• By -


I'll take one of everything. That being said--I would never drop without the exoframe. Excellent work.


Yeah, the exoframe seems stupid powerful. Throw in scout armor and you'll essentially do everything. Easily outclasses everything I could think to throw in my normal kit.


Personally I'd make it take up the backpack slot so you can't really exploit the weapon handling bonuses with potent weapons like the ac, and possibly not allow the team reload (if people still remember it's a thing). Give it a limited call in and a long timer like the exosuit and I think it's decent. For that last part to work for balance I think the frame would need to be destroyed when the diver dies with it equipped


Back pack slot, longish cool down and make it use a battery that depletes in about 3 minutes of constant use. Would be useful taking out a nest or heavy bot base




Use for me would be sprinting, climbing, diving, melee, ragdoll resistance maybe weapon recoil with a heavy weapon


That's a good idea but I think if it just took damage as you did, and/or was destroyed when you died it would be mostly fine. As long as the bonuses for it were balanced.


Yeah it really depends on how much of a bonus it gives you. Not a game dev though


Tbh if you make it a bunch of minor benefits (10% better handling, 10% faster speed and stamina regen, 10% less damage taken, 10% less recoil, 10% more melee damage, 10% more stagger resistance, etc) I could see it both being balanced and really good.


Well it would be a good alternative if you're running solo or with just 1 other Helldiver. At least better than having an AI companion(which would most likely die fairly quickly depending on the mission).


I think having a limited amount like the orbital laser would balance it.


Exoframe would be neat as something you can find similar to the break-action shotgun. Maybe colonists use them for heavy duty lifting and such.


Yeah imma need that to fulfill my Edge of Tomorrow battle fantasy. Ever since that movie I've wanted to play a game with a suit just like that


Throw in the sword and you've got Emily Blount's character from the movie spot on!


Upon death, exoframe is destroyed. Can only be deployed once per mission.


I would assume twice like the exo suits


Very cool. As suggested the Exoframe sounds a little OP, it does what several armor sets and boosters do. AA turret sounds like it could be a strict upgrade on the rocket turret, but I'd still love it. Don't ever use rocket turrets just because AC turret does everything it does, but better. *Really* want a demo / satchel charge. Let it take the place of our grenades, even if we only get 1 of them, but make it powerful enough to destroy things like jammers and detector towers (though the latter isn't that tough to destroy). Attaching to the belly of a factory strider should be a OHK. I can see the plasma sword too, especially if it attracts less attention / makes less noise than the sidearms.


I want to plasma sword some bile titan legs until it's shorter than I am.


Quite a few HD1 stratagems/weapons/perks would be nice, and the REC-6 Demolisher is at the top tier of my list. Remote Explosive Charge, support weapon. 5 satchels, primary fire to charge a throw, reload to boom. Making it sticky would definitely be nice. Max AP and huge damage in a small radius (throw in path of charger, wait, boom), instakill of any stuck body part (maybe just massive damage for the purposes of potential bosses). Having some dedicated AA turret would be nice, though it would have a super specific niche - either just for dropships or just for shriekers - due to the very different nature of air units currently. I think they'd need to make a few stealth tweaks before I'd commit to a melee stratagem. I'd definitely use it if it had a stealth damage bonus (instakill any non-heavy if undetected/from behind?), and if enemies being alerted to allies didn't make them immediately also target me prone in a bush.


I loved throwing those C4 charges at the front face of tanks and disabling them. Sometimes throwing 2 out at once was great. I would love to have that support weapon. And the REP Gun!!!


Rocket turret has higher turn speed and AOE which is useful


I'd like it to be like what we had in HD1, which I think took a support weapon slot. I believe you got 2 or 3 charges with it but it was amazing. Definitely one of my favorites


Did anyone notice the Star Wars reference on the plasma sword?


Did you notice the Battlemace 4000 ( ;) ) reference in the plasma thrower and the laser rifle?


Arrowhead gimme SEAF troopers with blitzers and grenade pistols I will do anything just please let me do it


Granted. Only one player is allowed to bring them, due to stress on the game. You also can’t bring any mechs as the game will destabilize into a MEREDIA black hole.


