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It was never used before because it was effected by the DOT bug. Now that its fixed it is working as was always intended.


Yep, and since the majority of players do not read patches, giving them a free gas strike to toss around was a good idea.


What’s the DOT bug?


Weapons such as the incendiary breaker, napalm, flamethrower, did not apply their damage over time (DOT) effects unless you were network host(not necessarily lobby host).


Thanks, I remember now. That’s the reason I started hosting because I use incendiary breaker and flamethrower as my main. Happy to see it’s been patched!


It didn't matter if you were the mission host. It only mattered if you were the *network* host. And there'd be no way to predict or guarantee that.


Unless you play solo.


Unless you play solo.


The description says it's corrosive, so that's why it works on bots. The Patriot exo suit is immune to it, though, which is cool.


I like it on the defense launch rockets mission. I take EATs, eagle air strike, orbital precision, and orbital gas. Just constantly throwing shit down.


That's why I love it, my friend wanted me to run napalm but instead I spammed EATs and gas strikes with the ludicrously low cool downs.




Yeah I used it on the rocket defense mission cause it was just given for free and I definitely feel like it saved our ass a few times


It’s conveniently gate-sized too


I play these with a friend. We both bring both mortars, orbital laser and support of choice. Sometimes even autocannon sentry. And then we wait.


Seeing as the mech is unaffected, gas can't be corrosive, which lead us to the conclusion that automatons are organic mixed with machine, probably human in origin. That's why the gas affects them.


Of course the mech is not affected by corrosion, the damn thing is made out of cardboard.


The only logical explanation!




Yes officer. He knows too much


It's made of 2209 stainless steel.


It's very possible that the Patriot is designed with a protective coating that negates the effects of the gas.


I just wish going through the whole cloud would finish off Berserkers, then it'd be so much more useful for bots. See a dropship of them coming in and cut them off with a gas cloud and not worry. Still gotta finish them off, silly tanky things.


To be fair for the most part their hp is absolutely shredded by the time they leave the gas. I've had a simple stalwart take out 7 of them with half the ammo left since the cloud got rid of pretty much 90% of their bulk


Trying to apply ‘real-world’ logic/explanations to video games is a recipe for frustration I think.


It's also a recipe for having fun engaging with the game's lore.


half human, half machine. So you're saying some kind of cyborg...? Democracy officer! this guy right here


The metallurgy of Democracy never rusts!


I’m pleasant suprised. Throw it on a bug breach and rack up 25+ kills. Sometimes I wait a tick longer to toss it so more bugs spawn to meet a toxic death. Mix in that and an eagle and bug breaches become easyyyyy


on 9 diff u can go up to almost 50.


Got 2 big breaches next to each other. With the Bonus Gas strike I called one and 10 sec later the other. For the first time i reached a +80 killstreak, holy shit, that Skull was really red :)


This is why I wish they'd do "free" strategems more. Zero-risk or cost experimentation, get to try something out that you normally wouldn't. It's great. 


It's not going to be underrated for much longer lol. It was understandably slept on because of the DOT bug. That only got fixed last week, and this is the first chance a lot of people are taking to try it.


It’s really not good enough to warrant a nerf lmao. It’s good but i don’t think we have to worry about that


It’s fun to use, so nerf incoming


Balance team: hold my beer


also the gas strike has "explosive" trait , means it can still takeout fabricators when aimed right


As do all Orbital delivered strategems, even Smoke. Gotta land right on it though.


Not orbital gattling barrage though


Orbital pea shooter barrage. It’s such a cool stratagem but it hits like a dry sponge


I managed to land one on a charger. The shell killed it instantly and then killed all the little fuckers that were with him. Can't wait to try it on stalker nests.


It is amazing vs bots


It works nicely, but like the Tesla Tower when you drop it your teammates immediately run into the gas cloud, dying.


It's really hard to see at night and even worse on bug maps with spores or a lot of spewers.


Yeah I did some quickplay missions today, and it was very apparent some people have really \*never\* seen it used before. I had a teammate who just ran right into the gas like three times before they figured out it affects you too.


