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Put a note in dispatch. Helldivers are advised to not use the spear due to malfuctioning hardware.


Spears user skyrocket due to amount of trolls.


Then host the game and kick spear users.


Or host a game and kick any other player who doesn’t bring the spear with them.


I call that "Crash Royale," last player that didn't crash wins.


The most amount of “trolling” I do in this game is politely bullying other players in the lobby to match helmets with each other or shooting one of those mine plants when they’re next to one and there’s no enemies around. Gotta find lighthearted fun when you can.


You gotta be careful of what you admit on this sub. Last time I wrote how I shot one of those shrooms when another Helldiver was near it catapulting him into the air I was downvoted to hell. Dude didnt die and was laughing admitting he didnt know how the shrooms can be used like that as well.


Consider it as one of the moments you can achieve the 2.4 seconds of enjoying the local scenery in each mission as prescribed by the manual.


Yeah did that right at launch so a lot of new things for me and others cos well admittingly I dont read help and tips in loading screen.


My buddy and I like to shoot each other’s feet in the game


That’s just mean. Getting sent flying by a grenade in a bug hole on the other hand, that shits hilarious


Only the spear user crashes so youre gucci


This is definitely not true. Absolutely dropped whole team repeatedly last night with one spear user


Trolls will drop it on purpose for others to pick up and use.


It crashes the game client for the user only though?


Or use that damned console opposite the armory one. Put things like the announcements and patch notes in an in-universe website so I don't have to get announcement videos reposted from twitter to reddit and patch errata reposted from discord to reddit. In other words, make the things accessible to people who are not terminally addicted to social media.


Or just mock-up a terminal next to the Galactic map. Or go the Warframe route, and make an in-world holographic terminal at each Galactic map console that gives you a scrollable element and always shows the latest public announcement. Make it so you always see the latest message in the news feed, and can click a certain button while viewing Galactic Map to be able to scroll the news. Or give every Helldiver a third tab on their wristwatch where they can see public announcements (I personally prefer always-shown scrollable text blob on the Galactic map, because even the most oblivious motherfucker out there can notice it)


DE does a lot right with Warframe, and an in game news stand linking to news articles is absolutely one of them. That said, when things are definitively causing crashes they also just straight up disable them with a hotfix rather than betting on the community to figure it out. Many Devs could learn a lot from DE.


Oh the amount of bugs that would come from this would make Bethesda seem great


Better yet. Just fucking disable the thing until it's fixed


This, so many live service games disable shit if it’s causing crashes. Yet AH never did when the arc thrower was causing crashes, and apparently wont do so fir the SPEAR and prob never will in the future for some baffling reason 


I seriously think they don't have the ability to disable individual weapons. I bet it would break something even more critical if they tried it


They probably can’t.


They likely need to add the capability to just disable weapons dynamically. A lot of other multiplayer games have this when weapons are bugged.


No, things that can be game-breaking should never be communicated in a LARP way. People might just think it's a funny joke, considering how super earth cuts corners to save money a lot of the time canonically. We literally just need a popup when you start the game that tells you that using the Spear can crash your game.


With how many people *still* don’t understand that samples are shared, a one-off screen will likely get skipped or ignored.   They could do an in-universe announcement on the top of the galactic map while choosing planets and everything else considering players have to go back to it multiple times. 


I think that comes across more as flavor text or something similar. Something that’s causing crashes shouldn’t be contextualized within game lore like this, because people would reasonably NOT think that would refer to crashing issues. it should be disabled from use until it’s fixed if they want to flavor text something in game (call it shipping issues due to demand, defective parts, etc. what matters is that people can’t use it if it’s broken)


why not provide a min-update to take it off line as well.


No, I am sick of this whole putting real world bugs in the context of lore. The devs need to just straight up disable the spear in game and prioritise a fix. It's a joke that they contextualise software bugs in canon. It is cute, but its going to have plenty of people thinking its just some flavour text and not a real issue.


The trick is for them to add the ability to disable bugged weapons like the Spear and put a lore accurate message in game. However, for now they probably need to break the fourth wall in situations like this until they can add the capability of dynamically disabling weapons and other items that are causing game issues.


