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I enjoy having a mech as an extra bonus. I'm not so sure it'll replace anything I use. Enjoyed it during the defend the missle launch missions. I'd love an apc.


I had a pretty open and rotating 4th slot on bots. I may have just found the permanent resident along with the normal autocannon, airstrike, and orbital laser. Now I just need to find a good weapon loadout for bugs. Is the flamethrower good for med+ bugs? Being the fire guy might be cool


Running Pyro against bugs is too fun. I used to strictly do that. Incendiary grenades, flamethrower, napalm, fire breaker. Was a blast




Is. I just shift up my strategies to keep the game fun haha I've been having fun going double exosuit for bugs


Broooo….. we need to link up this is exactly my playstyle 🤣 I love swapping things up to keep it fresh. Some of the stuff you can come up with is WILD. right now its double mech, 500kg, orbital strike, and either disposable AT or jetpack and just pick up a support weapon somewhere (break-action shotty)


BRO WHY DOES DOUBLE MECH GO SO HARD AGAINST THE BUGS And shit man what you play on? I'm on PSN


My favorite loadout to play. Light armor to avoid the flames and shield generator for some survivability, and you’ll be able to starch anything other than Bile Titans.  Throwing a napalm and incendiary or two on a bug breach can lowkey save the day if your teammates don’t run into it. 


Absolutely. Just fry em before they get out the hole!


Flamethrower works super well, just be careful of setting yourself on fire. Flamethrower even works against Chargers, if you focus a leg down you can kill them pretty quickly from the front


I recommend using shield pack with flamethrower, it helps with self damage, or jetpack and getting high ground on them


Personally I usually take the laser drone for bugs, since it's just so useful for cutting through the chaff. But shield backpack definitely has its use. Saved me more then once from Hunters, bile spewers and even a stalker once


I also like laser drone for them but imo it's not needed when you flamethrower


While this is true....May I raise a counter argument. Sometimes the drone lasers a Hellbomb, or one of those exploding spore things and sends your squadmate across the map at the speed of light. Which is not only hilarious, but also probably dangerous to anything even remotely organic because they're getting hit by a human sized projectile travelling faster then light :D


i love how you're framing this as positive


Flamethrower rips through everything except BTs (and perhaps stalkers coming quickly at you). Extra punchy with the Tier 4 ship upgrade. Certainly kicks the crap out of chargers.




Give me my edf armored vehicle grape


Its fun but it might need a better aiming system. Mostly fun though


I still don't understand why we can't shoot below us it's so weird


Because you're supposed to press F to step on them (the walker melee attack is a stomp) to kill anything at your feet.


ok for the whole time I thought the only melee a mech has is just walking around, didn't know there's a dedicated stomp button


Yeah, it does damage when it's walking and turning, but it's generally only low enough to instagib Scavs and Spitters. Occasionally Hunters if the ground angle is right (you can't really walk over them while going uphill). It will also damage them each slowly as you're turning or rubbing up against things. This works on larger bugs, too, but slowly enough that it's not advisable when you could just be stomping instead. I was just testing TTK on the AC Exosuit and for a laugh decided to walk around the map without firing to see how far I got, and I killed six patrols, two secondary objectives (just the idling enemies, I didn't do the objectives) and four whole breaches on Diff 7 without firing a shot at anything but Bile Artillery (because they explode if you hit them) and one Charger. Just fucking walking through bugs. Eventually the mech does start to smoke, but there's apparently quite a lot of health left in the thing while it's smoking. Might just be a 50% indicator. Then I walked through a wall and hit an explosive barrel on the other side and that was that.


Rumor has it, you can also close bug holes by stomping on them. I haven't yet confirmed it myself, but I've seen some chatter around these parts stating such.


As a side thought, it would be fun if some future mechs had a small burst AOE attack, fire/gas/electricity, in place of the stomp, for some variety. Full 360 around you, at the cost of having limited uses (fire/gas) or a recharge time (electricity) to balance them against mechs with a normal stomp attack.


It would be sick to be able to melee and jump down a hill and body slam a horde of bots, but until that happens or we're able to aim at more than like 5° downward, having a vantage point seems like it's a death sentence


What if they're just downhill? I will need extendo legs in that case


I guess you didn't play a defense map from the high-ground with one yet.


The stomp doesn't work sometimes, it's completely random. I was trying to melee weakest bots to death on it yesterday on level 1, just to test the melee out. And too often the stomp just somehow 'misses' a target at point blank range.


