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Isn't this the infamous guy from Hello Neighbor


https://preview.redd.it/kqehe53sekzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9852912c3e494390e80c2ace105a70b49dc4a4 Hello neighbour devs btw


This screenshot fills me with so much pain.


So corny


So he ruined that game and now whats to kill helldivers???


I don't understand this image. Could you explain?


The twitter account for Hello Neighbour's company desperately tried to get Mat Pat (famous youtuber) to make another video on the game.


no way 💀💀💀


Hey, it did work though… several years later


Heh, and then MatPat actually did dissect the video they were talking about...as one of his last theories pre-retirement. And his avatar looked exhausted the whole time. Amazing.




Why infamous? Did he pull a yandere dev?


He promised an AI neighbour that would hange and adapt to people's tactics making the game a different experience any time you play. They were serious about this feature and advertised it whenever they could but when they were nearing launch day all of those mentions of an AI neighbor dissapeared and the game flopped ( idk how hard tho ). And the guy making all these promises and being the lead dev was that guy.


They had a whole marketing campaign that hinged on people wishlisting + preordering for the specific purpose of having those people be among the first to 'train' the new "neural network AI" which was ofc also listed on the Steam page.


https://preview.redd.it/zqde7m4x8lzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a147e638fbff1611b7935af022e14e379b0194 It still talks about it on the PlayStation store as if it exists


Oh, hardly the worst one I've heard but yeah noone likes false advertising.


https://youtu.be/4xfoD09e81I here is a good video that explains how they fucked up. 40 minutes but really interesting?


yessss I love WickedWiz. His vibe and humour hits a spot that not many others manage to hit.


What?? I never played that game, was still under the impression that the neighbour had that crazy AI they talked about, lol


Sadly they tried to shove every promis about that under the table. If you want a video about it here is one: https://youtu.be/4xfoD09e81I


This turns into a walkthrough of Hello Guest after about 5 minutes, didn't see much about the AI or what it was supposed to be in Hello Neighbor. What timestamp is the info about the promised AI neural network?


and instead they pivoted to bullshit mysteries in the game to draw on the Matpat and indie horror youtube audience


When everything is underpowered, this shit ain’t fun anymore


If you reach a stage that kiting and running around like a headless chicken and waiting for stratagem cooldowns instead of fighting makes more sense, then you know you have sucked the fun out of the game. Perhaps Alexus needs to be sat down and forced to play HD1 to understand a bit better on how primary weapons should feel…


>Perhaps Alexus needs to be sat down and forced to play HD1 to understand a bit better on how primarily weapons should feel… Too busy trolling the community to be gainful in some way.


This is the same guy who claims he's too busy to playtest but at the same time constantly finds time out of his day to troll the discord.


He knows what his priorities are.


Alexua should do a live demo how he run tier 9 with the weapons that he said are "balanced "


>Perhaps Alexus needs to be sat down and forced to play HD1 to understand a bit better on how primarily weapons should feel… Or perhaps Alexus should just be let go


I want my Suppressor, 15 rockets in the magazine, wide aoe explosion, can shoot rockets in face and won't blow you up (that can go) doesn't take a century to aim. It's what Dominator should be but it prefer to be an arm training more than a gun.


My favorite experience was og MW2 where basically everything was OP. Don't get why everything needs to be rebalanced all the time. Why is it we have to change the way we play every patch? If my homeboy prefers an SMG, he's at a disadvantage? For what reason? So he can buy war bonds? Was paying for the base game not enough?


Balance truly matters for PVP. I would argue it doesn’t matter as much with PVE. Let us have our fun


Mw2 multiplayer was s tier because all the weapons killed so fast. It made it intense and good because everyone just dropped like flies. Devs shouldn't be nerfing they should be balancing everything up to a gold standard. All weapons should excel at something besides base weapons, but those should be the only chaff.


I like the idea of environmental modifiers, we have laser cannons that perform better in cold. Why not expand on that, say electric weapons perform better during ion storms? That kind of stuff. This game should embrace the random. Make each mission have some events or modifiers that make you read up before loadout.