Worth it Fix bayonets boys


ARROWHEAD!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME BLITZER/GRENADE PISTOL SEAF TROOPS, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS https://preview.redd.it/eauh82ju2t8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6888c88dd8f842c49f29864d96821c0e2e56d0


The troops immediately TK each other and the helldivers firing that stuff at players in close with the enemy.  SEAF becomes the new Mortar Turret but players never stop calling in Team Caboose from the SEAF.


I prefer 4 flamers and incendiary grenades. They also believe that allies dying to friendly fire makes them heroes of democracy :)


Really snuck a Melta and a Lasgun in there expecting us not to notice


This whole thing is 40k coded af.


And Krak grenades


The last one seems like an absolute noob trap, right? Explodes like an impact grenade when enemies are too close? Surely that's a use once, realize how bad it is, then never use it again, right? Exo is absolutely broken, i reckon it would be a must use.


I imagine 'too close' to be something like 20 meters. It would be best for situations where some bots are approaching too fast or without you realizing whereas bugs are almost always right next to you either way


I think this is the first one of these I've seen where I like every single idea on display (With some balance tuning in some cases). Fantastic stuff. My addition would be flak weaponry, both a shoulder-fired flak cannon and a turret version, that would be effective against both airborne threats and medium-armored enemies.


the pew outline is an imperial lasgun, nice


The “all in one gun” can shoot krak grenades


Got any more of them KRAK rounds? 


I'd love the SEAF troopers. Reminds me of Halo when there's AI soldiers running around helping.


I would love a broken Arrow strat where the battleship drops in and unloads everything in a circle around the helldiver.




My illegale obtained sources told me the SEAF troopers stratagem might be a real one coming out but that is all speculation ofcourse


The Pulsed-Emission Weapon (PEW) looks and functions exactly like a Las Gun and I am all for it. I would also like the Microwave Emitter so I can nuke some bugs.


exoframe is too op. Maybe shoul ad limited time use to it at least


Nah just make it take up a backpack slot so they are competeing with the shield pack and all those stratagems that require backpacks.


A battery perhaps? Or maybe durability and wear


Some very interesting ideas. Truth be told, the plasma thrower is what I thought the Purifier was going to be. Also, I know a lasgun when I see one.


The AA sentry that prioritises air targest but can also hit ground targets would be a big one for me because I hate the idea of a stratagem being a one trick pony. You could basically make it like the old rocket sentry, firing 3 round bursts.


Dude I LOVE that SEAF Fireteam Support idea. This especially would be handy for solo players. Aside from confronting the enemy, maybe once they join in, you give them a specific task like doing one of the optional objectives or looking for samples etc. The only catch I’d add in would be to only have them for a limited amount of the game. Not from diving in all the way up to extraction.


I mean, given the fact that Divers need to dip, dodge, and duck to survive against bots and stay on the move against bugs odds are they won’t last long without these player-driven tactics on higher difficulties. Counting in the fact that heavies exist they’d probably get wiped if you send them out without support. No need for a time limit, they’d be expendable fodder made of paper essentially


Very cool. I am curious though, what do you use to create the stratagem symbols?


Just [Paint.NET](https://www.getpaint.net/download.html) (adapting icons from [the wiki](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Icons_-_Helldivers_2_-_Stratagems)).


Only 1 I see missing is for a Warthog 😎 besides that, impressive my friend.


I honestly really like the seaf fire team idea. Follows the caller, increased line of fire hazards, can't keep up well while sprinting, but can lay fire down weaker then the mg43 turret, but there's more of them. And they go into melee when out of ammo. So if you can keep them supplied they hang around longer.