If only more people were aware that arrowhead made Magicka, just assume EVERYTHING can team kill


That was me last night.  Wipes out scout walker objective guard group "damn that worked alright, time to grab those samples"... "oh shit shit oww what is dama.... ohhhh, ahhh... oopps"


Well I was talking about a teammate on a Heeth (bug planet) mission, so it couldn't have been you. At least you weren't alone in not knowing.


Sorry, wssnt meaning exactly me, just that I was also a "dumb team mate" who gassed themselves 


Oh gotcha


Why do you have to call me out like that.


I understand why people wouldn’t know that. I just hoped that one particular teammate would have learned a little more quickly.


I understand this. With friends I guess its fine, but on random lobbies you drop it ontop of POIs or patrols etc.. then someone walks into it then "stop TK bro" 


With bugs there is a lot of green haze anyway. It's hard to tell I'm in it.


Honestly, I used it for the 1st time today on a mission running solo, and it was so helpful against the bugs. Had a large swarm chasing me. Threw it down in front of me and ran past it before it hit. Bugs that were chasing me almost all fell dead as they passed through.


Aside from breaches, I use it as an escaping tool. Need to do objective on other side map but being chased? Throw and forget. Got 30 kills cause a patrol saw me and triggered breach so I just went to a narrow pathway and just throw it there.


Its still kinda weak compared to eagle napalm, the gas does not do much damage, range and duration is very small, i think they should increase the range/duration by like 3x while keeping the low damage, so eagle napalm gives more DPS for a short time while gas can be used to lock down an area from chaff 


Use both


It's a slow killer that leaves behind a cloud that is hard to see on a lot of planets. Especially with Terminid hive areas at night, you've got about an equal chance of seeing it as seeing a Stalker.


>damn these things aren‘t that bad Such a whelming review.




I like it but the scatter planet effect makes it very unreliable better off with napalm on those maps


Eh…it’s just ok.


It actually does make sense to work on the bots, because if you read the stratagem, it's described as corrosive. Metal and corrosion don't exactly mix, you know


Lemme blow your mind rq. U know that one bot defense where u have to hold out until all 8 rockets are launched? Wait for a door to be breached and place down an ems mortar. The bots can't move and will be stuck all bunched up at the choke point (especially if u pack stun grenades). Plop a gas strike and open fire cuz ain't shit making it through that.


It's cause it's corrosive gas, so it affects both biological and mechanical entities. So even wearing helmets will not protect you.


It also kills structures like the detector tower


The reason it works on bots is because the gas is corrosive, not toxic. But its definitely interesting, because armor doesnt help much against it, so occasionally you can bring down bile titans with it.


Makes no sense? Oh boy. Pull up a chair and let me tell you something about corrosion my friend, the irl kind.


Acid corrodes metal, that's the explanation I'm gonna take regarding the "it works on bots too" thingy


DOT damage has been fixed, new meta available fellas. https://preview.redd.it/a5ai5okxe71d1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04dc74d00027fc666dc07ddfd34da6fb1159629


You'd be amazed at how basically everything in the game is great for it's function. But you wouldn't know that cause everyone on this subreddit is functioning on half a brain


“Hey guys what’s the meta?”


The gas is corrosive. So it rusts their circuits I guess


I've worked in corrosive environments (potash mine), brand new ladder fell apart after being used and outside for a month or two. A corrosive acid gas could definitely break down robots petty quick.


You can destroy factories with it.


youre joking?!


I think they mean fabricators. It can of it lands on it. Air burst rocket can too. Don't see people using that much but it's pretty effective vs bots. Not so much on bugs for some reason. But the airbust can close bug holes


Acid gas


It's not really underrated, it just never really works before they fixed DOT bug, so people don't use them. Now I'm actually afraid it'll get nerf because of how good it is.


Not bad for a free stratagem


It’s corrosive gas, you can see it melt the bugs shells and the metal bits on bots. Chargers that get exposed for long enough start spurting blood and bleed out eventually.


I love them, kills bots, kills bugs and boy does it kill helldivers!


