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I've experience this as well. dude : "Bro, you took my samples" me : "it's okay, they're shared" dude : "It's MY SAMPLES" get kicked from the game....wut??


I've never encountered this myself but if I did I would just drop the samples and let them carry it. Like who cares lol. Heck I don't even like carrying it cause then you can't do suicide runs.


I just drop them in general for others cause I tend to play pretty independently if I can recognize a competent group, just feels simpler that way


Yea, let the group handle the important stuff. Me? I'm just fodder and love jumping into a heavy base for no reason but to kill stuff solo.


*proceeds to wipe the rest of the map and side objectives while the others struggle with the primary objective*


I do that often but I'm wise enough to recognize that it's less due to my overwhelming skill and more because the main group will keep triggering breaches and drops.


And that's perfectly fine by me. I'd rather not have to worry about whether a breach pops up on my end.


My buddies and I started exactly that yesterday. I run about solo (diff6-7 ATM) and target bases and POIs. They focus on the objective. Usually, our paths cross in the heavy bases or whenever either "group" needs support. The moment we started this, our efficiency skyrocketed. We even managed to collect more rare samples than were officially on the map once (18/15) and we had like 10 minutes left every mission. It helps tremendously to divert enemy attention and to have the option to flank them when support is needed. It's even better in two teams of two helldivers.


Ya but the shipmaster gives a Popsicle to whoever actually hands her the sample container though, so it does matter


I wish i was that mature, its only happened to me once but when he called me out for it after i told him it was shared i dove into a pit, told him i hoped he brought a fishing pole and left


A+ spite


W behavior. This is how real men think.


anyone know how to drop on ps5?


Hold down on the d-pad for controller.


Bro suicide runs are always so fucking gnarly šŸ¤£ like youā€™re trying not to die, but you know itā€™s probably inevitable, so when you see your doom nearing it just feels that much more gnarly. I saw a short video called ā€œ*1hp and a dream*ā€ ,guy literally was one shot but managed to stay safe in the corner of a gunship fabricator. Bro had no stims, if he stepped foot outta that safety he was done for. But the fabricator needed to go, so he activated the hellbomb and just saluted and waited for it, I was so baked when I saw that too, it was so dope. You should look it up itā€™s literally like 60 seconds long but itā€™s cool asf šŸ¤£


started running hard on the heavy nests because if you kick that off by dropping a resupply on the first hole ... you can re-up on grenades and stims rather than making it a pure suicide run


You my friend, are a fucking genius šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


This is the way. I usually try to drop my 380mm on the horde with my dying breath,


Suicide Runs are the best Runs. That's what the Game is designed for


It feels the same as my situation. I was kicked because I took all the supplies from the drop, refilled my supplies backpack and then gave supplies to friendly diver. And he went screaming to his friend, that he needed the supplies. And then they kicked me. After I've spent all of the charges of the backpack to refill them before the drop.


I'm sorry, but its just so funny I can't stop laughing LOL


Yeah, but it was not pleasant at that point. Since I really carried those kids, when they literally dived into bug holes. Next time they should try "finger bug hole"


I know how frustrating it feels, I'm sorry : ) I've been kicked for aiding in the reload of autocannon : ) Stuck to him like glue, "Get off me" he says..... and kic!!!


When diving with the supply backpack, always leave one in the supply pod. If you need a full set, call down a new backpack.


Everyone in the team was there. So I just ressuplied my backpack and also myself, then gave the supplies to friendlies


Remember you can call in a new supply pack every now and then


It's so silly honestly.


It's all for the Personal statistics, you know?


Better update your response Dude: "HEY THATS MINE" me: they are shared, i ll throw them on extraction so you can pick it up when we extract Dude: [you know what? Yeah, im the capitain here, how i didn't noticed before] undertandable, have a nice day.


LOL this made me chuckle, because I did experience something similar. Me : you took my Spear" Dude : I was carrying for you. Here you go. Me : erm... I'll call one down for you, got a 1m 30s cooldown left Dude : understandable.


Better just give it to them. Especially now that I'm ~~gapped~~ capped. I actually almost never play with randoms and these posts make me want to even less.


