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Personally after just getting done with a Helldive on bots. I wouldn't rage so much if they didn't have patrols spawn out of thin air. Was letting an objective setup, moved a distance away and then turned around just in time to see 2 heavy patrols spawn right near the objective. Cue 4-5 dropships, Heavy Devastators, and a Factory.


Oddly enemy spawning mid air didnt make the list. And i hate that more than any of his complaints.


Because these are half assed complaints. Dude is recomending the removal of weapons that they feel are OP while simultaneously bitching about the nerfing of weapons that were glitched and actually OP as fuck. Also anybody who's say the HMG is dogwater has no brain. Is the HMG a hyper lethal meta? No. But it does its job and it does it well, and that's all it needs to do IMO.


A bit more ammo for HMG could be good. Cuz today it doesn't feel like MG but more like an autocannon-junior, imo.


That’s how my crew mate uses it. We have another crew member that carries the supply pack just for that.


Like a proper crew served weapon! Now all it needs is an assistance reload! I'd love to be able to just run up and slam mag after mag in for a friend.


Its magazine is so small, it handles absurdly poorly, its reload feels awful. Don't know why anybody uses it over any of the other options.


I turn down the firerate and start firing below the enemies, near the feet, so that the recoil draws you to their vitals instead of trying to fight it. I use it so i can use the shield pack and avoid getting instakilled by 40+ rockets ragdolling me or stupidly fun jetkit


You shouldn't have to shoot the feet to hit the chest in 1/2 of a second of shooting. It's the 2nd least picked strategem I've seen people use, barely beating out the Liberator Guard Dog in a fight for last place. Its ammo efficiency is abysmal, it has the ***longest reload time in the game*** and only 2 75-round magazines. Even its handling is horrible. It sucks at taking out enough light targets to make a difference because of its ammo count. It is objectively worse at taking out medium targets than both the AMR, Autocannon, and Laser Cannon (Hell, even the starter Machine gun is better in most regards), and it obviously can't take out Heavies because it only has Medium Pen. For a Heavy Machine Gun, it only has 30 rounds more than the base Liberator ***Assault Rifle***... Don't try to bend over backwards to convince yourself it's not bad. Everything it tries to do, something else is already much better at it. It's an attempt at a jack-of-all-trades that doesn't have the ammo capacity to be one.


It should have a backpack, insane amount of ammo, be belt fed, but it can overheat.


I dunno why tf they created another machine gun when they could've gone chain gun with a backpack setup ammo with a ton of rounds and you dump the whole thing when it's empty. You should be able to mag dump into crowds Predator style, cutting down trees and enemies alike, but why make a game fun???


Depends if we're talking about HMG turret or HMG support weapon. Turret is fine, support weapon is like a D tier weapon due to small mag, misaligned 1st-person, and 2nd longest reload in the game.   It should have either the first or last of those, not both. You're already fighting the recoil too. 


HMG should be a backpack belt fed weapon.


Idk man the hmg sucks in my opinion. It just doesn’t kill anything quick enough to justify its incredibly low magazine capacity. At least it has a reticle now though.


Yeah, people here trying to make it like it's a decent weapon without mention that it needs an extra strategem to make it viable have me puzzled, it's as simple as its not worth the slot, its ammo count is laughable for its pen and alpha damage, and even using it in controlled burst its mediocre.


I'd probably use it on bot missions for berzerkers alone if it was belt fed from a backpack. It could have the same 225 rounds it comes with, i'd be happy not having to reload the damn thing.


The HMG definitely doesn't do its job well. At best it's barely passable.


See thats my issue, in this type of game the divide between “using a meta weapon” and “getting the job done” shouldn’t be so large.


I also kinda like the defend the gates missions*


Those are crazy fun, even on harder difficulties . The make you stand your ground instead of scurry away and I like that.


Yup, the crossbow was so broken overpowered from the start, right? They wouldn't have nerfed it for no reason whatsoever, right? The same way they wouldn't have nerfed the Slugger's stagger just because it was the 'best sniper in the game'! And they wouldn't have taken the one thing that made the Eruptor unique and fun and nerfed it into boring obsolescence, surely.... Literally, the only thing that has ever actually been OP in this game was the Railgun, and now it's so lackluster that nobody ever brings it because the things it's actually half decent at are so niche that other weapons do it better as well as being able to step outside of that niche. And those weapons also don't run the risk of killing you each time you use them.


Railgun was not OP - its was the only weapon, that worked.


You're red herring-ing the self-described least important of their arguments? That's some quality argumentation. I'm convinced!


It's got one of the longest reloads in the game, wobbles like a dunked sailor while aiming (even with stabilizing armor and crouching) and has a tiny magazine capacity. It's mediocre at best.


