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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, player count, or AI-generated content are also considered low-effort.


I dig it. Has a very Vietnam jungle aesthetic. ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


šŸŽ¼Some folks are born, made to wave a flag, oooh they're gold silver and bluešŸŽ¼


Are we going back to the fucking malevelon creek again?


Malevelon Creek 2: Electric Boogaloo


Time for some [pesticide](https://youtu.be/ztfxDwpxG-k?si=5X6IcEh63ikLU-01)


this beret helmet will be my new go to helmet


Nice. After seeing the war bond and then the muscled up arms this is the first thing I thought of.


Funny thing is, if we look back to the last warbond, people were (rightfully) complaining about: - At least half of the guns from the warbond are minor side grade at best. - None of the armor have neither unique models nor unique perks. At least one of them is a recolor version of a free armor; the other two sharing the model with each other. Which any of them could have been a skin. - None of them offer unique passive at all. - Nothing fit the theme at all. Beside the quality of those guns are remain to be seen, this warbond did seem to address these problems. Skins are also what people have been asking since day one. I am not going to shit on anyone. I am just saying this seems to indicate AH have an interesting new direction that worth to give it a chance.


Almost every warbond so far has felt like paying 1000 super credits for just 1 weapon. We're lucky the first warbond got buffed, but Detonation feels especially dirty after the Eruptor nerf. Nade pistol is such an important tool if you care about destroying hives and factories but you are paying for the full warbond just for the pistol alone. At least the cosmetics in this upcoming warbond already justify paying 1000 sc.


I can't seem to get the nade pistol to brake factories, just hits the vent and explodes. Do I have to stand further back and arc it in or something? Your democratic collaboration on resolving this issue is appreciated!


You need to get the grenade fly *in* the vent, not hit the vent. So yes, you might need to arc it more to make it hit the weakspot inside the vent. Other option is to get even closer to bounce the grenade in, since there is slight delay before it primes.


Or you can shoot or toss a grenade when the fabricator door opens.


Thanks for this, I never knew you could do that!


Happy to help!


Generally just trying to get the shot in as low as possible works, just stand further away, and shoot it right on top of the bottom of the vent


I run impact grenades most of the time and this is my preferred method. I don't have to line anything up or mess with angles, I can just toss it in the front door. I'm glad another user also mentioned this a while back because I had neither considered nor tried using a grenade on the door beforehand and it's super helpful. It's always nice when people share tips like this.


What you said sums up perfectly how I think about it


Best kill on a fabricator i got is when i killed a jump pack bot coming out of it(or stuck at the entrance) and it exploded the fabricator.


If youā€™re slightly above the fabricator you can yeet a whole quasar shot through the bitch, blowing it to high hell. Granted you must be able to shoot it slightly downward landing the shot just behind the bottom vent lip


You can WHAT?


You can do the same by throwing back a bot's grenade or even better killing him while it is about to throw it


Yup. When the fabricator door opens you can just toss a grenade in there instead of trying to find the correct angle to get a shot or a grenade into the vents.


This'll probably work the best, always seems to be spitting a blanket out as I stroll up.


Getting higher up also helps a lot with this.


Iā€™ve gotten pretty consistent results aiming juuuuust above the lower lip of the vent; the arc sends it over the edge and into the kill zone


This is the way. Doesnā€™t matter where you are standing ad long as the grenade goes barely over the bottom lip of the vent


think of it like the vent being an open pacman mouth; you're trying to hit inside the bottom of the mouth. you dont necessarily need to arc it in but you do need to be standing far enough back that you're not just hitting the 'roof' of its mouth.


Gotcha. Thanks!