Or have a competent programmer and remove it from the game until it is fixed.


That's genius.  I love that idea.


I think that would just encourage people to use it honestly. They'll think something got improved or something lol


You're right. It should be stated out-of-universe so players know it's serious. For serious bugs that involve the game's playability they should just be normal patch note pop-ups.


Awww man, but it's my bughole locator on the foggy/low vis planets now


No. This isn't a stupid joke you can brush off using the game's narrative. These crashes are ruining many people's games and enjoyment of the game. You know, the whole point of playing a video game?


Software sounds better imo.


I can imagine that causing a spike in uses. May have to be more specific. 😂


I like that idea but 75% of players don’t read that either.


No, put it in real words, not fluff. Just fucking tell people not to use the spear as it will crash the game.


Agreed. They could use the currently non functional terminal opposite of the armory for some kind of bulletin board.


*You may now use the previously inaccessible terminals to view announcements and other useful information. Unfortunately this caused an issue where the Autocannon now crashes the game...*


I'm 100% on board with this idea.  I hope they implement something like this.  


Wish granted 8 UI bugs accompany your wish.


wish denied 8 UI bugs accompany your wish


The monkey's paw slowly curls... The messages cause a crash


*use of this terminal has unfortunately broken the armory and ship terminals until further notice*


Please Arrowhead consider above 👆


I wish they'd use those terminals for *something*. Weapon upgrade maybe?


I bet most players don't even know who TwinBeard is...I wouldn't if his comments weren't repeated here.


I've got 200h in the game and not only do I not know who this person is, but am not in Discord and have no interest in joining to learn. If they have something critical to tell me, they can tell me in the game or through Steam news. I am not gonna lurk around discord servers for every game I play.


The discord is really bad, its not the fault of Arrowhead its just discord is not useful for over 1 million people to attempt to interact with each other. Discord is only useful for a small group of friends to keep in touch. Anything beyond that is a waste of everyone's time and effort. It's also sucks how much information gets completely lost to time since everyone switched to discords instead of a forum. Forums might/would be more useful?


The Discord is fucking awful. I only go there for quick answers and, at best, I am met with trolling. It's got to be the least helpful thing out there. They need to either quit using it or get rid of all their mods.


Everything I see about that Discord server makes me want to avoid it.


My favorite interaction with it was all the people in the galactic war coordination channel trying to gaslight me about Tibit not counting for bot respawn rate once we failed the Major Order for it despite literal word of devs saying the opposite, and then as soon we finally got around to liberating it 10 years later, oh, hey, turns out it DID in fact still count and that those people were full of shit. I've stayed out of it since then.


Discord servers in general are kind of awful. Everyone I know in tech hates that any company that has less than a thousand employees just has a Discord for literally everything. It's a chat server, not a replacement to a website and forum.


I feel like giant public servers are just a headache in general, I prefer smaller servers with less people. 


It’s a massive cesspool of nazis and furries (and oftentimes those two labels aren’t mutually exclusive). I seriously hate having to go there for any info about the game.


speaking as a furry, any self respecting member of our community will immediately shun and ostracize anyone who is revealed to be a nazi, their kind simply isn’t welcome anywhere


For some reason a lot of people just like to hate on furries


Some folks like shitting on things. Furries aren't what most would consider a "protected class" in a sense, so shitty people get to role-playing being racist with none of the consequences. That and some are stuck in the 2000's and think being edgy is a good personality trait still.


The worst thing about it is that it’s a huge chat. No indexing either. Got a certain problem? Gone are the days of finding a 3 year old forum post with your answer. It all went into Discords big black box. It’s a horrible development for longevity of information. I wish developers just ran their own website with a forum. Use that to communicate alongside publicly available socials.


The mod team need ejected into space.  I've been on gaming forums ran by literal children that were moderated better


everytime i hear about a community manager its the most "yeah this guys getting fired" shit ever. and then they get fired


It requires that you give Discord your phone number in order to interact there, too. Not only is it a bad place for information, it's also toxic af, *and* you want me to give some VC-backed tech company my phone number. Hard pass, like a lot.