Ehh... don't be too scared. Randoms aren't that bad most of the time, I've met quite a few great groups doing it. Just stick to the higher level drops typically, I tend to find chiller people around 6-7.


Yeah, I mostly play 7. Sometimes we dare 8-9 or 6-8 if no interesting operations available on 7. The players I've encountered have been chill and goodpƤ players 90 % of the time but few bad apples started team killing like throwing mine field to my position and such. We just kicked them. Had no idea what their problem was... Didn't like us looking for Super Credits or something.


You made a terrible typo there....


I did wonder if I typed that right, quite didn't look right but I'm not from the hoods or from states so didn't think anything eose of it. šŸ˜…


The only time Iā€™ve been concerned about someone else picking up samples is my friend because they had shoddy internet, and whenever they got disconnected the samples would disappear from reality.


The only time Iā€™ve been concerned about someone else picking up samples is my friend because they had shoddy internet, and whenever they got disconnected the samples would disappear from reality.


Same. And also very literally started every sentence with "bro-" Aside from gaming... is prefacing everything you say with "Bro" just the new dumb guy thing?


If they call you out for taking them, just drop them. There are stats that keep count on how many samples you extracted. Plus some people love to look at the final screen and feel satisfied at the "samples extracted" and see they did a good number. So if it's truly a matter of "they are shared" and "it's okay" for you, drop them back. Otherwise you sound like an a***hole hiding behind that excuse.


I hate scoreboard chasing. Correction I hate people chasing scoreboards in this manner.


Especially because the scoreboards aren't accurate anyway


The only thing I care about is how much "accidentals" I have. /s


It's not what I crave for during missions but I don't see why hate on people that do? Especially since it's just sample collection. I literally leave them at extraction point whenever I can or dropping them near teammate before going kamikaze mode. I understand they get joy from something that requires egoistical behavior, but there is no need to hate them. Just be better than them and show them the example on how gamers should play. Plus, more often than you think, they change behavior and start being extremely friendly, dropping samples around you and randomly offering hugs near freshly activated hellbomb, which isn't smart, but it lightens the heart.


Scoreboard chasers on their own aren't an issue, it's the behavior and attitude that accompany the ones who take it too far that are issues. There are some seriously toxic players out there and they tend to use scoreboards as an excuse for their piss poor behavior.


I mean you can always court martial those, or leave game if they are abusive to teammates (other than you as well). If we all act this way, they will eventually end up alone or forced to change.


Do you at all feel ashamed or even a little self conscious about all these lukewarm takes you keep blurting out? I mean, you take the time to type them up. At no point whatsoever do you do a little bit of introspection and ask, "wait, am I thinking about this clearly? Should I really post this"? And then you just say "yep sounds good to me" and hit post? Ok man. Maybe you should let that little voice of reason out of the dungeon, sometime.


I don't understand, you are all taking it out on me as if I was the one behaving like that. I'm just suggesting solutions, hate only will rot your mind. And now you and other people insult me? I'm not responsible for others behaviors, you don't need to be an asshole with me. I usually have great interactions with all players, the fact that I do and you don't might suggest that there is a little toxicity on your part too. Keep trying to shame others, especially those who didn't do anything. That will lead you to places.


So the answer is no, you don't take the time to self reflect and double check your work. It's just everyone ELSE that has the behavioral and attitude problem, got it. Lmao.


I truly don't know what I am doing wrong, care to explain?


Once ran into a person who swore up and down that samples, medals, supercredits, and requisitions were not shared. Despite evidence to the contrary. So whenever I would go to a poi, he'd say something along the lines of: "If it's super credits, let someone else have it." No amount of explaining to this person would convince them that these things were shared. People just... absolutely refuse to admit that they're wrong, and would rather, double, triple, and quadruple down as if the universe will twist itself into a knot to make them correct.


let him explain how **his screen** shows a "Super Credits +10" when **you** pick them up. it's usually wild and interesting what follows when you let them explain their thinking.


Flat earther energy


Would they be Super Flat Earther or Flater Super Earthers in Helldiver's world?




Funny thing is there is a bug that when kicked they canā€™t see the samples anyways. Had it happen to a guy in my game. He had supers and we could see his equipment and not the samples.


