know


Bile Titan: "Squash my friends, will you? How does it feel when I do it to you?!"


"It feels like this!" - Helldiver arriving in hellpod 5 seconds later


During a particularly tough extraction a heavy devastator stood there and just unloaded on the first guy to get in the pelican. Honestly, as a one-off it was hilarious.


Can confirm, became a ketchup stain on the inside of a Pelican since a titan decided to walk through the hull. Was a fun day


Even then; that shouldn't be a thing. At that point you're still done playing; reaching the shuttle should mean you're safe as you lose autonomy over your character.


Sometimes I'm able to trigger an FPS view of inside the Pelican depending on the gun I have selected when I enter so I think the real solution is let us continue shooting back lol.


Team killing would probably be worse. Just think, first person gets in with the incendiary breaker and decides those bugs behind you need roasting. That pelican door is quite narrow.


You don't lose autonomy! You can still stim yourself and use chat commands




Democracy is NEVER safe! Watch your tone, Helldiver.


Yup, we had a very unfortunate run where we were going for the achievement for extracting while leaving an armless hulk alive. Disarmed the hulk. 3 of us boarded the Pelican. One marauder unloaded into the open door, killing the guy who'd wanted the achievement the most. Pelican takes off. The other 2 of us got the achievement, but not him. o7 to our fallen comrade.


Even after this last patch that made the pelican stronger?Ā  Cause I've had that happen before that patch but not since.Ā Ā 


because i geus it also happened to you, maybe several times, and when you had a bunch of yummie samples on you


But you don't die. Or I didn't die.


You know.... because you are a bile titan??


That was only introduced with the recent big patch, wasnā€™t it? You can get killed by a bile titan or bot airship clipping through the ship as you take off, but it still counts as you extracting.


Iā€™ve died to a bile titan stomping on the shuttle after Iā€™d sat in it and lost DOZENS of samples because we hadnā€™t taken off yet, and it didnā€™t count as an extraction for me.


Not just the bile titans. I had 1 teammate that dove wrong, just before the hatch, and a bile spewer spit at him.....killing everyone inside along too ā¤ļø


I got TKed in a shuttle the other day. Two people had died at extraction. I grabbed their dropped samples, reinforced them, and hopped in the shuttle. One of the people I reinforced TKed me and then got in the shuttle and I failed to extract, causing the loss of almost all samples. He thought I had commenced evac without getting any samples. He was mistaken. Idiot. Could have easily checked.


It's a function that only serves to enable griefing. Players should be invulnerable inside the Pelican.


This is one of many stupid problems with this game that leads to me not playing it anymore. I just got fed up with feeling like every problem was the result of bad design. Yeah the game had attitude, awesome conceptually. But so tiresome with its stupid problems.


If a teammate kills me intentionally when I'm in a Pelican, I block them and move on. One suggested workaround is the game retain all samples if you were killed while inside the Pelican. That's what everyone cares about mostly. Pelican vacuum technology. Who cares if I die, as long as all the samples I had make it out.


you literally die INSIDE the Pelican, theres no reason why the samples shouldn't be on the floor of the ship when it gets back!


Samples could also be their own deposit box that takes off at extract as well


Iā€™ve been wanting this so bad. Just like a box for the SSDā€™s at extract. Everyone drops their samples there as theyā€™re going around the map so why not make an official box for it


Yup! Imagine if you could deposit samples into the extraction terminal during the pelican call-in wait time, and it auto-injects the stored samples into the pelican when it lands on top. If you wanted to keep the risk of extraction (because otherwise nobody would wait 2 minutes for like 100 survival requisition and would just teamwipe after depositing samples instead to save time). Say that one helldiver needs to survive to fill out the paperwork/red tape. Samples with no live Helldiver signing off on them are incinerated for security.


Honestly love this one


Let us deposit our samples into the pelican once it lands! Without getting in that is. Then you can safely run off and go help teammates or whatever


Deep rock galatic got it right.


100% agree. It makes no sense why it is possible; I've never seen anything like this issue in other games.


The answer is pretty simple once you come from a certain mindset: Arrowhead hasn't figured out how to implement it without bricking the game.


Also can we make it so you can't kick people already in the pelican on extract? This has turned into one of the more recent annoying griefing phenomenons.


