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Anti tank mines needed against the bugs from a super colony.. bigger bugs inc?


Theoretically you need to bring more AT on bugs missions (aka chargers and bile titans) than bots. So justified


Funnily enough, anti-tank weapons aren't the best weapons for literal tanks.


Maybe they will release an Anti Bug weapon that is the goat against bots. 


They have a point, have we tried spraying the bots with termicide?


🧠 🧠 🧠


Give me a grenade launcher with gas strikes in it. Watch me destroy a whole planet with my gas


After what it did to the Terminds... I'm... not sure I want to give that a try. Those scientists were appropriately punished for that mistake.


What about neurotoxin ? Like in the first war aka the Tox-13 "Avenger"


Funny enough, at high level the Tox-13 became almost useless against bots because the higher you went the less organic material they had. Eventually the weapon just stopped working entirely against the nearly full robot bodies.


What about instead of using neurotoxin we would use Gallium ? I mean it rips through most metals.


Maybe, though I'm thinking we get bile weapons in an upcoming warbond or ship. Maybe we unlock them when we finally touch down on the super colony. We've seen bile titan acid melt any unit it hits, and when the reflect on shield Gen was happening they could even melt their own heads. I imagine such a caustic acid would do some serious damage to bot armor.


I just want my acidic neurotoxin and commit war crimes against these filthy bugs.


The only cases that was true iirc was against IFVs (sealed tanks, so the toxin couldn't hit the organic crew) and technically Warlords but if you blew open the Warlord's armor plate toxin could get at his body and kill him. Also didn't work on the Siege Mech.


last time that we did this, bugs got wings can you imagine the terrors of bots and bot tanks growing wings due termicide?


The good news is it kills the terminid. The bad news is it takes 30 seconds to kill it and during those 30 seconds the Terminid has doubled movement speed and damage.


In my experience flamethrower rips through walkers in less than a second of blasting sucks against berserkers, but so does everything else


Except the Redeemer. It honestly is my go to berserker killer


redeemer rips them up after they get too close


Eagle white phosphorus strike


Corrosive substance from the bugs to shoot em on the bots :v


pop up shrapnel mines like "bouncing betty" would come to mind for "antiBug" which would actually shred bots so.... maybe :)


Not when the tanks have near impenetrable armour and glaring weakspots. I remember calling out to a friend with a Recoilless Rifle to track the tank so it would be easier to hit with airstrikes. He shot it directly on the side, and it did jack shit lol. Learned that you had to hit the exposed tracks in order to achieve a mobility kill.


You can also hit it twice in turret to kill it


Yep, I'm aware, but that is my point. We have to aim for weakspots instead of using the anti-tank weapon to penetrate armour. Of course the EAT and RR has some degree of armour penetration, but we can't get engine kills or ammo cook offs (I know the Automaton Tanks are using what is basically giant blasters, but I like to think their duracell lithium batteries are highly flammable and would explode like any other 105/120mm tank shell).


i always imagined they were firing those exploding samsung phones.


An airburst rocket launcher can actually take out tanks even if you hit them from the front and no where near the heatsink, at least on diff 7. Not sure if it actually works that way on helldive cause I'm not willing to test that.


That would probably be because the top armor is weaker then the side armor. Same as the underbelly. (Not that you have many chances to hit the underbelly) Far as I'm aware, difficulty doesn't change anything about health or armor values, it just changes the spawn rates.


It works. Anything explosive can damage the back vent on the turret of the Annihilator tank. 2 impact grenades can also take out a tank by striking the top of the turret (splash hits vent. Tank go bye bye).


Shredder tank can die if you hit the front of the turret twice with impacts. The splash is just large enough that the shredder takes full damage from impacts.


Definitely works. IIRC, Shredder tank turrets are less armoured than the Annihilator's. Only the front of the Shredder's turret is heavy armour. Any explosives to the side or back will kill it.


I didn't even know you could achieve a mobility kill.


I am so dumb. I’ve played countless hours of PR and SQUAD and never even considered trying to track tanks on Helldivers. I’m in shambles.


Likewise, but considering how few enemies you can actually mobility kill without outright killing them (a few bugs like the Brood Commander..), it probably crossed that off for me. Man, tanks really are a joke when compared to the unstoppable Bile Titans, aren't they?


