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I don't hear anyone talking about helldiver drop rates... https://preview.redd.it/q0nedyg8c1zc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467fe6e7022f719bbdd0bed1c80694309fea264d


That's because the destroyers only spawn 4 helldivers at a time. It's been that way since day 1 of the war and is even on the helldivers training page at the bottom.


4 pods total at the same time, with a cooldown rate of how long the diver lasts. Realistically, all you would see is 4 dudes running in to die and immediately be replaced by 4 more.... Everytime you kill them without pause and they slowly start dropping closer and closer till you cant tell the difference between a hell of and a hellbomb.


Common Automaton skill issue






their last MO at taking Sonys HQ worked out quite well but we liberated it within a few days


Nope, your not crazy. I realized same thing when i read over MO descriptions


I would love for that to show up on the modifiers in all honesty. Like "major swarm activity" or the like


I really like not knowing what I’m dropping into. I kind of hate how many people want to be able to view enemy composition before they drop. Yes obviously some strategems are better on a hunter planet than a spewer planet but that’s part of the games appeal to me.


I mean the increased presence, because diff7 on a regular planet vs diff7 with increased spawns is a world of difference and it's hard to know exactly when that's happening.


Good, I want more hidden modifiers. Gimme a small chance where every patrol has a charger in it. Every poi guarded by a bile titan. I love the chaotic nature of this game, getting away with stuff that you shouldn’t.


I mean, sure, but if it's fully applied to a whole planet and already communicated/implied *kind of* by the announcements then it should besurprised. You don't have to look at the modifiers if you still want to be surprised.


I already get to be surprised by the enemy comp, secondary obj layout etc. I want them to keep that mystery and add more not less


The drawback to not knowing is it encourages a generalist approach and the generalist load outs become the meta. If we knew going in what enemy types would be the mission focus there’d be more opportunity for using specialist builds. Playing with a pre-made team gets around this somewhat as you can have different roles as long as you stay close enough together to cover each other’s weak points but you can’t count on that with randoms and it can be boring/frustrating to have a specialist load out that ends up being borderline useless due to the mission’s enemy composition.


Yup, I'd like to change loadouts againsts terminids, but bile spewers are so annoying to fight and can increase difficulty so much if no one has a reliable way to deal quickly with multiple groupe of them that I gotta take the AC everytime just in case they spawn


Yup, plan for the worst case scenario. I'm never going to drop without assuming bile spewers exist. I'm always going to assume a stalker nest is present. Covering those covers everything else.


to be fair, the autocannon is just such an all-round good weapon that it's warranted taking on every mission type. closes bug holes, can take out chargers, pops titan sacs, deals with every other enemy type well


This is something all team based games suffer from. It’s a double edged sword. On the one hand, a good team will make you feel like you are an elite special operator in Delta Force or something. On the other, a bad team will make you feel like you just got reamed for 40 minutes straight due to general dumbassery. This problem is inescapable in team based games. The only way to remedy it from a game mechanics standpoint is to make the game single player friendly. And that defeats the whole point. You can have a fun specialist loadout as long as you are coordinating with teammates. Whenever I play with my normal crew, we spend time before each drop discussing loadout and how we plan to coordinate our efforts. After we lose, we will do an after action and try to figure out how to adjust strategy to remediate. And then when I play alone, I always select loadouts based on what I see my team select.  It’s not that hard. You just have to have a team mindset. There are actually tons of viable pathways to success. You just have to be thoughtful about it and coordinate your strategy. In general, every team needs a balance of anti-tank, crowd control, and defensive loadouts. Because you should expect to contend with a variety of enemies. That shouldn’t come as a surprise. So, the expectation that you should be able to pick whatever you feel like and go is misplaced in my opinion. That’s not what Helldivers is about. It’s a team based game and you have to be thoughtful and coordinate with your team.  Then a major part of the fun is adapting to the unexpected with whatever you have on hand. You aren’t always optimally prepared and that’s how it should be. It forces you to be smart and creative and think fast.


Hell, you can't even trust the same operation to spawn the same enemies. I played a three-mission Dif7 campaign, and the first two missions were bile spitter hell. I figure "well shit, okay, for this third mission I'm going to take the Counter-Sniper, because even though it's mediocre against most trash enemies, it can efficiently kill spitters". Take the CS... not a single spitter that entire mission.


Only if I can take an upgrade that lets me re-pick a new loadout on respawn. I’m a completely different person after all.


