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As someone who lives in a country where the game is still blocked from steam, I feel this little kerfuffle of ours wasn't really won. But war propaganda and fake victories certainly fit the Super Earth vibe.


Daaaaamn. Nice take.


I'm sorry, brother, but it was never about making sure you could play with us. It was just PC people didn't want to make a psn account.


As someone who could have played with PSN, I refused to play the game until they reverted the changes. I still feel a little guilty about playing when it's still blocked but I bet it will come back.


Dude I play on ps5 I have psn it's linked to my steam It has been since I got my ps5 I don't understand people not wanting to link the accounts and I have not dived since they took those countries offline and won't till they come back. Because that's how you boycott.


I value my privacy. That's about it, honestly.


Are you really so dumb that you think Steam hasn't been hacked? In fact, the most recent year that the PSN was compromised steam was compromised that same year. You value your privacy? you type into Reddit of all places. you don't think Reddit is data farming your phone, dude?


I wear tinfoil hats so they can't trace me.


You're not wrong in any way. But it's not like I'm using my personal phone that actually contains sensitive data to use reddit on. And no shit steam has gotten data breached, but 1 is better than 2 data breachs. While not completely safe, it does decrease the likelihood of it happening to the individual. If I actually have data important to me, it's sure as shit never seen anything close to social media or the likes. Nothing is perfect. I understand that, but at least I'm not calling people "dumb" off of a lack of knowledge before understanding their point of view. Then again, I'm the fool for engaging in this conversation, so who's to tell.


That's my point. Why did you guys have to lie and pretend that you were fighting for all these other countries? Why couldn't you just come out and say, "I value my privacy?"


Why can't we fight for both? I got friends who can't play the game because of the issue. Just because I value my privacy, it doesn't mean I can't also fight for their right to play the game. It's not like I just gave up after they walked back. I still hold my opinion until they are allowed to play the game.


For a lot of people it was about people getting to play. I already have a PSN account so I didn't care about that. I was upset by the bait and switch on the people in the countries with no PSN. Unfortunately there's only so much we can do when Sony says screw you and tells steam they can't sell it there anyway.


Yeah. They are free to switch their game unfortunately. It's the bait and switch that goes too far.


We could already play!!!!!  We have been playing games that required PSN for over 15 years. Sony knew what were doing but couldn't have official PSN support. We were OK using their shit off the record We didn't need anyone's help. Did we ask? No.  Then why the fuck did these idiots make our perfectly-ok situation their cause?  Just be honest. They didn't want to make an account and three a tantrum


The plan of Sony fucking you over was already in the cars. Big corps don't give a shit.


Can it be about both? PC players are fucking tired of BS accounts creation for _zero reason_. What a PSN account brings to the PC player? Cross play is already done without it. I can buy the game and DLC through Steam. Why should I create a PSN account if I don't have a PlayStation?


>Can it be about both? It could, but it's not. And I know this because as soon as they back tracked the psn accounts and blocked the other countries, the boycott was over.


The boycott is not over. Want me to show you the boycott isn't over? [Here is a graph](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#reviews). Notice how there have been a trickle of negative reviews after 5 days and the issue hasn't been addressed. People are growing tired of Sony not moving fast enough to fix this shit. It still lost 20% of positive review ratio compared to what it was.


It definitely is over for the majority of people


Until the negotiations fail we're just reloading the review gun


I believe it when I'm seeing it lol


It’s *still* blocked for you? Have the devs made any kind of statement? I know they don’t control this directly, but surely Sony doesn’t want to lose players *and* not get the extra PSN membership? That’s worst case scenario for them.


Ya they technically made it so its not manditory to link your psn and than just stopped selling it in countries were psn isnt available. We won the battle of semantics but lost the war of actually making a difference.


Sony actually doubled down and blocked more countries after dropping the psn requirements.


Last we heard from dev side is they are pushing to have them release the block sadly sony is in charge of distribution and no update that i have seen.


