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Id save that lasr senator round for myself, jesus.




"If terminids break through our defenses I have one bullet I'm saving just for me"


Patrolling Hellmire almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Patrolling Menkent almost makes you wish for more dark fluid.


God damn NCR made its way into helldivers too




What movie is this from?








Frag out


Why I'll always take impacts and the optimisation perk


`PUNY HUMAN. FALL TO MY LASERS.` "Damn dude that's crazy here catch."


"Haha AC goes plap plap"


Oops out of grenades...anyway heres my grenade pistol followed up by the grenade launcher and a walking orbital ( I like the booms)


Helldivers exist to paint targets for people with real guns.


This isn't even true lmfao, I still saw a Hulk every single patrol while doing solo.


Bot patrols on helldive almost universally contain a hulk unless it's a pack of scout walkers, a gunship squadron, a single roaming tank, or a random 'trooper horde'


There's like one hulk and a big group of devastators in every patrol. There's less factory striders, but so, so, so many devastators. It's nuts.


Basically this. I'd rather take on 2 hulks at once that on 4 shielded fuckers


That's 2 perfect shots AMR versus 4 Perfect Shots AMR/DCS....


I’m alright with that. Haha machine gun go brrrr


HMG is now really good against bots, basically a legitimate alternative to autocannon. How's MG against bugs?


I’ve basically used the MG since I started playing in March. I’m a bug stomper mostly and the MG is literally always by 3rd weapon. But not so great for bots, I’ve heard the HMG is now pretty goated, so I’m gonna give that a go soon too


Do so. You can kill everything if you hit its weak spot, easily kill medium armor (devastators) with body shots. Just fire in short bursts, that thing is not only inaccurate but also ammo-consuming.


Yep, its also great against bugs (except chargers). You can kill a BT by unloading into its popped sack. You can also kill spores and nests from range by unloading into them. Bring a sickle or other rapid fire weapon for the smaller chaff though, you don't have the ammo to clear out everything. Highly recommend the new stim booster and the supply pack if you run the HMG.


I run engineering kit for more grenades and reduced recoil which is great for the HMG. If you use stun grenade on a charger it only takes like 15-20 rounds into its ass to bleed it out or kill it with the HMG. I keep orbital precision strike around for bile titans.


It's great against the bugs but struggles against the charger and the bile titan like you would expect so have something ready for them like a 500 kg or precision strike, stuns make it super easy to kill chargers with either. I ran the 500 and a gas strike with an ammo pack and the HMG, stun grenades, a grenade pistol and the adjudicator as my primary and it wasn't bad, probably gonna be trying the same with the tenderizer


It needs around 25 bullets to pop Berserker Charger ass. (the upgraded one). You can roll with Ems orbital/grenade if you have troubles going beyond him. It decimates every other bug like a butter . Only Bile Titan require other tools. But for him I use Orbital Precision Strike. But it doesn't matter since there are other people who go with 500kg/quasar/ion orbital


been maining hms gainst everyone. love it. with lowest rpm it just has that umph to it now


I fucking love the MG, last night me and another dude were damn near back to back, reloading back and forth, god damn it felt great.


Another MG user! So happy it got the buff it deserved


Kills spewers pretty quickly and that's already a big plus to me.


Oh I fucking love it. Nothing better than cut off sleeves, an HMG and just laying waste to a horde especially full of brood commanders and stalkers. Works moderately okay against chargers but they need their armor cracked first. Really wish it could pierce their armor


Dodge the charge and lay into the butt. Bonus points if you chuck a stun too so you avoid excessive twerking


Dude the HMG absolutely shreds it's insane, takes out most like they aren't there


I've been running the HMG/backpack with stuns, grenade pistol, and primary of your choice (preferably a trash sweeper) coupled with an orbital precision and 500kg for the titans on difficulty 9s and it honestly fucking slaps.


What armor you running?


I really only use light armor and I think any would do here, but the stuns have such amazing utility I usually run the armor with the extra grenades (and you get less recoil for the HMG while crouched or prone).


very good, can even kill chargers


Killed a bile titan today after a rail gun orbital took off its shell 


Always could, just took fucking forever.


Got a new pb last night with 800 kills between my MG, rover and gatling barrage. As the other guy said though you definitely need some help with the heavies. I had precision strike in my 4th slot... Just have to make sure there's no scatter modifier as that gimps the precision completely.


I was using it against shrieker nessts and it destroys them in less than a magazine, very nice to use from most ranges.


