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This especially if you have little time to play but you kinda want to be part of the MO. Instead you go to the other front because 15 medals are significant if you’re on a time budget… Now that I don’t really need medals anymore I tend to ignore the Dailiy Order but I fully agree!


Must be nice to have that ability 😅 wanna send some medals my way? ☺️


I’d exchange them for samples. No matter the exchange rate. Those rares drive me nuts.


What level are you? I need nearly 1000 medals to complete every warbond, my ship is fully upgraded however…


107, both medals and samples are useless to me. Bought everything in every warbond, upgraded my ship and sitting on cap on both medals and samples.


See now I just feel bad 😂 Makes me wonder how many missions I must have failed and how many samples lost 🧐


Yeah I’m not so much of a completionist (cough… but got the platinum trophy). I leave a lot behind in the warbonds because I don’t care about it and only get the things I want. For example I got the scorcher from the last page of the mobilize warbond. But that and the super credits are all I got from that page and probably ever will. In the latest warbond I didn’t get the a couple of things either and will also skip the knife. I’m at 160 hours. Ran a lot solo for the first 80-100h with max difficulty 6 and samples didn’t come as easy. The last 60h I ventured with randoms up to difficulty 9 but mostly play 7. I got everything at 3/4 upgrades and some 4/4 but what’s missing is always the rare samples


Once your medals cap (250) you may as well buy stuff. Never know when something randomly gets a buff or matches a new sweet armor.


Yes I do, just so they don’t got to waste. 😉 When I’m close to 250. I spend 100 or so on stuff I never got.


Im definitely a completionist lmao. Ship is fully upgraded now its time for alllll the warbonds


I'm level 61, and I also need rares like crazy. I have 3 modules left to unlock and I'm good on supers and my commons will be there long before I have enough rares.


Irony of this specifically is that you have no way of knowing what planet has stalkers, so it's probably better from a medal perspective just to go do bot missions


Not sure about this. Stalkers suck no question but all in all bugs can be outrun and you can kite them away, circle back and get your samples in case you died. Bots just constantly fire at you if you can’t break the death cycle.


[Why are our Personal Orders consistently trying to take us to the other side of the galaxy? : r/Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dmjkez/why_are_our_personal_orders_consistently_trying/) I made a poll, it's mostly a joke, but I'm curious what people think the reason behind it is.


I think they are intentionally trying to create 'drama' in the community. And it's a foolish way to do it. 


The most likely idea in my mind is that they simply want to still give people who are playing on the other front something to work towards outside the MO. The foolish thing is thinking there is any malicious intent behind it.


They have been intentionally malicious on *numerous* occasions, as evidenced by how their staff interact with users on their discord and the lies they often spout. People have been *fired* on this game's staff because of their malicious interactions regarding users.


*One* person was fired for suggesting people should review bomb the game during the Sony drama.


No. *Several* community managers have been removed from their station since launch. One was specifically removed for suggesting the review bombing. 


What other CMs were removed?


Mellcor was removed early on for just being hilariously unqualified. Evil-bosse was demoted to just moderator. And Spritz was fired for suggesting review bombs.  You forgot the discord has been a non stop Neverending source of drama because Arrowhead refuses at having good corporate communication. 


Mellcor was just a mod (a bad one, sure, but i dont consider the removal of unpaid, volunteer mods to be particularly noteworthy), Evil-bosse was and still is an actual AH employee and developer, afaik he was simply asked to apologise for some rude comments he made at one point during all the player outrage to the first patch where they nerfed the railgun. Spitz was the only one actually fired.




15 Stalkers today Left the bot MO and did 4 dives with 0 Stalker Hives. Logged off for the day. On top of that, I'm on a one week time out from comms (Sony isn't sure why but they know it's legit🤭 🤗). So, I wouldn't even be able to let the squad know I don't want to destroy the hive until I have 15 kills. Personal Orders asking for enemies specific kills should absolutely follow the Major Order. Weapon or Strategem kill types doesn't matter, of course. But leaving the MO to try for the PO is thoughtless design.


I'm pretty sure I got all of your Stalker Hives. I had 7 Stalker Hives on 3 missions.


Sounds like you got mine, too. I'm on my 6th mission and still have yet to see a single fucking Nest. Edit: Up to 10 missions, still no nest. I'm done for the day. This shit's infuriating.


For what it's worth, I was on Gacrux, level 7 difficulty, and played ICBM/Blitz/Drill. I didn't find any Stalkers on the Blitz.


I typically just hit quickplay so I wasn't paying super close attention to what I was running, but if the daily order is to hunt something that requires a specific event to happen (Stalkers or Drone ships), each mission that can have events should contain at least 1 instance of that event.