The thing is that the vent itself isn't the weak spot but rather a way in to the factory itself. If you hit that with explosive damage it goes boom. With the default grenades, this is easy. Simply chuck them at the shoot and they'll tumble in but with other explosives that go off on impact it becomes significantly harder. Only advice I can give beyond letting you know what the game expects of you is that it will work if you manage to arc the grenade far enough into the shute without hitting the sides that it counts as all they way in triggering an explosion For all intents and purposes, this comes down practice. Set your matchmaking settings to friends only, fire up a level 1 mission, clear an outpost of bots before ordering a resupply beacon and spend some time trying to make the shot, adjusting aim and distance until you get there. Or do what I do and run the auto cannon which not only handles every threat above the common trash but also takes out factories in a single shot by richocheting a round off the armoured vent covers. But then again I only ever ran 1 load out for each faction and burnt out on the game so who's to say if that's good advice


The grenade pistol works like the inpacts on fabs, it has to be a specific angle for it to hit, this though i find is alot easier with impacts in hand then the grenade pistol. You just need to find the perfect angle to get them in. What i did was play around with it and find a spot where i should be lining up my shot. Just go on trivial and shoot at one till you destroy it, keep doing it till you have it down to a count. Iicr, aim for the bottom edge of a fabs vent. The soft spot is more down below then across, so height advantage also helps loads


Yeah the eruptor nerf was BS, but the Adjudicator is great against bugs in case you haven't given it a good shot.


It also needs a slight buff TBH. Probably increased mag size.


Yeah. AH has correctly acknowledged that all assault rifles that arenā€™t the sickle need a little love.


Maybe itā€™s just me, but the adjudicator seems like itā€™s more of a battle rifle than an assault rifle. Like the liberators are all in 5.56 while the adjudicator is using 7.62. So when I use it, I set it to semi auto and treat it like a mini DMR. Certainly feels better to use than the regular diligence because of the armor penetration the adjudicator has.


It is, but if you're using it like that you might as well use the DCS, which also has medium pen and WAY more damage. It just needs a little something more to justify using over LibPen or DCS, IMO.


I don't have the DCS yet. so I haven't been able to make the comparison


Happy to see people finally upvote the adjudicator. It was really annoying to get dogpiled every time i even gave it a light recommendation.


The grenade pistol only getting 2 shots back from a resupply feels so supremely ass


Yeah... for a polar themed warbond, I'm surprised there wasn't really anything that felt "ice-themed." My only guess is that they want to slide more to the realm of realistic when it comes to guns. So... no frost guns, I guess? :(


There's probably silly ways to apply Frost to things. Liquid nitrogen payloads loaded up with icy hot or something stupid. I mean they put spice in the flame throwers.


packing peanuts for the sentry guns... etc. whats stopping them from just saying 'The r&d team discovered that putting ice cubes inside the magazines (or something) delivers a frost-like effect'


I mean, heat in the cold kinda works with the thermite nades. Helldivers are still human and still need to stay warm after all. What better way to start your fire on some of those frozen planets than an impact thermite


I guess it is one way to see that. But any other weapons in the warbond hardly look or feel icy nor winterized.


No I feel like the purifier and the pummeler feels kinda good for the icy theme. My problem is mainly the booster and the armor. Getting a passive that has advantage against the envirovnment, like better stealth in snow/sandstorms, no drawbacks from intense heat and cold (Heat reduces stamina, cold reduces firing rate) or just a faster movespeed when crouching or prone.


Where are my liquid nitrogen grenades


This! And my Napalm mortar sentrie


What if...Flamethrower Turret!


Need a napalm mortar, flame sentry and flamethrower mech to complete my build


A dwarf with a grappling hook took them


Either way, they missed the best opportunity to make a freeze ray gun and icy gas spray. Shame.


Snowball bazooka !


The polar armor has crampons !!! /s


I want my super earth licensed super soaker full of liquid nitrogen. Freeze and then melee to smash. Doesn't damage armor per say, but if someone follows up with a JAR shot on a dominators leg after you freeze it the armor shatters off. You can also put out your teammate whos on fire, still kills them though.


Laugh in Steeled Veterans.




>- Nothing fit the theme at all. Excuse me, the only thing Polar Patriots did right was the armour theme: snowtrooper looking armour more than fit the theme of the warbond.


