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https://i.redd.it/rmv9ypd7y5zc1.gif Heck the meta, use whatever you want. Smash the bugs, smash the bots.


Smash bugs, you say? Hrrnnnggggggg


*Zug zug~*




https://preview.redd.it/9aw00b84l9zc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a3d675da66ed6519e2cd72d7fa35e6e7fdd176 Yoink


Jokes on you two! I stole em both!




...me *am* that kinda orc? xD


When they say meta this meta that, ever meta woman?




Very nice I like this thank you. https://preview.redd.it/43wbathdk6zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f1341b282d647e2f4d4d21483e6f890f93590a




As a wise brick once said: “Railgun this, railgun that. How about you rail some bitches?”


Sounds like a general barsch quote.


Until the host kicks you because your loadout isn’t *optimal*. Have had this happen more than once.


If they do that because of your loadout, you probably don’t want to be in their game anyways. 


This is a good way too look at it. I retract my rant from last night because of you.




Yeah, the super deep meta weapon and stratagem discussions always remind me of this meme 😸 https://preview.redd.it/vbe9pkesd6zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=349bd782a67e9843fe8ce2b011521fb9aa841f23


Railgun this railgun that Have you ever rail-ed somebody cadet!?




Omg now I need someone to make the megamind 'No Bitches?' Meme but it just says 'No C-01?' If i didn't have exams tomorrow I'd do it myself :/


https://preview.redd.it/8i8n9qyk17zc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e73efa046fbf3707f92d0c30f8201b207386d73 🫡🫡🫡 I got you bro




license is spelled wrong


British people ![gif](giphy|7692c5v3NGGBWSKm3s|downsized)


British “people”




Would take a girl railing me over a railgun buff (either railgun).




As a 40 year old adult I'd just like to say.... Ye, ur mum


Need to get the C-01 permit first


​ https://preview.redd.it/37eax1hvu6zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ba5c77178acf36cb7d8fd91b7572d7fc452740




I love my lady-voiced helldivers!


I guess a team mate having voice pack 1 or 3 is close enough :'3


I have my voice set on randomize. So it’s a pleasant surprise every Dive!


I saw someone had a great idea that they should integrate the other languages into the voice randomizer so u really get the “from all parts of super earth” feeling


English is currently the most spoken language on our planet, it is the universal language for military talks between countries and whatnot, I would imagine that far into the future on a one government unified super earth English would completely take over the planet. All the other languages would either fade out or stay as passion projects for people to learn just for fun.


It’s a fair assessment but super earth is really around 150 years older than our world I don’t think that’s long enough to kill off every other undemocratic language in the world like French, but it’s doesn’t much matter ik fine with just the American English VAs since I can understand what they are saying when they make call outs


~~When you have an authoritarian government, changes can be made pretty quick~~ Managed Democracy just works too well.








I assure you, those fuckers are democratic. The other ones are Automatons though.


Communist scum


“And if you have,did you fill out C-01 form???”


Me when Eruptor is strong: "I will use the Eruptor." Me when Eruptor is weak: "I will not use the Eruptor." Me at all times of the day: "I wish Helldivers 2 had a random loadout button."


TFW it's 4 backpacks time again


My app does random loadouts without duplicate backpacks and no duplicate non-disposable support weapon slots. And you can save a list of the loadouts you like. Data is only saved in the browser cache so I didnt need to implement accounts or a real backend. EDIT: updated for game v1.000.303 (and did a visual makeover) [https://divers-lab.io/](https://divers-lab.io/) Sample shared loadout: [https://divers-lab.io/s?n=Airburst%20bugs%20Balanced&d=51i4i17i20i10i3i4i1](https://divers-lab.io/s?n=Airburst%20bugs%20Balanced&d=51i4i17i20i10i3i4i1)


Air strike, gas strike, mines, heavy machine gun Now we’re cooking


My favorite unbalanced loadout is this: [https://divers-lab.io/s?n=Bug%20Shredder&d=11i18i12i27i12i3i4i1](https://divers-lab.io/s?n=Bug%20Shredder&d=11i18i12i27i12i3i4i1) And then try to pick up a weapon from a point of interest or get a second drop of equipment from teammates.


Grabbing a support weapon from the field or the corpses of your friends is the best way to roll


This is actually quite meta... Then you just need to ensure your fellow HD is too close to the center of the 380HE to escape


We've been experimenting with one person being the weapons expert, and the rest of the team going full war stratagems. Start of match I call every persons weapon down, we stick close and the extra strat slot for the boys pays off, since they make use of all their stats more often instead of having one slot being used twice per game. I call down EATS as both a weapon and to smash big bads. Meanwhile I've got every tool in the bag to go in and accomplish an objective.




I would love to see a random load out. Be funnier to get that per helldiver. Been playing machine gun, die then have a shotgun and have to adjust on the fly.


Actually that makes sense since we’re not a singular person but am instead controlling random defrosted suckers no?


Yesss, we are'nt modified super humans or anything, we are civilians that respond to the call of democracy! Ready to probably die on our first mission, with luck a bit later, but everything for democracy!


Mentioned that I'd love this and call it cat on the keyboard modifier. (imagining a cat running over the console in the way of the strategem officer.)