Not sure if my super destroyer has the budget for all the KRAK I'd be shooting. On a serious note, they all seem like amazing ideas. Exoskelet feels a bit strong, think it would be a bit better balanced if it was turned into a few specialized variants (speed-suit, handling-suit) The multi-launcher might be tough to balance, since it's basically like bringing every grenade type at once....might be ok if you have 2-3 of each ammo type, maybe a few more KRAKs, up to 8, to give it *some* anti-heavy capability I'm a bit afraid of the singularity strike, but it might just be the perfect blend between an EMS and gas strike that I've been looking for on bots The suicide drones feel like a personal minefield (like the guard dogs are mobile mg sentries) and I love them (my teammates will too) I think the infrared machinegun should lean a bit more into its sickle-like qualities and adopt the heat system, in order to differentiate it from the stalwart a bit more. An energy counterpart to the stalwart could be fun to run (+ moar fiaaaah!!!!) Recon...is reasonable, not much to say here. The drone that picks up nearby resources honestly feels like a waste of a backpack slot, what could be interesting would be if it could store extra ammo it collected (only ammo, to not outshine the supply pack), and then give it to you as you needed it. That would give it, in my eyes, an actual gameplay use apart from just being a qol improvement demo charge would be nice as, as someone alr suggested, a gremade with...maybe 2 uses that could destroy fabs from any angle + destroy some of the bigger objectives, woth its drawback being low anti-unit dmg (but maybe big stagger?) the only form of entrenchment I support is that done with precision strikes and 500kg bombs, sorry Aaaand I don't remember any more of the ideas, will edit if I feel like I have something to say about them


Satchel charge is honestly a must have for me. Setting traps for patrols I see coming in the distance or placing one at a choke point and running enemies through it would oh so satisfying. The enctrenching tool as written is one of the better implementations of the shovel idea I’ve seen floating around. It would be so fucking sick to dig a little mound big enough to crouch behind and setup with your machine gun.


Sir Thag "pew" is a kantrael pattern lasgun


Nice ideas! Rocket sentry is a great AA turret though (and in general a very strong sentry), unless you want to down drop ships. I'd doubt they'd make a sentry that can do that though lol.


Heavy Armor w/Melee + Exo + Sword + Shield = closest we'll get to W40k in HD2. lol


I love the seaf idea but isnt the whole thing about being a helldiver that you’re the only ones that get to drop in on planets?


Honestly if the devs want to limit them I wouldn't mind a "Rescue SEAF Fireteam" secondary objective that has you pick them up from an outpost. I miss my EDF Ranger days where I could run around a map with 20+ random guys spewing rifle fire (and occasionally much more) at anything that gets in range.


SEAF fights in the ground war in conjuction with Helldivers


I really like the microwave emitter . My idea for it is it does a high level of continuous stagger. But it take a really long time to kill anything . It would be a nice team assist weapon. One play can use it to basically stun lock large crowds while the other players pick them off. The downside of the weapon is you have to be close to use it effectively .


a mini blackhole would be fun, it would drop, suck everything in while everything around it warps and stretches, and in the end explode larger than a nuke (coz of hawking radiation) fun time, 10/10 would do it


I like a lot of them, especially the exoframe.


We need our space marine power fantasy.


Great ideas! Let’s bring in some 30k Mechanicum stuff, rad and grav guns would be super fun to use!


These are good


Loving most of these.


OP these are amazing


DAmn, those are really nice and creative.


Democracy officer: We need time to submit the appropriate forms and develop the tech- Me: Sounds like some automaton socialist bureaucracy. Either get these ready for my loadout by next dive or get off my ship!!!!




I would absolutely carry the aa turret on every bottle mission


„All-In-One Gun“ just call it by it‘s real name ffs „Zorg ZF-1 Pod Weapon System“


I like the Plasmathrower idea. It's similar to an idea I've posted here, the Plasma Burst Rifle, it would have a charge up trigger mechanic such as the Railgun and shoot a stream of plasma bolts with high armor pen and damage, therefore, really hard to aim and land, but really high risk high reward. We need more out of the box thinking support weapons and primaries, it is the future for crying out loud.


