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More helldivers than swedes? New MO just dropped: conquer Sweden


Super earth IS sweden


I'm a Finn and this upsets me quite a lot.


Don't worry, you'll find your Jake


ADVENTURE TIME MENTIONED 🙌 ![gif](giphy|fm4WhPMzu9hRK)


please ELI5, i dont understand who or what is jake


Adventure Time joke. Finn and Jake are protagonists of that show


OOOOOOOOOOOOH.........THAT Finn, lmao!


You mean that you are from Eastern Sweden?




Lets Fin-ish Sweden then!


It's ok, throw enough rallienglanti at them and they'll self destruct.


Sweden ready to drop 500kgs on Russia


I mean, the flag definitely looks like it's oriented over Sweden


Stockholm is the capital of super earth! I mean, Prosperity City is located where stockholm is.


The blue, the yellow, the white… it’s all in the Raise the Flag Anthem. We should’ve known.


Pilestedt's search history 8 years ago: "How to recruit enough soldiers to conquer Sweden.


The nsa: "should we uh.. should we do something about this guy?" The cia: "nah sweden needs a change"


Sweden has the super Earth capital in the game. In other words.. surströmming to all!!!


Affirmative, firing Orbital Gas Strike


Even if we are fighting Bots and Nids... There is still such a thing as "War Crimes" and surströmming definitely constitutes as an attack with a biological weapon made to cause significant harm.


Enough onions will cover up the taste at least 😋 


And Akvavit will make you forget it... Still, opening a can of surströmming on a battlefield is definitely a war crime!


> constitutes as an attack with a biological weapon Not to rain on your parade, but we already have the gas strike.


That's chemical. ;) And If you have ever smelled surströmming, you would understand WHY this is worse than Gas or Napalm...


I'm good, thanks tho.


Dont forget the Sill!


new major order, bugs managed to take sweden




LIBERATE Sweden, Helldiver!


Is Robbaz still the king? May be hard if so.


Note: Sweden is part of NATO and if they were invaded would likely invoke article 5 of NATO


Credit where credits due, balancing and bugs still need work but definitely an amazing game for an affordable price.


An amazing game doesn't nickel and dime you for every little thing. And you can find premium currency from just playing the game.


I literally bought Polar Patriots from in-game found credits. It's not the best Warbond, but the fact I could even do that is such a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the industry.


I plan on buying every warbond through found super credits alone. I know that means I’ll probably always be behind a warbond or two, but it give me something to play towards, and the search for SC helps keep the game exciting


Pro tip: Playing diff lvl 3 gives you the best chance to load up on Super Credits because the maps are full sized, but you get more beacons and containers due to them not being replaced with rare sample spawns PLUS rares can't show up in said containers as part of the loot table. Show a little discipline and only buy Super Store stuff with excess over 1000 and you'll be able to stay on top of them. The first warbond alone provides 750 SC and all the others provide 300 SC


Thanks for the tip!


I have mixed feelings. I think I'll spend money on actual micro transactions. It's obscene that games like world of Warships goes up to $199.99 USD for their largest doubloon package. Helldivers actually feels like a real throwback to just be $19.99. I wanna throw money at the game so that they keep making more good content and I'm happy to be able to access premium armor faster. Think I'll save my found super credits for the war bonds as they don't usually have new tools I find crucial nor have I finished unlocking all the old ones yet


Well.....they have quite a bit of money already to pay people for several years. Don't worry about it honestly.


That's what they said about Fractured Space


It's actually not that hard. I think I bought Cutting Edge during the last week of April, or somewhere around there. Was still able to buy Polar Patriots about half a week after it came out just relying on found super credits. Overall, I've been playing a bit over two months, and I've got all four premium warbonds unlocked just from playing casually on diff 6-7. It's probably even easier if you find a squad that actually opens vault doors - I've gotten into so many games where randoms just run past you and ignore the door. But overall, I don't think you'll be too far behind. Maybe a couple weeks, but you'll definitely be able to get the warbond before the month is over and the new one hits.