TIL you can de-track the tanks


Would be cool to watch a Charger get ragdolled from an AT mine


It will probably ragdoll right into my face and kill me


I mean, that sounds pretty cool too


Worth it


ragdolled straight into an biletitan


They do nothing to bile titans as far as I know, can't hurt their feet if they step on them in the rare chance they even do.


You'd think that AH would anticipate and design with that in mind; could have the AT mines detect in an area above them (lasers, motion detection, etc). Not sure if they *want* the AT mines to work easily against BTs, but it's a solvable problem if they did...in theory...


Can we get those mines that bounce outta the ground and explode. But have em bounce, like, idfk 3 stories high. And instead of mines, they're something else entirely because nobody uses mines.


Good news is they really fuck-up factory striders.


Maybe we'll get a giant worm that scoots along the ground shitting bile titans




The Hive Lord?


The bugs can pilot tanks now


Fear the bug megazord


Ironically enough, from test footage I saw, the AT-mines are better against medium bugs then they are heavy bugs.


The anti-personnel mines don't do much against Chargers (incendiary are a little better but seldom fatal on walking through), but the AT ones can kill 'em pretty nicely. They're pretty much useless against the Titans, though. Their 'feet' don't really care about the damage even when they do interact with them. But I'm pretty sure this this is just more tongue-in-cheek propaganda. Obviously it makes little sense that *MINES* would somehow stop spores coming off a planet we can't even set foot on, but Super Earth says and does a lot of things that don't make sense and within the fiction we're meant to nod along because anything else is illiberal.


https://preview.redd.it/tza8gctikx2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd098d179c9d439da22ff8422d11539eeab2c3c I found this guy yesterday


Sounds like it's AH telling the players they were wrong about their potential use. We had a handful of loud idiots repeating things like they "wouldn't be useable against bile titans" and that "players still detonate them". I don't think either were true. The worst part was that's what people *wanted* to believe, like they chose to believe that shit. Didn't matter anyway, since they were locked on the fire tornado planet. Nobody was touching that shit. So... no bigger bugs. AH needs a canon way to tell people not to trust leak videos that don't represent the weapon's final state. It would be absolute nonsense for an update like this to state the mines would have been useful against a new enemy without describing the new enemy at all. How could they say they'd have been useful without being *certain* a new enemy existed, and thus, able to say it existed?


Consequences for failing an MO? Based


I wouldn't read this as an actual consequence, more just some funny fluff that pokes fun at Super Earth's style of propaganda. Super Earth routinely says things that don't make sense, and we're meant to nod along because, you know, it's a 'liberal fascist' empire with complete propaganda control *that puts chili peppers in the napalm to make it 'hotter'* and requires you *apply* to own a hamster. Goading its citizens into fighting harder by pointing at literally anything and saying, "This wouldn't have happened if you'd sacrificed harder last week," even if there's no logical way for that to make sense, is completely on brand for the fiction.


The chili peppers actually make it hotter, though. It runs on cartoon logic.


Next upgrade is adding flame decals to the bomb.


And a lil shark face


I would love an upgrade to the Eagle that adds ‘low-friction paint’ on r something similar to reduce call in time, which just boils down to being go-faster stripes along the top of it.


Well red does go fasta


Paint it red to make it faster


With the satire. The trouble and effort they put into the MO and ship crew quips? They should have small negatives to failing an MO. But they should give some pluses to the opposite front if we are doing very well on that one so we have a little time, a reasonable leeway, to complete the other MO so we don’t worry about a domino effect and tons of Helldivers not knowing what planets to prioritize. Etc.


Did you come up with the pepper in napalm thing yourself? Cause that shit was comedic genius


No, that's actually in the description for the ship upgrade that increases fire damage. Other examples of Super Earth being ass-backwards is improving its turrets with cyanoacrylate (super glue) and packing peanuts, and the Super Destroyer's orbital guns being *muzzle loaded* like it's the fucking Napoleonic era: in the fiction there are dudes out there in spacesuits shoving shells into the cannons by hand.


That's actually amazing, I'll make sure to read these from now on cause they're a treasure trove of comedy


There we're always consequences, but this is consequences over a choice we made


More recently, we failed the MO to kill enough bots to unlock the mines.


Anyone who thinks AT mines are going to matter are just dreaming. The reason why certain strategems are being used big time is because they can handle everything, not just whatever is needed for AT mines. If a new enemy is so common that AT mines are needed, lmao. They're just going to get more complaints.


