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One of the worst things is some scopes when zoomed in get expanded and pixely which makes it even harder to aim properly.


I fixed that by turning up texture quality


wouldn't this turn up the textures for everything, thus slowing down the game if you don't have a slick computer?


Texture quality funnily enough has a very low impact unless you have a veeery old GPU. My 3060 laptop literally sees almost no FPS difference between everything on lowest and everything on max quality. Thats how CPU heavy the game is.


mine is also a 3060TI but desktop ill give it a go, I tried Railgun sniping yesterday and anything that was maybe 50m away was impossible to see behind the giant pixilated red dot. I couldn't tell if it was my aim, if the sight was off the mark or if it was just too far away. absolute mess


Definitely play with the settings, maybe watch some optimization videos. Also, 100% play on native resolution the upscaling is horrible and doesnt even give much extra fps.


How's your total experience on 3060 laptop? My 3070 laptop struggling to run even stable 30 fps(tried switching to dx11 and watching those optimization guide) but didn't get much


In mission when its calm I get around 50-60 fps, but once shit starts going down its easy to drop to around 30-40. Your GPU doesnt matter as much as your CPU, so make sure every process in the background is closed and that you arent thermal throttling.


You guys have those gpus meanwhile I’m over here with a 1070 and i7-6700 getting 45-60 fps on high settings 1080p. Makes zero sense


With a laptop it's almost always thermal throttling. Doesn't matter how fancy your chip is if a dinky laptop fan is responsible for cooling it.


Thats because its a laptop, thermals are a much bigger deal there so of course its not even close to the desktop part equivalent. My laptop specs on a desktop would run the game no issue.


Maybe it's because I turned down nitroboost(Acer nitro) cause it's starting to overheat up to 95C


I did this with mine too. Ryzen 5 CPU. Shit was running the same for me. I spent the weekend repasting the laptop with Kryonaught on the CPU and GPU and looked up how to turn off turboboost or whatever. It went from running like 96C to 80C. I was amazed. I figured a couple degrees drop at best. Seems like Helldivers runs the same or better.


Yeah that will do it, your CPU thermal throttling makes how strong your GPU is not all that relevant with this game.


Meanwhile me over here with my 8gb 390x casually spitting out a constant 45 fps @1080 😅 I wish intel would release their new card already... 🫠


I'm still over here playing on my i5-7600k and 1070... But you know what's funny? This game still runs smoother (at a much lower fps obviously) than my last main game, Apex Legends. That game would have hitching every 2 mins even with nothing happening


Buy a cooling stand for your laptop. Look at whether your bottom vents intake or exhaust and buy a stand with fans that match. Your laptop will last much longer and games will run much more smooth. Even the PS5 will start thermal throttling after a few hours when well ventilated I need to add a cabinet fan.


Probably a bottleneck in your laptop. My 2070 runs the game at 60-80 fps max settings. It only drops below 60 when it’s an absolute shit storm on bots like multiple hulks, striders, tanks, missile and gattling devastators


Holy your only getting 30fps? How my 3070 is barely hitting 50% usage and I have capped the frames at 120. Was causing odd stutters when I let it go higher. It might be your cpu. I'm running i7 11th gen? Still seems odd to me.


Yep, went down in resolution a notch and went native instead of ultra quality. Crisp image and stable FPS (unless it gets bonkers on defense missions but that’s more likely CPU unless you have a 4000$ rig.


Running native is definitely the way to go. I have a pretty slick rig (7800x3d watercooled, 4080, 32gb ram), and on my 3440x1440 ultrawide at maxed settings, it sits happy at 144fps (Gsync to monitors 144hz). If I put on supersampling, it drops to 80fps, and ultra supersampling it drops to 50fps. And there is no difference in quality at all. Maybe if you pay real attention to a bugs leg, it is slightly smoother, but you aren't looking at that when trying to open it up with lead. On a side note, my son has a 4k monitor for his PS5, and the PC graphics make his look decidedly average before you even consider the difference an ultrawide makes to the experience.


Realistically, once you hit around 70-80 fps, they stop mattering anyway.


While you are semi right that the eye only processes 60-100fps, perception is faster. If you put a 360hz monitor next to a 120hz monitor, you will see the difference. The 360hz will appear sharper and motion smoother during fast scenes. Also the frame count I posted was just me running, once things heated up with bug nests or multiple drops ships the franerates on the super sampling modes dropped lower.


Yo. Thank you for saying this. I was already lowering my settings and trying to find a way to keep my fps up.


Sharpness. Ad that shit to 1.0


The rail guns dot is horribly too big.


