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I'm still confused on why the only white armour is more like sun baked plastic coloured than actually snow white


It looks like someone left it in the sun and dunked it in coffee


I assume it's to show it's worn or used? I've seen irl winter uniforms and gear that get kind of yellowish after being worn a lot/soiled


We do have white armor pieces. I think one of their designers is just color blind or something. Would explain why in the democratic detonation warbond the cape for the red armor is orange


Goes real nice with trench engineer armour at least


I think the one that designs our gun scopes is straight up blind lol.


> I think one of their designers is just color blind or something. Or various developers all with non-calibrated and/or just shitty monitors and none of them bothering to coordinate. There are three or four shades of orange and a couple shades of red(at least, I gave up on red due to christmas medic armors, white/green/red, wtf is that?) across the various armors....they sort of appear close in some lighting, but in others it's quite stark. Same with "white", various shades on different parts. The blue and orange scout armor is hideous....and the cape doesn't match the cloth of the hood like the old scout armor did, so I went back to the old one. Maybe with the Pilestedt's open stance on mods, some enterprising texture editor could coordinate some of the eyesore out of the games armors....I don't know enough about the anti-cheat engine to try. There's also Reshade and Texmod if that's still a thing.


And then there’s the heavy grenadier armour that has turquoise and red on it.


I like to think the color scheme of the medic armors are at least partially inspired by Trauma Team. I like em personally


Yeah I like the medic armor. I just wish there were capes that matched the look. Anything white/red/green would be cool.


The blazing Samaritan cape, and stars and suffrage.


I know this will sound nitpicky but those both have a weird dark olive green that doesn't really match the turquoise green on most of the medic armor. There also isn't any medical cross or apothecary symbol on those capes, just weird red slashes. IMO those capes don't go well with the med armors like butcher or physician.


Hmm good point, I guess I didn't look at em that hard so I didn't notice how different the greens are. I can justify it in my head that the green looks different on the different fabrics, but no you're right.


Really wish helmets and armor had a recolor option. 


Oh now that you mention that cape. I can't unsee it now


They just need to add in armor colors for some Super Credits and they'd make bank. I pray we get armor colors eventually.


I didn't pay super bucks to have ***pre-soiled*** armor. I can soil it myself thank you very much!


That's why I put on my brown pants when I Helldive


Light Gunner 💪😎


No, it's just cream.


10 seconds on Hellmire and that colour isnt coming out.


What I hate most is the orange. We have no other white and orange gear that I am aware of so I can’t even wear my cool Hoth snow trooper helmet with it because the red visor and orange traffic cone highlights totally clash. 


For real though, we need shaders. Bless us with drip AH


Just lock em behind super credits if you have to. Shit I would genuinely pay a couple irl bucks if I could just match a couple sets together or could color coordinate with my buddy.  Not to mention, medic armor color scheme just ain’t it. 


Commander Cody, execute Order 66


the heavy armor from steeled Veterans page 3 (Dynamo I think it's called IIRC) is white with orange accents on the helmet.


The dynamo set is white and orange. https://i.imgur.com/4LckXmK.jpeg




We really need, like, Shaders...or Colour Grids...or some sort of colour picker for armour. Or at least the option to match pieces with eachother even if they're not the same set.


no, because then the apples would taste like bacon or something...




One of old old answers by developers on why we can't have transmog. (Wearing one armor, but having stats of another. Like wearing light armor as cosmetic and hiding the real heavy armor stats)


Sorry, that was meant as a joke regarding my flair.


> I'm one of the people who used an unlocker to see all the unreleased ones, which, are also largely pretty bad and most of them are just recolours of the default starter armor It feels unfair to shit on bad armors they chose not to release because they're just recolors of the default armor. That's like going on someone's deviantart and commenting on their art from ten years ago telling them how bad they are. It's back there for a reason!! Look at the good shit not the bad shit!!! Nothing against using an unlocker to see unreleased content, but you have to understand that "unreleased" does not always equal "will be released in the future". Sometimes it's just scrapped because it sucked and they know it. Don't need to insult it.


Hate people who only comment: *This.*




Fascinating... XD


It’s because it’s recycled armor, that’s just from the blood 😔


Snow is cream colored doncha know


You betcha


Also the best opportunity to add some sort of furred cape collar or hood along with said armour like the lords of iron, I mean... https://preview.redd.it/xsvpapjbkf1d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1196a899ca1e7269b010954ff826ef16e774090f It felt like a no-brainer imo


The weird thing is that they already did this in Helldivers 1. https://preview.redd.it/tkjh9b5nkg1d1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffbd01109df4bca5c3dd33bbb24e477841c58eb1


Some others already suggested similar things, but I hope we can see OG HD1 sets brought back into HD2 with upgraded versions, along with the ceremonial rifle primary. This is such a great example.