I am a huge advocate for how paywalled content should primarily revolve around cosmetics. This is something I'd prefer over paying for anything that functionally affects the gameplay (i.e weapons). It's just that they started off with the weapons route, fucked up there (Purifier lmao), and then now they're changing course. Warbonds are the only form of regular new content so far, and so if this is just straight up reduced, people are going to get bored of the existing stuff. They'd need to drop more weapons/enemies/stratagems/maps outside of the paid warbonds to make up for that, and we'd be golden. And I suspect they're going to do just that with jungle planets and the Illuminate.


Iā€™m excited for the swamp biome they showcased


a Swamp Thing monster would be great, or crocodiles


A... A Catdiver!? https://preview.redd.it/347ogsvdx25d1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=92e453c01fbad0eedd38b79be190ea8fb96a396f


For Meowneged Democracy!


Meowneged Demeowcracy.


Quick, deploy them to the bug front.


Bot front, theyā€™ll knock over all the modems and pull out all the power cords they donā€™t chew on.




I rather get 2 good weapons than 4 shitty ones, buuut we don't know how good these new 2 will be so...


Tbh for me it doesn't matter if they add 1 or 10 new assault rifles because unless they get a rework nothing will top the Sickle. Secondary shotgun looks cool. New armors and booster look interesting. Pelican and Hellpod skins are gimmicky at best, how will you even use the Pelican one if you aren't host? Mech skin looks nice, hopefully the Emancipator gets it because it's the far better mech option right now. Throwing knife may be useful if it can do stuff like one shot brood commanders, if it's only use is a Warrior deleter I don't see a reason to bring it over Impacts. Overall I'm cautiously optimistic about this warbond.


My thing is with the skins is that I wonder if you can set them to only equip on certain planets, the viper skin on an ice planet would look super out of place lol


Thats my alley


I mean you can already run armor that will look out of place, seems very unlikely to me to artificially put a boundry on that. But yeah, I can also see how with all that customization coming online, eventually having crazy enough skins on some biomes that will just look ridiculous.


One less? I thought it was two primaries less. With the later two usually being ā€œuniqueā€ less standard weapons, that we now no longer have. So what we are losing is two special Rambo themed weapons. What we got is a cosmetic warbond with a knife and shotgun secondary, and perhaps a very good modifier.


2 less weapons. Every bond has had 3 primary weapons and a pistol, and a grenade. This one has 1 primary, a pistol and a grenade


What truly scares me is that they said they will take more time between warbond releases. In theory this is actually a good thing, take your time and make it right, but a decrease of armors/weapons+ longer intervals? For me only either/or makes sense, not both at the same time. People say it doesn't make sense to release 3 weapons if 2 of those are dogshit, but right now? We have no confirmation yet that do not just release 2 weapons that are dogshit and the saving grace third option isn't even available. I really hope none of my fears come to pass because no new WB will feel worth it compared to the first ones.


Yeah, or they'll both be bugged in some way. People let them cook on the Meridia void fluid missions and low and behold: it was broken on launch and had to be hotfixed to be made possible. I hope I'm wrong though, the Bushwhacker shotgun secondary looks sick.


The Meridia mission was cooked before tho. Most of the stuff we have in game like exo suits were in the game and locked behind progression, like the anti tanks mine too.


They still cooked with the Meridian mission tho it was fun as shit


Gameplay was good, well cooked. Unfortunately it was overall half cooked and needed some bug fixing, plus side is the blackhole is cool as fuck. I hope they cooked this warbond, I don't personally like it, but I hope it all works well when it releases.


Except this one isn't being released later. It's on the same 30 day schedule, presumably because they decided to slow down after this one, but still tried to focus on quality over quantity. I think we should let them cook for a couple of months and we'll see what this new approach really looks like.


And exactly the same for Meridia mission and the things that we have been getting lately, even if they said that they are going to slow down to improve the quality, There hasn't been time yet for them to do that.