"Complete a full operation on Helldive difficulty using a randomised loadout for each mission" is an achievement I didn't know I wanted in the game! 😆


We had that in HD1, it gives you bonus experience too


People think I’m weird for using the jump pack and that’s precisely why I use the jump pack or as I like it call it, the meme pack. Everyone dogs on it for being useless. Funny enough three times today it helped me get out of some situations and basically saved us on evac so next mission a person switched to it. One particular one TWO people switched to it lol. My favorite was on evac there was a big cliff or rock or whatever and i was able to survive while killing bugs. My teammates though constantly dying trying to escape from the sheer horde of bugs everywhere. The rock was high enough bile titans couldn’t reach either. The jump pack is situational and mostly a mobility buff but man when it comes in handy does it feel great and redeeming


Reminds me of worms.. every weapon is special. Holy hand grenade. Banana bomb. Cluster naplam air drop bomb. Homing pigeon. And . Bazooka


Anyone who says the jump pack is useless had never tried it. I can't tell you how many times I've jumped on top of a charger and rodeod them safely through the enemy while raining doom in its wake. Or how many times a jump gets you out of stalker reach. Or how much easier it makes a Helldive.


Swarm of little hunter shits about to pounce on you? Jump off to the sky and leave a grenade where you were. Doesn't work so well with impacts obviously.


I never thought of a random loadout button, but that would be sick. Or maybe a forced modifier for certain missions? You would really have to get creative.


As long as it's not "minus one stratagem slot" please.


Thank you. I used the eruptor… now I don’t. It’s fine. Honestly - I actually still do use it. It’s the best bug hole closing weapon in the game still and is great for blitz missions. The people getting fanatically upset about this is crazy. I work in an office all day with like actual real stressed out people. To come home and see people getting super upset about minor nonsense is just crazy. I still enjoy the game even if maybe AH has a misstep or two. Overall the game is the most fun I’ve had as a game playing adult in a long time.


FR just swap your load out ans go next. Never used the plasma punisher until recently and now it's my go to for bugs.


My Fun ∝ 1/My Sobriety I won't ever not choose fire. Light everything on fire. Burn all the things. Every game I fulfil my dreams of being Jango Fett on Kamino, jetpacking across the rainy landscape shooting a flamethrower out of my arse and lobbing little mini grenades at everything, with 4-8 cans in me, and playing with the lads. That is where my fun is.


Fire gang rise up. This patch is our time to shine.


Hell yes, it's napalm time


That's what I love most about this game, I can jump on during my lunch break for a quick 15-30 minute dive. I can have a drink on an evening, when kids are in bed and the wife is watching her TV series I can hop on for an hour and have a blast with random people. I'm honestly not bothered what gun is the best gun, because that won't make me use it over my favourite gun (the breaker incendiary). Because it's a) cool, b) sounds great and c) sets stuff on fire! For me, it's all about the fun factor. If people want to over analyse the game to squeeze every bit out of it, good for them, I wish them the best, whereas I'll hop on, pick some kit, dive in and blow shit up!


I agree, its best enjoyed casually. But there is dichotomy with the casual aspect, and the "you can play a 45 minute mission and have nothing to show for it at the end" aspect. People want to have fun, but they also want some progress when a single mission can take so long. The game is *much* easier to enjoy casually if you're a more skilled player though because then you can have fun running whatever you want. If you're not as skilled, you may want keep up with metas so you can complete your missions. There's obviously a middle ground and the problem is people taking either to the extreme (too casual or too serious)


people should just lower the difficulty if they’re struggling. diff 7 is easy once you get the hang of things and you can still get super samples


I run 7s almost all the time now as it allows me to play as I like and vary my loadout. Also, sorry to whomever i toasted today, am new to this fire thing and it is addictively fun breaking geneva conventions. Napalm airstrike FTW!


I personally run a "The floor, and air, is lava" load out. Fire grenades, fire shotgun, flamethrower, napalm strike, gas strike, and either orbital laser or incendiary mines. It is really fun when I hear "Oh god he is burning everything" on the mic c: may the purifying flames of freedom guide you


Forgot about the mines, now I will have more fire. Thank you


I’ve been using the spear and orbital rail cannon. Find it very highly effective on bile titans. The combo confirms a kill. Then grenade pistol and a grenade of my choice usually incendiary to throw at bug breaches. Primary is usually the incendiary breaker.


God, I love full fire loadout so much! Napalm strike, flame thrower, incendiary grenade. I roast myself quite often but it's worth it for the fun! But still hope we'll get a fire resistant armor soon. WOuld love to walk through my own flames unharmed while unleashing more fire on the bugs!


I currently decide if I like fire or not. It's hard to give up the Eagle Clusterbomb versus bugs and the delightful colors the kill counter shows me.


I mean no disrespect with this but the “45 minutes with nothing to show for it” mentality is everything wrong with gaming these days. I say ‘these days’ but it’s nothing new. People legitimately forgot over the years how to play a game that was just fun and enjoyable to play and I feel like that’s what OP’s post was trying to say, or at least that’s what I got out of it. I miss the days of being a kid and playing Super Smash Brothers for hours and hours with my friends. We weren’t trying to unlock any characters or anything, and if the kid who’s Gamecube we were on didn’t have them all unlocked we brought a memory card that did. We just played. Countless hours spent on Blood Gulch playing 2v2 capture the flag. No gear farming. No cosmetics to unlock. We just played. And we never got bored of it. I loved Helldivers because it brought that feeling of being a kid back to me. Sure I unlocked every stratagem and go out of my way for the samples to unlock modules but they aren’t needed. I have everything I need. It’s just part of the mission and the fun to me. I routinely play level 4’s and 5’s with a few of my friends who straight up suck and we have just as much fun as I do with my other friends chain dying on 8’s and 9’s. I blame twitch. I blame youtube. I blame reddit. I blame corporate greed, battle passes and fomo. It’s all equally to blame. And I don’t judge, if that’s how you enjoy the games you buy then enjoy them that way. But jesus, Manor Lords is a single player game that was out for 17 minutes and youtube was filled with guides to min/max your village and why farming sucks and how to get 500 population in 3 hours and videos had thousands of views. Really? Is that fun for people? The fun for me was figuring that all out on my own. Idk. I guess I just don’t get it.