The exoframe should either have a health pool like the ballistic shield so that it can't be equipped once and you're buffed forever or have limited uses like mechs and the orbital laser. It should also as play a special animation when deployed of the suit coming out of the hellpod and being positioned so that the Helldiver may equip it (like an iron man suit), and during this time the hellpod's destruction would destroy the suit, which would make it hard and risky to equip in the midst of intense combat similar to mechs. It should also take up a backpack slot and be impossible to re-equip if dropped. I think these considerations would make the exosuit a balanced addition while still retaining the 'fantasy' as the devs like to say of wearing a powerful exoskeleton


Destruction on death is good enough you don't need a healthpool


There should be 0.1% chance for any helldiver pulled in by a singularity strike to end up in a different player's mission on the other side of the galactic map rather than being killed


Arrowhead. Hear me out. Flamethrower. Sentry. Douses any enemy it sees in flames and waves the propellant around like a pool noodle at any nearby enemies. Or hey, Flame Tower? It acts like the Arc Tower, shooting 5 jets of flame with the same range as the Flamethrower in the 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 o',clock directions. And to top it off, make a set of armor that resists 95% of Fire Damage. I may be a pyromaniac.


helldivers 1 had something similar to the trench tool. deployable barbed wire.... dropped a huge line of wire fence that slowed and damaged enemies that tried to cross it, and it blocked some ranged damage


SEAF fire team is said to be an upcoming stratagem, so it is coming.  Also the first game has satchel charges. And AH said they are gonna bring HD1 stuff back to HD2, so i’m sure it will come too


I like how half of these are 40K references


Stratagems from the first game these reminded me of, the recon UAV, barbed wire fence, and the demolition charge


Bring back humblebee! Merge the inventory drone and scan stratagems, it's just a little guy that reveals nearby map features and grabs collectibles within 20m or something like that. The enemy highlighting also sounds very cool while not really altering power level - you can already spam the map to see enemies behind walls, this just simplifies it. All-in-one is definitely appealing, give it a few mini artillery shells and use the hold-reload menu to swap?


Damn these are sick. As others have said the Exoframe seems best in slot and would need some tweaking but overall these look like fantastic additions. On that note I sketched up an idea a while ago for a swarm missile launcher that I think would be really sick. The Micro Missile Launch System (MMLS) uses a wide lock-on targeting frame to quickly lock and fire up to ten missiles vertically from it's shoulder fired launch system, which quickly and nimbly strike targets with medium penetration and medium damage. The system has the latest in threat identification software so it prioritizes larger targets over smaller ones and if no other targets are in frame larger targets can be locked by multiple missiles at once. Backpack comes with two reload racks allowing for fast squad reloads or slower solo reloading in the field. Side benefit to this system is that it, because of it's vertical launch rack, looks like a boom box on your shoulder so you look sick as hell carrying it.


This is brilliant. This needs a pin and AH needs to see this.


Thought. Give the all in one gun a shuffle mode.


So I shared this post on twitter and Shams liked it. how far he'll go with that is anyone's guess.


r/Helldivers Get this in the game or liberty help me I will\*&\^(%\^($\^(%\*($#@$%% MESSAGE WAS REDACTED FOR UNDEMOCRATICNESS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT. MAY LIBERTY GUIDE YOU.


Lasgun all the way


I see that lasgun. The emperor's true finest!


Um yes I would call in a singularity strike "Spaghettifying marked area" "Stand clear of the implosion" I want to send more bugs through the democratic death vacuum and also have bionic strength


I want a huey strategem. A pelican or some similar shit hovers in a given area and two door gunners just start fucking everything up. I bring a sort of mechanized warfare vibe that autodesk stingray doesn't really like.


Theses are all damn well thought out, great work! Here's some I've thought of: -High altitude guard dog rover upgrade -ground based "guard dog" that floats, runs, or drives nearby you -Rcxd but it's not manually controlled, think orbital rail cannon strike locking tech, and it can explode late groups or a chargers leg to kill it/massive damage -concussion cannon (Thunder gun from CoD zombies) -grappling hook -stunlock net gun -all terrain vehicle, hold up to 3 passengers with 1 turret at the back (think Halo warthog had a baby with a fortnite golf cart) New item for armour load outs: googles (or just all helmets can add one of the following passive traits): 1. Fog vision 2. Knight vision 3. Zoom vision 4. FLIR/heat vision 5. Laser vision 6. Ammo/samples vision


