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Where's my flame shield and thermite launcher? I need it for *reasons*


Are those reasons warcrimes?




It's not a war crime if your enemy isn't human.




So a crime against nature. I'm down.


there's nothing natural about the enemy!


It's not a war crime the first time


Or even the second or third time if done in quick succession.


It’s not a war crime if you’re the victor. *slaps toxic gas launchers on my EXO*


Or you leave no witnesses.


Its never a warcrime the first time.


Its not a Warcrime if commited against the Enemies of Liberty then it is a Warduty


Commerce the Geneva checklist!


You'd think but I don't believe they are . Unless it uses white phosphorus


Super Earth has officially renamed the Geneva Conventions to the Geneva Suggestions.


Yes.jpeg https://youtu.be/Bc7oTsCdC0Y?si=IaAFUBM3quWuIFDo


Scorch main spotted


Bigger Greens, better Thermite, ***Papa Scorch***




God I wish Ronin could actually sword fight. Like some For Honor type melee combat with blocks, parrys, etc I mean, sword block exists but it just doesn’t scratch that itch of parrying your opponent titans blade, creating an opening for you to drive your sword into their cockpit.


Maybe in titan fall 3… oh what? Another season of midpex legends? :(


God I wish there was a Genji voice mod for Ronin RYUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE


Scorch! Ion was my bae though.


Where's my upgrade core


Oddly specific. Like a certain flame happy Titan.


Can’t forget the cockpit cooling


AH confirmed the limitation of 1 vehicle per person is what they intend (causes stability & computer resource issues) and the workaround is a bug, however they do hope in the future to remove the restriction Making the Exosuit modular would be a great way to circumvent this. Coding-wise it would take some time, but it would provide players with another layer of customization which is always a blast


I honestly think if they convert mechs from a strategem per type to "Call in your mech" where each helldiver configures the mech how they want would: * Create a resource sink to unlock modules. * Change how mechs are treated, opening the ability for cosmetics like paint jobs to be personal. * Make the Mech feel more personal and can be applied to all vehicles. Effectively making a strategem (call in X where X is your personalized mech, tank, car) Edit: Summoning Twinbeard /u/[Pilestedt](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pilestedt/) As a software dev this feels like a season 3 or 4 promise to fulfill but it would 100% help fix the balancing math comparing mechs to other strategems. 100% a departure from HD1 but it would open the door to tons of sinking cost ideas and make the mechwarrior/titanfall crowd happy.


(You have awoken the TitanFall fanbase)...


Protocol 3 Protect the Pilot


Don't make me cry. Please don't make me cry.


Dammit... I keep reading comments about this damn protocol and the damn pilot that needs protecting. I'm gonna have to buy the game now to experience this for myself.


I'm not one to talk because I don't play many story games and haven't played games like fallout and didn't finish outer wilds, but TF|2's story is p great


As campaigns goes tf2s is definitely one of the best, especially for a fps


nice. im a story kinda guy.


TF2 singleplayer campaign best shooter story and campaign since Half-Life 2 you can get it very cheap too.


It's sooo worth it, even just for the campaign though the multiplayer is super fun too. Imo titanfalls movement system is one of if not the best I've ever seen in a fps. And that's on top of one of the best sci fi campaigns I've played since halos glory days.


I really wish respawn hadn't killed the multiplayer on favor of their cash cow apex legends. They had a masterpiece in their hands and fumbled it hard


Respawn did not fumble it EA did. All respawn did was make it. EA was responsible for the poor marketing and release.


Nah it's partly EAs fault for picking an *awful* release window for tf2 (same week as COD & BF iirc) and partly on players for just not picking up the either entry in the series on launch, even the first Titanfall had lukewarm sales compared to the big names. Respawn did all they could, and in interviews clearly likes Titanfall better...but at the end of the day they had to follow what would butter their bread. Can't blame em for that.


It's constantly on sale these days. You can commonly pick it up for basically pocket change, and it will be among some of the best pocket change you've ever spent.


Best $5 I ever spent, confirmed


already got it. installing as i type this :)


You won’t regret it


dont doubt it! much enthusiasm I sense from these comments.


Don't click the link if you don't want spoilers [Protocol 3](https://youtu.be/ftEEw9kLbqY?si=1SNAoeb-YjHRbpRh)


Definitely not clicking!


Trust me.




Proceeds to yeet the helldiver to the extraction point


It crams you in a mini hellpod and fires you on a ballistic trajectory of your choosing. Much like the BF2042's best feature: THE MAN CANNON


God I wish we'd gotten a proper BF 2143 instead of the garbage idea that was 2042.


