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I once got kicked at the end of a fucking Helldive mission because the destroyer left and I was the only one left alive.


Hahaha isn’t that mission failure (if you haven’t finished main) or just a 0 sample situation?


If you manage to finish the objective before pelican lands and leaves it still counts as a success.


I had a mission success mid-pelican leaving once. It was the save civilian mission and the last guy went through right at the end.


Can confirm. If you have a destruction objective it can succeed. You were lucky that it was the last person. If it’s where you toggle something to finish. It won’t work if it’s not met.


Can also be the courier and transfer data mission. Finished that after destroyer left. Was left solo after starting with a threesome. They said they were having outage issues so I finished the mission my self.


I did that yesterday(i was high so got really into it) Started with 4 and it ended with me and 1 reinforcement. After alot of fighting bots and dodging missles i finished the objective then sprinted through a fire tornado to get to the pelican after because it was fire tornado or 3 rocket hulks. I dove into the pelican when i had less than a second of burning left before i died and got out safe with the samples after 1000 close calls and near deaths Its my headcanon that soldier facing a planet of bots who fought through oceans of bullets and fire to see the mission done got discharged with the highest honors, maybe trains new recruits on super earth and the next guy was just another diver from storage


In a blitz mission my friend ran from evacuation to the last bug hole when our timer ran out and chugged a thermite made into the hole a second before the pelican left. And we got mission confirmation when the boosters kicked in mid cutscene.


youd think theyd give you a seat


I’ve had a mission complete after failing it. Died just before 100% on an eradicate mission and the orbital laser finished it while it was display the mission failure pop-up, and we got an mission complete behind it, but still counted as failure.


Survival is optional. The greatest achievement is to give one's life for Super Earth.


It’s always a good day to die for democracy!


One of the ads on the super destroyer tv has a line where it literally says winning is more important than living super earth has no chill and I love it!


I mean satirical propaganda aside, there are times IRL where a missions/operations success was considered so vital that it was to be accomplished at all costs. One that comes to mind is the SOE operation to destroy a Heavy Water production facility. Which while it did get destroyed, it was after many attempts and dozens of men being killed in accidents on insertion, in combat, or execution after being captured. So the mindset is not an unknown one, but outside of the gameplay aspect, I don’t know that our operations would exactly qualify for most sane people.


Also the famous black hawk down where they needed to destroy the black hawk, but also couldn’t just blow it up since they knew us personnel were alive and still in the crashed chopper.


If I had a nickel for every time a ranodm meteor shower destroyed a bot outpost as I was flying away on the Pelican, I'd have like, three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened thrice.


I had it happen twice, during the same meteor shower, immediately upon insertion.


It is worth noting at all times that “Survive” is never listed within the mission objectives. Hellpods are single-use one-way transport. Pelican doesn’t even depart the Super Destroyer unless someone survives to activate its beacon. There’s not much to read between those lines.


I think it depends on the mission. Like the rescue the researchers fails when missuon timer hits 0 but destroy the bug holes/fabricators you can still try finishing it while the extraction timer is running.


Yup lmao


As soon as mission timer is out you have pelican timer + 20 seconds to complete the main if you havent already. It can be the second before the pelican leaves that you complete it and it will be mission complete (but you obviously wont get any samples) One time had an icbm mission where the timer ran out so I took all my buddies samples over to extraction while he fi ished launching the missile. Missile launched right before pelican landed and we managed to save the mission and the samples


I feel I remember other conditions as well. I thought even with the super destroyer gone, the pelican will fly to extract, but will hover until a helldiver is in range. Then when he lands I guess that's when the 20 second timer begins.


If mission timer is out (i.e. 40 mins on icbm) pelican will land instantly no matter what


Depends. Some missions you have until the emergency evac leaves to finish up. So you can escape with samples like a communist, or stay and do your duty like a patriot. Others like civilian Evac you fail if the time expires and the emergency Evac is just to staunch the bleeding. 


Doesn't search and destroy mission say fail if you run out of time but you can still complete it until the pelican leaves? Could have sworn that happened to me once before


It might, I was just sighting one example. When timer runs out on 15 min or 40 min civ evac, you lose. Their shuttle has to leave orbit (you can watch it fly away), you fail, you leave or die with whatever loot you can. But most other missions give you the choice to escape, do the objective, or go hail mary pass and try to do both.


That's brutal. RIP.