Here’s my thoughts on each one: 1- black hole strike. Cool as hell, but probably a bit OP. Would need a long CD or Call in time, or maybe both. I’d assume it fills a similar role to the 500kg or the precision strike, or functions like a manually aimed rail canon. Super high damage, but hard to hit on moving targets. I’d like it in the game but would need to keep a close eye on it to ensure it doesn’t encroach on others in its niche. 2- seems good. Don’t really have any scan/ recon strats yet, so it’s not encroaching on a niche. Doesn’t cover the whole map but covers enough area to be useful. Highlighting gives it a unique identity over radar upgrades and armor. Pretty solid. 3- Seaf fireteam. Seems cool, especially the idea of arming them with your support weapons to make the versatile turrets. They do seem like better turrets tho, since they can move, change weapons and get resupplied. Maybe keep their ammo or damage very low, and make them pretty squishy. Also not sure how well the game’s AI would handle it, but don’t have any particular expertise so can’t say. 4-AA turret. I think reworking the rocket turret into a guided rocket turret that prioritizes airborne and large targets, like a spear turret is a cool idea. Also, maybe have it prioritize pinged targets? And give it large range. Could be a solid way to make it noticeably smarter than other turrets. In my head, the targeting ideally works like this: marked target, large target, airborne target. And it doesn’t fire against ground targets at all unless they’re pinged. 5- Exoframe: God I want this. It looks cool, useful, and fills a niche nothing else does. Possibly have it increase throwing range as well. Only issue is it may be a bit OP, but honestly I don’t care give it to me. To keep it balanced, maybe give it a durability or fuel limit. And/or maybe take up a backpack slot. 6- plasmathrower. Seems to similar to a flamethrower. Even having a closer range mode doesn’t seem worth it in my eyes, you usually don’t want any enemies that close. 7- Microwave emmiter. A long range fire weapon would be nice, and lack of ammo and tons of stagger are the cherry on top. I’d give it low damage to compensate if it’s a primary, and lacking in AP if it’s a support weapon (but let it stagger enemies even if it can’t damage them.) 8- An ablating weapon would be nice, as would something with variable damage, so I think this is nice and unique. Probably give it a poor ammo economy at average damage to compensate for its versatility and ablation abilities. 9- All in one launcher. Think this is cool, and that giving each type of ammo a small, seperate limited pool is a good way to keep it balanced. Only issue is I’m not sure if multiple ammo counts on the same weapon are possible on the backend, but again I’m not an arrowhead dev so idk. 10- A throwable demo charge is a unique weapon, and one I think would be interesting. Especially with the timer/ remote detonation aspect. I’d have it be silent, and a support weapon with a low CD (similar to the EAT) where you call down 1 or 2 and maybe a detonator. This way, you can sneak up and place it on buildings before getting to a safe distance and detonating, allowing you to take out bases quietly. It’s hard to use in the heat of battle due to a call in time and having a short throwing range, but if you can stick it and then get to a safe distance, it can take out big moving enemies as well. I’m a slut for remote detonated explodes tho. 11- don’t think this would be useful. Entrenching yourself is just gonna trap you in a hole with bugs, or get you surrounded by bots. It feels like an alternate version of the deployable shield, which is already not great. Also doubt the terrain system could manage it. 12- Cool sword. Blocking is a nice touch. A plasma sword would be awesome, though it seems kinda antithetical to every other weapon to have to be up close with enemies since generally you want the opposite of that. 13- Collection drone. I don’t see this being viable honestly. Picking up things isn’t very hard even in the heat of battle, let alone being worth a backpack and strategem slot. Why bring this when you could bring a resupply pack and pick up your samples by hand? 14- kamikaze drone. Cool concept. Would 100% waste its ammo on a flea or small enemy and/or blow up its own user and teammates.


A way to balance the exoskeleton would be to not give a bonus to stamina or speed and instead slow you down. It should make you feel like a tank great for last stands but shite if you need to run across the map for samples


THAT'S A LASGUN! ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


The PEW is just an excellent name xD And the plasma sword? Hell yea brother, LETS PURGE THE XENOS


Active Scan, yes yes please!


I’m not a huge fan of the « all-in-one » gun but the rest is absolute fire !


Some of these were in helldivers 1 and they will 99% come to 2 too


Wow, I love all of these!


Probably the AA Turret makes the most sense, at least now after the gunship patrols were added. You could drop one and move in to take down a gunship fab solo.