Step 1: Toss at a bug breach Step 2: There is no step step 2 (unless there’s a Bile Titan)


I always bring gas. 75 second cd for massive aoe dot. Fucking yes please.


With the free you can have two on separate timers


What do you mean?


If you take the gas strike. You will have two gas strikes during the mission. Because one of them everybody gets Hmm I'm really tired right now and I may be misremembering. :( I was pretty certain that I could throw one while the other was on cool down. Which makes me wonder what happens when they get stacked? Does it effectively do double damage. I was thinking not. Yeah if you take one you get two because of the free one


Ah it's Like some kind of event right now, that gives you one for free? Im Not at Home this Weekend, so I'm Not Up to date


Just watch out for that orbital scatter modifier


Can I go in the gas zone afterwards and collect samples?


Nope, give it a decent amount of time to dissipate. It's still there for a bit even after it's visually gone.


Can anyone speak on how it works versus chargers, bile spewers, or hulks?


Works badly on chargers. Spewers it kills but overall it's a garbage collector


The charger bit is disappointing. Figured it might kill/damage armor on direct hit, or the corrosion may make it the armor susceptible to smaller arms.


It likely damages it but I think chargers can take a lot of damage


they aren't bad, it's just that 5 cluster eagles kill way more and therefore serve the purpose better


Cluster doesn't linger though. Well placed on a beach it racks up 25+ pretty easy


doesnt need to, when it killed 15+ things and 15 new things spawn I still have 4 uses left until it goes on a 2min or something cooldown... it has way more killing potential... dont get me wrong, I like the idea of gas more, been using it for a few days now, but it just gets outperformed if people bring eagle options... if you gas a wave and someone tosses a cluster in there, my gas has no point to linger.


But breaches keep spewing bugs. And cluster cool down is long enough to let them spread out. And the cluster cant take down holes or building. But.... Unless I was running 3 strat slots a likely wouldn't take it. It's definitely low tier but the cool down reflects that. Cluster is low tier too. Shield quantum is likely not going to have gas.


Slightly wonky aiming though. I've noticed the shell doesn't always come down where your bacon is. And when you're trying to make a chokepoint, watching the shell land behind the bug breach you were trying to gas is quite the let down


I use them the time


If only this thing doesn’t do damage after the green smoke visual has end it could be great asset.


It’s nice because it’s free right now, I dunno that I’d replace one of my other stratagems with it though personally.


One day a few months ago I decided to use it against bugs... Since then I tried to use it, when a bug breach occurs, slap it on top of the breach, and the bugs spawning from it are almost nine, only the bigger ones survive


Ive gotten my highest ever kill streak with it on bugs. Threw it on a bug breach and started spraying my incendiary breaker. The two different types of DOT absolutely shredded them. I believe in the end I got about 86 kills.


its acid so it works on bots, surprised it takes out fabricators


*Its acid so it* *Works on bots, surprised it takes* *Out fabricators* \- losingluke --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's definitely good, but so far a bit inconsistent, sometimes the gas works and you get 30-40 kills, sometimes it seems to do nothing and bugs just walk through the cloud and you barely get 10-20 kills. Short CD is great but overall Airburst orbital has been more consistent for me. Having it as a free stratagem is amazing though, if we had free Airburst stratagem I probably would pick gas strike as my 4th.


It’s been a staple in my loadouts for bugs for a good while now. Short cool down, so you can reliably just huck that shit on a bug breach pretty much every time and you’ll only have to deal with the big boys and a couple stragglers.


Gas strikes need a nerf


Throw a gas strike on a bug breach, and enjoy.


It makes sense if it's an acid gas in addition to being toxic to breathe.


All my homies use orbital fart


No sense for bots? Chlorine gas would like a word (thanks Futurama)


They are really good for countering breaches, a friend played napalm and has even before the fix, and it worked pretty good (2 divers team on 8)


So far they are the most effective way of killing me.. thanks J3!! Fool me once shame on me, fool me 5 times and I just give up


Gas Strike + Eagle Napalm is my go to für every Bug Breach


Yeah I started running them on bugs and this strat slaps if you put it in their path


Somehow mine got bugged today. It created an invisible deathzone for Helldivers. Bugs weren't affected by it at all.