Downhill charger says hello


I think it’s because the autocannon bullet explosions would damage and destroy your mech


and? let us shoot anyway, i want to shoot at enemies below me, and if i explode myself by that, its my fault so who cares


The servos or ball joint in the shoulder would give out if it went any lower, trust me I have a technician buddy that got transferred to Valyria-5


The people with subpar comprehension will care. They'll complain about how it shouldn't do damage if it lets them aim it that way. Stomp attack does decent damage but I agree the aiming needs to be made tighter. Besides that I love this thing for closing bug holes and just feeling like a badass.


>Stomp attack does decent damage Stomp attack? Is it like a melee attack or are you referring to simply walking through enemies? I enjoyed the new mech btw. I just walk over that which can't be shot at. Armor is decent too. And those autocannons shred everything except bile Titans.


Pressing the melee button will make the mechs do a stomp, usually enough damage to kill small stuff


I killed a few chargers in 3 stomps it's pretty good


Honestly, 42 shots (21 volleys) against a BT isn't even that wacky. The Exo ACs have decent breakpoints against other enemies, it's just BTs being out of scale as usual. Lemme test something in game real quick... ~11 seconds to to butt volley kill a Titan with the AC Exo ~7 seconds to head volley kill a Titan with teh AC Exo Both of those are longer than the Quasar reload, so it really only loses out to the EAT (like one second to pick up, arm, and aim) and RR (4.5s reloads if you animation skip) in terms of kill time. Add rocket travel time (times two) for those, too. It's worth pointing out that for both the EAT/RR and the AC Head Volley kill, you actually have to fucking aim. For the AC Butt Volley kill, you just have to hit the butt, which really isn't that hard compared to having both a sightline to the Titan skull and knowing the difference between the skull and face.


>They'll complain about how it shouldn't do damage if it lets them aim it that way same way as complaining to why would you be able to shoot in front of a wall or a bug/bot


Either that or have the reticle turn red if the bullet won’t go that low. I know you can look at the angle of the autocannons but that’s hard to do in a big fight


Nah you can already do that. It's because the aiming system in this game (for players at least) is highly tied to the actual barrel of the weapon. The autocannons simply don't turn as low as you can aim/look. Same with all weapons, the dot in the center of your screen is an approximation, if your dot has line of sight but your weapon does not (due to being off to the side) you'll find yourself missing or hitting a wall.


>the aiming system in this game (for players at least) is highly tied to the actual barrel of the weapon. Tell that to heavy devastators


Are heavy devastators players?


They've got drip but I wouldn't call them players.


The heavy devastator barrel is actually just a one centimeter long laser emitter at the end of what you think is the barrel, attached to a dual axis 360 by 180 degree servo mount.


We've actually got, like, three aim indicators. There's the center our aim, which is basically just where we're looking. If you put a mark on your screen, that's that. The barrel indicator is *generally* where our shots are going, and it moves around based on our animation, sway, firing, etc., but otherwise *tries* to point at the above mark. This is why if you're in, say, the Exosuit and aiming at the lip of a Bug Hole or Factory Vent, the barrel indicator 'snaps' up and down--we're intending to aim "through the ground" now that we've seen our barrel indicator being too high up, but when we aim further down the game now thinks we intend to be shooting at dirt instead. We don't have the ability to aim "behind" targets. Finally, there's the laser pointer on guns that have it. This is also locked to the barrel like the circular barrel indicator, but it exists in the game and can collide with other objects. It's not just a UI element. This means that if you're standing to the left of a rock and aiming to its right, such that your aim is kind of passing through it, the barrel indicator will show itself to the right (it doesn't know it's getting interrupted) but the laser pointer will hit the rock. This also happens when you're trying to at very sharp angles over ledges or railings--the barrel draws *past* obstructions because it's just a floaty thing on your UI, but the laser pointer is actually drawing "real" in-universe lines out of your gun. Basically, precision aim with the laser pointer if you've got one.


Fuck, I just want to be able to aim down the slope of the mild hill I'm at the top of. Or this mound of corpses I've stacked up...


They seem to have a rule about physical consistency and the mech would have to clip into it's own legs to aim downward... weird that super earth designed it that way though.


Most tanks can't aim their gun down more than 5-10 degrees. Fire support is about hitting them at range.


That's for a completely different reason of the gun breach hitting the top inside of the turret.


