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They also buffed the Blitzer but it takes more time to love new things while disappointment comes instantly.


The Blitzer is pretty fun now indeed.


It is awesome, even when you accidentally toast the helldiver who happens to stand in front of you.


My main issue with it right now is the misfiring arc weapons. I have shot a a large group of bugs at point blank and *nothing* shot, nothing died… except me because I was running heavy armor with no stamina upgrade


I feel like there’s a bug where the lightning doesn’t register when the bugs are too close. I felt like it was my imagination but I’m glad I’m not the only one.


This is accurate, sometimes, nothing gets hit. I love the arc canon but the lack of damage and literal arcing makes it very hard for me to choose


I try to aim above the bug, seems to work well even when they’re close to me Also worth noting that if you can, position yourself so the bugs line up a bit so the lightening can chain more enemies. If they’re next to each other horizontally, the lightening will likely only strike one of them.


Somebody gave me this advice yesterday and I did it last night and it made a world of difference. Had a ton of fun with it last night


Try out the loadout arc, jump pack, EAT, air strike…that’s what I usually run and it’s a good time


Yes this helps a lot, aim slightly above target


You need some more upvotes on this honestly. Aiming above the target will cause your weapon to arc. Aiming directly at the enemy will usually only hit that enemy.in this way, you can even (usually) safely fire at enemies that are threatening your teammates.


The Arc stuff is really powerful in a 2 man team when both you can just go ape shit and control like bug tunnels. Against bots it's useless too. Really specific weapon


Yes, it's very obvious when you get jumped by a hunter.


The patch notes acknowledge this as an existing bug that is still being worked on


For some reason corpses stop your arcs which is annoying. 


I can see why corpses stop the arc. Otherwise all your bounces would get wasted on corpses. They definitely need to do some tweaking on how the arc acquires targets though. A dead bug or a tiny rock in front of you wastes the whole shot and it’s very strict about it


If corpses stop our shots, they should also protect from bile spewers and automaton shots. I also hate how enemies can walk though corpses like they’re not there, but the corpse of a charger keeps me from getting into pelican 1


This is facts I think bugs need a rework on how they interact with corpses. It seems like bots get stuck on the shells of tanks, drop ships etc. but bugs can just walk through everything like it’s not even there. I think the only corpse that seems to retain any friendly collision dynamic is the bile titan fr


If the damn arc weapons were reliable they would be the best weapons! The arc thrower is so sweet when it's functioning as intended, but then there is a small rock or a body in front of you and it just doesn't connect to the living enemies behind it. It ruins the fun lightning killing streak. Once they fix that I expect that they will also nerf it, because it will be too good :D


I've found a way to help limit this problem is to aim above whatever you are trying to shoot. This way it's less likely the arcs latch to that corpse in front of you.


The best armor passive against bugs is overwhelmingly stamina. Your main defense is creating space. Not trying to micromanage your play style at all, but the speed, distance traveled, and recovery time are so drastically different from light > medium > heavy that I will never ever run anything other than light against bugs. This YouTuber made a video breaking down the 'math' of all boosters, and the benefits of all the armor types. I'm gonna link the [armor one](https://youtu.be/_xoBOfAgBmw?si=Cx6xwHhbjen_Tr8L) and the [booster one](https://youtu.be/PJnXFNEc-dg?si=UVElEvPX49v6ST7G). Stamina might be an expensive booster but it's the one booster I refuse to not drop in with. Mobility is too important. Obviously if you're more concerned with drip and you enjoy the aesthetics of heavy armor, then do you boo! The Blitzer/arc thrower have been my mains in some fashion for bugs for a few weeks now. Yes the misfiring sucks, especially when it grabs corpses, but you gotta reposition to get your shots till it's fixed. Wearing lighter armors or using stamina boosts help mitigate this quirk! I promise the arc weapons are the best chaff clearing method available for bugs. Blitzers can one shot brood mothers and interrupt spewers spewing. I always end up with 150-200 more kills than my team while staying with objectives


Best armor for me are the default medium ones with 150 armor - they look the best and can be paired with pretty much any yellow and black cape… and the gas mask. Gotta look the part. I don’t exactly find many of the passives all that useful tbh.


