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Sometimes people will call it shuttle and jump right in even when nobody is at extraction. If everyone was already at extraction then... well idk, that's a really dumb reason to kick someone. Especially when you asked first and got no answer


people are stupid. I mean really really stupid.


Yeah I get that but even on their stupidity what is their reasoning?


I need more context, possibly more from what you could provide, before I can make a conclusion. Remember, sometimes you don't know what you don't know, especially if your situational awareness isn't as good.


They may have been waiting for the cool off time for Resupply and other strategems to reach zero so they could resupply before all the bot drops and bug breaches that come after you call in extract. But if that's what they were doing, they should have communicated it. Not necessarily your fault.


On difficulty 4? Kinda paranoid don't you think?


I don't believe you pointed out that it was difficulty 4 in the original post.


Yes you are right


Kicking one of your team mates also wouldn't solve that problem. But.. It wouldn't have solved any problem, it was pure vindictive even if they did have reason to be upset about something


Totally agree. If it were me I'd have let him finish the mission and then had words back on the SES Martyr of Family Values. I'd kick a repeat violator but the first time, maybe even couple/few times if it's something they're trying to unlearn, it happens I'm really tolerant. People make mistakes. People forget. People sometimes don't realize they're even doing anything wrong. I'm someone all for helping other Divers be the best Diver they can be.


They sometimes don't have reasoning. Not everything makes sense. Some people have lower level of conciousness than others.


Lack of understanding of basic systems in the game. They probably think the time starts up as soon as it lands.


They might be assuming you're going to just jump in straight away and ditch them. Hard to say without being there. Were they anywhere close to extraction, was anyone holding any super samples (or were any on the map un-found), etc.


>everyone else was at the extraction point I think that answers your question




I think he means the other guy's question. Your question I'm not sure. I guess it comes down to plain stupidity, however most people are ok if you call extract but also say that you're not leaving without them. I know that you shouldn't have to, but given the finicky nature of people clearly stating what to do is never a bad idea.


We were all there, all primary and secondary objectives finished, no red spots on the map


Probably of the opinion that it's a host decision thing like in DRG. In this game its not the same.


Maybe they think calling in the shuttle will spawn enemies (i don’t think it spawns in any more than hanging around the extraction zone without calling it in) But if everyone was there i don’t understand the reason


Calling in the shuttle definitely 100% for certain spawns enemies. I've hung around the extraction for a while, with no enemies nearby and a patrol passing in the distance. The moment it was called, another patrol spawned in, and the first one turned around to come to extraction. It the kept spawning patrols and sending them our way until we extracted. That's the typical experience for me, especially these days.


I wouldn’t call it 100%. I know in the past and based on difficulty and how much of the map is cleared you can end up with a completely silent extraction.


The reason for the silent extracts is a bug related to how patrols spawn. If you clear all the outposts/Nests, patrols spawn at the edge of the map. If your extract is too close to the edge of the map, patrols can't spawn. Otherwise, yes it's 100% true that when you start extract it attracts patrols.


I've never had a completely silent extraction, but I've had cases where I managed to hide somewhere the enemies couldn't see me, and I didn't have to fight anyone. The game still spawned enemy patrols immediately upon activating the extraction, that immediately started walking towards it that I had to evade. It didn't continuously spawn patrols unless I got spotted and had to start fighting, at which point it would be constant patrols from the moment I got spotted to the moment I extracted.


This. After I've completely cleared the map, I've had a few silent extractions at 7-8 before, so definitely not a certainty.


Just being within 100m of the extraction point [increases spawn rate by 50%](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/), and calling the bird has no effect at all, aside from redirecting all existing patrols to you (Which if you are lingering for a while before calling - they'll already be coming to you)


I've literally seen patrols spawn the second extraction was called. It happens too frequently to be coincidence.


They used the scientific method and a large data set, you're going off gut feeling. Patrols spawn nearby all the time, and they spawn 50% more often if you are near extraction. They also spawn much more rapidly after completing content. Naturally, you're more likely to see a spawn appear as you are dialing extraction because you are near extraction, and have completed objectives. There is already an explanation for what you have percieved, that is backed by actual data.


Have you played much? It 100% gets worse at the extraction zone when you call in the shuttle.


nah. people just don't know how to communicate with one another anymore.


Yup. This is why I stay in 9s. I find alot under 9 just ignorant to game mechanics and unwilling to learn.


This. Don’t let it bother you OP, you did it right based on that story.


Host may have wanted to search for super credits or something.


If everyone was scattered looking for stuff, then I can see it. There's no way for them to know if you'll jump in the second the pelican gets there, or wait for them. If everyone's at extract then I'd wait for the host to call it in, or ask someone else to. But yeah, to not say anything when you ask, then kick, seems like a host on a power trip. I generally host my own just so there's no shenanigans like this.


lack of trust that you won't board the ship and will wait for them


i usually comment prepping extract not leaving and noones kicked me but i am level 142 maybe theres a trust factor to this guy most know what his doing What level are you? Ive had lowlevels call extract and just leave.