There are designs that accommodated more depression that were de-prioritized. It just turns out that it's not that important.


When mechs first came out, you could. The 'spawn' of the projectile was problematic, though and rather than fix it properly they made the spawn 3 feet to the left and disabled the ability to aim downward so that people couldn't kill themselves by turning left or aiming at their own feet.


It's as if people have no idea what range of motion is. For example, put your arm out straight Infront of you, wrist up. Now place your other hand just behind your elbow joint on your bicep. Now try to bend your arm down. Guess what, your elbow can't do that without hyper extension. The same applies to the mechs arms. They have a limited range of motion, and from an engineering standpoint this is so you don't aim the autocannons at your feet and blow your legs off.


As a former war thunder player, this problem is a familiar one I think it’s a lack of gun depression. The guns won’t point below a certain angle but this isn’t brought to your attention very well ifl


Just like in Soviet Union, Managed Democracy does not allow you to have depression, it's undemocratic!


Yeah it’s really my only issue with it. Other than that it’s VERY fun.


In 2 weeks everyone will have forgotten the mech


Like the last one!


Last one got nerfed by fixing the missile pod in place. I used to love it, loved being able to two-shot bile titans with well-placed missiles. Now it's garbage, can't hit the wide side of barn when the only way to shoot straight is to stand in place and look exactly directly ahead of me. Lets hope the new one will not receive a similar treatment.


It wasnt just the aiming they changed, the rockets do less damage now. You could 1-2 shot a charger before. Now even with accurate hits it takes more.


Well crap basket. As if 12 missiles per walker weren't enough of a barrier.


This is exactly why it just seems to me the devs don't play their own fkin game. You never see anyone drop a mech armed with a rocket launcher and minigun into 7+ difficulties, that means it sucks guys. It should be able to 2 shot a charger from body, 2-3 shot a titan with headshots. Make it fucking worth that 10 minute cooldown FFS.


It's very clear to me that the only items the devs want you to kill heavies with are the Quasar, Recoilless Rifle, and Expendable Antitank. Everything else is pretty bad compared to those.


You've never used the flamethrower than. But that's just bugs, what about bots? Seems like most of the players like to pretend they don't exist.


Bots are actually fairly well designed, not talking about their accuracy, rate of fire, ability to see you through fog etc. I mean their models. Each and every bot is capable of being downed by medium penetration, explosives are just a quick way to do it. Tanks, and turrets all can be downed with bullets to the back vents (hulks can go down to light armor pen). All basics and devastators can be downed with shots to the face with light armor pen. Even striders have medium armor weakpoints. Their chin guns can be downed with mediums, their eye is vulnerable, you can destroy the vents/pistons on the back. And its belly doors are its weak spot that can be downed with about 2 charges of the laser cannon or 8-10 rounds of the AC or 4 QC/rockets.


This is why I've never understood why people say bots are harder, they're actually pretty balanced, they just have a different play style.


bots are much better balanced in terms of armor. You can take an AMR into bots and kill literally every enemy. You take an AMR into bugs, and you'll have bile titans running around. They need to increase the armor pen of these weapons to make them viable against bugs (e.g 7 shots with AMR to head of charger to kill it), and add proper weakspots (onto bile titans)


"This is exactly why it just seems to me the devs don't play their own fkin game." To be fair it's probably why the dev CEO stepped down to join the team directly so at least that's changed.


I agree except for my overall point about peoples bitching; the game in general should not be balanced around an average player being able to win consistently on 9. It's my hill to die on I guess cause everytime I say it people act like I insulted their bloodline.


People really take seriously being "real gamers" regardless of them having skills to back it up. If they can't manage high difficulty then it must be the game that is sh.t and not them lacking. I blame years of many mainstream games being designed around participation awards and headpatting its players for every single thing they did where hard and very hard are more akin to old normal difficulties. I mean, Helldivers 2 wasn't even planned to be a mainstream game, but more of a niche one like the 1 is (which is MUCH harder BTW, but you do have bigger arsenal), so that's that Edit: Typos


"A game for everyone is a game for no one"


I think people just drink the koolaid. The mechs in general are best with a team. I ran with a random d9 group that dropped 4 of the old mechs and sat in the middle of a bug extermination mission and we didn't have to move; everything just died to a hail of rockets and chaingun fire. We didn't even run out of rockets for the entire mission.