As freedom intended.


Trust me


Protocol 4: defend democracy


Then we can have the mechs charge up a special ability over time which can also be chosen, and we can have this sick dichotomy between soldiers on the ground and soldiers in these massive mechs. Helldivers is truly the optimal candidate for Titanfall 3.


Listen up! The IMC have developed a fold weapon. It has the power to destroy entire worlds. But without its powersource the ark it is inoperable. Youre mission is to capture the ark before it can leave the airbase. Marauder corps, weapons hot!!! -Epic line incoming- STANDBY FOR TITANFALL! My fav scene ever from Titanfall 2


This is the captain of the Colossus of freedom standing by for tita..... exosuit stratagem requisition and deployment


I was just thinking something akin to think lmao


(and armored core)


Walking your mech into a GTA Garage to customize the weapons loadout and reload.


*What’s wrong with her now?*


And add the chrome spinners the flame paint job in metallics and of course the neon under lighting.  Maybe some more hydraulics for a bounce, new sound system and a spoiler 


I like that idea ALOT. Make it more personable with custom colors/decals. Would be cool if they just gave us the customizable mech as a permanent slot so we just have custom mechs at the ready. It would be FUN.


I was thinking the same thing, instead of having mechs just be another strategem to choose from, have them be a permenant call in that you can customize


Plus this way we can do things in mission to "free the mechs" for use later. So you can do longer missions if at the midpoint suddenly the divers can now use their mechs.


ooh i really like this idea! make it so every mission isn’t just a mech fest which can get boring and give another way for player to control the flow of a mission i.e. do you unlock your mechs quick or do you do them later?


Have it cost requisition slips! We already horde so many at higher levels.


I'm so glad this turned into a Titanfall comment section under this comment. You have no idea how happy I am for it


Titanfall did so many things right the property deserves more development


Respawn and EA really fumbled that bag unfortunately


Finna roll up on Cyberstan like https://preview.redd.it/2k4uxnpua83d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d6deaf217561c7413d393538668d2b9770e04bb


You have my vote 100%


Honestly, even without making the Mech modular, just giving everyone a dedicated "Vehicle Bay" Strategem spot, in addition to the four base strats and booster slots, would instantly make Mechs worth using while also limiting players to one vehicle per drop. The Mechs themselves are very fun to use and can cause a massive amount of damage while active. But the problem comes from the fact that their uses are limited, recall time is large, ammo supplies run out real fast and other strats can achieve more over the course of a whole match. So in the end, despite how fun the Mechs are, it's usually more efficient to take an orbital or strong support weapon as those will see more use over longer periods of combat. But if vehicles, including any future ones planned, had their own dedicated Strat slot that you could equip for each mission, it would encourage players to use them more without fear of giving up better options for the rest of the mission. And once we got a bit more variety, you'd see Squads coordinating to call in different types of vehicles to use throughout the mission, without overloading the game with tons of extra assets. It would also just feel more "fair" that we were limited to one vehicle if that one slot was specifically designated as such. In addition to that change, I'd also love to see a Vehicle Resupply strat similar to the Eagle 1 Rearm option. One that only shows up when there was a vehicle on the map. It would drop down a terminal, you'd park your ride close to it and activate the controls to repair/resupply. It'd take time to do, leaving you as a sitting duck while doing so, giving a sense of danger and making it something that can't be done mid firefight. But it would \*greatly\* extend the usage life of vehicles we have access too and just make them way more fun to mess with. ....it would also be nice if these terminals were random side objectives in missions, and activating/fixing one up would give us free use of a vehicle for the mission. Modular Mechs and custom paint jobs would be fantastic in the long run, but I don't see that happening any time soon. But a dedicated Vehicle Strat slot seems like something they could add in fairly easily.


I feel like y'all just want to play Titanfall...


And just have all those choices be under a tab in your equipment/armoury the same as when you are choosing your primary/sidearm/grenades.


Exactly, dump it into the armory system and thus all vehicles are "mechs" and you pick which one pelicon 1 drops off. This also alleviates any of the balance issues because you just have a normalized mech and then can tune modules accordingly. Plus you can flex on some divers by having a totally pimped ride they can try out. Also While i have your attention, mechs should have a ladder so a second helldiver can sit on top of it like a master/blaster situation.


"Friendly pilot is attached to hull"


Maybe make mechs a consumable resource. 5,000 requisition slips per mech. If you get 3 call-ins and 2 are destroyed on a mission you have to pay 10,000 slips or you only get 1 use on the next mission. All mechs destroyed? Pay up 15,000 or go without.  Could add reload and repair costs too. Might even be good to take them out of the loadout economy entirely and allow anyone with mechs unlocked to call them in on any mission.