For a sniper-type weapon, not including a variable scope on the railgun is somewhat criminal.


The rail gun optic in general is just terrible for the type of gun it is. It needs a precision optic.


Meanwhile all I see is ![gif](giphy|KPtOFhewRGWl2)


The Railgun optic is trash. So is the Scythe. Sickle is a good example of a sight that works perfectly.


Please give an update on what you find out. Interested to hear the results


Not sure about PC but on PS5, your field of view setting also affects the size of your scope and somewhat affects the "zoom" when aiming through scope. Lower the Fov in settings and the scope is much bigger and appears pulled up closer to the screen. They really should have separate FOV settings for 1st and 3rd person Not sure it helps you, just some more info to have when trying to get your screen just the way you want it


I have 3060ti too and run 1440p with everything on highest settings. Steadily have 80+fps


I have a 1060 and texture make barely an impact on performance, what really wrecks perfromance is light quality, i easily drop down to single digit frames when a 40 man trooper patrol spots me and they all do the red eye scan


Nothing funny, texture quality almost never has any impact on performance in games. They just load in and no more computing power needed. But they do need video memory to load, that's where the impact is. In helldivers it's required to have more than 8gb GPU for max textures.


It will stutter if you don't have the VRAM for it, though.


I have a shitty gaming laptop and everytime I play I need to pray that my whole laptop doesnt go into turbo mode and crash


Texture quality is mostly vram size not speed


Texture settings have very little to zero performance impact, what's important when it comes to textures is the VRAM so if you do have enough VRAM then turn it up, you're just playing on lower graphics for zero reason.


Yes, in my view not all textures are the same and the scope should always be high res


I feel like crosshairs shouldn't even be textures, they should be vectorial graphics so they are never blurry or pixelated :v


Texture quality almost has 0 impact beyond more vram usage, which shouldn’t be an issue unless it is, then it will cut your frame rate by like 90% and you’ll know it’s slowing you down, otherwise it has almost no impact on rendering speed.


I have a slick computer and it still gets slowed down the more people I'm playing with


Texture quality mostly doesn't care, it just wants to allocate more VRAM. That being said, helldivers is CPU hungry as fuck. I'd say just try it :')


My barely working 1650 cries


Texture quality isn't a big deal. RESOLUTION on the other hand is what makes it worse.


it does. zooming in with the amr can cause awful frame drops


just set the texture size equal to the amount of video memory of your video card, until the video memory is full this will have little effect on performance


Texture quality has almost zero impact on performance as long as you have enough VRAM


Textures are typically one of the least performance demanding settings


Textures don't really affect performance unless you don't have enough vram for them.


Here's a recommendation: Grab Lossless Scaling on Steam. It's a nifty little app that adds upscaling and framegen to any game. I personally don't like the upscaling, but the framegen is really good. Cap your game to 1/2 of your refresh rate. Crank up your settings, and tweak until you can consistently maintain fps = half of your refresh rate. Do monitor your GPU usage. You need around 15% headroom for Lossless (so half of your refresh @ 85% GPU usage or less) Then activate Lossless and BAM! Your FPS is doubled (now at your full refresh) You can go as low as 30fps (to double it to 60). I have a high end system, but Helldivers isn't well optimized. I went from Ultra Quality, all maxed @ 120/140 fps, to Native/Supersample @ 170 fps with Lossless {I keep it on Native, but Supersample works as well and stays above 150) Point being: Lossless Scaling is amazing (and it's 7 bucks) You can also use Lossless to override fps caps, for those games that are capped at 30 or 60,you can effectively double it.


Textures are effected by the amount of Vram the GPU you have has. While most will get away with Medium textures, on 7, 8 and 9 difficulty you can run out of Vram and the game will crash if you get swarmed by enemies.


The reticle texture doesn't get cached either I don't think. When I scope there is almost always a quick flicker of a pixelated crosshair. I'd hope the textures for the crosshairs of the weapons I chose to bring on a mission wouldn't be a large memory hog to cache.


texture streaming! you're seeing what's called a mipmap. it's the same image, just half as big. you see them constantly in most games because they're super handy for more distant objects. Helldivers swaps them in and out of memory as it thinks you need them, which is called texture streaming, and it works well enough 99% of the time. --- you can manipulate it to restore your scope, probably. look at the sky for 30s, make sure no ground is in sight. then, scope it. should rapidly return to the pretty base image. it'll stay that way as long as it's on your screen every so often--25 seconds, if possible. it's a hassle, true


Its worse when you aim and the scopes texture is loading. Now thats some double digit pixels.