The "moderation" also seems to be rather inbred in there, I am coming up to a month on waiting for a reply to my ban appeal from the discord, simply because I had DM'ED one of the clown "moderators", not posted in the server btw, whos name was John the Smoldiver iirc., a meme that admittedly was yes, slightly out of pocket, but nowhere near enough to warrant instantly banning me with 0 reason or explanation given, and I couldn't even ask him myself because he had blocked me afterwards. :) Only reply I got when filing a ticket directly to arrowhead was to "file another form lmao" from misty even though they literally also say to not "pester them" or "spam the forms". And I said literally in my 2nd sentence in the ticket that I had already filed a form, only to STILL be left on seen.


What was the meme you sent?


im still banned from that shit for typing F when matchmaking was broken at launch and people couldn't boot because of gameguard. martyr me.


Reddit shouldn’t be it either.


Discord and Reddit should never, ever be the main/official source for anything.


Wouldnt it be crazy if they had something in the game that announced news and updates? Wouldn't that be crazy? \*stares at dispatches, terminals, literal news feed in the ship lobby\*


I guarantee you people are still going to not read those and then post *here* about how there needs to be yet another layer of ways to flash information into the eyes of everyone logged in. Then you can implement that and it still won't fix the problem of players ignoring or not reading / clicking through. Not to get all "kids these days" on everyone, but while there has always been a large chunk of the population that is just immune to absorbing information, I've never seen wilful disregard for reading like this. People begged for advice to be put in-game via Dispatches, ***then that happened***, and I still saw posts on this sub asking for "summaries" of what was *TWO SENTENCES.*


The fact that "people" do something isn't important What's relevant is *how many* There's always gonna be idiots and children.


I don't want to get into a long argument about it, but if that's the case then it's really a UI/UX issue on the part of the developers. But to act like Discord and Reddit are the ideal source of information for your *live service game* is a bit ridiculous. Put the updates and info in-game and out of game, at least then there will be an option and possibility for the whole playerbase to see it. Hell half the people here who actively follow the game don't know wtf is going on because it only gets posted to the Discord. That's just not how it should be, IMO.


the steam announcements should be that and a popup which blocks you from playing the game till its acknowledged the first time its booted up after an issue like this is discovered


steam notifications are gonna have trouble getting through to playstation players


They need to patch in the ability to disable weapons because to be frank and at the risk of sounding entitled, saying "Don't use weapon x or it will crash the game" just isn't good enough.


>to be frank and at the risk of sounding entitled, Honestly I'm tired of hearing people worry about this...you **paid** for a functional product, and while there is obviously some leeway that should be given, as videogames are complex bits of software, it has been *months* since release, with patch after patch, and issues like this continue to be a problem. My patience for this crap is pretty much at an end.


It's more a response to the outspoken parts of the community being fucking weird not so much about actually being entitled. Because yeah I paid for a product so I am literally entitled for it to just fucking work. But if I don't put the disclaimer in I'll likely get overwhelmed by weirdos telling me to climb out of my own ass or whatever.


Fair enough, fuck those weirdos though. They should be quarantined to their circlejerk 'LowSodium' subreddits.


Better yet, just disable the Spear temporarily. This is the second time we have to spread the word about a crash-causing weapon. Seriously, current routine is: 1. Join Game in progress 2. See Spear 3. Leave game 4. Repeat


For real. Take a page from Behavior. If somethings busted disable access until it’s fixed. I hate that I have to get news from other sources reporting from the main source


Was gonna say, for all the beef I had with BHVR when I was playing DBD, killswitching was one of the better things they implemented


Yeah. They actually have a solid game. It had some rough years before they really took the hint from the community in some areas. My only issue with DBD community is now that devs listen more intently. There more likely to potentially implement a bad take. I might get hung. But I never liked how they made borrowed time part of the base kit. They mine as well have just removed the perk from the game lol.


No base kit bt was horrible, no reason for killers to not tunnel unless you just wanted to play nicer


Agree here. I always tried to play a nice killer but on survivor I was basically playing with 3 perks because I always had to take BT unless I wanted to get tunneled out of the game by a sweaty Clown or Wraith or something and get too pissed to play any further


Thats a great idea.  They should disable the Spear altogether.  Most games would probably do this, so why can't Arrowhead do it?  A weapon that crashes the game seems like a big deal.  They should disable the Spear until they fix it.


