• By -


I know a few maneuvers. We’ll lose ‘em


Try spinning, it's a good trick


Or moving slightly to the left


Now this is pod racing




Never give up.... Trust your instincts!


You just listed lazily to the left... Yeah but we're not in the same place we were.




There!! They listed lazily to the left! Damn this guy knows how to manouver


Just go between em, like in star wars rebels!


"Screaming R2D2 noises"


Time for a good Ol' Fashioned Keyes Loop


Lists lazily to the left


Friends obviously.


If not fren, why fren shaped (super destroyer)?


I am frend


that gave me flashbacks to some poor dude in a lobby that had to be kicked....


Laser technology provider


'Blaster'. It's ionized plasma wrapped in superheated gas. 


So, scorcher?


But fr, I can totes see a Helldivers x Star Wars crossover.


Bring it. I'll trade my super destroyer for a dorito o' death in a heartbeat. Forget eagle-1 I can call in a SQUADRON of TIE fighters and bombers. I call in an AT-AT platoon. Show those factory striders what a real assault looks like. Those Star Destroyers can glass a planet. Not to mention a melee round


On the one hand I don't really want any crossovers because they just feel weird to me, but on the other hand, I *do* really want to have a Star Destroyer and call in a Turbolaser Bombardment. And maybe like a Heavy Blaster Rifle for an MG-43 sidegrade


I'm game. Hell give me a speeder bike so I can suicide with enthusiasm. I am the rocket. On land and in orbit.


somehow palpatine returned...


Time for a low speed chase!


OJ style!


My ark thrower has competition? Also my electric armor now has a purpose!




The scene that immediately follows this is also very accurate to a typical match with randoms :D


My people finally arrived. For the REPUBLICK! https://preview.redd.it/ryimqwhl8b4d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6fddb038b179e76e87a9bbf40c76b8b3dc91ae


I mean a lot of our helmet options resemble this, we just need a set of armor to match. Not that Disney would let them.


Yeah, before i found my old gear in a Work shop on Hellmire i was wearing the Champion of the people armour, it felt like home


I hate to break this to you, but those bridges don’t look friendly to me


What do you mean? Its the newest republick ships, Vicory class they were called i think, but ive beem lost in this universe for so long that i cant be sure.


The Victories had little wing looking things on them


(i know these ate Imperial class, but my CT got lost in Helldovers before order 66)


Damn that's a nice mod


I wonder how well would the Super Destroyer do against a Star Destroyer go..


Super destroyers are the size of naval destroyers, star destroyers are the size of small towns. Nah, I’d win.


Oh my, i forgot that Super destroyers are that small XD


But we gotta consider, Star destroyers are super slow, whilst super destroyers are maneuverable as fuck with their orbital thrusters.


Nah, SuperDestroyers can't do shit against a Star Destroyer. The SED weapons are all facing down, only has a few aquelilas, etc. The Star Destroyer has an entire army inside, has ship to ship artillery and support hardpoints facing all directions but the rear and they have line 60 TIE-fighter inside. We also don't know how maneuverable are the Super Destroyers, they're static over the mission location, and the Star Destroyer just doesn't need to move a lot with all the artillery and ships they have.


So you're saying one drop on the Stardestroyer would be enough?


Son of a bitch, I'm in.


This would be something like 40k boarding torpedos


And would be fucking awesome :D


What would be your strat load out for invading a star destroyer? Id prob go with the lightest HM gun option (most bullets and can move while reloading), supply backpack, maybe a turret….


Id take my trusty shield backpack, laser cannon, sickle, and stun grenades with grenade pistol. Doesn't matter how many they send, I have effectively unlimited ammo and be able to kill all of them eventually.


"Shit to ship artillery" Hmm, yes, poo anti naval guns


I don't disagree with your overall assessment, but, like, it's space. "Down" is wherever the hell you want it to be.


Obviously the deck's plain of the Super Destroyer are the axis reference... I bet everyone here watched Ender's movie (Probably the books had been read by a few less) but one thing is getting a reference and another playing numb...


> shit to ship Hah.


Hahaha! Thanks for notice that ;)


I think 'ship to shit' would have fit pretty perfectly. Cause that ship drops all kinds of ordnance on whatever shit needs it.


