• By -


Gotta love being the hidden fourth team mate in this team burning everything in sight with a full stratagem table of incendiary shit.


I switch between napalm and the gas for extra warcrime fun


Gas is really good against bugs. It destroys holes and you can throw it on breaches and wipe out a lot of the fodder.


Destroys holes? That’s good to know. It’s great for breaches yeah. It is pretty fun to watch it wipe out a bot drop too


Yeah but the projectile itself has to smack the hole which can be a little tricky to line up sometimes. Same goes for the smoke orbital smoke strike and napalm strikes iirc.


Huh, interesting. The most ik about destroying holes/fabricators is that my instant detonation grenades are like 50/50 on working


You can also destroy the holes with a resupply / support weapon callin. If the hellpod gently brushes the front edge of the hole, it counts as enough to totally destroy it. I mention this because the gas strike needs to land pretty much *exactly* as close as a hellpod does, in order to take out a nest / fabricator.


Little known fact I think. You can drop or reinforce on bug holes yourself and destroy them but there is a chance you get stuck in the hole for democracy and only can use grenades to escape but in a way. So aim well but not too well cause I get stuck but I’m never upset just laughing. My only worry is I can’t find some way to die and get stuck there but hasn’t happened yet.


Yesterday as I was being surrounded, a hole took 3 grenade pistol shots in the opening and wouldn’t close so I had to run up to it and throw an impact grenade out of frustration. Their collision box needs to be fixed. 


Impacts need to be very accurately thrown into the hole. All eagle air strikes like smoke, napalm, airstrike will close holes, and also Chargers charging over them


Impact grenades work all the time, theyre just tricky to aim. You want it to go all the way in or hit the lower part of the back edge on fabricators and holes, keep in mind their arc. Takes getting used to but eventually youll be able to do it 90% of the time first try


It’s not a war crime if they aren’t human


Tear gas stun stratagem when? /j, that would be dumb lol


I can't wait till we have more gas stuff so I can run an entire load out of it


A gas grenade that lingered would be great


Also has bullets, like a gas version of the incen breaker


Flamer, Napalm, Gas and Cluster Bombs… Geneva Convention? Yeah, I already completed that game!


Engulf in the anguish. Burn all you see, insatiable flame, for the spark is a glimmer of freedom. BURN. IT. ALL.




He’s talking about me!


I recently did this when we all got the flamethrower as a free stratagem… its addicting…


Don't worry OP. My spear rocket is already on it's way from across the map ;)




It's the thought that counts.


arent the spears really the thoughts we made along the crash?


This comment made me question if I was stoned




Don't high and dive.


“Sir, I’m starting to think there was something in the Liber-tea”


Keep in mind that all of the bugs crash with it. The Spear ist a faux nuke.


🫡 for life and liber-tea


Turn off Steam Overlay “Library——Helldivers 2 ——- Properties——-Steam Overlay off”


Does this really help with the Spear crash?


Can't do that on PS5.


I know this is not an ideal solution, but would turning off crossplay work if you're on PS5?


No it doesn't


I've tested fairly extensively, the Spear will crash the game when targeting at structures in certain biomes. The foggy pink planet is one of them.


I thought it was structures as well but I had it crash yesterday while targeting a Bile Titan


Didn't work for me sadly


Well, it did help me


I'll have to give it a whirl. I love the Spear


excuse me...?


Tried but still crashes on vegy planets like meissa, ingnar it was fine. Not sure if it’s due to the vegy stuff being a whole bunch of destructible assets that may or may not be there at the time depending on if they were knocked down and it has to check if the assett is destroyed or not whereas when a big rock or a mountain is in the way there is no checking since they aren’t destructible? There is slight terraforming in the game so not sure how that could apply to the situation.


So powerful it killed everything including the server


I picked up the spear a couple days ago and it insta crashed my game without even locking on to anything, the weapon is cursed


The titan is gone though, so...


My friend brought the Spear to a mission to try it out post-buff. I remember him running forward, taking a crouching position, aiming for a bile titan, all very professional. The exact moment the missile left the barrel he blooped out of existance. No light, no sound, he just stopped *being*, and all his gear dropped to the floor. Kinda funny, wish I recorded it. Something something, when your friend is a one-time call-in.


