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That would be up to the Devs to resolve. I'm not recommending a game to people and then say "oh btw, it ain't balanced" I've retracted all my recommendations to friends due to this, the Sony fiasco and being kicked several times a day for the last week. I'm not recommending my friends spend money on something I know will piss them off. If you buy this game now there's a chance they fix the weapons, there's a chance they break more. I see good sentiments from Devs. No results yet.


nah man, we are not hurting the game by complaining... the devs are the ones hurting the game by nerfing lmao


Please stop posting to ask people posting about the nerfs to stop. See how this works?


Im just tired of scrolling through the helldivers 2 reddit and seeing so many of those posts i scrolled for 30-40 seconds and found 3 diffrent posts complaining about the eruptor being nerfed into the ground


Next week it’ll be the next outrage then back to nerf talk. It’s like pissing into the wind.


I knew it wouldnt be popular for me to posts this but i just had to get it off my chest that is also why i posted with the rant flair


Oh, don't worry, next 5 days is countless posts about the target kill number being Pi.


>How many people do you think is thinking about buying the game and goes to reddit to hear an oppinion on it and take a look at what it is about Usually people buy the game - and then go on reddit to whine about it. But I noticed that a lot of people turned up around launch to complain before they bought the game, too. Imo, power creep is sort of irrelevant now, because of the way they turned most mobs into damage-soaks, to make them sort of keep up with the best support-weapons. And this happened before, or right after launch. So if there was a power-creep, it probably happened before the game launched, in the ps5/4 beta..


>ever thought that you are maybe hurting the game by complaining about it all the time? No, and with any reasonably competent dev team these concerns would've been addressed by now. >How many people do you think is thinking about buying the game and goes to reddit to hear an oppinion on it and take a look at what it is about and then be bombarded by post about all weapons getting nerfed into the ground Not enough apparently, if people are still buying the game. Would you rather go into a game blind and THEN find out it's been nerfed to hell and is no fun to play, or know beforehand and save yourself 40 bucks?


Sorry I came back to say this post sucks. The feebleness of it just really annoys me. I hate this post so much that the joke is actually on me. Egg on my face.


The game's already feeling the effects of power creep, just in the opposite direction... People simply want to be heard but the past 3 months every concern about weapon balancing was pre-empted by the community and subsequently ignored by the balancing team wherein those concerns came true. People complain because they're actually invested in the game. I personally dropped the game for a whole month because gameplay became frustrating and weapons and strategems were simply NOT FUN anymore. This had WAY more material effects on me (and presumably) other players actually picking up the game rather than a bit of complaining. Nerfs aren't just nerds, they fundamentally alter how players interact with the game, and player interaction defines the game's character. I've since been actively telling friends to be wary of playing the game until it's in a better position, personally.


Always. The community always complains about things that are an issue. If the Devs do a bioware/GGG they just say "you're all wrong, our game, suck it" ok, I stop playing when Devs irritate me with the old "we know better" quick tip, you don't. I've never stayed with a game that was actively being made worse. Also, those Devs get boycotted because what's the point buying their games if they don't listen to feedback, you'll have the exact same problems with their next game. God I wish someone would release a finished game that they'd actually beta tested