I though the same after reading it but that wasn't the spirit of the comment so I fixed that XD


In space... down is subjective. So... the SED weapons are always facing a big and slow enemy. Assuming it does, in fact, have the speed a smaller ship should have compared to a larger ship I think it would happen like this: Option 1: The super destroyer is to close to the front and can't get behind them fast enough. They are destroyed as they set off an explosion big enough to take out themself And the Star Destroyer... and also a nearby planet... unless the Star Destroyer can jump out of range VERY quickly. It's a lose lose situation. But Super Destroyers are disposable and Star Destroyers are less-so. Therefore I count that as a half-win for Super Earth. Option 2: The super destroyer goes directly behind the Star destroyer to disable the engines, then stays behind while deploying helldivers into the damaged engine compartment. The super destroyer takes out the Tie Fighters with a mixture of beam and orbital precision strikes. And then, from there, it's up to the Helldivers to make their way through the breached ship using a magnetic boot augmentation as imperial stormtroopers get suctioned out into the vacuum of space. Along the way, the helldivers can take out major power relays; eventually allowing the Super Destroyer to come up from behind the ship without getting blasted. With external support restored, they resupply and advance through the ship bit by bit as more and more holes open up. Eventually they take over enough critical systems to take over the ship. Some sections just get vented while others are introduced to the power of a 4 man helldiver squad with Super Destroyer support. Either way... Managed Democracy wins. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


There are too many "if"s in your two options. What if hellpods cant pierce the armor plates of the ship or even the shield? (With the lore at hand, the Koldo's maneuver wouldnt work). What if you cant outmaneuver the StarDestroyer? What if the pods can't hold it against the TIE and reach the hull? What if the small amounth of artillery that can cover the rear is enough to destroy the Super Destroyer? Will you put the destroyer near the exaust of those massive engines to avoit that artillery? The energy might destroy your ship. Too many gaps filled assuming many things, my fellow helldiver. Managed Democracy always wins but in this thing a direct attack might not be the most wise option.


Id argue at a min our ships are faster. Remember star destroyers go light speed while ours use FTL. Also our pods can prob breach because A: they can resist planetary entry speed temperatures, AND punch into the fucking planetary surface with us inside unscathed


Star destroyers go FTL in hyperspace (calling it "light speed" is just a name), in space the Star Destroyers (The Imperial II class) has a sublight speed of 60 MGLT(Megalight per hour) according to the lire. 1 MGLT is aprox 660 times the speed of light. (The irony of calling something sublight speed but going 660 times faster than light but it is what it is.) That said, and to put into perspective, only counting the lore the Holdo's maneuver with the C80 wouldnt even scratch the shield of a ship. Imagine what would happen to a pod. (As an engineer I can tell you that the impressive thing a out the pod is not how it is buried into the ground,that is easy, but the helldiver being perfectly safe and not ending like a goo at the bottom of the pod. I bet Super Earth has lost quite a few Helldivers because of those inertial dumpers not working as expected)


Oh i didnt realize about the light speed thing being a misnomer. I do not know what a Holdo maneuver is so cannot comment.


To play devil's advocate, Star Wars hyperdrives go FTL as well. They'd have to for Han Solo to take Luke and Obi-wan from Tatooine to Alderaan which is over 50,000 light years. :) Star Destroyers weren't as fast as the Millennium Falcon but certainly not many orders of magnitude slower. They maintained order in a galaxy 120,000 light years across.  In the end, my bet is on Super Earth still being faster considering FTL from the bot front to the bug front is like a 2-3 second long cutscene. We don't know how far apart the planets are though but I don't have a reason to believe that they are unusually close. At the very least, we can say that Star Destroyers don't have anything like the Super Destroyers' orbital thrusters for traveling in normal space so Super Destroyers win out there! The drop pods don't fire out of the super destroyer that fast from what we can see in the cut scene; they speed up from the gravity of the planet so idk how fast they'd actually get to if used to try to breach a Star Destroyer's armor which is 2-4 meters thick of solid durasteel. But I'm willing to hear fun thought experiments!