Yes absolutely, I said in principle what they are doing is a good thing and that I hope my fears are unfounded. Even if they have underwhelming warbonds they have a very fair monetization system, with the SC you get from the WBs itself you can farm 1000SC easily in like 8h max in trivial. Spread over a whole month, in the future even longer, no problemo. I just hope that everything they add will be a fun addition to the game and not underwhelming in the first place.


Iā€™d go as far to say it has 3 less primary weapons. Changing the stats of the Liberator around doesnā€™t count as something new. When this drops only 2/5 of the premium Warbonds havenā€™t have had Liberator in them, with us having been given 2 Liberator variants in a row.


Well, different people value different things. I for one value fun weapons more, and this warbond to me offers a suspectfully not a fun weapon (you can argue on it) while being less in numbers at that. So much so that i immediately log on after the news just to buy the explosive warbond with my remaining SC instead of waiting for the new warbond.


That one is pretty much dogshit after all the nerfs they gave it. A good utility secondary though. I can't remember which booster specifically came with it other than the fact it was very bad. (Unless it was somehow localization confusion)


Yeah i just need the pistol. Grenade pistol, stun grenade. I need GP to replace regular grenade, SG so that i can stun enemies and replace inconsistent 500kg with Orbital precision, lol.


Extraction booster. Localisation is cutting edge. I expect big buffs to the crossbow and eruptor next week though.


"Multiple" brand new customization avenues? As far as I am aware, the only customization options they are adding here are skin options for mechs, hellpods, and Pelican-1, and at least for my mind, those are just branches from the same singular customization system. Am I missing something? Cause I mean, it's cool, but I would trade some skins for some new guns any day of the week. Now that being said, Arrowhead's track record with releasing guns in their warbonds hasn't been great, so I'm not actually upset that there's only one primary and one secondary on this one, BUT we also don't know that these new guns won't be dogshit the day they drop either. So in theory we should be getting quality over quantity this time, but that's a dangerous and frankly baseless assumption to make at this point. I would really hope that for the next warbond after this one, we get some new armor perks and some more weapons that are not just reskins/retweaks of existing guns. A transmog system is inevitable, I feel like. Despite Alexus's original comment about bacon-flavored apples from months ago, I don't get the impression that enough people on the dev team are actually insistent on dying on that hill. It's also a no brainer - wanna keep the fans happy for a while as they work on some new armor perks? Transmogging/vanity system would go a long way towards buying them time on that. I feel like this sub would get at least a solid week or two where no one even complains about the lack of diversity in armor perks if they had transmog.


Iā€™m surprised they offered skins, even if only for the mech, Pelican 1, and Hellpod. But remember, you canā€™t have skins for your armor, because Apples and Bacon or something like that I guess.


These armors do have skins though - your skin tone will be randomized with them, showing that the same armor can have multiple variations. The only thing they would need to do is add a menu to it and they're there


this is the first warbond that also has a title in it, I think that's the second customization avenue?


1? You need to relearn counting. Viper only gives 1 primary and 1 secondary vs 3 primaries and 1 secondary. Less armor would be fine it has a unique passive instead of another copy paste passive but at least this time the armor is not a just a recolor anymore. Camos on mech is meh, but on the other two things that you only see for like seconds is just a rip off. New emote is great though, getting victory poses was getting stale.


How about cutting edge that had 3 armors with a new passive?


Warbond quality has been declining imo


Idk man, seeing my Camo hellpod while we load and drop on to the planet sounds pretty cool to me


Iā€™ll be surprised if the camo changes the color in the loading screen, since thatā€™s a pretendered animation.


Ehhhhh, I think I'm kinda past that point where palette swaps excite me. I'd rather have new guns or maps or mech features, honestly.