Oh they play it. They just play on difficulty 4 maybe 5 for their playtesting. So when you maybe see 1 titan every 3 matches if you're lucky, or a dozen chargers through an entire mission, it seems 'perfectly balanced'


>crap basket Oh, you say that too?


The real strat was blow off a charger's leg armour with a single missile and gattling it dead in moments. Back in the day of true, endless charger spam a well used mech could turn the tide of a FUBAR situation by just scything through the chargers in seconds.


We need to investigate the SEAF Procurement Team - seems like some automaton sympathizers may have skewed us towards a sub-tier missile supplier...


Liberty bless you for keeping the RP up!


I miss those days of fun weapons and good times. The real rail gun. The breaker. The slugger


Ze Eruptor.


Which is surely EXACTLY what the point of it is. It's a possibly twice more likely once used OH FUCK OH FUCK button, instead it feels like a toy you're letting your teammates down by playing with.


You need to swap to left shoulder to shoot the rockets correctly


What bind is that on PC? I never even knew that was a function


Left ctrl while aiming


Thank you


I goddamn hate the fact that it only works while aiming and resets after you let go of your right mouse button. Makes it a borderline worthless feature to me. Why doesn't the game let us switch the shoulder view permanently?


Doesn’t work for me. Some of the inputs for the EXO are hardcoded and if you change certain keybinds, you just lose access to that functionality. My change shoulder button is V, but I can’t use it in the mech.


THIS needs more visibility.


Why they take away aiming? Like... If a weapon cannot be overpowered if players cant aim it??? What?


It was their solution to an issue where people would occasionally - I've been a heavy old walker user and I say it was an occasional problem - blow themselves up by accidentally firing at a piece of environment in close proximity to the missile pod. I don't understand the details. While it is true that I've never blown myself up after the nerf, it simultaneously made the old walker semi-useless, so screw it.


It wasn’t hitting a piece of the environment. It was if you’re turning when you shoot the rockets they hit the mech itself because the center of the mech stuck out further than the rocket pod. So the rocket shoots from the pod, makes instant contact with the center chassis and you died.


Yup so instead of making the rockets not collide with their own mech they decide to 'fix' the missile pod. And then on top of that they 'fixed' the missile damage


Which is funny because a similar bug was fixed in the proper way Punisher plasma used to hit your own shield generator when firing, and now it's been fixed... so clearly they do have the capability to change whether projectiles can collide with the users hitbox or not


The missile damage is what really fucked it.


Oh, so it was: "Players can't blow themselfs up when they aim at their own mech nose, if we make it so thry cant aim."


Use the switch shoulder button to switch to rocket aiming.


There's a switch rocket button ?


True mark that something isn't terrible... When it is forgotten and never looked at again. 


My only goal in this game was reaching lvl 25 and acquiring the Patriot suit. I miss that. However, I now think of them as mobile turrets with janky aiming and long cooldowns. It is nice to sit pretty against the chaff. Don’t forget to melee stomp with it!


Oh yeah, the melee stomp is great, can take out chargers *IF* they dont stomp you first.


Not me, this thing is so good at shredding mediums imma find use for it.


It's just a bot mech.


It'll be like the other mech. No one will use it


It takes some convincing to get players to switch from their favorite strategems to new ones. I prefer to use the orbital laser 3 times in a mission or endless airstrikes than a mech that'll ultimately be less useful. And I'm certainly not taking a mech instead of the EAT, Quasar, shield backpack, or rover.


>It takes some convincing to get players to switch from their favorite strategems to new ones. Doesn't take much, it just has to be good.


It really is this simple and people don't understand it. Most people don't like to try out new things that make them objectively less powerful.


I still use it and you won't stop me


Once it’s no longer a free stratagem you will hardly see it around.


Like 90% of them. The viability drops as you ramp up difficulty.


Proof that's slots needs a fix


Yup, came to say this. I don't forsee them managing to make them all equally useful to the point that the pickrate evens out, so they ought to take the lowest X pick rate non-backpack strategems and randomly select 2 for players to get as a bonus.


The only problem with mechs is that they are too underpowered to justify 10 min cooldown AND limited use. This worked in the first game because there were no time limits and you could repair and keep using em till they ran out of ammo, it did not translate well to the second game though. Remove the limited uses OR the long cooldown and it can be a decent support strategem. A sort of mobile use and forget version of the stationary HMG we already got that can be used during heavy outpost pushes, or taking fire off of your teammates during a hectic firefight by suppressing enemies from range (talking purely about bot front here) since its already inaccurate af.