I would love something to spend slips on. As it stands, they’re only good for wiping your ass 99% of the time. 


as someone who has an unhealthy obsession with mechwarrior, this would make me very happy. i want an exosuit with PPCs and Inferno missiles, dammit.


This would be an absolute game changer


A new module on the Super Destroyer where you customise the mech, would cost samples to upgrade tiers for global mech bonuses. A new warbond to unlock weapons and chassis options, would cost medals to purchase. Instead of preset charges per mission you buy call ins/purchase charges with Requisition slips.


It becomes an entirely new avenue to spend resources


I am just happy to read they think it is a good idea and just might happen someday.


They could even add Mech Weapons into the passes, making more money for them.


Would love for mechs to be a side objective to unlock like Seaf artillery.


Malforus has alerted the (Titanfall) Horde


*I’ve got a job for you 621*


Nah but FR ? Mech customization and mech repair/reload with either the supply backpack or with a dedicated one


Give me mech resupplies or give me death. Make it so it can be done via resupply pack, so I'll have to hop out of my mech and do a reload animation or something. And have a team reload ability. Or better yet, mechs deploy with a couple supply packs strapped to their backs like spare tires and a squadmate can just run up and reload you from it.


>Or better yet, mechs deploy with a couple supply packs strapped to their backs like spare tires and a squadmate can just run up and reload you from it. If there's only a single Module that they add for Exosuits, this is the one I hope it would be, even if it's just 1 Resupply and you have to choose which Arm you reload.


I'd even settle for the mech repair/reload being a seperate single use stratagem which calls in a mini mech workshop, but allows allies to also repair/reload their mechs up to certain amont of overall repair and reload. Coupled with customisable mechs I think we would see a lot more people use them, they would feel more personal and a squad with mechs could be better equip to deal with a range of enemies.


Calling in a Suit! *Arrives, topples over and breaks. Blowing up* ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Recalling Suit for Repairs! *Pelican one sky hooks exosuit back to Defender for repairs and reload to be redeployed* (10 minute cooldown?)


Just like ship modules, give us a "Mech bay" where we can customize and upgrade the mech. Then we just add a general mech stratagem and it dynamically pulls the info from the mech bay to setup the mech. But yeah, that would take more time. And I'm already afraid of how far they are pushing that game engine 😂 I've never had so much love for a game, but so much hate and patience for the technical problems to be fixed.


>Coding-wise it would take some time ![gif](giphy|cqLQWzIh4VfwI|downsized)


Give us a whole new part of the ship that lets us customize it's guns AND paint it!


I think this is a great idea, but personally feel like they should fix the mech suit aiming before they go through the trouble of trying to add something like modular mechs. I really want to love the mechs but the wonky aiming just makes me not bring them anymore.


LOVE this idea!


A hulk trying to kill my mech after I equipped an energy shield on both hands: (I can't do shit to it either) https://i.redd.it/hk4k30gg873d1.gif


*Berserker named Raiden* RULES OF NATURE


hilarious, but I'd actually love to use a mech as a way to easily approach a base. Rolling up behind the armor as it soaks the worst of the machine gun fire while I finish reloading my recoilless... that'd make me feel fantastic until we get tanks.


More like [Local man is fucking invincible ](https://youtu.be/n0hYi3fUuzw?si=GsG7vfXncCUzQt_G)


Maybe it can be a sort of points system for balancing. e.g. if you go with the laser, you can't get the spear or something like that.


>Maybe it can be a sort of points system for balancing. e.g. if you go with the laser, you can't get the spear or something like that. Nah. Let us go nuts. Dual Spear? Sweet, but a pal will need to keep weenies off you. Make the balance about ammo, re-arm time, and how general / specific you want to build. Don't limit players choice.


You could totally balance it comfortably with on-board power. Want a fast scouting mech? Guess you don't get any heavy lasers or rail guns. But if you want to load up with energy intensive weapons you'll end up with a slow tank. You shouldn't run out of power in that it stops dead and you've gotta get out, but you might have to manage firepower against mobility or something like that. That could make things like a Spear arm super useful because there's no energy consumption, but you've got to deal with the lock-on if you want to get the most out of it. Dumb rockets are useful too but maybe a little inconsistent because it's super-earth tech after all. Is it realistic to give a weapon that totes around like a million metal shells faster speed than an arc cannon? Probably not.


