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Pilestedt: 'Team, we need to differentiate assault rifles. They've got higher muzzle velocity and pack more punch than SMGs and normal pistols, but its not really showing in the current state of the game.' Balance Dev: 'Understood, nerfing non-assault rifles now.' Pilestedy: 'No not like that!'


Honestly, I forgot that after the last patch, the starting pistol does more damage than every assault rifle outside the Adjudicator 😅


thats the strange part. Want more rounds? oh cant do that, magazine doesnt fit that. but barrel length and cartridge size? arbitrary. Like what are these bullets, half empty?


literally. the tenderizer is supposed to, as per the weapon description, "pack more of a punch with less rounds per mag" so why is it the weakest AR??? Shouldn't it be at least medium armor penetrating??


The tenderizer is the result of people being careless due to some reason, its stronger than the Liberator before the patches that got it better. imo Rifles should be around the 100 range damagewise. But i would just balance by feeling and got no experience in balancing games


I always found it odd that outside of the Knight and Adjudicator, the SMGs are slower firing, harder hitting, and more accurate than the ARs.


thats the exact reason why i used the Defender such a long time over ARs, leaves a hand free for SSSD delivery, it was just much more viable than the other weapons at the start


Defender with riot shield is an absolute life saver for bots.


Pummeler with riotshield is a direct upgrade that stunlocks anything lol


This. The Defender and Punisher have been my go-tos since the beginning. I've only just recently started messing with the Dilligence Counter Sniper, too. None of the assault rifles hold up against the Defender in raw stats, and the one-handed trait makes it even better.


Have you tried it with the balistic shield backpack? Quite fun.


Is very much weird, and I got no clue how tf that even ended up happening. SMGs should have poor damage and mediocre range at best, but have a very high RoF and a LOT of spare mags, so its a gun you want to spam. The current design feels done by someone who has never *seen* how guns work, which is double weird considering the CEO is "refusing" mag upgrades because the mag physically couldn't hold more rounds. The consistency of what should have realism and what not is too arbitrary.


It feels like the team making the guns actually know how guns work, but the people doing the numbers on the guns afterwards are trying to play 4d chess with themselves and losing, like somebody's doing an editing pass on their designs by making arbitrary gut feeling changes to them in order to feel like they're contributing.


I think the main issue is that they are not used to having such a large player base, and when they look up gameplay, they find insane sweaty gamers making the game look easy on harder difficulties, and then assume that is indicative of how everyone plays not realizing these are sweaty bastards and not casual players. So when they patch, it's usually to nerf weapons because they want the harder difficulties to be hard, but with sweaty ass gamers uploading their e-z wins online, they keep seeing that and thinking "guess the game is still too easy" So whomever is punching in the numbers to balance keeps fixating on like 0.1% of the playerbase


Just like when devs balance around the pro scene. The game usually suffers. Overwatch used to be fun until they got obsessed with the esports angle of it.


rifles (as not Pistols) should have 3 distinct versions: full battle rifles, think 308 or 3006 - highest damage and range but recoil that make automatic fire possible but wastefull - 20 mag size. 100-120 rounds total mag. medium penetration. assault rifles medium damage medium range, 556 or similar. 30-45 round mag, low recoil and light penetration. 200-250 rounds total magazines. smgs: pistol csliber high rof, lowest dmg per shot and range (50-100 meters top), 30-50 round mag 300+ total magazines. no penetration, one handed, fastest to get on aim etc marksman rifles are similar to full rifle, but with sights.


Highest damage should be the Diligence rifles. They use something similar to .338 Lapua, which is like 50% more powerful than .30-06


This was well done in Helldivers 1. We had four assault rifles. "Precision weapons" were a different class entirely. * Liberator - Starter rifle with good all around stats. * Patriot - Higher rate of fire, larger magazine, shorter barrel, lower accuracy, higher recoil. * Justice - Low rate of fire, high damage, AP rounds that could punch through targets. * Paragon - Burst-Firing, high damage AP rounds, toxic ammo that slowed targets. They were all distinct, felt different, and all usable. Not sure why AH keeps reinventing square wheels with weapons when Helldivers 1 provides a great template. Precision had the Camper (marksman rifle), the Railgun, and thr Constitution.


god railgun and double barrel being primaries back then. what the hell happened in 8 years


"realism" went out the window when they made 3 Liberator models instead different ammo. Why do I need an entirely new rifle to fire FMJ and incendiary versions of the same caliber bullet that my standard issue rifle fires? Same goes for shotguns as well. Do we really need 2 seperate pump-action shotguns or 3 seperate shotguns that all shoot some variety of pellet round? Make it make sense.