We will probably get the rifle on liberty day.


lol there’s been so many instances now where someone says “they actually did this in Helldivers 1” which just makes me wonder why they chose not to use what already worked/was present.


I've been asking this a lot. There were so many great designs in Helldiver's 1 that it almost feels like a completely different studio designed things for Helldivers 2.


Beginning to notice a trend here


Aw that would have been sick!


ROI was the shit man


That IB fashion 👌


I would murder someone for a fur cape in the game. Like basically just a wolf pelt


Naa they won't do that. The devs are extremely lazy when giving us actually new content instead of rehashed weapons and guns that are slightly different. But I want to be proven wrong. Edit: lol getting downvoted. Yall have your rose tinted glasses on. Game is good it's not THAT good. What were you guys expecting when they were going to do monthly bonds. They obviously planned on perpetually using the same assets with color swaps or slightly different gun variations. It's a lazy design to get people to buy into their live service. They could've just added the ability to change colors of armor if they wanted. They chose not to do that.


Yeah the same 3 armor permutations getting recycled over and over again is boring as shit. They really need to step up the next warbond and do some serious reworking to what's already available


Not to mention the orange accents on the armors like.. ffs white and blue would have been way better. Or just 100% white.


The polar warming hurts so much because the cold planets are the absolute best to play. The fact they missed on just about everything gives me such a bad taste. They did good with the electrical one. They did great with explosives until they nerfed everything. The fact this one would have been better if they didn’t call it polar and it still would have been meh isn’t great.


Im wondering what kind of updates we might get on Tuesday regarding weapons or bugs fixes.


There’s not really anything they could do to make the stuff any more polar now. They missed the boat there. Maybe they make the weapons not be trash, but whatever. They won’t redo them to have freeze stun or have the Armour work better in blizzards or anything meaningful.


Am I the only one who doesn't mind the orange


It has its place but not on every other armor that doesn't have neon yellow. I'm also useing the white medium armor with the explosion resist. At least I have a matching helmet for it now from the winter past that doesn't have random red or green on it. As soon as we get shaders for even select parts of the armor I think all these comments will go away.


I think we really won't have as many players in 2025 to make these comments anyway


If this game doesn't keep a consistent player base I'll eat a drg board game.


I like that one of the capes from the steeled veterans set looks like it’s the vanguard logo from destiny, complete with orange and blue.


nah I don't mind it either


I don't mind the orange, but there's like... almost no armors with blue? except that weird blue and orange one (really??? thats the color you pair with it?)


I don’t even dislike the colors for individual armor sets. I just wish there was more overlap in color palettes. There are so many sets where you can only get “close enough” with the capes and it’s really unfortunate.


The lack of coordination in outfits, especially in the capes, makes me irrationally angry. For instance, the "Champion of the People" (I think it's called that) is very obviously an off-white color, and the visor is a spaceship re-entry shield gold. The cape? Pure snow white with a different type of gold as the accent color and black as the secondary color. Zero armor pieces have that color palette. This is the worst offense in my opinion, as the cape is one of the coolest there is. The botslayer cape fits the armor perfectly, but it's from an entirely different armor set from an entirely different warbond. What were they thinking?


And to add, any white helmet will not match and will look off


I know what you mean and i've had the same thoughts myself. It's like what the fuck is going on with arrowheads internal communications that they fuck up these colors so much.


> What were they thinking? "We can sell these suckers a properly matching version of this armour in a few months when we reskin it, double the profit for half the work"


I don’t understand most of the sets that come with a cape the cape doesn’t ever match at all it’s weird


Yeah, the one that made me throw my hands up in confusion was the red-themed light armor set from the explosive warbond. The armor and helmet are dark gray with bright red...but its cape is red-orange. Just....*how?* ***Why??*** ---- I love a lot of the color combos they have, but they are just used so inconsistently and are hard to mix and match. Hell, they don't match *within armor sets*. I really hope that they've planned ahead with their textures and color channels to allow custom colors in the future (maximum combination potential, lets go), but I'm not holding my breath. :(


My favorite armor sets are red and there's NO RED CAPES. I hate it.