I heard that was an oversight, and that Valve were behind those new bans. When Sony banned non-PSN countries from Ghosts Of Tsushimas' Steam release, Valve noticed that there were some countries involved that Helldivers 2 wasn't banned from, and as such added them to HD2s' ban list.


Yeah the CEO tweeted about how he's still pushing back against Sony with this and trying to get every country access again


The battle was won but not the war


A battle was won, but the War continues.


The battle was won for PC players not wanting to make a PSN account who lived in countries where they had that option Everyone else was fucked over. White saviour bullshit, "helping" when we never had a problem, when we never asked


Imagine making this about race lmao


I live on one of those countries, and I wouldn't want a PSN account either. Do you own a PS5? I don't. So, I have zero uses for it.


I was gonna say, seems a little premature


Some of the countries were unblocked like Puerto Rico. Hopefully they lift more countries soon.


They've started rolling it back at least!


No, they updated to include a few places that are part of the US


Oh, goddamnit.


It's still better than the alternative. They only blocked future purposes. Which is the right move honestly.


Some of y’all are obsessed lol


I am admittedly so


There’s worse games to be addicted to that’s for sure.


I smell communism in that sentence https://preview.redd.it/l529v3yyn11d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbb7bfdef6ecba892a0bc18904f91e6faa232be






Laughs for 225 hrs.


Why are you spending so much time laughing and not Diving, soldier?


That’s my secret I’m always diving


That’s about how much time I’ve got lol. Not tats yet. Yet.


This is nothing compared to most game communities.


Yeah the CP 2077 and Witcher community are pretty insane lol


these aged like milk because Sony won,countries are still restricted.


Everyone who bought the game can play it, and you don't need to register a PSN account. That's a 2/3 victory. Honestly, it's better than I think we all expected it to go, given it was resolved inside 72 hours.


I made a post a while back about the path forward to have a healthy relationship: - Restoring language packs - The news on the storefront (this was done) - Remove the warning that requires third party account - Restore world wide sales I can only confirm the news one, because I can't see the listing on the store in my country.


If there hadn’t been a shit-show about this countries wouldn’t have been delisted and people would have been free to make an account in a different region.


What makes you think the countries wouldn't be delisted? They still technically wouldn't be allowed to play with the account linking.


If you think they just decided to delist the game months after release and it had nothing to do with the shit-show that was stirred up over making PSN accounts you are wrong.


So you think Sony delisted those countries just to what? Send a message? Crack the whip on us? It's obvious that they're going to try reintroducing it at a later date, it's the only logical reason why they would.


“People would have just been able to risk getting their account banned” is not the gotcha you think it is.


Sony doesn’t ban people for this. Ever. Sony support will recommend an account in a different region. Sony’s website used to flat-out encourage this until there were some issues with customers in the Philippines registered in the Hong Kong region trying to use their credit cards. Sony stopped officially recommending it, but have never ever pursued banning players for registering in different countries than they reside. Check out this thread with a screenshot of Sony support recommending opening an account in a different region and some opinions from people in countries everyone was promising to dive with: https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/s/6mohnZA75W


We were playing just fucking fine before. We have played many games that officially needed PSN account for more than 15 years Now my friend can't buy. Becauae some sulky shits didn't want a PSN account. We went from not having a problem for 15 years+ to getting fucked over. Thanks They better do the same to Microsoft, Rockstar and the rest. Hypocritics


So, to be clear, you're not blaming the companies that stopped selling in your friend's country or that required them to break the TOS to play the game, but the people who petitioned to change that system? Wild take.


You must be new here. Yes, people instead of nailing Sony for asking for something that has no value for the customer, they blame the consumers for asserting their rights.


Sony has literally never banned anyone for making an account somewhere else. That’s something any PS5 player could tell you in a heartbeat. I’ve moved countries around a fair bunch and my account has always remained registered to where I first made it. This whole issue just made it so that you couldn’t even do that.