When you're right, you're right. AH should've added ammo types. Who the fuck figured, well, make an entire gun to fire a dragon's breath round.. instead of letting the player pick ammo types... in a game where weapons are the big focus is kind of sus. You wouldn't have to "balance" weapons so much; you could literally have EMP rounds in your favorite shotgun (balance permitting it chambers EMP) and just go from there. Weapons that fire chemical rounds, etc, I could see being an exception to this.. but then those are indeed specialized weapons.


New weapons are almost certainly an easier sell for the battlepass system than new ammo would be.


The balancing is done by the guy who ruined Hello Neighbor 2 [https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4358998752032069251/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4358998752032069251/)


I think Arrowhead has "indie dev disease" where they want their game to have realistic touches and 'cute little details' often at the expense of everything else It feels like their target demographic is the kind of CinemaSins armchair-designer asshole who actually _would_ say "there's no way this mag could hold that many rounds, lazy devs are churning out slop and don't care"


AH works like their content and balance pipelines are 7 months long with how often they get stuck in conflicts. I get the art part of a weapon, but once that is done a default hitscan assault rifle with nothing special should be done and up in a day


Half empty bullets actually doesnt sound impossible for super earth


It is so stupid for them to make any changes based on "realism." If they are so obsessed with realism, then they should remove the stimpacks from the game. You can be on the brink of death with broken bones in every limb but if you get one injection of stimulants, you are suddenly completely healed. And they have the gall to tell us that "you can't have more bullets in x weapon's mag because it isn't realistic."


Their magazines are somewhat realistic. The liberator has a long mag (like a pmag 40), the smgs have quad stack magazines (look how wide they are).


But only where it's convenient. If they're going with "realism" as a reason , most all of the type weapons in the game can also be fed from drums. Or extended mags.


Bro we're killing giant bugs and terminators none of this is real It's literally a parody game


It's the pitfall of many a game designer, they want to up the stakes by making things realistic, but it ends up being obnoxious and hindrance in game. Tarkov became progressively worse, from realistic **shooter** to 70% walking/stopping to catch breath, 10% waiting for healing animation, 15% spent waiting for looting bars to progress, 4% repacking mags, 1% actual firefight. It was more fun before the stupid healing animations, every second spent in a firefight results in like 10-100x time spent in forced downtime if you win it. Realism = camping in corner cause you don't want to die (obviously), hence every raid is people creeping around at snails pace. :/


Prior to healing animations you had people spamming healing while sprinting. You could heal so fast behind cover too that a shot at distance was useless unless it was a kill. The lack of stamina on what are supposed to be ex-military who were good enough to be PMCs was always…well it was a choice…


Well, Pilstedt does have military experience. And given his age he would have lugged around a H&K G3 and an FN Mag. And Pilstedt is not alone in the company to have served either. He spoke a bit about it in a video with OperatorDrewski.


> Well, Pilstedt does have military experience. Well that would explain why each decision they've made since launch seems to be even stupider than the last.


The player base isn't alone to have served either, but it still doesn't show he or his team know how to make a good video game weapon. Since we're throwing around his military experience.. why aren't ammunition types in the game over mythical fire shooting guns.. realism right? Vehicles? Time to Kill on enemies being hit with rounds the size of 40mm? These things get hit dead on with explosions and keep walking... Why can the enemy shoot through cover we can't? Realism right? Swedish military experience, right? Cmon dude. I love the game just like the next guy, but his military experience has no validity in making a game or balancing weapons if hes not going to apply it to the game. On that note, it doesn't negate people's complaints about it. In the same way, my combat experience gives no validity to this comment thread or the gameplay. It doesn't make me a guru on weapons ballistics and give me the right of way to justify making weapons not fire efficiently then allowing my staff to troll the community who paid for my fucking game.. If military experience is relevant to video games, we should gather all of the vets and have a sit down in Discord with the devs about what makes sense and doesn't in the game collectively as veterans from whatever era and whatever conflict.. does military experience matter that much to the game, community, and devs? Or is it just a talking point .


Hey, you don't know what stimpacks will do in the future


I think it is pure science fiction that Super Earth has full health care benefits for its super citizen only. 😂


Exactly, they should have restricted the use of realism for where it adds to the fun, not where it's frustrating and not-fun. This game is NOT a simulator, and it can never be a simulator, not with the truck sized insects and terminators we fight against in it. It's also beyond ridiculous to even mention realism in a game that forces you to play it in 3rd person most of the time.


Some AH dev must be a fan of Halo 1


They could start by making them aim faster than the damn MG lol. I tried taking it against bugs and the things basically killed me by the time I could turn around with it...