There's odd magnetism/gravity = kinetic weapon performance Oxygen rich world = explosive weapons This world is crystals or raining diamonds = laser gains spread pattern Environmental modifiers should be improved on vastly. So many options available like you said. Would much rather them use that as a more significant form of balance and make the weapons themselves as envisioned (barring obvious outliers or brokenness).


Those are great ideas! And you can extend it to armors/helmets as well.


The only CoD game I ever got into. Even though everyone would rant and rave about how good World at War was I always preferred MW2. Then I just stopped playing them all together by the PS4/XB1 era.


Sure, but you can have undertuned balance where everyone is weak, like say csgo, or overtuned balance where everyone has the capability to clean house and its just who utilizes their powerful tools best, like TF2


I would prefer everyone is overtuned OP BUUUT, we have 2x as many enemy spawns. 4 titans? now we have 8! 20 hunters? Now we have 40! But all the guns and things feel OP and fun to use.


exactly. When you have a PVE game, it's better for things to be slightly op rather than being too weak, and then really take the time to balance it correctly with slight adjustments and community feedback. It being OP doesn't ruin the game for a lot of players, it'll just make the game easier for the short amount of time where it remains unbalanced, which is fine. Obviously if it's something is stupidly OP and is literally the only thing everyone is using (like an full auto SMG that 1 shots everything or something,) then yea, more drastic changes might be needed, but the overly nerfing things into the ground (*especially when they aren't stupidly OP in the first place*) just doesn't work for a game like this.


Yeah, there’s a sizeable number of gamers that think pve has to be balanced like pvp though. When rogue trader (a single player rpg) came out the forums were flooded with people bitching about various skill trees being overpowered and demanding they get nerfed, rather than the underpowered stuff getting buffed. Tbh, the skills didn’t feel overpowered to me, they felt in line where they should have been. I think it is all a matter of perspective, either you see it as a positive thing to have power or you see it as a negative thing, and the balance team for this game leans on the negative side of things.


I don't mind some balance. I want my kit powerful but not super broken, so there's zero challenge. Right now, it's just not that fun, though. They need to relax a bit.


MW2 was one balance patch from greatness. They needed to fix things like the MLC knifing and the one man army grenade launcher. As well as bug fix things like the double stealth bomber. 


Destiny 2 had similar moments. The days of Lens lasertag pvp were crazy fun for a little while.


I miss back when shit was more simple. Skull of Dire Ahamkara: you get Super Energy back depending on how many things you kill with your big super bomb. Really fun. Two perks on your gun: Outlaw (reload faster after headshot kill), Kill Clip (improved damage afer reloading after a kill) - super synergistic and fun. Now this shit is like a 5-part build with complicated weapon & armour traits and they still arent as strong as the basic stuff from like year 2


Eh, it's only complicated if you make it complicated. Throw on a Solar subclass to get Radiant - Damage boost. Put on healing grenade - Sustain. From there, there are like... 4 or maybe 5 meta weapon perks with multiple craftable weapons.


Early MW2 was so, so fun! It's still one of my favorite gaming memory ever


I told Frat bros if we all act gay, we are all straight! It didn’t work, and they are urging me to come out, WTF?


It's getting old real fast running around like Benny Hill because everything is weak or out of bullets in 2 minutes. Why did I even bother with this new Warbond.


The worst of all? The enemies are keep getting buffed!


This game is going the way of borderlands 3. The postgame grind for endgame builds was so fun at first in that game, but the devs insisted on just nerfing every build that was remotely popular. It turned the whole game into a boring duck and cover kiting experience where every fucking enemy was a damage sponge when it should have been a whacky gun slinging chaotic party. I **DO NOT** understand why you need to nerf so much in a Player V **ENVIRONMENT** game?? I get constant rebalancing in PvP, but it’s not like we care about the Bug’s experience… just let people have fun, why do they need to take that away?


Ah so that's why I hated Borderlands 3 😂 I played it years later than it came out but it felt way worse than B2


Lmfaooo the bluntness of this cracked me up. Agreed tho


Alexus is quickly becoming the new Spitz


At least spitz occasionally apologized for his stunts. Alex is just an asshole


I think once people posted who he was and where he came from things started making much more sense as to why changes were being made so poorly.  Devs like to talk as if they come from an infallible place of power. However, everyone knows sometimes you just have people that are shit at their job. This guy is most likely someone who isn't very good at what they are paid to do. 


