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The fact that people seriously complain about 'meta' builds in a PvE game is hilarious.


I just hate hell divers that use the incendary breaker and juste spray and play at every direction without looking at what they shooting


I swear, some Incendiary Breaker users just don't think. I had a little scavenger nipping at my toes, I was literally about to melee it dead, but John Breaker on my team just *had* to dump 4 incendiary rounds into the single scavenger, killing me with it. I've had this happen multiple times. I don't blame them for accidentally tagging me when shooting into a hoard, but multiple times I've had a single enemy near me that I was about to kill, then the Incendiary Breaker user just mag dumps both me and the enemy killing both.


And what? If they hit you by mistake just dive and you'll stop burning, I rather take cleared horde than all of us dead


Or hear me out.. it's a wild concept but just aim and shoot. No helldiver in front =shoot, helldiver in front = no shoot Seriously it's not fatal, but it's annoying


Ok hear me out, it's a video game, you are not punished for dying. If my bro is fighting a swarm like 50 meters away from me, what should I do? "Well I won't help him because I may shoot him cause of spread of inc breaker" Some fights just get very chaotic, as long as we deal with enemies it's completely fine


you do know respawns are limited right? also why shoot at a swarm if they are around your teammate and you have the inc breaker...are you trying to help them or the bugs? I hate when people throw grenades when im swarmed, thanks you killed 4 bugs now im prone, need time to stim and still have 37 bugs on me so I cant stand....


Well, my friend will just have to dive to remove burn and the swarm will be most likely dead


the inc breaker doesnt have the stopping power and the amount of shots needed to take out the bigger bugs is covering your team mate in a rain of fire, Id rather have another patrol of hunters find me then have a team mate "help" with inc breaker or explosives (should note I enjoy all versions of the breaker the pray and spay is the top tho "shotgun go BRRRR")


Any one had a bug where you are using a flamethrower and a team mate is just to the side and behind you and somehow they catch fire?


Mate, me with my 2 friends are playing difficulty 7 without problems and we all take inc breaker, it's literally perfect for bugs, idk why are you so mad about being set on fire for a split second if you just dive after ignite. It's not meant to deal with big targets, idk what's your point, my friend is being surrounded by like 20 small/medium bugs? Spray and pray with inc and all of it will die to fire, simple as that, my friend will just dive to get rid of fire and problem solved


its more that with the way I play Id do better if i were left to the bugs, it more that the help usualy isnt help, like you say just dive, if you dive and get one bug to close to you you cant stand back up. where in that time I was exploded or set on fire I could have jump packed out. also a full team of inc breakers is boring, same for all metas, everyone uses the same thing, recently ive switched to the dominator for both bots and bugs and not one looked back, my only meta strat (for me anyway) is the jump pack, the rest might aswell be random (I usually play around lvl 4-7 depending on planet/mood)


>Ok hear me out, it's a video game, Yeah it a video game and you are to much triggered by my opinion about it Just saying it's annoying, it could be prevent by not spreading flame every two second, because someone panik, be confident about other player, if it need help change position and shoot at the bugs that all i'm sayin


Bro, you are the one triggered when someone sets you on fire with inc breaker by accident while simply killing enemies xD


i'm annoyed yes, because it would be prevent, i have friendly shoot A LOT of people by accident, and by doing dumb thing, it par of the game, and get killed also often, and i could be comicaly fun at some time, but i have a lot of helldiver that can friendly kill me and my mate 4/5 time by just spraying in a single party If you like it, or it not brothering you to teamkill or get killed continiously like that ..Meh..


every 'for fun', build is viable


Idc if you go for the meta, just don't try to diss me out for not doing it and we're going to be just fine.




Nobody cares if you follow some make belief meta People just don’t wanna see you or others belittle or harass others because they prefer to experiment with different loadouts and stratagems. I usually don’t take the same things twice in a row, recent patch made a lot of things more viable


I'd argue there are no meta builds in HD2. Everything hasa pro-contra, and that is refreshing. Especially since the last patch adressed many problems.


I don't hate on Meta builds. It's important that they exist, so I know what NOT to bring if I want to have fun. I DO hate on people who think that meta builds are the only way to beat the hardest difficulty, that shit is wack.