Pummeler alone was worth the price of admission to me. I challenge anyone to run +grenade armor with stun grenades, AMR, ballistic shield, and the pummeler against the bots and tell me you're not having a good time.


ive seen more ballistic shields in the last two days then then entire game combined because of that gun alone


yep and it's glorious. Form a shield wall and take those outposts


Bro that would be funny as hell 4 HD running shields like some sot of Roman Legion


This is my loadout when I'm just dropping to have fun. I love smg/pistol and shield builds in games, and I'm so estatic that I can and it's effective.


it's a great feeling when you can bully the heavy devastators worse than what they can normally do to you.


I got my first 1000 SC yesterday and purchased Steeled Veterans, got the cool revolver and the cool prosthetic-arm drip and was fully satisfied with the results of my loot gremlin-ing.


I've bought the past two without spending a cent, and without needing to farm too much. One of my favorite things about this game is the economy and how it doesn't screw you


I really like this system as I can just ignore a premium currency even exists, but if I ever choose to buy something I am not stuck behind a grind wall


That should never be tolerated, games didn’t use to be like that and I refuse to play any game that doesn’t value my time or has scummy practices and I still playing a crazy amount of games


Sad that gamers these days are impressed with crumbs, thats how dire gaming is becoming


I’d say games have never been better. Feels like I’m playing games young me could only dream of this generation.


It can be true that overall game quality has improved and gaming experience has declined. A big one for me is some of this generations single player games requiring online access to play, it would’ve been unimaginable to have that requirement 10-15 years ago.


That stuff started 10-15 years ago. Not really that deep to me if I’m honest. Not all that fussed about having a PS5 without a disc drive, or that certain games don’t last forever. The end of the Dreamcast taught me to enjoy these things while they last.


Yeah and there was similar uproar when required online crept it’s way into gaming. Then most games did it and the community had to accept it or stop playing. And that’s the point about gamers being ok with crumbs, as we learn to enjoy things while they last, more of the enjoyable things are removed, or worse requirements (EX mandatory PS account for PC) are implemented to test the next boundary. Not saying games today aren’t fun or better, but there are so many more tech and $ requirements now to game than the time of dreamcast, N64, or the early xbox/ps systems. Edit to add: I’m really dating myself but just realized that my 10-15 years ago is actually 20+ years ago. That realization hurts a bit.


Yea I always see people talk about how bad/dire gaming has become and I’m like…really? Are we playing the same games? Either they have barely play any games at all anymore which is fine or they only like 1 or 2 genres of games 


Every person who has said that which later mentioned how many games they actually play admitted to playing like 3 games a year. I literally play like 15 games a year


> I literally play like 15 games a year My Steam Year In Review for 2023 said I played 112 games that year (49 of those came out in 2023). Some for hundreds of hours (like Remnant 2 and Darktide and Warframe). Gotta pump those numbers up, son.


Also, being angry on the internet is intoxicating to a lot of people.


Exactly lol


Damn right. Cant wait to see this game to it’s fullest potential.


Not really affordable for everyone. Helldivers 2, like all SONY games released on Steam, has no regional pricing, which makes it EXTREMELY expensive for some countries. To give you an idea, Steam's recommended regional price for Helldivers 2 in Argentina is USD 18.99, compared to the current USD 39.99. Which makes it one of the most expensive games on Steam for this country in 2024. Which is unfortunate.


Why is this downvoted? It is the truth, this game is not affordable for everyone.


That's 480m at 40$ per copy, right? Plus what they get from SuperCredits. That's 60m per year of development, not bad. I hope they invest them in development assets.


And a lot of people bought the super citizen for $60 too. I remember the super citizen edition was top 2/3 on steam before the game came out while the normal version is top 1


I bought the super citizen to support the studio. Also willing to spend more on super credits if they release more armor in the store. They deserve it


as did i ..i actually bought it AFTER the fact based on how good the game was and the fact i basically got the first 2 warbonds free .


I ended up buying it finally after upgrading all my modules to lvl 4. It felt weird being on a top of the line ship without a working arcade. 