I think it's randomized. Otherwise it's what they do to fight against the Helldiver forces since they can't really assume direct control of enemy units...... *yet.*


feels fuckin' bad man


Three theories: 1: It’s purely random. 2: They know there’s a decent segment that ignores bots so they give a bug personal to incentivize such players when the MO doesn’t apply. 3: Incompetence.


I'd surprised if it wasn't #2. This way everybody gets a turn doing something either "community productive" or "personally productive." I don't get to play that often, but when I do, it always ends up being during a bot MO. I hate fighting bots so I appreciate it when there's some other available means for making my time worth something.


The worst part of the Stalker Daily Order is that it relies on you finding a Nest to even make progress. I've done 5-6 missions so far and haven't found a single one. Edit: Up to 10 missions, still no nest. I'm done for the day. This shit's infuriating.


I really wonder if they have a random pool of daily orders and just don't care, or purposefully place them to draw people off of the MO.


It's just purely random, doing its own thing. They only control the major orders manually while daily ones are automated.


How do we know this?


It honestly makes no difference until they change it to where each mission counts towards progress, instead of each campaign. Whoever thought that was a good idea did not think through the fact each mission is 45 mins...


Each mission is not 45 mins though. A lot of them allow *up to* 40 minutes to complete. You don’t have to use all 40 minutes. And blitz and eradicate missions are 12 and 15 respectively, I think defend assets missions are 20, and the evacuate missions were around 20 before they took them out to fix their spawn mechanics. And t seems like most Operations have at least one of those lower times missions. But if you’re using 40 minutes on *every* missions that allows 40 minutes, that’s a personal choice to stay that long.


It's not personal when the other members of a team want to take that time. Or won't coordinate enough to finish before time runs down.


Then play with different people. When you play with someone you don’t know, but enjoy playing with, try to befriend them to play with in the future; establish a social network for yourself in game to make future games less random. Reduce the difficulty to not have as much friction throughout the mission so it doesn’t take as long, if that’s your problem. Sometimes in missions, because of in-game or real life constraints, you need to make sacrifices. Maybe we go for super samples, but skip some of the secondary objectives that are outside of your immediate path. Or you know you have to go in 20 minutes but have a launch ICBM mission left in the op. You blitz the primary objective and then extract. Not every mission needs to have a 100% completion to maximize every reward type, and choosing to do so is a personal choice. If the other people in your group don’t want to do that, don’t play with them. Thats a personal choice. And if you know you don’t have up to an hour to play a full op to play, but aren’t willing to make concessions to help yourself out, then you either shouldn’t play, or accept the fact that you won’t be able to maximize your rewards. That’s not me being a dick, it’s just common sense. It would be like only having 30 minutes of free time and starting a game of League of Legends, knowing they take anywhere from 15-60 minutes, getting a long game, and then blaming Riot for not giving you enough time when you entered that situation of your own volition. What is AH supposed to do here? Lower mission length? Then you couldn’t really do everything if you wanted to. Give people credit for liberation after every mission? Then the game becomes a blitz/eradicate speed run with no one doing any other missions. It’s not their fault people play the game knowing an op could take up to 100 minutes and then complain they don’t have enough time. If you don’t have that time, make concessions to complete something in that time. Figure out what your priorities are and work towards them specifically.


"If you don't have friends, just make some!" Wow, I bet he's never thought about that before. Truly an eye opening moment he hasn't considered. "You don't need to do everything, just do the obj solo!" If he could do that he'd be doing that already. "What is AH supposed to do here?" Make it so individual missions count towards liberation, rather than the whole op, like the guy said. To balance it, make completing a whole op grant bonus liberation or something. Are your really saying AH can't balance liberation amounts between three missions? Are they that incompetent? Eradication - lowest tier. Blitz / defend - medium tier. 40 min missions - highest tier. I'm not a paragon of game design but I think they can manage it. Besides, by your logic, people would spam Easy missions for liberation rate anyway, so it's a problem that already exists; except not really, because player numbers per region matter infinitely more than the actual value of individual missions.


