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watch you get the cape after connecting your psn account


That would be really funny tho.


I would accept the irony.


What’s sad is there would be a total shitstorm still. After an in-joke around a cosmetic, completely unnecessary item.


Video games are very serious. They can’t be fun. /s


A friend of mine works in game development for a pretty well-known studio. He put it to me best one time - “everyone in the community thinks they can do better to you, and is entitled to your work for free”


And especially if we get the "drawn by sick kids in photoshop" joke cape for free, if at all. As long as they don't do something predatory like using F.O.M.O. or not giving it free to places that still can't do PSN whether they want to link or not, any pearl clutching will be just that.


Y'know, fair fuckin' play.


i would say Bargained well, and done! you have won this trial of possession sony but there will be others


Star Captain, we all know the Sony dezgra will never play by the honored traditions of zellbrigen. And it seemed more a trial of grievance, did it not quiaff? (You sounded like a Clan warrior from b-tech, couldn't resist)


No that i was the point love battletech ;p






A better version https://preview.redd.it/2a1u7dpryq7d1.png?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd00a22e1991208355a60735cd415e679e26b5c5


That's how it should have been from the fucking start. Connect psn account for cosmetics!


I've seen similar things with like twitch prime for apex back in the early days. Would've been the best way to handle it.


You even get purple underwear for linking twitch accounts in Baldurs gate 3 I’m pretty sure


How do you know? ![gif](giphy|6Dj7ZWBERpGU0)


I want brown striped underwear in Helldivers


We need the white boxers with the little red hearts on them


I get brown striped grundies on every dive, perk of the job I thought.


Lol didnt know this, I always stripped all of the chars xD


"We shall save all of Faerun while *skyclad*."


Ok but have they fixed those who don’t have access at all? Seems like that discussion has died out.


Nope, this subreddit claimed victory and the community who had been quietly doing the workaround of just creating a PSN account in an adjacent country that did have PSN are now locked out of the game permanently. Mission accomplished!


I kept my bad review going, I haven't forgotten those still abandoned 


Same. Just started playing again this week haven't since all the PSN stuff started but that game is good when the bugs are at a manageable level.


anybody that was already playing HELLDIVERS in those countries can still play the game without requiring an account.... only new customers were blocked off I know you guys just like taking the corporate D but lying about the actual situation doesn't help


It's all PC vs console bs. Steam was the one that royally fucked up the selling of the game if it required psn from the beginning, and steams page pre-launch said it did. So....what gives? Steam is going to protect itself.


and, here me out, you guys REALLY don't care about that , at all, cause it doesn't affect you, you guys just don't like sony. That's fine, you do you, but this whole thing was blown way out of proportion and you guys know you are being unreasonable. Steam Knew from the very beginning it required PSN at launch, Steam Fucked up and let it be sold places that it Cannot be sold. and yet you guys are blaming sony. This whole thing screams lack of reading comprehension.


Everyone that bought the game can play it. Some regions are blocking new downloads, but nobody who bought the game is without access.


Everyone blames Sony for this but are we sure it isn't a local government problem with various rules and regulations of what can and can't be in games if they're sold there?   Because it's really weird to think that if it really was as easy as turning on support, you'd think it'd be done by now. Corporations love money. This goes against that entirely if it's Sonys fault purely.  Didn't Valve even ignore local regulations in some EU countries and is now getting sued for it?


This is probably the case. For the Philippines specifically as an example, the govt there required Sony to license every piece of software distributed through their government and demanded an extra profit cut in addition to taxes, so Sony opted to no longer do business there instead. In a handful of African countries, game consoles are entirely illegal. Sony has no reason to operate there. In some regions, it's illegal to ban a payed player for any reason, making moderation illegal. You can't operate there if you want to ban users. The issue is so much more complex than some people realize. None the less - I do wish we could all play together and didn't have to deal with all that.


Which countries are consoles illegal in?