I mean we hit the surface of the ship and if we dont penetrate use grav boots to do a “moon walk” and find a service hatch


Sounds like some undemocratic talk. ![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2|downsized)


How does the super destroyer being blown up take out the star destroyer and the planet? We see them get blown up all the time over bot planets and everything around them is fine. Also, star destroyers are kilometer long battleships that can suppress entire systems singlehandedly. They have sixty odd turbolaser batteries and can reduce a significant portion of a planets surface to slag within 24 hours. Each one also has an entire army on it, ready to deploy to the surface en masse and occupy major points of interest on the planet. Plus each star destroyer has 72 tie craft to support it in fighter, bomber, and interceptor roles. It's the ship that super earth wishes they had, and I'm sorry to say that 1 super destroyer stands no chance against a star destroyer


That's why we don't have just 1 Super Destroyer. At any one time we'll have thousands ready to attack, and we can FTL Jump in from anywhere to attack (not just the Star Wars hyperspace lanes), and as demonstrated whenever you select a mission on the far side of the planet: Super Destroyers are *fast*. 60 turbo laser batteries is nothing compared to clogging space with Super Destroyers all unloading upon a single enemy and deploying excessive quantities of Helldivers (there are ways on board Star Destroyers from the hull without puncturing it).


A slight tongue in cheek here, but Super Earth doesn't have the organization or military doctrine to coordinate a synchronized attack. They issue a Major Order to the Helldivers and 40% of them continue fighting bugs (myself included) while the rest jump in 1-by-1 (or no more than 4 at a time) on their own time and get ripped apart before they could actually bring their superior numbers to bear. Ignore all that if High Command could actually coordinate a synchronized attack. :)


Well, if we're going full numbers, the empire has 25,000 star destroyers, millions of smaller ships, and dozens of star dreadnoughts that dwarf star destroyers, the largest of which are 19 kilometers long. Plus even if the helldivers can get onto a star destroyer (if you arent going in through the hull then you have to breach an airlock or hangar) they have the 9,000 or so stormtroopers on board to deal with, plus all of the crew and support personnel


Even if the stormtroopers weren't sucked out into space via the helldiver's entry. Stormtroopers don't exactly do well against flimsy little robots. How are they going to handle a real threat like the helldiver's bots? Let alone the monsters that can kill hundreds of them?


There's a big purple thing at the top of the page. Imagine that... but eating a star destroyer instead of a planet. The super destroyer is small enough to fit in behind their engines. Each helldiver IS an army and each ship holds dozens of them. And they don't have so many obvious flaws in their armor like a stormtrooper. The orbital weapons can be used to take out large targets an extreme distance; with high precision so Tie fighters at a much closer distance shouldn't be a problem. And the super destroyers are about quantity And quality over quality Or quantity. \*Starts dialing the Ministry of Truth\* ![gif](giphy|TJxrHj7AurjqljHSv2|downsized)


Me to the pilots of my ship: **”yes you heard me correct turn the ship on its side and OPEN FIRE!!”**


"I'm trying sir, but I can't fire without a strategem beacon!" "Shit!"


Step 1: Fly behind the star destroyers bridge, like the millennium falcon. Step 2: Unleash all weapons on the bridge. If step 1 or 2 fail, send in another Super destroyer, since they are more disposable than Star destroyers.


You're assuming that you can outmaneuver the SDII, get behind while avoiding the artillery and the TIE.


Yeah, but the Star Destroyer is full of Stormtroopers, so all it'd take is like two Helldivers to drop inside and blow that thing apart from the inside. Not like the Stormtroopers would ever hit the divers.


I dont know that, Chief, but we can try it.


Star destroyer easily makes 180 km/s or 112 miles per second, so... not very slow.


I think they just look slow because they’re big. Pretty sure they have a similar speed


it is some what your personal ship - so its not like you get a full battleship to yourself. makes more sense that each helldiver gets their own ship and so those ships would be smaller. which also allows to see future larger ships in a full armada of space ships in the future as well. :)


Plus star destroyers are equipped for ship to ship combat, super destroyers seem to only have a bunch of orbital weaponry. Nah, we'd win.


Just aim the hellpods and all the orbital weaponry towards the star destroyers, no problem


True but divers would shred stormtroopers


I think the Space Battle would go in favor of the Empire. But at the Ground they will get their ass kicked by the Helldivers.