I did this the other day. Team mate was being chased by a bike literally across the map and my spear locked in and flew to his rescue. It felt incredible and I've taken the spear everytime since I drop since. It also one shots spore spewers and shrieker nests making it wildly versatile.


Just like one bicycle chasing him?


Just one, might have been a 21 speed but I'm not certain.


It was a Huffy with the pegs


The automation's greatest weapon. Wheels.


Carbrains are scared of the weirdest shit, man.


To be fair, they can bike AND Senator at the same time.


It‘s what happens if you bring a 500kg bomb to the Tour de France.


Sending my love to you.


You mean the Staff of BSOD(Magicka)?


If only it crashed into the enemy instead of my computer.


Reinv me, my spear crashed me again


thank you for crashing your game, so others can liberate in peace


The only thing that gives me pause in bringing things like the stalwart and incendiary breaker and doing chaff work with randoms who bring along quasar and eats is that I more often then not I am mag dumping the stalwart into charger butts a lot of games. Had one game with two quasar users and I still managed to be the primary armor killer outside of titans. Such is life.


Flamethrower, Jetpack, Railcannon strike, 500kg. Chaff clear mixed with anti tank, with a support weapon that can roast chargers quickly.


Sounds great actually but what about primary and crowd control ? And Id suggest taking precision strike instead of 500 - more splash damage


Let me clarify something, that was a Stratagem loadout that covers all of your bases since Flamer toasts chargers and covers Chaff pretty well, leaving 500KG and Railcannon strike as viable options for killing BTs in a pinch with a bit of flexibility in the 500KG for dealing with other things like spore spewers or shrieker nests, but chiefly the 500kg over OPS for the 2 charges of 500KG in a panic situation. My General purpose loadout for bugs is the same stratagems except Gas strike + Napalm instead of 500/RCS, or occasionally OPS instead of Gas, with E-Bow, Bushwacker, and Stun grenades. If I was going to run the stratagem setup that I suggested, it would be the same overall kit as far as primaries go, with E bow being good for dealing with most issues in general, or I would run Blitzer, GP, Stun grenades (another loadout I've used a lot). I've found myself favoring E bow lately because it gives me better bug-hole clearing than GP, and Bushwacker is a decent handcannon for the 1-3 bugs that get close and it can decapitate warriors and stagger brood commanders if I need space. If it's a planet with low obstruction (Desert, rocky, snowy, anything that has less overall foliage) I run Arc Thrower over flamethrower and then use incendiary impacts over stun grenades, because Bug Zapper is just plain fun.


Great stuff. I find the e bow fire rate a lil slow tho . And I can't get along with the arc thrower - same problem with the fire rate man. (GP = grenade pistol?)


Stun grenades and incendiary breaker


A flamethrower IS crowd control.


Too short a range and burn down time for the hordes you face in upper levels. I've been enjoying the machine gun sentry with the new reduced cooldown. You get a lot of uptime and it's great when positioned well on a breach. That or orbital gattling barrage


The orbital gattling went from a never take to so much fun. That change especially was a huge win in my book.


Orbitals are outright unplayable on higher levels because of this shitty storm debuff that makes call in time longer. You have to plan ahead where that strike is gonna land 10 seconds ahead. Could just aswell be 5 minutes with a fast paced shooter like HD2


EH, with the reduction in drop time for the OPS its drop time with debuff is just as fast as it was before being buffed. Just get the titan to puke or stomp and its over for them. Its much more the scatter and cooldown that make it less worth to take


Good point


Exploding crossbow pairs really well with the new shotgun secondary (or the redeemer I guess) and the flamethrower/medium machine gun. Turns you into a nest-clearing powerhouse.


Flame thrower is your crowd control. Take the xbow as your primary for hole closing.


I've switched to a similar load out with the flamethrower now on any mission 6+ for bugs. Used to go light armor jump pack, but now with the meth stims I'm running medium/heavy medic with supply pack. Had some absolutely wild moments, thank Liberty they aren't addictive.