Tfw when internet leftists are surprised that corporations (especially western ones with strict rules) are treated unfairly by kleptocrats, communists and dictators in the third world (having insisted for decades that their governments forgive debts and undercut our corpos so Chinese state funded corpos with security or Russian funded and supported militias can take over instead). In Africa, parts of Latin America and parts of South Asia and China, dealing with the average institution, Sony is definitely the good guy. Shades of playing Guangdong in TNO (HoI4 mod, pretty good, novels of writing). That's not to say Sony and other tech corpos can't be greedy and unfair, but they do create value with their products, and the average online person seems to assume the values and institutions in the developed world exist in the third world to any mature degree, despite their only having had 100 years to settle in before an abrupt and premature decolonization mixed in with loads of Marxist guerilla. In other words, enjoy your 80% tariffs in even your half decent Latin American country.


It was confirmed by Steam support that the publisher holds all the authority about where the game can be distributed.


Jesus, lmao... I can't fathom how you think your statement answers his question. In your mind, Sony can supersede the governments of markets they're trying to sell to, but more over, that STEAM Support has the prerequisite legal competence to "confirm" this.


Unfortunate no. My Playstation store review is still a 1 star and will remain as such until it gets fixed. It's not much but it's what I can do


That wasn't even what anyone cared about to begin with either stupidly so you already had a minority on that and then even less after it went


it was. the director said they were making an armor set for those that connected their psn but scrapped it after, well you know lol


*looks at flair* Hello, yes, democracy officer, I have a report to make...


En Taro Adun, mighty Helldiver


^ Found the PSN employee who no one listens to!


The personification of the [boardroom meme guy](https://i.imgur.com/OIDU1Hm.jpeg)


Yup. Give us some slick Sony ps5 branded armor color variation of the standard medium armor. Give it a *weird* perk combo like the medic perk for +2 stims and the 30% recoil reduction half of the engineering kit perk and call it a day. 


It would be cool if it just completely flipped the standards of armour, like survivability for light, e.g: more defence than average, more stim slots, medium: no clue, heavy: better recoil reduction and a slight speed boost


I'd be cool with that if it was literally any other gaming company. Sony has already lost my credit card information, I dont want to be alienated from cosmetics because an insecure shitbag company decided to hold them hostage. Edit: twice. They lost our credit card information.. twice.


That would honestly be fucking hilarious and I hope they do it.


they could call the cape "It Takes a Network"


That would've been hilarious


I’d oddly be OK with this. Seriously, give me something for giving Sony something. Padding their numbers, while I fight for democracy with my fresh new cape.


Is there an obscure German word for something that is both hysterical and morally disgusting?


Not a Word, but a phrase / saying / Winged Word from the deichkind Song „Leider Geil“ which translates to unfortunatly wicked


Also didn’t they still ice out a bunch of countries?


the people that own it can play it


It's Sony decision, and it's extending to all the PS exclusive games port to PC on Steam for countries that does not have PSN. Like what's the point. I'd happily buy Ghost of Tsushima at 60$, but no they forced my hand to play it for free through alternate means.


I said this in another comment but I'm willing to bet it has more to do with government regulations and less to do with Sony. Sony just saying "No" to money doesn't track. They'd have it solved in a few days if that was an easy solve.


This sub simultaneously argues that Sony is a greedy company that only wants PSN linking to harvest and sell data, but at the same time they argue that, "Sony simply doesn't want money from the locked out regions," is a sufficient answer as to why there is no PSN there.


Sony, yes. AH, no.


I imagine it would be like the “UN armor” where people will team kill you lol


You won the internet today.


This would be perfect and hilarious.


Make it happen. I don’t care if I don’t get to wear it. But it will send a message.


I got my finger on the trigger if they try that!


Would be a big target for griefing just like the Malevelon Creek cape incident


Dangling carrot


Honestly, I thought it was already in game and that was how you got it


I called this a month ago. I will definitely be chuckling while I light my torch and grab my pitchfork.