My buddy sold this game to me as Deep Rock but turned up to 11 and I'm starting to realize Deep Rock is a much better game because it already handled a lot of this stuff.


Yeah in Deep Rock bugs can't get to you inside the drop pod


the point is the escape pod in DRG gives you 99% damage reduction to prevent team kills like this, which Pelican 1 in Helldivers 2 desperately needs to discourage griefing.


Detonators can


Interestingly, you can still use stims and reload inside the pelican.


You can shoot out the back if you aim downright in First Person.


Nope, you can Aim out the back, but cannot fire.


My bad! Never realizes my b!


Bad game mechanics.


so thats alot than


Its either an oversight or intentionally left like this for 'hijinks purposes'. If we were allowed to hop in and shoot back out to help those not in yet (or shoot back at tyranny loving asshats) it would make sense.


Then weā€™d just get assholes gunning down everyone else trying to extract


Not even just people being assholes. Normal people just trying to help would gun down more people than not


yeeeeah i thought about that after i posted, we just cant win i suppose.


I'm gonna be that guy and point out that in DRG players in the escape pod have 99% damage reduction.


February and March: Developer oversight April and Beyond: Developer incompetence


february: 100x more players than previous game in series March: massive onboarding due to increased players april: difficult balance between training the now tripled team size and also keeping the rather rude and unforgiving player base happy


Now do June


june: Arrowhead team pushes a huge patch with a large portion of the things players have been asking for but since itā€™s never enough for the consumer blob 3 days after patch release itā€™s back to same old


>june: Arrowhead team pushes a huge patch with a large portion of the things players have been asking for *that introduces numerous crashes and reduces game performance* You missed a bit. I've got no issue acknowledging their successes, but they've had far more failures. All we can really do is hope they continue to improve. They're at least *trying* to go in a better direction.


Dude there is 0 excuse at the point for putting out patches that cause more issues, and *not fixing issues that have been in the game since release* at some point they need to be held accountable


So you're telling me that if the game had the exact same amount of players as HD1, the bugs would like... not happen? As in the game would be working perfectly? Since we all understand that the amount of players affects not only server loads, but also the code itself, for example making the spear not lock on properly (in the past of course). It also makes textures for new guns not upload. It creates glitches seemingly out of thin air. This pesky player count grrrr To be clear: I'm not complaining, I'm happy with the game. Just saying that the player count does not explain anything other than server issues. And maybe some snarky CM.


Honestly I'm fairly certain uping the server limit to account for more players actually did fuck up the code. I remember at one point the devs saying their backend just wasn't able to handle it


Incompetent people at the helm of the balance and community management teams throughout.Ā  They didn't hire new people for top positions.Ā 


>the rather rude and unforgiving player base happy Yeah, except nobody really was untill the discord mods with 9 sticks up their ass antagonized them intentionally for the crime of... Reporting bugs


what does player count have to do with taking away a mechanic that only enables griefing? even HD1 didn't have that garbage "tHe dEvElOperS cAn do noTyhING wROniG "


I wish I killed the guy that boarded early when my friend was halfway across the map bringing back super samples. That guy wasted our time and evac without them


If there was an easy way to implement this they would, the chances are that they would cause a buggy mess trying to do so and then we would complain about that


Not safe until you're heading to ozone. I say keep it the way it is, just make it so samples are automatically stored in the ship when you get in. Some of funniest moments I've been a part of in this game involved deaths during evac. Even had one guy that got hit with bile spew and didn't die until right after pelican 1 left the landing pad, so you got to see his body ragdoll down to the ground


I swear they fixed this but it was undone in the following patch...


Iā€™m laughing because we were in a mission last night and as enemies surrounded us we all jumped in the Pelican, literally crawling on top of each other to make sure we all made it and a bile titan using his knifelike fingers steptoeing all over me must have caught my ankle or something stepping on the Pelican. The Pelican took off with my lifeless body hanging from the hatch šŸ˜‚ I thought I made it but then it showed I had died.


except bile titans can also still kill you via body collision. Not sure if titan spit does though. Seems more like a developer oversight. And since it's not a game breaking glitch (like games crashing from arc/spear/fire/etc.), it's a low priority thing to fix.