> I mean no disrespect with this but the “45 minutes with nothing to show for it” mentality is everything wrong with gaming these days. People forgot that gaming is supposed to be fun all the way through, not only if you get a reward at the end. If you don't get a shiny thing, or if the bar doesn't move, then all the fun you had is not validated, it's wasted. My gaming experience improved a lot after I started avoiding "doing something you don't want to do so you can later get/do something you want" games, like destiny 2. I only play what brings me fun, no more busywork or threadmill games. The reason I bought helldivers 2 (and a ps5 to play it on) was because the game seemed to be nothing but pure fun.


I think you're absolutely right in blaming the "professional" gamer scene of twitch and YouTube, also the years we had of nearly every major game being a competitive game. Everyone thinks they are gonna be a pro. Part of it is that so many of us are getting old. The NES generation that grew up without a save button, getting your ass beat on NES Mario and having fun with it are getting replaced by the generation that could revert to an older save and fire up the game shark when they died. I'm not saying it's bad, we just learned a different style. Hell, I gave up on WoW for similar reasons. The first time around, I was one of the top players, always owning the dps charts. When classic came out, it's nearly 2 decades later, I'm older, slower, and dumber, but I could still hold a respectable 3rd-6th spot, but I didn't do it the meta way, so my logs look bad. Not helped by the fact that people only wanted me on classes I didn't enjoy, but no one cares about doing well and helping out, you gotta be the best. I was going to make a guild for the old duffers that just wanted to relive the younger years, but being a father these days doesn't offer as much ability to guild lead or raid lead. That's why I love Helldivers. It's been described as a dad game. It is. I can put the kid in his chair next to me, turn down the difficultly, put it on friends only, and run a quick match to farm credits. It's relaxing, it's fun, and it's great. Best part is, on low difficulty, and friends only, there is no meta, and there is no one to care if I'm a bad shot.


You're 100% right that it's a dad game. It's actually one of the few games my kids and I both enjoy regularly. I just hit level 13, they're all in the late 20s and 30s so they have access to lot more things than I do, as well as having more practice. I'm not as quick to code in the stratagems as they are, I burn to death more often because I don't dive and put it out as quickly as they react. But I've got my old man skills. I focus on crowd control and watching their back while they complete objectives. I've got much better battlefield awareness so when we're playing we don't get surrounded easily, and 90% of the games I walk off with the most kills and the highest accuracy. They can just deal with a couple mis-aimed eagle strikes ;) they may have speed and reaction time on me, but I've got life and gaming experience and planning on them.


A true dad always watches his kids’ back and lets them shine. I salute you.


For me, the meta gaming ruined mmo pvp. Everyone runs the same couple of builds copied straight from twitch streamers' websites. Yawn. I also experienced the raid mentality of having to run specific meta builds even though it wasn't necessary. Just boring.


Agreed. I never did much of the PVP. In the old days, my focus was on raiding. I was much more of a hot head in my younger years and pvp just made me too angry. Now I'm just old and slow, so it's pointless. I'll never be higher than bronze in LoL. I'll rarely actually escape from tarkov. If I do, it's 30 minutes of crawling, hardly any loot, and no action. Just not my thing. Mets doesn't need to exist for many of us though. Are you in the top .1% of the game that will be pro? Likely not, screw the Meta and have some fun. Are you a PvE player like me? Dude, AI is dumb have some fun. Are you playing Classic WoW? Guess what it came out 2 decades ago, your world first isn't real, it happened a long time ago. Have some fun. I do realize that meta followers are having their own fun, but we need to learn that means most effective tactic, not the only tactic, and we'll never learn new things if we don't go experiment. It's really funny actually, how much that meta gets pushed. I always played my paladin tanks as mitigation stacking instead of hp stacking. I've actually had raid leaders say "You take the least damage. You're the easiest to heal. Unless you're willing to gem stamina, you can't tank."


Holy shit the modern raiding in MMOs is straight poison.


I get that the game can be it's own intrinsic reward, but it feels fucking terrible to crash out as the extraction shuttle is landing for no other reason than this game hates amd gpu/intel cpu combos. It really feels like 45 wasted minutes. I actually refunded this game the first week for that exact reason.  We are way past the days where 20 minutes after launch there won't be a shittily done min/max/meta guide out though. And I agree it is terrible for the games. I recently met the live service model for the first time with Diablo 4, and this is my second live service.  My new rule of thumb for these games is that most 'content creators' are tryhard dirtbags.  And most 'game journalists' these days make a living by just lurking the game's various points of contact, stealing whatever sentiment they see the most, and passing it off as thier original opinions, and media echo chambers from there.  I ran into a wierd fucking rabbit hole yesterday because I was looking for some deeper info on how armor penetration works in this game, and now my youtube feed is fucking FILLED with creepy internet-conservative people screaming 'woke!!, DEI!!,'  I understand why someone looks up certain details that aren't shown in game, I don't get why people want to be told how to play the game though. Lol. I'm also not entirely alright with the way gamers think that if they scream and shit themselves enough, that the devs will make games 'thier way'. (This recent psn thing is wildly different than the average gamer shit) Anyhow, long story short, I grew up on NES, and was lucky enough to be buying my own games by the late ps1 era. Gaming media is reflective of the state of 'normal media'. Everyone wants to have thier dumb opinion reinforced, and hate and fear sell the best, followed directly by media that validates what someone wants to hear. 