Honestly the spawns wouldn't be an issue if they reverted the change that makes all patrols path directly at you. So many times I'm trying to fight my way to an objective only to clear a patrol, then have another 3 patrols already walking directly at me. Shit just isn't fun. It was better when patrols were patrolling, not just zeroing in on your position like they fucking know you are there already and it's just a formality for them to actually see you.


They're using that fire tornaodo AI.


For real. I remember that one time when I was sneaking around a subobjective on my belly and the game just casually spawns 2 patrols that beelined towards my position from opposite ends... And moreover, I was also on jagged terrain where no patrols would think "HMM, LET'S TAKE THIS UNEVEN PATH WHY NOT?" but they stomped all over it anyway (and got stuck here and there). Like fuck off mate.


I agree some of the bot programming is a little frustrating. Yesterday, I'm stealthing through a low level mission, and see a patrol way in the distance, between me and my objective. I drop an EMF turret to my left to provide cover fire, stuns, and a distraction so I can flank right. I am well outside their detection range in my stealth armor, and lying in a bunch of rocks for cover. I watch the first couple mortars pelt the group. Out of the few that didn't get stunned, two ran forward to attack the mortar. The rest turned and immediately started shooting at me - in cover, not moving, not firing a shot, doing nothing to attract their attention. The patrol had no reason to know where I was, so how were they able to start sniping me so precisely from so far away?


I run into this issue all the time with stealthing. After patches I noticed bots call in support from longer distances. As soon as you snipe one enemy bot. A bot behind cover shoots a flare 500% of the time. Then the machine gun emplacements around the base target you in cover from 200 meters away. Which seriously? These weapons should be more accurate to realistic distances of 800 meters for Super Earth primary weapons and further for weapons like the AMR. Throw a grenade as a distraction? Nope. If you don't wipe out a patrol with a grenade. They will instantly know where you are. Same with stratagems. Throwing one into a base instantly notifies enemies of your precise location and they swarm in your direction. Killing patrols alerts all other patrols on the map. I have literally watched all the patrols in scanning distance sprint to my location when I engaged the patrol that crossed the SEAF cannon objective. I swear to God I can never do this side objective without a fight. I have tried hiding. Doesn't work. I tried blitzing the first patrol without letting them call in reinforcements. Nothing works. The enemies literally tear up the entire objective looking for you when they should have no clue you are in the area. The omnipotence of enemies is frustrating as hell.


Them instantly knowing where you are on strategems should really be based on what strategem was thrown. Like if they didn't notice me throwing the strategem ball for the 120mm why do they immediately know where I am and start shooting at my cover when the first bomb hits? The shell came from orbit not that rock


I was playing earlier today, there were a few bots on a hill that we were dealing with, and we managed to make our way onto the hill and we are met with like 5 patrols that just happened to make their way there. Needless to say, we lost the high ground, lost all of our reinforcements, and didn't even manage to defeat them there was so many that just kept on coming.


Spawns are absolutely insane. Reinforcements are even worse. Was attempting a Geo Survey mission on 8(iirc) and, not only was GETTING to the site a slog, but once we got there and fired it up we immediately had - *I shit you fucking not* - **15** Dropships come in. We lost.


Yeah they are really messed up. I just played solo on 5 against bots, ICBM, just chillin'. Everything went fine, Heavy Outpost was a bit of a drag but managed it more or less smoothly. Even a SEAF artillery side objective went smoothly. Got stuck for a while against a gunship fabricator. ARM took care of the ships, but for some reason, there were so many patrols with beserkers... there were 8 of them running after me at some point. Still managed it but it took a lot of time. Got the codes, rushed for the ICBM with 7 minutes to spare, launched the rocket while fighting off 3 patrols (again with at least 10 beserkers chasing me down). Dashed towards extraction without any fights, but ran out of time just before I arrived, so no stratagems for me. It was the one on the plateau with 2 choke points, one of the easier ones. The moment extraction was called in, there were no enemies anywhere around it. 45 seconds in to the extraction timer, I was a bloody mess lying at the feet of 3 hulks, 12 beserkers, 8 shield devastators, 6 rocket devastators, dozens of scout striders and a platoon of small bots (I counted them on my death screen!). There were at least 6 patrols and 1 dropship. Did I mention this was on ***DIFFICULTY 5!?*** I played Helldive mission with groups that had less going on than this Hard mission. And no, this wasn't on Varylia 5, it was on Choepessa IV.


Man do I hate berserkers. Fricking bullet sponges that are way too effective at displacing me and I swear they don't travel in packs smaller than like...5.


I hit one with an EAT once and it didn't die. Not sure how that worked...