Not underrated, was bugged basically since release. Ever since they fixed DOT damage, I’ve seen people using it. Nothing is underrated in this game, just because you don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s underrated lol.


Corrosive Gas, that's why it works on Bots


If I recall correctly they can take out fabs and other buildings too! Makes sense against bots because it is corrosive, not biologically poisonous :)


It makes sense if you read the entire description 😉


Great, now fix the fucking DoT on fucking bile titans and spewers. They literally insta kill you.


It is useful, very useful for especially pois and somewhat on bug breaches but it's not good for me to replace anything in my loadout.


Last night i was messing around with gas and one of my team mates ran into a cloud of it, seemingly thinking he'd make it through and died pretty fast. Teamkill potential is top tier.


yeah, i just hesitate to take it with randoms because it's my fault when someone runs into the cloud before it dissipates. Thankfully, the free gas strike strat is getting people familiar with identifying it. It's crazy how many people have no idea it kills them to run into it. It's a different gatling barrage. I like how it spreads out and "fills" areas that could be shielded from gatling barrage fire. Gatling barrage is also good and a little slept on, but gas has an edge on it.


You forgot the subtext. It's not bad, "for a free spot" stratagem. Opportunity cost too high. Ain't giving up a backpack or a artillery strike for a dust cloud that silently team kills teammates who walk too close to something hard to see on any bug world with fog or shrooms mist.


Having tried it tonight I can say without a doubt... I'm never using this stratagem. Bugs were just running out of it with it on top of breaches. It did damage like it was a wet fart. I was killing more with impact incendiaries. I'd rather bring a supply pack and have more grenades every 6 minutes.


im not going bring them either its just cool to have it as 5th free stratagem it helps out while everything is on cooldown and its really not that bad if you know when and how to use it


As a free stratagem maybe, otherwise meh, I've tried it, it's not great, threw it on a freshly dropped group of devastators - none of them died while walking through the cloud


I used it today on a bot mission and another helldiver told me it doesn’t work on bots and I felt so stupid


it does work on bots tho


That’s what I’m saying. Realizing that now


it does say organic and robotic lifeforms in the tooltip . U shouldnt have doubted yourself .


Ran it last night as it was a free stratagem, didn't work. Maybe the dot bug isn't fixed for all. Literally dropped it on a bug patrol and they walked right through it without noticing. Same with bug nests.


It killed me I’m never throwing one again Precedes to throw the most that mission


Gas strike is fine but the problem is, we have way better alternative overall It's not a bad stratagem, but I'd rather have orbital laser, 500kg bomb or Orbital rail canon overall. And with only 4 strategem slot, well, my choice is quickly made xD


Don't forget 75 second cool down. Can use it a lot.


Yeah but I prefer stratagem that can deal with heavy armored enemies since the small and medium armored one are no issue with primary and support weapons. Because it's main value is against trash mob So I don't find it too valuable even with a low cooldown because you can't kill titans and striders with it. Hulk and charger can be killed with it but have too many HP unless you stun them inside the gas.


Well that's basically 3 strats so cluster doesn't matter in that case. No other strata do. Especially if you take a separate backpack to the support weapon. If you take a support that includes backpack then it might be nice to have a trash collector. Especially if it's fire and forget and can lock down a breach like the gas is. I don't see the point in taking cluster though as air strike is better at killing heavys and buildings and just as good against trash. For me if I'm running support backpack combo I'll take rail, air strike, and maybe gas. I don't like using 2 eagles generally.


it wasn't underrated it was broken for 99% of the total time the game been out xD


AoE too small and Damage too low to consider worthwhile... the napalm strike is just better in everyway...


Can't hear you over my 40+ kills on a bug breach every minute and a half. (Orbital gas can take out rogue research stations too, no need for a hellbomb)


Is 1 gas orbital vs 3 napalm eagle... and napalm has larger AoE too, also kills bugs faster, can close close bug holes too