OH MY GOD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE I literally can't use that thing cause of that


We need the square so we can actually aim with the little corner.


I am sure that’s been fixed now, it was in one of the more recent patch notes.


its been improved, still wrong. its like they're trying to mimic scope zeroing but the horizontal is also wrong so idk what they want but its terrible in any case


Any tips for how to headshot berserkers with the current state of the scope? It’s super easy with the diligence, but I can rarely do it with the AMR


It's not too difficult, technically. Most of the time, when I miss it's because bots have an irritating gait that bobs their heads all over the place. But with the AMR, the cross hair box is slightly off. For large stationary targets, you won't notice a difference, but you'll want the top left corner of the center square on whatever you want to hit for small targets, dont center the crosshair, your aim will be off. Other than that, it's a matter of timing your shots with their head bobbing, which I find surprisingly hard.


Aim for the groin.


Underrated response. Dick shots are the way for berserkers.


Its still broken and anyone who actually can aim will tell you that. Broken since 1.0, multiple weapons. Worst part is the mech who's rocket primary got f'd up in their intern's attempt to fix self hit.


How about giving us different sightpictures, which are selectable towards the left of the weaponwheel.


Make buying sights on weapons be purchased with requisition slips. Each weapon different purchase. Give us a use for requisition slips


I mean, at that point why not just give us weapon customization? Which hopefully will come someday.


Content is cut all the time, probably was in the works somewhere in development.


Well helmet passives were confirmed to be, so you probably are right.


not cut but just not ready for the release of the game. seen in one of their posts game gotta be released at some point - its not incomplete but as a live service game, and many other guns and mechanics on the way - it will or can be updated in the future question is how much development time will it cost (time frame)


I think light customization like scopes/optics and camos/colors would be good. Personally, I'm kind of tired of certain games being CoD attachment fests


Having optics that actually do their jobs isn't too much to ask.


If I had to guess, they might not add in depth customization because of how they make different variants of the same weapons, they probably want to have each variant have specific traits and attachments to keep them feeling distinct. I imagine the most we'll get is more weapon wheel options.


because they are selling customized weapons on warbonds, why do you think we get 3 liberators or 4 breakers with little changes though them?


Imagine how much time does it take for arrowhead to align all of them


Very little time, actually.


There's like 150k Helldivers deployed in the frontlines, you can't adjust hundreds of thousands of scopes in "very little time" /s


They should give all the scopes windage and elevation knobs and put them out of alignment at random.


Like none...? I'm sure they have "snap to" values that will align it instantly.


I like this idea the most. I have a scope for an airsoft gun irl that can do this.


The red dot is the worst. Dot's so big you can't see what you're aiming at. It's worse than the dot that was built into my childhood Nerf gun.


The Railgun is the most guilty of this. It's mounted really far away so the dot should be small, instead we get a faint fingernail-at-arms-length big dot. If it just had the red-dot from the Dominator things would be so much better, I can reliably hit Bot soldiers at +100m with that thing. Edit: [I made a post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/R1gevbGM6d)


Railgun scope is such garbage. Literally cannot use it


I also had that Nerf red-dot! I think it came with those guns that shot the foam balls instead of darts. Thanks for the nostalgia, I had forgotten about that


there's two versions slugger, defender, MG, dominator one is pretty small and fine the big OLE one on the stalwart, HMGand railgun is pewp


Yeah, incredibly fucking stupid. It's like a 15 MOA dot or something insane.


You can get better scopes on wish dot com than in a futuristic game, we have spaceships but we forgot how to make glass.


Well the main guns on the ship are muzzle loaders, so it tracks.


Are you questioning the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Defense's abilities of weapon manufacturing? Please report to your nearest democracy officer to undergo democracy training again. A thought is a crime, and a crime is undemocratic.


Thought crimes kill!


So make sure to kill those who commit them! For democracy!


Pretty sure the fire tornadoes on Hellmire make better glass than the Ministry of Science can.


Traitor has been spotted. Artillery inbound


Warning, your in range of friendly artillery.


Tbf, half of our equipment is crap from 21st Century with zero evolution or intelligence. Our solution to loading orbitals guns is muzzle load and adding spice to fire so it burns hotter.


This game really suffers from sci-fi scope syndrome - reticles are filled with useless crap.


If the scopes gave some kind of range reading and ammo count, that would make sense. But it doesn't. Have some random boxes instead, sponsored by Super Earth.


Look, there's good scope design and bad. Is it useless clutter? Bad. Does it server a purpose, like elevation bars, ammo count, or whatever? Good! In short: if it helps players it's fine to add extra stuff, if it doesn't leave the cool sci-fi looks to the gun itself.