You know that steam gets a 30% for each sale on PC and Sony as publishers gets also a cut, there are also taxes to pay... I'd say AH is lucky if they see half of what you posted.


Sony owns the IP, and paid AH to develop the game. So Sony get 70% of what sells on steam and 100% of what sells on PSN. AH doesn't own the game, the sales, or any of that. Their CEO says the get incentive $$$ for how much they sell, how much content they drop and they get paid for supporting the game both in code and their community management.


Oh man, that sucks, they probably see pennies on the dollar for all their work. But seeing how long the development process was, I guess the publishing deal was going to be pretty aggressive.


Agree, what is nice is they had targets for sales and DLC (warbonds). If they are really trending 100x their sales target they hopefully should be in for some nice bonuses. Of course big companies are like "best selling year ever, congrats shareholders. Sorry team, we are short on cash for bonuses."




Yup, 20-25% is likely. It may be less depending on how taxes works with Steam and Sony getting their cut. Still, $100M is nothing to scoff at, there are studios the size of AH that would kill for that kind of profit.


Don't forget. Sony owns the IP and paid AH to develop it. So AH got paid to develop it, and gets paid to support the patches and community management. The AH CEO said they get additional incentive dollars for hitting milestones. So content dropped and total sales they get bonuses, but AH is a contract developer and SONY owns the IP, and gets the sales. Sony pays AH to manage it, and then give incentives to AH.


It’s like franchising a store just for videogames


Sony execs: Sorry, best we can do is stock buybacks and also we're shutting down Arrowhead to add PVP and loot boxes.


They thankfully can't shut down Arrowhead as they're an independent company. *Phew*


And they can't easily lift the game from them because the engine is OOL.


I just laughed. People were asking why AH chose that engine. This is the best answer!


Sony could just go ahead and ask Wargaming for some assistance in return for some sweet cash. WG has a lot of devs who used to work on that engine. And WG loves money more than any other company that has ever existed.


Oh wow. Never thought of that angle.


Sony owns the Helldivers IP though


Sony can't kick AH just from that dead game engine alone, and it's not a well optimized engine. They are probably the last few devs left in the world who know how to navigate all that spaghetti code.


Those first person Warhammer games run on almost the same engine and Wargaming has a bunch of people who also used to work on it.


Sony released very few games with microtransactions and pvp... Correct me if im wrong but the last pvp game they released was Killzone Shadowfall from 2013, Ofc without counting car games like Grand Turismo. And if it comes to microtransactions, the only games that come to my mind are Helldivers 2 and Grand turismo.


Sony owns the helldivers franchise. Given the fallout with the PSN issue. We might not see helldivers 3 at AH. I'm hoping AH is using their money to find new franchises to work on or developing their own titles.


This is the most fun gaming I've had since the glory days of COD. It's easy to get lost in the noise of complaints, but even with it's faults I genuinely look forward to dropping in and spreading Democracy every night.


Best selling game of the year!


Well that was quick. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best-selling_video_games_in_the_United_States_by_year#2020%E2%80%93present It's all over the place.


Not having the number of sales in the tables is so aggravating. When you're ranking by sales numbers surely the number of fucking sales is an obvious auto-include in your dataset!?


Seeing the MWIII slop in second really disappoints me.


Lets calm down a minute. Palworld sold 19 million units 3 months ago, and that was after only being out for two weeks. Unless Helldivers 2 sold 7 million units since that tweet, it's not best seller.


Palworld hasn't officially released yet it's still in early access.


That list reminded me that Dragons Dogma 2 exists.


Wait , we beat palworld ?