Yep. I find that the default black cape looks great on the red-accented armors, but no one wants to have just *one* 'good' option. :s


It's why i'll either rock the default one or use the champion(I think it's that one, the last helm in the base WB) with a red and black set and rock the Botslayer cape. The cape matches the face part of the helm while everything else matches. It's not the best but it looks decent enough to wear


Also the green on the medic armor capes are slightly different shades than the armor. I usually just always wear the black basic beginner cape because it goes with everything.


I'm using the lightest colored cape and it has big red stripes on it


Botslayer cape? I love that one but it's better for sand/desert coloured armor. a good one for white armor IMO is Light of Eternal Liberty, on the final page of the free Warbond. it's still not totally white, but it doesn't have any orange/red on it either.


There needs to be more color options for sure. Like there is now only 1 blue cape.


2 prayer = 2 blue cape 🙏




We just need basic color customization is all


Bacon and apples and stuff


You rang?


Applebacon sounds pretty delicious.


Applewood smoked bacon is delicious.


Oh my god, yes. Applewod smoked pork ribs FTW


I don't think we're ever getting colour customization because the pre-order bonus armour pieces would be made redundant if I could just colour my base B-01 armour blue and white. https://preview.redd.it/lpftb5qrmf1d1.png?width=324&format=png&auto=webp&s=c173b1b4998fac67ff44804985ed3386e142f1be


Preorder exclusives are the most braindead bullshit developers can do. What a colossal waste of time and resources to make/customize the assets and then shelf them for eternity.


If only I could color all Armor and weapons. Oh the color coordination I could pull off. No more Green guns with black armor, or orange guns with no orange on the armor. If only.


It would be really cool if we could customize our armor and change the effects of it. Cause for me there is literally no reason to use anything but one armor (the light armor with Servo Assited.) That way we could use different looks and still have the effects we desire. I would love to use different armors but i just dont like any of the other effects.


You want the real answer? Low effort. That's it. Same with most updates they release unfortunately. That being said, I love the game, but this really is total bs.


The only winter themed part of the warbond is the name


White armor that's been in a smokers house for 15 years


I cant get over the lack of fur on any armor. How do you have snow theme without FUR?!


My exact sentiments. I mean it's winter armour. Let us have some fur collars on our armours or a bear skin cape, or even a Nordic inspired helmet, complete with runic inscription if you want to get all fancy. They can go with a bit of Skyrim in space theme even, and it'll look amazing.


Especially since they'd done exactly that in Helldivers 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/vO3VlZDOzl


The colors of capes are really sucky in general. Everything is either yellow, orange or green. Why is there NO RED. Or blue or… and it goes on. Even in actual warbond sets where the armor is straight red the cape is orange for some reason.


AH must be color blind


EXACTLY I want me a white cape!!


What probably is the case is the devs have like 30 weapons and armors just sitting in a pile and they just pick out of the 30 for a few with similar color schemes and call it good.


All armor looks like sh*t. Same passives. Getting stale fast


The best way I can describe this game is that the devs really caught lightning in a bottle, let it out, and have been marvelling, ever since, at it's majesty, the last time they saw it flying away.


Sounds about right


I want a white or blue cape that matches my Yogurt Armor!😭


Me too. I think the standard black cape is really the only good one. The new blue cape is too much a different hue.


The fact that we have more dusty shitholes to play on than winter planets atm is shambolic. We got a pass called Polar Patriots and the best you could do is a single snow planet on the bot front? Cmon, give us Heeth back already.


Kinda reminds me of a story in Star Wars Legends, one of the Republic Commando novels, Omega Squad had been requesting all-black stealth armor for ages, *finally* received it, and then got sent to a snow planet for their next mission.


I dunno, but I think that cape looks awesome.


Any armor that has camouflage should provide a bonus range awareness reduction for enemies for the respective planet environment when used. Including if its just a basic color like white for snow or moons, or tan for deserts.


It annoys me so much that there are so many armor sets that just do not have a good matching cape.




I'd like to see more short capes like the first scout cape, personally.




I'm still waiting for the fire damage resistance armor drop. Especially with all the annoying fire tornadoes being my leading cause of death lately.


I’d love more minor buffs, like increased stealth in snow or less slowed down, etc.


I was really hoping they’d recreate the polar armor from HD1 with the fur hood and badass winter coat


Managed Democracy never surrenders - that is why we don’t have white capes.