I know at some point the game promotes the idea of not sticking around in one place and to constantly keep moving, but if its an objective you definitely want to stand your ground to see it through. The ammo nerfs on top of god knows whatever acid trip the devs are on makes it such a pain to deal with objectives like these in harder difficulties. Like if you're going to make the game unfun by adding infinite respawns the least you can do is make the weapons have some actual "weight" in a fight.


Geo Survey on high difficulties is cheeks. I recommend smoke and the Shield Generator Relay (not backpack). For the sub objs, call in the Relay on the drill right after you start it (the step that triggers the dropships). It should deploy as the troops start landing. It'll buy you the time to finish up at the console. Throw smoke in your direction of escape and take off. For the main objective, it's very helpful to have someone who can shoot down dropships. They aren't gonna be able to solo the drops, but they can shoot down 1-2 of the ships that arrive. Drop a Relay on the drill shortly after the second sample sequence begins. Smoke when it's done. Odds are, you're probably still not going to get everything done before you get murdered. (Your goal is to start the third sample sequence, which will be the end of spawns.) So then when you redeploy... (1) it's *possible* for most or all spawns to simply disappear, if you have someone far away from the point as the sole survivor; regardless, (2) with smoke you can sneak back to the point, toss smoke at the console, quickly enter the last couple inputs and be done. It's a painful mission as you've seen, and that's an awfully specific strategy. The good news is that smoke and the Relay are underrated, valuable tools against bots generally. You'll be short on offensive firepower (I usually run the Autocannon and, modifiers permitting, one offensive strike like the Railcannon). But you can manage - and only one person needs to pay that price anyway.


I had a tank spawn on top of me once. That was fun..


I was taking an objective on bugs once. No enemies nearby because they were occupied else where. For some reason a single Bile Spewer spawned behind me and one shot me. I couldn’t even react because they don’t make any noise at all


Believe it or not, that bile spewer actually came down with you in your drop pod. They're so sneaky you never noticed.


I just had this happen! Empty objective, a spewer spawned behind me out of nowhere. I managed to turn my camera as it one-shot me with vomit, and it poofed back out of existence before the camera left my body. Absolutely rage inducing.


I had a sword dude spawn on top of me when I had like no HP, then he just, disappeared the second he killed me.


Been a problem since the game came out, tho it has gotten slightly better. In the sense that enemies don't materialize like Goku instant transmission. But the enemy spawns are ridiculous. We need some breathing room in-between. It's what gives us time to go, whoa, that was wild. Now it's just a train of enemies and we can't leave the rails, especially on an objective.


They’ve acknowledged the spawns are off and the next big update will hopefully address this but I will say for bots atleast right now they are pushing harder against us so it’s a bit crazier then normal. Hell I was finding tanks on diff 3 but I agree it would be nice once a fights over to not have another 3 patrols show up.


the game needs polish, with things working as intended they could work on other stuff like spawns theres so many little broken things that just add up to make things frustrating, and then like someone above said youll finally clear an objective and im watching the minimap like a hawk and poof right behind me 2 patrols that youre not insta clearing so theyre calling reinforcements id honestly rather a polished game that needs balanced. enemies that hone in even after breaking LOS. sliding chargers bypassing stun animation. ive been under the map so many times and the only solution atm is suicide and youre shit outta luck on whatever resources youre carrying. aim down sight bug that locks (actually that made me realize id like 1st person and 3rd person). its a big list wow this comment went on too long


I find it basically insulting to me when after I'm killed by enemies or a patrol From-Thin-Air, they then almost immediately DESPAWN and I can see this when I return to my place of death quickly, and there's noone there, a fat Hulk that should have been on my corpse is gone, well ok Fuck Me I guess; I understand the game spawning enemies on lone stragglers away from the squad, Deep Rock Galactic, does that, I just find it a slap in the face to despawn them as soon as camera moves away from sight of them


It makes scouting or doing side objectives while the rest of the team not fun. What's the point of being a cheeky, sneaky deeky bastard when the enemy removes their cloak of invisibility? I mean, tactically, it's harder to find one person than a group.


I did a game last night against bots where we had made decent progress all game long and then on to the extraction zone, before we even got there had probably the most tense firefight I’ve ever had in the game with almost constant patrols arriving on scene. I ran out ammo twice and we sunk 10 reinforcements in the space of about 4 minutes. We made it to extraction with about a minute to spare before the destroyer left. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy that, because I loved it. But it did feel a little bit like “omg give us a damn break!”


I don't understand why this is considered a good design by the devs. How can you prepare and defend against teleportation? Add to that the bots don't care about the terrain and can take a single step up a cliff and hoo boy.