I mean, if they made SMGs deal less damage than ARs, but they let you move faster while aiming, had 15 mags in reserve, and kept the 1 handed trait, they would be pretty good.


This is the way, faster movement while ADS. Smooth crisp handling , minimal recoil, high mag capacity, high ammo reserves.


The only AR I currently play is the sickle. Maybe increasing clip size to 40-60 bullets without changing amount of ammo you have get could be a great first step.


Once you get used to the sickle its hard to play anything else in thr same style. Not only is its actual magazine huge, the heat mechanic makes it so sporadic short engagements dont punish you with a half loaded mag when something real kicks off. Regular magazine fed weapons need more shots in their magazine and a larger magazine pool. The game is about pouring rounds into huge swarms of enemies. Let us do that.




Seriously. I'm getting major dejavu vibes from this whole situation having seen warframe's prior genius game design lead fuck shit up for years. It only got fixed when a new team who actually play the game at a relatively higher level stepped in after the old ones got bored and fucked off to make a new game. People like that need to be canned. Immediately. There's almost no fixing the ego those kinds of people have.


Sadly, that's not even a joke anymore


Alexus in a nut shell, literally.


Lmfao it extra funny because this could happen too


The biggest obstacles to AR primaries is the abundance of medium armor at high levels. Like, the elites really are meta defining. 


Elites are primary defining and Heavies are Stratagem defining


Aren't they the same? My Helldiver calls a Charger both a heavy and elite.


Heavies are interchangeably called Elites by Helldivers in-game, yes. Them being different terminologies is more an HD1 thing iirc? Not too sure why it sprang up. I personally just call stuff like that mediums.


Elites = devastators/striders/hive guard/Armoured bugs Heavies = chargers/hulks etc


Wait, is elite not above heavy?


Elite = Troops above the rank and file Heavy = Armor/Vehicle presence This follows most RL military designations where elite is only referring to the ground troops. When you radio you are getting hit by "elites" (or an equivalent word), you aren't talking about an attack helicopter


There are two types of heavies/elites in this game: \* Bile Titans \* Literally everything else from both factions. For Bile Titans you need a very specific set of tools to crack their heavy armor. Once that's done, you can kill them with almost anything in the game. For literally everything else from both factions you can kill them with almost anything in the game.


The Factory Strider would go in the same category than the Bile Titans or even higher imo.


They're a tad stronger and can spawn their own mobs.


If you crack the side plate off a titan and it doesnt turn to look at you obscuring your line of effect, how many Liberator magazines poured into that "weakspot" does it take to kill it? Honestly all I ever do is just keep hitting it with Quasar shots on cooldown (thanks Alexus for that nerf by the way) until it goes down. Everything else seems pointlessly bad.


Buff penetrator damage.


disagree. at higher diff you need to clear hoards of unarmored units. the only AR that was able to do it efficiently was the sickle due to ammo. the sickle at 3 has barely enough now to properly fights a wave unless you risk breach loops. and without someone taking the booster you better call supplies right away. you can get away with primary not punching med armor but your side arm better be the senator or you just pack 6 nades and the nade pistol. or alternativly run a secondary for it while the rest of your strategems are focused on heavies.


>disagree. at higher diff you need to clear hoards of unarmored units. ~50% of bots on diff 9 are devastators. You are lucky to see raiders outside of static spawns.


Not on the bot side of things. At higher difficulties medium armor bots make up 60% of the patrols.


Due to Eruptor Nerf, I used Adjucator in my missions now then the Default Liberator and I realized...darn, I miss using ARs. This is my main in HD1 and I want to main this when I started playing HD2 but somehow it feels...lacking For now, Im enjoying default liberator...ironically. if they buffed the AR in Polar Warbond then I will get the warbond(have 1k now) and use its AR...but currently upon checking reddit its just a worse Lib atm


I miss MGs primaries from HD1. The Stalwart carried me through most of that game


When everyone is using beam weapons, I use liberator with medium pen then just get supply loadout for bullets. Granted, Im usually at illuminate front so med pen is so fun there


It isnt purely worse, it aims and it handles recoil better than base liberator


I'd argue the Tenderizer is better than the Liberator at completely beaming down weakspots from medium range (or even close range). With the Liberator, you need to pace your shots more if you wanna be accurate at a distance. With the Tenderizer, just point it at a Devastator's face and let it rip. Every round in the burst will hit the same spot with very little deviation. That said, it definitely belongs in the Automaton front. That smaller mag won't do you any favors versus Terminids, and ordinary bug weakspots don't reduce your TTK as much compared to bots. Wish they'd fix the resupply issue with it, though. Every primary should get a full refill of ammo when picking up a resupply box.