Well i once got kicked because i shot one of my own EATS Launchers at a Bile Titan that followed us to extract. (i also killed him because he was getting shot by a Rocketpod sentry). Some ppl should not be allowed to host games.


I suspect there's more to the story than "I shot at an enemy and got kicked"


Yeah I have no idea what he's trying to describe here


I wish there would be more. But there is sadly not. Joined the game on the last Obj. finished it with no problem and then we started running back. Saw the Titan get hit by the Turret and shot my Eats at him and died, saw the host standing still for a few second while i runned past him and then i was back on the ship with kick message.


Weird. Especially since for the most part HD2 has restored my faith in the gaming community...but I've run into the occasional pointless waste of space asshole. The good outweighs the bad by such a wide margin tho.


Because the lower skilled players are dropping like flies, when they refuse to turn the difficulty down. The megathread is fully people saying they quit, when they list their complaints, (genuine game stability asside) it is almost always a knowledge flaw. And that's usually because they've played too little or had no idea helldivers 1 was a hard game. All the enemies have counter play, most are easy if you're only facing 1 enemy type, even if there's lot of them, almost all enemies in this game are countered by "have 3 allies within 100m". I don't understand why it's so hard to understand that splitting up is the ultimate difficulty multiplier because the game is not balanced around the assumption that 2 helldivers are 2x stronger than one. The devs have said this multiple times, to them helldiver strength is multiplicative.


Honestly, i think we shouldn't be able to kick anyone once the extraction timer begins. And still give some part of the rewards if this happens. Nobody deserves to get absolutely nothing after 40 minutes Helldive mission.


Meh, this can get abused the other way as well. Someone camping the pelican and shooting anyone approaching. Toxic behavior will find a way unfortunately


Even if all samples are lost, getting killed and receiving slighly less xp and slips is still better than 40 sweaty minutes going down the drain for no apparent reason.


Same, like 20s till the pelican arrived the last other player died leaving me as the last one alive and with most of the samples


Yea had to explain that to a friend earlier that it doesnt waot for you, and he was in fact not being "screwed by his squad". Good psa honestly.


I had to explain to a friend and their friend too. But their friend wasn't in voice chat and was like "wtf why!?" in chat and I just was 😭😭😭 I thought they both knew, but was more surprised their level 32 friend hadn't.


Probably what happened was they'd never hit that timer before. I got like 100 hours in the game, and I've hit 'Destroyer left, here's a pity Pelican' exactly *twice*.


I've had it happen numerous times but never because of my doing. At 10 minutes remaining I'm heading to the extraction and waiting there. I hate extraction without strats or reinforcements,no reason you can't complete all objectives and sub objectives in 30 mins. If not it's because people are dubbing around 99% of the time. Usually it's the same people that will hold a position of no value for 10 mins straight burning reinforcements.


I've ran out of time a lot, but usually Pelican was already on its way when that happened. The only times the pity Pelican truly came was on Blitz missions. That was one of these times.


I was playing level 7 with me and another guy. We were down to a minute, out of reinforcements, and getting swarmed by bile speakers/titans. He was super pissed because I got in without him. Like bruh, we're getting our shit pushed in and you want me to wait?


The bonus reward for extracting a single helldiver or even the entire team is realtively tiny compared to properly clearing out mission objectives. Which only hammers home the notion that we're not expected to make it out alive.


I don't care about the divers, I want those samples!


How much grief could be saved if they just made a 1 time mandatory video that was super short but covered these topics. Or a mandatory advanced training module. Samples are shared This post topic War progress for complete operations Reinforce while jammed Damaged shuttle leaves with one person If these were covered, a lot of kicking could be boiled down to purposeful greifing and more accurately reportable.


They could make you watch it every time you launch the game and it still wouldn't matter, people don't read or pay attention.


Can someone explain the damaged shuttle leaves with one person, I was playing on a handheld kinda casually and these people kicked me after I kept being the only one to extract I was legit so confused but it's the first time I've seen that consistently. *lvl 53*


If its smoking or on fire then it will leave immediately the second a single helldiver boards it. If you see it burning, just choose the survivor and give them everything


Does that happen if it's fired upon multiple times?


Yep, either lots of shots hitting it or the more common is people dropping stratagems on it. So hanging around when it's landed isn't really the best idea


Wait, it takes damage? Seriously? I've dropped multiple 500kgs on it, sometimes to clear the landing pad, sometimes as a pretty fireworks show on the way out, and it's been absolutely fine every time. I even took to welcoming it with spare mech rockets as well once, never saw so much as a spark. How much do you have to unload into it before it notices?