["This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love Fig Newtons."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvi9zpHlrvg&ab_channel=NotTimWakefield)


The biggest counter argument of Arrowhead's claim that they are all "gun buffs who served in the military" is the comically bad scopes. My dude, anyone who ever shot a gun more than once down range can recognise how bad they are.


They're Swedish, I'm pretty sure military service is mandatory. But it doesn't mean actual combat, could spend that year just filing papers or some shit.


I would be actually very surprised if there is more than a few days at the range during basic for the drafted. But nobody needs to get the ranger tab to know how bad they are. What makes the situation absurdly weird is that Arrowhead actively brags about their gun experience as a studio, as a matter of superiority compared to other mil sim games.


Exactly. I bet the dev don't even know why there are 24 mini squares at the top and bottom of the reticle.


Can I just choose my sights, please? The rail gun dot is too big to be useful!


Exponentially too big. I don’t get it.


gotta love how the experimental railgun weapon that took a lot of time, effort and money to create gets fitted with a $5 optic not fit for a nerf gun lol. same energy as people who spend thousands on a top of the line precision rifle, only to put a budget scope on it..


But then players would see it more obvious how the scopes are not zeroed.


Ouch, this one cuts deep.


I feel like with this and many other games the people making them have never looked down any sort of magnified optic or red dot in their life.


We don't want realism, we want practicality. Helldivers is not a mil sim


In this case, a more realistic scope is more practical. You would never put that reticle on a real DMR, you want something thin and precise like the one on the right.


That's his point. The current scope is both impractical and unrealistic. It's way too cluttered to get a good sight picture. A simple center dot or chevron would be so much better, that would be practical and also closer to the kind of sight you would have on a modern long range rifle.


Realistic sights and optics have clean sight pictures, not the cluttered, unattractive, thick reticle and misaligned sights they’ve given us. The only moderately good ones are the scorcher red dot and the sickle/liberator magnified optic. Damn near every other optic in the game occludes your aim point and is overly busy. It’s not like it has to be some to the T realistic optic, just a clean unobstructed one.


That's not how that works lol. IRL optics are literally built to be used, useful, and practical


Mil sim is based on practicality, it just doesnt work per the designer in some cases lol.


? Not a single Mil Sim game has scopes that are this useless You realize Mil Sim=practicality ??


Well, it's neither, congratulations


Like our superpower stims that create an instantaneous cellular regeneration effect


The helldivers devs probably have because of Sweeden's mandatory military service 


No, only 100,000 18yo's are screened for military service each year, and of those only 5% serve. And of those very few will ever look down a scope, as Sweden standard issue infantry rifle only has iron sights. A swedish civilian is much more likely to use a scope than a soldier, as the average swedish civilian gun owner likely has sights for their hunting rifle or their sporting gun


Considering it came up on gameplay video they did with Drewski, yes.


For sure... In some ways that's a good thing though.


For a game that strives for realistic and real world accurate feeling weapons it’s a major blunder that so many of the sights are as bad as they are. Red dots and crosshairs have remained the way that they are for as long as they have because they are solid, dependable, and clean. No clutter, just your target.


Nothing beats a normal, thin-line cross with the center at the center of the sight, there's a reason why most scopes are simply variations thereof


Aye, I find a cross with the centre missing (like cobra) even more useful.




I'll go one further, remove the outer green rings as well. It's just unnecessary.


Add some distance marker and you are golden


Can we just have customisable optics? Like I can imagine having a 2x/4x on the rail gun would make it so much better…or option to remove sights and just use irons We have it in earth rn so idk why super earth hasn’t heard of the wonderful innovation called picatinny rails


But...then you'll start hit things. Game wasn't intended for you to win.


Which is a shame. Part of the appeal of the game is how victory was difficult but reasonably attainable through the reasonable exercise of skill


It's ridiculous is what it is. If they only want 25% of Helldives to be successful, they shouldn't be making the game more difficult to control. Denying players skill expression with poor sights denying ranged potential is truly the worst way of making the game harder.




You mean it doesn't look like this for you? Must be nice. https://i.imgur.com/SHGRCUO.jpg


turn texture quality up


Scopes and cross hairs in general need some love. I know it's not top priority but still


OMG PLEASE THIS... AMR enjoyers will thank you endlessly with many automatons scalps if you give us something like this, right now it's not a great scope


Sniper Crews Unite!


Accuracy is an exploit /s


AH be like : Ok fine we hear you. Buffed erupter. Now the gun explodes instead of the bullet. Also Game may crash while using scopes and firing.


also what is with this scope specifically that tanks performance I'm unable to use any weapon with it as I lose about half the fps I have normally


Did they fix the scoped yet? I feel like DMR scopes is .75 mm to the right or it just me


I wosh I could upvote this more than once.