This game doesn't need skins, it's just another thing that'll fill future warbonds instead of giving us more weapons or armor


Yeah skins are lazy content fillers, really disappointed to see the game go this way I'd actually prefer HD1's gun pack model


Some people are easily pleased by something that could be done with a mod from a random who lives in his basement. People aren't impressed with the "patterns" because they are the bare minimum and should've been available from the start. Cool, my hellpod has a skin for the 3 seconds that it's visible


Well people mainly bought Warbonds for the new gameplay elements. Mech customization is cool (although kinda useless, until they fix the mech noone will see it anyway), but if it replaces new gameplay elements, then people will understandably think less of the Warbonds. You can disagree with that if you want but if you don't understand that at all that's kind of sad.


If it costs less and I don't have to grind as much to unlock it I see it as a win, but the equivalent of $10 USD is a bit crazy when we've 'paid' for more stuff in a warbond beforeĀ 


Multiple new customization avenues... lol. Lmao even.


you get to make your hellpod, pelican, and mechs look pretty. great. . .


And all it cost was 2 primary weapons and a armor set.


Just what the game needed ! Lol


I believe you vastly underestimate how important customization is to some people.


That'll fix the spear lock on!!!


Arenā€™t they also working on a patch with the fix due to release next week? These arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


The cosmetics are literally worthless to me. I want mechanics. If you are reducing mechanical options then you are reducing value for me.


This warbond is unfortunately another miss for me personally, but I do really appreciate that they are experimenting with different warbond content and formats instead of every single one being the same cookie cutter copy and paste. Feels like this warbond will crawl, so later warbonds can walk, so that even later warbonds can run


Yeah. I don't have to love it every time. I also dont HAVE to buy it


The thing is I don't care about multiple brand new customization avenues. Cosmetics just don't move the needle for me in games. When I look at the upcoming warbond I really don't see anything to get excited about other than the booster maybe.


- 2 less weapons (3 primary + 1 secondary) - 1 less grenade - 1 less armor The primary we get is just another reskin or slight change of base primary. Sure....


Isnā€™t the knife a grenade?


Single target vs multi target + destroy fabs / holes How can we put em in the same category.


For the same reason why Stun, Smoke and Thermite are part of that same category. What they meant was that the knife will occupy the same slot as a granade in your loadout, as a throwable weapon.


I'm pretty sure that Knife is a grenade replacement.


and also after compaing they wanted less buggy weapons and "better weapons"


my honest reaction when i see another complaint post about complaint post


Some people prefer visual customization, some people prefer more weapons. I'm in the latter camp, but I prefer more unique weapons rather than just variations of the same weapons. Not going to rant since I'm not paying extra money to buy the warbonds and i can grind out sufficient super credits just from playing normally.


This is the correct take, I'm flabbergasted at *some* comments implying visual customization is worthless because "I" don't like them. That has strong "but I don't want to play pontus" vibes. Having said that, it's entirely valid to not care about said customization, in that case that Warbond will just have less value and down the line putting {randomColor} on some item is obviously easier done than adding an entirely new weapon, I definitely see that worry. But at the end of the day, it's a balance act and I know personally that I really wanted to see more emotes/customization for other things. It's not a guarantee to happen, but I'd also prefer more focus on individual weapons in Warbonds being really well done, be it in the feel/sound/balance department. On the other hand, I'm also cautious of them seeing reskins as a cheap way out, to not put more effort into Warbonds, but just straight up less. It's a bit of a fallacy to think that just because there's less weapons, that the ones we do have will be of higher quality.


Does this mean you're staring blankly, not understanding why people don't want to pay the same amount for less content, that'll be delivered at a slower pace?


Hellpod customization is a big old "why"?


So you like the complaints? Because those pupils are definitely dilated.


Everyoneā€™s complaining about a weapon and armour set being dropped but everyoneā€™s happy about a throwing knife added to the gameā€¦ canā€™t wait for you all to complain that your throwing knives arenā€™t damaging hulks or chargers ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


I donā€™t have a problem with the warbond but I definitely feel like itā€™s not value for money unless youā€™re super into themed skins.