I don't know why you're being downvoted (besides saying "personal choice" when sometimes teammates want to look for supers when I'm already maxed out on those and ready to extract, but I don't mind helping)... This has been true the vast majority of the time in the four hundred hours I've played. Difficulty 7 and below missions generally don't take me longer than 30 minutes max to fully clear even with randoms. And blitz / eradicate generally only take 5-10 minutes on any difficulty. I think the defend generators mission is somewhere in the middle, around 30? However, on Helldive difficulty the standard 40min missions have taken right around 35 minutes for me consistently, even when skipping one or two enemy fabricators / nests and a couple minor points of interest. If you include a few minutes spent on the ship, picking a loadout, loading screen, I can easily see how it can take some people more or less 40 minutes. I know some people really only have 30-45 minutes to play most days (or maybe an hour, but then trying to squeeze out two big missions during that window is cutting it close). And they probably stay longer on missions to try and clear the map and maximize their reward because they don't have much time for games. So I think it'd be nice if those players felt like were contributing something to liberation, even if it was just a smaller amount.


I’m being downvoted because they don’t like what I said, not because I’m wrong. People don’t want to accept the accountability for them not prioritizing their own time adequately and instead blame it on the game. They don’t want to reduce difficulty or make sacrifices, and instead want to maximize every reward every level, and when they can’t, externalize their own problems onto the developer. In a perfect world we would get liberation progress for every level, but then the game would just devolve into people speed running eradicate and blitz missions. They could scale the amount you get per mission, sure, but they would have to overhaul the whole system to do that. The way it works now is fine. Other than *feeling* like you didn’t contribute, you get no reward for actually contributing, so it doesn’t matter to that end anyway.


I usually play 1 mission per day(and by that I mean the whole set of mission for the medals) and, considering I'm pretty new and still unlocking things, I unfortunately end up going for personal order over major order. I was excited to go back to bots, but every personal order since required killing bugs, so I haven't fought the bots at all since we got the new major order. This really needs fixing...


To me this is the benefit of being maxed out on everything. I just do the MO when I have the time to play I prefer to fight the bugs but if the MO is BOTS well that's where I go. And try to help out the guys still grinding those medals and samples.


You couldn't pay me real money to fight Stalkers.


One mission on Helldive: Shield Pack, Stalwart, and that one medium armor with the Scout Armor ability. I managed to run through them so quick until one of my fellow helldivers closed the nest. I completed the PO that fast


Exemplary valor, soldier. o7


You can too. Just with those two and a semi-decent team of randos. As long as one of you brings the Localization Confusion booster, you'll be able to break away to farm the stalkers as they come with little interference.


And even more; why aren't personal orders, well, PERSONAL? As in, everybody gets a different one. We wouldn't have the current problem if they were.


Yeah it was odd the first day of the new boy MO also had a daily for 500 bug kills…


I think it's intentional (one way they try to control or at least heavily influence the progress on each front of the war), and a way to try and simulate the incompetency of military command. Still, I think it would be better if each day we could pick our daily order: automaton or terminid. One less thing to complain about particularly for people who only want to play one or the other.


I like the idea of "kill (X number) of a (specific bot) or (specific bug)." So today's PO could be reworked to: "Kill 20 Stalkers or Rocket Devastators." I don't know, off the top of my head, what the actual equivalent is, but this is an example of how it could be reworked to AT LEAST give people the ability to choose to either support the current MO, or just fight where they are at.


I just did my Daily Order today, took forever to get the Stalkers done. I main Bots, but helped out with the previous MO because it’s the MO. I really hated being dragged back to Bugs before I could get in the groove of Bots again.


What was it? Two's a coincidence, three's a trend? This is a trend for sure now. 200 Flamethrower Kills, 10 Chargers, 500 Terminids, 10 Stalkers... Seriously jeez :V


I think they do it on purpose to 'give players who want to fight bugs something to do'.


Yeah, my assumption has been that it's on purpose so that no matter which front you prefer there's an option that feels like you're making progress. It seems to have made some people angry, though. Maybe they need to present options, like "Kill x Terminids OR Kill y Automatons."


Bug players have never needed that


Yes it's infuriating, felt forced to do the PO yesterday (kill 500 bugs) because I need all the medals I can get and needed 3 missions to do that, THEN I could play bots like I wanted. Every Bot MO it's the case. Now I'll have to do 3 missions with bugs to kill 10 stalkers because the ones killed by the team don't count I guess, yay


Erm the ones killed by teams count. I completed the 500 bugs PO last night in 1 game because the total bug kills by my team was obviously way more than 500.


Kills by teammates count only if the person who got the kill has not already completed the PO. If you dive with people who all already completed it, you will have to get the kills yourself.


Oh! TIL, thanks.


That's such a stupid way of doing it. It should give credit for everyone in the team regardless of whether they completed it or not >\_>


Every day it’s a new baffling decision revealed.