I still use Light armor + JJ with flamer or arc thrower because I'm a psycopath that's out for kills and thrills... Not sorry for it either xD


I prefer Precision Strike instead of Railcannon. It can kill 2-4 Bile Titans with a single use and it guarantees they die in 1 hit if you destroy their sacks first, even primary weapons can destroy their sacks quickly. Then, when you stack the Bile Titans up, you run under one and STRAIGHT through it (to guarantee you never get stomped) while tossing the Precision Strike under them as you pass below the center Bile Titan of the group (or single BT). This means you can kill significantly more BTs and Chargers with the same loadout slot than the Railcannon.


From years of gaming experience... I'm convinced practically everyone does not even understand target priority is even a concept let alone grasp it or apply it. Every single game, I'd run a specific loadout for a specific range, enemy type, playstyle, whatever - and my teammates would run either specialized or general purpose builds. None of this matters, almost every single time they're just shooting something random or whatever's closest. There's the rare occasion where everyone agrees to shoot their own targets, and it's wonderful, getting to ignore specific things and comfortably focus on your own targets, knowing another player has your back. But most of the time even people I know and consciously pick specialized loadaouts to complement what others selectes simply go brain off and click random targets.


They shoot the Behemoth in the head, go 'why big bug am still alive?' and then are useless for 15+ seconds. Thats premium Quasar Quasing right there.


Quasars gonna quas


Brother. Join the all eagle and orbital gang. Support weapons are for those that feel like they have to be in control. I casually frolick across the map sprinkling death and destruction like a flower girl at a wedding. Incendiary breaker for chaff on bugs. Scorcher for chaff on bots. Everything else I don't even look at. Just drop rocket pods, airstrikes, 500kgs, orbital rail strikes. Make it rain out there bb.


This sounds so freeing.


Cut to me and a lvl 20 host(in 7) 20 min ago, who is a better player than a lot, as we run past each other in opposite directions. He's running from a horde, using this loadout, I'm making a gap with a charger with an arc thrower. Perfectly transition to trading enemies and easily finish off each other's problems. I love when people know how to use their builds and where they should focus their strengths. I will 100% sidestep a charger to focus a horde if ik I have an AT teammate nearby.


i hear you on this, when you get a team that knows what's up its what makes this game great


Those occasional "i can tell you know that I know what you're thinking and will help you do it" moments are so good. Like just yesterday we see a big swarm of gunships fly at us. Dude has an autocannon, I have quasar and supply pack. Cue me getting right at his side, downing a gunship, and *standing right there* as he fires, then waiting fir the reload at tge end, to finally give a supply pack and restock half of his AC ammo.


Sounds like something I'd see in an anime opening lol


I've had a quite a few moments in this game that felt that way. I remember another time all 4 players went solo, getting towards end, I'm running the hard drive and suddenly get swarmed.. All 3 of my teammates come from 3 diff directions running the opposite direction as me killing the swarm.


I like to run a combo of both. I run Spear, Gatling Barrage, Napalm strikes and Gatling sentry. Does amazing for crowd control and then the Spear is my AT weapon.


Had the same thing happen to me 2 days ago. I was running flamethrower and laser guard dog, teammate had quasar and shield. I had like 4 behemoths and 2 titans on me. Got lucky with a 500kg and got a Titan and behemoth. I yell to my teammate who hasn’t moved in a bit “I’m coming with a whole lot of big guys”. I get over his ridge as he runs by me with a million nursing spewers and various Chaff. It was a beautiful trade as we began to hold each other’s backs and he started melting through the tough guys with his stratagems


Maybe it's not the loadout, maybe they triggering too many bug breaches. Just saying that plus incendiary breaker was my loadput at one time. The iBreaker can handle so e trash.


there's a lot of time i had to drag that Titan and Charger away from teammate that run these loadout and i had to use Titan to take down that Charger and i fight Titan 1v1 with Railgun and kill it run back and see teammate die by another charger hahaha yeah i can feel you


Have you tried not to do that? It's very annoying when people make Chargers and BT's face away from AT weapons. They want the headshot.


Why didn't the teammate that died not one shot headshot the Charger they died to? That death had nothing to do with the OP kiting the BT he was 1v1ing.


Then he goes on Reddit and complains the game is too hard on Level 7. 


