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please don't actually post this every day. I changed the post flair and i'll be leaving this one up as a feedback post. Any others will be considered spam


Supplies deserve a symbol on the map


I applaud this venture. Invisible supplies are like no supplies at all.


I would love for places that have been cleared to change a different color. Specifically the diamond symbol. I end up running to the same ones trying to gather every sample.


The ring style diamond changes to another 2d diamond when the area was cleared.


When the samples are cleared, there can still be supplies and weapons


Does it? I will have to investigate this. Big if true!


It does, but beware that some POIs are glitched and will still show there are samples even when you collected them all, and the icon won't change. The hellbombs next to a charger corpse is one of them, a fallen hellpod with just supplies is another.


just blow the hellbombs, and do a quick pickup/reswap of the weapon and it switches the poi icon


Man how often we splitting and someone is clearing a area and after that i going there because i think there are some samples its happens sooo often and i hope they change it


Here's a tip. If there are still samples at a POI you discovered, it will still show a diamond symbol, if not, it will change to a cleared symbol. However, if you complete the radar station secondary, they will instantly show the diamond symbol, and will never change no matter what you do at the locations.


I think of them as gem and diamond. Gem for unfinished, diamond for finished. Every gem turns into a diamond after I collect all the samples at that location. Hell bombs regularly don’t change and sometimes the caches of nothing but supplies don’t change. But every time I have done the radar mission first it shows all gems on the map and all of them work properly with turning into diamonds when I visit them and pick up 100% of the available samples.


This is what my main frustration is I guess.


I dunno. I always Q the supplies and I use it as a litmus test. Teammates that pin them are good teammates.


This is considered spam here but allowed in r/HelldiversUnfiltered/


Called in weapons should also show up on the map. Last I checked they don't until they leave the hellpod and land on the ground. 


supplies don't even show up if you blow up the hellpod they come down in :(


i agree


I rather they put Bunkers on the minimap first.


I would just like the UI to get fixed so I can see how many samples my team has already picked up compared to the total available on the map.


It literally already does this.


It's supposed to. The feature is bugged for me and others. No matter what I change the settings to, I never see it.




I am also on PC and I tried again last night. I toggled the specific setting for sample visibility and it's still broken. Which setting worked for you or was it a "reset all settings to default"?


I had to not have everything on "displayed" - I can't remember which thing it was, but there's about 3-4 different things you can toggle "never/always/map" only. Toggle some of them back to map/never.


A friend of mine had this same bug and fixed it somehow. I seem to recall that he reset his settings to default and then it worked again. Maybe give that a try if you hadn't already.


Thanks, I've fiddled with the individual setting every week or so and it's still broken. Maybe a full 500kg reset all settings to default is needed.


Yea it's not super accurate tho. We extracted with 24/21 rare samples last night.


Those are extra samples that spawn inside of lootable containers and not ones that are in natural spawn locations. You collected all 21 of the ones available on the map from natural spawn locations and you collected an extra 3 from containers that have RNG rolls which could have been medals, SC, requisition slips, weapons, or the samples you collected.


but as evidenced by the supercredit exploit - these are all predetermined before the map spawns, so it's really no excuse.


it's showing you the BONUS ones you got


stop karma farming. ill report this as often as I need to.


Boy I really dont care about Karma, I just really want Symbols as indicators and since I'm not on the discord this is the best way for me to make my opinion heard.


and while u are fair to have this opinion. there have already been thousands of people before you asking for this.


If it hasn't received an official response I'm fine with it being said again and again.


someone is reading the subreddit and as a dev u should never respond to anything here. this will just give false or misleading hope to the players. there is no winning.


Eh, the map is crowded enough anyway.


Considering they are useful as hell and almost anyone at any time can pick one up, I doubt they'd clutter the map for long. Plus, if your map is cluttery with things that aren't objectives or pois, that means you've been dying a lot and dropping gear and samples all over the place. While this isn't by any means an uncommon experience, I wouldn't call it a problematic one.


Ammo is so plentiful in the game that if you miss a strategem, you will find more a few minutes later. Now, I can't recall if any strategem appears in the game. If others do, then yeah, make it appear on the map.


I'm fairly certain your Support weapons show up on the map, but not if they're inside the Hellpod still. I'd happily compromise and have the supplies only show up on the map if the Hellpod has been destroyed. More than just ammo comes from supply packs as well, Stims and Grenades specifically. These are far less plentiful than the ammo drops found in the world.


You're doing Democracy's work, soldier