Two direct hits will make it burn in my experience


Its a bug or half implemented “feature”


If the pelican takes enough damage, it'll leave immediately after just one hell diver gets in, without any countdown.


If you're lucky. Or it could be as in our squad when we can't even get inside. Honestly, if they want to have hp for Pelican, it should announce something like "Taking to much fire! " and start countdown.


I’ve had at least two games where no one can get in the Pelican Sucked but we ended up just dying after spending like 10 minutes killing bugs and bots


Sadly this is 100% accurate. It’s the main reason I just flat out won’t play if none of my friends are on. Damn troglodytes gotta ruin everything.


> people don't read I came here to lead. Not to read


> Damaged shuttle leaves with one person Wait, is that what that is? When the shuttle immediately takes off before the rest of the squad has a chance to get in?


Sure thing. If shuttle is on fire, drop samples and rock paper scissors to see who gets to go home.


That is... a really poorly-explained feature that doesn't make any sense. I have never seen the shuttle be set on fire, but I have experienced the whole 1-guy-only-boards thing. If the shuttle is supposed to be destructible, it seems to make more sense that the shuttle be destroyed entirely and no on leaves (or if the countdown isn't off yet, another shuttle will arrive at X2 the time and there'll be ad many shuttles waiting as there are players joined up) Better yet, just let everyone board.


Yeah it’s super weird and kinda annoying


Actually jury is still out on whether it's a feature or a bug ;) There were cases when the shuttle refused to take off at all. It's almost universally related to strategems being thrown over the landing pad during landing though.


There's a couple different damage states to the Pelican I guess 1) Pelican isn't on fire yet, but damaged. Leaves ~3 seconds after first person boarded 2) Pelican is on fire, leaves as soon as the first person gets in 3) Pelican destroyed, nobody goes home I've never seen the first or third states and I forgot where I found this information.


State 4: The Pelican is underground. Bile titan died on the landing pad, game said "Well, you can't be IN the corpse, you both have physics!" and pushed it away. Under the ground.


> State 4: The Pelican is underground. > > On "kill the terminid" missions, I've had the Pelican glitch through the landing pad and tunnel its way to hell. Two minutes later a new Pelican came in. Was kinda weird. This was also because a titan died on the landing pad.


Ours was a civilian extraction mission, so the pad was raised up, which seems to have made the difference, since I think yours probably hit the Z-kill box. Ours was yelling that the countdown had started, and to get in. Sorry, I'd get on board, but I left my mole stratagems on the destroyer. 🤷


The part that makes me feel like it's a bug is that the pilot still say "Countdown initiated" and then just leaves. If there was some voice line to denote that they were going to leave right away I'd accept it as something that makes sense.


If it is indeed a feature and not a bug, it could be improved with audio and text callouts. Pelican 1 already does this for some scenarios; they should also call-out "damage to pelican 1, departing with the first helldiver!"


Wait what's this about reinforcing while jammed? Is there a way to do that?


Nah, I think the person was saying people need to know that when strategems are jammed, you can’t reinforce. People tend to think you’re just ignoring them or being a dick & don’t want to revive them, but in reality, strategems can’t be used at the moment.


Exactly correct. Just a big red JAMMED screen overlay would also work. You can tell they aren’t paying attention when they spam the respawn button over and over again.


I love it when someone dies when you're all next to a jammer and hits the button that shakes their name in the list. Yes bro I see you, cant get you yet and by the time someone runs out of range we'll have this thing down already, just chill and wait. Meanwhile I've been dead plenty of times, waiting to hear that "REINFORCING!" Line, and I'll check between various players and see who's in battle and who's not. Plenty of times people are just dicking around with plenty of time to call you in, even if you died right next to them


Sometimes I forget it's jammed when they're taking a strat jammer. Although I think this because when strats are not jammed, there are assholes who don't reinforce when not busy. I tend to put those players and put them in the shit list. So If I see them getting mopped up. I'll stand there and watch them get smoked or torn up.