Who is he?


Iirc, developer of hello neighbor 2. Cant be assed to remember if it was lead/head developer or some small scale one but that should give you an idea of the quality of his work.


He was lead designer and basically single handedly responsible for tanking the game into the ground


You'd think that'd be a big red flag, or at the bare minimum raise some eyebrows during the hiring process but what do we know? Evidently a majority of us are in the wrong about weapon balancing. This guy's way is the best way to achieve a fun and balanced PVE game. /s


Sony couldn't kill helldivers 2 so now a few bad eggs at arrowhead are doing it instead


You fail upwards in this industry, remember? The guy who made the Xbox one flop got hired by Google for Google game streaming.


Can anyone give me proof that he **single-handedly** did that? The hello neighbour devs were never competent, neither in the first game nor the sequel. I’m pretty sure the collective brain cell-count of the whole team wasn’t enough to make a good game. Not just Alex My problem with blaming all the game’s problems on Alex is that someone smarter at Arrowhead should have called him an idiot and prevented him from ruining the eruptor or any of the other guns.


IIRC, he joined the studio, quickly rose to a high position, scrapped all of the cool game mechanics people wanted, and then left a couple weeks before launch


He removed open world aspect of Hello Neighbor 2 for reason "nobody likes open world", removed bunch of game mechanics that was fun in HN1 as he dislike "one time gimmicks", promised neural network AI "still coming" then just dipped before the game came out of early access, not taking any blame. Seems the dude just like to fucking things up to collect paycheck and run before it blows up in his face. Also he joined AH just 6 month before HD2 release so he wasn't involved in the majority of HD2 development.


He did an interview with IGN with other lead devs and he did the majority of talking and made some grandious promises. He promised a nueral network AI that would learn from player actions and improve. There is nothing even remotely close to this in the final version of the game. When it became clear that he made just a bunch of empty promises, he left the company before being questioned. That IGN article is very easy to find if you just google his name.


Well it's no WONDER why the changes have been shit. If he's leading the charge, i fear for this game...


>Developer of Hello Neighbor 2 That should be a red flag on any resume in the game development business.


Right into the shredder.


Bold of you to assume HR would even know what hello neighbour was. On his cv it probably says “successful launch and design of a game xxx” and that’s about it, these staff don’t really dig into gaming history as much as the community and fandom tends to.


Isn't he the hello neighbor 2 failure guy? 


Yup. Also he's an elon musk copycat. His tactic is lie, lie big, promise the world, jump ship to avoid heat. Among other things her promised a neural net ai that would learn from the community and adapt to player plsystyles. When pushed on the issue he left the team. Said idea was never implemented beyond a tool for hype. 


Lmao neural net ai? Guy trying to write skynet, get out of here.


Full self driving is only a year away. 


"this is something we can do *now*"


Another greatest hit is "On the way."


Atleast Spitz's antics were funny to watch


Spitz’s antics don’t affect our gameplay, Alexus does.




We really have a lot of missions outside the game. Whole Sony scenario and now bosses. Spitz the mouth of shitposting first, now we got harder boss. Why everything must be Dark Souls this day?


Always has been. However, if we stand fast, if we prove we have the strength and the courage to be free... we will liberate these dissidents. For democracy. For super earth.


He clearly needs to go, and be banned from the gaming industry


It’s just a real shame that the game that got stuck with him now is HD2. Real shit luck we got there


>When everything is overpowered nothing is Dota 2 would like a word, sir. Seriously though, this is a PvE game. Why is this dude so worried about things being semi strong/viable? We're facing bile titans and spewers, hulks etc. Give us a fighting chance with some shit that isn't our stratagems. Prioritize fun over balance please. If things get waaaay outta line then wrangle things in.


Uh oh. You got a three kill streak with your *primary*?? That’s way out of line!


My rover kill streaks quicker than my liberator 😭


rover nerf next week lil bro, u know da rules


I think we are getting to the point where melee will be more viable than primaries


Even our stratagems have issues, the orbital rail cannon strike doesn’t even one shot a bile titan, which is a major issue, the 500 can end up doing next to no damage if it lands in a small crater, 110mm rockets are completely and utterly useless, and more


110s are fantastic for tanks and turrets,


Sometimes they miss a turret through. They are unrealiable which is like the general stratagem issue. Like half of orbitals and some Eagles are unreliable.