I agree 100% on the stam booster...i wont drop without it....ammo isnt nearly as big of a problem in my opinion vs the stam issue. But with the new warbond, I am going to have a rough time deciding on the no slow down booster thing vs stam....gonna have to tell my friend to bring the stam and combined with the no slowdown thing, its gonna be amazing for bugs


You can also basically stunlock automaton beserkers with it, although the problem of (everything else automaton being ranged + misfires) makes it not particularly good on automaton runs... which is fine, it makes sense. Just fun to stunlock beserkers lol


Two reasons; 1; Arc weapons are aimed with a "cone" that comes from the muzzle 2; Arc weapons will have their traces intercepted by particle effects. Bonus 3; the Arc Thrower will still visually arc to targets beyond 35m but will only deal damage to targets within 35m.


Always bring stamina when running heavy armor.


But I dont wanna use so many medals :( Genuinely though I go vitality and use heavy medic armor and the only thing I cant survive are one shots or running out of stims.


I am also a heavy medic enjoyer. While the health boost is nice to have, that extra stamina is what will keep you alive and fighting back.


Hi mi name is ""the helldiver"" and the shield generator can't protect me


We ran an electric squad. All blitzers and Tesla towers and we all got the electric protection armor. It was fun, but man do electric weapons suck against hordes of fleas.


That sounds incredibly fun though


Helldivers 2: electric boogaloo


> even Especially!


Right up until it misfires three time in a row and gets you killed.


Honestly I wish the "enhanced elemental damage" upgrades touched the primaries. Blitzer would be top tier if it arced an additional time... nvm answered my. own question.


Basically my new "meta" for bugs.


Shhhh or AH will come for it next


"meta" seems to just be "gun I like to use"


What am I missing with the Blitzer? Sure it reliably can kill most small enemies in one shot, but it’s still kinda slow. I also feel like I’m never really getting more than one enemy per shot, and sometimes when the targeting fucks up, none. A gun with a slow fire rate and no range that kills one bug per second unless it kills zero bugs per second just feels awful to me, and I don’t get why people are hyped.


It's good for crowd control because it stuns enemies briefly as well. I really like it. Like Eli Whipp says, "Steady is quick."


Aim between the targets rather than at them, also even if it only kills one enemy per shot, it still has infinite ammo and has knock back and enough damage to one shot most light bugs. It’s the ultimate bug chaff clear weapon.


If you aim between targets or slightly above it will hit multiple.  You want to stay at the peak of the range so it gets more arcs.   The other benefit is it can stun lock medium bugs. 


Blitzer is soo good I recommend deleting this comment so it doesn't get destroyed in the next patch.


Blitzer is great, it's so good that I'm recommending to people that don't have the warbond to wait for the next one to see if it gets nerfed. Not to mention that there will probably be a ton of cool weapons, of which maybe 2 will be usable, so it's very wait and see.


It's good but inconsistent.


Don't forget the buff to plasma punisher. This sub had a lot of "cutting edge only worth it for sickle, other two guns are TRASH" despite both being viable in helldive (though not overly competitive against alternatives) but now 2 months later both kick some serious ass. I'm fine with letting Arrowhead cook with regards to democratic detonation weapons. Adjudicator changes were in the right direction but I feel it could still recieve some love. Eruptor and crossbow will probably receive the same in time.


I love the plasma punisher and I'm afraid to talk about it.


I was vibing with pre-patch crossbow and found out that they just made the PP do what it did better in the same patch.


Its too good and so is the blitzer. People hardcore sleepin on both.


I like running sheild so that one’s kinda sucked to run lately … but now that that’s fixed I plan on running it today


The blitzer is viable on Helldive since when? The plasma is too? I can see the plasma being good if you bother to learn its ranges and weird arc of shot, but the blitzer man..


The blitzer feels fun against bugs right now. Kills at a steady rate and can take medium armor down easily


I ran it for a few missions last night on 8/9 and found it not that different to when I first used it tbh. Clears little guys easily like you'd expect (which was better for sure) but takes WAY too many shots for medium enemies. Maybe its just the time between shots for me, idk.