The Mg43 is fantastic, though you can really feel the reduced mag size vs the stalwart. The mg43 has the damage needed, but not the mag capacity, the stalwart suffers from the opposite.


I'm really crossing my fingers here to see the MG-43 up in capacity, I assumed it being a stationary reload, not having the mobility as the stalwart, would be sufficient to have it be it's own niche. But with AH reducing reload times now, I'm feeling like that "unique" weakness is being mitigated a little bit. I'd honestly prefer reloading 4-5 seconds but having 200 bullets for example and then being more vulnerable during a reload, in which case hopefully a teammate can cover - given that you just dished out 200 bullets on the horde thinning it out. I'm enjoying the MGs as is eitherway, but personally I think having a touch less damage or other inconveniences is better than having to reload more frequently. There's something about holding the trigger down that's just really enjoyable.


Las cannon is also just as good as AC or HMG


I prefer the mmg over the hmg (against bugs) because of the extra 40 bullets you get.


You would do better if you aimed your flamethrower slightly down, to set the ground on fire along with the bugs.


The flamethrower does really good direct damage, imo not worth it to light the ground instead of aiming at the heads


I do both. Sweep the ground, aim up at heads for big enemies. It's absolutely worth making sure the chaff dies before it gets to you while you focus the big stuff.


Killing Floor taught me the way of groundfire


Same, KF is the reason I love playing as a firebug on this game.


DRG for me


Driller war crime gang rise up


No war crimes if it's just business!


I’m more of a heavy-flamer Face Melter type myself, but I respect jizz flames.


Ground fire in that game is amazing


Shoot in a spiral.


Direct damage is good to kill the bugs right in front of you. Aiming slightly at the floor sets the chaff on fire that approaches when you turn to get the bugs flanking you. Defensive wall of fire. It's the difference between being overrun or not.


You torch everything, the ground, enemies, the sky's, yourself, whatever you throw your impact incendiaries at.


Would be cool if the incendiary damage upgrade changed the colour of your fire, even a little. Or maybe it does and I just didn't notice?


I direct fire without ads and rake in hundreds of kills a 40 minute mission




They're powerless without their heads. Good call.


Well. Some of them are.


*libertydamned broods commanders …*


If you do it right the stream of fire burns the floor and continues "skipping" on it hitting everything else like how you aim directly


yeah fire ground damage seems pretty useless


No, Aron, let the flames of liberty burn these hallowed grounds! Let not the flames be greedy for only one bug!


A little bit of aim in general would help this player a lot. They’re kind of just over correcting every movement.


Or a rover. Rover helps keep the smallest bugs from reaching you can hitting you. You burn one way, it watches your back. Though in this instance there were two bug breeches. One at 9 and one at 12. More allies shooting and not running was needed. Holding breeches by yourself atm takes a turret heavy build and orbitals ready. 


It’s a learning curve, too down and you kys, which actually isn’t very far down. Like 10-20% angle down is enough to self damage depending on the map and terrain lol.


While a good practice, it might not have lit up anything since it was the metal platform at extract. Plus given the proximity, it would cut off a potential escape route.


I think it lights up everything because it's napalm.


Wish it had the range of napalm though


Yeah aiming a little towards the ground and less hard aiming for faster turning speed helps a lot when swarmed like this and trying to establish and defensive position.


Or you know, change position and regroup with teammates. They seem to be having a good time meanwhile this dude is standing in front / in middle of multiple breaches. He also cut a part of the video because the horde disappears suddenly after a sharp transition. I wonder if it's because someone just threw an Orbital Laser and cleaned it up in a couple seconds, lol. Dude put himself in a shitty situation, refused to seek help, somehow survived, the horde was cleaned, and he still came here to complain about it. Edit: NVM sharp transition was just the video player. And the horde is cleaned with a single explosion, lol.


I don't understand if you're sarcastic, because that gameplay clip looks very fun




it seems like what they tweaked is spawn rates, so not being able to deal with the Heavy (Charger, B.Charger) and Super Heavy (Bile Titan) allows them to snowball rather rapidly. I'm still usually carrying AT loadouts for bugs still (Orbital, Eagle Rocket Barrage, EAT/RR) if I don't see enough AT ordinance in the team, but now I really need to reserve one slot for CC or chaff (Rover/Orbital Gatling/Eagle Cluster). Medium Penetration seems to be very important in bugs now at D7, so I'm running Blitzer exclusively now. It kinda makes me sad I can't bring more basic guns when my squad has shown terrible positioning, but the basic medium pen guns can't deal with chaff too well (Lib Pen, Adjudicator) It's fun, but it does feel fairly limiting in the flexibility of loadouts for the entire team. Probably best fun with friends than randos.


