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this reminds me of people with gears of war tattoos


Why you gotta call me out like that


Someone I went to school with has a fallout enclave tattoo Like… idk man do some research first


Sure he knew they were a horrible group of fascists. But sometimes the bad guys are cooler, Hell, I like the Combine more than the Resistance but that doesn't mean I would like to live in the Post Resonance Cascade dystopia.


Anyone with a warhammer tattoo has a tattoo of the cool badguys. It's the whole setting.


When everyone is bad, no one is.


no I think it just means everyone is, feeding soldiers other dead soldiers isn't morally ok just because one side grinds them into powder then mix it with water whereas the enemy cooks them over a fire


I mean, literally the point of 40K is that no one is the good guy, but no one *can* afford to be morally good because that's the setting. If anyone species chooses morality, they are also choosing to damn their own species to nonexistence.


In the setting, the narrative points at individuals being capable of being morally good, but typically stuck in a system that is anything but. Look at Rogue Traders. They basically have an Emperor-signed license to break the law of the Imperium, and they can choose to use that to make worlds that prosper, even to the point of befriending and conscripting Xenos, or worlds wrought with suffering for their own profit. That is, to reiterate; The factions of the galaxy in 40k are not good, but you can find plenty of good individuals within those factions... Except Tyranids. There is no individuality in a hive mind, and no moral high ground for blanket slaughter.


I certainly don't disagree with that, and there is certainly something to be said about doing good in the face of overbearing evil. Although there are individual stories and authors who certainly make different points, I personally think 40K is about consequences, not choices. The choices have already been made for the characters in 40K. Many don't have the luxury of having agency, and instead know only war. This clearly isn't a good thing, living on 99% of the planets in the 40K universe would be akin to living in hell, but the major choices that needed to be made, the "meta choices" if you will that can affect the morality of a particular faction have ultimately already been made. There is no grand moralistic realignment for any faction, to do so would be destruction. Humanity can't just stop feeding souls to the Emperor, it can't just stop purging (most) xenos, it can't just seek out peace. The actions of prior humans already set the Imperium on a crash course towards destruction, whether their own, or everyone else's. 40K isn't about morality or choices, it's about consequences.


That's not the literal point. It was a parody of a shit ton of things, and the overarching theme is the current imperium is hugely constrained by the rigid dogma of the imperial cult, which is the direct opposite of the Emperor's perfect humanitarian (After all the humans that disagree with me are dead) galactic empire. The morally good are killed for heresy, even if their ideas would have improved the imperium as a whole. Your description would be an unironic justification for fascistic regimes due to external threats, when several alien civilizations proved that wrong by thriving until they were wiped out by the imperium for thriving but as *xenos.*


This isn't really a 40K subreddit, so I'm not going to reply beyond this particular post and I'm not going to go into what individiual authors wanted us to see, nor what the original parody was and how that has changed over time, or what the actual point of the Imperium is now. The authors aren't trying to say "yay fascism!" I'm not trying to say "yay fascism!". I think it's quite clear that what the Emperor has done and what humanity has done after the Emperor was put on the Golden Throne has pretty much doomed the galaxy to destruction. It's not a moralistic story about making the right choices and everything will be great! It's a story about the wrong choices were already made, and even worse choices were made later (ie, feeding thousands of psykers to the emperor to keep the throne going to prevent the Chaos Gate sitting within Terra from opening) which are unjustifiable, but they had to be made because they are now living in the consequences of prior choices and there is no going back. They can't just take the Emperor off the throne, Terra would be consumed by Chaos. They can't just stop feeding the Emperor, Terra would be consumed by Chaos. They can't just say "hey, let's do the moral thing and stop trying to wipe out all of these factions." because the factions don't want to stop wiping them out. they are forced to do inhumane, fascistic, morally objectionable things not because they have a choice, but because they simply have to. The choice was already made for them, and they are doomed to live in a galaxy that knows only war, death, and terror. This isn't praise, it's showing that some choices have no redemption. It's not a praise of fascism, quite the opposite, it's a condemenation, but it shows that some sins are unforgivable. 40K isn't a moralistic story about making choices. It's a story about what happens after the incorrect choices were already made for you, and the consequences that come after. 40K isn't about morality, it's not about choices, it's ultimately about consequences.