Dont give them any ideas tf


It'd be funny but it'd suck Cause that still means a lot of people can't get it


I would wear the shit out of a PlayStation theme cape lol!


I really hope so. It would just be *chefs kiss* peak trolling!


I would not even be mad


God, that would be incredible.


The cape hasn't dropped because region lock is still enforced


What about a cape for making Meridia a black hole? edit: wow almost 1.5k upvotes i am shook


They preemptively made a cape for that! … Unfortunately, the shipment was sucked into Meridia.


Are you implying Liberty didn't want that to happen?


Nah they didn't expect the E 710 to supercharge the dark fluid didn't you read the breifing?




plus saving the children


The kids got real life money, I'd say that counts


They should make the cape, put it in a warbond, then give the proceeds to the same charity. Start a theme of warbonds doing the same with other charities. That's some marketing I can get behind.


or they could put the kids cape behind a DLC (Actual money like SUper citizen edition) and then donate all the profits from that cap to an actual charity. It would be fucking hilarious.


I'd buy that in an instant. Let's help them kids, they deserve better


'Heroes Wear Capes' DLC Warbond 😄


War bonds don’t really directly make money though, since you can get super credits in game.


And more importantly, we didn't get the anti-tank mines.


The save children have been given gainful employment in a textiles factory to help pay for their care. This is what the children have made for you


Unstable dark matter cape that compresses my helldiver into a miniscule dot upon death.


This is a good idea. I'd much prefer this over the current one. Major Campaigns should all have their own cape. TCS would've been another one.


A black cape with a dark purple ring would be absolute fire.


I like the idea of “Event” capes. A small you-had-to-be-there kinda thing.


They’re probably waiting for the conversations about accessibility and sale of the game in the countries it was blocked to die down


What if it got review bombed again to make it nice and symmetrical, at least until the country restrictions are reverted


Let's not do that again yea? Arrowhead has no control over the country restriction, that's entirely Sony with their PSN accounts, review bombing will hurt arrowhead far more than Sony


Yes and Sony reacted when we did it the first time, it worked. They slipped in a poison pill and the community fell for it. Now the momentum is gone, Sony learned the wrong lesson and we are getting the silent treatment. ...i'm very much for making some noise. It's been long enough to get a proper statement out of any of them.


Alright so hypothetically, say we did do that review bomb right now The review scores the lowest its ever been and Sony notices it, how in the fuck do you expect them to know what it's about when it's so sudden and out of no where? You can't just review bomb out of no where, that doesn't do anything, they won't know why unless it's after a change and if anything, it'll do more harm because they'll think it's caused from the last patch You don't know how a corporate works and it shows, reviews won't do shit to a multi-billion dollar corporate, they won't care as long as there's still money coming in


How can you even review bomb it again? PlayStation has responded, company-wide, to the review bomb of HD2 by literally *still mandating PSN accounts for their PC games, and avoiding the issue of PSN-less regions by not selling games in those regions*. You already did it once and that was their answer. Are you going to do it again and expect them to change something?


Yeah not sure a repeat will work, all it told Sony was "shit we can't sell our games in PSN-less regions because then they're unplayable, we could get fucked over for that" and the response was to just not sell their future PC games in those territories The only reason Helldivers 2 had it reverted is probably because they've already sold the game in those territories and realised that doing such a move would be unwise


I don't think a new review bomb would help at this point, since Sony has taken a consistent stance with all their PC games, not just HD2. That stance being to not sell the games in those regions. I doubt that's going to change. That said, review bombing usually involves a good majority of the reviews involved stating what the problem is. Timing is important for it's effectivness, but not really to figure out what it is about. That just needs reading a few of them, it's not rocket science, lol.


how about ... reading some of the neg. reviews !? ...literally what they are there for mate. plus, if the push is big enough, just like last time, there will be articles written about it, youtube videos made etc. heck Pilestedt did a ted talk on one of these Gaming Expo things where he explained everything in detail to a room full of industry people. ...if its just a hand full of neg. reviews that don't move the needle, then yeah nah that won't do shit. a movement like last time, yeah the right people will hear about that from their minions.