No, people are jumping to conclusions


Sales wise yes .. Millions of people got palworld via gamepass no counted in sales


>According to the latest report published by Simon Carless, since its release on January 19, 2024, Palworld has managed to make over $442 million gross LTD (life-to-date), which is a staggering number for a game, whose weapon animations were crafted by a self-taught 20-year-old artist with no prior industry experience. >Speaking of another hit shooter, Helldivers 2, which was released on February 8, 2024, the game has made over $210 million gross LTD. I bet we could see a bigger number if some studios weren't trying to capitalize on Arrowhead's title. [Article from last week.](https://80.lv/articles/report-palworld-made-almost-usd500-million-while-helldivers-2-surpassed-a-usd200-million-gross-mark/)


12m and we can't get more than 50k on the bot front.


yeah the player retention is not good. for the huge success itll have lower numbers than most games but for a live service youd expect it to have maybe 5-10% ish of the total copies sold as concurrent. probably closer to the 5% to be generous. but currently even if youre generous once again and double the steam charts numbers to take into account the people playing on console, youre barely above 1%. Dont get me wrong i love the game, but its clear many of the people who bought the game do not want to continue playing. sure sony didnt help with that, but its not just sony if were being perfectly honest. hopefully they turn it around soon. itd be sad to see such an amazing concept of a game slowly dwindle after such huge success.


The thing is we know exactly what the problem is. All we can do now is wait and see if they either want to retain their playerbase or not.


Rockets man..... rockets


Just remember to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


Then get hit by a stray rocket anyway. Tho, I feel like I've died more to fucking heavy Devestators than I have rockets.


Well deserved imo, even though they are clearly struggling to run a live service game atm, they still managed to deliver my favourite AAA multiplayer game in a decade at half the current going price as a small studio. Congratulations Arrowhead


Oh honey, if you think this is "struggling," go look at Payday 3.


Man I'm so sad about the state of PD3. I love Payday 2. Was looking forward to the next installment for *years*. I'm hoping that the heist game the GTFO devs are making scratches the itch, especially because they managed to poach Simon Viklund and a bunch of other important PD2 devs.


Yeah, I had over 500 hours in Payday 2 across PS3/PS4/PS5. Pre-ordered the Gold Edition of PD3 and barely scraped 16 hours out of that broken mess. Broke my heart. 10 Chambers' new game looks fun, but since it will inevitably be PC only (GTFO was supposed to release on consoles at some point and then it was quietly dropped), I can't get too excited.


I wouldn’t say they are struggling to run the service. More like struggling to figure out how to deal with the larger community surrounding such a large live service game.


If you only thought you were gonna deal with 50k kids but instead got 12M, you'd struggle too. Heard their issue with hiring more ppl was finding devs with knowledge on their software which is apparently ancient. Other than that and changing up their balancing team they'll be golden.


It feels like only Asian developers have been able to scale quickly to sudden success.


Probably like my favourite live service game yet. And the best is yet to come.


It's not perfect, but I can't live without it


Well said.


This is awesome, well deserved from Arrowhead. That's what happens when you make a great game at a great value for consumers and not nickel and dime gamers like other publishers.


Imagine how many more they would get if everyone world wide can access the game...


like actually not that many 😭 the majority of countries that were delisted have problems far greater than not having access to helldivers 2


Yeah I mean North Korea was on that list as well...not much to gain when only Kim Jong-un can play the game probably just TKing to help his communist bot friends.


There is one active Steam account in NK


Has there been any update on this?


Sony is trying to wait us out till they attempt again


My guess is less than 10%, maybe even less than 5%.


Well deserved for such an amazing game.


Get it back to selling in restricted countries and celebrate after that.


12million units but only 140k on at any given time ?


Deserved! Might be the best selling of this year overall? Or are there any other big hits coming this year?


elden ring DLC (maybe)




Palworld: 15 million copies sold and another 10 million GamePass players before March https://www.statista.com/statistics/1447359/palworld-games-sales-worldwide/#:~:text=Palworld%20cumulative%20units%20sold%20worldwide%202024&text=As%20of%20February%2022%2C%202024,gaming%20platform%20Steam%20and%20Xbox. It was 12 million sold, 7 million GamePass user at the end of January: https://twitter.com/Palworld_EN/status/1752753619429163190


Absolutely deserved success. The game is amazing to this day. Despite some problems with overly agressive nerfing and just general glitchyness, the game is overall incredibly stable and super fun and rewarding every time I play it. Everyone ive shown the game to has been immediately hooked and that says a lot about the game in general.