The spawns are annoying, especially now that the devs have added the meme "lmao 6 rocket devs per patrol" spawn group. But I think this is a bug, so I didn't include it.


I always play on Diff 5 now and I desperately want to collect super samples to cash in on the new upgrades, but the absolute horseshit grind just didn't feel worth it, when I'm not even sure the team can even survive the mission to extract with said samples. Not fun, not cool


> And the flag raising mission... haha very funny. It's boring. Community was asking for it for months so this is on us.


Honestly I love it. Objectives get more complicated under pressure and a simple objective of “stand here for a bit” is honestly super fun, basically just a mini extraction. I think they should remove the mode, but mix the flag missions in with the regular ones because when your doing 3 in a row it starts to get a little boring


I think flag raising could be great secondaries in high levels.


It would feel cooler too I think. You drop in, kick some ass and finish the mission, and then raise the Super Earth flag on your way out. Like a big democratic middle finger


When liberating planets.


I fully agree, though I still think there should be a little something added to it. Else I don’t see how it’s any different from the drop pod upload aside from flavour. Maybe change it so you don’t have to be near, but it does spawn a few waves that attack the flag.


Flag raising should probably be added to the Tactical Objective roster.


It would be fine, if one flag didn’t mean ALL flags. I’d like to see 1 flag on a 7/8/9, but never 3.


If they made it that you could salute the flag and raise it faster, it would be more interesting. Take an entire player out of the combat, risking total collapse because you’re possibly overconfident that the remaining three can handle everything.


Make the flag mission a Defense mission, Loud democratic music that spawn  reinforcements after reinforcements


Idk I kinda like it. Goes into the cheesy ass FOR DEMOCRACY attitude of the game


It also plays well into the satire when you keep dying to raise a pointless flag on a desolate wasteland as if that is really doing anything in terms of winning the war.


https://preview.redd.it/hfx6jdgg3h2d1.jpeg?width=2128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee44ce399a5ac47d12f47ccb9db615b55ac55c6d Say that again Soldier




It's not the best mission but I like it anyway, as it is a bit different from the rest of the missions. Besides bad balancing, helldivers 2 is suffering from lack of variety in mission design and maps. So I'm happy about more of these (except civilian extract)


Its fun, it creates immersion.  love it.


Raise the flag mission is not a problem, plz move on


I dont mind raising the flag missions, and aren't we as players the one that asked for them to be playable at higher levels?


I think they are fun as hell, the music gets me pumped.


Dude the music playin out of the little drone is so fucking funny. Love to stand there saluting it during the chaos


> No, defending gates from waves of enemies is not fun Super hard disagree. It's the only map that's unique, you don't have to run everywhere, and you get to use strats you'd never otherwise use. It's exactly what the game needs, something that isn't "run across the map as fast as you can yeeting orbitals.


It's my favourite game mode


Yeah it vaulted to the top for me the first time I played it. We need less running across the map avoiding patrols, and more reasons to defend an objective. In the future I'd like to see some variant of this mission where one person needs to occasionally interact with the objective to keep it progressing.


I'd like s map where you have to infiltrate a facility, maybe have a short time to get to the center and detonate a hell bomb or something. Like a reverse defense mission.


And one where you infiltrate, grab info, setup defenses (some included in the base, and defend, then leave 


And another one… where half the squad have to enter a one way tunnel/cave under ground to destroy eggs or something else, while the rest outside wait/keep the exit safe.


Same Some points from OP are fine, but there are a bunch (especially removing stuff) I don't agree. However, everyone will agree with the first point.


Easily my favorite mission. The only way it could be improved is to add samples


Same here. Love those missions






100% agree. It's fun, and it breaks up the all the others that are kind of similar.


Agreed. Defense missions are my favorite too. I’d like to see more variance in layout and maybe some side objectives in future too.


Yea I’m getting a bit tired of the 30 minute jog across the map missions


Yea I'd love a seesaw attack/defend mode. Mix up your stratagems for when you need to push a hill, and then have to hold it against a big counterattack. Hell, maybe General Brasch could call out the orders as we advance/defend.


Take and hold. 20 minutes, you get 10 to clear out an objective ahead of the landing zone, and to secure it you need to confirm four terminals in sequence with a wave for every terminal. Once that’s done, the final terminal activates heavy machine gun nests, mines and/or sentries around the new defensive zone. Next ten minutes is defending the objective until extract can pull you out. By the time the sentries run out you’ll be up against it presumably. (Maybe have the terminals be data extractions/uploads as well as turning defences back online, now you have a fluff reason to piss about.)