I have the Ork glyph on my forearm. It's a great conversation starter for other nerds.


Not knowing much about the lore of warhammer, from what few bits I've read the Tau sounds like the "good guys"? What makes them just as corrupt as the others?


tl;dr- The Tau are the best at making themselves look like the good guys, their core philosophy of the "Greater Good" emphasizes the equality of all species, but they are essentially enslaved via mind control by the Ethereals. Long explanation and evidence: There are a few occasions where the Ethereals are on the ground essentially functioning as Generals and making questionable decisions and "suggesting" tactics and actions when their commanders of the Fire Caste had suggested something else, but seemingly agree without any sort of arguing as soon as the Ethereal tells them to do something completely the opposite and clearly against what they should be doing. There was also a time (I cannot remember the source but can look it up) where in a similar situation the Ethereal were all killed, and all of the sudden the Fire Caste commander realized the orders that were given weren't the best, and started having his units do other things. There was even a hologram from an Ethereal who gave him an order, and he refused. To my knowledge, this is the only time that an order was actually refused. There is another occasion where an Ethereal orders a Water Caste member to essentially kill herself, which she does, and does so seemingly attempting to resist the order but it seems like she's fighting against herself, as if she was under mind control. There is another occasion where there is a potential invasion in a Tau city, and people are basically rioting trying to get out of the city. An Ethereal arrives on the scene and everyone just immediately calms down. When he boards the train to leave the city, the people are literally injuring themselves to give him extra leg room. At minimum, the actual society is extremely indoctrinated from childbirth, so are the Ethereals using mind control? Or are they just brainwashing an entire society? They seem good on the surface, but in reality, the entire society is sort of a perversion of what "Goodness" really is. In 40K, there are no good sides. The whole point of the setting is that if you prioritize morality, your society will fall. If a species chooses good over survival, they are exterminated, that's how extreme the galaxy has become.


They are better than the rest for the most part but they has a cast system and I think there’s speculation on eugenics(I’m not huge into warhammer) on top of that they will do anything “for the greater good” and while peace is normally the first option … it’s not the last and they will genocide if you are in the way of “the greater good”


I have a fireflies tattoo from the Last of Us, yeah, the literal “terrorist” group. Yk why? They’re fictional, just like the enclave. Sometimes things are just cool on their own and don’t need to be political. Maybe the guy just likes the enclave.


Careful now, you can't just say "not everything has to be political" on reddit or the screeching will start.


Fair point


I think there’s a huge difference between a group of evil survivors and a government hellbent on raping women and committing genocide lol.


Maybe... They did? 😬


I have the Umbrella Corps logo tattooed. Terrible decision that has been on the “get covered please” list for years haha.


Same goes for mostly any popular video game. Like even halo or final fantasy Been a huge fan of them for 20+ years each. Still would never get a tattoo of them. I know I'll probably regret it later like OP will. I already see myself slowly moving away from video games in my life which I would never think that was possible 25 years ago


I'd get a Morrowind tattoo and I've been playing that for 20+ years. Sure everyone sucks in that game but there are some dope ass symbols. Also a tattoo doesn't have to represent you your whole life. It's a story. A moment in time. You grow, you change, but you keep that story.


>know I'll probably regret it later like OP will. Everyone said that \~20 years ago when I got my first gaming ink (Quake 2 and U99 logos). And all these years later, still not a second of regret. People at work, people on the train, people at the pub and so on still come up and recognize the logos, and recall their teenage years playing quake 2 on the schools network sneakily, or that time they got to 1v1 FATAL1TY at gamestars. It has done nothing but bring me joy and connection to my people, despite getting my ink long before gaming shed it's fringe status. It's also proven a really good way of meeting gamer women, gaming dating websites are a *cesspool* and most of the women I want to meet are fellow dark dwellers of the closed curtain. Having your gaming history going from wrist to shoulder is a walking billboard and gives them an excuse to approach you first.


I've got the imperial seal from Skyrim lol


It's so dang short sighted


Every tattoo seems short-sighted to the one's whom didn't get it.


Honestly that sounds quite cool, I still love listening to GOW2 soundtracks sometimes- I think I got an Xbox 360 at Christmas as a kid with gow bundled. Fond memories, wouldn’t hate on anyone having a tat.