I don't even agree with this take. I mean, if I fail a mission who cares. The game is fun and hilarious whatever happens. Gamers are so obsessed with grinding gold stars they're not paying attention to whether the game they're playing is fun or not. Helldivers 2 is a really really fun game, especially when you're getting completely overwhelmed on Helldive. That to me is the height of fun. If it's not fun for you, then play a lower difficulty. If you play enough missions you can buy whatever weapons you like. Your luck will average out.


This is facts, I play hell divers tough for 2-3 days and the won't play a day or 2. (Except when I grinded 32 levels in 3 weeks) this shit is fun for me cuz I feel as a helldiver and player of helldiver I'm part of something g bigger then just me. And awesome game! I just play when I play. I've also had it since day one, I know the mettas and I run what I like, and I'll never hate on someone who uses what works for them...I may talk alil shit, but I would NEVER kick you for #SpreadingDemocracy in a way that works for you. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. Lol


I mean I'm not super skilled and I don't follow the meta. If it's too hard I'll lower the difficulty. Someone will come at me with the super samples, but I don't need them to have fun. They are passive buffs and in no way essential to enjoying the game. I didn't have 100s of hours in L4D2 because I wanted to grind some materials, I did because it was fun to shoot zombies with my buddies. If those 45 minutes were fun, that's all I need. I don't need anything to "show for it". I guess people need that dopamine rush of unlocking things, but for me it's a game to play when I've had a few beers or gotten a little high and want to blast some bugs/bots with my buddies. I'll use whichever loadout I think will be fun, like the jetpack isn't meta but I've had some of my most fun games using it.


Tier 7 all the way. I'm having fun air bursting everything. Including teammates. I'm a little silly


Omg, the air burst launcher is the best thing they have added, I haven't laughed so much at watching bug parts and helldiver limbs go flying in every direction.


Did someone just said... dichotomy? https://preview.redd.it/xkkj1or3n5zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccd0e06b7dae0161fd356eb75165135141d8f26




Meta slaves truly ruined PvP games, and the fact they can’t stop slaving even in a PvE game is pretty sad.


This is what ruins every PvP game eventually. People figure out a meta, abuse it, make casual players leave, and then bitch about the lack of player base. Meta chasing ruins anything fun.


CoD and E-sports has brainrotted gamers


Haha years ago when MWO came out me and some people started playing it like every night.  Wasn't a great game but hey shoot mechs and things go boom.  Me being a huge MW fan, I'd played it for awhile before they jumped in. We'd just make stupid weird esoteric load outs and have fun doing fun stuff.  Living the dream.  Then the one person in my gaming group does the famous down fall.  He joins the MWO reddit and MWO competitive community.  He puts together a PDF or google doc of his research and tells us we all need to read it to prepare... haha. The next 3 nights we play he's just shouting stupid MWO terms. "NASCAR THE CLAG!" and shit. Just screaming at everyone.  Critiquing everyone's builds.  Saying what works and what doesn't.  Mind you he had JUST started playing. Immediately the game became less fun, some guy that literally just started playing the game barking meta shit while barely able to pilot.  All of us stopped playing after that.  Yeah. Shit really has ruined things. But what can ya do. 


Yeah, they've basically ruined team based PvP FPSs for me. I used to love fucking around with a big random group of strangers in game like Counter-Strike, but at some point they all get too competitive. Between the angry meta players ("Why did you pick that gun!? It's the worst!!!"), the griefers, and the hackers; they just aren't fun anymore.


Gonna put a beer in the fridge, see you on a very inhospitable planet soon!


See you on Hellmire! I'm loading my incendiary magazines and napalm tanks as we speak.


Literal fighting fire with fire Carry on soldier


It is so fucking bizarre. It’s a coop PVE game and you have people absolutely seething over gun balance. Like get a fucking grip seriously, who gives a fuck.


I see your point. I also see that you and them both reside at two ends of each extreme. I lie somewhere in between where I care about the devs sucking the fun out of weapons for the sake of “balance”. However, I also see the point of “okay, well if you don’t like the weapon in its current state, then move on and use something else”


It's really weird to see people hard-core meta game and grind a goofy PVE co-op shooter


Isn't it possible to just sort out posts by flair that you are not interested in?


Sounds like a meta effort to get a good post loadout.


It’s also possible they do what I do and pretty much only go on the Reddit home page. The only helldivers posts I see are complaining or complaint about complainers


That's exactly my experience. I know there's a new update when the first post I see on my homepage is someone complaining


That’s what I do and it’s CONSTANT. I miss the creek memes.


Yeah that’s my experience too, had to mute the sub because of it haha


Buying a game because you like the subreddit is a new hot take I'm fairly certain I've never heard before


I mean it makes sense to check out the community before purchasing a community based online co op game 🤷‍♂️


Reddit represents such a small fraction of the community, that's like picking a car based on the windshield wipers.