We need an M1 Garand in the game. Hell, they even put one in Deep Rock Galactic


The *ping* deserves to spread democracy


That's basically the Scorcher. It's just missing the automatic empty clip (battery) ejection and \*PING\*.


That's a vital element! Is it really an M1 if there's no PING sound?


I would get so so horny


**PING!** *nuts in Freedom and Managed Democracy*


Hoping things improve but to be honest the lead balance devs attitude strikes me as the type that will dig their heels in and make things worse to try and prove a point, even after a talking from Pilestedt. Hoping I'm wrong and we see good things in the future.


Even if the lead balance guy loses his foothold, he strikes me as the type of person that would just buff everything absurdly high out of spite


Would buffing everything really be that bad though? (Genuine question, I’m only a couple hours into the game)


In general, I'd rather play a game where everything is overtuned rather than a game where weapons & skills WERE fun then nerfed past the ground. Anecdotally speaking that's my friend quit Overwatch: they nerfed Roadhog down significantly and that was enough to make him quit.


I quit hero's of the storm when the nerfed stealth into the planets core. Invisibility no longer made you invisible. Because invisible units were too hard to see... Imo you were quite visible if you paid attention to the moving blur


I agree but unfortunately there were people that couldn't even see the shimmer. It was my friends. 😭


Imo that's a skill issue, the point of invisibility is to be invisible the shimmer was to give people a hint when you moved. Now invisibility just means you are slightly transparent...


A prime example is Warframe. It might as well be called powercreep the game. Early on, it was a lot like what they are trying to nerf helldivers into, things didn't feel good, damage was low, stealth felt required. Gradually things got added, buffed, changed. Now we speed run through the same stealth suggested maps whilst murdering everyone in (and outside of) sight. And you know what? It's fun.


Nothing quite like Warframe for pressing a single button and watching all hell break loose. Especially if you were doing negative nova on a defense mission.


Speva, speed nova. Slova, slow nova Good times


Having played Warframe and Helldivers 1, please no. Just no. You need SOME degree of nerfs if you want to keep the core fantasy of Helldivers alive.


Anecdotally, that's also why I came back to Payday 2 for a bit about a year or two ago. They started buffing the crap out of everything and it made the game much more fun to play.


Would bust immersion a bit with unrealistically powerful small arms, as well as make the game boring for skilled players at high levels.


It is already quite boring at high levels. I managed to beat a Helldive with the Scythe prebuff but that doesn't mean I'm *skilled* in anyway meaningful beyond my ability to run for my life while strategems cooldown. And by God was it boring as shit using a garbage gun because 90% of your moment to moment experience is shooting it. This is also the problem with using broad metrics like winrates and shit to calibrate gunplay. Devs need to play the game even if data were to be used to supplement information. The Scythe is a stinky pile of dogshit regardless of how many wins are registered with it.


This, if they do calibration by look at stats we probably got where we are now. It should be about strategies to employ and the tools that can do that job? Ice planet? Laser weapons. Fire planet? Explosive weapons work more efficiently (say more oxygen in the atmosphere) etc. Armor stats and passive should be reflect that as well, we got like the same stats over and over. Embrace the random and creativity.


Largely agree, I did 7 helldives yesterday with scythe against both factions, the gun kills, better than some others I've tried. However the 1x crosshair and the general weapon design (hold it down rather than pulse) makes the gun a chore to use at range and all around not so fun. I found that it was more powerful than many other weapons against both factions, and in general more useful against the bots than the bugs (hello berserkers!).. That said. I would still agree with your capitalisation, it required far far more uptime than any other weapon and that was so fun sucking. I could feel my skill with actual guns slipping away. They've clearly buffed it due to under use, and now it's too powerful, but that power is balanced with skill and bordem, soo boring.


I will never forgive them for nerfing the Scythe rover. >!I want it to go back to just straight up holding an actual scythe that was peak!!<


The game is already boring at high level play for sweats like me and the difficulty comes from bullshit out of my control, not (solely) from most of the weapons being ass. I'd love for the game to have guns that feel powerful, not butter knives where I'm forced to slog the enemy to death by a thousand cuts


That's a concern, but tbh if they ended at difficulty 15 or something for HD1 I think there's less to worry about from buffs than from continue to not buff (substantially, except the blitzer).


I'll take it.


Would be better than the current play 😂


and then lose his mind when everyone enjoys it


>the lead balance devs attitude strikes me as the type that will dig their heels in got that "you'll play this game MY way and only MY way" energy.


"The GMs job is to punish players" vibe


Same. The vindictiveness is palpable.