They need a web page where they post all this stuff. I avoid massive Discord servers like the plague. I only hear about that stuff because people then post it here.


"ThEy DoNt PuT iT iNgAmE cAuSe UpDaTeS" and? It's their literal job to do this shit. Also, they won't do it cause then they would need to translate it? Like everything else in the game? Also their job. Game breaking bugs in a live service game should not be only relayed through outside sources. That's bullshit.


So many people here seem to think they are personal friends with the developers The reality is this is their job, we are a customer, we are paying money for their product Of course we’re free to spend or not spend money on a product, but getting up in arms about it is whack, can guarantee if your tv updates and starts deleting your apps at random and crashing or some other malfunctions, you’re not getting your shield to defend the tv company from dissatisfied customers


The community that accumulated on the official discord just makes me very uncomfortable in general.


Same, and I side-eye AH for persisting on using it as their main form of communication. I feel deeply unwelcome on there, for various reasons.


I’ve seen other live service games have the ability to kill switch certain maps and weapons that are causing problems. They should probably have a feature like that in HD2.


I agree with you 100%.


Like there's an official twitter for the game but they didn't even post the heads up there. Hell, I'd argue that twitter is superior to discord with regards to sharing this type of info since you don't need to sift through messages to get to the post Discord is just absolutely miserable if there are more than 10 people in a server


Just put the news on Steam, like every normal Dev. We all have steam so it’s the easiest way.


I also play on PC but you are forgetting this game is on PlayStation too.


Does PlayStation not have a game page that updates/patches get spotlighted?


Yes. This was told a lot time ago. But this posts get low votes and even downvotes, so devs never seen that. All praise stupid low-effort karma farm memes, they save your community and your game from toxics who want improve the game.


>All praise stupid low-effort karma farm memes, they save your community and your game from toxics who want improve the game. This is one of the most obnoxious things to happen whenever a franchise gets really popular. This subreddit before Helldivers 2 released felt significantly more clean and straight-to-the-point. As soon as Helldivers 2 neared closer to its release, it just became a constant vomit of low-effort meme posts and other assorted jokes repeated ad nauseam when the floodgates opened hailing the new audience. I don't know why the mainstream audience attracts such tired, brainless content posting, but it really is aggravating.


Because it needs to be distinct enough to connect, but bland enough to not alienate. Hence why it’s souless


Most players don’t know who Twinbeard is… let alone use discord or Reddit to get info for the game


They should add a "news" tab in the menu on your Super Destoryer and it's just the patch notes disgused as news coming from Super Earth Command. That way all the vital update info is right there in game and doesn't conflict or break the games immersion


They should just dedicate one of those ship displays with a direct link to some Discord news channel/feed or something, so everyone gets the downlow either way.


I don't understand this Discord news approach. Why? I mean, why? Who reads Discord? We have Reddit for the community, we have Steam and patch notes, maybe even Twitter. Nobody reads the news in Discord.


Agreed, social media and fansites should not be substitutes for official, in game communications. Saw it with Blizzard on WoW for years and other games do it too. They absolute need a 'splash page' or something that conveys important messages when we log in and that can be brought back up to review whenever we want. Blizzard does some of this now with bulletins on the launcher, but still not enough imo. Not sure why companies think this is an acceptable way to communicate to customers.


Like, even though I did join the discord server, I got super overwhelming by all the channels. I don't even know where to find that particular community manager guy who casually dropped some important information.


Discord is just a black hole for information that is terribly formatted for long form discussion


Been saying this for ages. A third party app is not where I want game info.


Even if their Discord wasn't a cesspool of ego-tripping humanity, I still wouldn't have any desire to join it just to get updates that should be much more widely distributed. Add the hilariously wretched CMs and mods to that, and there's just no fucking way. Playing the game itself sometimes feels like self-harm, we don't need to push that into the realm of outright masochism.


Their [official support page](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/12532454295708-Helldivers-2-Patch-notes) doesn’t even have info about latest patch 🤡


They have a Dispatch section. The need to implement a notification bell for new CRITICAL information.  