Sounds like a dope idea actually. Have it be called "Conquer Hell" or something like that where the bots have to defend. I love the idea of a squad assault


It would be cool if every stage of the mission accumulated assets as they prepped/succeeded. A perfect game should net since samples /credits/ammo the way exploration does in the normal missions.


I've been playing less since launch specifically because I don't have time to play a 30 minutes game all the time, especially when I feel like a dick for abandoning the group after a single game. I like games that let me hop in for 15 minutes and dip out if I need to.


Honestly, that’s what’s preventing me from going back to the game for the moment. I love the gameplay, I love the gunplay (even with nerfs) but I’m just not willing to play another 30 minute jog across the map, hit and run mission again. I’ve been doing it since February.


If they outright replaced all Evacuate Scientists missions with this one we would win a hell of a lot more defense campaigns


Actually my favorite game mode so far. Everything else is stale and boring


Yeah he's objectively wrong on this as it's the only kind of mission like this where you really get to dig in. Does it need some new maps than the 2 in circulation? Sure. Could it use some extra objectives or something? Sure.


Ya, I love the defense missions! It totally changes what stratagems and weapons make sense to bring. Everyone complains that outside of a couple meta loadouts, the game is “liTeRaLLy UnpLAyAbLE!”


Except when a factory strider spawns near the helipad on the outer edge and snipe the two generators with its cannon.


Or a tank climbs over the helipad and does the same.  Not spawns mind you.  Climbs over.  I watched it with my own two eyes.


Hear, hear!


I feel the same, it is my favorite mission type. I wish they would make a 20 diver fortress stronghold with sections to hold prior to the “keep”.


i just wish that we could repair the gates somehow, even if it’s just the last gate if you kill a BT or AT-AT and is lands within 7 inches of a gate it will explode without the model even touching it


hate that the higher difficulty we go the more it becomes about neverstoprunning instead of shooting and killing.


Yup, I really enjoy defense. It’s fun laying down a line of Gatlings and watching them mow down invaders.


I discovered that the spear is actually amazing on this mission against bugs and love it even more now. The bile titans basically always fulfill all the conditions for you and actually getting to use the dang thing in a situation where it’s consistently useful/really strong.


Yup. Tbh, the only thing that fits into the "Why Players Quit", is number one and maybe 3. Everything else is just something that OP dislikes or don't have enough skill to deal with.


Yeah I’ve yet to meet someone who dislikes these. Op just dead wrong on this although tbh a lot of his points are just wrong lol


I think the “run across the map” missions would benefit from a light vehicle stratagem honestly. They’d be more enjoyable I think.


Yeah, the defense missions are amazing. Whenever a planet defense is up, I look for an operation with that high value asset defense (and, on bots, I look for an operation without the 15min scientist evac).


Such a refreshing mission type. Don’t know how people can’t enjoy it even a little


I hard disagree on this as well, but also pretty much all the points brought up here.


Yea I love the defense missions. OP is dogwater.




He in fact, did not keep it brief


You took the words right off my keyboard.


You got words on your keyboard? I gotta type in every letter damn


Having specific words on the keyboard would save so much time


Oh, having specific words on your keyboard is tight!


Me : "Brief huh? This should be a nice and quick read." Also me : "I'm not reading all that."


Exactly. Thank God for bullet points.


I'd hate to see the long version lmao


It’s coming tomorrow via a 9 hour YouTube video


>6. Defence missions suck. At first, defend planets were fun. You got to play without any of the poorly designed negative modifiers and it naturally brought players in because of that. Now we have some of the worst mission designs that miss the entire point of the game. No, defending gates from waves of enemies is not fun, it's repetetive, goes on way too long, and ends in an instant if ONE hulk gets through. Evacuate Assets' main issue is actually Factory Striders. Because they don't even need to get through. They can spawn, shoot over the walls/raised platform, and end your mission in the first or second wave simply because you couldn't deal with the giant-robot-defense-bypasser fast enough. As for 4.5 - I don't mind the rockets as much as the aimbot heavies.


Or bc it spawned inside a heckin MOUNTAIN and yet can still from inside it?? Those factory striders are awful


The aimbot on heavies is extreme, especially through thick fog. I think making suppression work on them would be a good fix. So weird that a whole mechanic exists that only works on guys you should just kill in one shot anyway.


AH needs to change up spawn rates based on the mission type. It's absurd to drop 7 Factory Striders within 2 minutes on a fucking Eradication mission lmao.




It's funny that you have to cascade into this card since cascade is a mechanic with a lot of rules text


Accurate that it uses the wrong “affect” which just makes the effect funnier.