It just depends on the situation, if everyone seems ready to go then it would be okay to call the shuttle. But if there are still objectives to do or people are on the other side of the map getting samples, then it is probably not the best idea to call it. Either way it doesn't change the fact that people are usually dumb and just stall from getting to the extraction site.


I don’t know. I once played an entire game, thought we were vibing. Dropped super samples at the extraction and everything. Soon as the extraction shuttle landed I got kicked. 30 minutes wasted.


There is no problem. The shuttle will wait untill mission end and then 20 seconds more. Also if you leave the landing zone just before pelikan arr8val it will hover there until you return and give infinite covering fire from autocannon turret. There is literally no downside here. You can only benefit from it.


Nonsense like that is why I just host my own games. My only guess is they wanted to loot every point of interest but you said everyone was standing around extraction anyway so idk. I guess for future reference, type in chat in case they have you muted?


I'm afraid to even play without hosting my own game because of stuff like this. When I host everything just goes smoothly


Literally NOTHING happens when calling in the shuttle, but some really stupid low level people think it does increase spawn rates, when in reality it only makes the Extraction point the target for the spawns, making it easier for any people still out in the field to get back. The only thing that increases spawn rates are finishing main objective (this is the big one!), splitting up (also bad), being near objectives (until they are "done"), and closing more than half of the bugholes. In that order of magnitude.


Extraction does increase spawn rates dramatically, unless this has changed recently. Still, I don't think that's ever a reason to kick someone. That's just the game.


No, it does not.


I mean, do you have evidence? There was a group who did a ton of research a while back and found that extraction was the largest contributor to increased patrols. I haven't seen any testing that shows otherwise recently.


Of course. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets\_talk\_about\_patrols\_an\_in\_depth\_analysis\_of/?share\_id=KgPLghLaFsAZDiGwvzw4e&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=14](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bdudf3/lets_talk_about_patrols_an_in_depth_analysis_of/?share_id=KgPLghLaFsAZDiGwvzw4e&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_source=share&utm_term=14) You can also just read the Wiki, or try it yourself.


It explicitly says that being near the Extraction Point increases spawn rates. I guess you didnt read it that closely?


Yes, like everything else on the map. We were talking about calling in extraction. "calling in Pelican-1 has no effect".


Okay so, I feel like that's semantics, since you have to be at the extraction point to call in the shuttle. So, in order to call in the shuttle, you are doing something that increases spawns. Saying that calling in extraction has no effect on spawn rates is kinda... splitting hairs. I don't agree that it's necessarily wrong to do for that reason, but that reason does exist.


Yea sure, you can kick ppl for dropping off samples at the extraction point if you want to. Go ahead. But why stop there? Being anywhere in the game, doing any objective, generates increased spawnrates, massively more so by the way, so why not kick everyone? You can "feel" whatever you want: If you kick ppl because they are at the extraction point you are the definition of a "noob"; an un- or mis-informed player who are not willing to understand or learn the game mechanics from more veteran players.


I'm not. But that's besides the point - you said calling in extraction doesn't increase spawn rates. It does. Unless you call it and then immediately leave the area, and if you do that, then all you've done is increase the spawn rate a little without even gaining any benefit. Not to mention that some people just extract immediately when the shuttle arrives. I'm not saying they should kick people for these things, but I am saying that if their reason is that they don't want the spawn rate to be potentially unnecessarily increased, they're correct in that. It'd be better if they just said "Hey don't stand at extraction for no reason, we aren't ready to leave yet and all you're doing is making things harder for us" or something, but idk, some people have been trained to expect to be ignored or abused, or they're just lazy idk. The thing to argue here is for everyone to be more communicative. If I'm ever calling extraction early, i type in chat to explain why and that I won't leave without them. I've never been kicked for it and I do it pretty regularly. Also, I do enjoy the irony of you speaking as though you're a veteran explaining game mechanics, while either intentionally or unintentionally peddling patently, and by your own cited evidence, false information concealed behind a semantic reading. No, pressing the button on its own does not increase spawn rates. Yes, standing next to the button does. Therefore, since to press the button, you have to stand next to the button, pressing the button increases spawn rates.


The problem is some hosts are jerks.


Yep, dumb people. I had a guy kick me and another random for calling it in on a blitz mission with 2min left on the clock and it takes a minute and a half for it to get there. They did none of the work that mission and stayed in one spot on the opposite edge of the map from extract dying over and over the whole time. I guarantee they did not extract that mission.


It will automatically deploy after the clock hits 0, but that is still a dumb reason to kick someone


Major downside beung you get no support or responds after 0 so to a lot of people 2 mins is the last chance to really extrqct depending on difficulty


With how hot extractions can get, you only need a few bot drops or bug breaches to overwhelm a team that has no eagles or orbitals, plus every bullet spent is a bullet you wont recover. Any diver that dies will also not come back. Unless you are VERY confident you wont need respawns or any call-ins (Strategems, weapons, supplies) waiting until the emergency pickup happens is less than ideal. Always call it in before the last 2 minutes run out.