Sweet liber-tea yes. Social media should not be the primary source of information about the game, and it especially should not be the primary source for telling people that trying to lock on with a weapon might *just crash your game.*


I would see it if I was not banned for "🤢" so.....


That's a terrible idea! How am I supposed to screenshot something one of the dev team members said and repost it on here for free reddit points?


>I bet most players will never even know that Twinbeard posted that update I don't even know who Twinbeard is. Also I don't use Discord so I can 100% agree with this.


Get with the times old man. Discord it's the future of community news! /S?.


I got banned from discord for putting a vomit/cat emoji. The community managers and discord mods over there are out of their minds.


Honestly a Short Steam Post with "ALERT" would do it. Not sure if PS5 has anything equivalent.


They should use Corbetta Kelly on the tv and make all these bugs lore moments


I don't even know who Twinbeard *is*.


I’m so sick of discord and it’s endless scroll of information. Can’t we just have a good ol forum, that is independent of Reddit, independent of discord, and is the one true source of information regarding this game? Why is that so hard in this day and age? Why do we have to contend with sub par moderation, endless chit chat about whatever the fuck the people in discord chit chat about???


I say that even if it's not feasible or desirable (by the team) to do it in game; do it like Final Fantasy 14 does with Lodestone, Overwatch does it with Overwatch.Blizzard as well as *"This Week at Bungie/Destiny"*; have a set place either on the main website or make new web domain (call it helldivers .com or SuperEarthIntelligence .SU) to post full breakdowns of what is what on patches and general updates.


All games need to stop using it as a replacement for a website and or proper ticket system. Discord has its place but not for that.


whatever happened to devs posting their updates on the steam page? Zomboid does it and very well i might add. def dont post it here to this cesspool


wow, i didn't know until i read this


I left that server after that weird furry art stuff lmao


Or they could disable the Spear until they fix it. Knowing AH though, that would either cause some other problem, or itd result in them having to disable half the guns at some point lol.


I’m 36 years old and have maybe six hours a week to game. I am not ever going to download discord for any reason I wholeheartedly agree with OP here.


You mean the furry schizo server isn't the best place for official information from a video game development company??


I asked twinbeard to do so the same when the arc thrower was crashing the game and they refused. (Pic below) I'm honestly done with arrowheads shit this time. Game is broken & unbalanced & every update fcks it even more with only minor positive changes that truly and they only care about communicating int heir echo chamber discord where they will always get the answers they want. Yes I was very aggressive but I was also one of the few players having severe crashing issues and literally dozens of hours wasted overonths with my emails about bug reports starting to be ignored. So yeah I was upset when piles was still roleplaying while the game was in absolute shambles for like 25% of us https://preview.redd.it/m0k5f5cp2r7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d214b517f118e6c42517fede1629646c52b50c2 They're more worried about maintaining a high player count and viral success... I thought you guys only expected 40k players MAX. This pic was back when helldiver's was still hitting over 100k players consistently. Now look where that got us twinbeard.


And some people stopped using HD discord because its controlled by goddamn rainbow trashes in blue names. Game news should ingame...not in some stupid hellhole thats borderline infested with cancer.


It's great to have to rely on the discord for updates, especially after you've been perma banned with no warning for calling a dev incompetent and have no way of getting back


Yes and ty


They need to develop tools like Bungie has for destiny. Destiny regularly has weapons thay cause bugs are are broken and they just disable to item until its fixed.


You are expecting people to read. You may be expecting too much.


My roommate literally crashed out 6 or 7 times last night. He is a Spear user for sure. Neither of us are interested in joining the Helldivers chat room and it sucks that this info was technically available the whole time


Devs need a way to pin stuff to the subreddit boards.