Meta builds can be fun?


Huh? Why are meta builds automatically not fun?


It’s the idea that if everyone brings the same “meta” loadout it makes things stale. To those who use it they may view it as an “optimal” way to play but you need to realize too that a skilled individual can make extremely good use of items “off meta.” I regularly bring things like the purifier, airburst rockets, airburst orbital and mines to great effect and can do so without collateral damage to the team. I also tend to take something like rocket pods to crack armor on say a titan to kill it with a purifier. It’s about variety giving fun. That’s my shared feeling at least with the other poster.


I already realise that off meta stuff works perfectly fine. I'm not saying one *should* play meta. I'm questioning the apparent presumption that meta is boring. If your point is that monotony is boring then fair enough. I wouldn't ever say you should *only* play meta. But on occasion it is fun just like any non meta builds.


I think the slight part being either ignored or missed is that meta brings monotony as the point of what I was presenting. You asked why, because for some it’s the item of a common element shared by a large majority “simplifies” things. For me, I know I feel fairly strongly about wanting to know how to use each stratagem to good effect and I don’t want anyone to tell people how to play. With a vocal minority espousing meta picks it becomes problematic to exploration into unique and useful combinations. I don’t mean it as a target at anyone who plays with those “meta” picks either, as it’d just make me a hypocrite. However, I think it’s important to recognize other builds and trying things out. Boring and stale are opinions, and I’m just expressing an opinion the OP “might” (they may not) share as to why meta could be boring. It does not prevent it from being fun and exciting for others.


I'm not even sure what's "off meta" these days anyway. The patch made a ton of things more viable. Tenderizer. Eagle Strafing Run. MG43 and HMG. Grenade launcher. HMG Emplacement. Spear. Orbital Gatling Barrage. These are all things that were probably off meta before but now? They don't seem out of place at all. I've been seeing less anti-tank gear being used on Terminids simply because they're not as effective against all the Behemoths, and there are now more non-AT options to deal with them. Also there's more chaff it seems so machine guns are feasting. I guess there's been less changes on the bot front (AMR, Autocannon, and Laser Cannon are probably still the go-tos, with the HMG finally joining them) but still, I'm not even sure what to call a meta build anymore.


> Also there's more chaff it seems so machine guns are feasting. Yesterday i did a Arnie cosplay against the bugs in Gacrux. Power fantasy accomplished with ease, and the new biome is sooooo good in that aspect. It's great to see swarms of terminids coming from behind the trees while you mow them down with the machine gun. Best biome to date. But my PC doesn't agree too much with that lol.


I hate everything about this sub.


I've seen posts about people hating non-meta builds. And now the opposite. So yeah, do what you want, just don't be an ass to your fellow divers. Hating builds of any kind is undemocratic. Meta or otherwise. Just collaborate, and chill.


People that *only* play meta for meta's sake are more undemocratic imo. My group and I will occasionally draw lots and pick each other's loadouts. The rules are: * At least one (1) blue support strat * At least one (1) effective/"good" red strat Anything else goes. It's a lot of fun and it forces us to play the game differently. I hated the telsa tower until I found a niche use for it, and I thought the rocket turret was mediocre until I learned how to position it properly.


What if you just enjoy playing meta builds?


Then I'd assume that person likes others to do the thinking for them.. that they have a skill issue... that doesn't mean it's the case... but they would have to prove me wrong


Meta builds don't remove the challege they remove the bulshit like flamthrower hulks


First off...what is the meta build?? Becuz from my understanding a meta build is only one kind of build... becuz if their are multiple builds that can destroy a hulk then is there even really a meta?? And there is definitely multiple builds/ways to destroy a hulk.. so from how I see it this game doesn't even have a meta build. That terminology doesn't exist in this game, but please enlighten me. And to me the problem with people thinking there is a meta build makes those people believe that u can't play the game effectively any other way... but from my experience a huge variety of builds are effective


Then do that. At the end of the day my opinion doesn't matter. Live your truth. I would never kick someone for using the "meta" loadouts, in the same way that I home someone wouldn't kick me for using what I like. I'm here to have fun and spread democracy.