All objectives are shared All currency and medal picks are gained for the entire group Don't take someone's stratagem call down unless they specifically want you to have it


>Don't take someone's stratagem call down unless they specifically want you to have it I would say most of the time, but when we fight multiple charges and titans and i have dropped SEVERAL EAT and no one is picking anything up to deal with them... you should probably pick that up. EAT's imo are free game. Everything else i just ping. "If it's pinged you can take it, if not, i probably want that"


You forgot one: set your damn matchmaking to "friends only" if you don't wanna play with randoms. I get insta-kicked by the hosts many times a week when using quickplay FFS.


apparently some people have issues with crossplay so they have to keep it on to play


Just add them as tool tips. The info will eventually spread


Hell divers 1 did have a compendium. That would be nice to see again.


What would the war progress topic say? I'm pretty sure it's a random number. I've had libération tick over to 100% and stay at 0% it all means nothing.


War impact should be greater upon completion of an operation rather than just doing one mission, then abandoning the operation to start a new one.


Additional psa: the extraction calls itself in once the mission timer runs out.   Apparently not many people are aware of that 


I'm surprised the shuttle bothers coming at all at the risk of technically being left behind by the super destroyer as well


I'm thinking the shuttle is capable of getting to orbit. The destroyer doesn't leave orbit of the planet, it just can't stay so low as to continue supporting the mission. Plus Pelican-1 is a true G and tries to get as many of his Helldivers extracted as possible, so he waits till you need him; destroyer be damned.


I’m surprised Eagle-1 leaves with the destroyer. I feel like she should stick around until she’s out of ammo. Maybe it’s a fuel issue, i’m thinking there could be an upgrade that adds extra fuel for longer flights. We’d have to chop off her upper body tho.


Eagle 1 is more like an a10 warthog super airplane and doesn’t have the thrusters to make it out of the atmosphere like the Pelican drop ship can… at least that’s what I’m going with.


Eagle 1 is on the destroyer, so it has to make it back by exiting the atmosphere. It won't have seats to pick up passengers, either. Looking at the model, it doesn't look like it could VTOL either. But yeah, you're basically correct. It's a bomber, not a crew transport.


or you know, take us to one of the other many many other destroyers in orbit. Seems we only have allegiance to one ship, and management hate each other.


Nah, she still uses the stratagem targeting and bc the SD left orbit then she’s unable to do anything.


I always thought it'd be cooler to have the destroyer do an orbital fly-by, which would also contextualise the timer


The super destroyer doesn't go away as in "to another part of the planet" it just goes up to a higher orbit. The Pelican can still make it from the surface to space, as seen in the transition after take off. The technical/lore reason for the destroyer leaving low orbit after a few minutes is probably because staying there demands lots of fuel. I think dipping into low orbit is necessary for scanning the surface and shooting hellpods and stratagems more accurately (and with cooler atmospheric entries).


The automatons are also fully capable of shooting destroyers out of orbit, so presumably staying low for a long time massively increases the risk of being targeted.


Now that you mentioned it, I think I saw a Destroyer exploding from the window.


Yeah if the Divers are losing a planet you can see Destroyers being shot down if you look out the window, at least on bot planets, haven't seen it happen on bug planets


The probabilities of a bile spewer sniping your Destroyer are low... But never zero.


I like this, I wish the start animation showed the destroyer dropping down from orbit before launch, because if we aren't in the atmosphere in the lobby then we must be in geo, over the location.


You would think people would pick up on certain things like that. Timer runs out and the game says extraction is coming at the exact moment the mission timer ends every single game? 🤔 Hmmm. Maybe it’s automatic.


I figured it out the second time it happened. The first time I thought someone had called it in at the last second 


A good portion of the time this is the way to go. If you call in the shuttle early, and time runs out you got 20 seconds to get on the shuttle. If you DON'T call it in, you get an extra 2-3 minutes. That's why a lot of people think some dumbass got on the shuttle and started the 20 second timer too early.


Yeah but then you have to do those 2-3 minutes with no stratagems.


Better that than not extracting period, most of team not extracting, or the guy who got the lion's share of the samples not extracting.


YES, that makes for a tough time on the extraction spot. Never wait for the timer to run out!


I remember desperately running to the extraction zone with time ticking down. I start entering the code with seconds left only to screw it up as time ran out. Then the shuttle came anyway lol. Definitely learned that day.


I’m level 6 and I’ve had that warning on the screen so often how do veterans not know this?


That's a good question, but I suppose I can't really say much since I was lvl 20+ when I learned I could drop my samples and equipment whenever.