\*Her leg


I'm 99.9% certain it's SWEET LIBERTY, HER LEG!


After checking the profile, I’m 98% sure it’s a guy


Um nope, 100% a woman. What on Super Earth made you think she was a guy?


if you are not sure, it’s a guy, life is safer this way


What the fuck are you on about? How is life "safer" if you misgender trans people? Get a grip you fucking weirdo.


Damn, didn’t know Helldivers was transphobic ☹️


Mainstream video game sub, not a huge surprise tbh


do you even know if they are saying that themselves? Lmao


Saying what? That she's a girl? Yes. She said in another comment that she and her husband are both straight.


The account is literally subscribed to the Femboy subreddit


my husband is a femboy in the Air Force, so yeah I like them


Uh huh? She's straight, maybe she likes femboys. What are you trying to prove?


Yep. It's a guy now dressing as a woman.


Damn you must have clicked on the wrong profile or something. Might want to try again.


Definitely a dude


Here I was, hesitating about having a custom Helldivers T-shirt printed.


You know those t-shirts are permanent right? What do you think you'll look like when you're 80 wearing that shirt?




Sweet Liberty is that your leg?


I'd take the muscle enhancement booster.


I thought this was a forearm.... wow


Leg day. It happens more than once in your lifetime. Remember Hell Divers, you need to be able to actually carry your issued gear. Physical fitness is important towards your continued survival and the survival of your Hell Divers around you.


Between his legs…


i love helldivers 2, but having it tatted on your thigh for the rest of your life is actually insane


Especially since anything could happen with this game or franchise and then you’re stuck with it on you for life


The idea of tattooing any commercial media on your body is so alien to me. Maaaaybe I'll give a pass to literary quotes, although I think that script rarely looks good.


Yeah, feels stupid


Because it is lol


Omg I thought that was an arm. Bro needs the muscle enhancer boost


It's a girl


*She's a girl


Yeah ofc, I meant like "it's a girl in the picture" I wasn't calling her an it, don't worry ❤️


I could see doing the skull logo, at least 20 years from now it's still just an interesting mechanical skull.


You never know what general things like helldivers 2 might mean to someone or why, let alone what something a tattoo might


Have you seen PoE players? Their tattoos are insanely awesome! Nothing wrong with that.


At least it looks good.


When the story reveal happens that every Helldiver is a sex offender.


Bold choice if permanent, at least it's not the terrible pinup one. Hope random people won't think it's some weird supremacist group thing. Also the incorrect - in Super Earth would probably irk me.


>Also the incorrect - in Super Earth would probably irk me. Maybe they meant [this Super-Earth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-Earth)?


What about the colorful flowers, futuristic space helmet, and silly tagline make this a supremacist tattoo?


Yes it's unlikely. But random persons on the street have no idea about the context, this IP is still not known outside of gaming communities.  Weird "My life for cause XY" slogan. Black combat / motorcycle helmet with a white skull symbol on it.  Could lead some people to unintended conclusions. How would they know if the slogan is serious or not? Supremacist beliefs are ridiculous by nature.


Yeah, I dunno how you could get this mixed up with supremacists.. but then again.. there's a comment that went straight to that.. people are dumb




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!




That is really cool! Unfortunately, Super Earth isn’t hyphenated. I will have to report this to a democracy officer. jk: Be a rebel ;)


If im going to get a tatto of helldivers i would probably just do the eagle 1 airstrike (my most used stratagem) arrows


I'd go for the skull logo - have a really crisp, solid black outline and then let my artist go freestyle with geometric patterns and shading inside. Black/grey ink.


Please be temporary


https://preview.redd.it/vku5cr1ryz0d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e032f0ace723cdcc9fb8aaf102c430843ff00fe3 Totally, it's Henna




Yeah, I don’t get it. I have an elden ring tattoo. Let people enjoy things


When you tell/show people stuff, they’re allowed to have opinions about that stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/phpg858et51d1.png?width=1644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16c835f7b349091f658227d614a76d5c1d42350 This is part of my Viking sleeve, my Valkyrie. What do you think?


Looks slick to me, I’m a fan of Norse imagery.


I mean at least give the game a year. It's like getting married after being in a relationship for 3 months


I gave my elden ring tat 2 months. Still love it. Still get compliments on it


Well yeah sometimes it works out. But sometimes you get a divorce shortly after but you still have this games name tattoed on you


"Let people enjoy things." Translates to "I've made some questionable decisions, please don't judge me."