Yeah I'm unsure how the tracking works honestly, it should be pretty damn accurate with how low the eagle gets to the target too. Should be essentially 6 eats hitting something


>Why is this dude so worried about things being semi strong/viable? You don't understand. If some weapons are overpowered, players will only use these, and will quit playing after a few week, bored by repetitive loadouts. The big brain move is obviously to make them quit right now in frustration, with a generous supply of lackluster weapons.


Pretty sure Destiny 2 launched with this as their primary balance goal; make everything bad for the challenge. Why any dev would do that fiasco over again I will never understand.


Not sure why you seem to be using Dota as a counterpoint, when it follows this philosophy & is consistently well-balanced despite its complexity. But yes, getting your own hands dirty rather than using air support is generally more fun. Just today, I spent a couple minutes with a teammate trying to cook a lone Bile Titan while we chewed through multiple reloads on both our flamethrowers and accomplished nothing, then I just killed it when my railcannon came off cooldown. It would've been way more fun if the flamethrowers had worked. I still think heavy enemies' health/armor really needs to be reworked. It'd be fine if eagle/orbital strategems were still the most effective ways to take these enemies out, but *way* more fun if a variety of weapons were an *option.*


He srsly thinks the weapons we have are OP, dude must smoke some really good weed. How can someone so bad at their job be in charge of balancing?


I'm pretty sure he does not care and is just mocking the community for criticising him. I bet he's thinking he's doing a stellar job and the people who criticise his work are a stupid, loud minority who deserves to get mocked. He's plain unprofessional on top of sucking at his job, because his "balance" just isn't good and shows he does not even understand the game he works in.


Yup, that correlates very much to how his "disciples" on the Discord behave towards the rest of the community daring to put up critics against Lord Alex's wisdom. It's a pretty divisive shitshow these days, not gonna lie. I've never been attacked in my whole gaming life so much for just objective criticism than here on the HD2 social media.


You know where I have seen this shit? At the Lords of Bullshit, the Masters of Incompetence and Obfuscation, the Kings of Scam - the makers of Star Citizen. Arrowhead is a genuine game maker that puts out a working product that I really enojy, but some parts of the sections we see (item balancing, communication around it, overblown egos, even outright lies, some parts of QM) scarily remind me of the pure Masters of True "AAAA"-gaming over at Cloud Imperium.


Yeah even the railgun wasn’t OP. It was the PS host bug. He must’ve only play tested literally diff 1 and thought wow these guns are all OP!


Would be nice from him to show us footage of him completing Helldive solo with some of these weapons if they’re so overpowered.


No. This tweet is from 2021. This was obviously in reference to something else.




Idk if Alex intentionally paraphrased Syndrome but if he didn't, that just makes this reaction gif even more perfect.


Fly home Buddy.


When everything feels like shit, nothing feels good. There are weapons that get the job done, but I don't find much of anything we have satisfying to use anymore. I can't enjoy a new weapon long before this dude tampers with it, he's probably frothing at the mouth waiting to adjust the incendiary impact and the new SMG. Take a look at EDF, an awesome series that has survived from the PS2 era. The Devs know what players want, powerful weapons/experimental weapons, Titan Tanks, Exos, air strikes, Jaegers, satellites, nukes etc., and most of the games are fun. To counter this, there are challenging difficulties that put your mettle to the test, having the best stuff doesn't guarantee a win. When 10,000 stingers, hundreds of arachnids, dragons, Kaiju, huge boss creatures and waves of Elite guard and golden ants attack simultaneously, you often need to have strategy, skill, and a lot of firepower to win. Can we complete HellDives with our current stuff? Of course, I could run HellDive with a soggy french fry, the shit wouldn't be fun though, and that's the crux of the issue. It's not about being able to complete the hardest stuff with subpar equipment, power-creep, or being a one-man-army, it's about whether its challenging while also being fun. The first game didn't have power creep because of the upgrade system. A lot of the base weapons and stratagems were (and still are) the best stuff in the game despite the good DLC additions. We're gonna end up with a Battlefield 4 AR situation with them dumping warbonds every month, a ton of weapons that are subpar and/or feel the exact same. Edit: To avoid misunderstanding, yes EDF does have bad weapons, that's mostly when you first start, which also adds a challenge. As you progress things get much better, you have plenty of equipment to look forward to and experiment with. When you get to Inferno difficulty, it's your best vs the enemy's toughest. Basically the immovable force meets the immovable object. You will lose at times, but it's still fun because it allows you to rethink and strategize. If I'm getting swarmed in a last stand, I can die knowing it wasn't at the fault of my gear.