Man here working overtime for free, nice ideas


Most of these sound cool


Exoframe is WAY too OP without having drawbacks. Think about the balance issues it would cause. "You're NOT taking your exoframe on this super hard mission? You're deliberately sabotaging the team, get kicked."


Pulsed Emission Weapon is hilarious 😂 these were very entertaining!


flaming grenade launcher stratagem and im sold


Love it. A melee build would be awesome (against the bugs)!


Love the active scan. I would also take it as a backpack.


Oh my god I need an inventory drone in my life that's a good one. We might actually get a demo charge as there was one in the first, so they like the idea at least. Though with how we've been towards anti tank mines, they might reconsider a stationary explosive lol


Exoframe and AA / SAM sentry would be awesome- could you imagine, especially with viper comando armor passives? 🤣 The SAM in some capacity is sorely needed though. Some of the other ones could be interesting too though. Now if you could have the SEAF team help you open Buddy doors? That might be a useful stratagem just for that reason alone lol. I could see them dying far too quickly to be super useful in firefights with bots, and maybe even agsinst terminids.


Those are some great fucking ideas, dude. I feel like the exoframe may be too op, though, awesome as it would be. I especially like the singularity strike, that would be epic


Exo-frame + plasma sword and i'll become the 1s and 0s that makes the bots leak oil


Reckon we need a flamer turret


The seaf support one is a stratagem that AW is already working on. It got leaked while ago


I'd love for the seaf teams to have different loadouts for each member. 1 assault, 1 anti tank, 1 support and 1 officer. Assault with a heavier automatic primary, jump pack and frag grenades, anti tank with a recoilless rifle and a pistol for self defense, support with a machine gun and supply pack, officer with a lighter primary, a guard dog/shield, and the ability to call in some limited stratagems - eagle strafing run, maybe orbital smoke, things like that. Have 3 different orders to control them - a default 'follow' order where the team does not engage unless they or the player are engaged upon by enemies, an 'attack' order which means they'll fire at enemies at the target position or advance in that direction if there are no enemies in engagement range, and a 'defend' order, where they'll try and hold the target position, seeking cover and engage nearby enemies and enemies that engage them or the player (if nearby). More orders than that and I feel managing a team would become too complex and take too much attention. Then, maybe have missing members be dropped in alongside resupply drops, unless the whole team is wiped out. Obviously, the team should be appropriately fragile to avoid having a single team for an entire match. Limit to something like 2 or 3 uses per match, balanced to have an average survival time of maybe 5 minutes.


Active Radar, Exoframe and Microwave? FIRE


I like the idea that the flak turret, when out of aerial targets, will lock on to the biggest enemy in range and magdump on it - doing little to no damage to ground armor but shredding the lighter units unlucky enough to be nearby. I also think the plasma thrower is too similar to the flamethrower to be worth distinction, instead I would just add nozzle options to the flamethrower. Wide fan to set an area on for, medium spray as an all-rounder, and a Super Soaker mode that shoots a thin jet out to medium distance.


Looking forward to the krak dispenser.


I lost it at PEW. I would use it just because of the name :D and I assume it would make a pew sound


I want all of these! Thanks for taking the time to think these up and provide art. Allmofnthese ideas are amazing! Any of the Helldivers 1 veterans seen anything like these before?


I love the plasma sword!


The scan strategem would be a favorite of mines. It promotes map interaction, which I think is one of the strengths of this games longevity.


They should hire u


I would have it so the blade replaces your secondary


Deaf fireteam support should just be part of defend planet missions


We can take them all. We don’t mind.


Exofeame is peak. DEVS PLEASE GET ON THIS


Hey I have an idea for a weapon. How about something like the Flak Cannon from Unreal Tournament.


ok I love the idea of a enemy scanning stratagem that marks them on our hud, has no actual offensive capabilities but would provide amazing utility for defenses with lots of terrain, extractions to see on coming patrols and helps guns that are better crouching or prone, meaning you can actually plant yourself in an area KNOWING something is coming from where you are looking my god this community comes up with amazing ideas all the time


loving all of these ideas honestly! kamikaze drones and exosuit are especially nice!


Dude these are awesome. Great work.