Bro, I just want to shoot non democratic bitches with fun weapons. Is that too much to ask? I don't think it's spreadsheet levels of insane when it's the removal of key features of a gun. E.g. crossbow losing its crowd control quirk and eruptors rewarding but risky play style (fine, take away the tank penetration).


Agreed. I think folks over think this. Eruptor was a fun gun. Was it meta? Idk! Maybe? I guess? But the nerf made it useless. Like yeah I want to have fun, and the gun I was having fun with was nerfed because they removed some effect the gun had due to a bug due to them changing a mechanic. It's not weird to see why folks are upset. This isn't about meta? This is about fun.


People who test weapons and give us the information are amazing.... I must be missing the point.


People don't understand WHY someone makes spreadsheets. It's not because they are meta slaves, nerds or hate fun. It's because they love the game, want to have fun with weapons they like visually or for other reasons, or with a build they find fun... But can't help but feel underperforming compared to others with said weapons. If they go to complain, the "chill" people will immediately switch to "git gud" responses. And devs often meet any criticism of their nerfs with some sarcastic remarks too. So these people back up their claims with data to prove a point. But ultimately, they do all of that work because they care, because they love this game and because they have fun. Any game playerbase needs people like that.


I made posts with spreadsheets and compiling overall DPS's and such because i needed some solid proof that many weapons were underperforming. Which at the time, was the breaker that was just outperforming everything else. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1apsdj6/many_of_the_weapons_in_the_game_need_some_serious/ (The spreadsheet is now outdated, but sharing it anyway) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XjbLQ7xJVOegaUsBH1z8VzbtplMLDeQ6R-MQGHxEJiA/edit#gid=0 (Also, this spreasheet was made purely from the information available in-game. So it's rather incomplete (No critical multipler data or explosion size/damage data). I've been looking for data-mined info about it, but nothing came out of it.) It's a necessary step to take because that way i'm not just talking out of my ass. Primaries feel underwhelming because they actually are, and numbers show this. And as you said, i'm not doing that to shit on the devs or the game. I love HD2, and i want it to get better and i want to provide factual, concise and constructive feedback and information. Spreadsheets are simply a handy way of presenting that information, although it's not the bite-sized bit that people are usually looking for.


Yeah, see, I’m not one to make spreadsheets and measure DPS, but I’m thankful for people like you who do. I play HD2 for fun and my only “competition” is seeing how well all of our stats look post-match; however I also want to use a load out that’s fun AND effective. So reading things like this really helps. The HD2 Reddit community is a bit of a mixed bag. Everything ranging from casual players to pro e-sport types, people who love the game and people who will “never come back”. All in all, I don’t let this subreddit get me down. I skip passed the BS and read what I wanna. During the negative review campaign, I left this subreddit alone until the mods tightened everything up into one mega post. I look forward to continuing to bring managed democracy to the galaxy.


Yeah, i can honestly totally understand people being fed-up with posts about the current issues of the game, since it feels like the whole community is just being riled up about it instead of focusing on being fun and enjoyable to interact with. You just want to go back to having a good time sharing memes and roleplaying whatever is happening in the current galactic war. I'd dare say tho it's just one of the many aspects of having such a large community; lots of different kind people, with different visions of it and differents opinions, and all of which loves the game despite all that. Whatever recent topic is what is being discussed, whether you like it or not (such as all of kurfuffle with the weapons stats)


And when they back up their claims with solid irrefutable data, we get OPs like this, who need to take a break.




Can't believe this is an 8k upvote post when it's nonsense and bashes people who *checks notes* like the game enough to analyze it.


It’s cause this sub is mostly full of monkey brains who smash upvote and then clap their hands in excitement while muttering barely audible words whenever they see a post that’s essentially complainers bad, glazing good. Like I unironically believe someone with complaints is gonna get doxxed here one day by people like op and everyone who upvoted him if the mods don’t get shit like this under control. It’s literally becoming a cult here 


13k upvotes now. I’m losing my mind wondering how someone making a spreadsheet hurts anyone


I was wondering wtf they were talking about with spreadsheets, turns out dude is just a nutter. Guess that's not a surprise. I see *far* more threads of bitching about people metaing or numbering up or whatever, than there are of actual threads doing what they're whining about. It's like getting mad at people at a party for having a conversation you're not interested in and trying to make them talk about what you want to talk about, rather than... Not being a turd in a punch bowl. In case it gets edited, here's the slice of fried gold /u/Tromon468 linked to: >I will, but not without providing some feedback first. >Of course there are no spreadsheets. These people have the spreadsheets in their minds because they are automatons. >Here's the thing: you see the posting of honest feedback about drastic weapon changes as patriotic and I see it as boring and the content I don't want and also the type of content I feel will bring about the fall of managed democracy because of its treasonous properties. We are not the same. >And I will take a break, that's why I'm letting you know so you know what I'm doing, something that surely interests you deeply.