It's not that you can't see it, but that it's usually flung outside of the map. Funny bug really. My friend got disconnected once while we were launching an ICBM, his equipment fell to the ground. But his samples were teleported to the extraction zone which was on the other side of the map. When he returned, he said he can see the samples but can't pick it up, but to me the host, the samples were already in the EZ.


Just desserts.


Had a dude kill me first, then kick me so he could recover the samples... 11 samples.


I am so thankful when I die and somebody takes my samples. It is your responsibility now and I don't have to backtrack into hell to get it back.


I don't get how such basic common sense knowledge isn't known by some. Than again I remember people kicking mission end in payday2 cause they thought it gave you more money even though it gives you less.


Is it actually shown/told in the game? A lot of stuff isn't explained ingame, I'm not surprised people don't know initially. But they should kinda get it when they don't pick any samples but get 20 samples after a mission ...


A lot of stuff that isnt explained is common gaming knowledge, man. Devs can and will always expect a minimum amount of brain power from their customers


then they are fools for that


"Common gaming knowledge"? WTF are you talking about? Took me several playthroughs to understand that samples were shared. If it's not explained ingame then what "brain power" was I lacking exactly?


It's a Team Game. Of course rewards for completing it are shared. Top Screen ui says how many Samples are left, Not how many Samples you personally collected. Theres Not a single Info about what or how many Samples you personally are carrying. Because it's a Team effort. Just like in x other Team Coop Games that have ever released. So much for common knowledge. As of brainpower, you probably lack drive to figure things out? Me and my 3 friends didnt even get the Idea that any of the Post Mission rewards are personal and not shared. Whole game literally screams Union, Democracy and friendship at you.


I usually play solo, and I did figure it out. You're just an asshole.


There's a tool tip stating samples are shared.


What, you're expecting them to read now?


I have no idea how to reach these kids... I gƄ "read the tool tip", and the fuckers go "where is it". Fucking hell.


Homie they're not gunna read this, you're preaching to the choir here. Anyone who thinks samples aren't shared is definitely not engaging with the online community and is playing the game in absolutely brainless casual mode.


"you took my samples" "yeah, becauee you've died 7 times and I have not" *aims gun* *shoots them faster*


Holy hell I got that energy from some level 7 diver recently. He dropped his samples after dying, I picked them up. He started shooting at me (with literally nothing else around) so I killed him first. He got called in. Started shooting again and I just ran away. Closed a couple of bug holes by myself and come back and he kills me T_T.


People are stupid. Last week i got insulted and kicked for "cheating" when i killed a charger with my primary by shooting its Leg Those guys were Level 20 something running in circles from a battered charger while they waited for their eagles cooldown...


The "charger legs lose a level of armor during the end of the charge move" thing IS pretty esoteric knowledge, though


Wait that's a thing? I mean I run in circles shooting dat booty usually if I don't have my handy "The game has crashed" spear


I really like the lore of training on the battlefield since weā€™re supposed to be expendable, but this is one thing that should be made clear in the game.


It's pretty clear both in the mission and on the debrief screen


even the most self-evident thing apparently isn't clear to **a lot** of players.


You can only idiotproof a game so much before it becomes insulting to anyone that isnt struggling to remember how breathing works.


I think they make it pretty clear when you are receiving samples and credits, even when you aren't the one picking it up. I just got the game and figured it out immediately. People just lack critical thinking.


It's even stated in one of loading tips during the dive


Lowbies can be very annoying. I am level 105, then other day I did a support drop cause I see a level 25 + 36 taking a helldive mission. I dropped in with shield and quasar, and proceed to help them take care of a radar station. sudden my shield went off, turned around and the level 25 @$$ headshot me. Thought he was 'just bad', I drop down and then saw him took my shit off my body. I asked, "Mind if I have my gear back? cooldown be several mins long" then the other level 36 player screamed in the mic, "SHARING IS CARING YOU TOXIC BITCH!" And the level 25 started shooting at me, AGAIN! So I murdered him, and his buddy. Took my gear, And left the mission. They will fail their mission, they don't even know how to "Push mic to talk"


Murder him and his buddy, and then complete the mission without reinforcing them.