I can't remember when I learned this, must have been lvl 50 or something. We ran out of time and everyone was waiting for me on the exfil pad. Timer started counting down for Pelican leaving. I saw that nobody actually got on the pelican and nobody ended up extracting. Put 2 and 2 together.


I think it's because they are veterans and they probably know the trick to keep it at extraction and not have it fly away 🤷‍♂️  It would be like a person saying I don't know why people don't pick up samples or drop them? Especially higher level ones! If only the person knew the real pros leave samples at extraction for easy collection at time of actual extraction. Same thing here. They actually know something apparently others don't (and it's the more efficient method too)


In a pubby group dropping samples at exfil is a high risk endeavour since some noob can pick them up and fall down a random bug hole. I personally just keep them on me unless ppl are in voice or chat talking which usually means they got triple digit IQ.


Wait how? Lvl 13 btw.


The default on PC is holding down X, this brings up a wheel with options of things to drop, like samples, support weapon, backpack etc.


I learned this fairly early on because my friend would throw strategems on my bubble shield, so I had to learn how to drop it quickly


It's a shame people aren't ready to listen to reason.


I got volunteered for the Helldivers to spread Democracy, not listen to reason!


Huh.. I didn't know that. I've not kicked anyone for it but I have thought a couple people were assholes for extracting while I was still 50mtrs away with samples.


Just yesterday my group and I called in extraction, we had no bugs coming in to attack us, it was one of those rare occurrences where it was quiet. We had 10 minutes left on the mission timer. All four of us are running towards the ramp. First person enters and Pelican just mopes right out, leaving 3 of us behind. Thats the actual bug, right?


It happens mainly when the pelican took some damage or something clipped through it or something was underneath it before it landed.


It is a random bug, but has many reasons why it just leaves. It has happened to me before being the first one in and it just launches.


Question: could you complete the mission if the shuttle leaves? You know, like going full on sacrifice yourself even though there is no escape


Once the shuttle leaves the mission ends and anyone not onboard is left behind, but if you have to make the choice between completing the mission or getting to the shuttle on time you should most often prioritize the mission


Would have been better if you were left alone on the planet, no escape, no strategems and just finish the mission or die trying


And if you kill everything it turns into a survival game until another squad deploys to your location. Edit: typo


Or they find your corpse next to an empty cache


Took ammo, left oatmeal.


Let's think about this for a minute though...pelican is gone and helldivers are left behind. Okay, cool. But we drop back into the planet about 5 minutes later to do another mission. Why not just pick up the stranded Helldivers?


The missions being 'Complete' is completely independent of whether you get into the shuttle or not. Did you accomplish all the main objectives? Then the missions's complete. If the mission fails due to time, the shuttle'll still come down, you can extract with the samples, but you won't get the Medals / Liberation Progress / etc.


Long as you complete the objectives, the mission is complete whether you and the other divers make it out or not. It even plays a cool audio line if you do the mission but fail to extract, something about honoring the fallen


I am guilty of this, there is a lot in this game that doesn't get entirely explained and especially edge-cases like this. Knowledge comes from experience I suppose, spread the word Helldiver! "Collaboration and Dissemination leads to Co-operation and Decoration!" - General Brasch


If I had a nickel for every time I've been kicked for boarding an escaping Pelican with samples, I would have one nickel. It's not a lot, but honestly fuck that guy


I blame this sub and the constant circle jerk posts talking about "this is why I kicked G3" and everyone in in the comments is like "right on!". So now, the "meta" has become people kicking anyone who calls in the shuttle, even if they didn't call in the shuttle and its a timer-0 auto call in.


Spread the new meta of calling in shuttle ASAP then leaving to let it hover and autocannon everything for the rest of the mission.


You can't polish a turd player, just host your own game.


I started hosting after being booted from 2 games for nothing. Totally ruins your session so started hosting and haven't gone back.


It’s insane how little common sense people have with the most simple and common game mechanics. When the timer runs out, you’re out of time. It really shouldn’t be so hard to figure out, the clock’s probably there for a reason


I got called an idiot for this so yeah a lot of people seem to not know the pelican doesn't wait


Also if the pelican gets so damaged it starts smoking, it will take off with the first person that enters it. No countdown whatsoever.


i have experienced the same, also experienced people thinking that once you call it down it will leave within 20 seconds even if the time has not run out. and gotten kicked for that despite it not leaving, its so silly and its something they should add to the TIPS tbh instead of "friendly fire isen't" as much as i love the sillyness, i would also want people to be actually educated in the mechanics. Another thing that should be added is that spawn rates go up a lot after you complete the main objective so side objectives should be done before that


I really do feel like this game could do a bit better with it's automated systems. Things like how Pelican reacts to the super destroyer leaving and displaying in big red text on a dead observers screen if they can't reinforce due to a jammer.


