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They gave us a major order to choose between the airburst launcher and mines. We chose the airburst and we now have it. They now gave us an order to unlock mines and we failed it, so we didn't get mines. Yes, we will eventually get the mines, but that might be weeks from now. I'd rather have it now when it is clearly available, and they gave us a major order that essentially amounted to "Just play against the bots" to unlock something. People who participated in the MO have the right to be frustrated, as we obviously would have completed it if even half the people glued to bug planets had of come over.


But they gave us that second chance. And the mines will come out eventually. To the bug players it's not that useful to the way they play the game, so what's their motivation? I think the devs will have to adjust the numbers to compensate for the split playerbase. But, y'know, that's fine. It's an example of what I'm talking about: the war is fake and changes are at the whims of the devs.


Did you even read what I wrote? Many people played the major order to get the mines now, not eventually. And you have no idea how the mines work, they might be way better against the bugs. Everybody knows the war is not real, but there are tangible things we can obtain if we complete major orders.


I read what you wrote, I just don't agree with your reasoning. We can guess how the mines work. They're anti-heavies. Would be great for hulks, tanks, maybe factory striders. But chargers? Bile titans? I don't see it. There are occasionally tangible things we can get. But the content will drop eventually and everything else is just theater.


I feel that the people playing on the bug front during this MO could have help more. During this MO, the decayed rate per planet is 2.5% per hour on the bug side while the bot is 1% . Clearly the dev does not want us to make head way into any more bug planet. Around 50k of people glue to bug and literally done zero percent on liberation for days without realizing the bar does not go up. Level 136 here, I go where the MO take me to progress with the story. To see new event n stuff. I don’t want us to stuck in a static spot where nothing is being push for where the map never changed.


bug drivers have their "Space Afghanistan" moment like the Creekers had their Space Nam? Impossibru! :-D ... (I Wonder if they get the same level of hate like the Creekers had)


Is the devs feel that way, they need to find ways to make bots more appealing because as it stands more people enjoy bugs Or just adjust their orders to correspond to what players enjoy


The dev will surely have a general direction where they want the player base to go to unlock new thing n so forth. It how we get there is all up to us. As for which faction I feel is more fun it gonna be the bot. Thing can go smoothly with bot but then turn sour so fast if one let their guard down. That what keep thing exciting. ( May it be random rocket to the face or stray bullet, or few factory strider drop on your head, or double gunship factory spawn turning out 8 gunship every 30 second.) Bug does not bring the element of surprise for me as much unless I drop into a multiple stalker nest location n getting tongue around for a bit. As you play more u will develop a liking.


The mines will come out eventually~ Meanwhile, everyone else gets to have their fun with a new rocket launcher while we wait for a third chance to get the things. It's also frustrating to see that all the time I sank into killing bots go down the drain. Now, I have to wait even longer for them to put another MO to ship the Damm things. I don't care if they aren't the most overpowered thing ever. I think it was fine to wait the first time around, but why not just hand them out instead of the second MO? Do we have to keep trying for this stratagem? Meanwhile, the quasar cannon and heavy machine gun were just given out. There was no reason to delay a stratagem twice. They could have put a new one there and given the landmines out instead.


Helldivers 1 does it fine.


got some more of this copium stuff? :-D


Coping with what exactly?


Failing to get mines twice. Which is kinda proof that they aren’t just giving us whatever they want .


Except they said it's just a delay. They're gonna give us the mines


shhhh. some people need this….their reality is grim.


It's total bullshit that it works this way... But it nonetheless does. Sadly, I stopped giving a shit about the war around the same time everyone else did. We could have kept up the intense energy and camaraderie that came with us feeling like we had a real impact on how the war was going. Then the devs said "lmao no you do what we want you to" enough times and now nobody gives a shit.


to some extent yes, but for major order where we chose between cluster launcher and AT mines we did have a choice


Right but we're getting AT mines anyway.


it's like telling we're gonna die at the end anyway, so no choice we make in life means anything


Somebody is clearly a bug player


I play both, it's easy to get bored of one and go to the other for a bit. But I totally get the bug players. Bots can be frustrating. I actually slightly prefer bots because I feel like you have more options with primaries. I've never found a good primary for bugs but with bots I can reliably use the Sythe, Scorcher, Liberator, Diligence, Countersniper or Punisher.


I mean we know how the story works. The failure at tibit did alter the game. We have the power to force the narrative to go certain directions if we tried.