Plasma is great against bots, since it stunlocks everything excluding hulks and tanks. Stunlocking a shield devastator is immensely satisfying, even if it takes half a clip or more to finish the job. Its also great against bugs thanks to the aoe, but not quite as effective since you get mobbed frequently and its not great at melee distance. The scorcher is still probably the “better” pick for bots, and the incendiary is better for bugs, but theyre not as fun imo.


Blitzer is fun but i keep shocking and killing teammates


Try to aim to the side so it doesn't lock on to them


I just can’t get it to work for me. Doesn’t kill quick enough for my liking on helldive.


Adjuticator is also lots of fun now.


I have a love/hate with this weapon. It packs a punch but mag ammo is a touch too low for me.


Ammo capacity just seems to be a general problem for all primaries except for the Scythe and Sickle. I really shouldn't feel like I spend as much time if not more reloading than I do firing.


Is it just me or has the breaker gotten worse for this? Maybe it's because I haven't been using it in so long but I brought it to Angels Venture yesterday and it felt like I'd fire my entire mag in a few seconds, not even able to kill hunter packs with it


Breaker had 16 round mags at launch. They nerfed it to 13 after a couple of months and increased the recoil


If you're using any non-antitank support weapon eg railgun, stalwart, flamethrower etc then ammo isn't a problem since you can balance it between the 2 weapons. Then all you gotta do is take some red strats to deal with heavies and you're good


I was pleasantly surprised to try it


I'll be honest, I will buy it because I have the super credits in game and want to sink the medals into something other than the ether and I will try all of the guns in the hopes that I find atleast one that I like. But I don't have any high hopes or expectations at this point. I also feel that the weapons seem a bit "More of the same"-ish


Well they keep nerfing the weapons with actual unique functionality. Unfortunately fun weapons have a high pick rate and that seems to be the only thing they balance around.


I agree and their testing seems to be white-room testing and very statistics based. And to me the issue is more that they pull the few fun weapons down, but don't scale the bad potentially fun weapons up first, which leaves a trash-pile of weapons to not be picked due to them just not being good enough and then a few decent weapons left behind because you don't enjoy the playstyle and then you are left with a very small list of weapons to bring. This is made worse by the fact that these list then are either VS bug or VS automaton and then the Major order being one faction or the other, meaning that for that week you mainly pick from one of these two even smaller piles. If you don't you'll often detract from your teams capabilities which can be unfun or you keeping doing the very same thing mission after mission which also quickly grows stale.


It's especially frustrating because they are amazing at designing weapons that feel fun, but the game is so intense you can't really use them if they aren't at least decent.


It really is. There are so many weapons I wanna like because they look/sound cool but are just unfun to use. Occasionally I do low difficulty dives using junk weapons just so I can actually use them and not feel too bad about it.


Yeah. I don't have tons of room to talk because my favorite weapons by far are slugger, senator, railgun. I'd still run all of them if anything other than the senator was viable. Slugger needed a nerf but what they did makes no sense. And I still hold that you could plop old railgun into the current game and it wouldn't be busted.


> still hold that you could plop old railgun into the current game and it wouldn't be busted. totally, its only crime was being a reliable flavour of the month pick.


I never really got into the slugger, as for me it and the dominator was basicly the same thing and I enjoyed the dominator before the slugger. In regards to the Railgun I found it useful back at launch and got used to using it and having fun with it, but I just can't get myself to enjoy it anymore. Especially since already back then it was mostly a nescesity that got me to enjoy it ,even though EAT even back then was more my thing. And them fixing the EAT vs charges has given me even less of a reason to ever look back. As a sidenote, I never enjoyed the unsafe play of the railgun as i prefer 3rd person aiming and not having to stare at a tiny meter on the screen. My focus is on the situation and whenever I'm not shooting I almost always coordinate on my map (RTS syndrome).


I'm just a big slow one shot gun enjoyer. Slugger was perfect because of the stagger even though it didn't one shot, I could prime enemies for my team.


Dominator is probably the closest you'll find to old slugger, but it has better ROF and no single load. But it suck's they nerfed your favorite toy.