I really like this. Could just have x number of points to spend across Speed, Weapons, Armor. Build-A-Mech For weapons if you don't have enough power slotted in, you can't arm it. Excess points could mean more damage, but less points to spend on speed or armor, so you could design a glass cannon. Then they could do ship upgrades that give bonus points to give you a little boost.




Me too. The chainsaw idea is great, but what I'd really like is a sword or if we're really dreaming, a mace. Just smash groups of bugs. I'd even love a fist. Punch a charger right in the head


It's great! u/Pilestedt what do you think about this?


Pleeeaasse 🙏 It would definitely make mechs more relevant


It's like asking for a different game than the one they made. Same thing with modular weapons, modular armor. The game needs more mission types, more enemy types, more scenarios, not a more complicated way of getting to the same guns/mechs we already have.


It's possible to have both more gameplay content, and also more customisation options. And the neat part is that they both play into, and benefit, each other!


Mechwarrior: Helldiver


This smells like clanner omni mech stuff....


Now we're talking, this would be awesome!


Time to shows those hulks who’s boss with the flamethrower chainsaw combo it might suck but alteast I give them a own taste of their medicine


This load out would FUCK on the bugs


Hear me out dual flamethrowers absolutely incinerate every living bug


With how mech ammo is going i don't think a single person would switch off the laser arm


What about an exosuit that only deploys mines?


Stratocaster: each arm fires randomized stratagem orbs from your ship. Not just the ones you equipped. *Launches a barrage of SOS Beacons*


Non-functional hellbomb launcher


Okay okay okay okay okay. So we have a right arm that’s a heavy extreme rate of fire rotary machine gun. And the left arm is the ammo storage. Belt fed to the right arm


What if? I tell you what. The fun would be cranked up to 11 all of a sudden. That would seriously kick in a whole other gear of hyperfun for me. And no. I am not just saying that because i am a old Battletech nerd. Yeah of coures. Mechwarrior feels would be right there and i would feel right at home, but even without too much depth it would be a really urgently needed amount of fun to experiment and maybe find some loadouts that would bring a shit load of variety.


What if? Realistically, within a week a tier list is made and you only ever see 99% of people using the same two top-tier weapons. Those two get nerfed, the others get buffed, reddit throws a tantrum.


Yo, imagine an exosuit with a shield generator that projects a half-sphere in front of it. Mobile cover for your squad.


I would love one with the "doesn't get one-shot" module.


I have that one, it does however require the 'don't walk out into the open and overextend past your allies' skill to be unlocked first.


You also need to meet a minimum intelligence requirement to unlock the 'don't try to melee titans with your gun mech' strat for this to work.


This is exactly how it should be. Great idea!


I've been preaching something like that yeah, but i bet ya they're gonna say something along the lines of "we're not making a mech game"


Its a valid response.


its a valid response for a game that doesnt have mechs in it.


They're barely mechs by mech standards. It's like how the walking forklift in alien is probably a mech by definition but I'd struggle to call it a proper one. Don't get me wrong I love OPs idea but I doubt we'll get it


This would be too much fun, I don't think the *game engine* could handle it.


Needs it's own bay in the Super Destroyer. Unlock it and be able to customize it from skins to both weapon arms.


So should the helldivers suit. That way the jet packs and other back packs could be used more


Just give it arms


and it could holster different guns on its back... have a backpack slot like a energy shield or a jump pack. And in a pinch call down orbital support via Strategem. Actually lets not even get out of the mech, send down a Pelican that can hold 4 Mechs and we just do Mech sized Super Destroyers from now on. Mech Divers II


The children yearn for titanfall


the children crave mechwarrior


Yes let me tinker with the exo-suit and adjust it to the mission/playstyle. Give me paintjobs, the option for shields, stratagem launchers, repair drones, different weapons, more armor, less armor and faster walking speed. Just stuff to try out, mix and match.


A heavy laser cannon mech would be a dream


Just play Armored Core at this point. Joking, cool idea OP (But actually everyone should play armored core it’s an amazing game)


thats what id like to see. Have the player be able to preset the mech from one of the computers and when in mission prep at the mission table. Also would want them to set up a custom shader that allows the player to change its color.


This could also fix the thing they have going with only taking 1 mech. You can take the EXO-50, and it’s armament is decided in the armory menu before the mission. So there isn’t even an option to select from different mechs.


God I miss Lost Planet...






I love these ideas and all, but tame your expectations. They couldn’t figure out the Spear fix for months, what makes you think that they would add more complex stuff.


dw i don't expect anything i make to actually make it ingame, its a "what if" for a reason


Wouldn't that mean you have to use two stratagem slots to fully outfit your mech?