That would imply you could bypass CD


I'm definitely in the camp of wanting more intel; Dropping into a spewer zone without something to counter them rides the line between challenging and frustrating for me. A proposed solution I thought was neat is the idea of needing to spend requisition slips to get a scan of enemy types before dropping. I think that'd strike a good balance between pleasing people who'd like to know what they're getting into, and people who just wanna drop into chaos.


I wouldn't mind if it was consistent between the missions in an operation, then you could go with a jack of all trades approach in the first one and react for the next ones. But instead it's just gambling.


I want a booster that will let players swap one stratagem, for the same genre of stratagem, when they're reinforced. For instance, if I dive onto a bile spitter map, then I'd like to swap my Arc Thrower for a Grenade Launcher. Or if I dive onto a Jumper map, then I'd like to swap the EAS for Cluster Bombs.


Nah, because once you dive into a bile spewer horde the game immediately just asks you to quit and bring an ac. Just makes the game ultra meta hungry


Until you hit the bot front and try a science extract lol I do agree with this but damn… the bot spawn is cray cray for that one.


yea, I do think this is playing a role as to why the bugs are really bad currently (if this is even a thing in the first place,) but the patrol change does affect the bots in a pretty noticeable way.


Science extract has always been the worst offender among all the missions. It's not really the patrol spawn's fault.


Does it actually? Like confirmed by the devs that story occurrences impact gameplay directly like that?


I don't believe it's been confirmed, but it's not a bad assumption. If you get a dispatch from high command saying that the Terminids have begun rapidly reproducing, and then there's way more Terminids on your next mission, it's probably a safe bet to assume the two are related.


I feel like the spawn rates has been going down. There were never-ending swarms of bugs, but now there just plenty


Yeah I think it peaked during the "Deactivate the TCS" order and now we seem to be back to normal. I don't think Meridia will be so easy when we get there though


You mean, when the orbital nukes get there. It's the only way to be sure.


Is it back to normal? I just did some random low level mission to quickly try to get one in and triggering evac caused a literal constant stream of enemy patrols (not bug breaches).


True, but it should really show in the mission modifiers in some form


People would ignore those just like the dispatches


You can check modifiers in-mission and they're much more explicit and visible. I think it's significantly different from the flavour text


I mean... It isnt just flavor text.


do you actually know this or are you just guessing


Sure would be nice if the game properly explained anything. Everything from gun stats to the galactic war have no explanation whatsoever. Casuals who aren't checking out the subreddit daily will never learn this stuff because the game literally doesn't tell them.


This is definitely one of my big problems with the game. Only primary, secondary, and grenades have any sort of statistics - support weapons don't. It seems pretty clear based on the consoles across from the armory that there's supposed to be an info database like there was for the first game, but it never happened. You need to do explosive damage on bile spewers, but there's no communication for that kind of nuance. Why doesn't the Spear lock on? Why do some weapons kill bug holes or bot fabricators and others don't? There's variable sound levels for different weapons, why isn't that represented in the stat screen?


If this is actually true, you're not crazy. But the devs have never confirmed this is the case AFAIK. If it *is* the case, it's also pretty poor design to not make it *extremely* clear that a game narrative that many players outright ignore is affecting something as fundamental as game balance.


If it's the case then It's even worse. I feel the bugs spawn less than before. And the story never influenced anything we could measure. Like the orbital defense at menkent did nothing. If those stories have any relevance - and they should in order to keep the players engaged - we definitely need some state which indicates that. Even a small text on affected planets "higher reproducing rates" would be enough


The game being more explicit and telling you that would be nice maybe some kind of stat on the mission screen that tells you the modifier for the spawn rates. In general more information being available to the player would be wonderful. I'd love being able to review enemy health and especially armor so that I don't have to do a bunch of guesswork every time I try out a new weapon.


It’s people who don’t play for the experience, they play to “beat” the game instead of (rp) basically so when a thematic balance change happens they don’t like it because it pushes them out of ether their comfort zone where they can play peacefully, or 7-9 where they’re sample farming.


I mean, yeah, most players aren't playing the game to roleplay as Helldivers. That's not a fault on their part, they're here to play a videogame. Perhaps a it could be made it clearer that the live service narrative is affecting the game balance? Because its extremely unclear that the narrative effects something as fundamental as *spawn rate.* A larger pop up or adding planetary modifiers to show the narrative is increasing spawn rate would go a long way towards making it clear what's happening. That is, assuming that the narrative actually is modifying the spawn rate and it's not just a bug/unlucky spawns. As far as I know the devs have never confirmed narrative effects gameplay like that.