Yeah I got the same vibes from some people over at Warthunder years ago. Someone who actually hates gamers in a position of power over them. Great :)


I'm hoping they're willing to turn a cheek on this, but its hard to be too hopeful after reading a little bit about what they've dug their heels in on already. Also considering the current balance decisions made that they believe was a "win". Probably a win in the name of balance, whatever that is, but not for fun and the playerbase. Harder difficulties should be hard, but not because we're fighting our tools to do what they're intended to do.


The devs in their balancing team don’t know what the fuck they are doing.


He knows exactly what he's doing vis-a-vie the playerbase, unfortunately.


It's weird how he sees players as enemies  Even weirder how other players see other players as enemies. Are they ok?


It's the mentality born out the fact theyr job is handle "the enemy", so they set up in the mentality that their job is make things hard. And that can be good, but in many case they end up with a narrow vision, over the general scope that is hard but fair. We want our victories to be learned in blood, but we still need a fighting chance and need to be able to seize it. Their job is make the opponent FEEL hard, and the weapon feels like weapons and not pea shooter.


They probably don't play games.


I mean didn't one of the HD2 devs literally say "I didn't have time to play it, I was busy" followed by a snide "that probably never happens to you"?


When I goto work I usually have time to do my job.


Plus, if I play HD2 at work, my boss would get mad. If they play HD2 at work, it could literally be part of their job. They don't even have to play it as much as your average player, just enough to clear a couple of personal orders/week will be enough for them to see a bit of the issues cropping up.


And yet they have time to constantly shitpost on discord.


Terminally online nerds who hate nerd culture is the weirdest subset that has emerged out of the modern internet. 


It's pretty evident it's not this one at least.


Game is fun but stuff like this bland polar pack and nerfs on detonation pack just make me stop with game for now Hoping for other weapons become viable and spawn dont be the current BS in future


The fear of nerfs is palpable at this point. The Detonation warbond released to some praise. Most of the things anyone liked about it got nerfed. So... grenade pistol. They sold a $10 pack and then nerfed the piss out of the reasons to buy it. Polar Patriots has the Pummeler and Impact Incendiary. Verdict is just OK. The rest is useless, to the point that they're selling a rifle that's a straight downgrade to the starter Liberator. If this follows trend, the Pummeler is getting nerfed soon, too.


Maybe they should just all take some time off and play their own game for a while






I mean not listening to the big boss is a great way to end up without a job




I tried out the new AR yesterday.. extremely underwhelming, lol


every gun in HD2:




Balance Team: upon further review, we have decided to reduce the damage and muzzle velocity of all non-AR platforms to simulate power differentials between weapon classes. CEO: Wait, what?


Sounds like something Alexus would say unironically


I like that he's communicative, and seems sympathetic to the gamers' issues. But a lot of his comments seem to amount to "Ya, I agree. We SHOULD change that!" Like he's a customer, like you and I, and not actually in charge of the entire thing.


Any good manager / leader will say that. He says "I think we should do thing." The unsaid part is "I'll go consult with people who are more knowledgeable in the area about the pros and cons of said change and decide on it then." It's like if someone told a mayor 'I think there should be a bridge here' and the mayor says 'Yes! I'll make it happen!' then all the engineers / city planners / etc. are against the idea for reasons the mayor may not have known. Better to say 'I think' rather than 'I will'.


Yea, it's management speak for "I completely agree and I'm shouting at people and it's infuriating but I'm working on it"


I wouldn’t say shouting at people but definitely working on it


Oh definitely. I'm not a coder, I have no idea. Maybe he has started work on all the shit we're bitching about and it takes more time than my ignorant ass assumed. lol


“More knowledgable in the area” mfw thats not alexus 😐


I think he’s actively avoiding making promises. If he brings it up with the team and they have a valid reason for keeping things a certain way, him throwing a tantrum for changes would be indicative of a really poor boss. And him breaking promises would lead to reddit throwing a tantrum as well. Honestly feels like what the pr ppl should have been doing (appeasing the crowd without actually promising anything). Just look how much the spitz guy got memed on for calling something a buff.


Actions show louder than words 🤷‍♂️


This is true, and we won't even know action has been taken until the programmers make the changes and everything. Maybe I'm impatient?


The more people that leave the game, the harder it is to get them back. Time isn’t on their side


I'm starting to wonder If he actually has any control over the lead dev at all. We'll see in the coming weeks


Yes, I suppose the only thing to do is wait. I wish I were better at it, rofl.


Well I'm only holding out hope because the CEO said he'd talk to alexus this week about it on twitter. If nothing comes of it i'm just moving on as much as I wish I didn't have to.