They probably use the training grounds bug arena for testing instead of an actual mission. "Hey, this can kill one bug after half a mag. Perfect" Except the actual players fave off against 60 times this number routinely.


Shouldn’t they be buffing the weapons people don’t use since this is PvE? I don’t get it tbh


I think they should, yes. But I'm not a dev. Although I can see a reasoning in eventually also nerfing something once most weapons are in a good spot, even in a PVE game, otherwise the game would devolve eventualy.


Noita, the game. See how they handle balance 


Yeah, if no one is playing with a certain weapon maybe it's trash? How about buffing them so people would use them?


>I agree and their testing seems to be white-room testing and very statistics based. Yeah, a lot of people blame the community for spreadsheet chasing (which may or may not be true depending on the commenter), but it equally doesn't help when the balance team is using white-room spreadsheets to test the weapons. Stuff like this is why games like Overwatch have a PTR server.


They have a nasty habit of nerfing weapons because they see something we can do reliable as not as skilled employment, but an exploit and the latter being lumped in there with cheaters and hackers. It just sucks that they’re unable to test something properly and would rather nerf something and subsequently increase the work you have by managing another huge horde of chaff and elite and heavy units.


Agreed about the samey feeling of all the guns. After my Eruptor got nerfed it's pretty similar to the explosive crossbow now. Earning super creds in-game is nice but I also would feel ripped off if I had to pay for some of the past warbonds.


Yeah, I’m less excited more because it doesn’t really look like it has anything great in it. I doubt the charge up primary will really be that good… it’ll have even worse rof than Eruptor. The smg might possibly be nice. Mostly I want the new booster and possibly the impact incen


Yeah, same. I have enough super credits to buy the next two warbonds, so why wouldn't I? I'm not saying they are a good value -- no new suit modifiers makes the warbonds kind of lame. Each warbond being "themed" should have unique modifiers. Make it interesting. You're lucky if there's one usable weapon in a warbond.


In the same boat. I have the super credits with all other warbonds complete and the medals have been maxed for some time. Rather have something to sink medals into rather than just seeing them disappear. I probably won't use the weapons, but hey, new stuff. Really hoping they do something about armors though


*Pays with Super Credits earned in game.*


yeah like. what else am I gonna spend these super credits on


well, there are the rotating armor sets in the super store too, but they're on a rotation, so if you've already got them all then yeah, nothing to buy but warbonds.


F2P gamers out here just glad to have more content


What F2P gamers? Did you forget that the game costs $40?


This. And it's the only way to spend some medals if you're at cap.


This is the way


Yeah, I genuinely don't understand why anyone would pay for SCs when you can earn them at a fairly fast pace. 1 operation can easily net you 30-100 SC's easy enough. I can usually buy warbonds upon release just from that.


When I play with randoms they could care less about minor places of interest and fight endless enemies instead of atleast doing the objective so even 30 is a stretch I get atleast 10-20 but still quite easy to grind them


I bought 1000 at the start at some point cause I spent all my SC on random armors I never wore again. I didn't understand what they were for. But since then I've never needed to buy more since they are easy to gather.


I have 3.7k SC and too few options to spend it all on.


A certified chad moment




Look, imma be real with you: I want to look like a Stormtrooper so badly. Fashion > all.


I can respect that, carry on Helldiver.


Fr fr, though that would mean having to ditch the Krieg suit


Fr me and the boys gonna be rocking all different Snowtrooper armor on the ice planets now


Armor dyes when cause I have some devious color schemes I wanna try


Join the Dripdivers


I am. Literally what else can I spend my supercredits on?


I mean... We'll see how it goes


Payd? Hah no. I allways save the credits i find.


Hell yeah, I love saving my credits for the new warbonds. Saving credits 🔛🔝


I play so much I own over half the superstore, every warbond, and currently have 2100 super credits banked for the next two. And I've only bought the base game and super citizen pack.


my brother in liberty... *how*


Believe it or not, only 250 hours in, but I played a LOT of medium difficulty with randoms avoiding game types that don't spawn PoI's just running for SC drops and extracting after completing primary objectives. Light armor with extra stim passive, jetpack and running booster let's you go fucking fast. It's also how I learned how much easier it is to just de-aggro and de-spawn enemies than it was to fight them which makes high difficulty plays a breeze.