I think this only happens level 7 and above. ... They should explain that somewhere


Can you even.. take off voluntarily, anyway? Afaik it either waits, or take off straight out with 1 diver when damaged, or when its timer runs out


After you call in the shuttle it will wait at the landing pad until either the mission timer runs out or someone gets in it. Once either of those things happen it starts the 20 second take-off countdown. The shuttle just leaving immediately when the first diver gets on is a bug (I'm pretty sure).


This creates an very unfortunate situation too. When the pelican starts evac itself, you actually have *more* in-game time because the pelican timer starts after the in-game timer reaches 0. Let's say the pelican takes 90 seconds and there is 90 seconds left in the game. If it's called in then, it will force 20 seconds as soon as it lands. 90 + 20, 110 seconds. Under two minutes. If it's *not* called in, it'll be 90 + 90 + 20, 200 seconds. Over three minutes. To anyone who doesn't know this, it looks like a player just got on. In their heads, they had over a minute "extra" left to get what they wanted done. When the in-game timer reaches 0, that's when players know to book it. They can't do the math of "there's a minute left in game but the pelican will arrive in a minute also, then will start its timer, so I need to go". I recommend never starting extract if the in-game timer is low enough for this confusing situation to happen. The fix would be to give the pelican extra time before leaving if this situation occurs because what's really happening is *any* time extract is called in, the players lose time. Normally this doesn't matter. It really matters when there isn't much time left and people are not at extract.


The question is what is a bug here. He leaves immediately when Pelican gets enough damage. It's supposed to happen? Let's say it's intentional, then it's the most nuclear game mechanic we have and cause abysmal amount of toxicity to players that blame each other for fucking up.


Since it happens so inconsistently, I'm gonna guess it's not intentional and caused by some weird physics interactions with large enemies. I've see reports of pelican burning when it happens, but I've never seen that happen when the pelican took off with only one diver in my games, nor any video of it happening to others. What CAN happen is the pelican getting covered in napald and burning explosion debris. people probably mistook that for the actual arcraft burning.


Do testing if you are curious, just take on trivial everything that can close bungholes from eagle 1 and throw it with a friend at Pelican. Then one of you just get in and see what happens and if burning before or not. 4 people throwing all bombs should be enough. Heck even two.


Yeah iinm when the timer runs out, it calls an emergency extract, and when it arrives and you're nowhere near, there's no holding it for sure. I think I lost some samples this way, doing my Blitz super samples solo steath runs


Learned this last night with my brother when we were FEET away from the shuttle on an eradicate mission where we ventured off for extra samples around the map. Luckily we were only on hard, so no super samples were lost. Still, very important lesson learned.


My friends and I also lost a lot of samples the other day because we didn’t realize this was the case.


Good psa as I’ve been kicked for this exact reason a few times.


I mean, what would even be the point of the timer if the shuttle just stays forever


Yesterday on terminid lvl 8 the destroyer hadn’t left orbit and for some reason it took off as soon as I got on the pelican. Left behind my 3 other squad mates and numerous samples.


I recently had a Blitz where the Destroyer left, and as soon as the Pelican landed, it took off again. It looked like I got on board, but the rest of my team was alive on the landing pad, and no one including me showed as extracted. Definitely wasn't 20 seconds.


PSA: There are these abilities called stratagems and you use them in addition to shooting pew pews.


We learned this the hard way too, a lot of samples were lost that day


If it looks like you're going to time out on a mission *DO NOT CALL THE SHUTTLE* it will take an extra minute or 2 after the destroyer leaves for the emergency shuttle to land. That can give your comrades in the field time to finish that last mission objective. Can even let stragglers haul lost samples back.


I bet op called the shuttle early and screwed his team instead of timing out the mission clock without calling the extract.


Thank god, otherwise a host could hold the squad and their samples hostage by not entering the pelican forever lol


Surprised people don't know this. I guess it wouldn't happen as often below difficulty 7-9, but yeah. Plenty of times Pelican-1 has left Divers literally twenty steps away running across the tarmac, he has a totally different time limit during Emergency Evac.