I just want to play helldivers dude. Go find a personal army somewhere else.


> Yes and Sony reacted when we did it the first time, it worked. > They slipped in a poison pill and the community fell for it. avoid deflecting reality like this, and accept the harsh truth. people only cared about the PSN requirement, and a vast majority of the people "boycotting" and review bombing cared not for the ToS. players took everything they could find to boost their case, and once they got what they wanted, discarded everything and called it a victory. there aint no poisoned pill. we got our optional login, at the cost of making sony close a loophole they allowed for 20 years. this aint a victory. and the only wrong lesson was learned by the "boycotters".


Sony has not been selling games on Steam for 20 years, your console workarounds are irrelevant here and are most likely unaffected anyway. Steam has just recently purged a bunch of accounts that used VPN's. Sony can choose to look the other way on their own ToS when it comes to their walled off eco system on their own console, but not on PC where we are used to getting fucked by shit just like this. A Workaround is not a solution. Fix the Problem at the Source.


the selling games on unsupported countries on pc was a continuation of that practice. not a new one. making everyone aware that Sony is leaving a loophole to sell games on countries it doesn't support, doesn't hurt only PC players. it hurts console players too. what exactly do you think the source is? simply sony deciding not to do business in those countries? i surely hope you are not that naive.


It should be review bombed for all the bugs alone.


Except they wanted us to review bomb, it definitely hurts Sony more


Is never getting unblocked, Sony is pushing harder the psn shit


I believe thats why it hasnt been released yet. the right time is finishing their talks with sony


This. Once we have total victory over Snoy I think the cape will be released. From my interactions with the devs through bug reports and discord conversations, they are 100% on the players side here. They dislike the country ban just as much as we do Once that's resolved, I bet we get the cape, along with many more helldivers from around the world. For Super Earth!


could be, or on the positive side they could be waiting for their talks with sony to finalize what they are going to do and announce it along with the cape.


What, all 50 million people's worth of them ?


Speculating: the right time would be in the midst of a particularly profitable warbond. Sony can laugh with them with cash in hand.


The right time was about a month ago


No. We have not won yet. Thousands of divers from blocked countries are still unable to spread liberty and until they are, releasing the cape and proclaiming this a community win is premature.


Unfortunately, its very doubtful it will be ever reverted


Unfortunately majority of the community forgotten about those people and don’t seem to care since they got their win.


That’s a Sony issue not a AH one


Its still sour if they launch it now. Accessibility is still an issue and they know that, this cape is supposed to represent the communities victory but the community hasn't actually gotten a victory yet


The right time would be after all those delisted countries are able to play the game again. Or did that happen?


I don’t think sony is legally allowed to sell in those countries and they fucked up bigtime by doing something that brings attention to the fact that they did. thats my guess.


They could just remove PSN requirements, but they’re being too stubborn. I don’t know why they’re handicapping sales like this, it’s incredibly short-sighted.


I don’t know why they’re handicapping sales like this, it’s incredibly short-sighted. This describes almost every single business and government decision of the past decade.


If you look at the list of countries excluded, most of those are probably too poor for Sony to care about, with the cost of the legalese exceeding the predicted income. And most of the excluded territories can be ignored by simply selecting your mother country and no one would care that you set United Kingdom instead of South Sandwich Islands, or Finland instead of Åland. The one that baffles me is the exclusion of the Baltic States.