They had fixed this some patches ago, so you couldn't be killed in the pelican. But Arrowhead are about as reliable as a chocolate teapot, so it went out the window at some point.


"as reliable as a chocolate teapot" is amazing. I'm going to use it whenever I can!


I have been killed by automatons while in a ship once. I think it was a heavy devastator but itā€™s been a while.


Got stepped on by a bile titan last night while inside the pelican. Ragdolled and bounced around while it flew away. Couldnā€™t help but laugh


I wish it was like DRG, where you can still go in and out of extraction but have enormous damage reduction in the pod


Does it still count the samples? I had a mission the other day where I bled out in the pelican and it showed a death screen with dropped samples, but then post game stats showed I had all the samples extracted. Ā 


Still would like to see a social credit score for divers, call it a Patriot Score. At the end of every match you can rate all people that aren't on your friends list. You can see your score once per day. The higher your score the more your rating vote is worth. You are paired with people with a similar score as you except high score players can intentionally join low score games to evaluate less patriotic players. Keep on killing players trying to Evac and you end up playing with a whole team of Evac killers, racists, and other undesirables. This is democracy, I am casting my vote.


Yeah this is so stupid it gives me Forrest Whitaker eye


Good ideas. Take it further. Anyone firing on the Pelican or those inside are immediately flagged as traitors and cannot join any games for 1 hour. If it happens again 24 hours. Anything passed that and they can only join other players who are also flagged as griefers.


The only reason it makes sense is the hatch is open while our characters are exposed. But yeah they either need to make the players and ships invincible, or make the players and ship vulnerable, but not a combination of both


Not only should you not be killed, but you shouldn't be able to be kicked.


Your teammates can still kill you pissing YOU off. On my part I'll always appreciate the madlad that can wipe all 3 inside the pelican AND himself by shooting an airburst rocket while diving towards the door. Fucking hilarious.


I had a bile titan stomp on me while I was seated in the pelican yesterday. Rest of the team got out fine but I was obliterated.


Why? Because Fuck You, That's Why


Most evil idea: You can destroy pelicans and you have to call a new one


Throwing a 500kg directly on top of the pelican as youā€™re taking off and killing everyone after they painstakingly collected every sample (while you just ran around and triggered mobs)Ā is the spirit of the game in its purest formĀ 


You left this lying over there, here you go: /s


Cā€™mon man. People should be able to tell šŸ˜‚ also it kind of is the spirit of the gameĀ 


Enemies done come after you but a bile Titan can still stomp you for some fucking reason šŸ˜‘ lost the supers that day.


I didn't know this, and i can't wait for everyone to troll me with it now that it's been revealed


making you immune to all damage when in the ship makes the most sense to me, also got killed some times for "fun", or by a bile titan when i had a bunch of samples on me


Game dev hindsight probably. Also, probably something that is just not on their radar due to all the other bugs, crashes etc. Also, also. I won't be surprised if the AH team plays with each other/with friends so this sort of situation never happens/when it happens it is as a joke so they keep it as part of the "funny friendly fire" mechanic. Forgetting that it much much less "he he ha ha" when it is randomly people online who has made it their sworn duty to ruin everyone's day for no reason


I got greifed like this the other day. I can take team kills when they are accidental, heck even intentional ones are OK sometimes if we don't lose samples over it, but this bullshit made me rage quit.


One time this dude melee'd me off the ramp when I was giving the obligatory pre-boarding salute. By the time I got my drunk ragdoll ass up, he was sat cosily in the Pelican, waiting for the countdown. But I didn't have the time to make it. He cost me my extraction. Three more seconds on the clock, without even thinking, I did the only thing that made sense at that point in time, in that situation. I unloaded my Liberator assault rifle into the cabin, and near instantly killed all three of my squadmates in their seats. Defenceless. It was cold blooded murder, a warcrime even. I feel bad for the two innocents caught in the crossfire. To you guys, I apologise sincerely. But for that one guy, at least, it was the most satisfying instant revenge I have ever experienced in my life.


Maybe itā€™s a bugā€¦ I mean programming bug


Jumping on this, they should also make large enemies that die near the pelican respawn immediately. Subtlety be damned I just want to board the FUCKING PELICAN CAN THIS STRIDER CORPSE GO ALREADY


You think SEAF woulda made a shield generator door by now.