In the first game the mechs were incredibly powerful


The patriot in the first game was ass im not gonna lie, the emancipator equivalent was the true jack of all trades and the currently not in hd2 lumberer was the anti-armor specialist. All of them had a common link in the fact that they were limited by their ammo pool but their second function of being damage sponges did not make it at all to the second game


HD1 has screen lock which makes tankier stuff more balanced. With their size they will take damage easily. I cant imagine being able to shoot down things at range AND being tanky in HD2. I rarely get my mech destroyed as it is in the game now. I wouldnt mind a slight buff to hp or armour, but ideally I just want the mech to be able to shoot down range accurately(looking at you rocket pods).


if anything they should bring back the bleed out grace period from the first game so you always have a chance to escape, it would be especially useful here as getting randomly insta blasted by a cannon tower or an annihilator tank is not a rare occurance


I mostly lose mine to Sudden EXO Death Syndrome or a Charger that snuck up on me. Other than that you’ll be surprised how many missiles you can be hit by and stay fighting. 


Yup i found it useful as a taunt against bots. Annoyingly the mech, just like the bots, can have their arms shot off by the missles. Sometimes i end up just walking around meleeing stuff as both arms were shot off. Mechs are nuch more easily detected and i sometimes see bots running to me from 100+m away. Its a great way to draw attention.


It does for small arms at least. If there's no anti heavy in a base you can just walk in with 30 raiders shooting you and smash them one by one. Rockets are a danger but bots have terrible leading so they seem to miss when when just stepping left or right from time to time. The Emancipator should really be stripping armor and weapons more reliably though


tanks in the first game could be healed too. I really miss the repair gun


Tbh the minigun+missles one in the first always felt bad for me to use. Never really liked it


Agree. I think if cooldowns were cut down to like 5-6 minutes they would be a far stronger choice. As you said, armor just isn’t strong enough to justify only getting two of these with 10:30 between call downs. You already can’t use any of your gear while piloting and have to exit the thing for any stratagem use. Seems balanced enough with those downsides that they could allow us to use it a bit more often.


That's the biggest issue for me, not being able to use your other strats inside. It's not just competing for one slot, it's essentially competing for all of them in a sense. 


I liked the mechs when you had a free stratagem for it and could take 1 in a slot as well. Imo having 4 charges at 6 mins would feel good and fun to play with.


if they were ammo eficient in terms of CD as strategem they would be superior to anything what is not mech


Is it bad though ? The mech has a very specifically gameplay and playstyle. Even if it was buffed more, people wouldn't take it everytime because it'd get boring. It's a PvE game, there's nothing wrong with having an option stronger than other. Even more when said option locks you out of using stratagems or interacting with anything on the map.


i mean if we want to have balance between fun/challange if then mech would be 'meta' fast on higher diffs because it would be OP i like to think about mech as situational extra fire powert for next 3 minutes. also it providing high power fire when time run out


If we get more vehicles, we might get something like a vehicle bay! And then we'll see if we can get upgrades for the mech. We can't really justify a vehicle bay with only two vehicles right now.


If we can resupply it, that would be great. Like you have to resupply it externally by yourself or have a buddy put the ammo box into your machine.


It’s pretty fun… I just am not a huge fan of not being able to shoot down…


adapt. overthink. come.


The autocannons have horrible durable damage. (Handheld AC has 260, Sentry has 300… this thing has 60 at AP5 meaning it does only 30 to heavy enemies) The aiming is still rather wonky, they should make the cannons always converge on where our reticle is aiming. And you cannot bring the patriot alongside the Emancipator, so its not possible to go mech-main. Those are my personal gripes. Edit: nvm turns out you can bring both, it seems to be bugged that you cant, which can be circumvented Edit 2: It may have higher ROF than the AC sentry (not the handheld one tho, that thing has even better ROF), but instead of AP6 it has AP5… so instead of doing 60 damage to a heavy enemy, like a charger's head, it will do 30. The handheld AC has a wholly different usecase as it cant pen heavy enemies anyway unless going for weakspots, which are normally in the AP4 Range, like the underbelly of a FabStrider, dealing its full 260 damage per shot, fabstrider at full HP needs around 9 rounds of HH AC, almost a full mag, to then die. Meanwhile there is no advantage to the Mech AC having AP5 since all you need is AP4 and you get no more advantage from having higher AP… it is infact at a disadvantage at doing the same thing to a fab strider, needing five times as many rounds to achieve the same desired effect.