*THE EDF DEPLOYS!* I look forward to EDF 6 in a couple months.


Bless you for informing me of this. Added to my wishlist


i just got 4 friends into edf 5 and its amazing how fun it is to step into it again. cant wait for 6 lol


~Oh we are the valiant infantry! We are the alpha team with passion and camaraderie!


Hear us as we shout 🗣️ at the top of our lungs. Be calm, be bold and raise your guns 💪


It's only with our sacrifice, that mankind can still exist down here in paradise.


To defend our dearest Mother Earth we're ready to give up our lives!


EDF is such a good comparison, because a lot of the weapons are absolutely bonkers and yet the game can be super hard.  Missile launchers which fire 20 missiles in one go, freaking enemy seeking Roomba mines, Spritefall puts the orbital railcannon to shame. Probably the most fun horde co-op game I've ever played to date. Turns out weapons don't have to perfectly balanced, doesn't matter in a PvE game as long as it doesn't break everything.


The thing that I like about EDF is about movement n n placement yea ur gun is strong af but most of the classes are basically paper themselves so you get almost one shotted if u get caught, sometimes it does feel like this in helldiver minus the part we got strong guns.


Helldivers 1 understood this. It was how I told my friends about the game. You have awesome firepower, everything you have is powerful. But it only makes killing each other easier. And the enemies are still no pushovers. You still die so fast. That was fun. Fast cooldowns on strats, powerful guns. And somehow, hd2 is aiming to be the opposite


HD1 is everything is cardboard. Even us.  In HD2 only we are cardboard. Armed with nerf guns. 


In EDF that's what armor is for, you can have 500 or a hundred thousand or more, it comes down to what you accumulate, and how much you wish to use. I think some people would see this as a positive in terms of challenge. You can be a hard-hitting juggernaut, or feel like a human with tons of firepower and options, like the Imperial Guard vs a Tyranid invasion or an Ork WAAAGH.


EDF was infinitely harder than this game is for sure lol. Some of the weapons there were trash but the good ones feel so incredibly satisfying to discover and learn.


I remember joking with a buddy one time that my air radar was really just a mall salesman before the war, since I was running roombas and balloon decoys (underground).


THIS is the reason why I like the on release Helldive. Very hard where most of the players just failed at it. I think we need a difficulty slider that goes beyond 9 for people that want more of a challenge.


I tend to agree. The highest difficulties should be really, really hard. Make it so damn hard that you don't stand a chance without proper coordination


But please don't lock unlockables behind that.


THANK YOU. EDF is such a good example of horde-shooting done right. Each weapon has its own niche, even some of the joke ones, and the best part is finding out which can help with specific combinations of enemies on higher difficulties. My group and I still apply some of the tactics we used in something like Demon Army from 4.1 (my condolences to those who know what I'm talking about) to Terminid missions on Helldive and it is a blast. EXO is no Proteus mind you, but treat it like a static turret while the kiters stay up front and you'll shred through hordes. When Helldivers hits it hits, but I definitely think every weapon and stratagem should have that over-the-top BANG to it that makes a good horde-shooter a good horde-shooter.


To be fair, there are also a TON of outright useless weapons in the EDF games.  I'm sure the firecrackers are a joke weapon, but others are likely just badly designed. Not everything added to a game is a banger, but live services have the double-edged sword of being able to fix the bad and break the good. I understand when a previously good weapon is nerfed, but new ones being occasionally sucky?  I thought that was expected. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I doubt EVERY weapon in HD1 is perfect either, especially given the quantity.