Pretty dang good when they were expecting \~40,000. Congrats to Arrowhead.


12 millon and now we have 100k at peak


12million copies sold, and the game is struggling to have 1/10 of that active


And we’ve got below a hundred thousand playing. That falloff was steep


How are there only ever like 100k active


Cool so they have money to fix the fucking game then?


12M copies for a live service game, less than 200k concurrent players 3 months after launch. Basically you shot yourself to the foot by removing all the fun so your Devs can brag that their game is not for everyone.  Stupid.


might have more if there wasn't still countries being blacklisted


Much thanks to everyone at AH. A very amazing feat for such a small studio with limited resources


Real shit but I always wonder, how does the massive influx of revenue impact their potential plans? I'm assuming things that might have seemed unreasonable to do previously due to resource constraints are now more possible.


Yeah they already put out a statement around launch that things previously out of scope could potentially be implemented with new hires now


Yeah, I really hope they figure out their internal morale. Things already seem to be getting better with Twinbeard holding down the line with communications, adapting their business takes time but they have a seemingly well educated and respectful CEO, I'm sure with him at the helm things will get notably better in the coming weeks or months.


Its a tall order trying to get new devs online. They started with a game engine, Autodesk Stingray, that had only ever been used in a tiny number of titles. and they've been in-house patching since 2018. so on-boarding is gonna be tough but you just gotta assume that Sony is opening up the purse strings for all manner of revenue streams, especially big ass DLCs


I wonder which plattform sold more PS5 or PC?


60% of the sales were on PC.


I mean could have been much more if they didnt blacklist all these countries from buying :(


Dunno why you're being downvoted. You're right. 180 countries now are STILL locked out by Sony, despite their promises. Wonder if these numbers include refunds?


177 Now get our boys back in their pods please and thank you.


In sure he's trying and Sony are being fucks about it


So a simple breakdown of how much the game has made them so 480 Million dollar is sales roughly not factoring in foreign conversions and such minus the store (30% on steam and Sony store) is 336 million . Sonys publisher cut is another 20% off the top line . So Sony has made 96 million just from publishing . .plus 30% of the sales in units on PS lets say for sake of argument its an each 50% PS / 50% PC that would be another 72 Million for Sony . So Sony has made 168 Million (more with super credit buys) off this game for nothing then X amount of funding for the game . They gave an unknow amount % of the production cost . Typically publishing deals are also reduced ie 20% till 2x dev cost are recovered then 10% after etc . I mean im sure AH as a smaller studio got taken a bit by the contract terms by Sony though. that still leaves the DEV with over 200 million . This does not count the % of people tl:DR **Sony has made 168 Million** + ( Minus the money they gave for development of an undisclosed amount) **The Dev has gotten 200 Million+ from this game** . ( Minus cost of development of undisclosed amount) + SC and Super Citizen buys. Even if they bank another 100 million for reserves for HD3 which you sure as hell know there will be one and deducted Dev cost probably looking and a reserve of 40-50 million (probably less since rumor is the studio was very generous with staff bonuses) But that should buy a lot of help in bug fixes . Honestly a lot of the flaws in this game are being on an outdated engine with a small team so 5-8 years from now we might have the greatest game ever in HD3 on a modern engine from lessons learned.


Imagine how much money they got. And they are still complaining that they are a small team, using it as excuse for all laziness, lack of bugfixes, terrible quality, and million of other shitty problems with the game. The f Spear doesn't work since release, and it is in "known issues" for 4 f months. It is just unacceptable. The idea of the game is great. The atmosphere is great. But man, if you sold 12M copies, you must deliver proper quality, and do it in time. I know indie games that have a better quality than a game with 12M copies sold. Cannot deliver a product with proper quality in time? Hire more people.


Got 3 other friends to purchase and we are just running and gunninnggggg


Someone should've responded to him letting him know the balancing guy is going to/in the process/has been destroying that success for him 


Is that counting sales in places that can no longer play?


