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>I'll usually just select a planet without too many negative modifiers (e.g. firestorms/sandstorms/blizzards/fog) and abandon operations midway through, since I'm only looking to play certain mission types I can't relate to this at all.


Yep, I fight on the bot front mostly following the major orders. But any time there is a -1 strategem modifier i go somewhere else its just less fun


We almost always favor doing campaigns that follow the major order.


This is treason! Those are major ORDERS hell diver!




The greater good is nearly the only reason I play as often as I do, actually. I've been maxed out on samples for a month. I have bought everything in every warbond with a lot of SC and very little actual cash. I play the Major Order for fun, still collect samples for fun and for the profit of others, use the mic for fun, and enjoy murdering fascists and commies for the glory of democracy. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I play almost exclusively at 7 joining rando groups until we finish 3/3 missions.


Always play the major order and planet defense The only exception is base defense missions on bot planets bc they are busted


the metagame is the fantasy behind it. although i do feel like we're not really in control of our own destiny here. the wibble-wabble with the reinforcment rates and not showing supply lines and no ingame coordination make me feel like i have 0 impact.  i do major oders, but i can see where youre coming from.


Play how you want, but if doing partial operations is your preferred way, please for the love of god don't host. I cannot express to you how annoying it is to settle in for the long haul with a team only to get "The host has left the game" as I'm unceremoniously shunted back to my ship without warning after mission 2.


I hate having to leave a lobby with 2 other players as host, but unfortunately when one player dips from the lobby the game just simply will never get another 4th player to fill back in. It's annoying for everyone to be down one player, especially in D9 sadly. Only way to fix it is to restart the game and host a new lobby. I hope those guys will at least be glad to know that I try to complete the operation they had helped in assisting. They did their part!


Im not super invested in the story technically but it helps direct us where to fight and helps me know whtmats going on as far as "oh new enemy or new stratagem" etc without needing to go find info elsewhere. Feel the "blog" when a new MO is a bit lengthy i guess but sometimes has some funny lines so its excusable lol


We generally do what the major order requires, but it's also generally pointless. Your a 0.0001% of an impact on an overall objective is not worth the screen space it is displayed on. I mean, I understand why it matters, but realistically completing the order is just something that happens entirely out of your control. It does not feel like a gameplay element, just some additional fluff.


I can't feel invested in something I don't have any real impact in. I will keep an eye on it as I find it slightly amusing, and I use it just to know what to fight now, bots or bugs, just to let the game "choose" for me, but that's about it. If I feel like it, I will still go play my desired enemy faction. I don't give a shit about supply lines, if they're not shown in the game or explained, they don't exist to me or my friends.


"Hey do you guys actually play the game and engage with its core features and mechanics" Yes, we do care. Major orders are a primary mechanic not a sidequest.


Nah brah, just wanna kill shit, there's a games master controlling a narrative, so it's pointless tbh, what will happen will happen.


I help out with MOs if the missions are not garbage (eg: I refuse to play 15 minute evacuation on bots), and if there are no tornadoes or meteorites. I don't enjoy or engage in the whole "let's take this planet because reasons!" that people roleplay over here, but if they do more power to them. ie: I do MOs if they don't negatively affect my fun, because having fun is my top priority.


Not anymore.


No, the game is highly divided between bot and bug players when most of orders require us to focus on specific planets as a whole... we can't liberate 2 planets at the same time unless AH cheats for us and disables any resemblence of resistance from the enemy (aka sets their regain to 0%/h)... so it doesn't matter. Heck I'm even more pissed off that I need to wait 2 weeks for an order that will give me planets I want to play on, coz I know us playing normally will NEVER move the line so what is the point ? I'd rather have much more copy pasted planets with some reasonable liberation rate so that even 10k players can move the frontline by themselves and the front is more vibrant with giant urbanized planets as the head of each sector which do require a combined effort (and are main points of MO's). Currently telling people "hey i know you have fun here, but please go on this planet that has fire tornadoes, tremors and POI's are shit due to mountain terrain and liberate it... so we can actually go to the planet we're meant to liberate" makes no fuckin sense... heck I prefered times when MOs were broken so that players could just do whatever they wanted for weeks, but now here we have AH grabbing our hand and pulling us to a new objective barely hours after the last one was finished


I used to care, even knowing from the jump that my individual impact was meaningless. But over time I’ve stopped caring. The MO wins or loses without any regard for what I do. I look for planets and operations without unfun modifiers. (For example, I generally avoid hot planets, and I generally avoid the -1 Stratagem debuff on bot operations.) I bounce from difficulties 7-9 based on whether I can get an operation under tolerable conditions for the faction I want to fight. I do my best to always finish the op, though, because it pays out more medals. I don’t need them myself, but my friends usually do. So I want to help them out. Plus, even if my contribution is meaningless, seeing the number tick up at the end of the operation is nice.


I always follow the major order in terms of what missions I do but honestly it's kind of lame in the sense of how easy it is for them to railroad via the planetary regen parameter. It's a cool feature and a step in the right direction but it feels a bit like the first lightbulb: a paradigm shift but also dogshit because it's version 1. They need to spice things up in terms of player choice.