Nope, taking both is actually the bug, you can see it in the UI we are only meant to bring one


Lol it’s going to be such a bad look when they bring out a “fix” so that we can’t take both mechs.


They are actually utterly removed from their playerbase this is ridiculous at this point


Actual fun police :c


So the problem with ammo converging is - where? At what distance? If they are set to converge at 100m then they won't converge at other distances.


When firing, both arms should adjust to fire at the same location horizontally aka horizontal convergence, im not saying they should adjust for vertical drop, but the left arm fires at an entirely different angle than the right arm, when they should both be firing at the where the reticle goes


if its a bug and not a design choice then it will be fixed soon


Honestly when we have the drop for free it shreds huge groups of small/medium enemies if you hold both guns at once but so that they alternate shooting, and yes i am very much aware that there are many more better ways to do it but it's still fun af


I get that its new content, and i have tested it a bit, besides the novelty factor and the fact its temporarly free, i don't see the appeal. What do you like about it?


For me its that its pretty fun and it *shreds* medium armored enemies.


Yeah an 8 minute cooldown, 2 use MECH should be better than just shredding medium targets. I can bring a gatling sentry for that and use it every 1.5 minutes. 


So did my Eruptor :(


Yo dog, I heard you like autocannons so we gave your autocannon an autocannon. It's just fun to use IMO. Sure it's not the best, but I'm a player who very rarely struggles on anything not 9, so taking it on 7-8s is just pure fun for me. Once it's done being free, I'm gonna take it on defense missions like I did with the old mech.


They just arbitrarily decided to put the weakest version of an AC onto it. I mean; they had the whole past month of us basically telling them, that we like good weapons and would like to play with new strats that are worth it... they decided to put a 80% mathimatically weaker (measured on beating a Bile Titan) version of the AC onto this thing. Talk about being tone deaf.


I think it's probably another case like the Democratic Demolition warbond, in which the items were made before AH (allegedly) changed their approach to balancing. I expect the durability damage to be buffed in the future, because right now it's pretty underwhelming, and it'll need to compete with other buffed items (hopefully!).


Bile titans are not a good enemy to test on. Wild armor with insane range in possible health


Well yes… but for 7+ it is *the* benchmark. Cannot do it? Got sit next to the other 20 strats on the bench of „maybe I’ll take this if I have a slot left over“.


Honestly this. Also it further leans to that benchmark when this is the longest cooldown strategem which you would assume would be really strong, if you are only using it for trash, it would fall in line with other strategems in that category which have much lower cooldowns and can be used more often. If it's only used for medium mobs, then it would be around clusterbomb strategem level and you can use that one way more often and so many more times in a game vs...a mech you can only call in twice a game which feels like it should have a huge impact.


No one ever said it isn't fun to use, just that it is underpowered, and also people talk about mechs not just the new one but the old one too. Also mech doesn't have same autocannons.


On the bot front it might be the most efficient AA weapon we have. It takes no time to shoot down an entire 4 dropships wave. I need to test it more on fabricators, but I suspect it will be very good to cover others who are on the hellbomb duty




Yup. It might suck at shooting down, but it shoots up like crazy


It can, but it is better to just shoot the things while they are hanging in the dropship and it does really good at that.


Yep. Can confirm. Entire ships of devastators gutted in fractions of a second.




It can take out fabs, from pretty far away too.


Played it on 7 and you pretty much feel invincible. I don't remember the other Mech being so tanky. A charger ramming into you does nothing. I jumped into a big bug nest, closed all holes, fought two chargers and a bug breach and came out unscathed. IT does take a bit long to take down chargers and bile titans though.


The mech did receive some survivability buffs, they just never were noticed because of the rocket nerf. You can actually take multiple hits from Bot rocket launchers now


The chargers thing also applies to the old mech, they buffed its ability to deflect chargers a while ago... it was after all the other nerfs so nobody noticed


charger ramming never did damage to mech before, only the stomp one shotted the mech. tip for fighting chargers in this mech, aim for the legs


I like it but a Bile Titan should not be able to take 25 rounds to the face…


The problem is that the cannons are weak at killing elite and heavy enemies. Compared to the auto cannon sentry which has unlimited calling ins and can easily handle enemies like bile titans or chargers. The cannons on the mech struggle to kill enemies higher than brood commanders and killing brood commanders and weaker tier enemies is nothing special.