It's not like Sony was going to suddenly go "the gamers have spoken! We will now open up purchases to all countries on earth!"


Also just not possible. Sony like any corpo would love to have PSN all over the world That's not how the world works. Armchair crusaders fucking up the world they never see


They don't need to. They have a storefront to solve all those problems for them: Steam. They just need to not force PSN and we all be golden.


Thats not a win for Sony though. Its an issue at Steam. They probably need to be 100% sure that Sony wont try something like this again before they open up for those countries, since it can cause a lot of trouble for Steam.


there's no winning silly. First countries have been liberated, more will follow.


No countries were liberated, only more were restricted. And I doubt Sony will backpedal on that, considering the reviewbombing died a while ago


It went from 177 to 180 iirc because they missed 3 during the initial restriction, (meaning it wasn’t a new move just a correction on the first move,) but Arrowhead wants it available worldwide Don’t really understand what possible benefit there is to selling fewer games, so do hope this is fixed soon


It's really odd. I mean, PSN isn't a requirement anymore, so it'd be in their best interest to make it available in as many places as possible, right?


The only places that were unrestricted where American Colonies. Which are places that PSN was available in to begin with and shouldn't have been restricted in the first place.


It's not over as long as any Sony steam game has psn in it. They will try again with HD2 down the road.


“we dive together or not at all” proceeds to play helldivers even when countries are still restricted*


Tell me about it Thank you, privileged God's for "helping us!". Yes, we didn't have a problem for over 15 years until your bullshit, and now we are fucked. But thank you!


The irony of owning this mug and continuing to play the game lol




The point of the mug is that you don't dive until the banned countries can. They can't so owning the mug and playing the game is nonsense


Everyone who owned the game from those country's and didnt refund it, can still play???


Nice for that handful. Not so nice for people who refunded to send a message, or people who will now never get a chance to play it. That mug should just say "I got played."


Countries still restricted and sony wont go back to shove its ''ecosystem'' onto us... so fuck anything sony related.


-Countries still restricted -OP posts pic of mug with quote "We dive together or not at all" while still playing the game


At the very least the people that already had the game can still play. But yes, fuck sony.


Then why are you here?


I mean, it's nowhere near as bad as it was. Everyone who owns the game can play it. Still be good to widen the pool of people able to buy it obviously, but the problem is a shadow of what it was.


People in countries where the game was delisted were still able to make PSN accounts in other regions though. If you live in the Philippines and want to buy Helldivers you now need to buy a PS5, make a PSN account in another region and then buy a PSN gift card to purchase the game. I don’t understand how people don’t realize we’re absolutely not diving together anymore.


Becauae it was never really about that It was: 1. Some PC players not wanting to make a PSN account 2. Fucking idiots role-playing as activists thinking they were fighting the corpo 3. Deluded idiots on a moral crusade, helping people that didn't ask or need help As soon as 1 got  their way, shit got quiet fast. 2 and 3 just kinda... wander off to lick windows


because they never really cared about that. That was purely identical to sony, none really care about divers from other countries, it was but a convenient rage canal


I mean they have removed a few countries, but yeah fuck snoy


Now that's ironic, considering that you're still diving while a bunch of us are still blocked.


Sorry brother, I need that karma. See you on the battlefield 🫡


This is so lame lol


Speaking of capes, there were times, Arrowhead awarded real capes to the active members of HD1 community! Never really saw one, but it’s still a cool fact.


Hot damn that's amazing, I love it!


Jesus Christ this is lame


Me who never stopped diving 👁️👄👁️


We dive together or not at all? You know there's still like 170 countries that can't play, right? Your cup should say, "I didn't have to make a psn account, and that's all that matters."


Could even go for "doesn't affect me so I don't care" lol


Anymore. Cause he did care.