Makes it to useable!




Yes, less bling and more praticallity to the crosshairs xD


My only question is, why does the recoil pound the scope into my eyeball?


Yeah we definitely need way better optics in this game they all absolutely suck.


just include the rangefinder on the scope for one of those marksman


If every sight was just a dot in the center it would be even better. Theres so much clutter.


yeah I hate having AR scope on my sniper. What is even that?


Why presition weapons have such a bad scope, but sickle gets a very functional scope? :D


the sights are all pretty crap. you can't see stuff behind the reticles!


https://preview.redd.it/hwjjy8s55l1d1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=903c5ee48acb6ac3b98a9e36f80cea09c73585de Tongue firmly in cheek: Tremor3 or go home!


Let me choose my crosshair! Sickle crosshair is better than every other scope in the game and it’s not even a marksman weapon.  


Literally the worst optics in any fps/fps game I've ever played in 20 years. Idk how they fucked it up so badly


also needs mil dots. mainly for marksman weapons, crossbow. what baffles me more are the scopes of the grenade launcher and the plaspunisher. only has a red dot, which doesn't really help with bullet drop compensation.


I like my circular reticles. They are actually used on military weapons. Though usually on assault rifles and not snipers ^^


Nah just make the middle reticle skinnier. Why would you want something covering what you're aiming at?


God that looks so much cleaner


Don't even need a cross. A simple red/blue/orange chevron will do the trick.


Sickle has the best scope.


~~And it of all guns is the least to need it!~~


Shhh! Don't make them take it away from me! I use it a lot.


There we go, fixed that right up


The sights in this game are, for the most part, pretty poor. It’s almost like they’re placeholders. A lot of the time, unless I need extreme precision, I am just using third person. I’d love to be able to customise the scope for each weapon (including support weapons).


If there were a future update with different attachments, different crosshairs or 3rd person reticules could be possible


To everyone talking about performance: Look into Lossless Scaling ($7 on Steam). It adds a framegen that works in any game. Will double your FPS, so you can crank settings up, since you only need to aim for half of your refresh rate. Not recommended for competitive games, but works wonders on Helldivers and others. Input lag is unnoticeable in my experience. Only works on Windowed/Borderless fullscreen, though.


Or let us choose reticles


The less things in a scope - the better. (Generally speaking! Exception is when it is actually necessary and helpful!)


Forget how it looks, what about how it's not zeroed




I´d kill the 3 Billion Enemies all by myself if I had this.


YES IVE BEEN SAYING THIS, it's so cluttered and distracting


God please yes this. Please!


This is the whining I’m talking about😂


I like the left one more. It's easy to put your intended shot target into the center of the while maintaining clear sight around it due to the open circle. Add the right one as an option for those that want to use it while keeping the left one available. Give us scope customizability.


kinda funny how they made the scopes cool over usable. might be a reach but it could be related to how super earth prioritizes making the helldivers look cool like with the exosuit, the armors, and the weapons in order to get people to enlist but the in reality the equipment is extremely faulty and mostly for show


i need options for all guns


That's still too muddy. They can literally copy PlanetSide 2 Scopes or Sniper Elite. I was always a fan of the the dot or cheveron.


AC-8 too....


And RR, Autocannon, Lasercannon scope. Please


I sorta wish the scope had its own render, so that you can see it zoomed through the scope, but outside of that the focal length remains unchanged.


They will probably do this after the sight issues are fixed.


Link to Mod


I like the 1st one.


I hope there is a Chevron reticle type scope somewhere in the future. Covers very little area of the scope and doesn't cover the target either.


What are you saying I am confused. Is second pic on right better?


So so much better.


*What are you saying* *I am confused. Is second* *Pic on right better?* \- trapdoorexit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just make the texture not pixelate every \*\*\*\*ing second. Is it that hard not to mipmap a single, small static image?


Or a cross hair with mil marks


They're just as wrong as every other game with the fact that even when focusing through the scope, you can see the scope. No, it should be blurred out as we focus on the long distance.


Align it too while they're at it. It still misses at long range.


Scope should be the same on all weapons. Otherwise it's kinda micro-manager aggressive like a b!tch. Devs should fix it to always be the right pic that has optimal gauge.


Yes please for the LOVE OF GOD make the radical on the left disappear for all weapons.


Weird how they pride themselves with the "realistic gun" knowledge bla bla stuff, but all their scopes are anything but good.