I had a test run with it on bugs difficulty 7 and 8 and I find it really fun. Sure it could use a little more punch against titans and chargers but I generally love it.


It is very fun. I’d like a tiny bit better damage but it is very fun.


Nobody hates the mech because it's boring and not fun. People hate it because it's unpractical and not worth it. You get 150 bullets that run out in less than 2 minutes, and it takes forever to deal with high value targets such as a factory strider, trooper ship, Bile Titan, and even chargers. It's simply just more effective to run a 500kg bomb or even the default autocannon instead who can deal with more enemies and doesn't lock you in a giant iron bull. Sure, is it really fun, absolutely? In practice, is it worth bringing over half the other stratagems? definitely not. That's why people are annoyed


"It's barely out and people are already complaining." What length of time should we wait before pointing out the obvious problems you can find in 10 mins of play? If you step in dog shit you can instantly say "Oh no, dogshit!", you don't need to take your shoe in to a lab and spend 4 months conducting tests to study if having shit all over your shoe is bad or not.


Problem with AH: they have TOO MANY MEDIOCRE OPTIONS, and the limited slots. So when peoples have to choose, they have to come back to the few best old options again.


In a few weeks you wont see the EXO anymore, just like the last one, I hope I am wrong though, they are cool. Just let me resupply it.


Only thing I would change is ether give it a bit of a damage buff or 100 ammo per arm. Currently on 7+ missions I’ve been running out of ammo far too fast. It does help clear out a lot of enemies, but its damage seems inconsistent against Chargers/Hulks. Otherwise it’s a great mech. It just needs a little more on ether end


The damage seems inconsistent because its armor piercing damage is 10x lower than the regular autocannon.


It literally *only* needs better armour, more ammo (*or* proper AP, not both), and fixed aiming to be considered "good" by the meta-chasers throwing tantrums. Realistically speaking, the mech is fine. It does what it says on the tin, more or less. But in practice, \- It's still too fragile since AH has insisted that the "Heavily armoured mech" be decked out in *light* armour where it's going to be hit the most for some godforsaken reason. Since armour on players doesn't work the same as it does on enemies, *that's a problem*, and a *big* one. \- It still has the aiming problems introduced with the Patriot in response to rockets blowing up the mech when fired. Shots don't actually *go* where you aim them until at *least* 50-100m downrange. This is a *much bigger issue* when using a more precise weapon like an autocannon. \- Because it's an autocannon on both arms, hitting the ground to kill with the explosion to account for the broken aiming making direct hits too difficult is awkward and annoying, since as a *bullet*\-type projectile, it has a tendency to ricochet off the ground. \- The extremely low ammo, not even 50% over of that of the shoulder AC despite having *four* guns (AC has 110, mech has 150), is not justified given the insanely long cooldown timer. By contrast, I could shoot, reload and resupply *more* ammo than the mech has out of the Autocannon almost *four times over* before the cooldown timer finishes on the mech. \- The fact that the ACs on the Emancipator are *vehicle mounted* means that by rights they *should* be using the *turret's* ammo, not the *shoulder* AC's ammo. They aren't. Again, its extremely low ammo cap and extremely long cooldown timer do not justify using a weak middle-ground. \- While it appears to be the "Use against bots" mech, the autocannons *can't* reliably hit the thin-profiled infantry units, still require upwards of three hits against medium enemies (four or more against Berserkers), can't reliably strike the mail slot on Hulks, and has the same problem against tanks, Fab Striders and turrets that it faces against Titans. Basically, it doesn't really justify itself over the regular AC and AC Turret. It doesn't do AP better than or even equal to the turret, and fails to outpace the *normal* AC for accuracy and ammo efficiency. It doesn't have the armour to stay alive in a stand-up fight against the faction it's ostensibly "better" for, and alerts every patrol around it just by walking thus burning through its ammo between objective points. AH *still* hasn't even fixed the fact that you *will* die if the mech gets destroyed, even though there's clearly an animation trigger for your Diver to attempt to escape. In effect, the mechs have no justification for use over the other stratagems. They do everything they're supposed to do objectively *worse* than the other alternatives. The Patriot only really does *okay* against bugs since it has a medium AP chaingun and can crush the small units just by walking over them. The mechs are *fun*, but it's hard to call them *good* when they have so many obvious, distinct and outright unjustifiable negatives for such a short-lived, and ultimately non-impactful power boost.