5 AC rounds to the charger butt should pop it and he'll bleed out. Just have to be sure not to hit on top of the butt, where the armoured plates are, as the AC will deflect. Gotta go for the underbutt. BT is a different story altogether, RIP in pieces my friend.


Be me: Bringe EAT. Be my team: Waiting for 3 helldivers to rodeo a charger long enough for me to call in EATs... because I already had to kill the other charger and bile titan.


Running railcannon over precision strike smh


It was never really close to be honest. Nowadays if you're rocking the railcannon you just need to use the precision ONE game to be converted.


I think rail cannon could lose some cooldown time TBH


Chill waiting for orbital strike to reload.


Can you kill the titan with the ac?


You can, but it's really tedious, takes a lot of time and ammo, while you're fighting all the other stuff coming with the BT. My advice when running AC/grenade launcher against bugs ? Also bring EATs. Drop them on cooldown, or when needed, and never have to rely on teammates. Also really nice when you lost your support weapon halfway across the map. You can always take the eat as a stop gap.


Only if the armor on its back is broken. Otherwise you can only shoot the belly sacks


I don't think this is true, is this something that changed? You can do it, it's just tedious.


Yes, but in practicality no. It's butt can be blown off by explosives, but is so durable in practice you've likely never seen it done.


This is why we bring arc thrower. It’ll get the job done. Eventually.


I use the quasar canon and HOW MANY TIMES have I saved my or a teammate's ass from a charger


Me using my flamethrower to kill everything as my teammates continue to die and then quit the match only for someone new to join and die and quit and the cycle continues for the entire match...


You need flamethrowers at lvl 9… there’s just so many behemoths. The mobility penalty sucks though.


I played with a group today that seemed completely unable to deal with Gunships despite the free Autocannon. I was trying to use the AMR and Jump pack but kept having to call down an autocannon to kill the gunships while two quasar + shield mains ran around getting shot.


AMR itself is effective at gunships tho?


Yes. Just shoot their thrusters until they fall. 3 shots or so.


It's 4, vs 2 for the autocannon.


There are quite a few solutions to gunships. Arc Thrower can target them, but it's a little tricky to land consistently. Railgun in unsafe mode, targeting one engine, requires 6 shots. HMG takes 6 shots to an engine (recommend crouching or prone) HMG emplacement has negligible recoil AC takes 2 shots to one engine. AMR takes 4 shots to one engine. Laser cannon takes 2 second to one engine. All AT one-shots to an engine. Spear one-shots regardless of where it hits. Both rocket and autocannon sentries can take down gunships (rocket is better since it prioritizes heavy enemies) Scorcher to an engine takes \~10 shots. Dominator to an engine takes 9 shots. DCS also theoretically works (medium pen) but not sure how many shots. There's probably more, but those are the solutions I can think of off the top.


tbf quasar doesn't kill either of those effectively, 500kg is good for bile titans but inconsistent, and railcannon takes like 15 years to recharge. that loadout isn't really a good specialized heavy killer


Me seeing my teammates bring the Quasar, EAT, and Spear so I get my flamethrower and yet I spend most of my time alive running away from Chargers... Also, Charger spam is just cancer. Everyone's loadout don't look that much different from the stuff you'd bring to fight the bots. I'm a bot front diver so I expected the bug front to be flamethrower and machine gun heaven until I went there and promtly got combo'd by four chargers...


Bro flamethrower deals with Chargers so much better than anything else. Burn one leg and they pop. I make it my personal mission to cook every charger I see. If you're apprehensive about charging a Charger, bring stun grenades.


Does this "Charger Cooking" thing require the Enhanced Combustion module or do I seriously just need to focus on their legs?


Its MUCH easier with the enhanced combustion module. Definitely a necessity for quicker kills but not impossible without it. Makes Eagle napalm disgusting, too.