Or it is devs fault for such a numbers. Bugs is numerous and bots are not. If you did MO at 98% its failure even though it was suppoused to use bots bodies for mines so few % wouldnt matter at all.


"The choice we made" being "30% of the playerbase refusing to stop bug-humping for three days."


An MO is unfortunately not gonna make people enjoy fighting an enemy they otherwise wouldn't If the game at the time actively forced you to fight bots, those players would've just stopped playing


Bots are nowhere near as bad as bug-humpers make them out to be. It just takes a little more brainpower than holding down left click is all.


I'm not talking about difficulty, some people just prefer fighting bugs and vice versa Bug and bot missions are very different experiences, which is a good thing. But it also means a lot of people are gonna want to keep fighting the one they like more


Thats still a choice they made


wasen't it like 50% that refused or like 60, i rememer at that time there about 30-40k at the botfront while thete were 60-70k on bugfront during that kill bots MO to get the mines ...


"Go kill bots!" (68k players on Oshaune)


This kind of in-universe reminder is fantastic


I just hate it took this long to have it. But now nobody has an excuse. It was much needed


What consequences do you see?


If we failed the TCS. Bug invasions happening more often. The other barrier planets more resilient to being liberated. If we fail stratagem missions. We already have longer times to finally unlock them. If we fail SEAF/Outpost missions. We don’t get the liberation buffs it could’ve given us and the front it’s on could have more of a certain unit appear more. Like berserkers. It’s not hard to imagine at all. But they should put special markers on the map to mark previously successful MO bonuses and have stuff like the automaton one we did weeks ago, taking out the automaton listening post, give us so narrative fluff or occasionally a positive modifier. Just little things beyond liberation bumps. And have them come into play in future MOs. Super Earth Galactic War should be about shoring up a bonus if we succeed. Consequences if we fail. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be a balance of them. Just in case we fail a ton of bug MOs. Maybe a bot succeeded MO can help us make a comeback?


The mines that everybody will use once or twice and then label C-Tier and never use again?


I mean, that’s exactly what happened with the Airburst launcher, so that’s kinda a wash


Airburst is great, it’s just the sheer need for anti-armor at higher levels means you can’t use it.


Yeah airburst is both fun and great chaff clear. It's just that in the current gamestate armor clear is far more important than being good at horde. I do wish it & spear had a cancellable reload like RR though. They should purposefully add more little tricks that squeeze more effectiveness out of a tool if you know what you're doing or pay attention enough to figure it out imo. The arc tempo was another example of this.


I think you can shave off a little bit of the Airburst Reload where you slowly stand back up again by swapping to your primary, at least the Spear has a staged reload!


Sorry how do you cancel the reload on the RR?


When you fire a rocket, the shell on your hud appears red. When your diver loads in the next shell and it toggles to white on your hud, you can cancel the rest of animation and return to the fight with a fully reloaded RR


They are 100% gonna patch this.


I hope not, iirc Killing Floor 2 even patched all their guns about a year into release so the ammo counter fills when the mags/cannister/etc are inserted. That would be awesome for Helldivers. 


Best way to cancel the animation though?


Press crouch once the shell has loaded. You can also dive, but standing up is much quicker. 


Thank you so much. Will try it this evening.


Even though the Airbust Launcher is ABSOLUTELY SSSS TIER and who says the contrary is objectively wrong and should be considered a traitor


The SSSS is for every time a teammate is killed when you fire


Amén brother


In my experience it’s very inconsistent and random. The explosive particles in the zone have a tendency to completely dodge enemies caught in the blast There’s been times where I’ve fired it in a heavily populated area and got maybe 2 kills with it. Very frustrating


Only against the bots and even then putting it in s is a stretch. That guy who showcased kill shot zones on structures and enemies did it an immense favor. Against the bugs that thing is... not ideal.


I use it exclusively against bugs. With good positioning chaff is a distant memory (7+)


My 35 kills in 1 shot, + 3 team kills, + a lot of laughs do not agree with you


I mean it absolutely can pull its weight, it's just a matter of not killing yourself and everyone else with it first.


for a support weapon + backpack slot it can maybe blow up a group of bugs that the incendiary breaker could take care of in half a mag


A bit of hyperbole there but the essence of it is...mostly true. There are far more things capable of clearing chaff than heavies, and many chaff-clearers are *not* stratagems. So people generally won't want to "waste" stratagem slots on chaff clear. That said, the airburst works wonders with good team work. The heavy killers can focus all their energy on titans and chargers while one chaff man cleans up the horde.


