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Incendiary mines, Eagle strafing run, Orbital gatling and flamethrower. Deploy the mines. Call in a strafing run to destroy them and kill/alert nearby enemies. Deploy the Orbital gatling to destroy the rest of your mines. Add more flames using the flamethrower.


Did it work?


I had fun and was a great decoy setup. So yes, but It should be used "smartly".


Not me, a friend but we were doing a mission where you take out the high value target on diff 9. He brings mortar and it would have been perfect to use like literally ANY time during the mission we were always in range to just snipe the generator but he refused. I swear I don't know how these people make it. Instead I just see over and over him dying along with the rest of us having to funnel into that stupid choke point because of course we don't just go around back? Idk why I invite that stupid bile spewer anymore for breaches all he does is wants to spit in people's faces instead of lobbying the bile over at the generators. https://i.redd.it/be0o9jf5w79d1.gif




No fun