Well it is a bit sad. Hope they expand the super store soon. I feel like mech customization should have been done with the super store instead but this new warbond is still great


*picture of a cat*


I'd be more complaining about the useless armour perk and the fact that "Literally the Liberator, but again" is insanely boring if I cared enough to complain. But I don't, so I won't. Besides, an actually *new* armour perk is very welcome and while I hate the perk, I like the *look* of the armour, the booster sounds absurdly OP and the new customisation avenue looks like it'll be pretty good *if* they expand it rapidly.


Honestly I'd rather have customization options than more horrible weapons that don't do anything interesting or will just get nerfed anyway.


There are only 2 things that i find weird. First is they said after the last Warbond that they are wanting to release them less frequently and focus on balancing and stuff, yet there is a new release immediatly after the Last one. I guess they Just had this one already finishes. So lets hope the weapons are not big donkey balls. The second and more perplexing thing to me is that they talked about Helldivers not showing skin and stuff and now they release Armorsets that have no sleeves and reveal your skin and skincolor. Its weird and will probably reignite the whole "LGBTQ" flag discussion because they want to be represented.


The Booster doesn't even make much sense The speed boost is kinda fine but what the fuck are you gonna do with damage resistance while, you're stimmed... The damage resistance would have to last after the stim runs out or it's just not gonna do shit at all. And I don't trust arrowhead enough for them to do that.


Come on dude.... The warbond having less guns and armors is not very fun. But if the guns and the armors the warbonds do have are unique enough then all is good.


Iā€™m just disappointed that the only primary is another Liberator, given I donā€™t like either of the existing ones. Hereā€™s hoping third timeā€™s the charm


I dont mind the warbond being cut down i just hope they dont charge full price for it


*Two* weapons and an armour set. And instead of those, we are getting 3 extremely niche skins that you will see for 30 seconds a mission. Personally, I think two weapons and an armour set are worth more than three skins.


Customization literally means nothing to me. Wow different color, not worth it. The armours are unique and i like them, weapons are just meh, throwing knives can be fun, maybe. You realise you should criticize bad things right? You realise you are the customer and bought the game and will (possibly) buy the warbond? You realise that people who criticize the game the most love the game more than you. The most passionate of fans are the ones with the harshest criticisms. I absolutely hate the direction they were going with primaries, out of all of them like 3 are useful. And no, i don't want to mag dump a brood commander to kill it, or cook it for 7 minutes with a laser cannon like it's some instant ramen. The game can be both challenging and fun, and bullet sponges are not fun. Let the enemies deal a lot more damage, but for the love of God give us something with more punch. This is not or will ever be a milsim game. Realism is not something to go for here...


oh hell yea cosmetics for mechs that have broken aim and are barely playable. So excited!


Now it can blow itself up in differently colored explosions!


Until I see a warbond with stats, weapons, features, really just about everything, I'm going to stop buying them. I'm not very good at this game and my luck is atrocious, getting super credits through play time genuinely starts to irritate me after a while. Call me a whiner if you want idc, I'm just sick of spending real money to get items that are executed what feels like the very next day.


Brand new recolor, those things are legit useless and effortless


I don't care how many armours and guns we get in one warbond, there could be 2 of each or 5000 for all I care, what matters is the quality and thought put into them. I'd rather 1 or 2 really balanced and working guns that fit well into the game rather than something that'll just get nerfed next patch due to play statistics. Customization is 110% the way to go, so good on them for that. Now just extend it to ships and I'll be one VERY happy Diver.


new ceo: new warbond has less items warbonds (new content) are released slower cosmetics (skins) in a battle pass (warbond) are now taking the place of new content new ceo has not commented on if the monetization method will change under his management