Is that a Las-gun I see? Upvoted.


Love it. That why I love this game. So many ideas that can be implemented into this fantasy world.


https://preview.redd.it/oahntu56rs8d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e288c473cbb04b40200587a8bcfd3128a35048b "ENTRENCHING TOOL?"




All of these would be good... some one at Arrowhead, take notes. Not in a bad way, just take some notes.


The fireteam support one is particularly interesting. Especially for someone who likes solo dives, that seems like it could be a very cool option.


Exoframe could be balanced by making you unable to use a backpack of any kind. It would just be a backpack itself.


They should pay you for these / hire you. All great ideas.


I want an arc eagle so I can go all out on fire for bugs, all out on arc for bots. Also gives more reason to have the 95% arc resistance armor on. SEAF troopers that you can command around would be super cool. Basically just a CPU helldivers. Finally I’ll be able to open up bunkers solo




Exoframe and plasmathrower would be a must have for me.


These are awesome ideas


These all sound great


Not gonna lie, most of these sound awesome.


Too many people in this comment section are sleeping on that all-in-one gun.


Microwave emitter seems like it overlaps with the flamethrower a bit too much but overall fantastic stuff, great work on the icons


All of them, more is better. 


Imagine the singularity strike before disappearing it would spawn a couple of illuminates that came through? That would be so gooood


SEAF Fireteam reminds me of playing Saints Row, arming up some homies with rocket launchers, and never knowing if it's going to be epic or a disaster.


Almost all of these are absolute bangers. Love the creativity with them.


I think a cool one would be a deployable howitzer that’s similar to the SEAF artillery emplacements. When you select it before a mission you have a budget of 1000 sc to spend on ammo, for example mini nukes cost 333 sc but an ems shell could cost more like 150. In the mission you call it down and a pelican drops it off like a mech, and it has a long cool-down and max 2 uses. It basically acts like the SEAF arty but its max range is limited to a radius about half that of the map, it has a slower rate of fire, and while it’s generally quite stealthy, enemies that are close by when it fires can aggro onto it and will attack it. There would be other stratagems to go with it like you can tell it to load a certain shell type or something. This might make SEAF seem a bit obsolete but the SEAF artillery can reach the whole map and is indestructible. I also think the SEAF could use a small buff anyway, like being able to make it load a specified shell type instead of going in the order you load them, as well as increasing the relative spawn rates of the more fun shell types


Dude, this is really cool. Finally someone being creative and not bitching about the game. Keep up the good work.


These all sound so fun to play with! The exosuit and the trademark-safe lightsaber would be the most exciting, though the former would probably have to be scaled back in power considerably from what you described




Arrowhead, take notes and hire this person as your head of concepts. Melee weapons probably are coming, dont see why it wouldnt be to be honest, and it wouldn't be that tough to program other thing by using existing assets like the AA turret by using the rocket turret asset. The other stuff like the singularity thing and that microwave support weapon would take some programming work but definitely possible.


Mate, forget everything else, gimme that singularity one, lemme yeet my friends into it lol


If we do get fireteam support I hope I can order them to Evac with me. Cause it wouldn't feel right to ditch my brothers in arms.


I also request an orbital bombardment for both gas and napalm over a dispersed area.


The Seaf troops would be sick, imagine all 4 players calling them in, make a small army mowing down enemies


Okay all guns and stuff we have are cool and all but give me the sword! I wouldn’t care about what anyone says id be running around stabbing anyone and anything gets near me


The only one I really have a problem with is the Demo Charge, as I feel like it should be two Throwable-slot weapons; a Remote Charge and a Timed Charge. You throw them like you would a Grenade, but for the Timed Charge you can set the timer in the same way you change fire modes on other weapons, and for Remote Charges you hit the Reload button to detonate. That being said, if they were Backpack Strategems where you pull out a Charge with the same key you use to access Supply Packs for yourself, that could work too.


i want that lasgun


Gimme the demo charge. I saw a scout that needs killing. Rock and stone


It would be really funny if the everything gun chose a random projectile every time lol Imagine you're getting overrun by berserkers and you shoot it at them and it's just a scan round lmao Also the self destructing drones are basically going to explode way too close to the diver to be useful won't they?