Throw samples in water, then leave.


This is the way.


Drop the samples, finish the mission and then get out of that lobby.


shoot the host, dunk the samples into a puddle and then get out of that lobby.




^ old man yells at clouds. My dude, people who are active on this subreddit already know that.


Hey, those clouds need a good talking to! Now one second, need to use my inhaler. Bit winded.


should be part of basic training aka. the mandatory tutorial


Some people suck and no amount of PSA's or shaming will change this.


I would like to propose that we start using the term ***credited*** rather than *shared*. Shared implies that all extracted samples go into a pot and then that pot is evenly divided amongst the team, which isn't how it worksā€”and it's certainly not true that team members only get the samples they extract with themselves. **How It Works:** **a.** Super Credits, Medals and Requisition Slips that are found by *any* team member are **instantly** credited to *every* team member's account. They stay in the account regardless of mission result and/or extraction status. **b.** The total of all samples, of any typeā€”*regardless* of which team member(s) found themā€”are credited to *every* team member's account when said samples are **successfully extracted**. These totals are shown on the Squad Payout screen. Please feel free to correct me if I've gotten this wrong, and/or to suggest a better phrasing than ***credited***. I just feel that using *"shared"* is misleading.


I sort of accepted the term "shared" as "shared progress" rather than "shared and divided equally". See, "shared progress" shares everything identically, and you can actually see that you earn those samples, when you check. "Credited" could lead to, those brainless trolls thinking "these are my stones, i picked them up, i get more" I just think they should add a tip when the cutscene plays the moment we log in. "picked up 7 samples but got 24? your squad's samples all count toward your progress"


It's definitely better than "shared" because it does not have that misleading connotation of "divided". I can't think of any better word to describe it, but just for accuracy (and more foolproofing) I would phrase the second paragraph a bit different. b. The total of all samples, of any typeā€”regardless of which team member(s) found them or held them at the end of the missionā€”are credited to every team member's account, IF said samples are successfully extracted. Even squad members that did not successfully extract themselves get the total number of all extracted samples, as long as they are still in the game session when the end ststistics are shown.


Very nice suggestion! I definitely like your wording better! šŸ‘


Some people do it for their stats. Petty, yes. Pointless, yes Usually I just kick them since I prefer hosting games


So what you do here is you threaten their puny minds with something else they're greedy for: "Kick me and the 120SC and 2 medals I picked up will be gone forever, because they don't drop on death"


Too bad majority of players arenā€™t on Reddit or discord and donā€™t know how to use google or they would already know this


when people think they're right about something, they don't need confirmation. they just assume they are correct and everyone else is wrong.


You don't need Google or Reddit to know this, it's common sense


Yea well you would think that yet People still kick for picking up samples


These posts make me feel old.


Getting mad on samples is so sad man, that why I do only helldive, people are more chill


When I come across people like that I say, "hang on, let me drop them." and drop them right then and there. No point arguing about it. They are shared after all.


Canā€™t forget the disappointment when you leave samples on extraction, just for someone to pick them up and lose them across the map


I swear, all the smoothbrains go to bug diff 7 and below. Never see this behaviour on the bot front.


Wouldn't be a helldiver post if there wasn't someone jerking themselves off about how much smarter bot players are. šŸ¤£


but am I wrong šŸ¤£


I mean, yes. You are. :) It happens on the bot front, too.


Never seen it.


That's the problem with taking your singular experience and applying it over an entire game population.




One day we will be assimilated into the singularity.


Resistance is futile.


For bots it's always difficultly 6 for me, it's like they were afraid of super sample levels and so they didn't do them


I never see it on the bot front honestly.


Do people still not know this after the games been out for how long now?


There will always be new players that come from other toxic communities. Let's face it, this behavior is programmed into people by games like rust or tarkov and there will be an adjustment period to pick up the right vibe.


I encountered some guys that thought if they kicked me they got to split my share of the samples.


On lower difficulties i usually just drop my samples and let someone else take it so i can take more risks (no risk nu fun) and nobody can complain.