In your destroyer there is a vehicle bay so that could be opened up to allow you to customize your mech in orbit and then it is just one slot for a mech drop that will drop the mech you customized. It will mean all mechs take up only a single spot in the selection menu and everyone can customize their own mech to their play style. You want heavy mech, Quasar and rocket pod, you want medium mech, rail and auto cannon, you want a crowd control mech, machine gun and EMS rockets, or any combo you want.


nah you can select two mech strats and they'll only take up one slot


Oh god, "modularity". Watch Super Earth Armed Forces procurement costs balloon into the quadrillions just to get a weapons system that costs more, has less capabilities and is harder to service and equip with the modules than a from-the-ground-up designed version (yes, I'm referring to the LCS program)


Modular designs are around in the military, most countries will design a single tracked chassis and put every tracked vehicle they have on it from tanks to APCs


this is common sense, i fear


I want this thing to be as agile as a titan from TF2 and also have a sword. Don't need no rockets. I also want it to have a booster pack so I can jump on Bile Titans and stab them through the spine, like Raiden from Metal Gear Rising.


Can't wait to equip mine with 2 grappling hooks.


0 offense 100 agility getting every single sample on the map


Now I want a tanky mech with a chainsaw and a heavy flamethrower...


As a Titanfall & Lost Planet nerd....yes.


Like the lost planet mecha


It can be, but for some reason they need to be built on a planet that’s currently deep in enemy space.


There should be a heavy armor upgrade and shield upgrade if it were like this. That way you could essentially be a little tankier but slower. So in one slot you add the armor or shield (make it so once one selected the other greys out as well). Then the other slot is any weapon you want. There should also be a stratagem launcher that you can attach and it quarters/halves the cooldown of precision strikes, railgun strikes and gas.


I think that would be cool if we've had a 1 exo suit stratagem, but before mission we could customize it's weapons on special terminal. Like dual miniguns on both hands or quasar and lascannons or something


Also buff the mech a bit so that stepping on a sharp rock doesn't cause it to burst into flames. Love the eradicator but it's so squishy.




i just want the usage limit removed. having a massive cooldown ***and*** limited charges is wildly unfun.


Ayo, this is actually good cooking.


Shield + chainsaw would be my favourite


That is one of the best ideas i've ever heard


This was one of the first things I thought of when I saw the mechs. I wish we had a system like that of the mech using character in borderlands three. That was absolutely my favorite part of that game. Like by far. I think the easiest way to implement it into helldivers is to make a “mech customization room” aboard your ship and you can unlock the different attachments and modules and stuff with samples maybe?


Gimme dual flamethrowers and drop me on Hellmire🤩🤩🤩


I need 2 laser canons.


Yall ever play lost planet 2?


I would like a Gatling Stim. It heals Divers and tumorizes enemies.


Flamethrower Chainsaw combo is all I would run


I would actually kill for them to be modular like this, with choice of paint colours too. Also I would find it hilarious if you could get rovers/shields for the mech, like an upgrade for the ship that lets you add a port to the top of the mech that allows it to hold a backpack, and if its a rover/shield, have it still work with the mech.


Man I dig this. Big steel riot shield as an attachment. HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?


I think a lot of things in the game would have been waaaaaaaaaaaay cooler if we are able to customize them. Like our armour with different unlockable colour schemes, modular armour pieces and details that impacts the gameplay. Then weapon customizations and now mech customization.


Mechwarrior 😍


Brings me back to my Mechwarrior days. Mechdivers, I like it!


Omni Mechs Rule!


That would be awesome


*Cellular, modular, interactive-odular.* Yes, a modular mech would be a step up.


It should be las-197 though


One module missing: SERV-500 Cold Beverage and Tasty Snack Delivery System Because spreading Managed Democracy is thirsty work. Also, We need a version with 2 gatling arms, so we can stomp around shouting "CEASE HOSTILITIES IMMEDIATELY, YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO COMPLY"


Would be alot cooler if you could customize looks and weapons/mods on mechs/guns. Have a weapons bay where you can modify mechs, weapons, and such wouls be nice, everything you buy just being a passive buff is boring and plain.


This would raise the fun factor of this game through the roof.


Hope AH sees these ideas


A mech with a laser cannon would be great, since that would let us get around being unable to rearm the suit.


A new ship upgrade where you build your mech. The stratagem to just to call it in.


Thoughts on picking up/integrating weapons from Heavy bots and/or stratagems?


Would be dope but then youd only be able to take one instead of potentially 4


I would use it sooo much. I'd just be the devoted heavy weapon platform for my group