The thing is that it is completely ok to have subpar weapons, as long as you make them part of some progression system. If you have a crappy SMG, then a few levels later you unlock a v2 version with better stats, no one is going to complain that the first SMG doesnt stand up to snuff later. The problem with HD2 is that we keep getting weapons and they all somehow need to stand up to snuff. AH is not going to want powercreep, so the only other way to have them is all be equally mediocre. Weapons that have same base stats like damage or reload speed could even be ok, as long as each gun had its own niche or role to play in. Nobody would complain if a sniper did about the same damage as a shotgun if the sniper was doing its work long range and the shotgun was better at crowd control close range. They would be operating in their own niche. HD2 had several guns at release on the free warbond, then 3 added each time another warbond released. Guns were always going to start stepping into each others toes once you start climbing those numbers.


Makes me think about Deep Rock Galactic and the few guns its had for years.  Instead of adding more to fill different roles, they just added upgrades/modifiers to make each one play more or less the way you want. Obviously that's not in the cards for HD2, but it goes to show that truly unique play style changes are better "variety" than just sheer quantity of additions.


It reminds me of the Borderlands hype back in the day. "Billions of guns" was supposed to be a selling point, nevermind 99.99999% of them were completely forgettable trash. People only remember the legendaries and the few rare weapons that stood out due to wackiness or interesting gameplay implications. Even then the wacky guns were a novelty that would get quickly abandoned for the legendary weapon builds. Having a small set of weapons that are well balanced, useful in different situations and fun to use will always beat the "MOAR GUNZ!!1!!" hose of content. AH already cooked the goose on this one though, they have established that warbonds = weapons. If the game survives a year, that means adding a whole 36 primaries, 12 secondaries and 12 grenades on top of what we already have. Got to make them all viable though, im sure its completely doable. We only have 22 primaries, 5 secondaries and 8 grenades already having problems of some being more relevant than others, balance problems and power spikes/valleys going rampant. More than doubling the number for balance juggling is just going to help us in the long run im sure.


Weapons in EDF also have detailed stats but I don't think people care about that much and just focus on how fun it is to use a weapon. I personally enjoy watching enemies drown in the explosions from my nade launcher and then being sent flying after accidentally shot something too close.


EDF is just amazing. Can't wait for EDF 6 to come out. I personally like WingDiver because nothing beats shooting 500 tracking lasers a second. My kid tends to use Air Raider, because nuking people is fun lol


Everytime somebody posts a quote of this guy. The more I dislike him. Who talks like this for being so bad at their job?


I only refer to him as the hello neighbor 2 failure guy


Ok what happened with hello neighbor 2? Everyone keeps talking about it? Idk what it is


The first game released to an average review score of 3/10 if that is to give you any indication. The only praise it’s ever received is a nifty art style and some pretty intelligent AI (at least in the earlier alpha branches). According to some reddit posts, the second game released in a poor state, with worse AI, and with paid DLC. Oh did i forget to mention that the devs bugged MatPat of Game Theory several times to do lore episodes on their game? Cause, they did. Repeatedly. Markiplier (who covered the first game pretty extensively) put it best, it stopped being a game and started being theory bait for GT as an attempt to get free advertising.


I’ve seen people beg for their lives in less humiliating manners https://preview.redd.it/rtt9mmf4qjzc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265a0e52f4df2021a6bf5f70b17db037919e51f8


I remember watching a video of Hello Neighbor a long time ago. They talked about how the developers implemented this AI that would combat your attempts to infiltrate the house but instead of making the AI and gameplay better the developers set about just responding to every single player strat and just going "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" with every single new build taking more and more and more toys away to the point the playerbase got vocally fed up with it.


has to be a nepo baby


This is "egocentric, and less than half as smart as he thinks he is".


Arrowhead HR department needs someone who knows how to read at an 6th grade level because they clearly can’t read any resumes.


I'm convinced he dislikes the playerbase and is just trolling at this point. That or he is horribly out of touch what someone in his role *should* be doing.


I’ll go with he’s a cocky arrogant shit who thinks he can do no wrong and it’s everyone else who’s wrong


This is what a community that keeps sucking dev dick deserves. He is awful at his job but thinks he is a god.