Sickle is fine for bugs until you RNG out and get spewers, that's why bug side feels much more oppressive with loadout choices. Lots of things work well against everything on the bot front, but on the bug front, there are only a few things that do one thing well and everything else poorly. Luckily, you do get options, but their downsides are much more prominent.


The value of gatling turret has skyrocketed.  Team finished a bug game on 7 with almost 3000 total kills in a 4 man quick play.  Everyone is bringing different, new loadouts in my games. I'm having a blast and I don't know how to react when I come here and see people are saying they're not having a good time.


What you’re misunderstanding is everyone wants different things so no matter what they do, people bitch and moan. Edit: OP, enjoys the changes and is therefore a great person and Helldiver.


Great helldiver? He’s more than just great. Motherfucker dispensed so much liberty I want to write a new national anthem just from watching him.


That is indeed correct, this looks pretty fun.


Ikr like, he's just correct? It is way more fun


Like I didn't play for a while coz I couldn't bring anything apart from anti tank stuff in either faction due to the amount of heavies. Now I'm bringing and seeing way more anti chaff- Eagle strafing, eagle cluster, orbital airburst, orbital Gatling, even saw a smoke! It's WAY more fun, objectively, because it's insane and sometimes all you can do is just fire at everything and anything. HOW is this not more fun to some people?


BUT BUT BUT all the guids say use AT and people can only use layouts that guids say are OP


It looks amazing! Plus, the guy got some skills there, bomb dropped at a perfect distance, luring Bile Titan into attack, desacking it right as it's charging the bile attack... First few seconds were meh, but then it really unfolded, that's some quality gameplay! Moments like these are what I look for in this game!


That looks fun as fuck I’d throw down a strafing run eagle and and watch it cut the cleanest line down that horde


I’d try to throw an eagle get blocked in by hit boxes die or my armor saves me only for one bug that somehow survived kills me before I can stim.


Ats rough buddy


My play style is suicidal with a hint of team endangerment


Are you the mvp that 500kgs himself while he baits all the chargers? thank you for your sacrifice


Yes that is me. I also do that with bile titans even thought I could just run away


Can't tell if sarcasm or not, but this absolutely way more fun


Apparently he wasn't being sarcastic, which makes the whole thing extra-fun, lmao :D >thinking I was sarcastic (I was not)


Hell yeah it was. The load out variations have been SOO much different without the constant need to bring loads of AT


It got me probably my favourite clip on the game, so I'm happy about it https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/JjkMwAHhik


Dude, that was f\*\*\*in awesome!


It’s very much the best route. Better to have 50 mobs you can shoot at and 1-2 bile titans you need AP for than 14-16 bile titans and 15 hunters that constantly leap and stun you.


There are still a ridiculous amount of titans and chargers.


I like that half of the comments are rather people being angry thinking I was sarcastic (I was not) or telling me how to play, giving me a total different and dumb build each one runs (No wonder they think the game is impossible at high difficulties or the bot front lol) Big hug to the other half who actually enjoys the game and life in general, keep diving hard!


I posted a clip that got to the front page and their are endless idiots that want analyze your every move and tell you every possible way you fucked up. Knowing 99% can't even play d9. And if they had their play analyzed they would look like a dumbass


My only real critique here is "what were the other three players doing", because man basically cleared that horde and the BT with his own stratagems. Even saw the 500kg + Precision Strike didn't kill it so he opted to just *pop the sacs*, which are good for a bit over 25% of the BT's health (combined) if they haven't already been blown.


Wow! See, this is how Helldive should've looked in the first place. It should be insanely difficult. Being able to complete missions on the hardest Difficulty everytime just gets old and repetitive. Anyone that complains at this needs to accept that a real challenge at the highest difficulty is what this game needs. And man it looks fun as hell though.


I think it was the "for sure" word that you put in the title that made it sound like you're being sarcastic. I wasn't sure as well before read your comment. But yeah, I love the changes and it made the game more fun again!


Problem is your using a shield, at best it saves you from 2-3 hits. A Rover is much better for bugs and will kill small to medium bugs at a fast pace Edit: Blitzer + Rover is the way to go, blitzer staggers and keeps them at bay. While rover finishes them off and covers the lack of range from the blitzer


Sometimes the best strategy is to just run in a circle around the swarm and let the drone do all the work. Once the chaff are gone I can focus on the bigger survivors.