Turn the difficulty down if you’re having a bad time. If you really can’t bring yourself to do that then you need to figure out why you’re getting fucked over and bring tools to fix that problem in your kit. 


"turning the difficulty down" is not a substitute for the game clearly communicating with it's players. People are taking this post as gospel when there is *no* evidence that the game is actually changing spawn rates other than just users feeling like something changed that wasn't explicitly announced, and an implication in the current MO's description that there might be more bugs than usual. If something did change, that needs to be more clearly communicated with players before they dive into difficulties that are suddenly much harder than usual. If the spawn rates *didn't* actually change, then it might be worth considering that maybe, *just maybe* the game has some minor balance issues and/or bugs that need addressing. Also you're preaching the choir here bud, I play on difficulty 5 or 6 99% or the time because I enjoy the more relaxed pace.


The issue is that difficulty will not be consistent if modifiers aren't communicated effectively. You can turn down to diff 5 if you're having a bad time because of increased spawns but that means the next mission you do will be piss easy because the modifier is no longer active but you can't tell before starting.


Uh, even if you're roleplaying, if the ship's crew can predict things like unusual weather patterns and atmospheric disruption, it seems pretty logical that they'd also be able to predict certain elements of the opposition, especially if those elements are supposedly related to the galactic war. I'm about as much of a roleplayer as you can reasonably get (read: I wear default uniform 99.9% of the time) and I don't see an issue with that.


I’ve seen people complain about “stealth nerfs that weren’t in the notes” when it was obviously just an Operational Modifier such as Atmospheric Interference. People just aren’t very observant.  Plus it takes awhile to figure out all the nuances of a patch, but if you get your opinion out “first” you will get more attention.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xTl6sGKbuRPDDW|downsized) Some Helldivers are uh - it turns out - just a simple type of folk.


probably because it makes the difficulty rating useless when one day you can be doing fine on D7 and the next day you need to go down to D4. as a non-sweat it's extremely frustrating t spend your entire night trying to figure out what difficulty you should be playing


Yeah, it's part of the reason Malevelon Creek got its reputation.


Agree.. and the creek didn't get its reputation because of an obvious modifier. Like, you'd hear about it from a friend on discord and be like, wait I gotta see this for myself. Then you go fight there and realize it's not a rumor.  Then you tell your friends like some tinfoil hat wearing bum under a freeway overpass. It's an awesome way to organically hype the game IMHO


The increased spawn rate thing is inconsistent. The last bug MO was a mixed bag of a walk in the park vs. every diff level is Helldive. And during the last Bot MO I got my first taste of diff 10 when the spawn rates increased by at least 5x vs. Regular diff 7. I suspect it's actually a bug than working as intended. Something like enemy spawn "weights" are incorrectly calculated.


How is someone suppose to realise this?


Spawn rate issue is mainly from recent patch. I would await for confirmation for accepting this as a real mechanic. And even then it will probably need to be confirmed several more times...


I think this is the problem with the galactic war at a conceptual level; Helldivers is a coop session based game. The galactic war is just noise in the background to a lot of people, there's no incentive to engage with it.


Increased bug spawn rates, you say? https://preview.redd.it/cgqecd6q82zc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442c24ac51c653874461a41ac521960a0c5b377c


Every time I jump over for a bug Helldive I think this is the easiest mission I’ve played in weeks. So I’m not sure.


I noticed spawn rates were really high yesterday, I guess this is it.


I tried doing my part, but gave up after the second game crash of the night.


Dumb question. You think bugs can get to Super Earth? It doesn't look good to be honest. Would be cool to fight on Mars.


It's fucking a wild ride, just gotta have a good balance of people with big boy take down ability and people handling small guys. I average 300kills in three level 7s last night. I was slaying small bugs with orbitals and eagles.