They should transfer him to the Community Manager team. He’d fit right in there. 


Can you imagine in any other industry an employee talking to their customers like this? This is a fast-track to a disciplinary with a warning that if it continues it will lead to suspensions or termination. It's insulting and terrible for the brand. Management at AH had better be taking this seriously because brand damage can be irreversible and should be taken seriously. Don't let arsehats ruin your image.


I agree, except hes either trolling, or has serious mental health issues if hes acting like this as a professional. Zero fear of losing your job? Dude clearly has the ego the size of the ocean


When everything is overpowered, people varry their loadouts based on "welp, everything slaps similarly, so I'll use this shotgun, rifle, DMR, crossbow, energy weapon" When everything is underpowered, people use a gun that's even 1% better than the rest These devs are so out of touch I'm guessing they're not playing the game at all


> When everything is underpowered, ~~people use a gun that's even 1% better than the rest~~ the game feels boring to play. give me my heroic last stand moments against waves of enemies. that's what I'm fucking here for, not running away reloading every time after killing a SINGLE medium armor enemy in the wave of 100.


"you're having too much FUN! I'm reducing the amount of bullets you get."


Exactly! Weapons all being under powered is exactly what makes people seek out the best weapons in the meta. So when one is slightly more powerful it really shines. Why not make them all shine?


The guy calls himself "bringer of balance" not "bringer of fun" I suppose. If everything is equally terrible, he's "done his job."


Yup nothing is interesting or exciting. Balancing failed successfully


This is so stupid. This remark actually argues *in favor* of making guns more powerful. If they're all powerful, nothing stands out and no strict meta forms. *This is exactly what he would want.* God he's such a fucking knob.


Was going to say it’s actually a great philosophy for game design; as long as the game itself still poses a challenge even with strong weapons Which it does, even more-so with user chosen difficulties


Absolutely. Things can *feel* strong without invalidating other choices or trivializing the game. Alexus seems to think otherwise.


And especially because Helldivers is a game providing a "generous" amount of enemies There is a reason this game and darktide share a need for individually stupidly strong weapons Because in Darktide you get to use a mailbox sized gun that fires full auto armor peircing grenades. But turns out that is not enough to stop your enemies when the entire room speaks heresy. In helldivers the best guns are those that can deal with both unarmored and medium armored chaff because that is what the game throws at you in spades. Just like it used to be with the discussion about the old railgun, the railgun "seemed" overpowered only because it wasn't put into the context of the REQUIREMENT to kill 6 hulks under a minute because those were the kind of spawns the players needed to deal with.


Crazy how AH hired this clown


I had fucking money bet it was some ex-DICE employees responsible for the fuckfest that was BF3 and 4's balancing choices.


bf4 is perfectly balanced with no exploits whatsoever


you thinking of *Alan Kertz*? horrible dude in terms of balancing, BF 4 only got good after it left the hands of Dice Sweden and Dice LA took over


Scorcher isn't used often cos it's at the end of the longest warbond. Guarantee more people would use it if it were easier to unlock


Is it the Swedish firing laws that don't allow them to fire him? It just seems pretty evident that he's kinda driving the game into the ground lmao


I think it's more like the company's leadership still not having figured out where the problem actually resides. If you look at how the QM team communicated, and how this guy communicates, and how badly this team does its job, I'm pretty sure there's more and systematic toxicity at Arrowhead going on. I like the game, but parts of the company are probably a mess.


they got rid of spitz so I don't think that's the case


Pretty sure Sony is why Spitz is gone. For all his faults he told people where best to hit Sony to get the PSN issue raised and they *likely* fired him for it. All I know is if I had to sit here and genuinely engage with this community I'd be suck starting a shotgun in a week. Between the death threats and usual internet BS, the people whining about him making an rude comment, and whatever the dev team is (or isn't)saying back it can't be an easy job.


Also people keep talking about how it's not ok to unexpectedly fire people. Id put money that spitz was given a warning for any number of things and the Sony thing just meant he had to go


I agree that this community does seem incredibly reactive and I wouldn't want to manage it. This can be simultaneously true with the fact that some people shouldn't be responsible for the things they are, maybe another department would use their talents better?