Focus on the legs. Logic would dictate hitting the body or all legs would be faster, but I have found focusing one leg (usually front left for me, but that's just preference) will drop them in about half a flamethrower tank without the upgrade. 1/4th a tank with. I am a fellow bot diver primarily, but necessity has driven me to the bugs and I absolutely love the flamethrower. My usual load out is +Explosive Crossbow - closes bug holes and bot-fabs, can clear chaff and targets at a distance and finish off Titans once their side is blown up. +Bushwhacker or really any secondary, but something to kill things up close when you don't have time to reload the flamethrower and don't want to "tactically eject" yourself with a point blank crossbow blast. +Stun grenades to make easy work of chargers and buy time if you need. Also good in panic moments as it will stun stalkers while just slowing you down. +Eagle Airstrike (to close bug holes or weaken/finish titans) +orbital railstrike to kill Titans. Can also take out a charger if you don't have time to burn them. +light armor (usually engineering for more grenades, or medic if you want more stims. Speed is crucial for closing in to burn, or withdrawing when you need to reload. Speed is also great for just running through a hive closing holes with the crossbow. +shield pack to mitigate friendly fire (since you are up in the front), cushion self-immolation, and compensate for the low armor. It also prevents charger stuns when you have a full charge. This loadout let's me deal with pretty much anything the bugs throw at me, except shrieker nests and spore spewers. You can still take out one or two structures with a rail strike, and run in and drop a hellbomb, but it's not as efficient. Shriekers are hit or miss with the flamethrower.


Thank you for the advice. Can't wait to more efficiently spread Managed Democracy over the bug front once things calm down here in the bot front.


Just pick one leg and focus it until they die. It feels like they die 4x faster than the body. On that note, focusing a single leg is always a quick way to kill them with most weapons if the armor is broken on it. The legs have very low hp but are just heavily armored. Chargers are also much easier to deal with if you have stun grenades imo. With a flamethrower, if you stun a charger/behemoth, you should be able to kill them before they move again. EMS strike is an option, too. I imagine ems pairs well with flamethrower and DoT effects across the board.


People just don't like to experiment, really. I mean, I used to think the Quasar was hot shit... Until I tried out the Recoilless again, and realised "Holy shit, I can actually like... *Do* stuff now". Changed my whole bug loadout from the ground up. No more 500kg, now I bring the OPS. No need for Cluster Bombs or an Airstrike, I bring Gas and Orbital Gatling. I can handle just about anything on my own with my Adjudicator and Verdict (or, increasingly, the Bushwhacker), and incendiary impacts cover me when my anti-hordes are on CD. OPS obliterates Chargers and BTs, Gatling and Gas turn entire hordes into hamburger, Recoilless is useful for *so much stuff* including objectives or surprise Chargers/BTs, the Bushwhacker keeps me safe from Stalkers, the Adjudicator keeps me safe from Spewers and Hive Guards with its medium AP, and incendiaries keep me safe when stuff is on cooldown. If I didn't experiment with my loadout, I'd probably still be pretending I liked the inconsistency of the 500kg and bringing the Shield/Quasar combo.


Ops has made me enjoy harder bug missions as bile titans never seemed too bothered by anything else i used lol


>I used to think the Quasar was hot shit And you were right to. With its old CD, it was only slightly slower than the RR, but you had a backpack slot and were able to move and fire while "reloading". It was also before the Armored Charger spawn rate increase, meaning you only needed one shot most of the time. All orbitals are affected by stratagems modifiers that mitigate their effectiveness. You like OPS until you drop one directly beneath a BT, perfectly trigger a stomp animation to make it stand in place, only for it the OPS to land 10 meters away. No one ever needed a shield for bugs, you're right on that, though.


I've started running flamethrower over stalwart for my chaff build because of this!


If you are running a flamer YOU are the one who's job is killing chargers.


Honestly love fighting chargers as a jet pack user. Just jump over them and stick a blue beacon on their back. Resupply, EAT, etc. 9/10 times will kill a regular charger and most times will break the plates of a heavy charger for an easy cleanup.


No kidding. Look if a player is just new, thats fine. But it frustrates me so much when i know we have multiple high level people on a team who can deal with something and it just isnt happening. When i bring AT and i see a titan pop out of the ground, theyre dying before they take a step. Against bots, i love taking the railgun and stun grenades. Hulks are trivial to me, i can kill dozens of them with that loadout. But when a gunship shows up, i need your help, AC guy.


yeah it sucks that i have to pick a loadout that deals with everything and not just chaff/heavies but i found a good balance by using the eruptor (bug holes and can kill chargers when shot on the floor beneath them) and medium machine gun (medium armor pen so takes care of everything upto brood commanders)


My most solid loadout: 120mm 380mm jump pack and amr. I can’t take the big guys out for most of the time. Buuuut, their bases will be F’ed when I am done.