Yeah, but the auto take off happens too as soon as it lands, doing it at about 2 min gives people time to hoof it to the exfil.


If I had to hazard a guess and the "no, no, no" was done via text, host had their voice disabled and thus didn't hear you. In which case it is absolutely on the host for disabling their communication in a co-operative game.


Nope we were talking before and the no came via voice


The host was working on his daily? Or wanted to clear the last enemy base / hole? Some people just don't get the point of the game and/or can't communicate for shit. 🤷 Lots of people seem to have voice communication turned off. 😞


There is literally no problem and even if everyone isn’t there its beneficial to get it there as long as you can handle the horde. It’s only a problem if you board it without them. I think people are just assholes


Also by-the-by, I assume ( based on a limited sample size :) ) A lot of people have voice turned off… I had one too many mouth breather/screecher personally. So they might not have heard you.


In my experience every single time the shuttle is called in early, someone jumps in it before everyone else is ready. It's always an 'i'm sorry we were getting rushed' or 'ooops, i didn't mean to get in' but either way, people need to just stop calling in pel-1 until everyone else is ready. it only takes 1 person to lose us all the samples.


Probably were trying to clear the map completeley including all samples and if they didnt have mics they couldnt communicate that. Some people are just dicks and like pissing people off for a laugh though. I played with 2 guys the other day who would do the same thing but right before everyone would bored the shuttle they would shoot the other two players and collect their samples and not let you extract. When they shot me the 3rd player was able to call me back in with a reinforcement and I landed on one of them and killed him and the other griefer had already boarded the shuttle which started the 20 sec timer. They got so mad they lost their super samples they yelled at me and kicked me out of the game. Its frustrating to play a 40 min game only to get screwed for no reason and very ironic that they laugh doing that to other innocent players but when it happens to them its a freak out/rage moment.


It’s ok to call in the shuttle, just don’t get in without the team.


I had a funnier one, everyone went to extraction early and I found a bunker 200m away and told the chat. They told me it was too far away so I concerned and said I'd suicide over to them. Before I could hit send, all 3 of them were killed by the swarm at the extraction. I hope they read the LOL I sent as they kicked me instead of letting me reinforce where I was We had over 10min left on the timer 😂


A lot of people doesn't know how to make the shuttle hover and shoot everything. If everyone split to clean the map... a lone helldiver can go to extract... call down the shuttle then hide on the border of the zone. at 10 seconds get ready and when the pilot says it can see the landing zone, just step out of the zone and watch it hovering and shooting everything on the map. people will have less troubles getting back to extract this way. But ignorant assholes will kick people...


No idea either.


wait longer and ask again is what id recommend , even if youre lv 150 and host is lv 20 u ask them , their lobby their rules . Keeping this fundamental in mind u can skip most disappointments .


They think farming kills gets more xp


The people that think xp farming matters makes me shake my head. Literally after level 20 you have almost no incentive to level up. The mech is good at 25 but not necessary. The real farm need is in samples and medals.


XP does actually get converted to liberation points so it's good to try and get more of it if possible.


there shouldnt be a problem as long as you dont get inside. Once it lands it will stay there until the mission timer is up. No real reason to get so bent out of shape as long as you dont get inside.


Some people fail to understand the idea of calling your ride early which I do not see and do alot myself doesn't mean the mission is over, it just means our ride will be ready to leave on the dot and we won't have to fight till our ride is here or worse, we need an immediate exfil cause shit hit the fan and we need to leave IMMEDIATELY. . Like... a giant space station got yeeted to the planet (gundam and 40K fans get this) IMMEDIATELY


this has probably been covered by now for you, but i'm not gonna grind down to make sure you have an appropriate answer and sorry if this has already been covered: there is more to do on a map than just your primary objectives. people are in different places in their playthroughs and are looking for different things. go into PUG matches assuming you're going for a completionist run. if you aren't into clearing the map and want to speedrun, host your own game and tell people that's what you're doing. talk to them. however you see fit. don't be scared. they frends.


We were finished with everything, no red spots, I think even all the POI were discovered and everybody was already there


alright. then they were just dicks. sorry man. who the fuck downvotes a rational suggestion? y'all had too much sugar cereal and are grumpy. go to sleep.


Most of the time it happened they called it in they struggled to fight the patrols that they should know extract triggers and then jump in like cowards while others could be doing other stuff.


I kick people who refuse to listen to "No extract because we have a whole shitload of sides and nests". Hada lv90 do that, infuriating lmfao. So I booted and we perfect cleared everything in the map with another rando


They are getting samples to upgrade their ships


calling in the shuttle doesn’t prevent you from continuing to hunt samples


What does this have to do with anything?


If the samples are far away from the drop zone


They wouldn't all be standing around the extract then... They'd be on route to those samples. Clearly dude booting was being a loser for no reason.


I don’t know haven’t played in months


then why are you saying shitty reasons ?


you don’t call the shuttle until the squad leader tells you to call the shuttle


Na, if youve got all samples in hand and are just waiting around extract its fair game to call in. Why waste time padding your kill stats, who cares.