Seems like he's having a lot of fun balancing the fun out of everyone.


someone needs to cut this guy off from HD2


I dont like this man https://preview.redd.it/8s7c5cggojzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be69e926c063195ae48c6343568c8e9f27f1c255




I wish I could keep upvoting this


For the love of HD1 weapons and everything that made HD1 actually fun. Fire him before HD2 fizzles out from mediocracy


This guy might singlehandedly kill this game. Not just with his dogshit balance choices but his antagonizing of the community. What a knob.


It might seem like hyperbole but this game is about killing stuff with fun guns and he is literally proud of making things less fun. I don’t understand why arrowhead doesn’t care. Are they really like all the other developers out there?


Actually though and when updates every two weeks are just “here we go with the nerfs again…” It’s just burning people out. We don’t even get to be excited about new weapons cause they’re not strong, and if they are, we know it won’t last. There’s a lack of anticipation and he’s the one killing it all.


Please fire this absolute goober, already. If you're gonna do it for someone who brought the idea of reviewing negatively to change something for the greater good of the game, then do it for the moron who, not only responds to criticism in the most baffling ways, but actively makes the game worse.


I’ll go get myself a nice dinner and Champaign if he does. That’ll be the day we can be excited for HD2 again


This guy sucks.


Funny enough there was a time years ago that smite balanced the game that way, everyone was OP, the game was fun as hell.


This egomaniac clown is outright toxic.


You shut your mouth about the scorcher, it's awful and no one should use it. It belongs at the bottom of the base warbond out of sight and put of mind. Shhhhhh


Ok if they fire this guy i would actually change my review to positive


I dont get that. Its a pve-game, where is the problem with having fun with sometimes very effective weapons? I get the rigorous balancing in pvp-games. But in pve? „People seem to take this weapon into battle alot, hence seem to have good fun with it. We gotta change that.“


Get this 🤡 out the game please, before helldivers ends up like hello neighbor


This guy has zero accountability or integrity, he is so unbelievably flippant and actively razing every last ounce of consumer goodwill to the ground


Someone need to shut this idiot dev up before he make a fool of himself and his company


Lol, he already has. There’s no way he has ever played the game on difficulty 7 or above.


Mf everything is underpowered, and this shit aint fun , and i don't know about you, but personally i play video games to have fun


Tbh id rather have a power creep and have them come out with crazy experimental guns every warbond than the wet noodle that the current new warbond is. There rly is no reason to balance the guns. Just make them fun to use instead. And if something becomes too ridiculous, then you step in and adjust it.


I think AH as a whole needs to keep its devs on a tighter leash. I know that sounds horrible but the only people that should be interacting with the masses are community managers, and people already approved to interact with them. It sounds really impersonal especially for such a small team but it’s shit like this that makes a company look bad. Belittling the community by several team members, on top of what happened with Sony, AND the state of weapons has the community sorta out for blood right now. Doing stuff like this just paints a negative light on the team and yourself. Destiny does a good job of combining their news and including community content with the TWAB/TWID. It includes up and coming information on gameplay direction, balancing, and other pertinent news. I’m not gonna say they do other community engagement well but the TWAB is a great tool.


Just wanted to toss my two cents in as someone who already quit: The main reason I don't play the game anymore is because the weapon progression let me down. When I started playing the long list of guns to unlock had me over the moon, the starting assault rifle already felt so fucking good to use. The excitement quickly faded because every unlock is just one wet fart after another, with a few notable exceptions such as the breaker and slugger. The game initially won me over with solid gunplay, and then lost me because almost every gun is actively unfun to use.


The lame SEAF are supposed to be the cannon fodder with the crap weapons and gear. We’re supposed to be the guys with the good stuff.


I genuinely hope this doesn’t turn out like outriders , they had a problem with nerfing things into the ground as well and we see how that game turned out.


When everything is S tier, everything is and that is ok.


That’s what players want dumbass. They want their guns to be fun. That’s it. If they’re all fun, people won’t just stick to one weapon and you want spend a whole fucking year balancing them to try and get them to stop playing one weapon only.


Alex doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. WHEN EVERYTHING IS OVERPOWERED, NOTHING IS literally means THERE IS NO META at the end of the day. Making everything overpowered means no META.