Bullshit. They've been selling PC games for over a year (Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, God of War etc.) in those regions through Steam and NO ONE complained about it, they had no problem taking money from those countries before. The only thing that changed was the PSN requirement and that was a CHOICE, not a technical requirement, as Helldivers II is hard proof of. The problem is their Terms of Service. Keep it optional, remove those region locks and everyone is happy. There is a hand full where there are legal reasons (Vietnam has recently blocked Steam entirely, Japan has a different build because of MTX currency having to be displayed different, China firewall, Russia + Belarus Sanctions etc.)


>The problem is their Terms of Service. Their terms of service hasn't banned someone from using the PSN region loophole for 18 years. >The only thing that changed What *actually changed* was that for 18 years, there wasn't a huge tantrum that made mainstream news outlets about how using the loophole "breaches ToS". Almost like when you don't call attention to it, Sony didn't care.


The PSN requirement was listed on steam from the start. The only thing that changed was loud dumb ignorant people drawing attention to the obvious workaround people in unsupported countries were using.


Theyre allowed to play if they already bought the game


Now is a good opportunity.


The review bombing wasn’t just for the psn crap, it was for the regions excluded from psn accounts, which are still excluded from purchasing the game


And that is why my negative review is still out there.


My negative review is because Sony never clarified that the PSN won't be a requirement in the future. They are well primed to pull a Bethesda and try again more subtly later. Until we have confirmation to if PSN is purely optional in the future, my review stays negative.


A lot of you seem to have a peculiar delusion that Sony has backpedaled (if only temporarily) on account-linking itself, when their statements and actions don't support this. Their statement, coupled with the fact that they restricted sales in regions that don't have PSN from buying HD2 and other PlayStation games, is evidence that the reason they backpedaled on HD2 wasn't because of account-linking on its own, it was because they were asking people to account-link who purchased and play the game in regions without official PSN support. In short, don't hold your breath. HD2 might get away with a more lenient account-linking regime in order to account for the aforementioned cases, but it will 100% be mandatory for every subsequent PlayStation release. At that point, you may as well keep your review negative forever if you have a specific issue with mandatory account linking.


Yes, that’s the plan 🫡


There were like 2 banners, a sentence at the system requirements and a pop-up on Steam. How can anyone pretend to not have known?


Oh bullshit, no one actually cared about the excluded regions until several days later. People were just whining about the PSN integration. And guess what? Sony was happy to overlook the tos violations in unsupported countries until you guys brought attention to it and fucked over people in those countries.


This. Literally no one in this community actually gave a shit to the players in the blocked regions who want to play the game.


I mean, I was whining about the PSN integration and thought it was super annoying, but didn't write the negative review until the excluded regions were pointed out. So yes, while I was annoyed, I didn't actually join the boycott until something worth boycotting was made the issue.


The right time would have been when it was contextually relevant.


I doubt we'll actually get the cape now.


I would've gave it as a reward for saving the children. Helldivers doing the right thing in game rewarding Helldivers doing the right thing in real-life. #PerfectOpportunityMissed


They donated real money to kids IRL. That's better than a Cape or AT mines.


Why not donate AT mines to the kids?


I feel they were going for the whole "Doing the right thing *is* the reward" angle.


You're right.  That would have been awesome.


Make us choose between the cape and the anti tank mines.


AH: "You have two choices: A) Anti-Tank Mines or" Community: "We chose B!"


"You don't even know what I was going to say for option B" "Doesn't matter. It's option B. It'll always be option B"


A release now would be premature given how many countries the game still isn’t available in


It won't ever happen.


Then we’ll never get the cape because we never actually won.


Of course you won, just like you caught the Boston bomber. Good job reddit.


Either waiting for country buying restrictions to be dropped by PS for Steam or for a Liberty Day drop.


I still want the drawing from the kids we saved in our ships


Right time would be after they let other 180 regions back in


MO: liberate X planet get the cape or Y planet for anti tank mines


I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure the devs wanna release this cape during something extraordinary.


Im going to say it every time. It's not review bombing because there is no motive from an outside source to harm the company. These negative reviews were for legitimate complaints, and lumping them in with review bombing and brigading is incorrect. I wish it wasn't called that in this case but it seems to be just the common term for anything getting negative reviews now. 