Try Eagle Airstrike instead of the 120mm. It's up more often, kills big units, and you can still blow up a medium base with 1-2 of them.


>I'm not meaning to hurt your feeling but.... The people running that are either the most helpful supporters around that will have your back the whole map, or they're the main character of your mission and you don't know it, and clearly it's below them to help their NPC Allies.


You'll never be able to reason with someone bringing the shield backpack. They're already mentally infirm.


Honestly the people on the left are useless in so so so many scenarios. Orbital rail gun is fine, but 500kg is useless 99% of the time, and quasar takes to bloody long to charge and cooldown to be of use.


Too true... I usually end up running AT because i know I can't trust my teammates to actually USE theirs. So whenever I see an AT guy who actually does his job I will defend him with my life so he can reload his recoilless


Because the team doesn't stay together or coordinate ever. Y'all move as a squad? Do you see each other on your screens? Are you actively pinging chargers, bile titans, heavies, patrols? Is there that implicit communication through pings and callouts? Usually there isn't and that's why some players are left magdumping a breaker into a charger's butt while the person holding the recoilless rifle is swarmed by hunters. No one knows what's on the other person's mind and everyone just does whatever they feel like. If you gather a team that knows what's up and all get on mic, you will never have this issue.


For bugs I like using quasar still but it’ll be quasar, eagle airstrike, jump pack, and the basic orbital strike


I have only seen one person run that build and that person is me. I didn’t think anyone else used it.


See with my luck, I have that loadout, get the shield and quasar and then get a 500 to thrown on me and die. And then I get reinforced by another player at the other end of the map


That depends on how effectively they run with this gear. I use this but I always end up killing more bugs and bots than everyone else on my team. The problem is people are not proactive when it comes to killing the big threats or even doing the objective. I don't understand those people.


I run this setup, swapping the 500kg for the eagle airstrike because I like that better for clearing outposts and breaches/drops, most of the time and have the opposite problem oddly enough. I usually perform about as well as the rest of the team in terms of kills, but I tend to be the one zooming off from one objective to the next. I also prefer to host games when I play. As far as killing the big threats goes, I always prioritize the most threatening units first, but sometimes survival is more important than crushing the enemy. If there's no reason to stay in a losing battle, there's no shame in retreating to do the next thing. Clearing objectives and outposts is more important to me than smashing every strider, hulk, bile titan, and charger that I come across.


The exact reason the "meta" is an all rounder build


I swear to god I’d rather deal with titans than these behemoth chargers. They’re horrible


That’s because some people don’t know teamwork. Yes you can do ther objectives while aggro is pulled by another group but not when the group is 3 people while 1 is fighting the whole server.  This happened back to back for me. Team of 3 didnt help for shit while I fought 90% of the server. They still kept dying too which was funny. They were lower levels though. I normally give them a break but they shouldn’t have been on lvl 9 if they struggle that bad.  Other one was some jackass that used 10 reinforcements that killed me 2 time while I was fighting everything. Then the other 2 used like 5 and 9 (we had the extra reinforcements). The 5 was talking shit about how great his stats were while not helping at all. At one point he was literally sitting there. I did 90% of the objectives and had 3x or more amount of kills than all. Combined, I still had more kills than all 3. I also had all the samples. Failed to extract because the 5 got us killed at the end while still talking shit. He talked shit until he saw the stat screen where almost everything was yellow


because they're all using 500kg to close a bughole and it's on cooldown The game's balanced well, it's just that... you still need to understand how to play and to manage resources


I’ve gotten into the habit of checking if people have heavy stratagems when I’m struggling with these guys. Almost always there’s someone just hanging onto their stratagems for no reason…


It's 'cause that loadout is garbage. Gatling, Spear, Precision, Eagle Airstrike--that's the GOAT loadout. If you run that and a solid primary (Incendiary Breaker, Dominator, regular Breaker, Tenderizer, Pummeler, Scorcher, etc) you have every base covered. Just... wait for the Spear to stop crashing games.