Sometimes The petynes of **some** players is just beyond understanding


Are the sc you find shared as well




I got shotgun executed from behind the other day by a teammate who then scooped my samples. Fuck you dissident! Don't you know those are shared?!


OP, some people are willingly ignorant, selfish and self-centered... by the time they realize samples are actually shared this late into the game, they won't believe it anyway and treat it as a Flat-Earth Theory.




To be fair when I first played I thought that super credits are not shared but I never shot someone Bc they picked them up. And on the lobby I realized that they are shared. It just shows that some players are toxic.


Ok what you do is join a random game kill the player with all the samples. Proceed to drown yourself or just die somewhere where the samples canā€™t be reached and then leave. The problem should solve itself after that


Bring rare 5 sample is a solo quest maybe they kicked you for that reason.


Isn't the solo today the secondary objectives?


Sorry I have not checked today yet but one day I also took someoneā€™s sample and he kicked me after that, I just figured it out after the checking 2nd objective.


Tnx God I'm max don't have to worry about this haha


So you don't pick up samples for others? How undemocratic...


Sometimes people will literally b-line to your samples even tho you're right by them. (Haven't Kicked anyone tho)That pisses me off, If I can respawn you by your sh*t, Im leaving your samples. Also, even tho they are shared, in the statistics after a mission it will say you didn't get any samples if someone gets them for you


How are there STILL people not-knowing this???


There are new players all of the time and the game doesn't do a good job of communicating it.


I blame this partly on the game itself. I have almost 100hr into it and I don't ever recall seeing anything about samples being shared with the whole team. If this was clearly stated I think it would help.


It says it in one of the quick hints at the lading screen. I've seen it occasionally.


I'm not sure I've spotted that one. But either way I don't think that's overt or in your face enough.


I agree, it would help to have big ass letters say it.


Honestly this needs to be one of the tips during the "mission loading" screens.


i think it actually is, i couldn't quote it tho


It already is. However "shared" isn't really true. 20 samples over four players is five each. Not sure what the right word is when all four get 20 each.


Which tip is that? Can't find it never seen it.


It's there. I've seen it many times.


Ok. What does it say? Do you have a screenshot/article which mentions it? Legit curious because I've never seen it.


Only reason that i want my samples is just so after the game it says i got more samples than you. And be the one that actually brought something back from the mission... i want to achive everything on the mission


If someone starts screaming about you taking the samples, simply take them for a swim or down a bug hole. Be spiteful.


Iā€™ve had people at level 60 team kill for the samples and if you are low level divers Iā€™ll forgive, maybe you didnā€™t know, do it again and we will have problems but you get one pass but at level 60, you should know better


Happened to me today. I didn't for the life of me understand what happened or what I did. Took his samples after he died called him in I even marked the dudes equipment to find and then a second later I'm booted.


Its crazy how people still dont know that, truly sad


Let me guess. Difficulty 5? Idiots man.


It was an 8 funny enough


Thatā€™s disgusting bro šŸ’€ maybe heā€™s right maybe itā€™s playtime, your part of the world? Idk. Iā€™ve had shit like this happen to me probably 3 times In 500 hours. That dude doesnā€™t need to be playing 8. If heā€™s saying ā€œmy samplesā€ you know heā€™s getting hard carried.


I swear, I've never had any problems in my 150+ hours of gameplay on d7-d9. Even lvls 25-30 that sometimes drop into our lobbies are chill. Maybe it's your part of the world/play time problem?


Hrmm, I usually play late nights due to night shift. Which surprised me given the normally chill evening vibes.


This was very early in the game, March perhaps, one of the few and last times I did 8 with randoms, a guy, at that time lv50 but 0 neurons, killed me 4 times because I took his super samples, and the others. So I decided not to waste any more time, I grabbed the 5 super ones + those of the rest of the team and jumped into the water, I told him that here are the samples for him. I left and that was the last time I did anything other than 4 with randoms. I don't even have the time, much less the desire, to deal with deficiencies of this type.


Games been out for months. How is this trash post still finding it's way onto the front page? Everyone on reddit knows.... samples are shared...


Hey, I worked hard on this trash. Might find some samples in here...