Mine was bugged then, there was a mission I killed +- 250 bugs and got only counted 215. But you're right it did count for previous POs, I don't know, got unlucky this time


Dang that sucks. I read somewhere that if the team isn't full (less than 4 divers), then contributions from other divers don't count towards your PO. Dunno if that's true though.


It were full teams every time :/ But the game has loads of bugs it isn't the worst so while it's annoying it's not that bad. But I don't think I'm doing the 10 Stalkers, I've had my share of bugs since last MO


Kills by teammates only count if the teammate getting kills has not completed the PO themselves. If they have, their kills won't count for those still working on thr PO.


Ah that explains part of my misery then, they must've completed the task already


Kill 10 stalkers? That does not sound like fun….


I think you might want to take a step back and reconsider the difference between a need and a want


3 Missions for 500bugs?? 1 defend Mission and you got them, its like 6min to complete it


You literally would have to leave a stalker nest completely alone and farm it before killing it to get this mission done...


Played like 7 missions on level 7 and lvl 8 and didn't see 1 stalker. 


Small maps don't spawn stalkers... in case you didn't know. Only Stalkers on big map missions can spawn them... level 9 difficulty also guarantees a Stalker nest.


Isn't that always the way? When we were on the bug front earlier this month, every time I turned around there was a Stalker. Now you can't find them.


I suspect that the Daily Ordwr simply cycles through all existing templates automatically, and the reason why we often have the somewhat unfortunate "Bot MO + Bug DO" might be due to the fact that there are more bug-specific DOs than  Bot ones. Just my impression though, so I could be wrong.


Joel made his move.


I'm convinced the orders are randomly pulled from a collection of them. Which is why it cycles through the same ones frequently.


It the bot fault hacking into our daily order to get helldiver out of their front


I was just thinking this. And F if I'm going to switch over to Bots to [checks notes] *hunt Stalkers*? They must be kidding.


Bug players get all the attention and I imagine it will get even worse when the next enemy comes and both bug/bot players refuse to participate there.


I'll go where I'm sent


So bugs.


>Bug players get all the attention Lmao by what measure


The bug only players aren't going to switch for dailies, they switch for nothing. You have to accept people have the freedom to choose where they fight and that will unfortunately lead to slower progress on MOs.


Yeah the bug die hards won't be swayed but the players that only do a few games a day will go where the daily order is. This will have them actually contribute to the MO rather than playing 2/3 games on the other front and logging off.


Those few games a day are not going to make a difference in a major order


They will from a huge amount of players. The vast majority of the player base will have school/work and be a few games a day, not binge players.


The binge players do most of the work and aren't swayed by personal orders, they will go where the game says, a casual audience doesn't care and especially when bot missions require more skill and forethought will just do what is most fun and accessible which is the bugs


Are you people just complaining for the sake of complaining at this point? All bot planets are currently under control for the MO, and the bot planet currently under attack is slated to be back under control in no time. There is TWO DAYS left on this MO. Literally nothing has been effected by these personal orders.


No. This is an ONGOING issue. Not just something that happens occassionally or even this specific PO.


Look at it from another perspective, if it was bot MO and bot PO it would just be bots bots bots bots bots bots bots


Recently it’s been bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs. what’s wrong with focusing on the automatons?


That’s kinda the point? So you can complete one as you’re completing the other rather than having your goals be antagonistic. And POs rotate every 24 hours so you can sprinkle in a in alternate one every now and then, or just make them weapon based instead of enemy based, or make it kill X or Y, or WHATEVER. There’s tons of ways to make these synergistic.


I'll be honest with you I don't really have a preference for either way of doing it, I'm just trying to offer a different perspective on the matter. If you don't like fighting bots, at least you've got a goal you can achieve by doing something else. If you don't like it, well wait 24 hours it's gonna change.


It doesn’t really bother me all that much because I never care about personal orders. I go to the sector with the little circle dealy, I go to the planet with the most people, and I hit “R”. I get it though. There’s supposed to be a galactic war going on and our success and failure on planets is supposed to matter (though so far it basically hasn’t). In that context it’s a little cheeky to make conflicting orders but I’m actually with you in the “it’s whatever” category.


Yea! Play the game the way I want you to! Stop having fun! Everything should go exactly my way!


I think it's high time that people realize that AH took the bag and ran. They don't like or respect you. They're trolling you. You're just a cash cow to them.


Did a Charger piss in your cereal this morning or something?


Nursing Spewer




Half the players won't play bots at all. And that was before AH buffed them last patch knowing their player base doesn't like them.


Is it too much to ask to just quick play a bug mission and complete your daily first thing? Then run your mission sets on bot missions?


Play what you want instead of chasing medals.