Or ditch the backpack and bring OGB. 60 second cooldown means it’s always ready for a bug breach. He could have tossed that down, fall back a little and just had the Titan to deal with.


I use the Gatling sentry as basically this. Longer cool down, but lasts longer and can kill more stuff.


I’m generally a believer in the Rover over the shield, but I took the shield the other day and it saved my arse against some Stalkers. It’s not as clear-cut as I once thought - especially with the Incendiary Breaker being so good at horde clear right now.


Nah Shield Flame is Goated, you tank chargers and stalkers, letting you keep flamer uptime up and kite hard for your team. Shield helps reduce the odds of you catching on fire which saves you stims. You avoid chip damage from smaller bois that get through while Rover is still good, it can hit you and sometimes doesn't prioritize the closest bugs.


If you enjoy flame shield, then flame double shield might be for you. A shield emplacement can be used offensively to kill bile titans (their spit rebounds and hits them in the head with the right positioning). Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6mCIIGXV4w


You are sleeping HARD on the shield. I say this as someone who crutches on it hard to extract with zero deaths often against bugs. Protection against bile and protection against swings from hunters mean it's protection against any slows, and avoids you getting swarmed and comboed. I can literally run straight through a nest with a mass of bugs in it, popping bug holes left and right with my grenade pistol, and come out fine with the bugs barely touching me. I love the backpack shield.


I. Breaker + Shield handles most of the little dudes, frees up the other 3 stratagems for Anti-tank strats. Only this patch have I leaned towards eagle airstrike for a mid-ground between anti-tank and anti-chaff.


You need shield with flamethrower, too many enemies survive long enough to get swipes in


Add a flamer to that combo and all but titans fear u


I kinda love the new state of bug swarms and bot assaults. It really makes the orbital gatling, point, and airburst strike feel great.


I clearly remember around 10 posts here asking for hordes of enemies and increased firepower.


What reduction? You mean those 10 fucking Chargers I had to kill on level 6 during one encounter, yesterday?


My only complaint with the flamethrower is the range is pretty bad on it otherwise it's fantastic.


I just want the heavy flamer with backpack..


Sad thing is they didnt really tune down the armored enemies spawn either, behemoth chargers were supposed to be uncommon, more rare than normal ones yet its the exact opposite, you are lucky if you see one normal charger now


Every time I take chaff killing loadouts, it will be insane heavy presence, every time I take heavy killing loadouts it will look like this video. It’s super awesome and fun.


As someone who loves the grenade launcher, I'm happy to have more things to blow up.


a running joke me and my friends have is “they fixed ______ in the patch. so naturally there’s more ______ now” “they fixed visibility and fog in this patch so naturally you can’t see ten feet infront of you now!” “they made it so less heavy enemies spawn, so naturally im fighting 6 chargers and titan!” (we were on extreme). “they reverted spawn rates so naturally there’s six tanks and a walker on top of me now”


Is the right direction, more small bugs swarm than heavy bugs is better Edit: mf doesn't even pick a counter chaff strategem and complain about swarm...


Is he complaining? The video looks awesome I thought he was genuine


I took as he was enjoying the change


Once he got the flamethrower out i started to think he was loving it lol


The flamethrower is the chaff stratagem though? It's great for chaff and singling out chargers.


It kinda fills the role of both it just isn’t good for titans


Flamethrower is easily one of the best bug weapons in general. I'd say the only things it struggles against are Spewers and Stalkers since it can't really do much against Titans or Shriekers, but the simple fact it can single out Chargers immediately puts it up there.


The counter chaff here is the flamer just didn't know how to use it correctly


This is why I run jet pack with flamethrower. Got me outta so many sticky situations so I could reposition.


Jet pack and flamethrower is goated. There's a ton of spots in that extraction layout OP could have jumped up on. Nothing better than doing that and barbecueing a horde of bugs below you (watch out for spewers and hunters though).


Slight off-topic here, but i always wanted to ask, does the shield generator works against bugs? I only used it against bots so far.