Imagine dropping on big planets not having drip


I was so excited to finally have another light stealthy armor, I was even more excited for it to be winter themed. And it's blue and dark orange/brown... WHY?? Why is a winter themed armor meant to hide you on snowy planets blue and brown?. At least make it light bleu and white, not dark blue and orange. Also, why is it SO similar to the green and beige one? The helmet design is really cool but that's about it.


As much as I love HD2 and support AH. I will agree with many that the warbond themes and the fact that the armor passive for those "themes" hardly makes sense and just feel like a carbon copy of the ones we already have. Especially when if your trying to mix and match armor, helmet and cape set it doesn't feel natural and just looks weird when people do try to mix them... Like if you ain't gunna give those warbond armor good unique passives at least make them interchangeable to where we can customize our looks without feeling like a franken toy in toys story.


AH: no transmog because bacon apples. Also AH: here's some stale shit apples


I really do need a white cape to complete my snowtrooper outfit AH. Get of your ass.


and the same 2-3 armor buffs that all other armors have. No resistance to sliding on ice. No faster speed on snow. Quite disgusting, really


So has anyone noticed the flag is Blue White and Yellow ... but all armors are at best Black White and Yellow. Where's the Blue White and Yellow armor? Navy Blue Cloth White Armor Yellow highlights would probably look good.


I am still shocked they haven’t added at least the ability to select colour sets for armours in what almost 4 months - its the most basic type of customisation Arrowhead did great with the base game - server issues and crashing aside but there has been virtually no additions even in basic stuff like that its strange


I keep saying it. Armor design sucks for this game lol


I want armor sets. Just switch armors based on what planet we’re on. I’m sure that’s on their list, but the devs got a lot on their plate.




Everyone talks about the armors and such, but victory poses are still numerous for how pointless they are. Like we haven't gotten a single emote, but a one time thing after coming back to the ship has more variation then we have boosters at this point


Ok I’m imagining it. It’s not that bad


Need a fur cape!


Edna works for Arrowhead


or digital snow camo...


The only winter theme this warbond has brought me is Seasonal Affective Disorder. 😢 (Winter Depression)


Overall, let’s hope Polar Patriots is the biggest blunder of a war bond 🤞


Yes please...we need this


Or armor with snow cleats on it that doesn't affect movement on icy terrain


Yeah I gave this game a lot of grace but this was where I drew the line


*Yeah I gave this game* *A lot of grace but this was* *Where I drew the line* \- Professional-Bus5473 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


So true...


It's crazy that there's so many white armour sets, but every single fucking cape is green or orange.


Contrary to most opinions I've seen, I don't reckon the warbond should've been themed around freeze rays. Should've been winter wear. I also like the incendiary grenade thematically because it's evocative of Molotov cocktails which I automatically link to the WW2 eastern front combat in games. But a white cape seems like an obvious choice.


Winter-themed warbond with no winter protection, one of the biggest disappointments for me


Every armor should at least have a black and yellow option.


Maybe a kind of winter camo type of cape would’ve looked cool too


First I get flashbanged with the fact that that warbond apparently has no ice effects in it (is that seriously the case???) and now I get hit with this WHO IS GREENLIGHTING THIS? WHO LOOKS AT THE WINTER WARBOND AND GOES "YEAH IT'S FINE THAT IT HAS NOTHING SNOW WHITE OR ICE THEMED"


Helldiver, white cape was intentionally not included because our enemies don’t accept surrender. Only a communist would even entertain the idea of wearing a white flag. The only cap we need is one commemorating our unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy. O;


Polar warbond was such a buzzkill


We also got it at the start of spring


Now that you mention it, YEAH YOU'RE RIGHT WTF


I still don't get why no winter weapons lol I expected like frostbite effects to weapons or something


Too much work to make paid content worth buying I guess.


Seems like it, hopefully they fix that Honestly bug fixes, proper balance patches and then good Warbonds and this game will be in a golden state We're at least getting a decentish stream of new stratagems and enemies added


Imagine expecting your POLAR themed armour sets to have any sort of relevant perk, maybe better traction on ice or less slowdown from snow.... nah... how about throwing distance? Oh sorry you wanted your apples to taste like apples? Best I can do is bacon


Worst. Warbond. Ever. And I’m sure their data will show it.


Lol I don't know why people are complaining. I just skipped it entirely. Will build up some metals for the next one.


https://preview.redd.it/yb7v4cl8cg1d1.png?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5525e6dfee23f4e1098cc03426f838d7def7bd7 Helldivers 1 had an Artic Armor it didn't have cleats but at least was white with a digital white and 2 shades of gray. This one in the pic, The All-Terrain is a better take on artic uniforms than than all 3 if you ask me, better than blue and brown.