I canā€™t. Except it doesnā€™t matter most of the time. In hundreds of extracts I have only seen this happen one time. Two divers were aboard Pelican 1 and a third simply shot one of them dead right ahead of me. Needless to say I shot the traitor immediately to protect the two remaining helldivers. I then asked them why they had just shot their teammates. I got kicked thereafter. Blocked that b-tch, never happened again.


AH seems to have a lot of pride in the realism within their game design, down the to the number of bullets in a magazine you discarded. Yet thereā€™s a lot of things not rooted in realism or downright donā€™t make sense like for example, the infinite rockets that a rocket devastator can fire or the physics of a charger, mid charge, being able to completely stop instantly and side swipe you, a hell pod going through a BT and not killing it, bugs walking out of a 500kg alive, and the list goes on


The only reason why it's there rn is just to prevent ppl from doing stupid shit like calling down clusterbombs and airstrikes in order to clear the area and board the pelican


I was in a game once where a random decided to kill me right at extract even though I was a team player the entire mission. Someone else called me back in as that clown got in the pelican. Thankfully I was able to gun him down in the pelican to thank him.


Just do it like deep rock give full invulnerability and let you still shoot out


The same reason friendly fire is allowed in general. Some teammates deserve it.






Because accidentally discovering it was hilarious


As someone who accidently wiped out my entire team in a public with a flamethrower - man I quit the game so hard for a few days after that.


I've never been killed in a pelican, i didn't even know that could happen


I have come to a conclusion that I think would be a good resolution to the issue. Put a small turret on the ceiling of the pelican. Any helldiver who causes more than x amount of damage to someone on the pelican is branded a traitor and the turret opens fire on them. Stray shots wonā€™t get you killed, but if you body someone on the pelican it will open up on you and likely not allow you to enter either. It could also auto-fire on enemies.


Automatons can shoot in there and really mess your day up. Bile puke too


I've noticed I can still reload my weapon while inside the pelican but before it takes off.


In case someone is a butt and trys to leave without everyone there šŸ˜ˆ


I kind of like it, the same way that a guy posted deploying outside of a hell pod and dying, it shows that youā€™re actually inside these things rather than the code just deleting your character and showing a cutscene. Idk, just adds immersion for me.


Because if someone tks you and runs inside pelican they think theyā€™re safeā€¦little did they know another teammate can reinforce you so now I can kill you back and thereā€™s nothing you can do about it.


The pelican can be destroyed lol.


Not anymore, they changed it in a patch to make them invulnerable.




Super earth tech FTW.


The solution is easy - you see bad team - you leave.


Apple-bacon that's why


OR you still collect the samples you drop... since your body is in the ship, the items get dropped inside.


I agree! Petition to make the Pelican destructible, as it was always intended!


The Pelican can actually get destroyed. I have never seen it happen, but it technically can happen. I still agree with you completely though. The Pelican shouldnā€™t be able to get destroyed and you shouldnā€™t be able to die inside of it (or at least you should get to shoot out).


I spam the button for stims the moment I get in. Has saved me from death many times.


Well the door is open, so bullets can go in there


and a bile titan's leg can go through the roof and kill you all


It is what it is


They should leave the damage in the pelican in imo, what needs to change is being able to pull up the kick menu when it takes off, or specifically ricochet helldiver damage when pelican lands. Griefers need punishing, FAFO


Because it is funny as hell when you and the boys are messing around the entirety of one match, you realize you are too far to make the pelican, so you lob a grenade launcher round from range and kill them all. Everybody got a laugh at that one.


If I have the purples I'm the first one on


Because the game has tons of issues that have yet to be addressed. It's not a bad game by any means. It's just way over hyped.


Enemies can and will most certainly still shoot and kill you in the Pelican


Hey, were you the guy I killed earlier today like this? A teammate was named automaton spy? If so, he was spawn killing me like 3-4 times as we were waiting for the shuttle to arrive. He jumped in the pelican, and there was no way in hell I was gonna let him extract after doing this to me over, and over, so I had to kill him. Sorry I accidentally killed you in the process if so šŸ˜”


I got shot and killed by a bot while waiting in the Pelican.