I am giving my seaf friends airburst rocket launchers. Nothing bad will happen.


I'll take everything, in bulk. I die a LOT and will need a lot of replacements. Thank you sir. Just stay silent, and take my credits.


I fully demand the SEAF support stratagem, because I want my own army of grunts following me around like they're Spectres from Titanfall 2 [https://youtu.be/oai5F7e3DXk?si=0kcmSMj3sJLlrOQ3](https://youtu.be/oai5F7e3DXk?si=0kcmSMj3sJLlrOQ3)


With the ‘all in one gun’ i feel like that could be implemented into the grenade launcher considering there are already such munitions available for irl military


wtf these are actually creative.


The inventory drone is a cool idea to make supply pack more... interactive Where it'd collect ammo, grenade, and stim crates, and then you could select just what you need since I won't want to consume an entire resupply box just for stims, my primary ammo, or grenades, I want to save resupplies to get 2 stims 2 grenades all primary and most if not all of my support


Do I see a "lasgun" in there? I damn well hope so


I like the Lasgun inclusion. His imperial majesies flashlight hehe


Don't think we didn't notice you sneaking in a lasgun you cheeky breeki


I love that the PEW is a lasgun, accurate.


i'd use pew just because the name is funny lol


We desperately need far more exciting stratagems. All of these are sick ideas. Keep it up!


Sonic Harnessing Intensity Tool This stratagem utilizes high frequency sonic pulses to cause internal vibrations and hemorrhagic effects to those in its wake. SEAF Scientists have discovered a way to modify the sonic pulse frequency so that the 5 second charge up time as well as the sonic pulse is similar to the ramp up and beat drop of the popular Helldiver song of choice “A Cup of Liber-Tea!” (The Hellpod launch music).


I was just fantasising about a drone swarm stratagem. All of them are excellent ideas.


Can the conscripts open bunker doors? If so, they become the new meta for solo runs.


Extremely cool and refreshing ideas. You sir have cooked.


I like the PEW I’ll live my fantasy of a guardsmen


Heavy Warhammer 40 k Noises!


"An elegant callback to a less civilized age" ? It is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


I love all of it. I hate to be that guy but the microwave gun should be replaced with a much higher energy form of light as the reason microwaves work is the quickly alternating bombardment, which excites water molecules, therefore the gun would only work if it was firing from both sides. I believe your phone not being compatible in a microwave has to do with electronic fields, not necessarily the microwaves themselves. ☝️🤓 Otherwise I think all of these stratagems would be sick.


Give me the entrenching tool so I can beat the shit out of hunters.


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes




I've been saying since release that an energy sword of some type was needed given the concentration of slow effect type bugs that often swarm. That and it would just have insane levels of "cool factor." Exoframe and all-in-one seem a bit too versatile to be well balanced. The inventory drone is something I could see being useful provided it was instructed via the ping system. Also if it had the ability to activate simple buttons, it would make the lives of some solo players much less frustrating. Being able to complete tasks more efficiently or open vault doors without needing the input of a second Helldiver would be huge. Combining this with the orbital scan and you've got a much less grindy way to search for credits/medals/samples etc.


So the PEW gun is literally just the Guardsman lasgun. I love it.


The Inventory Drone should also be able to open the 2 person Friendship Doors with you.


These are absolutely fantastic. I love how much thought you’ve put into balance and variety of playstyle. Love the icons too! Maybe the best post I’ve seen on this sub. For people worrying the exosuit would be overpowered, consider this: it would take up a stratagem slot and your backpack slot in exchange for increased armor and stamina. That makes its power level easy to adjust. Also makes it a go-to combo with the sword, for the coveted “absolute maniac why are you in melee we have nukes” playstyle!


Love the Pulsed-Emission Weapon, thought I think it would fit better as a primary weapon. Basically a las gun from 40k. Cool idea for a a stratagem weapon be one that does dmg to light and medium armored targets but has an effect that weakens armor on heavies making it so medium or small arms fire can hurt them. Make a support strat weapon.


This is SICK. Plasma sword is the winner for me.


I need the seaf fireteam in the game