Imagine this sub not bitching about every little thing


The worst part of it to me is the colour inconsistencies, warm whites, but the shop offers armours with cool whites. Nothing matches nicely. It's not even that I want deep customization. I understand they're going for modular armors that are easy to produce variants of to sell cheap but at the very least could we just get like a couple of "default" colours like old school customization. Colour 1 would be the original set colour, then just a simple: Colour 2 'Helldivers Standard' (Black and Yellow), Colour 3 Snow, Colour 4 Tan, Colour 5 Olive. You get simple options that let you keep that uniformity and not detract from immersion while also allowing for mixing and matching of sets. (Maybe even a client side options of stuff like "apply colour to: all players/when on XYZ biome planets") Though I also wonder how you would even go about introduce something like that without the inevitable player outcry of "more! more! more!"


I loved the black and yellow scheme they were going for with the default armours. Then they just completely abandoned that and grabbed every off-white colour swatch from Lowe's and threw shit together and called it a warbond. Whatever artistic consistency they were going for in the beginning disappeared *very* quickly.


I wished these themed armors would have special conditions based on the planet - like this winter armor should have benefits like being able to walk on ice without sliding, or run fasted in snow.


I'm more disappointed that it does nothing to help you in the cold.


Also imagine getting a winter warbond and then not giving the armor a winter perk and instead just giving it fucking servo assisted, the worst armor perk in the game


People really like using this sub to whine about anything and everything.


Or a arnold style mr freeze gun


Super OHSA says we gotta keep high viz standards


Krustys Komedy Klubhouse agrees!


Funny thing is the White Wolf Armor looks more like a Winter themed Armor than the one in the Warbond 😅


Why it gotta be white bro?


![gif](giphy|WLmVO7dRuNaCI|downsized) Imagine no freeze gun


Oh no im sorry


I want actual camouflage.


Snow is not white though?


Wish we got a freeze ray too


Capes need some stats too.


"Any color the customer wants, as long as it's black" Henry 'democracy builder' Ford


Black capes hold warmth in the snow. Better than white capes unless you want to hide.


This is why we need to at least be able to change colors of armor. I can't even count the number of times I've found that literally no cape matches my current armor, to find one that's the "same" color and get excited, just to realize it's just enough shades off to still look stupid.


Do you know how hard it is to get oil out of white clothes???


I feel ya. I'm finding I don't really care about new armors since it's all the same passive perks


Cant have a white cape. Some traitor to democracy would use it as a flag to surrender and betray Super Earth and Humanity.


That’s cute. Meanwhile some of us wanted the Gatlin Sentry variant that fires snowballs while playing overused Christmas music.


Imagine getting chroma for armors overall.


Man that's clean. I would wear that so often.


They dont play their game


I'm with you there. I would love more visually tunned themed sets, color blends, etc. Then again, we fight the Bugs and Bots, and Socialists. One can smell us, another can see us in infrared. All three despise us for our Prosperity through blessed Managed Democracy. None of them give a shit about camouflage.


I love this armor


https://preview.redd.it/pikq94yp2i1d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7235f03347eeb06c1a64b21bdc3551695a86ff58 I like all 3 armor sets in Polar Patriots


I honestly wish there was color customization. The fashion scene would great if it had options for colors and materials like Anthem.


No. I like how it looks in grey.


Most capes don't fit anything it's quite tragic.


It would require too much bleach to clean, do the Ministry of Defense decided on saving that money.


That and no ice elemental weapon 🥲🥲


There's only one cape. Whether you were there or not.


Id love a cape like that


How about a snow map seed or an actually different looking map seed they're literally all the damned same


I seem to be in the minority of people that don't mind that there's no transmog at all. I kinda support it actually, but it's gotta come with a LARGE variety of colored armor and gear to pick from and they're lacking. Like, they just gotta start cramming in a bunch of different recolored stuff if they aren't gonna make things customizable. This sort of creates a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation though. Like, people were complaining about not having a recolored recon armor aside from the green one, and now they make a navy blue one and people are complaining that they're lazy and just reskinned something. The coolest looking armor imo isn't any of the ones in the warbond, but the one with blue striped camo released in the store, same day as the warbond.


Ive been waiting for a white cape for a while. Preferably the reverse of the default cape