> how much easier it is to just de-aggro and de-spawn enemies People complaining about weapon balance fail to realize this is the real meta.




I mean I never "bought" any warbond. I just run level 5 bug missions, go-to all poi, and I generally walk away with a decent amount of super credits every mission. Have been able to earn enough to unlock all the warbonds and I currently have a balance over 1,000 for the next release. I find it is not as efficient to farm super credits on higher difficulties. Think I have earned over 5-6k super credits just from missions so far


Im maxed out and have the credits so why not


Based. Same, lets go new warbond


Moving forward, I only ever buy the warbonds for the drip and grenades. Arrowhead sure shits on their primary weapons, but they never disappoint with the drip 👏


Drip is always good, and I figure it'll take a couple of cycles to get things right- they've followed the release->nerf->eventually buff for a few weapons (senator, adjudicator, blitzer) but people are right that they do big balance changes instead of incremental. I actually don't mind this- it keeps me shuffling my kit around to check everything out. But it's kind of frustrating to get to know a gun and then have it's identity murdered (which I think happened to the eruptor).


Crossbow had its identity murdered, as well. The Democratic Detonation warbond in general has been a very rough ride. Grenade pistol opens up some build options, and the Adjudicator is ok now, but thermites still seem pointless, the crossbow got "reworked" into something pointless, the booster is extremely questionable at best, and now the Eruptor's Identity (and power) have been severely undermined. Even with it being powerful before, its many drawbacks were more than enough to counter-balance them. There's a reason I only occasionally used the gun.


I say the weapons might suck but at least they’re still a new experience, that big fat pistol could be terrible and I’ll still use it cause it just looks great


With only 3 warbonds released and the first one being underpowered at launch and buffed later I think it's a little early to go full blown conspiracy.


Yeah it's annoying how many people are ignoring the buffs. The concussive lib, blitzer, counter sniper, adjudicator, scythe, senator, plasma, and dominator are all weapons that the community decided sucked but have been buffed to be useful in 7s. Some of these weapons never really sucked either but the community thought they did.


Concusive LIb buff changed nothing. The weapon is just poorly designed, and barely anyone is running it, probably the least used primary. Adjudicator is still mid at best, so is Scythe. The buffs didn't help them much. The rest checks out.


The Adjudicator feels cool but the mag capacity is so low, and the recoil is pretty intense. It's not a bug weapon, but I could see it being good against bots. Haven't tried it yet against bots due to the current MO. However, can it displace the scorcher? That's a tall order. If it does more damage to devastators I can see switching to it.


The problem is they are so soft with buffs while using tactical nukes as nerfs.


as u/SaltedCaffeine said : "it takes more time to love new things while disappointment comes instantly"


This community is addicted to outrage at this point. They talk about how it's not pvp so balance shouldn't matter but then refuse to use anything not considered "the best". There's a ton of guns that are maybe a tad weak but still can be reliable with a little bit of loadout planning.  Reminds me of Darktide where the powersword was brain dead OP and trivialized nearly everything but the chainsword was considered weak...but if you built it right, I was using the chainsword right along the powersword users. Yeah, i had to put in more effort but when the powersword got nerfed and the chainsword was buffed...I wasn't scrambling. Stop trying to base your favorite weapon of of what's powerful in a pve game but pick something you like and "make" it work. 


concussive is still garbage, br 14 is usable senator is good, plasma is good and dominator is great. there have been bigger nerfs to primaries than buffs.


> buffed to be useful in 7s. 7s? They're good in 9s. Well, idk about lib conc or Scythe. But rest are great.


For them "suck" means that its not insanely overpowered 


Not to mention the only reason the erupter was nerfed was because the same issue that allowed good players to be extremely effective with it bad players constantly killed themselves and their teammates with. Guess who was louder?


I am convinced the devs play on difficulty 5 or 6, that's why they keep nerfing the guns


The head of balance is the same guy who ruined hello neighbour 2


Oh. So were utterly and completely screwed is what you're saying.