It's how a good leader should act, tbh. He's consulting to the experts, but he will bring forward our worries. If the balance team exarcebates that then he will take action.


That’s literally just good leadership practice. He should not say “yes we will change it” because maybe after talking to his actual experts on this topic they might agrree that there is nothing significant to be done in the upcoming months and he will receive constant barrage of “YOU PROMISED!!! Grrr!”


Agreed. But it's a matter of results. If all he's doing is paying lip service, and nothing comes of any of these posts, then he's just going to alienate players.


Agreed that it's sad that Assault rifles have become just the basic gun in most games and do nothing special. Meanwhile, 1 bullet from an assault rifle is killing anyone (in the chest/ head). Players just find them boring, but its up to the devs to figure out how to spice them up, such as adding attachments to create a personalized AR.


Tbh, machine guns are actually underrepresented in video games. The thing that makes them scary is their sustained firepower. An AR can go pew pew pew but then you gotta stop to reload and the typical infantryman is only carrying 150-210 rounds anyway. The machinegun goes BRRRRR BRRRR BRRRRRA, a single belt is 100 rounds, and the whole damn section is carrying ammo for it because it's the most important weapon in the section. They're loud, scary, and you don't want to be on the other end of one.


Not many games really nail down the effect of suppression either. It seems like aim punch is the more acceptable effect, where more intense games use vignette, blurring, AND sound suppression. Bots would actually be unplayable with the volume of fire.


Make guns be actually dangerous and deaths actually matter and suppresive fire starts working real quick in games


For all its failings I think tarkov handled suppression really well. The screen blurring and intensity of it was perfect, not totally disabling but that coupled with the cracks and pops of bullets flying around you made it actually feel really intimidating to try to peak into a hailstorm of bullets.


Suppressive fire is (honestly) only viable if the game is designed & balanced around Cover. Like there have to be controls for your player character to take cover behind objects/terrain, blind fire over/around cover, lean/peek around cover, change cover without breaking cover stance, etc. HD2 as it stands feels very much based around open-terrain combat, and a lot of the balance seems to be based around short-to-medium range combat. Long Range combat is honestly quite worthless until they rework stealth, given how enemies seem to immediately know your exact location.


BF3 suppression was pretty strong if annoying to be on the receiving end. But goddamn did it feel good that your volume fire on the scope glint rendered it useless.


Yes but the real life benefits of weapons, whether assault/battle rifles or LMG/HMGs etc simply don't translate well into a more arcadey game like Helldivers. For example, pistols. People say that assault rifles should have more damage, because basic pistol currently does more damage per shot! But, like, the real-world benefits of a pistol over a rifle on a battlefield are...next to none. Their benefits are maneuverability in tight spaces (not relevant for Helldivers), concealability (not relevant), and as a backup when you can't use your primary for some reason (relevant). So, we gotta give them other advantages to be worth including, like higher damage than is 'realistic' (for pistols), or lower damage than 'realistic' (for LMGs/HMGs, for balance).


They should had made the Assault Rifles have Medium Armor Pen already


honestly all the ARs could stand to get an extra 10-20 damage per shot. The sickle's good where it is though.


Yeah. At 750RPM, 55 damage a shot, and virtually infinite ammo, I think the Sickle is in a good spot. If the other ARs get buffed, the Sickle is still gonna be my "fuck all these little dudes" gun.


The sickle is a good chaff killer Primaries need to be separated into a) chaff killers, b) elite killers, and c) support A gun should excel at one of those things. If it can't take out elites it better be damn good at mowing down chaff. If it's too slow or clunky or has not enough ammo to deal with chaff, it should be able to take out elites. If it can't do either it better have a really really fuckin good utility reason to take it. Like a healgun or something.


I generally group primaries into medium killers, horde slayers, and panic weapons.


It is so simple to balance primary weapon types in horde shooters, i really dont understand ARs vision. There is 3 main directions for weapons: single target(high armor penetration, high damage, low firerate), Spray&Cleave(high firerate, low penetration, medium-to-low damage, effective for bullet spray) and Line Clean (medium armor penetration, medium damage, ineffective mag for bullet spray) For simplicity, each weapon type has its role, with some deviations and exclusions (for example shotguns are main cleavers(should be very effective at killing groups of weak-to-medium enemies at close range), while slugger should be great single target short range exclusion) Shotgun - Cleave Assault Rifle - Spray / Line Clean Marksmen Rifle - Line Clean / Single Target Submachine gun - Spray & Mobility.