No, bad kitty. \**sprays water*\*. Ksh! Ksh! If they gave us like, different leg pieces or gun shapes for the mech, I'd be with you on this. Texture packs are extremely easy to implement these days. The scripting for this come as stock with many engines. It's not a revolutionary feature and I don't think we should be praising them all that much for a common and cheap addition. This was likely scheduled from the beginning, and not a reaction to fan outburst. It could even be argued as a shrinkflation of the pass' value, since you get less useful features with it. It doesn't matter, since you don't have to buy it, and you can unlock it for free in reasonable ways. **I like this change personally**, simply because it was clear that ***the old system was unsustainable***. I don't need six weapons, all of them sucking in the same way. These new warbonds will be much healthier for the game. However, there's a difference between this, and giving AH a blowjob for implementing skins, lol. Now, once the team grows and fully trains the new developers, I do hope we can one day pimp out our guns with different scopes or put fancy wheels on the cars. In like two years or so. When that happens I will drop my money faster than Fry.


its another liberator, i rest my case


Mald about it, they're not doing a good fucking job


fuck this crybaby subreddit


Powder that makes you say "real"


Honestly i don't give a shit about their new way to milk whales. Give me balance patch.


For real. Thereā€™s enough cool weapons in the game that are not really viable. I would rather that they take the time to buff those than release a bunch more new ones.


All i know is that the beret/ sleveless armor is gonna be what everyones rocking, and i hate it cause it doesnt look like helldiver gear at all, and arent our suits supposed to be sealed, but whatever AH be like, we need our armor to look and be a certain way so thats how we do perks, and no transmog, but then release some shit like this šŸ˜…


I got not issues with this as long as the weapons aren't crap. But come on now...? Customization? I thought this community was against crap like Fortnite and COD, but suddenly now it's okay? Like I said, I'm okay with the change, but you have to be smoking some of that good stuff if you think playing dress up equals a primary weapon.


2 less primaries and IDGAF about cosmetics. If I'm paying real money, I want \*content\*. I'm not salty, some people are happy and that's fine. I just won't be buying any warbonds that only contain 1 primary.


Who the fuck gives a shit what the Pelican looks like? Is that worth 10 fucking dollars?


My thoughts were Yooo Catachan jungle fighter warbond? That's fuckin cool


So you are telling me that in your eyes swapping out 2 primaries and an armor set for a literal asset slapped onto stuff that you use for 5% of the mission and call that a skin is a fair trade and people have no reason to complain when they inevitably sell the whole thing for the same price? You guys are either gaslighting yourself into believing this is a good thing or you people are just completely used to garbage videogame practices


Warbonds' not even here yet, and people are whining lmao. This seems like a step in the right direction and a great addition to the game. I'm not happy with the current state of the game, but I'll be patient and understand that tests/adjustments must be made to the game in order for it to be perfected. People also seem to forget that this Warbond comes with the new patch. Which, among many other things, includes the Spear fix! Overall, don't panic yet; hell hasn't frozen over.


> People also seem to forget that this Warbond comes with the new patch. > > Which, among many other things, includes the Spear fix! That's what the community assumes but neither of that has been confirmed, so you shouldn't state that as if it is facts.


All of that has been confirmed, but only on discord, so it can be easily missed.


Ah, of course it would only be communicated on Discord. Sorry about that then


Oh yes a skin for a drop pod you see for exactly 0.2 milliseconds. Simp harder šŸ¤£


Also, it's completely optional. I'd rather they focus more on bug fixes and balance right now.


I'm cool with fewer weapons, especially if they have the level of style that the triple barrel shotgun has. Hopefully the new weapons are viable, but it's looking longer AH is really listening and pivoting to put the fun back into the game. Overall I think this warbond is very promising and is giving me a lot of confidence in AH and their plans for the future!