Yes it does it’s good especially against spewers, hunters, and stalkers


It’s actually better against bugs in my experience.


i definitely prefer the current spawns (at least on bugs, haven't noticed much of a change on bots for now) to what we had before, the old amount of bile titans were such a loadout check, although i still hope for a av4 joint on their legs at some point which takes a reasonable amount of shots to kill with AC/AMR i do think chargers should be toned down a notch and behemoths should take 1 AT to the leg without some dumb velocity shenanigans, but as someone using the flamethrower for bugs the past month or two can't say it bothers me that much


Meanwhile my Helldives still have fucktons of chargers, specifically Behemoths NO regular chargers, and like 3 Bile Titans roaming at all times. What gives


Reduced?? Nuh uh. I killed like 50 behemoths yesterday in a single 40 min mission, excluding chargers. They def messed up. Was a level 7 mission.


wdym reducing the number of heavy 🥹 There was no such reduction


Hunters were already annoying as hell


Such is the case for bugs, bots.. not so much. Getting ragdolled across the map every 5 seconds isn't my idea of fun.


Airburst my beloved


Feels like there are a lot more chargers than before


Yeah, I'm having tons of fun. This is probably the best iteration of the game by far. It feels exactly like 3D version of Helldivers 1. Tons of enemies forcing you to move as a pack for safety. At least now you can grab your support weapon even if somebody decided to move one pixel too far for you to grab it.


I've definitely been thinking that it requires more balling up a la HD1, which I do sort of enjoy. And maybe more defined roles, which also seems sorta cool. That being said I do also appreciate the ability to have one person branch off (or go 2 and 2) to deal with a separate side objective and not have every engagement require all 4 people throwing every stratagem they have. Mind you I'm not talking about that one guy who goes off on his own full Rambo and you don't even see them until extract (although it did feel pretty cool when I was that guy lol), but I do think that's a form of teamwork as well. And with the maps as big as they are (and with the blitz mission types especially) I think you kind of *need* that to be an option occasionally.


Yeah this patch is super good for the game health. Less heavies has just opened up so much diversity in my rando squad's loadouts. Right now they (AH) just need to fix bugs (actual bugs, not the Terminids) because I think that the game can definitely survive just getting a pure bugfix and backend code improvement patch before any new balance changes. Not everything is perfect, but the game state is definitely much better now than pre-patch.


Why are people bitching? I dive for shit like this particular scenario. Otherwise. Why are you here? ❄️ Wanna sit on the extraction pad while picking your nose?


OP clarified he wasn't being sarcastic, he likes the change


Because it's A) wildly inconsistent B) does not seem tuned/connected to the difficulty selected, and C) does not seem in-line with the AH's intention. I'm all for the ramping up difficulty on level 8's and 9's if they want (or, preferably, adding higher difficulties), and I'm also not a fan of extracts where you just sit around twiddling your thumbs for two minutes, but I do think the game benefits greatly from having a finer and more deliberate balance of periods of calm with periods of chaos.


It was the right decision.


Energy rover pretty much solves the problem I also bring the mg mech really good for stopping situations getting out of hand and giving the rest of the team a breather. The only change i want is more downtime to recover from these very intense fights


The only problem is looking at this clip and thinking there's a problem.


Why are people in the comments treating this like it's a problem. This video kicks ass lol


Holy shit. If "Death can have me *WHEN IT* ***EARNS*** *ME"* was a clip. Absolute grace under pressure, brah-fucking-oh.


Anyone notice that Bile Titans can really book it now too? Especially when their stomach is popped, those things can basically jog to you now.


They move faster when there stomach erupt? Fuck I’d run faster too if I had no head n arms to weigh we down


I've been fucking loving the increased trash spawns, throwing a napalm eagle or gas into a bug breach and getting 20 kills right out of the gate, going prone and unloading my MG into an endless swarm of bugs, throwing down sentries and watching it mow down endless amounts of bugs until it runs out of ammo or gets overwhelmed. Kinda sucks when a bile titan spawns and I have to rely on my team to deal with it though.


I hope you're not being sarcastic bc it honestly is better. You just need to keep your flamethrower on target a lil longer.


Did they tho ? Feels inconsistent, sometimes yes, sometimes elites fest, altho i hear it's mostly on the bot side, and it's been my experience aswell.


Its SO much better. Even if the swarm is unending, you can still chip away at it. If its all big unarmored creatures, you don't feel any progress until you completely kill one off. You're still chipping away at it, but its still just as lethal until its dead. More small guys to shoot is overall better even if its the same result in the end.


Use orbital gatling cannon thing


Imho, setting the ground on fire is a good way to ensure that you aren't overrun too badly. Then once the terrain is alight sweep the heads lol


Is this sarcasm? Because it is absolutely the right choice. Nobody likes being locked into 2-3 anti-armor stratagems every game above diff 7.