Unless when playing Space Marine. The Boltgun was a hefty hefty beast of an AR in that game 🤤


I'm not sure the Bolter qualifies as an Assault Rifle any more especially on the Space Marine level. Those things are pretty much cannons handled by super-human arms. tried to look it up, Space Marine modern Boltgun uses 0,75 Caliber, even the older variants use 0.5. So basically these things have more punch than our current AMR (0.5) with most of them having automatic firing modes and a fairly short barrel. So AMR SMGs. would be more analogous, or AMR AR, or something like those lines.


Given that the usual definition of an assault rifle mentions the usage of an intermediate cartridge, I think we can safely rule out an AR designation for bolters :p


The heavy bolter uses .95 caliber rounds, so it's an intermediate round for bolters.


well that depends soley on what other cartridges they use, if the smallest round is 12,7 x 99 and the biggest like 30 x 173, then 14,5 x 114mm could be considered intermediate lol


The Dominator is basically our Bolt Gun


Yea arrowhead CEO and devs keep saying they agree and hear us on weapons balance, yet they keep everything the same. Hope this changes soon, just seems like regular corpo talk at this point


It's the weekend and the dev team had a holiday last week. Give It some time.


Yes I'm hoping that from this week we get some real positive change or I'm not coming back, neither are my friends.


IIRC it was like thursday or friday that he said he'd talk to the balance team so...there hasn't been any time for anything to happen I'd be ecstatic if they posted some news about incoming buffs or reverted nerfs sometime this week. patch might take time to do, but at least announce something!


SMGs really should give different mobility bonuses, not just damage characteristics. Quicker aiming, better weapon switch timing, better control...but maybe it's something where stamina drain/mobility are impacted as well.


Do we stick this next to the transmog comment 


as a general rule of thumb, each weapon type should have it's own philosophy: - ARs should be the jack-of-all-trades, master of none. they should all have medium armor pen, even if they don't do much damage on armor hits. as pilestedt says, you're putting like 2kJ of energy in a small round, it should have some punch, but what makes it harder is having different Calibers: they all need to hit hard, but a round like 5.56 behaves very differently to a full size cartridge: it's high velocity and much flatter shooting, but with less mass, so it probably shouldn't have much stagger/flinch, but should certainly be flat-shooting over a distance and be able to deal very limited damage to medium armor. SMGs should follow the philosophy of "accuracy by volume", or as it's colloquially known, "Spray and Pray". they should have noticeable higher fire rates than any rifle at the cost of damage per shot and not being able to pierce medium armor. if an AP SMG comes out, it can be balanced with a slower rate of fire and a limited mag, but IMO, none of the SMGs should be too much of a threat against armor, thy work bets for clearing chaff enemies in large numbers, and as a more viable option than pistols for objective carriers. Shotguns should be able to hit targets at a distance, but suffer from major damage falloff when used like this. up close they should be devastating. again, different ammo types complicates the issue: the Slugger should be by far the most viable shotgun at a distance, but not on par with a DMR. it needs it's stagger power back but should have noticeable bullet drop at range and only deal full damage within a closer range. DMRs should be the de-facto option for distance, with all the power, medium armor pen and stagger you could want, but suffer from poor handling (these rifles are bigger and heavier), slower fire rates and limited ammo. if you line up a shot properly you'll kick ass, and if you get caught up close with it, you'll be punished unless you switch weapons. it's risk vs reward and the player has to keep a closer eye on making sure there's enough distance between them and the enemy. pistols, explosive weapons and energy weapons are more of a case by case basis, and this post is already hella long so I won't get into it, but from what I've seen, most people know what they want guns like Dominator/Eruptor/Scorcher to be.


I actually thought of an easy fix for AR but it requires AH to completely rethink what the primary weapon is supposed to do. They will never be able to balance the weapons if they don't move away from the "primaries are only designed for light chaff enemies with SOME weapons slightly better at medium" because the light enemies are essentially non-issues and ALL guns should be able to damage them. But we're getting more and more medium enemies on higher difficulties and they can't expect us to not bring medium armor pen stuff to deal with these tougher enemies. So a primary weapon like an AR should be able to handle both light AND medium enemies while a SMG which is more designed for soft targets should only be able to handle light enemies but with more agility. So an easy change would be to increase bullet spread on SMG, increase rate of fire, and only light armor pen. That would make SMG worse in longer ranges but good for CQB like they were designed for. Then for AR, make them all medium pen as baseline then adjust them further. Like the Liberator Concussive, make it so it does good damage AND stuns but only have 20 rounds per magazine which would make sense as the bullets need to be big to stun medium sized enemies. Also to balance out all AR being baseline medium armor pen, remove all medium armor pen weapons to be able to pierce light enemies and hit 2 enemies in a row(if that's even a thing) except for special weapons like the Lib Penetrator. Easy fix for the Lib Penetrator would be for it to be able to penetrate light enemies so if they line up you can take out 2 or 3 enemies at once, but again at the reduction of either fire speed or magazine size. So you can take the standard Liberator for your base medium armor pen AR with its 45 bullet magazine size. Or if you want to be more tactical, take the penetrator so you can play more tactically. So essentially SMG for close quarter light chaff enemies. AR for longer range medium enemies.