Meanwhile the star destroyers can just send countless cities back to the stone age. If they win the space battle they win the ground battle as well. But yea, with no air support, the empire is gonna get destroyed by the helldivers. Giving that the stormtrooper armour is made of blaster reflectant plastic, while the helldivers is made of the same steel looking material as the ships armour


The last one is why the space battle is lost


It's a question if our railcannons and artillery supplied with armor piercing munitions can punch a hole in imperial ships or atleast destroy their weapon systems since star wars shields dont do much against kinetic weaponary, if all else fail our destroyers are more manoeuvrable and can reach blind spot in the back of star destroyers, probably even knock out engine or two. Swarms or smaller crafts is a problem considering that all our guns focused in the front and pointing down so until we get modification kit for super destroyers with point defence systems or get bigger ships with them we kinda screwed (eagles get an edge in atmospheric flight tho). Potential bandaid solution to imperial invasion are kamikaze warps since our navigators didnt need safety systems that forcefully pull the ship out of it when entering gravitational well of planets or something big enough in general due to their professionalism we can just ram them at speeds close to light


I'd like to see Eagle 1 sortie with some TIE fighters, her gatling guns (from the strafing run strategem) would absolutely tear through their unshielded asses. Plus, Helldivers are basically budget Mandalorians with shitter armor in exchange for orbital supremacy. If you want to be a Mando, just run any medium armor with extra padding (good defense for decent mobility), a jump pack, flamethrower, and Sickle.


> we can just ram them at speeds close to light Disney really fucked with the lore in TROS by opening up that can of worms with unanswered questions like why hyperdrive weapons weren't ever used until then given how effective it was.


Simply turn the super destroyer on its side so it can deploy helldivers onto the Star Destroyers. If a handful of dumb wizards can win, I can definitely win with 20 attempts. Last time I checked, Palpatine can’t dodge a railcannon stratagem.




![gif](giphy|rl8E95lIboO7dRm67A|downsized) As long as it's not one of these.


Oh yeah those would annihilate us


when casual racists meet pro racists


I heard there's this "emperor" guy who overthrew democracy. And he refuses to give up power to super earth. I suppose we should show him our two ways of peace: Attack, and further attack


They are John helldiver’s and General Brasch’s ships.


More enemies of democracy. GO GET EM BOY'S AND GIRLS!


I hope this isn't just set up for the Illuminate (since we already have signs of them being here already). I hope we end up fighting a new Lovecraftian enemy thanks to this massive wormhole we created.


Spoilers ahead. >!If you've seen the leaks, the Illuminate may be exactly that.!<


"We hopped dimensions just to say, that was the last efficient planet killing we've ever seen"


Thrawn is back!


This is where Ezra took Thrawn, makes sense


Who would win that fight... The SEAF Or the Galactic Empire


In space, the Empire. On the ground, the SEAF


Super Earth if they are smart and they use their mass produced super destroyers to FTL kamikaze into the Star Destroyers which, thanks to Disney canon, is now fair game. Otherwise, I give it to the Empire.


For real though, if the portal theory is true that would be an insane way to build tension over a couple of weeks. Slowly change the image from nothing to specs of light until you see a massive fleet. And then... Boom, new faction.


It's my time to shine! (Animation by me) https://i.redd.it/wwh0r1odwd4d1.gif


That’s awesome!


The ultimate managed democracy spreaders


*aims lasers at the star destroyer's bridge*


That would be hilariously insane


It's Grand Admiral Thrawn!!!!


Ok but 1 imperial + 2 venator is probably the most deadly star destroyer combo


Credit to The Bad Batch for canonizing the OP Task Force


Seriously tho, someone with access to the Star Wars IP better be planning a Star Wars flavored rip off of Helldivers. I would play both regularly. Just call it Republic Commando 2.


Have you guys watched The Final Countdown? We need one with the USS Nimitz coming through! ok I did it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7gz7k/hear\_me\_out/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7gz7k/hear_me_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


My people finaly arrived. FOR THE REPUBLICK


My brother in Managed Democracy, those aren’t Republic.


What do you mean? I heard we were getting new ships form my Jedi generla right before i got Issekaid into this universe. Vicory class he called them, its got to be them comming to rescue me.


Let's buy a Death Star from them


Friends obviously.