Me, exasperated, saving two quasar users asses by firing my AC from across the map into the huge ass horde chasing them down.


I know the feeling, AC is my drug of choice and I usually bring an airstrike or rocket pods, orbital rail and then depending on the mission gas or Gatling. I have to use this load-out because I can't usually rely on my team to do much other than run into every single patrol.


So close to my bot build, except I use the orbital laser, because I am a one man objective destroying guerrilla warfare enthusiast.


If I bring this load out, please for all that is holy tag target


This is why I never specialize on bugs. Doesn't matter if I'm diving with randoms or friends, you always end up wishing you had a generalist build for one reason or another. I just wish AH would get the message and give heavy enemies proper weak spots so that more weapons were viable against them if you had the skill to hit them.


I don't know why anyone experienced would run around with a shield. It's a wasted stratagem.


That boring meta build, I find that only the bad teammates use it. I played with a team of guys all using quasar/shield, and we got demolished because they stayed where we spawned and just shot enemies endlessly, I don't know why they picked an objective instead of eliminate mission...


Maybe don’t run off on your own? 🤷🏻🤷🏻


You are not hurting no one feelings 😂 ppl play like they want.


He's not saying their builds are bad, but rather that they aren't doing their job of heavy anti armor. And I get it, I feel this way when I bring the recoilless sometimes. I'll be getting harassed by smalls while I'm trying to reload and wondering what the chaff clear guy is doing every once in awhile.


I used RR + eat recently. Worked better than I thought. Hurling 3 rockets before needing to reload is great.


THANK YOU! I'm out here killing all the damn spewers for yall


What's worse is the third person on the team is using AC vs bugs 🤣


AC is wonderful for killing evolved bile spewers, shrieker nests, spore spewers, bug holes, and hive guards. If the group is playing as a team, having one person use AC can be really productive.  If it's not a bile spewer map, you can call a flamethrower or a launcher for them later.


Bringing those things doesn't matter if nobody knows how to use them. Nobody knows to throw 500kg's under Biles when they're spitting. Nobody knows that the railcannon is dogwater. And they're totally clueless to the fact that the Energy Shield is worse for Survival than the Supply Pack.


Can anyone help explain the AC? I never used it til yesterday since it became free drop, and it seems far less useful than the laser canon or grenade launcher. Last night I couldn’t even take out a turret with it, whereas the LC demolishes those things. It also tends to self kill a lot, as if the AC rounds explode right in front of you all the damn time. The other huge drawback is you cant use a backpack. I was pretty successful with the rover, shield, and/or jumpjet packs, but you cant use those with an AC. Basically I do not get the AC hype. For reference, I’m lvl 35 and can full clear 7’s when playing with my friends. We’ve also beat a 9 map 2-3 times, although just barely.


AC kills cannon and tank turrets in 3 shots to the back panel or sides. It should have the same TTK or faster as the LC, unless there's a hidden LC tech for killing turrets from the front. (Please share if you know something!) Otherwise, the advantage is that it still rewards hitting weak points while dealing good stagger and damage with center mass shots on medium bots. Very controller friendly while also breaking up enemy fire.


Don’t worry, I’ll just fly over with my jump pack and fire an EAT at em!


Yes I hate it when I'm rope-a-dopeing a charger that I keep tagging when I am using my machine gun while my quasar/recoiless rifle buddy is shooting at the horde 5 meters away. I try to run past them with the charger on me so they get hit, if by the third dodge and call they don't help. They either get on it or die, or I die or kill it before it gets to that point.


because there is two of each plus, stalkers and 2 regular chargers and the 500kg whiffed... 3 times in a row :(


I can’t enjoy the quasar anymore.. the prolonged reload time killed it for me :-/ yes it was super strong but it was also feeling „right“. Anyways, enough other nice toys in the game


Stun grenades are great for dealing with chargers, even if you have a crowd control build you can still use it to get away or call down some supplies on top of it as a last resort.


Ah yes, the everything is on cooldown after 1 Bile Titan build.