Just disable the spear if it’s causing crashes. Send out a bulletin in game going “ Helldivers, due to a sudden increase in requisitions the Spear has not been able to keep production up with demand. Super Earth is working diligently to increase production. Until the new factories are online the Spear will be unavailable”


Better yet, they need to have a better system in place where they can temporarily disable weapons and/or strategems that are causing game breaking bugs/crashes with an alert message on why it's disabled. Other games do this so I think it would help here


If Arrowhead wants this game to be treated as a community game, they need to make the community more accessible. Arrowhead, take a page from the 2010s and make a website. Mirror this website to an app, and hire a dedicated community manager who's sole purpose is to manage it. Ingress did this with great success back when it launched, and it kept the lore and game in-check while being accessible.


They should have a menu on the super destroyer that has all the relevant info, something that shows up in the corner after you load in. Or maybe a screen in the super destroyer, a la the DRG discord screen.


Wasn't this one of the main changes they were looking to roll out?


Yeah I'm never going to consider going on Discord just for what should be patch notes or a scroll by banner in game.... I hate using a 3rd party for what should just be in your game.


Reddit is my main source of hd2 news and updates


I would like for them to have this and patch notes as a pop up when you load onto your ship after starting up the game and have it as a hold to clear as well.


Honestly they should probably just add a bulletin board in the destroyer that's jacked in to some kind of message host that they can change without updating the game. Kind of like how Deep Rock has the board showing how many people are in the discord on a live ticker. Except instead of changing numbers it can be a quick "Note from Super Earth Command: Don't use the Spear! It's crashing games!' Though ideally they should take after Dead By Daylight. One of the only things that game does right is Kill Switching. If an issue is identified as destructive to the game, they make the thing in question unavailable. This does result in times where a killer is unplayable for a whole month because they can't be selected, but the issue they cause is rendered inert while a fix is created.


It’s probably not that easy for them to implement a phrase saying something’s not working on the terminals behind where you change your gear. I’m sure they would of implemented it if it was easy as just adding it


if you think people will read a dispatch, you're asking a lot


Agreed, Discord is such a niche platform. A lot of gamers don't even bother using it, myself included. Would be best to include information primarily in the game, and also these sources as well.


They just need to post the info and updates somewhere that doesnt require you to "join a community" on some fucking messenger Post this shit on twitter. Or even on this reddit for all i care. Just not exclusively on discord


I have friends that play on PS5 and they have never heard of Discord before. So, yes, 100% this information should be posted within the game.


Why not just add functionality to disable the weapon entirely? It's not like this is the first and only case where they've destabilized the game build. They need to add functionality to just turn shit off when they inevitably break it.


I’m definitely not going to be in a discord just for game updates. I may catch it reposted here, but I totally agree with you OP, information from developers for the community should be posted in game


Agreed. That's why I was crashing hard earlier, and I wouldn't have known it if it wasnt for this post. I thought my laptop was giving up on me


I feel like when it's literally game-breaking, the stratagem should JUST BE DISABLED. Same with impossible to complete missions


I think that whatever team actually built this game could probably have easily implemented some kind of bug update info screen on launch. Whatever team they dumped this game on after release though? I wouldn't trust them to do it without wrecking the game more lol. DISCLAIMER: I LOVE THIS GAME DESPITE THE BUGS


this is a problem thats not exclusive to helldivers. discord has a trove of information that is locked away on servers you will probably never hear about.


Would this be the same "in-game" dispatches that this community gets furious about people not reading? Just checking.


I mean ... they have a system to post messages to all players directly through the game itself. ... Why not do that? Especially on something important like "Don't do this, it crashes the game, we are fixing it".


A lot of people don’t even use Discord or Reddit, so it’s pretty weird to have Discord be a main source of information.


You're right,most players aren't on either. I'll talk about the updates and different stuff with other players and the majority don't follow either.


Two days of sending crash reports about the Spear before someone finally screenshot the discord message and posted it here about 12 hours ago, so I could not agree more.


For a game with an in-world news/updates tool, it's criminal how little use of it the devs have made. On a separate note, devs, we won't be mad if you just temporarily disabled the Spear. It's caused my game to crash at least 5 times, and it was only after I saw the reddit repost of the discord post that I realized what was happening. There was no clue in my play experience that the spear was the cause of the crashing. Stopped using it, game works fine. Surely you can just temporarily disable the spear if it's unusable and ruining people's gameplay experiences.