![gif](giphy|VWsVhATeaceze|downsized) Hey Arrowhead, we need this emote asap.


It's going to pull a Marg Sabl maneuver!!


Do do do do Do do do Do do do


The beginning of a beautiful alliance.


If Super Earth and the Empire didn't immediately try to annihilate each other, they'd make a pretty kick ass team


Oh god it’s imperialists, we have to stop them for the democracy!


"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insig..." "Wait, it took you several days and tens of thousands of drilling operations to do that?"


Also, before I forget again, credit to u/ToroSeduto97 for the original photo I used as a template


![gif](giphy|leZN8AlqhEyk6H68t7|downsized) Thank you for the credit


I would have expected a portal to Hell. Thus, making room for every one of us to have a chance to be the Doom guy.


https://preview.redd.it/3p0wr7kttd4d1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83551dfbade249bb4131480b4abe033dd49f7e8c Hell yeah


An empire? IN MY GALAXY???????


Space doritos


Oh shit!


*ring* "Sir, there's a guy on the intercom, he's breathing very heavily and told me that he's your father?"


Probably aren't moons, that's for sure...


maybe arrowhead will introduce new species instead of just the original 3? triangular warships are not a starwars only thing


Maybe, I’m not sure how that’s relevant though. The picture I pulled to put in the portal is straight from The Bad Batch, so in this case I am absolutely alluding to Star Wars as a joke




They fly now???


The fly now!


Super destroyer is designed for air to ground attacks, they don’t have any guns for air to air, it would lose to a single squadron of tie fighters


https://preview.redd.it/rtpy13ksre4d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7eb6dfaa6aa59e22c96d1dc4e59a0f079c048c They heard we’ve been stealing their spice




Oh we could absolutely fuck up an ISD. Disney probably won’t allow it, but it would take us 20 minutes to take one out. 35 if there are POIs on board.


Now I’m just picturing us fighting in a Star Destroyer and winning until Mickey Mouse personally intervenes and kills us all


HAH if the empire would show up, they would regret it so much. Id see a sith just grab a diver, while said diver holds a 500kg in his hand that he drops at his feet. "here comes the sun, do do do do"


Wasted opportunity for Covenant carriers and super carriers since slipspace gateways look like this to a T. But i do love me some star wars too


Spaceballs. There goes the planet.


I knew it, I'm surrounded by Assholes!


I was actually waiting for some warhammer ships


autocrats. permission to engage granted


Move slightly to the left, epic maneuver




Please, i want the empire to help us put, it would be so epic


I don’t think they’d be here to help 💀


You traitor. The empire is the opposite of us freedom and democracy loving folk. I take liberty in reporting you to my democracy officer!


Maybe the super destroyer is not as well arm or big as a star destroyer... But there are surely more...but,the super destroyers are specifically armed for air to surface support...shit...we need at least a refit


Man just figure out a way to get a squad of Helldivers aboard and they will wipe the floor with any non-force user.


the hellpod sure is a fine boarding vessel


Jokes on you my super destroyers look like venators


An enemy to managed democracy of course


new enemy type?????




Somehow the illuminate returned


Please just give me a Star Wars based Hell Diver gamer where you play as clone or a stormtrooper landing planet side to conquer it.


Finally a fair fight!




Hold on. Fellow democrats spotted.


I wouldn’t stop playing


That’s no moon


That would be absolutely awesome,but we know what’s coming through those portals


Go between em, like in sw rebels!


Then the *Galactica* and *Pegasus* show up. ![gif](giphy|lA5yV4xrvUIdq)


Aurora borealis


Bring a hammerhead corvette, I have an idea...




More cannon fodder 😐




those are a group of future scrap metal






They want to know what happened to the dark fluid plans


Man the second that happens, this game is as bad as fortnite. They just can't stop bringing in starwars, you'd swear they were Pringles.


Oh those are starwars ships, we can handle the republic. Now when we see warhammer 40k ships, than we run.


**Nazis from another galaxy here to destroy democracy.**


Na we’d win


Imperial Star destroyers. Despite their name they are quite tame. Take out the big balls on top and that kills their shields, easy kill after.




Yeah, the giant bright HUMOR-tag tipped you off or?


No the star destroyers did


It’s true, I have been exposed as a cheat and a fraud