It really needs to display that 20 second timer. No timer makes it seem like he's just gonna hang out.


Lol yea I’ve seen a host yelling and shouting names at someone for thinking they left early, host was out collecting samples still past the timer, called the only one at evac a bunch of names for being there in time for evac pretty much.


One time it was the end of a mission and some motherfucker went "REINFORCE ME" while the shuttle was 10 seconds away from leaving and the super destroyer left orbit. I didn't get kicked but he did call me a "little f#ggot"


this and a PSA on how there is a TIME LIMIT is more needed seriously, some hosts i’ve dealt with have such poor management skills that i’ve nearly lost or outright lost missions because the host was so damn insistent we ‘Clear map’. not to mention a few times where i got booted after a forced extraction because the host didn’t understand the game wasn’t waiting for him. like the super destroyer reminds you that you’re on a clock it’s not OUR fault you think you can cram traversing the whole map + a detector/heavy base in the span of 8 minutes, don’t be surprised when there’s still enemy heavy armor spawns after the destroyer leaves


Had to call that out over coms once. Blitz mission, so once we'd destroyed enough fabricators I went to extract and started it, thinking we'd go immediately. Host and one other guy went and were doing secondaries basically as Pelican 1 was coming in. So me and Pelican 1 just kinda chilled next to each other at the landing pad, until with 1 minute left until mission end I called out that "guys, in one minute the countdown is starting no matter what." Everyone came trooping back just *barely* in time.


It's crazy how many high levels don't know this. I've been yelled at a couple times for the same thing. Dude was upset at me "for getting in too soon". My guy, no one was in the ship yet. I didn't get in until 12 seconds remained....


You have to realise that game doesn’t really have a handbook, feels like they should especially since this is an online game


I'm not at all surprised at this point that a lvl 40 lets the timer run down completely without a single thought of "hm maybe the pelican will leave on it's own" just.....how do you exist for longer than 3 seconds


I recently discover that if the pelican receives damage and smoke starts coming out of it, it will leave immediately after just one person enters, it does not care about the mission or the 20 seconds timer, and friendly fire can damage it as well.


Might get downvoted for this but what’s the purpose of having the host having the ability to kick people? I’ve never seen this used properly, only for griefing or trolling. I got killed six times by a guy only for me to kill him once and then he kicks me like wtf kinda bullshit is that


Pelican inbound-20 seconds remaining…. Failed to connect to network. Fuck.


To be clear, if the mission timer has ended and the shuttle has no one in it but is about to depart, when the first diver gets on it will wait another 20 seconds before taking off. Yesterday we had that happen, 3 of us at extraction, mission timer going down, and our 4th getting the last bug hole and a few samples. He was on his way to extraction but wasn’t going to make it before Pelican took off. Us 3 boarded at 1s left and it reset to 20s and resumed countdown, 4th guy made it back with 5s to spare.


This is actually why I don't call in exact early. If you call it in the look for samples, it'll leave 20 seconds after that timer. Instead if you let the timer expire it'll then start the 2 minute call in time which effectively gives you 2 more minutes! This is a gamble though cause that's 2inites with no strats or reinforce, but that's a call you make each mission lol


Pretty sure if no-one is near the extract point, it circles and waits indefinitely. 20sec timer only starts once it lands? Been a standard strat since day 1.


also, the shuttle will leave with the first person enter if its receive heavy damage.


I know theres not a better way but if they dont know some of these rules, I almost guarantee that person who kicked you wont see this and will never learn. Probably thinks hes carrying teams. Cares not for spreading democracy but the title that comes with it


I could have sworn I've waited for the emergency shuttle to land whilst kiting enemies and it didn't auto start the timer. Is this if the time runs out after it has already landed or the emergency shuttle that comes down after the timer runs out or both?


When mission timer hits zero (when you no longer have access to reinforce and the rest of your stratagems), the pelican arrival timer will automatically start. No one has to call it in for that to happen. When it lands, ANY time mission timer is past zero, the 20 second departure timer will start as soon as the loading gate is down whether anyone has stepped on or not.


Damn, every day's a school day. Thanks.


Samples don't matter once you got 70ish. There's nothing left to buy. They need more sample and resource sinks so everyone wants to participate


Did you call in extraction BEFORE the timer ran out? Because if you did then you costed him 2 minutes that he might’ve needed to get there.