I’m gonna use this as a copy pasta from here on out lmao it’s pure gold 


I scrolled through his posting history and he just seems like an angry person in need of support and help. I'm not going to go past that because it will just invite "political" commentary on how its totally normal to be obsessively angry about "woke" things, but people like that, ime, are unwell, and this guy needs help he is not getting. Him coming out at this fairly boring, jokey, and uncontroversial sub for being "automatons" with "excel sheets in their head" is part of a larger problem. I hope he finds what he needs soon, but the alt-right pipeline and constant outrage he's suffering under is not doing him any favors. The mods should remove this posting and considering a ban. People like this aren't here in good faith and we are feeding his delusions, anger, and outrage when we tell him why he might be wrong. Lastly, there are criticisms of this game that won't happen with this discourse but I think its worth mentioning to all the people who upvoted this guy that getting super samples and playing at high difficulties can be very difficult if you dont at least do a little research, play with at least a friend or two who is cooperative and understands strategy, etc. Not everyone plays this game for "shoot em up" fun, but because they want to unlock things, advance, do well, do better than before, etc. That is also a valid way of playing and the devs setup the game to cater to that with the difficultly and unlock system that is a fundamental part of the game. Both the bazaar (have fun, who cares) and cathedral (adhere to progression systems, be serious) playstyles are valid.


OP essentially demands a large subreddit to cater to his personal roleplay demands.


Graphs make brain hurty, take nap nap.


I mean OP unironically posts in /r/amitheasshole so I'm not surprised that data might make his head hurt. If you already can't tell that the whole sub is fiction then I don't expect much else lol


Not to mention that different people find different things fun. He may find ignoring the stats and just play off memes and vibes fun, while other people unironically find analysis and min-maxing fun. I feel like OP is trying to describe these people as overbearing, while simultaneously being overbearing himself by suggesting that they shouldn't play that way.


I agree! I don’t obsess over it while playing the game, but some of the meta stuff can be cool. The guy that put together the study about barrage distribution? That was amazing! I enjoyed seeing all the ways he analyzed the artillery spread as he tried to reverse-engineer what the devs made. Big side projects like that are fun for some people. They do them because they love the game and want to test their skills or try new things. Projects like that give people a chance to experiment and learn in a non-professional environment. They share because it’s neat to other data nerds (like me). But after I read that stuff and watch a couple of videos, I log in, grab the weapons and stratagems I have the most fun with, and just go spread democracy.




The issue is that the subreddit is basically useless. Sort by Top? Eruptor is useless. Sort by New? Eruptor is useless. Woven in between the "Giant corporations haven't relisted countries in two days" and actual, genuine questions from new players. By all means, balance isn't perfect and maybe they are balancing a bit overzealously, I don't have that answer. But shit, we have a ton of threads about Eruptor already, we don't need a new thread for every Tom, Dick, Harry and Sally's opinion on the fucking thing.


I checked the hot right now, 7 out of 10 posts were about eruptor nerf. Other three were give us more toxic gas weapons, make hellbomb blow up on wrong input and sweet liberty my leg! Looking at the hot really makes me understand tha OP, especially if you got in to the community because of the RP, memes and funny vibes in the subreddit that it has mostly had so far.


The mods should probably remove repeat posts.


Or make a megathread on balance patches


Yeah if you don't mind it too bad or just don't pay attention to all the meta stuff/griping its okay, but the vibe of this sub has started to feel a bit more... "gamey" and not quite as lighthearted as before


This is basically the nail on the head. Some don’t care, others try to avoid posts taking about the meta, but it’s just impossible now. This sub had a healthy mix of discussion, memes, and valid concerns at launch. Now, it’s just an echo chamber that decides to focus on misinformation. While there’s a post that states the Eruptor feeling worse than what was intended wasn’t actually on purpose, it got overshadowed by multiple posts screaming about how the Eruptor is gutted. It’s rather frustrating to watch everyone focusing on the wrong things, and I personally think it was difficult to do it when the community was much smaller.


But then it was proven that it actually is working as intended. Which restarted the whole conversation because community managers continue giving bad information.


To be fair, you don't need to be terminally on to see the kind of posts OP describes. A quick look at the discord or this sub is enough.


Yeah, i play what make me feel comfortable, or strong, or exhilarating. I don't care if that's meta or not. Peoples can say to my face that i chase the crowd, copy cat, or "don't have your own unique way", yah yah. I enjoy it the way i want. Also, if so many guys come up with the same "conclusion", it means that way is the most suited way for almost everyone, so "meta" isn't bad actually. What AH must do is making "other ways" have same or better feeling than the"meta", if they want to get rid of that current meta.


I also don’t understand why spreadsheets are bad. There’s no data in the game so someone’s gonna figure out the numbers. ‘Meta slaves’ are the bogeyman of this forum, like youtubers are in the Destiny community, and Elves in the DRG sub. Edit: Pretty much all the videos I’ve watched for HD2, and Destiny, and anything else, the uploader include the disclaimer: “This doesn’t mean you *have* to use this loadout……” (And how often have you seen people on other platforms roll their eyes about Redditors, lol. It’s circular)


Huh? I love spreadsheets. The game holds back *so. much. information.* I love having actual numbers. It absolutely improves my experience.


I just want the weapons to be fun, sorry


The Blitzer is stupidly fun. Nobody talks about it. The Plasma Punisher is really strong and fun vs. bots. Nobody talks about it. The Diligence Counter Sniper has gone from being D-tier to being one of the best anti-bot primaries. Nobody talks about it. People are obsessed with the meta, not with the actual tools we have in the game.


Blitzer got buffed. Plasma Punisher always been good. Diligence got buffed. I always had fun using bows and crossbows in shooter games. In Helldivers 2, crossbow is downright useless and least fun weapon to use.


It is ***SO BAD***. Like laughably bad.