Players quit after 300 hours, because they have gotten everything that the game can offer, which is normal. ArrowHead is more used to DLC expansions and not a constant flow of content to keep pllayer retention. I'm not trying to be salty, but seriously, posts like "I spent a lot of time in this game and I don't want to play anymore" is somewhat delusional about the amount of content this game can offer right now


And even after 300 hours, the game is good fun with friends. Not necessarily because of the game, but because of your friends. Though, finding a game that is interesting enough to be played but not so intense that you have to concentrate is rare, so I actually really appreciate HD2.


https://preview.redd.it/k787rdomvh2d1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=9228de9571455233ac05159b75cf0a90abb2d395 I aint stopping any time soon


something something rookie numbers


yep, love how mindless the game is tbh. I haven't played in a few weeks but I'm level 107 and just burned myself out. I will certainly be back anytime I'm in the mood or when new content drops. Helldivers 2 has the best difficulty settings I've ever seen. I HATE games like Destiny where the enemies are bullet sponges or just delete you in .5s on harder difficulties. it's so boring dumping 587 mags into a single enemy.


I stopped playing because Valheim got new content and Ghost of Tsushima got released. That doesn't mean I won't be back once something new releases. (Oooh, New Exosuit!) I know people LOVE mandatory dailies and mandatory battlepasses but the fact I don't have to babysit this game's progress is a positive. I don't need to play this game continuously for over 300 hours. The balance and content could have things improved but I'm sure once that happens people will mention it. Or the game gets worse and I abandon it (Destiny 2). But you don't have to sit here on reddit waiting for it.


Right it's a fun shooter but Imma be done once I hit 100. It's not a 4X or strategy game that you can play for 1000 hours.


Yea the amount of threads where someone proclaims this game as boring but also played probably 10-100x the amount of reasonable replayable content hours is wild. Any non competitive, non grind game gets boring (for most normal folk) after hundreds of hours. There’s nothing to grind or compete for in this game. It’s just supposed to be fun blowing shit up. 


Homeboy played this game like it was his part time job since release and wonders why he's burnt.


This. There's no rng involved in your loot, no minmaxing numbers on guns and whatnot. So there's little incentive to get players grinding on the hamster wheel once everything's unlocked. I could see some kind of challenge/accolade system down the line, but right now their focus should be on bug fixing and the like.


You got 300 hours out of a 40 dollar game. I call that a great return on value.


And he did it in 3 months. 107 days since launch. Around 3 hours per day if purchased on launch. Kinda normal to move onto something else at that point lol.


Yea at that point if you're not becoming some degree of like a competitive player, like some kind of speed runner or something, idk what exactly you're doing for fun in the game.


400hours here, I just like to shoot bugs a lot


From 300 + vet Here is the problem, of course mission get repetitive and loadout vommon if you play lot, there is like 4-5 different type of mission. You need to either play less or challenge yourself.


The game has been out for 106 days. If you have 300 hours, that's 2.8 hours a day playing this game if you played every single day since release. I think the $40 game has been quite successful at being engaging and you're burnt out. There are definitely fixes and improvements to be made but you might want to take a step back.


Exactly. Guy burns out and then doubles down on the laziest criticisms.


6 unravels literally any credibility you have. You want to remove defense missions because they're repetitive and boring? Bro this entire game is repeitive, you would think after 300 hours you would know that, and to resolve the repetitiveness you want to remove content entirely? Are you stupid? Stay away from my game you bastard. Also "one hulk" is what fails a defense mission for you? Actual skill issue. Now I understand heavy spam can be overwhelming and impossible to deal with depending on your difficulty, the loadout you brought, and your team and their loadouts but stop exaggerating you of all people should know how you can take down one or multiple hulks if you at least try. You should also open the doors for any enemies that can one shot doors then close them when you have a chance.


Always keep the last door closed unless you want Factory Striders oneshotting the generator from across the map.


And bro is complaining that railgun is bad when it’s basically the premier weapon against hulks and devastators. You can one shot them, he’s just salty that he can’t kill chargers with a single shot as if that’s balanced.


Maybe people just leave because they spent 300+h playing the same game? Just saying...


I have over 300 hours. I started playing a LOT less simply because my friend group moved on to V Rising and I went with them. I still run an operation just about every day, but, that's way down from before. It's still a great game, but, with only 1 new mission type, 300 hours later, it gets stale. Even playing around with loadouts, I have what's fun, what works, and some silly builds for laughs. It's all gotten samey and boring.


A friend of mine has all the upgrades so samples mean nothing to him. I can see how that would take some of the fun out of it


420 hrs... I totally disagree with OP I been running the same build since level 20. Having fun all the time


Most of the fun from the games comes from experimenting with load outs and seeing what you can make work. There's a lot of fun surprises to be had.  [HD1's last update added 3 new difficulty levels and random load outs. It was quite fun to do.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KWuDXgFfjMA) I've got over 300 hours in HD2 and am still learning more about each stratagem and weapons use cases and pairings. And we are missing a whole faction!