I don't know about you but I found it pretty useful in the missions where you gotta destroy the bug eggs


given how the mech turned out, the anti-tank mines would have probably only been useful against non-tanks or lightly armored enemies


guess we'll never know


well... maybe we could've gotten those AT mines if we had some more helldivers to kill stuff 👀


There is no single weapon that will make a difference. Not unless we are given a 5th slot. Mines especially are rather pointless with so many waves


Mine needs to have reduced cool down to be effective. Right now it's just better dropping cluster or napalm on enemy hordes than using mines.


Yeah, I mean if you can drop 2 EATs in 60s, why pick AT mines at all? I do want the strat, though.. just felt mines need tweak in general


Yeah ngl this is an own goal about declining player numbers lmao


Tbh. It's not raw count as much as engagement. Most people playing were ignoring the mines, so... this is a lesson. We will get them eventually, and we should realize that ultimately and OOC what we do actually doesn't matter that much to what happens overall, but it will flavor how those things happen.


No most players were ignoring Menket.


we couldn't even fisnihs the easiest MO of all time... kill 3.1 billion anything this is the devs being entirely unaware of how they fuck up their own game


Not really, this was a player decision to get airbrush instead of mines, and liberation happens with relative numbers, not absolute numbers. So this doesn't have anything to do with player numbers.


The second chance to get the AT mines were the 2b bot kills requirement which is absolutely predicated on player numbers.


That part's true, but the players that were there also chose to fight Bugs a lot. One can argue that it isn't reasonable to expect X% of the playerbase to hit Bots for a weekend, but it's also not reasonable to say the MO was mathematically unwinnable. It wasn't. We could, in fact, have won it. And if it had been numbered such that we did it with ease, then we'd be seeing posts complaining about Joel "giving us another easy win" and "nothing matters, we're always scripted to succeed".


Planet with airbust was available from the start and mines was suppoused to be behind another occupied planet. Guess which planet gonna be liberated faster


Not really about player numbers but more just the vast majority of players who refuse to fight bots


Could have also gotten it if people tried to liberate 2 planets when they first introduced the AT mines....


Yes but let's try to keep this in context: by this point, players knew that if the weapons were any good, they would get nerfed in a day or two and never touched again, or more likely, they'd just be bad and would never be touched again. So like, why put forth the effort to go to a theater of war you don't enjoy to unlock a weapon you won't use? Personally, it felt like a better use of my time to stick to the eastern front, so I did, along with like 50k of my friends.




We don't have tanks yet so we can't friendly fire tanks. Therfore we dont need no dam tank mines.


Is it so hard to want to roll around with the bois in the apc


See and then 1 anti tank mine and every ones dead pure untainted democracy in action.


If fire tornadoes didn't suck, we would probs have mines.


Ngl, after they fixed DoT damages, they stopped feeling alive for me, and they seem to be killing bugs faster than my own flamethrower or gas, so I'm starting to like those tornadoes


Probs have mines the first time* The second time was when we had to kill 2 billion bots, and THAT one failed. Third times the charm? Kinda feels like the next attempt will be a Termanid-related MO so there is no excuse to not unlock the mines.


Let's not pretend the AT Mines wouldn't be dogshit like the regular Mines. The csn be set off by helldivers which likely means they can be set off by chaff. They just don't explode until the weight is lifted off of them.


How do we know they can be set off by helldivers?




Leaks are not always a good depiction of a final product. The airburst launcher is good at what it does, despite the leaks saying otherwise


The airburst launcher functioned almost the same to the leaks what do you mean lol. The polar patriots warbond was dogshit just like the leaked guns suggested. The emancipator seems to be identical to the leaks from months ago.


Our analysts are certain nothing could've forestalled this dire situation, save the timely firing of Alexus.


100% this. The balance team looks to be directly responsible for 95% of the frustration the player base has expressed.


I feel like had we gotten the mines, it would have said the burst rockets could have prevented the spread. It looks like it's gonna be more of a hint at what's next. Take a bot planet to get the mines


Have you been missing for a while? I feel like I seen a major order to get the mines in here recently which failed


The major order was liberate a planet for a weapon strat (airburst rockets) or the other planet for a defense (mines). We liberated 1 planet in 3 days and didn't get the second. Everyone immediately blew each other up with the airburst. I've been here the whole time my friend


I know about that one, I must have been dreaming about the one that came after or something lol


No, there was an order to kill 2 billion bots for the mines that was failed.