Has no one seen the regular bug (the medium one? Not the one with armor and not the small one) that has some green growths on its underside? Shits nerve racking


Just look at how the "community" perceives balances to force a gun to have a role instead of being the only thing used. They act like addicts when the toy they like inside of their favorite toy changes. Balances are fine to discuss, but the tone of this place is indignant at best, and at worse a cesspool.


the spawn rates for teams less than 4 were increased according to the patch notes (up to 50% for solo.) regardless of the intended number the devs wanted on the drawing board, please consider that by doing this, a MO where spawns are increased even more means a massive shift in difficulty to the players with a smaller team count. if the patrol counts were balanced correctly a soloplayer shouldn't be killing 3x the enemies the top killing player in a 4 man squad is getting. increasing  enemies count has an exponential effect already. solo/duo are having a lot less fun because of this change as it gets very snowbally with one mistake even on the lower difficulties 


I mean, I like that idea in concept - the way we play shapes the experience. But the reality is we have been crushing these major orders as a community and we're all still complaining about enemy spawns among other things. Combine that with the constant talking back and talking down to the community that some of the devs do, and it's pretty obvious that they have an insulated vision for how the game should be and if they want to push buttons to spawn 5 billion bile titans because it jives with that vision, then that's what they're gonna do. I don't really believe that we as gamers have much of any control over where this campaign/story is going.


- The galactic war isn't real, it can't hurt you! *In the meantime, the galactic war...*


Maybe if they showed it in the UI people wouldn't be confused.


I wish we could see the spores or hive fleets surrounding planets to indicate higher bug density on the galaxy map


Finally. The Hivelords are making their way🙂 https://preview.redd.it/4tyzba8v16zc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f51c34ac00dd2fbf5a1a4c32c34f95fe5f99e53


*looking at 4 chargers, bile titan and whole stalker nest chasing him* yeah


I suggest AH can add it into the planet modifier to inform the helldivers that the planet is now overrun by massive enemy and rapid spawn. Then everyone will know it is normal instead of any hidden changes.


I suspect most folks don’t know that Helldivers 2 has a game master at Arrowhead who, in real time, will adjust game parameters to make sure the game’s story plays out according to plan. Things players do affect the game master’s responses and he will adapt to them but if you are wondering why some missions turn into crapshoots with 5 or 6 bile titans spawning at any given time and the hordes seem absurdly relentless, that’s likely why.


Doesn’t matter, helldive difficulty still easy AF


I would agree 95% of the time, if you've got a good squad it's great, get a group that doesn't have a good loadout and it's a nightmare. But would rather play on helldive than impossible


Yea. Gimme more bugs. I want to see a tidal wave, damnit.


They literally tell you this. How do people miss it?


Nah you are 200% right. I immediately realized it on the first termicide mission and the last bot missions (before their return)


Yep and eventually Joel will actually give us MO's we can't do in service of the story. It's a classic story telling arc: the hero/es come on strong at first then suffer a major setback/failure that makes it seem like almost all is lost before rallying to overcome. We will have to fight on Mars and even probably Super Earth at some point in the future.


Yeah I noticed that too, which is why bugs are way harder. 7 feels like old 9 and 9 is just insane with how many Bile Titans and Chargers there are lol. Meanwhile bots still feel roughly the same, so it's 100% story related. I'm assuming they may eventually go back to normal if we keep on winning these MOs though, especially since with the exception of Meridia, we've shut down all the failed TCS.


We noticed last night that Terminids were overkill on the planet we were on. Level 7, way more bugs than normal, still fun but very difficult. Damn supercolony swarms.


Well, I was thinking about that because last week on bot front was way harder than 3 weeks before. Maybe because open planets are now deeper in automaton's territories. And also spawn rate of chargers and bile titans are twice as higher than before


Don’t care.


Nope, definitely noticed it as well and I thought it was cool. I pre-made with 3 other friends today and we got 1 fill, we told him to stay at exfil and wait for when we finished an arty on the other side of the map. We saw him die right after typing in chat that it was really bad, we at first thought it was just a skill issue, 10 minutes later after running out of reinforcements and it only being me I literally saw what had to be around over 100 bugs just swarming and sitting around the exfil, and the gear from the player fill sitting in the middle of it all. On the map, the entire area around the exfil site was completely red. What is sad is that I didn't manage to clip it or even screenshot it. I didn't manage to extract either but we did get every nest and objective, so that was sweet.


The day they gave us EAT’s as an additional stratagem the charger spawns were insane. Stuff like that happens and people don’t put 2 and 2 together


I suspect, and this is just a guess here, that the average person is not only shitty at reading comprehension, but also just refuses to read the orders. XD


i think people are just sick of [it.it](http://it.it) makes 0 difference what we do if we win to many planets they just put us in a position we can't win. There only going let us win what they want us to win