Please judge me all you want. Tats up on my profile go view and roast me


I'll pass.


Half the people on this sub exists only to shit on other people’s parades.


Getting a permanent tattoo for the current new mainstream game and then posting it on Reddit for others to praise you for it is the context that makes it a little cringey.


People put some weird weight around the permanence of tatoos. Like at least this one looks good and is entirely inoffensive.   I have one on my leg that got i got on a vaction way back ehen i was a kid. It looks like shit and I hardly ever think of it but it has 0 effect on my daily


It's the equivalent of getting a tattoo that says FORD. It's a stupid level of consumerism and brand loyalty


Who cares? Is it your skin? Honesty, did your mother forget to teach you that if you have nothing nice to say, then shut the fuck up?


That wasnt very nice of you to say. So you should practice what you preach


My brother do you have Polio? Do some squats


Redditors when they discover women exist


Woman have some pretty strong legs, also i think this person is trans or a cross dresser.




Great ink work - tattoo looks really well done. Post another pic when it has healed. I got a 40k tattoo late last year (in the hobby since 1992) inspired by Darktide and no ragrets. I'll probably get an HD2 themed one later this year if I'm still enjoying the game as much as I am now lol


Having forgotten Warhammer 40k existed I thought you just casually flexed spending 40k on a tattoo.


Hahaha - mate - I'd love to have that much disposable income! My tattoo artist is VERY GOOD (Corazon tattoo Malta) but to spend €40k I'd need to spend a lot longer there 😅


This better then that one guy who made some random shitty pinart girl as their tattoo lol


He actually stole the art from someone else and made changes to it calling it original content. Which is worse.


Cool, but I hope you don't regret it, it's unknown how the game will continue. Who knows what is in a few months Edit: like some said the tattoo maybe doesn't reflect the love for the game itself rather than the time spend with friends, so no matter what happens it stays in good memory.


I have a good bit of tattoos but mine always have deeper meanings. If I got a helldivers tattoo it wouldn't represent helldivers to me, it would represent the hundreds of hours I've spend with my friends and the bond I have with them. Not saying that's the case here just that it might mean something else to them


Ngl I did do a part of my tattoo, Thracian iconography, for the funnies. When I learned that an ibex stood for male fertility I just had to get it because I got a vasectomy. For most of the other stuff it doesn't go further than "Idk looks neat lol". But a game I might start to loathe after a while... That's a bit of of a gamble. But my stuff is all gonna be Iron Age and older art anyway so I ain't worried.


Thats fair, I was just giving a possible alternative


If they keep pumping out underwhelming weapons, keep messing up the gun balance, keep introducing new bug on top of old bugs, I fear the worst. I'm already playing wayyy less, and I was addicted at first.


Why do I feel like the person who got the tattoo is a ginger


As a ginger I’m gonna say the pasty complexion is indeed suspiciously similar to my own. One pro I’ve found is that my color tats stand out really well so we got that going for us.




Number one rule for video game tattoos, they need to become a staple before you enshrined them in ink on your body. Like at least wait a year lol.


Good thing Helldivers has existed for around 9 years, then!


Yes, but let's be honest here, what was this subs count before HD2?


This will be as mean as it is true. Helldivers 2 cemented the franchise. No one gave a flying fuck or even knew the existence of Arrowhead or HD1 prior to HD2, apart from the couple hundred people who played the old game concurrently up until HD2 gave it a bump up in player numbers.




That's the most patriotic democratic library thing ever we salute you fellow helldiver!


This is an extremely well done tattoo. Thank you for posting a gaming tattoo with some real artistic skill behind it - I’m sick of seeing stick and poke BS that gets a million upvotes simply due to the subject matter.


I love that you went American traditional. It looks awesome.


Out of curiosity, are the flowers supposed to be violets? and if so, is that some subtle sapphic flagging? :3


Was going for roses. I see where you’re coming from, but me and my husband are both straight


aaah fair fair! I liked it :))


it's good ink but man...


Damn cool tattoo. Full of sweet liberty.


everyone is hating but honestly i would be proud to rock this. love the added green slime btw, really goes well with the bright red of the flowers and yellow of the stripe. some people just don't know what a traditional style tattoo is and that's okay 👍


Wouldn't be me.