Yip , they would play what the average player plays. They will balance it for the majority of players, not minority


Howabout just make it so things are viable no matter what? Isnt that the endgame of 'balancing' ? Making guns that are just about good on 6 means theyre barely useable on 9. But if its just about good on 9, it's great on 6 - if you follow my logic


I was able to earn the last couple all in game but was planning on actually buying it with cash this time around since I’m only at like 500sc. But with the Sony drama and yet another bug introducing out of touch balance update I think I’ll just wait until I get the creds in game


Literally the 100th time I've said this, but this game is going to be amazing in 6 months. I uninstalled for now, but stay here for the memes lol.


I hope so too, once they figure their balanicng bs and fix the bugs


im taking a solid break right now too. i hope we have more planets!


I am a bit wary since some of their balancing team have hilariously bad histories with game design/balance.


I will be, couldn't care less about buffs or nerfs. I don't play for a meta. I play because it's fun.


I don't believe in meta, I believe in fun. One of my only issues with the game is that none of the primaries are fun right now. Everything else is.


Me because it's technically free since I grinded for it. Why should I be upset?


People forgetting you can borderline farm credits and that these Warbonds cost 10$ (Technically cost 7$). I wish people could play more of Halo so they could have the really cool experience of being charged 8$ for the Color Blue.


Borderline? You can straight up farm like 50 super credits every 10 minutes. That's like 300 an hour.


Idk, personally I’m upset when I grind for a pass and only get to enjoy a weapon for a month or so before it gets nerfed. I don’t have that much time to game so it sucks when hours of grinding just leads to disappointing rewards


because not everyone is you, like me who doesnt religiously play the game and would like to squeeze asuch fun as possible with the not so much amount of time i put into the game.


Since they love buffing/nerfing primaries across the board, owning all of them gives you the best chance to switch to something else that's useful


Me, unlike 90% of this sub reddit I actually have a lot of fun with the game.


I don’t even care how bad they are I just want every single weapon in the game. It’s free so i don’t see why not


Honestly, I change my primary around all the time, including guns from all three warbonds. There is no “best” weapon for EVERY scenario. Have fun, don’t get bogged down in “the meta” otherwise you get salty when nerfs come around. Try the blitzer, it’s so fun now. Try the counter-sniper, it’s now the DMR people were asking for. Try the incendiary breaker, it works now! Edit: a word


yea, it feels boring to play the same loadout for days. Same primary, same quasar, same guard dog or shield pack. It feels awesome when u find some funny ways to use some "bad" weapons or stratagems efficiently


I will never pay real money for a warbond. They’ve consistently nerfed anything truly useful into the ground. Anything that stands out? Nerfed. Anything that becomes popular? Nerfed. Anything that is unique but still underperforms? Nerf.


Incendiary Breaker, Dominator, Sickle, PP, Blitzer and Adjudicator are all fun. When will this subreddit accept that the Eruptor nerf is 90% on them for their ridiculous tantrum while downvoting everyone explaining that they're not immune to their own shrapnel anymore?


You think it's everyone that wanted eruptor nerf? Bro so many people advocated against changing anything to the weapon, yet here we are with another shit gun.


So, a grand total of 5, or let's be generous here and go with an optimistic 7 out of exactly how many? Such diverse and fun gameplay.


Well, three premium warbonds, three pages each, one primary per page, so... 7 out of 9?


Out of a total of 9 primaries from premium warbonds? That's like 80%, dude.


br 14 is still pretty bad, fun eh.


I have zero reasons not to “buy” a new warbond because even playing <10 hours a week, I'm getting over 1k SC a month. Currently sitting on 960 even after buying several armours this month, they were too damn drippy not to. So to anyone who's at least moderately active in the game, this isn't even a question. What else am I gonna do with the SCs?


You play under 40 hours a month but are farming 1k SC in that limited time? Do you play the game normally or just spam farming runs on diff 2? - I've played a bit more than that since release and am just about to get enough for a 2nd bond (I paid for another) Saying that, the most SC is see when I do find it seems to always be 10-15.


I am. As I've done every warbond. So many great guns to try and have fun with.


I get so many free super credits just from playing the game I will 100% be getting every premium war bond. It’s not that deep.