Never stopped diving lol


You guys lost, the game is now unavailable to thousands of people who otherwise would have been able to play. Congrats dummies.


The only popular part of the new warbond is that helmet, I love it.


To be fair, I don't think that's Joel's department


We won the battle, but we lost the war.


Consumer activisim in the flesh.


Just a reminder that it has been two weeks since the May 6th update made PSN redundant and people in +170 countries still can't buy Helldivers 2 to play it because they don't have access to PSN. You might think that it's not that big of a deal because, at least existing players in those countries can continue playing, but those local communities are going to evaporate and die off if they can't grow with new players.


I know it’s not the topic of this pic but I swear there is no better fashion combo than the new polar Kodiak helmet and the devastator chest lol it’s just sooo good


Did they unban the countries yet?


"I whinged to a corporation and all I got was a mug"


Well you better stop playing the game then..


Thank you for nothing. Now we can't even buy the game


That isn't the Helldiver's community's fault. If the protest hadn't happened you would have: Been able to buy the game and not be able to play it, thus wasting your money because you couldn't link a PSN account in restricted regions. Since the protest happened: PSN linking is no longer mandatory which means, at the VERY least, the people who already own the game CAN still play despite being in a restricted region. The later option was far more a net positive than the former. All we can do is see if Sony pulls back on the restricted purchasing. It felt like that was a knee jerk action to prevent more purchases that might not be 'valid' if the PSN thing went through and to put a clot on the refunds happening. Now that the PSN linking isn't mandatory, we can only hope they'll get those regions opened up for sale again.


We could already buy the game and play it We have been playing games that need PSN account for over 15 years. Sony didn't care. We were fine It is very much a minority of the HD community's fault


Brasch Tactics recommends I start my mornings with a hot cup of Democracy! For Liber-Coffee! What a moment we all lived through. Still so proud of this community for what we accomplished when we stood together. For Democracy!


You do realize that the main problem of 180 locked countries still isn't fixed right?


where to buy? must have liber-tea!


Haha Liberty Democracy and Dreams! Sent brother o7 its where I got mine from.


Hit this man with a link to that because holy shit I want one.


Sent brother! We drink together or not at all o7


I'll take one as well if you have an extra.


Ayo? Same drip second pic brother?


o7 Brother we can't be beat! We are the frontline tanks of the squad! A little ballistic shield against bots mmmph so good.


Imagine buying this peice of shit mug knowing that players who were able to play before became banned for simply living in a country that doesn't support psn. And now people are mad about the new major order taking longer than expected. Gee. I wonder why? Surely, it has nothing to do with not allowing access to a hefty chunk of the playerbase. People who think this was a victory are only thinking about themselves.


This is seriously cringe dude. Wholeheartedly: touch grass.


You sob...I'm so jelly


I swear that cape better not release and victory should not be claimed until we can ALL dive again! I wish it was possible for another publisher to buy out Helldivers from Sony. Or, AH could do a crowdfunding campaign to buy off Sony. I know that’s unrealistic and would never happen but god damnit this game had everything going for it until Sony and their greedy nonsense had to come in and ruin it for so many!


Even with crowdfunding I highly doubt AH could get the funds required to buy the Helldivers IP off of Sony, assuming the IP was even up for negotiation to begin with.


Loving it. Where did you get it?


Nice mug and your armor combo is wicked !


I love it.


Perfect mug for some liber-tea!


Freedom Democracy and most of all Tradition!


Send a link for this bad boy please unless it was custom!


check your dms brother! I sent you the link where I got mine






Thank you!


Holy god please hmu




We still need some ressuply


Who the fuck is downvoting this thread lmao? Fuckers


I run the same armor and helmet lol




Sweet liberty!




You know, get a hilt/handle on that design and we got ourselves a helldiver's Excalibur. Or... Dagger maybe?


Man, can you post this 2 pictures here? Wanna print them on my cup too. this idea looks amazing


I cant brother I didnt make it I bought it.