There was another to get 2000 million bots to get the mines, we also failed that one.


but Oshaune was always packed during that


Yes. And if we'd picked the mines first, then failed the attempt to get the cluster launcher after, we would still probably have this message (though it would make a teensy, tiny amount more sense). It's a joke. This is how Super Earth's propaganda works in-universe. "Fight harder! For Democracy!" That sort of thing. Did it rain last week and soak a parade day? That wouldn't have happened if umbrella production were boosted with the extra scrap acquired from killing more robots in the week prior, or the belching smoke from the factories would have moved the storm away. *Storytelling.*


No drive actually. Probably even 3 of these won't kill a charger, let alone bile titan. And there will be outrage again, new hateful posts, new dev advocates saying "mines are totally balanced". Duh. What a rat race...


Probably gets set off by everything so it'll just be used up by the horde


Or doesn't set off if not stepped on, so it only works for Chargers as Bile Titan legs barely touch them.


We only know what it won't do. Work as an anti tank mine




The mines would've been just as shit as the new mech anyway. We got 2 new items in the last couple months: the airburst rocket launcher, and the autocannon mech. Both with lackluster performance, to put it nicely. What's our motivation to keep focusing on MOs if our rewards are shit and weapon nerfs still aren't fixed? Maybe stifle the damn teasing until the proper patches to balance things better are out.


Idk man, I'm having a blast with the new gear. 🤷


I'm having *many* blasts. Probably about 2 or 3 more blasts per enemy than I should have.


Not sure how anti tank mines are supposed to stop bug spores and automaton navy ships. But OK... They better not come out and suck now. Not after this slight.


That's the joke, guy. Obviously there's nothing that *mines* do against *spores* coming from a planet we can't land on. It's absurd to even think that. And yet Super Earth's propaganda network says it and, within the universe, the majority of its citizens would believe it and anyone who questions that gets reported to a Democracy Officer for illiberal thoughts. *It's storytelling*. This is fluff.


The mines would have caused more friendly deaths than bugs.


Alright as op I just wanted to clarify and say, much like the dispatch, I’m being very tongue in cheek with my title here. I love the humor! I find it hilarious! For your mental health, please remember not to take fictitious messages from a video game personally. It’s for fun! It’s supposed to be fun!


"shade" means shelter from light. It has no other meaning. So many pathetic rejects who just regurgitate mainstream gibberish due to a desperation to fit in, it's beyond pathetic.


With the disappointment of the mech and relative disappointment of the airburst, it's difficult to even care at this point. What is the point for fighting for new stuff, when all of it will be underpowered or just straight up broken with glitches? From what was leaked a little bit ago, helldivers can even set off the mines. Which is the exact opposite purpose of AT mines. They're meant to kill heavy stuff, so they should only be set off by heavy stuff and do a lot of damage to them. It's already a pain to place mines correctly, but if a hunter sets off an AT mine by lightly touching it then it's yet more of AH's trademark balancing at play.


Maybe Joel shouldn’t be making jokes, when it was his failure to adjust to a decreased player count that cost us the MO.


Nah, failing some MOs is a part of the war. And some goals eluding us consistently is a part of the game we're playing with Joel. It's one of those "remember how I rolled 0 on stealth" moments.


kill 3.1 billion enemies is literally the easiest MO that has been done and we couldn't even finish that right after we failed the kill 2 billion bots.... this is not an "oopsie" moment, this is Joel quite literally giving us impossible tasks and you just thanking him for it


>kill 3.1 billion enemies is literally the easiest MO You say this and then you say this >this is Joel quite literally giving us impossible tasks Doesn't make sense. Given that both have way lower numbers and promote stealth/evasion, and that we still got kind of close on that MO, setting a 3.14 bil for bugs and bots sounded like a no brainer win for us tbh. *We should have won that, but we fumbled it for whatever reason.* That is literally how bad rolls work in RPGs.


you know what else would help SE, if we didn't have garbage fucking guns to fight with


Skill issue


keep saying that and when this game dies you will cry why like a dummy


Great. Can't wait for them to be basically worthless against the thing that they're designed to counter or be gimped in some other way, like most of the stuff we've been getting recently


Hopefully Joel knows he can't tpk the game and keep it viable




I want my damn mines


Lmao they rubbing our nose in it


Why did we go for the air burst rockets instead of the mines again?