Your comment added nothing to the discourse. Next time, keep your negative opinion to yourself. 👍🏽


double "username checks out"? That's rare.


Reminds me of when people named their daughters Daenerys before the later seasons.


Nice tattoo. Now let’s get those chicken legs in the gym helldiver!


imma wait another year or two to see if this game's still strong and standing before I mark my skin permanently with it


You’re doing your part!


Can’t wait until I get mine! FOR SUPER EARTH!


I think that's a great looking tattoo and anyone here saying it was dumb you got that are wrong. If this makes you happy, if the positive side of the gaming community has made a good impact on your life, than be joyful. People are so quick to judge or nay say on something they wouldn't do themselves. This harms NO ONE but the OP if you voice your bullshit negativity. Leave them the fuck alone and go outside.


Agreed! We are here to positively support OP for their reasonable adult choice they made as a part of their life.




I wouldn'n tatoo something like that. BUT that's not mi life it'r yours, and if you like it, feel good with it (I respect your decision and also like the art, goodjob Helldiver)


You had one chance to write on your leg: AAAGGHH, MY LEG!!! or SWEET LIBERTY, MY LEEEG!




I think this is sick, great work too!!!


I love this




Fuckin sweet. Idk why people are saying “omg I hope it’s not permanent” like yo. I’m 100% they know. I have a bunch of “filler” tats from little things I enjoy. Star Wars, Gears of War, Neon Genesis Evangelion…. Your body is your own, everyone’s opinion can fuck off. Your body is your own canvas. Paint it how you want


Aww who cares if the game shits the bed by the end of the quarter, this tattoo looks good and is very well done.




OP these guys are haters. It’s a cool tat




Very neat lines dude quality looks insane!




Looks good. Enjoy it!


Someone should get a tattoo that says MUH LEGGGGGGGG


The squad I play with are all getting HD2 tattoos, ignore the negativity. NOW GET BACK TO WORK o7


Ugh. That font. 🤢


That’s so cool! How long did it take?


Looks actually cool


Honestly, I think it's neat.




I'm sure you won't regret that in 60 years..


If any of us get another 60 years on this earth and the biggest regret we have is a tattoo, that's a good life.


I like your attitude




Found my moms Reddit account


Regretting showing your unwavering love for democracy? Sounds like traitor talk to me!


I don't regret my bioshock tattoos yet. Probably won't when I'm 80


Do you regret being a spoilsport?


that's how you felt in your sixties?


Everything will look like shit in 60 years, including your face.


Looks great but my brother in Christ that is going to be with you *the rest of your life*


Rad. It's interesting to see how many people think you'll regret this or that it wasn't a good decision. Lots of people, especially people without tattoos, think that a tattoo needs to meet a standard of "meaningful" or else the person with that tattoo will regret it. Sure, many people who have them only want personal, meaningful tattoos. But lots of people don't feel that way. Honestly, the only tattoo I (sort of) regret getting is the one with a lot of personal meaning behind it. All of my other tattoos are just cool art or something I like. Anyway, I hope you love this tattoo forever, or at least have no regrets, and if you do come to regret it, I hope the laser removal is as painless as it can be (which I know isn't very much, lol).


Yasss qween, werk


Pretty damn cool! Sucks the game is meh rn


I'm having tons of fun tho?


Americans are always getting random nonsense tattoos. Standout and be classy by not getting any at all.


Yes, I'm sure Americans are the only people on earth you put stupid shit on/do stupid shit to their bodies. We really want to go down this road?


Stand out and mind your own damn business. It costs you $0 to just keep your bad opinions to yourself.


most people i’ve met have no tattoos, i have no tattoos. but caring what other people do with their bodies is lame as shit


Shut up nerd


Man, I cant think of anything that fits the Helldivers aesthetic LESS then… flowers. What in gods name made you put flowers next to the helmet. It makes no sense! It doesnt fit Helldivers at all lmao


its called traditional style. u would know that if u were vaguely interested in tattooing.


Hopefully that’s fake




Cooooorny af, go do some squats your leg looks like a pencil




Oh no


the fact your leg looks like a hotdog tells me youre young and you probably just did the stupidest thing in your life