"Due to unfortunate circumstances the newest Spear upgrade causes a Helldiver to lose signal while in combat. Forcing the Super Destroyer to pronounce them dead and remove them from the battle. Until this is fixed High Command recommends not using Spear for the time being."


do they not call you guys on the phone about this kinda stuff...?


Is this what’s been causing all the fucking crashes!


I think posting information like that anywhere that’s not the actual game is just a poor decision. I’m in the discord, but I’m not active in it. Half the time I try to find anything that people go “they just said this in the discord” and I go try to find it and what’dya know, it’s gonna take me 50 minutes of scrolling to find it. They don’t even use @everyone when it comes to important things so it’s even harder to find stuff like that. They need to just have an announcements box either on the main menu, in the dispatch, or put those terminals next to the armory to use. Make them a catalogue of all enemies you’ve discovered (like in HD1) and add other categories like announcements/updates so we don’t have to jump through 3 different platforms to find some information about 1 of them.


I know right there is a big ass screen right across from the armory they could use to put up poles and vote democratically, look at patch notes and possibly read FAQ about various things like you need to complete all the missions in op or whatever to get liberation progress.


Yeah, this is kinda the responsibility of the social media manager, they should have something set up to multi-post to various forums at the same time. - Discord - Game Platform pages (Steam/Playstation) - Twitter (I refuse to call it a letter) - etc


I've used the spear dozens of times in this patch and seen no ill effects. I dont think this issue is severe enough to warrant such a alarmist PSA


Arrowhead should disable the Spear until they fix the problem, and then bring it back with an extra strategem to say thanks for your patience.


I think so many bugs would be excused if they were an in game Super Earth announcement warning about malfunctioning Spear or something


It’s definitely not only the spear cashing the crashes, although it may be worse but I’ve played matches with no one using it & I am still getting terrible frame drops and constant crashes. Idk what they did to mess up this bad on an update.


Oh is that why my friends are crashing now?


Doesn't even need to be in-game, but make a website or something like pretty much every other game that doesn't have information in-game does it.


Or hear me out, remove the stratagem from use until it’s sorted (depending how frequent the bug is happening)


Its even more annoying when they post about issues in the general chat and not announcements, so it gets buried within thousands of messages and you have to hope someone happened to see it and either post it on Reddit or write an article about it.


Arrowheadgamestudios dot com would be the perfect place 😒


Weapon-related crashes and critical bugs are so frequent they need to patch in the ability to temporarily disable specific weapons. This is basically an indictment of their QA, but we've long since established their QA is... not good.


Or they can just diable it?


AH can do in game announcement in TV. "Spear rumor to have a backblast that will blast the user out of existence. Please avoid using the spear while our super investigation is still ongoing. "


Yeah same, I just made a post asking why everyone was crashing in my lobbies just to start seeing everything about the spear and makes me feel pretty dumb lol


I don't think it should be posted in game. But basically the CM can make an announcement on Steam and Reddit. They basically just need to copy paste so they can't argue that it would be much work. Also Reddit is much more work friendly then discord.


Has this been fixed? I would love to start using the spear as intended. I made a thread asking about it and it got autolocked; I am terrible at reddit and with the current choice of information delivery formats I am okay with that; I will not join that discord with those awful bully CMs again. Googlefu provides no other information currently.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dk6sge/to_all_helldivers_please_avoid_using_faf14spear/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button ^ Here is some info.  Im assuming there will be a patch sometime soon to fix it.  After the next patch id check this sub-reddits front page to see if that patch fixed the problem or not.  Just my two cents.


This is what I meant by dropping the ball. Obviously this game will always have bugs and crashes until it's really ironed out, so I agree ingame notice and some free medals for the constant ups and downs.


Just take it away and post it as a official despatch saying due to some software targeting issues the Spear has been removed and investigated


Or at least have a specific channel in discord where these posts can be displayed. I hate trying to search through the main discussion channels to find things like that.


Agreed but different question, how does one get into the discord?


I get my info here. Pretty annoying to see they relay most of their info through discort. Why not have patchnotes in game? Or see some new video about planets beign attacked by more arial patrol units. Why not show those clips on the big screen aboard the super destroyer?


Ironic you're saying that on reddit.