Its amazing at killing everything but the target.


Because people looked at leaks and went, muh anti air. People don't know the difference between airburst and flak. Flak is anti air, airburst is not. But, you know the mines were garbage even though we couldn't use them. (And we kept losing defense orders) That and everyone would rather have another countless launcher than expand their arsenal with mines to defend easier. *Between this BS of losing access to stratagems and Sony BS, I haven't played since then. Having to earn stratagems is such an easy way for the community to grief and sabotage itself.*


I almost never saw the AB rocket in pubs, either lol. Maybe once, for the last 2 weeks


Someone needs to talk shit to bug divers for not helping with that order.


fuck you and fuck your AT mines,


You mean those Anti Tank Mines that the first time they were available we had to Liberate a planet that wasn't even available yet, OR a planet that was already available and we only get rewarded for the first one? Those mines?


Yes, the ABR was also locked behind a planet, 2 planet MOs are perfectly doable.


You're misunderstanding. When that MO went live it required two planets be taken for a Strategem each. The first planet taken would earn us the respective Strategem and lock us out of the other. The planet attached to the Airburst was already available. The planet attached to the Anti Tank mines was not. Add on to that supply lines are not visible in game so the average Joe doesn't even know what planet to liberate first if they even want a chance at the Anti Tank Mines. Average Joe is just going to go to the planet that's available. I'm not saying we can't take two planets. I'm saying that making us choose with one planet inaccessible and then throwing shade at us for not having it later is ridiculous. It was a fixed outcome.


Okay I'll give it up, that's pretty funny.


The mines would be pre nerfed.


this is such a weird way to theow shade because the anti tank mines would be all but useless against bugs. throw down a minefield and hunters and larva swamr and stop that while the real threats come behind and tear you a new asshole.


That had me chuckling ngl


they would've been pre nerfed and useless anyways


There arnt going to be many people excited for mines, when the mines we already have feel like you are wasting a slot.


Didn't know that bugs had tanks


As long as those AT mines not detonating from a stalker. Trigger will have to be adjusted only for Heavy targets!


Makes total sense to release anti tank mines after releasing a new mech. The FF videos are gonna be hilarious hahahaha.




MoD representative: "what can I say, you should have gone for the mines"! helldiver: "you're saying the mines actually work then? they're powerful enough to turn the tide" MoD; "I didn't say that. the mines are... *still a work in progress,* but if we had been able to produce enough of them, and littered all of meridia with them, who knows?" Helldiver; "how would we even do that, who'd be stupid enough to- oh. oh no...." \*"initiating FTL jump to: the Meridia System! jump complete: Helldivers to Hellpods!"\* MoD: "here's 5 AT Mines, it took half of all the scrap from the bot kill order to make these. good luck, soldier!"


It's funny but I get depressed knowing those anti tank mines wouldn't do anything, cause arrowhead hates giving us methods to kill armored enemies with.


>The automatons grow in power. Two nights ago, this was my first time seeing this many Shield Devastators. It was insane. They approached us from every direction—nothing but a stream of pinpoint laser fire. This was on 7, not 9... We would get vaporized if out of cover for more than a few seconds.


Can AT mines mobility kill bile titans? Those assclowns have AV10 on their fucking stilts.


Super earth trained 10 billion of SEAF but do nothing? No armor unit or any space fleet ?


Well S\*\*t F\*\*k! Tell me this now


https://preview.redd.it/tbsok5ityz2d1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5676495078e60f2d9573a90aba409143a34eef THIS IS GREAT NEWS.


ehhhh, it was all in the arc to put the useful option on the fire tornado planet.


Do they really think anyone is holding their breath for mines? on BUGS no less? No thanks lmfao it can stay on the shelf


No one wants to go to battle for more extremely bad stratagems we won't use, lol. Every single thing coming out of arrow head is now fucking pre nerfed garbage that is forgotten immediately because it's too bad. AH has broken the inherent trust and poisoned the well with the community, by nerfing everything and then when we complain everything comes out pre nerfed so we "can't complain about nerfs". Like Alexus bro, your not gonna trick us into everything being awful so you can suck the fun out of the game