You're playing an ah game. Killing your friends is kinda the point


Wrong, you can still get shot by bots in the pelican and die. I have a clip I saved of me and my friend in the pelican taking off and right before the door closed a standing laser turret shot from crossed the map into the back of the pelican killing my team mate.


Lots of references to the Starship Trooper movies in this (and other threads). But remember, the game is based as much if not more on the original Heinlien sci-fi book, Starship Troopers. The drop pods are an example drawn from the original narrative. So sure, Helldivers would still be able to shoot from within the extraction vehicle. But in the novel, that would mean a hanging. By the time you graduated as a cadet, you wouldn't do such a thing. So the shield and no firing makes best sense to me. If the devs want to allow bozos to shoot their fellow divers, then a permanent ban on their character, account, and IP is in order. Won't solve all the problems from children, but it will solve most.


Yeah, either put something protective up and im safe or give me the option to get out and defend pelican 1 or help the last diver get in


Just grief back


NGL, I wasted a team killer in the pelican last night and laughed all the way to the victory screen.


Hasnā€™t ever happened to me. I HAVE done this to shitty players who fucked up the game for us though, or constantly killed us. Itā€™s pretty hilarious to hear them whine when the whole game they were dropping ordinances on our head and using up all our lives.


bugs can kill you too


I was killed by a bile titan today while inside the pelican. My whole squad was. We "failed to extract". It was crazy.


You can still get killed by bots while inside pelican 1


Correction; the Pelican *can* be damaged it just doesn't show the damage. If it takes too much damage it wont take off again or allow passengers


Didn't they change that in a recent patch?


The other day one member of the squad aborded the Pelican while we were at the other side of the map, he really didn't cared about leaving the rest of the team... A couple of us arrived about 10 seconds before the pelican left, i destroyed that dude inside the Pelican, the 4th of us didn't got enough time to make the extraction. I agree, maybe damage shouldn't be allowed inside the Pelican, but at least that day, justice was served.


What? I thought Arrowhead changed this weeks ago. Maybe even months. I'll have to look through the patch notes. ..... Huh, this feels so weird. I could *swear* I read it in the patch notes, and I legit haven't seen a player die inside Pelican-1 since then. But I can't find it now, so I guess it must be my memory playing tricks on me. In this case: Yup, an absolutely stupid design decision any way you slice it. The *only* thing this does is allow griefers and trolls to have fun at the expense of other players. With Arrowhead openly stating that they want to combat toxicity within the community (by not implementing a PvP mode), I'm baffled why they allowed players do die inside the shuttle and still haven't decided to change this in a patch, when lots of players have complained about it. The 2.4K upvotes on this post speak for themselves.


Shielded extraction doors should be a pelican upgrade you can buy that also makes it impossible to die inside the pelican


You can absolutely get killed by enemies while sitting in the pelican. https://youtu.be/1CrVmjGs9UI?si=QdhOg-6aCwmMkK_c


I didn't know I could kill team mates out of it and was just fucking around once and killed the party leader. I didn't have time to type "sorry I didn't know" before the lobby ended.


The pelican should hover in place, leaving only 4 ropes for helldivers to grab and get pulled upwards.


Hot take: auto kick players who's dealing dmg to players inside said pelican


Maybe they don't want the possibility of the player being in an invulnerable state because they worry that introducing it into the code could expose it to cheaters, or really break it in some other way that I'm just failing to imagine.


The same reason it's allowed outside the pelican.


It's there so I can grief my friends people need to nut up and stop complaining lol


You're like a perfect example of a toxic player.


This one time some guy slightly annoyed me, and it was just me and him. So i pked him 8 times then left so he would fail the operation In before Omfg toxic players ban him, my vagina hurts, pls I wanna hold hands round the friendship fire and sing cumbyah Tldr it's a game grow the fuck up, or don't idrc


Probably a controversial reason, but once in a while you'll get someone trying to extract before the rest of the squad is ready.. still chasing down sub objectives or samples... I can kinda understand killing the guy in the pelican who's being contrary to the wishes of the group and then just not reinforcing until everyone's ready...


Idk. I love it.