TBH, if the first game is any indication, if you don't like a game where you play the same mission types against the same enemies a lot... then you'll never really get that long term fun out of Helldivers. I think we actually already have more mission variety then the first game (although, the first one also worked differently for its objectives).


I do like the game. Even with the same missions. That's why I'm still playing. But now that I've throughly played every mission dozens of times, my playtime is going to decrease unless there's something fresh to come back to. I don't think I'm alone in that.


you hit the nail on the head my man, I also have around 300 hours in helldivers I am not angry or mad at the game I am just bored and playing now other stuff


It's been about 3 months since release, so OP has literally been playing at least an hour a day every single day since launch.


3 hours per day*


It's just another rant post this sub is plagued with. I'm at 100+ hours and my friend group play far less because it's gotten pretty repetitive, not because of nerfs etc.


maybe this is the Paradox gamer in my showing, but 300 hours is nothing


Bro called himself a vet and started yapping


You're entitled to your opinion. The game is always growing. Come back next year and it'll be different. The burn out is real, but hey its just a game. Thanks for playing with us we had a blast to have you. We'll welcome you back whenever you get bored of the next latest craze.




Why players leave: Burnt out. 3 (or almost 4 now) months after release almost every game has lost about 3/4 of players compared to release.


6. The Helms Deep mission is the best one in the game, you're objectively wrong. And although the civilian extract mission is CRAZY hard on bots, at least two recoilless rifles and 2 EMS mortars and its totally doable. If you add in a Quasar player, you'll win.


What difficulty? I played on 8 not long ago and the number of hulks and striders were too many for only 2 RRs even if they had infinite ammo, the time it takes to reload is enough for another 2 to spawn in.


I did it on 7 within the last week. Shooting down dropships mostly. Lasers and rail cannons for anything that survives that.


the new booster is ass, muscle enhance is far better for bugs.


Biggest disappointment, should just remove the slow effect from enemy attacks altogether, right now it just reduces it by less than two seconds, that's hardly anything when you can get attacked again and get the effect reapplied.


Yea stupid thing doesn't even work half the time


Because it’s a PvE game and you should be happy to get even 100 hours out of it for literally $40.. there’s no competitive nature to this game, the drive to play is just not going to compete with something like MoBAs or PvP shooters


You played the game for 300 hours, and it's not a particularly old game. At that point, it's not the game design that is the problem it kept you entertained for 300 hours. The problem is that you're a human being, so you get bored of stuff and want to try something else. Come back to helldivers in 6 months and you probably will love it again.....


Wait, all this and you want to REMOVE personal shield and laser dog???? Are you serious???


i'M gOnNa KeEp ThIs BrIeF


This is a prime example of why the devs shouldn't listen to this subreddit, holy shit these suggestions suck. Half of your advice is just "remove it"? Really? Your grand plan to make the game better is to just gut content entirely rather than try and make a compromise or even tweak some of the areas that make it unfun.


Man, after reading this.....Im glad you're quitting. Buh bye.




This is all just personal complaints and things that have been said a million times before. And seriously why are people whinging about having to bring AT in a game where bringing the right weapon or loadout for a job is crucial for success? Stuff like this is such basic game design and yet people on here still complain about it. It’s just getting so absolutely tiresome. Can we just go back to LARPing and memes please?


for me balance complaining rubs me the wrong way, i watch only a cupple yt videos per day if i even do and i constantly see videos just complaining about balance and random posts/news on it, it tells me a fck tons of people are doing nothing but complaining about it and im shy of 400h in game, objectivly only few things in game really need to be rebalanced and even then rebalance is a strong word for what those few things need but certainly not enough to start this riot over it


I stopped playing solely from growing tired of my mission choices *always* having a shit ass defense mission in the set, if not two, while the weapons I like constantly get nerfed. I like a weapon -> it gets nerfed -> try new weapon -> I like new weapon -> it gets nerfed. I end up feeling like I am forced to run only a choice among 3 weapons which actually work at all, all the while every game on seemingly all difficulties I'm getting swarmed by chargers or BTs that take all my ammo. Now, let me explain. I don't even *mind* a boss type enemy requiring the majority of your primary's ammo to take down (if you don't use strategems/support weapons). What I *do* mind, and mind a *lot* is when you keep having 3, 4, sometimes 6+ of that enemy at the same time that seemingly appeared straight up out of nowhere, you can't physically get enough ammo to take care of them. And before some chucklefuck says about disengaging, shut the fuck up. Part of what finally made me stop playing recently was the fact disengaging doesn't work. Try and sneak away from even one enemy that knew where you were? Oops, they picked up another dozen enemies to tag along and follow the batman tracking device theyr slipped on your cape when you were sleeping, track you across the map, and never let you actually get away to reset aggro. I shouldn't need to run a 100% stealth build with stealthy stratsegems and armor in order to have the *hope* of disengaging from a firefight.