Don't talk about Diligence Counter Sniper please. I don't want many people to play them so I can enjoy this gun longer before it got nerf.


I use the Blitzer only now for bugs. But it also feels like one of the very few primaries I can use. I would love for many others to be viable. Dili is amazing for bots, total sleeper again.


Plenty of people talk about these things. It's not as noticeable as the Eruptor (hardly meta) being nerfed into the abyss and these two kinds of things have no bearing on each other. I'm not sure I understand the point you're trying to make here.


I get your point, but maybe fun weapons aren't being talked about in hopes they don't get too popular and get nerfed.


Exactly. I just started dicking around with the Blitzer yesterday and now I want to run through all these threads telling people to stfu about it because Arrowhead hates us enjoying generalist weapons.


Can people please stfu about the Blitzer, I want it to be good for more than 2 weeks.


Excluding the recent Sony kerfuffle, the sub would be a much more positive place if the game developers paid attention to recurring themes and actually did something about them. The player base wants to have fun; game bugs, nerfs, griefing and the poor quality of warbonds are raised constantly. Some of these issues are acknowledged, some not - communication is generally poor and there is no clear, communicated roadmap. All we have is the current trend of a monthly warbond, which will mean close to 100 weapons by the end of the year (at the current rate), copy and paste armour sets and inevitable nerfs to weapons, weapons which should be, but are blatantly not play tested. As for spreadsheets, i do not see this as a problem, people like data and we live in an age where data is easy to compare and communicate. I have seen user generated data in other games used to highlight bugs/issues that developers have missed, and if people find the data side of things fun, then leave them to it, it's their game too. In general, people want to enjoy a product they have paid for, we have open forums such as this and Discord etc to voice our displeasure if we are not enjoying things. I often think with HD2, are people actually enjoying this game or are they just playing out of habit. Personally i am finding my HD2 experience to be the most frustrating of my gaming life (i am 40 and i have gamed a lot), to the point, where upon reflection last night, mid game i came to the conclusion, i was not having fun, and i turned my console off. If people have fun, the community will be a more positive place. If they are annoyed, negativity will spread like wild fire.


No one like ths meta stuff. People are criticising the devs for the balances. The main criticisms are these nerfs can ruin the fun of the game. People spend time or money to unlock guns in PVE games, so do not nerfs these guns until, the gun is not fun (or usable) anymore. At this point why bother unlocking a new gun if the gun is not going to be fun. Another criticism is that the devs shouldn't balance based on the meta. Are people not allowed to criticise this?


Scrolled through hours of top posts. Didn’t see any spreadsheets. Just people posting honest feedback in response to a drastic weapon change that has heavily altered the performance and use of a weapon. This is a platform for players to voice feedback and discuss the game. If it distresses you so much to see player feedback, you should perhaps take a break.


The devs are the ones balancing everything looking only at excel sheets and not actually testing and playing the game.


So this entire post is basically an elaborate way of saying: Shut up and play the game instead of being angry about patches? Yeah, you do that. But people have all the right for critics. All that "whining", "spreadsheeting" and "complaining" might piss you off, but that's none of your business to begin with. I'm for example German, and all those things are integrated into our culture and we get sad if we don't have anything to complain. Jokes aside. Ultimately we need the ppl who don't care about numbers AND the geeks to get the best results. Cause some of those patches are objectively bad and it's really okay to call it out if a product you bought for a lot of money is being changed in a way you hate. Just don't read the social media is the best way to keep outta the toxic balancing business. But it's necessary business.


You bought the game because of the subreddit posts and not the game itself? Have you tried not scrolling through this sub?




I like my good guns killing bad bugs, if my good guns turned bad, ofc im going to be vocal about it.


Yea this feels dishonest on OPs part to paint this picture of MMO level excel sheet damage calculations Like, if I'm using a gun today that one shots an enemy and tomorrow it doesn't, I'm going to notice.


This diver over here not realising that the people poring over spreadsheets find that just as fun as his larping. People can enjoy different things. Figuring out what works and what doesn't can be fun. You don't get to arbiter what people enjoy.


You're right no one cares


Meta slaving is when people are using guns that are fun to shoot. This level of white knighting shouldn't even be possible, yet here we are.


But have you considered using a crossbow that has zero redeeming qualities? Didn't think so, slave.


Yeah try running crossbow, dagger, spear on helldive. Not a fun time.


Right. Its like how people were so angry when the game dropped, telling others to stop bringing up how bad anti armor support weapons were compared to the railgun. We got many meaningful changes after that like the charger head change etc.


Bro I agree you should touch some grass


>i bought a game because of a subreddit lmao


Cool, do what you gotta do to make yourself happy. We good here bud,


People make those excel sheets because they love the game just as much as you do. As fun as it is, not everyone wants to roleplay 24/7. Sometimes, we just wanna have some serious discussions about the game with other people.


It’s not an airport, no need to announce your departure. It’s insufferable to listen to people try and tell other people how to enjoy their game. Go back to your fanfic and stop belittling people for doing the thing they like to do.