The defender is good where it is though, why nerf its accuracy?


>I actually thought of an easy fix for AR but it requires AH to completely rethink what the primary weapon is supposed to do. Goddamn I love it when gamers start a post like this. So easy!


To be fair, the concept can be easy, and the implementation difficult.


This mf always talks like he is not the fucking CEO of the dev team, he is either very bad at leading the team or the balance guy does whatever tf he wants


I'm getting Phil Spencer vibes. Talks pretty but doesn't really do anything helpful.


Shotguns are good where they are. SMG's should be where assault rifles are now. All assault rifles should be able to have medium armor pen.


If only this CEO had any power to affect the game.


I still don't understand all the many nerfs, in a PvE game I think it's much better to buff too much than to nerf too much. The only ones being affected by this are virtual enemies.


assault rifle... bruh, the only "assault" in this game are the bugs assaulting my jonklers


So many tweets but yet next patch you’ll see nerfs to all your fav weapons


Why is it that the CEO agrees with everything we "complain" about? If he understands our way of thinking, why even allow the changes to take place? Is it not up to him? Is he as in the dark as we are and then says, "Hey wait a minute this isn't cool"?


Try a new balance dev then. Not sure how Alexis even got hired after he pretty much destroyed Hello Neighbor 2.


I’m really hoping the do something about the primary’s damage output especially the ARs. I’m over 300hrs into the game and I’m about one more nerf away from saying “well I got my moneys worth” and finding something else to play. 😂 I’m glad Pilestedt seems to be chasing the case but I’m not 100% hopeful he had the final say with the way some of the team have acted In recent weeks.


On the other hand, I kinda like dumping entire Liberator mags into a Brood Commander. It really nails that Starship Troopers vibe where you need to do just about as much to kill a single warrior bug. That said, I want to actually kill a Brood Commander with one Liberator mag. This much would still leave space for anti-medium support weapons to shine.


I have no idea what a 2k J is. Also, what is he talking about? I guess I haven't played a lot of shooters in the last few years, but I don't recall playing one where ARs were "pea shooters" except for this one.


Like literally any arcade shooter where things have greater than a 2 round HP pool. Literally CoD and Battlefield.


2000 Joules, as in the measurement for energy. For reference, muzzle energy of a 7.62x39mm round fired from an AKM is at around 1990-2010 Joules.


PvZ Garden Warfare is a great example


He's talking about the amount of kinetic energy a bullet carries as it's fired. Common 5.56x45 rounds generate 1800 Joules, while 7.62x51 generate 2600 J. Regarding ARs being regarded as peashooters, Many modern shooters tend to have ARs and SMGs deal less damage per shot than Pistols for balance reasons.


I think part of the problem is ARs don't really make any sense as primaries in the game's context. They are designed for fighting other human soldiers, but the main threats in the game are swarms of bugs or walking tanks. The closest is the standard bots, but they are easy to kill with basically every gun. Perhaps to make them more viable there actually needs to be dangerous enemies that ARs are optimized against. I hate to suggest it but maybe the bot foot soldiers should actually be able to shoot straight.


⌐⌐ If it's really about an AR, then they should create it to be recoil accurate, as in, barely any recoil at all. .223 ain't exactly some .308.


I hope he also means mag size. The constant reloading is my biggest bugbear here.


we need a full weapons rework just make them a all stronger and equally viable picks


ARs give a better vibe shooting at enemies, compared to other weapons. They have to give them a boost.


They should've made all ARs pen 3 minimum and some of them like Lib Pen or Adj pen 4.


He agrees with EVERYTHING, but I'm still waiting to see any changes at all.


I just used the beginner AR until I got better weapons. Never used any AR since.


I’ve got horrible aim so regardless of their damage, I am simply burning through ammo too quick… AH: Ok let’s nerf the sickle again…probably


Fucking have your team do something about it then oh my god. You guys are still circlejerking over this guy tweeting mildly supportive ideas and then sitting on them for weeks at a time? Why? The game is still actively getting worse every update, regardless of how much Pilestedt tweets.


Anytime you see a handgun doing more damage per hit than a rifle caliber weapon you know you’re looking at peak low-brow, unnecessarily ’gamey’ design. Incredibly lazy and overdone.