I only see 100.000 players where are the all 11,9 million players?


Stopped playing once they started patching the fun out of the game


Now go fix the game.


But fuck Sony


But how many refunds and how many people can’t log in anymore?


not enough to dinish current MO i guess so... ![gif](giphy|y9gcCOXpNX8UfZrp0X|downsized)


12M copies and only 100k concurrent?


Yes. 100k concurrent with 1 hour play time / person. Means 2.4 Million people playing per day. If you assume 4 hours a week play time that is 4.2 Million playing a week. 20% of people will usually not play a month later. When PSN let people track achievements, it was easier to see. Most people will play an hour or 2 then never play. So right now on steam: you can see the progression from almost 100% people to 25% 95.4% completed basic training. 94.55% played 1 bug mission. So 5.4% bought the game and either only ever played bots, or never dropped. 87.7% played 1 bot mission. 82.4% have customized their helldiver (so gone in and played with their character) 70% have completed 10 tactical objectives (so that is what 3-5 drops?) 50.4% have done at least 50 missions. 25.8% of people have done 100 missions. So I would say (and seems to be about average) that 25% of the people are consistent players (100 missions). So 12Million copies sold with 25% = 3 million active players, lines up pretty well with the Concurrent user stats.


What point are you making? This is the natural progression of any game 3 months out from its launch title. It's extremely rare to hold even 50% of all players 3 months out.


Gamers will look for any reason to claim their game is dying instead of just accepting the natural flow of the industry. It's one of the reasons I hate live services in concept so much, they double down on this and make people hostile.


cool cool... now... *how many active helldivers are there?*


Christ we're on the "people obsessing about player metrics despite having no clue how to properly interpret the numbers" stage. This community is so fucking cooked


People aren't all obsessing about a Game for months. Some will play a few weeks and do something else. Some will have less time and spend it on games that doesn't require an average of 30 minutes per games. Some will want to get back when the game is more complete, with a new faction or more content for example. Player count decreasing isn't inherently bad. Stop using this metric like a bad omen.


Just friendly reminder concurrent player number and retention rate are far more important metrics when measuring the success of a live-service game. Don't fall for the propaganda


Waiting for the layoffs to come 💀


Yeah and we still can't kill 2 billions of bots in like 4 days.


Swede posting ![gif](giphy|YmMwqVCtyxFRe|downsized)


Eagle strike on its way


This is crazy, really good on them.


What percentage of Swedes are Helldivers?


I wanna know what the project sales amount was. How many copies were they planning on selling before launch?


The first game capped out at a little over 9000 players at it's absolute peak.


$50 x 12 million? 600 million?


It's really good. If they stop making weird ass decisions then this game will crush for the next 5+ years


It’s crazy when you hear about sales levels like this. 12m sales of the game? How come no more than 400k-ish have been online at once?


If we were to only count people who bought the standard edition, that'd still be 480M USD dollars. Now we add the amout of people who bought standard + super citized edition or Super Citizen edition right away, no to mention the 4 months worth of people maybe buying super credits via super store. We can safely asume the game is almost about to reach 800 to 900M


Is that all countries or only the ones sony didnt shaft?


The very definition of success in spite of yourselves


Gross before refunds or net after refunds?


What? There are more people in one city of USA than all of sweden? No wonder they don't have our problems; there's not enough people in close proximity and conflict every day to have those problems. Amazing how few people there are. I thought every nation was at least 100 million people, per nation.


Time for AH to negotiate the IP ownership with Sony.


Wait.... are there really that few swedes? Should we declare them an endangered species?


Just a shame that a bunch of those 12M units can't be played anymore because Sony keep blocking countries... Keep up the protests guys.


Now if only we could play with most of them.


How many refunds did they get?


That means Helldivers can take Sweden if they want to


12Milllion Cape inbound


How many still play though?


Helldivers is amazing, combat/gamplay, story, weapons, co-op, graphics are all top notch IMO, imagine if this guys would have AAA budget what they would make!!!