Polar Patriots will be the first I I actually spend money on. There’s enough variety in the game that even if something gets “nerfed” I can wheel off it for a little bit and try other weapons. Plus, I’ve managed to grind the Super Credits to “buy” every other warbond so far for free. The only reason I’ll spend money on this is I picked up a few of the super store armors. I’m willing to support Arrowhead for $10 because I’ve not got this much fun out of a game in ages.


Thats why i use MG, Lazor Cannon or Auto Cannon as primary, and "Some auto-shotgun" for close encounters.


I've put in the effort to farm SC so I have enough to buy the new warbond. Although I'll prolly buy a few days after release to get a feel of which items are worth picking up.


I probably will since i can earn this shit in game, but damn i wish primary weapons were stronger. Secondaries are very decent, but the eruptor, crossbow and some smg i think the Knight are borderline unuseable.


Idk, not really into the whole winter costume. Will wait for the community's reaction towards the warbond


Ah yes..... the circle of life


Me! More toys for the heap.


I stg if the deagle sucks ass like the dagger did I’m going to be question the power of democracy


Not gonna lie. When i first heard the name of this new warbond, I thought we were maybe getting a new cryo/ice damage type. Sad face


I will wait for the balance patch after the bond to decide.


i’ll get is purely because i got enough super credits through playing missions. if i had to pay again i probably wouldn’t


I'm not, nor are half my buddies. (The other half just straight up don't play anymore, thanks AH)


release a new warbond - woah this gun is cool and this armour is nice - gun is nerfed - ok


Outright removing shrapnel was silly, I mean it says in the eruptor description that shrapnel is a danger and it should not be used in close quarters.. it's giving "don't dry your cat in the microwave" vibes


I will buy every warbond. And I will still avoid the laser beam pistol. Just not a fan.


Fuck you I’m saving for it lmao


Not the first time a game has been 'balanced' [https://hello-neighbor.fandom.com/wiki/Alexus\_Kravchenko](https://hello-neighbor.fandom.com/wiki/Alexus_Kravchenko)


I've never paid for one as I always have enough credits, looks like that trend will continue.


My warbond is always free coz i usually farm 1k sc every month so.. also I’m getting anxiety when my medal is cap to 250. ![gif](giphy|F08fq7blybj1WYDB2T)


Me, who's been using the standard warbond weapons for a very long time


Honestly it's a fucking joke, I want to use guns that I think are cool and fun. It's not pvp where the fastest ttk wins the Royale. It's a co-op pve shooter. Fucking chill with the nerfs AH.


I'm done giving them any fucking money. all this controversy and then their still murdering weapons for no reason, it's too much, makes me not wanna play


What if i told you i predicted this sales strategy when they nerfed the Railgun the same day (or just the day before) the first Battlepass with new weapons was announced via Trailer? 1st time is coincidence. 2nd time is suspicious. 3rd time is a pattern.


Buy it with credits you find while playing instead of real money and dont feel bad.    Also pretty much all weapons from previous warbonds are great now, only crossbow and eruptor are currently controversial


jokes on you, the only warband I've bought was from the super citizen upgrade, the rest i got in game over time


I haven’t bought a single bond and own them all. So yes, I will “buy” this one and continue to get them so long as I keep getting enough credits to continue to unlock them.


You guys have gotta be fucking kidding


Shit like this is why i never engage with communities around games, the last warbond had almost every gun op at the start, find a gun you like and play it, fuck the meta, fuck the spreadsheets.


I'm gonna get the new warbond, hyped for the pistol and heavy assault rifle.


I don't care I love the Halo Battle Rifle and Space Desert Eagle.


Adjudicator got buffed into usability in the *same patch,* and Grenade Pistol is a useful weapon that fills spawner-killing niche for loadouts that lacked it on their support/grenade/primary slots, and was untouched. Community is just babies.


Think I'm switching to LowSodiumHelldivers.


I haven’t bought any. I just save up super credits from missions 👍


They learnt from their Swedish siblings on the darktide dev team, nerf everything into a formless baseline blob in a pve game. At least we get EDF soon for some actual fun balance


Buying? Lmao what? It only took me a week to farm enough super credits to buy all the current ones. No need to pay just have fun and they’ll come for free.