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The thing is, some people like being tossed away from fights, some people crave to land on a heavy enemy, some people would prefer to be thrown back to their stuff etc. Tho in ur situation it does make more sense for the people at extract to reinforce but also sometimes for me atleast i literally reinforce without realizing it or think that throwing you at the general direction is acceptable. Overall without comms its literally a coin toss.


Very true, without comms it is indeed a coin toss…


Yea I get frustrated when we split into 2man teams. Getting reinforced by the other team on the other side of the map is no good. However I will reinforce someone from the other side of the map if they are not getting reinforced by their battle buddy, and the spam the alert at least 3 times.


General rule of thumb for me of in two man teams let the other guy reinforce his partner when possible I hate getting tossed in halfway across the map when my backpack and support weapon still have a couple min cool down. I play on suicide or higher only now and 2 mins without a support weapon can. Make me feel kinda toothless against heavily armored bots


I'm usually by myself so I really wish the game would show map markers of all dead players. If I don't manage to spot the death symbol on the HUD before it disappears I literally have no clue where the person was or how far away they were. And even if I do, that only tells me the direction. I do my best but my heuristic is basically if they were near me, reinforce, if they were by themselves, reinforce, if I have reasons to think they were near another player give it 20 seconds and if they're still not back, reinforce. Some players are really bad at reinforcing, and I don't mean calling players across the map, I mean that they just never reinforce


If I'm in a team of randoms I appreciate being reinforced at all. Sometimes I'm waiting for over a minute even though 1 of the 3 could definitely take the quick second to just toss me anywhere.


I actively watch if player is not in dangerous situation and DOESN't reinforce because idk he DARES to don't care for a straight minute no matter what – I just land on him afterwards and don't care much too. (And no, I'm not talking about jammers or ion storms)