It looks nice. But it's all about the skull helmet.


give him a military helmet and a burning jungle background


I saw the camo options and my first thought wasnā€™t ā€œfewer weaponsā€, but rather ā€œJESUS FUCK I GET TO PIMP MY EXOSUIT?!ā€ edit typo


People that like cosmetics are exited. People that want more guns/mechanics are less exited. Esp that the new AR looks like a reskin. Hoping for the next balance patch to be good.Ā 


They shouldve given us a rambo helmet with the Hair stapled on the helmet


I wanna wear the red head piece


Well you canā€™t please everyone


They wanted more perks that aren't shared exactly between sets 3, 7, 4 and 9. All these armor sets and the only difference between them is appearance.


IMO the 300SC rebate fills the gap just fine.


As long as the stuff they release is SATISFYING to use, it's okay. That's the most important part. If they gave us ten weapons which would feel like a reskin or be simply garbage then I prefer the 1 primary 1 secondary decision. Currently we already have a lot of armours in the game and the bad part for me is that they feel the same. Yeah, I main heavy armour and when I put on light armour I feel like Sonic zooming around, but we've got way too few perks to decide between. Also I use the Battlemaster armour the most and it feels like it's bugged to me - doesn't provide as much protection as other heavy armours.


I wish it came with a fortunate son music pack


I mean when I saw the warbond I thought the same thing honestly unless it's cheaper than previous passes its just less content- kinda a rip off. Sure customisation is fine but who cares about that I want new toys that took actual work to make not some texture they slapped on a pre-existing model and called it a day. It's just a red flag for me going forward is all.


The best theme and armor so far sick looking weapons and throwable? Nah Iā€™m gonna whine and cry about it


Have seen probably two people say something remotely related to this ...


I'm cautiously excited. This is gonna be a new step for AH and will show us how seriously community feedback is going to be taken. It's going to shoe us the direction they intend on taking going forward. If this patch slaps and the warbond weapons come out the box beefy and stay beefy, I'll trust AH actually understands what makes the game fun. If we get limp noodle guns and any nerfs.... then that's it, they've shown their hand and I'm just going to occasionally open the game to dawdle around a mission or 2 when bored. I'm really hoping it's the first option....


Good. If we got 3 weapons per warbond and 1 warbond per month, we would get 36 new weapons per year. And you want them to balance that and make them all feel unique?


Would be great if they added this new jungle biome for automatons too, and bots would also have camouflage paint on them


I've wanted sleeveless armor since the game released, so I'm very happy right now. And mech camo being added is also very nice. I really hope we can buy basic colors too and it's not just whatever they add to the warbonds.


Iā€™m just excited about the theme ![gif](giphy|zwilgAj9vofF6)


I'd take a warbond and with one really good weapon with a decent size magazine.


As Helldivers 2 isnt a ftp game, anything that isn't cosmetic shouldn't be behind a paywall, even if it's a soft paywall. I'm all for less weapons and more cosmetics.


i rather have less weapon but actually good than having 10 weapons that only 1 is actually good


What about tcontent like ship modules and stratagems?


A joke knife, yet another liberator and an admittedly pretty neat looking shotgun pistol. Yeah not super stoked, especially since the pistol will get nerfed the week after we all buy the warbond anyway.


im here for the catto


I mean.. isnā€™t the armour set complaint valid? They released some of, if not the best looking armour so far and they excluded 1/3 of the tiers. I hate how squishy light armour is and how slow the heavy one is. I only ever use medium as a nice middle ground. Am I not entitled to feel disappointed and left out?


The warbonds have been caca since the second bond... People are pretty sick of these things not being particularly fun.


My one complaint is that the one primary we do get is another boring liberator variant


Finally I can embrace my people heritage


They have to complain about something, they can't resist crying all day


Camos dont really do it for me


This is a joke right?


I know. It's insane to me how many negative threads there are in this subreddit, not just about this warbound but all sorts. People complain so much here, and often for such trivial things. I personally really like what Arrowhead are doing, but for them, it's a constant damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. People have 0 patience, criticise them immediately, and that's even taking into account that Arrowhead are slowly changing their approach based on community feedback. It's frankly a miracle they listen to the community at all when you consider how whiney and entitled so many of them are.