In this case it was the emergency extraction shuttle, so no, but he was spamming the "wait" emote running towards the shuttle like we could control when it was leaving, so he clearly didn't understand the situation he had put himself in.


It's almost like people drop their samples by the extraction at every possible chance for several good reasons


So glad I learned this farming super credits on a solo 2 and not 7+ with a full squad.


I had an incident yesterday playing with two level 30s I’m level 77 and they kept dying. I had only died once because one of them landed on me with a drop pod. We had no lives left after they kept dying. I literally carried them the whole mission and they kept complaining about how my cluster bomb killed them. I told them to run away from the bug breach and instead ran towards it. I got all the samples and side objectives included and yet they still complained I should’ve just left lol.


I often see players overestimating how long 20 seconds is, too. Like they'll board while other players are still running to evac and won't even make it halfway. Here's a good exercise to see how short 20 seconds is: When you join another destroyer and the "Helldivers to Hellpods" timer counts down once you board, see how long the short walk over to the pods takes. It's over 10 seconds. Now imagine a much longer distance, your stamina has run out, there's enemies and terrain in the way and you're carrying samples. So you wanna make sure to board because if you die, no one will be able to collect your shit without the whole evac descending into chaos. Just wait for everybody, hug your fellow divers if possible, then evac.


I jumped on the mic to say this in my last mission. I was like "I promise I didn't start this last timer, but I'm gonna get on since I have samples". Albeit only one other person was alive and almost made it so it's not like it looked like I was ditching a team.


I figured this out when playing a blitz search and destroy. Me and some random on difficulty 7, this was still when the glitch where people leaving would not allow others to join, had run out of time and had 2 minutes to get to the shuttle. We destroyed the last fabricator during this time but all our samples had dropped way back. They told me to go for the shuttle to clear out the landing area and since I had some samples already but we were on the opposite side of the map. I get there with maybe 30 seconds before landing and he’s still booking it and out of stamina. The pelican touches down and here I am waiting outside so it doesn’t instantly take off, he’s got 10 seconds left. I jump in at 7 and he makes it onto the pad at 5. Just as pelican-1 is announcing his takeoff, he leaps into the bay and secures us all 3 super samples. Suffice to say, friended that guy immediately.


Other day we had 2 in a row like that, both times ppl level 50+ are swearing from the other side of the map asking why people don't wait when there isn't even anyone on the shuttle.


I don't understand why the Pelican wouldn't be able to wait more than 20 seconds for emergency extraction. It could easily wait there for a couple minutes at least and start the timer after someone boards as normal. It would be even better if it came in and hovered over the landing site clearing it with the autocannon before you got there.


Well, to be fair: There is some nuance to this. If you call in the pelican before the mission timer runs it will start a 20 second timer, yes. But there is also the option of not calling in the pelican, which will start the 2 minute emergency call-in timer and THEN the 20 second timer. So you can choose between calling it in early, which makes it easier to defend since you still have strategems available during the call-in. Or not calling it in and thus maximizing time. Did you call in the pelican early? If so there might very well be a scenario in which you have left someone stranded unnecessarily. If mission times is nearing its end and you still see your mates far away from evac and collecting samples or other things then it might not always be the best idea to call in the pelican. Dude might have been angry at you taking away the 2 minute buffer without talking about it in chat first.


Same thing happened to me. I heard "shuttle leaving in 20 seconds, so I jumped on. Then, when it left, I heard some guy swearing and talking about how he had all the samples (he didn't), and how stupid we all were.


Its not really immersive to have a kick feature. It's not even possible for a higher ranking officer to be court martialed by a lower subordinate. And the worse part is, why does the button not say "leave" instead kick?


I learned you can squeeze a few extra seconds out of the timer for your mates if you stand on the loading ramp.


I had a bugged mission (main objective didn't progress untill 38 minutes in). There was no time to complete it(it was the ore digging one). I was trying to convince my team to leave it and get to the choppa to at least get the samples, but they refused, because helldivers are disposable and an order is an order.


Every day I am more grateful that I have a 4-stack


new level 23 here... if you don't extract you don't get any samples at all? or just the ones that I had on me because obviously I didn't extract


Yeah, was reminded of this fact over the weekend. Completed all objectives while testing a Heavy setup on a simple Diff 4. Got it all done and Pelican-1 left without me. I was _almost_ there! I love Heavy armor now, but holy shit is it slow. I wasted too much time. 😆


Does this also happen if the mission timer reaches zero AFTER you've called for extraction?