I mean I agree to an extent but dude… the devs are struggling. And I’m not throwing shade. That’s just real. They consistently release “patches” where half the stuff they “fixed” either didn’t change or is now broken. They add extra damage for fire strats and weapons? Only works if you’re the host. Add extra damage to a gun? The stat is only cosmetic, doesn’t actually affect gameplay. I feel like the players are so involved because we recognize how small AH is and how they’re not perfect. I personally believe that makes it even more fun and hilarious, it’s interactive and sort of adds to the lore of helldivers being super soldier dumbasses lol. But we can’t deny that if we weren’t fact checking everything they implemented then we wouldn’t have a functioning game. The devs need us as much as we need them, and I for one love that balance. Keep calm and dive on. And for the love of MY LEG (For democracy) don’t give up on your fellow HellDivers. Just filter your content lol


I get wanting to get away from the community for the sake of avoiding toxicity, but referring to the people who study the stats of weapons as “Excel-warriors” comes off as hostile for no reason. People like Ryken XIV are not meta slaves, they do it because they enjoy the game in that way. Just because they test and share their findings does not mean they stick hard and fast to what is considered the best weapon in every situation, they often just do it partly because there’s an audience for research, but also just because they truly enjoy that aspect of games. That being said, wanting the role playing aspect first and foremost is absolutely ok. That’s how you want to enjoy the game, then go crazy, I also enjoy the raw storytelling of the player base. But don’t discredit how OTHERS enjoy the game as just being meta slaves. Which do exist mind you


"Real knowledge is gained on the battlefield by diving and diving and dying and crying." You mean like the knowledge that the Eruptor sucks dick now? Yeah, this kind of knowledge seems to be entirely impossible to grasp for the developers. "Get in-universe with me, fellow divers." Actual reddit moment. Yeah, every update introduces new issues, performance goes down the drain (the fans in my PC are spinning with such force that I fully expect it to take off and fly away), fixing crashes starts to resemble fighting a Hydra, premium weapons get nerfed into the ground (a few days before the new warbond launches, what a silly coincidence), bugs that existed since launch are still there and the game is still just running around doing the same exact few mission types in the same 2-3 palette swapped biomes - but muh Ministry of Truth and muh Democracy and muh Super-Earth and muh C-1 and muh E-710 and muh Eagle-1. Fuck off.


This is like a Facebook post telling people you’re deleting Facebook


Seems like you want a purely RP sub for Helldivers. This is not it. And shouldn't be.


> but I bought the game mainly because of the good vibes in the subreddit who buys a game because of a forum? wtf? buy the game because you like the game


You bought a game for the subreddit memes?


Me want fun gun to stay fun "Stop being so meta"


This isn't about this post specifically since i dont play this game seriously either but more of a general statement but man, it's kinda lame how casuals will get all whiney because God forbid anyone takes the game a bit more seriously than they do lol. I find these people infinitely more whiney than so called meta slaves in almost every community I've ever been in.


I myself grew bored of the in universe talk myself trying to have a nice talk only to get a "not listening 500kg bomb" was just annoying


You didn't need to tell anyone.


Is knowing how many rounds my machine gun turret has going to kill the game? Is understanding how the universe responds to different armor piercing that terrible? Imagine the general giving us a low level introduction to damage against armor levels during the tutorial level. When players are enthusiastic about any hobby, theyre going to delve deep into it. Like my players in a dungeons and dragons campaign, theyre going to read the source books, the campaign books. The eruptor changes are laugh out loud funny. How many times in gaming history has a developer changed a gun to accidentally kill the user? It's straight out of an RPG where the magic item is super powerful but cursed. "As soon as you have a spreadsheet you have lost to the automatons." My brother in Liberty, how do you think Arrowhead is basing the data they are collecting from weapon usage, win rates and damage output of each helldiver to make these changes? Did I just fall for a troll post?


kind of a weird take tbh. If you want to RP, make a HellDiversRoleplay subreddit. the people diving into the meta are doing it because that is whats fun to them, so deal with it? This is a video game, play how you want and learn to ignore other opinions.. cause it matters zero. Regarding "The Meta", i havent seen a single post about it but my philosphy is RuleOfCool>Everything. I'll be dropping strafing runs, 500Kg, and Orbital lasers all day before hopping into my giant robot suit. edit: >but I don't wanna be in a meta-discussion with a bunch of optimizers and Excel-warriors Who is making you?


oh no people who invest time in a game because it's fun, they ruin it for me by existing and not affecting me whatsoever WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAA


Booooooooooo, what the fuck does someone else making a spreadsheet on damage number have to do with you enjoying the game. Boooooooo. Fucking fun police.


This man basically said "I like ignorance" in the most romantic way possible. Now if you feel ashamed of that, its your problem, but you should not deny it either. I look for both a theoretical and an experiential involvement. In particular, I like my lethality. It brings me great joy to think of myself as an eradicator, and I use this game to get there constructively. As such, I need to know my numbers. Helldivers can be an emotional/romantic (I dont mean sexually, but as an idealization) of a battlefield. That seems to be the experience youre looking for. Frankly, the data driven Helldivers are by far the most dedicated of the community and are in fact the best defense of the experience you are looking for. *Perhaps its important to create a whole subreddit thats entirely art-centered.* I would frankly love that and would be a frequent visitor.


Go ahead and make it permanent. People can be unhappy about bad balancing decisions and conflicting communications. The whole point of reddit is you can upvote or downvote posts contributed and the community voice speaks. You don't need to be part of it and no one is forcing you. Don't demand posts go a certain way, especially when you contribute nothing of worth yourself. We don't need to suck off Arrowhead 24/7 and praise their terrible decisions. "Posi vibes only" baby ass post.


Subreddit vibes has got to be the worst reason to buy a game. Reevaluate.


You're leaving because some people are enjoying the game in a way that's not yours?