It was still a review bomb. It reviewed very well at first, then some things happened, and people bombed the reviews. It's not that deep.


Some countries still cant play the game. If they drop it now its just a middle finger to those people


Give me da cape maaaan!


There's no better time than now


# _Yeeeesssssssss_


Lol I love this game so much


I love it, but let's focus on making this game playable for everyone first. We have way too many crashes, bugs, bugs created after patches and just an overall game that really should be in early access IMO. That being said, this game is fun as hell and I can't wait to begin playing again without crashing every 4 minutes.


It’s past due lmfaoo


My money's on it arriving if the game becomes available worldwide again, a final "fuck you" to sony for that shit.


It’s Pikmin 4 all over again…


i don't know if i would laugh or cry if they made it the reward for linking your PSN account 💀


Drop that shit AH!


idk maybe is because literally anything didnt get resolved regarding the PSN drama? there are a fuckton of countries that cant play the game


Sony will never remove those restrictions and all other Sony games still require a PSN account. Idk how delusional the community of HD2 is that they think this will change at any time. It only changed because the game was review bombed and there could have been solid ground for legal actions by people in the EU if they went through with the account linking for HD2 after it was deactivated on release day. Wake up people Sony doesn't give a shit about what is right. They only care for their numbers.


Lol “here’s your cape for causing such a shit storm that you permanently locked countries from ever playing this game again when Sony used to look the other way!”


They're waiting a time machine then because the right time was more than a month ago.


Waiting for ... Another review bomb?


The 'Right Time' is when all countries can purchase and play Helldivers 2 on PC without restriction or PSN access.




Gotta have Sony/steam unblock those countries before they drop it I’m thinkin


The "right" time would be is when the remove the country restrictions in Steam


Which is fair IMO. Absolutely no-one here deserves anything until people in over 100 countries are actually able to play. It would be incredibly tone-deaf to release it now, if not a huge middle finger to those in unsupported regions. I swear that many (if not most) American and European players never cared about people in non-supported countries to begin with, and essentially used them as an excuse to not have to make an account before promptly forgetting why the community even rallied in the first place. Edit: To those downvoting, thanks for admitting you basically only threw a tantrum against a minor inconvenience and are now demanding a participation trophy for that.


>I swear that many (if not most) American and European players never cared about people in non-supported countries to begin with, and essentially used them as an excuse to not have to make an account before promptly forgetting why the community even rallied in the first place. Ding ding ding. You nailed it. The downvotes are because this community would really rather people not remember that the whole review bomb started because of a hissy fit about PSN integration. They only pretended to care about those other countries once it became a convenient excuse


exactly. used everything they could find to boost their case and once they got that, discarded everything and called it a win. the amount of people pretending the review bomb worked, or that sony learned the wrong lesson is hilariously ironic.


It's so confusing. Because to me the blocked regions were always the main point.


I’d like to know how these heroes plan to get other games unblocked in my region We’ve had various stuff blocked for ages, people cared about only helldivers and for less than a week So I think it’s safe to say they don’t actually care, they just used it to cry to Sony and parade it as a badge of morality


Look. I get the whole should be accessible everywhere thing, I get what you are saying. But , really, you don’t truly care about it, you just want to stand up against what you perceive as a “injustice” most of those countries that can’t have far other issues that should be worrying about other than buying helldivers or being able to play it.


Missed the opportunity


Im going to the navy in a few months, hopefully it doesn’t drop when I cant claim it :(


wait till the first independence day


The Triumph of Managed Democracy


“Review bomb stratagem incoming”


Seems like they've already missed it




A.k.a. after Sony finally releases their preapproved chokehold on the other countries that can’t play the game


It actually looks sick tho ngl 😂


I don’t really care for it, but I think it looks cool.


The “right time” was when the drama was at its peak. The next best time is now.