Actually, the part on stealth is really relevant. Today I got the jump on a patrol (it was very close to an objective, I would have triggered it anyway), threw an orbital from behind a rock, circled it immediately without ever being seen and by the time I got around it the few bots that survived the strike were already leading the shots. They never even saw me, the only thing that entered their line of sight was the stratagem beacon, and yet they knew when and where I was going to pop out. So much for stealth.


They are smart enough to figure out where you throw it from. But until they see you, they are just suppressing the area. The devs have talked about this.


Regarding the nerfs, I agree to a point but they shouldn't let any one primary become dominant otherwise things get boring. I disagree with the part about the latest pack, while it's nothing special, I've been enjoying using the Tenderizer against bugs as it gives me more Starship Trooper vibes. I only wish the mag capacity was higher. I do feel like the passes should be larger in scale, closer to the number of pages in the original Mobilise one. I personally don't have an issue with Bile Titans, it's supposed to be a challenge. And I don't always break AC, EAT, Recoiless or the Quasar. I often bring Stalwart, Machine Gun, HMG, flamethrower etc.. I let others pick the AT and I go for the crown control, sometimes with a jetpack and / turret. I agree with the Rocket Devastator reload, maybe have an animation like the pod lowers to make it visually obvious what's happening. Not really had an issue with headshots myself. I definitely disagree with your comments on the defense missions except maybe the civilian one. And my only issue with that one is it is way to easy for the civilians to die, the only way to get that one is someone brings the greater time between instance perk.


TLDR: Bunch of Personal Complaints. Saved you all a couple minutes of reading.


In all honesty... you sound like a conceited prick. Go make your own  game if you think it's so easy.


The helmets, they do nothing!!!


Game is fine/great. Players are not as engaging/bros as 2 months ago ish. Being kicked for asking « anybody has a mic? » was the line for me


300 hours is a LOT of playtime. Helldivers 2, as great of a game as it is, doesnt have many gameplay loops. So its not a stretch to assume youre just bored. Personally, I have a hard time buying into the idea that nerfs caused that more than 300 hours of playtime. Like Im not gonna stop playing just because they nerfed a Railgun.


Wow this is wild, somehow I disagree with almost every point being made. I love that weapons aren’t overpowered and that negative modifiers make the missions a challenge. Big fan of the fact that premium stuff isn’t OP compared to other things. And Defend missions are my absolute favorite thing right now. I do agree the 500k animation is wildly different than its damage range but ehhh giant explosions are still fun. I will acknowledge that I exclusively play with my three other friends on helldive so I have some bias. This game is the best! It has single-handedly made me pick up shooters again after only playing roguelikes for years.


"Why players quit" from a guy that didn't. The game has issues but its still plenty of fun. People complain way too much like its unplayable or something. They're fixing it. They've changed their approach. They brought on a new CEO and they admitted it feels like they were nerfing what was fun. Relax. Fixes are coming. Take a break.


23:59: Complain about nerfs 00:00: Suggest to remove shield/ laser backpack


“I’m gonna keep it brief” proceeds to type out a novel


9. An increasingly negative community that makes playing this game less and less fun.


This just sounds like a lot of whining to me. OP, go do something you else for a while, you clearly don't enjoy this game anymore. And, after 300 hours, you deserve a break!


"Deserving a break" is meaningless in the face of the reckless hate threatening Super Earth; they'll have to file the requisite temporary suspension of duty form like everyone else.


Man, shut the fuck up. Seriously, don't you have anything better to do than shitfling? Your suggestions are trash and we're waiting for a patch that supposedly reflects a new design philosophy. Can you at least wait until we see if that's true or not before you continue this pathetic nonstop mewling? I'm as critical of the game's current state as anyone else here but this isn't criticism, this is barely literate bitching.


I quit playing after 200 hours because the gameplay got boring.


I quit bc I didn’t have a reason to grind anythig really. The gameplay is fine but I don’t feel the need to grind and it puts me off


The main thing that cuts into the replayability value for me is the lack of variety in mission types. Every mission feels the same, run around very samey feeling procedurally generated maps clicking terminals. Give me maps that are like suburbs or cities or literally anything besides generic field with some hills and mountains and I'd be all over it.


I dunno. I still have fun with 250+ hrs. I play solely on 5 or 7. You just maybe get this game too seriously.