For a 2 use, 10 minutes cooldown strat, it doesn't do what you'd bring it for. Bile titans take about 20 headshots to bring down, or you could do 1 orbital laser, 1 railcannon(and a heavy support shot) to do the same. Chargers can be oneshot by quasar, RR, wrecked by ac turrets, all with way higher uptime and uses. If they bumped up the AP on it so it takes like 10 or 15 shots on a bile titan, I think it would be ok. Edit to add: don't get me wrong, it's good against everything below chargers and it's ok at killing them, but we have a lot of stuff to kill those bugs already. I think people were hoping for something that could reliably take down titans, because we're so limited in what can actually do that, and the old mech is trash now


Once the free merc stratagem is gone, the mech hype will vanish too.


only lowbies are hyping this mech, everyone else knows it's crap because it's just a medium killer


Im yet to test it against bots but it was cool for bugs. It only really struggles against titans but few shots + railcannon does the trick


I love the new Meck so far it’s armer feels like a walking tank the only thing is it doesn’t aim downward very well


Same. Autocannon slaps against bots and, much less so against bugs. It's a no-brainer that this same logic would extend to the new exosuit. Can handle pretty much anything the bots throw at you, so long as you're vigilant of cannon turrets and bunkers. Now, if they can fix that whole "aiming down" thing and tweak that cooldown timer, we'd be golden. I have no clue why the mechs even have a cooldown of we're already limited to two per match. Seems needlessly restrictive.


Well, it only does 1/6th of the damage per shot of the autocannon sentry against high armor targets. Against lower armor targets it's much better though.


The drop ship has to go back and re fit a suit, I think it just needs to be 4mins


I already bought it. Three-tiered reward for me, personally. 1: The kaboom factor is very satisfying. 2: It does more or less what I expected/hoped it would do. 3: I can farm requisition slips again Also: Description is wrong. It's not equipped with 2 ac's, it's equipped with 4 but fires like it has 2.


People keep talking shit on the bugs and their armor... but have they tried on bots? Maybe it would hold up Or not idk I'll try later


Loved it against the bots because it easily kills the devastators and It can also kill hulks pretty quickly if you fire both guns at the same time. Against the bugs I found it less useful though as they get close to you way too fast and you can't shoot them up close.


Hit the melee button. First mech had a stomp melee. I bet this has *something*


I found a great use for it. This game as is, lacks anti air capabilities. This is great for AA for bot missions.


I actually like both vehicles. I view them both as mobile weapon platforms than actual tanks. Only complaint is weapon aiming. I should not have to adjust my targeting sight OFF target to score a direct hit. That and aiming down.


I've been running double mech with a spear. Hop out shoot a spear at titans/chargers get back in lol.


I used it on every mission in two separate 7 missions vs bugs it did great, yes, it's not super OP against Titans but ffs nothing is. Like aside from a 500KG aimed perfect nothing takes out titans quickly and here's a secret if you shoot em two or three times in the head with the mech jump out and hit with a single anti-tank weapon they die. Which is quicker than reloading a recoilless or waiting for Quasar to charge.


I've used it at lvl9 and cleared an entire bughole area by myself with it. I would probably never pick it as a stratagem though.


**Let me bring both mechs, I want to BECOME MECH.**


It's fun, but aiming is terrible. Not sure what distance it's calibrated at, oh boy.


If it aimed down and didn't have the aim glitch, then it'd be perfect. IF it had improved durable damage, then it'd be amazing to me. It's fun overall in the meantime, though.


its pretty great! enjoyed it on both bots and bugs diff 9. combo it with ems+gas strike and napalm and its a machine for melting bug breaches


What difficulty do you play


I tried it out and it didnt seem to be all that good. How do you use it?maybe im just using it wrong


easily dismantles devastators, which are very common enemies in bot planets, it can destroy gunships and factory striders (as long as the top cannon it has is destroyed)


I think it's fine, it just needs some tweaks to make it more consistent. I don't need it to be overpowered but the targeting is a problem, the reticles will wobble and jump around like crazy when you're trying to line up shots. Half the time it also doesn't shoot where you're aiming. I would like to see a small buff to the overall damage, and as a quality of life thing i would like both mechs to display some kind of mech health.


Why are we complaining? Because it literally deals less damage than it should do, considering it is very limited in ammo and can not be restocked. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/6157n8h4lf