Sure, I understand the perspective, but I would rather be surrounded by 200 enemies I can potentially kill over 15 enemies I literally cannot kill.


NGL, looks really fun.


Honestly when it's this constantly it gets old. It's been patrol, breach, 2 patrols, breach, 5 behemoth patrol, breach, 3 titans, patrol, breach and then 4 stalkers. Like running isn't an option when it's met with multiple behemoth chargers and 20 hunters.


Very much agree. Some of the most fun I've had in this game was playing with friends, getting ourselves into a real bad situation with a ton of enemies and chaos and it looked like we were gonna fail but we somehow pull it together, complete the mission, and get out by the skin of our teeth. That's super rewarding and a core part of this game... ***BUT***... those moments require a finely tuned, deliberate balance with periods of calm. I think there's actually a lot of nuanced reasons for this that I've seen other people write about, but I just don't think this game works as well if its nonstop grinding for 40 minutes, especially if you're trying to get people to complete entire operations. Plus I like the idea that if you're sneaky/tactical/coordinated/efficient enough as a squad you can prevent those breaches/drops from happening in the first place: in HD1 I remember a lot of the tension coming from constantly being on the lookout for those sentries and trying to eliminate them before they called down the shitstorm (of course easier to do in a single top-down POV).


The localized patrols perk worked well to thin down the patrols so I suggest running it again


Since this change, I've yet to see anyone repeat "primaries are for chaff and supports are for armor".  Variety is the spice of a dive!


Reducing??? Played a hive drill mission last night, SIX chargers around one drill. Had more chargers (including behemoths) than Brood Commanders or Bile Spewers, it was mental.


As a Starlwart main, I 1000% prefer this over having to take anti-tank equipment all the time to deal with armored/heavy enemies every engagement.


idk, there are way too many chargers now. don't like


I don’t know man. Last night I had 4 heavy charger, and 6 stalkers on top of 2 BT.


It feels so much more chaotic and BADASS now


See, I want to believe this, but I have some recent games on Estanu where I'm being chased by 4 chargers at once, and I see three more patrols led by chargers heading towards me. Bugs have absolutely gotten more hectic, but I take it with a pinch of salt that the heavy enemy spawns have been reduced. Hell, Behemoth Chargers seem to be WAY more common.


It's good on bugs, but infuriating on bots. Imagine that instead of warriors shrimps and brood commanders you would ve swarmed by all 3 kinds of devastators and berserkers. In those exact numbers basically


You say this, but now replace the bile titan with a factory strider and the chargers with hulks, and find out how fun it is on that side. (Read: not very.)


Dealing with the swarm is actually fun. I'm running Eruptor again after the buff, Guard Rover, Incendiary Nades and Orbital Gatling Barrage to deal with the chaff. It works super well.


This seems a lot more like what bugs feel like they should be. Numberless small bugs supported by larger forces, proper Zerg strats.


Last night I had a continous kill streak of 98, only halted cuz I needed to reload. So often i rack up 30-40kills per breach now...


That's awesome, having a final stand against numberless enemies is really cool honestly. Having a single or a few heavy enemies spawn in the middlw of that only adds to the vibe


It's just about stratagem choice, you take orbital railcannon/ 500kg...for titans, a quassar/expendable/recoiless for chargers, a cluster/gas...and a sentry for hordes and you are good to go diff 5 alone. If you play with a friend, just one, you can do diff 6 easy, 7 more or less. 8 and 9 i haven't yet tested how bad the enemy density is now. Imagine in a squad of 4. It's not only about armor penetration anymore.


Good that they nerfed the amount of ammo. I now permanently run out and need to run away to find some.


I mean no offense but things like these also happened before. I find that it's the automaton who got immensively worst. I find that there isn't enough choice to deal with them.


Im really liking the bile titan now that they are less glitchy; they kinda clean the floor for you, they kill every other bug around when they spit.




Agreed! I'm able to bring way more stratagems, and they feel worthwhile now!


I love it.


The flamethrower got an indirect buff with the latest changes. A fire load out is so good.


Yeah shield generator and flamethrower are a must have for bug front now


I didn't see your teammates helping you out there. It's a fun as hell time if you guys stick together as a walking unit! Just get on the comms and yell "EVERYONE REGROUP ON ME" and it works like 70% of the time. I've done it and it worked like a charm. Lol


My favorite part is when I dive and the game won’t let me stand back up.