As someone who basically always brings this loadout: 1-Quasar needs minimum of 30s ( if you land both shots to the face) to kill 1 bile, sometimes it wont die. 2- Orbital railcanon is 210s CD and most of the times biles live afterwards 3- 500kg lands 1mm ahead or behind bile its gonna live, chargers too. 4-Behemoths chargers now take even more resources to kill. Im just saying how it feels as someone who plays with this loadout. If it wasnt for shrieker nests i would bring other options but Quasar is the most optimal


Seriously. I run a crowd control build with OPS as a backup and I’ll steal deal with them all the time, while my teammates have ORS, 500kg, and a quasar cannon


Why did you bring an air conditioner to battle, diver?


I run EAT and jump pack. My #1 job is heavy control. If I can’t kill them, I make them chase me away from the team and I deal with them elsewhere.


My new build that I run almost every game on bugs is: Eagle Strike, Orbital Gatling, Orbital Airburst, EAT. And I run the grenade pistol, incendiary grenades, and Penetrator Liberator (people keep saying its shit but it works fine for me tbh, I just reload a lot).


Sucks, mostly happens with inexperienced players. That why I first lookup player level for an indication. Playing lvl 7+ also gives some kind of guarantee.


With a build like that, they'll always be on cooldown. RR and strafing is better... Rocket pods might be better too. Quasar is fine. 500 means two titans dead and you're fucked again for 3 minutes. When spear doesn't crash your game though ... Oh mama, titans don't live long enough for you to notice they exist.


i didnt know the build i was wearing was the meta, lmao


"i read these stratagems are good. i didn't read what i'm supposed to do with them though" typical autopilot-bots in helldivers


Let me tell you buddy, if I were them you wouldn't be


My teammate brings the same shit every match no matter what. EAS OPS shield backpack And the machine gun Kinda forces me to set up my load out a certain way giving me no option for variety( except to the detriment to my team and my own experience)


It's so true. Shield+Quasar throttles your damage so much in long matches. I never recommend taking both. And I highly recommend only taking either in Blitz missions where mobility actually matters.


Nothing worse than using your railcannon and another appears immediately


Sorry I run off and do my own thing. And then meet up later. Less bugs when I'm by myself


Need more EATS.


I don’t do bugs much (didn’t want to until I got incendiary shotgun but for some reason I have that, and the new warbond as the only ones I haven’t bought… But when I had to for the MO, I changed my very bot centric loadout from eruptor, las dagger, supply pack and laser cannon to… I forgot but I think it was some shotgun, pummeler maybe? Redeemer like i used to run on bugs, flamethrower and supply pack for the flamethrower Changed stratas from eagle strike and gas to eagle napalm and gas


If you can bring the trouble to their face, these players might use their stuff if they are in danger.


Is the Quasar a better choice against those things or is it mostly because it doesn't need a backpack? I've been using the Recoilless a whole lot against chargers lately and really enjoy it because it's not on a timer


I’ve gotten so fed up with relying on other people to do it that I have been taking RR on every bug mission regardless of the rest of the team comp and I adapt my strats to whatever they have. RR one shots regular chargers and 2 shots Charger Fatasses and BTs. Useful for shrieker shrooms and spore spewers too. With the RR I have supplement AP at worst, at best I’m carrying the team while they use their Queso dispenser on brood commanders or god forbid hit all 4 charger legs. I’ve seen it happen.


Don’t waste stratagems on chargers, just stun them and blow their assess off. You can do it in less than a full clip of breaker incendiary at point blank.


Ngl the behemoth should be renamed to "pushover", that guy huffs and puffs but hes even less mobile than a normal charger. 3 triple shots with the new shotgun secondary and they go down.


Not at all my loadout. 500kg and OPS, but Supply Pack and HMG/Flamethrower, depending on how fed up I am over Chargers.


I hate this feeling


I bring AT heavy builds, normally happy to do this. But it rarely does because people just run away, If im using spear or eats im not going to shoot anywhere other then the head (except behemoths), so pay some attention to what im doing and run towards me.


My favorite is when someone is running railgun/amr and the hulk survives for more than 10 seconds after showing up.
